Moisturizing the skin of the face at home. Secrets of how to moisturize your skin better at home How to moisturize your skin at home

Dry skin needs constant hydration. Find out how to moisturize dry skin with cosmetic and home remedies. Daily moisturizing protects dry skin and the whole body from dehydration, otherwise the skin will become very dry and cracks may appear on it, bacteria can enter through the cracks and cause inflammation, because dry skin lacks a protective barrier. How to avoid it.
When choosing a moisturizer or lotion, look for one that contains ingredients such as oatmeal, soy, ceramides (lipid molecules), hyaluronic acid, and essential fatty acids. They help dry skin retain moisture. It is good if your moisturizer contains shea butter, olive oil, almond oil, coconut oil, avocado oil or borage oil.

Avoid products containing ethyl alcohol as it dries out the skin. However, cetyl, stearyl, ceteryl, lanolin alcohols, also known as fatty alcohols, do not have a drying effect on the skin and are often used as emollients and emulsifiers.

Which cream is suitable for dry skin. Moisturizing cream or lotion should be applied to the skin daily, and to dry areas - several times a day. Do not neglect a moisturizer, then at any time of the year your skin will have a beautiful healthy look.

If you are often outdoors, it is better to choose a moisturizer with a sunscreen. You can also use a regular moisturizer and apply a layer of sunscreen on top of it.

There is an opinion that protection from the sun is not needed in winter, but harmful ultraviolet rays are active all year round and can penetrate clouds and windows of houses and cars. Prolonged exposure to the sun on unprotected skin leads to dryness and flaking. Sunburn can lead to premature aging and even skin cancer.

How to moisturize dry skin naturally

Dry skin is a concern for many women and girls. Daily skincare for dry skin can often be a daunting task. Dry skin gives out their age or adds a few years, because all the wrinkles are visible on it. It is difficult for them to apply makeup, the skin has an unsightly appearance and gives an unpleasant feeling of tightness and itching.

Fortunately, nature has given us natural moisturizers. You can buy them at any store for little money, or you may already have them in your refrigerator or kitchen cabinet.

At the top of the list of natural remedies that heal our skin from dryness is ordinary drinking water. Experts recommend drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day, and during physical activity, the amount of water drunk should increase. In this case, the cells will be saturated with the necessary moisture, and the skin will look great.

Oils for dry skin. Olive oil is a great all-natural moisturizer, rich in fatty acids and antioxidants. Apply a thin layer of oil daily in the morning and evening. Let the oil soak in for 10 to 15 minutes before applying foundation. Olive oil will help smooth wrinkles and give the skin a radiance.

Before going to bed, apply a small amount of honey to a cleansed face (if you are not allergic) and rub it lightly into the skin.

Honey serves as a natural exfoliator and moisturizer. It is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Another great moisturizer is homemade rose water spray.

Buy rose water (you can find it in a pharmacy, on the Internet), it is important that it is natural and does not contain impurities, especially alcohol. The presence of glycerin is allowed.

Dilute 20 drops of rose water in 200 ml of boiled water. Pour this solution into a spray bottle, preferably glass, and irrigate your face with it throughout the day. This spray can be taken with you anywhere, it smells divine and wonderfully refreshing on hot days.

Add a drop of tea tree oil to your moisturizer and it will work on a cellular level. Tea tree oil is known to be able to rid the skin of acne and pimples. But it should always be diluted with water or other base oil. Pure tea tree oil can cause irritation, redness, itching, and blisters.

Daily moisturizing for dry skin

Rethink your personal hygiene. You may think that water hydrates the skin. Everything is exactly the opposite. Too frequent washing, especially with hot water, deprives the skin of its natural fatty film, which prevents it from drying out.

Avoid soaps with a high alkali content and harsh detergents, as they dry out the skin. Prefer natural soaps that are fragrance-free and alcohol-free.

Instead of soap, it is better to use mild shower products, such as gels and creams. If you are forced to use soap, then do it no more than two or three times a week.

To keep your skin hydrated after bathing, follow a few simple rules:

◦ Don't bathe too long, limit time spent in the bath or shower to a few minutes. And a shower is preferable. The water should be pleasantly warm, not hot;

◦ Lightly pat wet skin dry with a towel after washing. If you rub it, the skin will lose more moisture;

◦ Apply a moisturizing body lotion or cream immediately after bathing. It is advisable to apply it on slightly damp skin: this will help retain moisture and natural fatty film;

There must be enough fluid in the body.

Drink at least two liters of water a day to prevent dehydration.

Use a humidifier. The air heated by air conditioners, heaters and central heating radiators has a drying effect on our skin. Therefore, in a house with dry air, it is necessary to have a cold steam humidifier.
Wear gloves. They can protect the skin of the hands from sudden changes in temperature.

But sometimes gloved hands sweat, which depletes the skin of essential fatty acids. So if you feel that your gloved hands are starting to sweat, take them off.

You can also help your skin from the inside: take vitamin and mineral complexes, eat natural healthy food and avoid stress.

Principles of skin hydration

In order to fill the skin with moisture at home, you must follow these simple rules:

Before moisturizing the skin of the face, it must be cleansed. Use a mild cleanser. Once a week it is good to do a steam bath for the face. After cleansing, the skin is wiped with a refreshing tonic and a moisturizing mask is applied. You can finish moisturizing the skin of the face with a cool herbal compress.

Moisturizing tonics and lotions

At home, infusions are used as the simplest tonic:

  • chamomile;
  • mint;
  • yarrow;
  • Hypericum.

A tablespoon of raw materials is steamed with a glass of boiling water and left for 20-30 minutes. Cooled infusion wipe the face several times a day.

  1. A good tonic will turn out if you dilute a tablespoon of liquid honey in an infusion of linden. In summer, they wipe their face with mineral water without gas, use thermal water.
  2. To prepare strawberry lotion, a few ripe strawberries are ground to a puree state, pour half a glass of boiling water and add a teaspoon of glycerin. For dry skin, soft dark plums are used instead of strawberries.
  3. Quickly moisturize dry flaky skin lotion based on natural oils from apricot kernels, wheat germ and jojoba. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and a few drops of rose oil are added.

  4. Oily skin is rubbed with oatmeal tonic. Pour a tablespoon of cereal with a glass of boiling water or hot milk and leave to infuse all night.
  5. Even oily skin is suitable for tea lotion. A couple of bags with your favorite kind of tea (black, green, red) are poured with two glasses of boiling water and boiled over low heat until the liquid is halved. Put a slice of lemon and cool in the refrigerator.
  6. To tone and moisturize the skin at home, and at the same time get rid of comedones, dilute a tablespoon of natural apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and wipe the face.

Moisturizing masks

To saturate the skin with moisture, juicy berries and fruits, vegetables, dairy products, natural oils, herbal infusions are used. Moisturizing the skin of the face with the help of masks is carried out 1-2 times a week, the duration of the course is 2-3 months. Apply homemade masks for 20-30 minutes, rinse with cool water. Alternatively, you can remove the masks with a swab dipped in milk.

Universal moisturizing masks

Mash banana pulp and mix with 2 tablespoons of yogurt and honey. Instead of a banana, they also use melon, watermelon, apricot, cucumbers, zucchini. The advantage is given to orange fruits - they are rich in vitamin A and are most useful for moisturizing the skin at home. Replete with antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids avocado. For a mask, a ripe fruit is ground with cream to a thick paste.

Curd-based masks regulate water-fat metabolism, protect against solar radiation and give elasticity to the skin. Mashed cottage cheese is mixed with honey or linseed oil and applied to the skin.

A powerful natural skin moisturizer - aloe juice. Delivers moisture to the deep layers of the skin, heals minor inflammation, cracks. Contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids. Kalanchoe juice has a similar effect. To enhance the effect, the leaves are kept for a week in a dark place at a temperature of 5-10 ° C. For a mask, the juice is mixed with sour cream, cream, honey, or applied in its pure form.

Moisturizing dry skin

A gentle scrub mask is made from oatmeal. Flakes are boiled in milk, like regular porridge. Honey, olive oil are added to chilled oatmeal and applied in a thick layer to the skin. Wash off the mask by lightly massaging the face. If the skin is flabby, flaky, with fine wrinkles, then a moisturizing mask is applied daily.

Intensively moisturizes the skin with a mask of homemade mayonnaise. For this:

  • beat the yolk, pouring olive oil in a thin stream;
  • at the end of whipping, add a little lemon juice;
  • apply the mask in a thick layer.

Olive oil helps to restore the epidermis, and the yolk will enrich the skin with essential vitamins, trace elements and lecithin.

To prepare an herbal mask, dry herbs are mixed:

  • chamomile;
  • yarrow;
  • hypericum;
  • hop cones.

A tablespoon of the resulting collection is poured into a glass of boiling water and left to infuse. Half an hour later, to 2 tablespoons of strained infusion, add a teaspoon of apple juice and honey. The rest of the infusion can be used to make cosmetic ice.

The second version of the vegetable mask:

  • mint leaves and coltsfoot are poured with boiling milk;
  • after 20 minutes, the softened green mass is applied to the face.

Milk proteins retain moisture in the skin, contribute to its elasticity, and medicinal herbs relieve inflammation, smooth fine wrinkles.

Masks for oily skin

Oily skin also needs moisture, especially in women over 35. Well absorbs excess sebum egg white. It is whipped and a pre-prepared decoction of oak bark, yarrow, string is added. The mask has a liquid consistency, it is applied with a gauze swab or cosmetic brush.

Sea buckthorn juice mask deeply moisturizes and copes with oiliness. Squeeze the juice from ripe berries and apply on the face in its pure form. Cucumber juice dries oily skin. Before application, it is mixed with cream.


Homemade cream is best to moisturize the skin in winter, when it needs protection from dry frosty air and wind. To prepare the cream:

  • to 6 parts of jojoba oil add 1 part of an oil solution of vitamin E;
  • grated beeswax;
  • heat the mixture to a homogeneous state on a steam bath;
  • then add aloe juice;
  • a few drops of rose and sandalwood oil.

For a vitamin cream, they buy an ordinary baby cream without fragrances and dyes. Add 2 capsules of vitamins A, E, fish oil, 2 ml of vitamin B solution in ampoules. Mix and add rosewood oil. Store homemade moisturizers in a clean container in the refrigerator.

Moisturizing the skin of the face at home is quite a doable task. You need to choose the right ingredients for your skin type and regularly do moisturizing procedures.

Moisture retention mechanism

On the surface of the skin there is a stratum corneum. Its moisture is provided by cellular structures and lipids located between them, which perform several functions:

  • they act as a bonding agent for post-cellular structures;
  • prevent moisture loss;
  • regulate the rate of skin peeling and renewal of its cells;
  • due to the antimicrobial action, they play a protective role on the surface of the epidermis.

In normal skin, there is a certain balance between the water content in the stratum corneum and in the surrounding air; if it is disturbed, dry skin of the face appears or, conversely, oily skin.

The water-lipid emulsion film that forms on the surface of the epidermis also contributes to the preservation of moisture. It is formed from secretions of sweat and sebaceous glands and intercellular lipids. The emulsion may have a different ratio of components. It depends on external conditions and the intensity of the work of the glands.

The mechanism of occurrence of dryness and peeling of the skin is determined by the following factors:

  • lack of moisture in the stratum corneum;
  • too frequent change of the surface layer of cells;
  • violation of the protective properties of the skin.


Many factors affect the condition of the skin. Each of them can cause negative consequences. Sometimes the appearance of dry skin of the face and the causes that cause this phenomenon can be eliminated by selecting the best care products.

But sometimes they are associated with a serious disease that requires qualified treatment.

The most common causes of dry skin are:

  • lack of sebaceous glands or their dysfunction;
  • hormonal changes that occur in the body for any reason;
  • disorders caused by a genetically determined predisposition;
  • decrease in the moisture level of the stratum corneum with increasing age;
  • severe diseases of the digestive tract or diabetes mellitus, which are accompanied not only by dry facial skin, but also by other symptoms;
  • deep cleaning of the skin, if it is carried out too often;
  • beriberi, which usually begins at the end of a long and cold winter;
  • frequent use of hot or poor-quality water, as well as aggressive detergents when washing;
  • too dry air in the house, especially in winter, during the heating season;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun or frost without a protective cream;
  • poor-quality or improperly selected skin care products;
  • insufficient consumption of clean water;
  • irrational nutrition.

If you do not understand the reasons that made dry skin on your face, then what to do should be advised by the doctor if peeling and itching are additional symptoms. They may indicate any skin diseases.

Care rules

Eliminating the causes of skin problems, at the same time it is necessary to provide it with competent and regular care, which requires compliance with several conditions.

  • We need to change the rules of washing. In the morning, water washes away all the fat released from the sebaceous glands during the night from the face, and deprives the skin of the protective barrier it needs so much during the day. Therefore, it is better to postpone the procedure of thorough washing for the evening.
  • A dry face should be washed with water at room temperature, and let the bath or shower be warm.
  • Water quality is important. It must be boiled and cooled or used filtered, thawed or settled.
  • For washing, you can use only a moisturizing gel or foam. Any soap should be excluded.
  • You should not rub your wet face with a towel, it is better to let it dry or lightly blot it with a soft cloth.
  • Very dry facial skin requires a particularly careful choice of cosmetic care products. If you do not make such products from natural products, it is better to buy cosmetics from well-known manufacturers and, preferably, from the same series, marked as intended for dry skin. Avoid gels and lotions containing alcohol. It has a drying effect on the skin.
  • Carefully you need to select decorative cosmetics. Both creams and powders should have moisturizing properties and contain protective filters.
  • It is also important how to remove makeup - it can be removed only with special cosmetics intended for this purpose. Make-up should not be left on the face overnight.
  • It is important to replenish the lack of water in the body. Drinking plenty of water every day will not only help increase skin moisture, but also remove metabolic products and toxins. This will help cleanse the skin and give it a fresh and healthy look. It is recommended to consume up to two liters of water per day.
  • A balanced diet is an important part of the fight against dry skin. An increase in the diet of fruits and vegetables contributes to:
  • timely cleansing of the intestines and the speedy removal of toxins from the body;
  • the body receives vitamins and nutrients involved in the healing of the skin.
  • It is necessary to monitor the level of humidity at home and at work. If the air in the room is too dry, then you should install a humidifier in it, as well as regularly ventilate the room.
  • Excessive sweating is not recommended, so you should think about choosing a sport. Pools with chlorinated water also have a negative effect: before swimming, it is better to apply a greasy cream to the skin.

Since getting rid of dry skin on the face is quite difficult, you need to tune in to long-term and systematic care in compliance with all of the above recommendations.

Cosmetic procedures

If dry facial skin is observed, then treatment should include not only masks and creams, but also effective cosmetic procedures. Many of them can be done at home.

  • A hot compress enhances capillary blood flow, expands and cleanses pores, removes the stratum corneum and dust from the surface of the skin, inhibits the evaporation of moisture, and also helps to relax muscles. To carry it out, you can wet a striped towel with hot water and apply it to your face for about 20 minutes. Its temperature should be tolerable for your face. This procedure is especially useful after a relaxing herbal bath.
  • Dry skin on the face lends itself well to cleansing with a steam bath. The procedure will fill it with a mass of useful substances from herbal decoction, increase blood flow. An infusion can be made from chamomile, which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Essential and vegetable oils

An excellent means of caring for dry skin types are essential oils, which have been used for these purposes since ancient times. By strengthening cell membranes, they stimulate metabolic reactions, increase blood flow, which improves cell nutrition. Moisturizing the skin, at the same time saturate it with vitamins. Their concentration is so high that it is enough to add a few drops to products for dry skin. A good base for essential oils are cold-pressed vegetable oils, which absorb very quickly into the skin.

Olive oil is especially suitable for these purposes. The essential fatty acids that it contains form a thin film that envelops the skin and retains moisture in it. And the influence of antioxidants stimulates the production of collagen, which increases its elasticity.

Olive oil is a versatile remedy that can be used for all skin types in combination with various supplements, but it is especially useful for dry skin. It is used in the form of compresses, masks are prepared on its basis. You can even simply wipe the skin with oil, slightly warming it up. All these procedures are best done at night.


The arsenal of cosmetic products is great, and every woman can choose how to deal with a dry face and what to do with early wrinkles. Various masks perfectly moisturize the skin. They restore elasticity and slow down the aging process with regular use. They are easy to prepare at home, using those natural products that can always be found in the kitchen. Another advantage is that there are no chemical additives.

  • Mustard powder mixed with olive oil perfectly moisturizes the skin and stimulates capillary blood flow. The rush of blood contributes to the enrichment of the surface layer with oxygen and useful microelements.
  • An excellent moisturizing effect has a mask, which is made from grated apple based on olive oil. After several procedures, the skin becomes fresh and velvety.
  • With peeling, oatmeal is great. They should be poured with warm water, and honey and a little glycerin should be added to the swollen mass. It nourishes and regenerates the skin.
  • Excellent moisturizing and rejuvenating effect is characterized by cucumber mask. It can be prepared on the basis of heavy cream, and a few drops of lemon juice will give it softness and elasticity.

Today, there are various methods of moisturizing, protecting and caring for the face. It depends only on the desire and possibilities what to do and, if the skin of the face is dry, how to moisturize it. And home care methods are available to everyone, you just need to follow the recipes and observe regularity. Then the skin will always be smooth and well-groomed.

How to help without cream?

Many people wonder how to moisturize the skin of the face? Most use store-bought creams or special cosmetic formulations. However, no matter how good the chosen remedy is, the skin tends to get used to absolutely everything. Over time, the effectiveness of active moisturizing ingredients decreases, and then may disappear altogether.

There is a category of people who have pronounced allergic reactions to various components of cosmetic creams. Then the question arises, how to moisturize the skin of the face? First of all, you need to understand that external manifestations often have internal causes. For example, the love of intense tanning can lead to severe dehydration of the skin, especially on the face, where it is thinner and more delicate. The same applies to the winter period, when, together with frosts, an imperceptibly active sun joins the influence.


An effective way to moisturize the skin from the inside is to drink plenty of water. Just take a large amount of water in one approach is not worth it. The optimal drinking regimen is considered to be - several sips for an hour in a calm state. And every 10 minutes during exercise.

Sometimes the indoor air is too dry, especially during the winter heating period. It also actively dries out the cover for a long stay at the computer. Thermal water in this case is what better to moisturize the skin of the face.

A common cause of dehydration is excessive consumption of coffee, alcohol, pickles and marinades. A healthy balanced diet with enough fresh plant foods is the key to good skin condition.

homemade masks

It is generally accepted that masks, especially those prepared at home, are most effective in moisturizing the face. This is partly true. For example, many people use circles of fresh cucumber or a mask of egg yolk, steamed oatmeal and lemon juice. Our grandmothers also used homemade recipes to maintain their beauty and knew exactly how to moisturize their skin. Instead of multi-component masks, there was homemade sour cream. It coped well with dryness and had a slight whitening effect.


Masks are not the only means of home cosmetics. It also perfectly moisturizes and soothes the skin of the face. Cubes can be easily prepared in the freezer, using an infusion of healthy herbs instead of plain water. A weak decoction of chamomile, calendula, nettle, etc. will do.


Folk remedies also make a tonic for washing, lotions, vitamin cocktails. Before moisturizing the skin of the face, it is necessary to carry out its high-quality cleansing. Otherwise, the benefit of any remedy will be significantly reduced. Since the keratinized particles of the upper layers will not allow useful substances to penetrate into the depth, which will reduce their effectiveness. Therefore, scrubbing should be included in the cleansing procedure, no more than once or twice a week. With very dry and sensitive skin, peeling is best done not mechanically, but enzymatically. An excellent remedy is kefir or whey. After application to the face, it easily dissolves dead skin plates with its sour-milk organisms, then it should be washed off. For mechanical exfoliation of keratinized particles, cake from natural coffee is suitable. In addition, it perfectly tones.

How hydrated the skin depends on how a person will look. Deprived of moisture and oxygen, the cover will give the general appearance of fatigue, sometimes even soreness. To avoid such troubles, and look at your best in any situation, you need to know how to moisturize your face with improvised means.

Mask with glycerin

Glycerin will be an ambulance for dryness. It can be added to a mask, tonic or lotion. For example, rub a cucumber through a sieve, thus making about 2 tablespoons of gruel. Then add 1 teaspoon of glycerin. Apply to face for 15-20 minutes. You can wash it off with water, but it is better with a decoction.


It is not difficult to prepare it: pour a glass of boiling water over chamomile and mint in an amount of one teaspoon each. Insist, cool, strain. With a cotton pad dipped in a decoction, wipe the face either from a preliminary mask, or instead of the usual washing.

How to moisturize the skin of the face, of course, professionals in this matter, that is, cosmetologists, know. But, despite the wide selection of special tools, they often resort to homemade recipes. After all, the necessary components are almost always at hand in the kitchen of every housewife. And if something is missing, it is not difficult to find a replacement.

Oil emulsion

Homemade emulsions also often save you from dryness and flaking. This will require a few capsules of vitamin E in a liquid state, a couple of tablespoons of any vegetable oil, well-moisturized olive or walnut. Next, you should make a puree, add a couple of drops of lemon juice, and aromatic oils. They must be used with caution to avoid allergic reactions. And choose only those that have moisturizing properties. For example, sandalwood, rose oil and others. Be sure to read the instructions before use.


Also, how do you moisturize dry skin? In addition to oils, herbs and medicinal plants, berries are widely used in home cosmetics. They are rich in vitamins, have a lot of useful properties. They are pleasant not only to apply to the skin, but also to taste during the procedure. A great alternative to morning washing with plain water is rubbing your face along the massage lines with an ice cube with cranberries. Excellent hydration, toning, as well as a charge of vivacity is provided.


When brewing tea with linden, you can apply a small amount of it to the face. Especially valuable for the skin will be an infusion with the addition of a teaspoon of honey and a few drops of lemon. Useful and delicious!

Vegetables and fruits

When the season of fresh vegetables and fruits comes, almost all products used for cooking are applicable for cosmetic procedures. Do not forget about the miraculous properties of the fruits of nature at the time of cutting the salad. To obtain nutrients from fruits and vegetables, juice must be extracted from them. Can be done manually or mechanically. Then soak gauze or a thick cloth with the resulting liquid and apply on the face. During the procedure, it is better to lie down and completely relax. After 20 minutes, wash your face and apply moisturizer.


Now you understand how to moisturize the skin of the face. We hope that after reading our article, you will be able to translate the recipes into reality so that your skin becomes perfect. As you can see, even without resorting to the help of creams of famous cosmetic brands, you can give your skin effective and complete hydration. It does not require anything other than the minimum set of available products and the desire to make yourself naturally beautiful.

What factors affect the skin of the face


No matter how we try to avoid it, stress is present in the life of each of us. For some it's an annoyance, for others it's overwork. The deterioration of mental balance can be caused by problems at work, conflicts in the team, family, negative news. It is stress that is one of the main causes of skin problems, as the production of the hormone cortisol increases, which leads to loss of moisture and dryness of the skin.

Tip: learn to relax, negative emotions leave a mark on your face. If bad thoughts have visited you, take a few big breaths, they will improve blood circulation and you will become calmer.

Learn how to properly moisturize your skin at home


It should be balanced and regular. Food plays an important role in physical and mental health. It is very good if your menu contains the required amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins. It is generally accepted that it is right to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, depending on your weight, health.

Tip: make a nutrition schedule, follow it, eating at the same time will be beneficial for the body and the condition of the skin.

Age changes

Every year the skin loses moisture, elasticity, becomes less beautiful. But this is an irreversible process, which means that everything is fine. Self care is the best way out.

seasonal influence

A very common question that many people ask themselves: "How to moisturize the skin of the face at home in the winter?". Winter is exactly the time when our face needs special care, the skin is dried out under the influence of low temperatures. It is important to note that, in addition to moisturizers, it is necessary to use cosmetics that will protect against the effects of frost. It is good if the composition contains glycerin, vitamins A and C, lanolin, beeswax. With the advent of spring, care is still needed. The face after the winter is “tired” and to maintain a good look, you need to use a cream in which the main components are plant extracts.

In summer, it is more difficult to take care of, the skin is oily, rashes appear, you need to wash your face more often. Do not forget about the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, that is, the sun. Many go to rest to the sea, where they take sunbaths. At such times, use sunscreen, they will save the skin. Autumn will not be an exception, during this period it is necessary to make nourishing masks 1-2 times in 7 days.


This factor is no less important when we talk about the impact on our internal, external health. The most common problems that arise when exposed to the environment include:

  1. clogged pores
  2. Loss of elasticity
  3. premature wrinkles

It is also important to remember that the key to a beautiful and toned body is a healthy lifestyle:

  1. Proper nutrition
  2. Healthy sleep
  3. Sports
  4. Lack of stressful situations

Basic principles of moisturizing different types of facial skin

There are many different types of skin care products. Therefore, you need to know everything about it, to avoid mistakes in the choice of funds. The skin is divided into the following types: normal, oily, dry, combination.

Drink enough water

Lack of moisture leads to dryness, premature wrinkles, loss of nutrients. Through the vessels, water penetrates into the main part of the skin, which gives it strength - the dermis. There, with the help of hyaluronic acid, water turns into a gel. The rest rises, evaporates through the surface layer - the epidermis. To achieve the desired effect of the moisturizing procedure, you must follow these rules:

  1. Drink at least 2 liters of water daily. Beautiful and elastic skin depends not only on the external moisture supply, but also on the internal one. Purified water is the guarantor of health and youth. But it is important to remember that juices, tea, coffee, and other drinks do not belong here.
  2. Drink water in small sips, then the action will be more effective.
  3. Do not stay too long in direct sunlight, use protective equipment.
  4. Wash your face with cool water, it narrows the pores, slows down their pollution.
  5. As for oily and combination skin, you need to use products that do not contain oils, but contain vitamin E.
  6. Treat dry and rough skin daily with those products that contain vitamins A and C, natural oils, collagen.
  7. It is important to remember that all moisturizing procedures, namely the application of masks, creams, lotions, is possible only on a clean face.

Recipes for natural remedies at home

Each of us worries about our appearance. Every morning, wondering how to moisturize the skin of the face at home, many find the answer in various forums. There you can read about both bad and good experiences. There are a huge number of recipes for natural remedies. Let's take a look at the main ones together. The composition of the mask or lotion directly depends on the type of skin of your face, you have already learned about it above. For oily skin, it is better to use tonics with a matting base. If the condition is normal, you should not often use cosmetics, they are perfectly replaced by fruits and vegetables.

Many reviews have been written about moisturizing the skin of the face at home. Among them, you can highlight the tools that are useful to you:

  1. masks
  2. Tonics
  3. Creams
  4. Lotions
  5. Decoctions
  6. Compresses
  7. grass ice

Beauticians say that the use of masks plays an important role for any type of skin, and for some it is simply necessary.

Folk remedies to support skin tone are divided into such groups, which we will now tell you in detail. The first can be attributed to those in which the basis is made up of vegetables and fruits. They are lightweight and suitable for normal skin types. They contain a huge amount of vitamins, which is very useful and nutritious. They can quickly moisturize the skin of the face at home and you will not need to visit beauty salons, spending fabulous money.

cucumber mask

For its preparation you will need: 1 fresh cucumber, 1 tsp. sour cream, 1 tsp purified water. First, grind the cucumber, add a spoonful of sour cream, a spoonful of water, mix. Apply to a clean face and hold for 15 minutes, at the end of them, rinse with cool water. The mask is perfect for dry and normal skin. It is worth doing it several times in 10 days.

Tomato mask

Great for oily and combination skin. It can unclog pores, shrink them and make the skin silky. All you need is 1 fresh tomato, grind it, apply for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water and then with cool water. Then you can use lotion.

Pea mask

For all skin types. Rejuvenates, cleanses, refreshes and fortifies. Take 2 tbsp. l. fresh green peas, grind it in a coffee grinder or any method convenient for you, apply the resulting mass for 8-10 minutes on your face, then rinse with cool water.

Raspberry mask


You need to take 100 g of raspberries, egg yolk, 1 tbsp. cream or sour cream. From raspberries you need to squeeze the juice, mix it with the yolk and cream (sour cream). For oily skin, the juice is mixed with rice flour or protein. In both cases, apply the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water, then cool. Repeat every 7 days.


1 fresh apple, 200 ml milk. Boil apple slices in milk, then bake and grind, use a mortar to do this. Apply the mixture to cleansed face and keep for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water. You can also do apple massage. Cut an apple into circles, wipe your face and neck with it. At the same time, your body will be saturated with vitamin C, which we so often lack.

Herbal based

Many centuries ago, people were treated with various decoctions and infusions of herbal ingredients - they were very easy to prepare at home. These are the main ones that will be useful to you in the first place:

  1. Aloe vera - promotes the splitting of water from organic or inorganic compounds.
  2. Chamomile - has anti-inflammatory properties, good to use for compresses and lotions
  3. Linden - has healing properties, eliminates fat, relieves inflammation
  4. Rosemary tincture - used to rejuvenate the skin, get rid of wrinkles
  5. Calendula - tightens pores and degreases

Aloe based masks will be useful

Aloe mask

Take 1 tablespoon of the main component - aloe, mix with 2 tablespoons of crushed flakes. Ready! Apply for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

from chamomile

Its composition is very simple: chamomile flowers 2 tbsp. kefir - 100 ml. Grind chamomile, add kefir, mix, apply for 15 minutes, then rinse.

Masks based on dairy products are also quite often used, they quickly bring effect, so many women have fallen in love with them. Judging by the reviews, one of the best ways to moisturize oily skin at home with folk remedies is a sour milk mask recipe. Take sour milk and almonds. First you need to grind the nuts into flour, add the required amount of sour milk to reach the consistency of a thick cream. But remember that you need to apply the mask on previously cleansed skin.

The final stage in the process of moisturizing is applying lotion, it will be able to fix the effect. Here is the recipe for the right home remedy. At the same time, you can significantly save money and know for sure that all products are natural, they cannot harm.

Honey-based lotion (suitable for normal skin types)

  1. 1 st. l. linden flowers
  2. 150 ml pure water
  3. 1 st. l. honey

We begin the preparation of the lotion by heating the water. Pour boiling water over linden flowers, leave them to infuse for 40 minutes. After that, you need to separate the resulting tincture from the flowers, add honey there. It can be used for moisturizing and wiping both in the morning and in the evening.

Grape lotion (for combination skin)

Pound red grapes and leave it for 3 hours. Separate the juice from the mass and add a pinch of salt and 1 tbsp. l. honey.

Plum lotion (for dry skin)

4 ripe plums need to be peeled, pitted and mashed, boiled for 10 minutes and strained. Ready!

Flake lotion (for oily skin)

3 tbsp flakes pour boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, then strain and cool. Wipe face morning and evening.

Rules for applying any means:

  1. Before applying a mask, cream, lotion, tonic, you need to clean the skin of dust or other contaminants
  2. Apply a mask prepared at home to the skin, if it is liquid, wet a napkin and put it on your face
  3. On average, the mask should be kept for 10-15 minutes.
  4. After the procedure, rinse with warm or cool water, depending on the type of product.

Tip: carefully monitor the freshness of all the ingredients that you use in the preparation of masks and lotions.

Hydration of cells from the inside

We already know that the appearance of the skin of the face and body depends on our internal state, physical and psychological health. Many authors say that the skin is a mirror of health. If you do not have health problems, your skin has a good, natural color, elastic, elastic, lively, this is fine, but it happens the other way around. Faced with such a problem, you need not sit still and worry, but look for a solution, so we will tell you how to moisturize the skin at home from the inside - this can be great, believe me, it has been tested more than once.

The main factor that affects the internal state is the drinking regimen. Water is the source of youth for our skin. Remember: your daily intake is 1.5-2 liters. It is better to give up carbonated, mineral, sweet, and use the required amount of purified spring water. Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water and fiber, which is very quickly absorbed by the human body. A big plus is that these products store a lot of useful substances and vitamins. Fruit juices are not inferior in their usefulness. But I want to note that juices in the store are not at all what you need, freshly squeezed at home is much better and healthier. Preferred are those that consist of several ingredients: apple-carrot, apple-plum, others can be mixed to taste.

Do not forget about hot drinks such as tea, coffee. There are many types of tea: white, black, red, but the most useful is green. It has vitaminizing properties and helps to keep the skin young for a long time. If you think that it is better to drink tea or coffee, give preference to tea, as coffee is not very healthy. Take care of yourself, your health, monitor the condition of the skin of your face and body, and you will look great. You can learn more about how to properly moisturize your skin at home in this video:

Causes of dry skin

The considered condition of the skin is not a disease, you just need to learn how to care for your face . First of all, you need to understand what provokes the appearance of dryness:

In addition, some dermatological diseases, such as eczema, psoriasis, affect the condition of the skin of the face. But in this case we are talking about a disease, so the issue of restoring the health of the skin of the face should be decided only in tandem with a cosmetologist, dermatologist and endocrinologist.

How to moisturize dry skin

So, it has been precisely revealed that dry skin of the face is taking place - what should I do now? Cosmetologists assure that before seeking help from specialized clinics, it is worth learning how to properly care for your face and choose the right cosmetics.

Permanent hydration

To provide external hydration for dry facial skin, you need to use products that contain hyaluronic acid, chitosan or collagen. These substances do not penetrate deep into the skin, but are able to create a protective film on the surface that prevents moisture from evaporating.

Preservation of structure

Every woman has a natural protective layer of the epidermis, but sometimes it loses its structure and its functionality decreases. In order to prevent the destruction of the structure of the protective layer, it is necessary to use care products that contain provitamin B, glycerin, various sucroses, urea and / or amino acids.

Restoration of the lipid layer

If a girl / woman experiences a feeling of tightness of the skin of the face a few minutes after applying a layer of moisturizing cream on it, then this means that the lipid layer has been destroyed. To restore it, you should use products with essential oils, linoleic acid and phospholipids.

Note:some products from the caring series contain several of the above substances in their composition. And in this case, the cream or gel will have a combined effect - for example, create a protective barrier and restore the lipid layer.

Daily care for dry skin

  1. Facial cleansing. For this procedure, you need to use only milk or cream, even cosmetic foam can increase the feeling of tightness. An excellent option would be to use gels with extracts of natural oils, bisabol or algae to cleanse the skin of the face. It is extremely important to cleanse your face twice a day - in the morning and in the evening!
  2. Using tonic or lotion. On dry skin, apply a tonic or lotion without alcohol. Such products are able to restore the pH level (it is always disturbed after washing the face). Tonic and lotion prepare the skin of the face for the “reception” of a moisturizer.
  3. Regeneration/nutrition. Active nutrition is achieved by a more dense application of a night cream, and it is worth giving preference to products on a semi-synthetic basis. There are good fat-based products, but it is better to refuse them, or use them extremely rarely - such a “heavy” base has a destructive effect on delicate skin. The night cream is applied to the pre-cleansed skin of the face in a thick layer, and after 20 minutes, the remaining cream (if any) is removed with a napkin.
  4. Deep cleansing. This procedure is performed once a week, designed to exfoliate dead skin flakes. For dry facial skin, it is necessary to use masks with fruit acid for deep cleansing, but it is absolutely impossible to use substances with salicylic or glycolic acid in the composition.

Note:with dry skin, you can not use cosmetics that have a drying effect. If after using a lotion, tonic or cream there is a feeling of tightness of the skin, then such a remedy should be immediately discarded.

Maxi for dry skin at home

Buying effective and safe dry skin care products is quite problematic - for good, you need to have a special education that will allow you to understand the composition of each product and evaluate its effectiveness / safety. Homemade maxi according to folk recipes can be an alternative.


In a blender, you need to mix equal amounts of avocado and banana pulp, it would be nice to add a small piece of papaya pulp, but this is not at all necessary. On previously cleansed skin, apply the resulting mass and hold for 15 minutes. Then everything is washed off with warm water, and a moisturizer is applied to the face.

Egg yolk

You need to mix in a ceramic or glass dish 1 teaspoon of milk powder (sold in specialized cosmetic stores), 1 egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of honey. The resulting paste is applied to the face, kept for 20 minutes and washed off with warm water.

Note:when washing after applying masks, do not use soap or gel / lotion.

Fresh cucumber

Mash the pulp of the cucumber and apply the gruel on the cleansed skin of the face, leave for half an hour and then rinse with warm water. If you do this procedure every day for a week, the result will be immediately noticeable - the skin will become moisturized, the feeling of tightness will disappear.

Honey and rose water

To restore the tone of the skin of the face, give it a healthy diet, you need to apply a mask made from a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of rose water. This mask is considered the most effective for dry skin care.


These "overseas" fruits contain a large amount of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. You can mash the pulp of a banana into a pulp and apply on the skin of the face. This mask should be kept for 30 minutes, then washed off with warm water. But even regular rubbing with banana peel (inner part) of dry areas of the face and neck will relieve them of peeling and redness.

Cottage cheese

This fermented milk product has anti-inflammatory properties, so it can be used to care for dry skin. You can apply "clean" cottage cheese on your face, or you can add 3-5 drops of lemon juice or a teaspoon of honey to it. The mask should be kept on the face for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

In addition, almond, olive and coconut oils will help restore the skin of the face, relieve peeling and redness, feelings of tightness. They can be mixed and applied to the skin of the face and neck, while doing a light massage. Usually this procedure is carried out before taking a bath.

Dry facial skin can be a real problem for a woman - constant peeling, occasional redness, a feeling of tightness are unlikely to add beauty and a sense of confidence. In addition, dry facial skin can upset a lady with the early appearance of wrinkles. To avoid such phenomena, you just need to learn how to properly care for your face and use effective and safe products.

Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category


    You need to moisturize your skin. This is done so that the face does not age quickly, remains young and beautiful longer. To do this, it is important to know how to moisturize the skin of the face. Now we will look into this issue.

    Often people think that moisturizing is only for dry skin, but this is not true. All types require this procedure. Of course, for this event, you need products that moisturize the skin of the face. They are different. These include:

    • moisturizing face masks;
    • creams;
    • various cosmetic lotions and tonics.

    First, it is worth remembering about pharmaceutical creams, lotions, tonics. When choosing cosmetics in a store, you should pay attention to the quality of packaging, product composition and shelf life. But not everyone wants to spend significant amounts of money on expensive cosmetics, a large number of women are wondering how to moisturize their skin at home. Now we'll tell you.

    Home cream. Cooking and reviews of women

    To make your own cream, you will need:

    • 6 tablespoons of jojoba extract;
    • oil essence with vitamin E (20 ml);
    • 40 grams of grated beeswax;
    • fresh juice of a leaf of one aloe;
    • four drops of rose oil;
    • sandalwood essential oil (five drops).

    Mix the jojoba extract and vitamin E. Then you need to heat everything for a couple until completely dissolved. Cool down to 20 degrees Celsius. Then wait until the mass for the cream becomes thick and loses its transparency, then pour in aloe juice, rose oil and sandalwood. The cream is great for combination skin. This remedy is used only once a day. Better to use it in the evening.

    This cream is very effective. Girls who have tried using it for about a month notice amazing results.

    Vegetable masks

    Also, for those who are thinking about how to moisturize the skin of the face at home, masks are recommended. A good remedy is prepared from carrots. The vegetable should be grated. After you need to pour one yolk and mix well. Then hold it on your face for 30 minutes. Repeat every two days for two weeks. This is a mask for normal skin.

    For combination skin type, a tomato remedy is suitable. One tomato is required for cooking. It should be passed through a sieve. The end result should be tomato puree. To thicken the mass, pour 2 tablespoons of starch and at the end drip olive oil. The mask should lie evenly on the face for twenty minutes. You need to apply the remedy every three days.

    Such masks are often used by girls. They like that they can be prepared quite simply and quickly. There is an effect, as women note, from such masks. After all, they contain useful gifts of nature - vegetables.

    Herbal mask

    How to moisturize the skin of the face? You can use an herbal mask. It has long been known that herbs are good at nourishing the skin with moisture. For a cosmetic product, you will need freshly picked St. John's wort, yarrow, chamomile and hop cones. Each component should be taken in a teaspoon. Mix herbs and pour hot water. Then put on the stove to boil. Cool the broth and add 2 fresh yolks, a spoonful of honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Then you need to put the mixture on gauze and keep it on your face for half an hour. Such a remedy, as the girls say, effectively refreshes the face. Many people recommend him to their friends.

    cucumber mask

    Those with dry skin also need moisturizing masks for dry skin. For example, cucumber. This is a wonderful tool. Girls note that it is very effective. After all, a cucumber is half water. It's just a treasure for the skin. It is necessary to grate the cucumber (use a fine grater for this), squeeze the juice with gauze.

    You need to add milk fat cream (two tablespoons) and twenty drops of rose extract to it. Apply the product on the face. Then wash off after twenty minutes with clean water.

    Curd remedy

    You can moisturize dry skin at home by preparing a curd, sour cream or honey mask. Also for these purposes, a remedy made from potatoes and oatmeal is used.

    To prepare a cottage cheese mask, you need to take fat cottage cheese (2 tablespoons), add carrot juice (the same amount), 1 tablespoon of milk and the same amount of olive oil. Grind the finished mass on a plate, and do not mix. Apply to face for 25 minutes and wash off. Then wipe the skin with lotion or a piece of melted ice.

    Lotions with honey

    Another natural remedy (how to moisturize the skin of the face - we consider further) - honey lotions. Mix equal amounts (for example, one teaspoon each) of honey and sunflower oil. Then you need to drive in a fresh yolk. Grind everything and heat on the stove. Divide evenly and apply to the face in turn every ten minutes, then rinse with warm clean water.

    Mask based on sour cream and potatoes

    Mix 1 cup sour cream with egg yolk. Then you need to add ground lemon zest, 10 drops of olive oil and mix. Apply to face, do not rinse for about twenty minutes. After the mask, treat your face with a nourishing cream. Such a tool, as the girls say, is quite fragrant and effective.

    For the potato remedy, boil the potatoes with the skins on. Ceiling in mashed potatoes, add milk (two tablespoons) and yolk. Heat everything over low heat and, until it cools down, apply to the skin of the face, and apply a gauze bandage on top.

    oatmeal remedy

    How to moisturize the skin of the face? Of course, the miraculous cosmetic product from oatmeal will help in this. This mask can be used not only for moisturizing, but also as nourishing compresses for dry skin. Boil two large spoons of hercules and pour milk over it. Leave to insist for fifteen minutes, then you need to apply on the skin for half an hour. For good results, repeat two days a week. The effectiveness of the remedy is noticed by the girls immediately after the first procedure. The mask is very good. It moisturizes even the driest skin.

    Anti-acne remedy

    You will need green clay, grape seed oil, olive oil in equal proportions. Everything needs to be mixed. Then you need to heat the composition for a couple. Then apply on gauze and hold in the form of a compress for 40 minutes. Then it must be washed off with water.

    Masks with dairy products

    You can also make a cream of sour cream (two tablespoons), parsley (a couple of sprigs) and cucumber juice from one vegetable. Mix all. Then you should add flour (1 tbsp.) And heat up for a couple. Then drain into a jar of old cream and wipe your face in the morning.

    Mix kefir, lemon and orange zest (proportions of your choice). Apply with a cotton swab on the face for 20 minutes, then rinse with hot water, treat the face with ice or something cold. You can repeat every morning every day. This is a great tool that many girls like.

    Remedy with wheat grains

    The next mask for ladies after 30, when the skin gradually becomes less youthful and elastic. For the remedy you will need egg white, 1 tablespoon of wheat grains, flour and honey. Whisk milk into foam. After you need to add honey, grains and flour.

    Apply to gauze in 2 layers and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse with spring water only. Repeat once a week.

    banana mask

    If you are interested in homemade moisturizing face masks, then pay attention to the banana remedy.

    Women over the age of 40 are primarily shown natural masks, for example, with products such as ripened bananas, gelatin, honey, dairy products, oils, almonds.

    To make a banana mask for moisturizing and anti-aging of the face, you will need to grind the pulp of a ripe or overripe fruit. Then you need to drive in the yolk (preferably a farm egg) and pour in 2 large spoons of sour cream. Then apply a thin layer with cotton swabs on the face. Then rinse with warm room water after fifteen minutes.

    This product perfectly nourishes and moisturizes women's skin. This is exactly what those girls who have tried such a tool think.


    When using masks, accuracy and literacy are important. It is important to remember that everything is good in moderation. The main thing is to take care of the skin of the face at any age. In order not to accelerate the dehydration of the epidermis, you should know a few rules:

  1. Avoid frequently washing your face with soap, which dries out your skin, and take a gentle hot bath.
  2. Harmful temperature contrasts.
  3. It is undesirable for the skin to rub against rough material. It is important not to use artificial cosmetics.

Among the huge variety of cosmetics and salon procedures, it is very difficult to find an effective way to moisturize the skin of the face. To make your search easier, we have prepared a list of the best methods for moisturizing the epidermis.

Before you start looking for the right method of moisturizing, you should learn how to properly care for your skin. The fact is that it is not enough to apply the cream on the face daily without cleansing the skin.

This issue needs to be approached comprehensively. In order for your skin to receive proper hydration, nutrition, and look young, it is worth carrying out certain stages of skin care every day from an early age. Namely:

  1. Cleansing. The skin should be cleansed of impurities, cosmetics, through cleansers. It can be various gels, foams for washing. Micellar water is also suitable. Exfoliate 1-2 times a week. It is necessary to eliminate the keratinized layer of the epithelium.
  2. Toning. After you cleanse the skin, you need to use a tonic that suits the type of skin. In this way, the remnants of the cleanser are removed. In addition, tonics also moisturize the skin.
  3. The use of masks. It is not necessary to apply face masks every day. 2-3 times a week will be enough.
  4. Cream application. After such procedures, you can use a suitable cream. Sutra use daytime, and in the evening - nighttime.

If you follow these simple rules daily, you will notice the transformation of your skin.

These procedures must be repeated in the morning and evening.

In addition, it will not be superfluous to visit a beautician. Sometimes home care is not enough and professional help is needed. And today there are many procedures that help moisturize the skin.

Now let's figure out which means to use, what homemade recipes exist for moisturizing.

TOP cosmetics

Before buying a cosmetic product, you should pay attention to what type of skin it is intended for.

Incorrectly selected moisturizing cosmetics may not be effective enough or, conversely, lead to increased oiliness of the epidermis.

Creams, gels

On the shelves of stores you can find a lot of funds. According to the reviews of people, cosmetologists, you can achieve a positive result after using such creams and gels:

  1. Aurealux Cream Dolce&Gabbana. This is a deluxe moisturizer. The cosmetic product is suitable for all skin types. The cream saturates the epidermis with vitamins, oils, useful microelements and helps to preserve life-giving moisture in its tissues. Gives natural radiance, slows down the process of wilting, restores cellular metabolism. Suitable for professional use. How to moisturize the skin of the face: apply the cream with a spatula to the palm of your hand to warm it up, then spread it on the face, patting it with your fingertips. Use morning and evening. The price is about 8000 rubles.
  2. Moisture Surge 72-Hour Clinique. This is an intensely moisturizing gel of the middle market category. Suitable for all skin types. It provides intense hydration for 72 hours. Helps to maintain the skin in perfect condition, preventing dryness and aging. It has a light texture that does not leave an unpleasant stickiness or oiliness. Provides optimal levels of hydration. How to quickly moisturize the skin of the face at home: apply with massaging movements in the morning and evening. The price is approximately 2500 rubles.
  3. Mary Kay Superior Nourishing Moisture Cream. This tool belongs to the mass market category. Suitable for dry and normal skin after 25 years. The improved formula of the cream combines everything you need for comprehensive care of the epidermis. The active ingredients prevent the evaporation of moisture, make the skin silky and elastic, improve its color. Does not contain fragrances, the composition is hypoallergenic. Apply daily in the morning and evening with massaging movements. The price is about 1000 rubles.

Other means

Also noteworthy are such means for moisturizing the epidermis:

  • Moisture Genius Aqua Fluid by L'Oreal Paris. The company has developed 3 products: for normal and mixed, for sensitive and dry, for normal skin. The tool is instantly absorbed into the epidermis, gives it the necessary moisture. Aloe juice in the composition has moisture-retaining properties, saturates the skin with oxygen. replenishes water reserves, helps to smooth wrinkles, prevents their appearance. Apply to face and neck, can be used under make-up. The price is about 500 rubles.
  • Avon Tri-Phase Facial. This elixir has a combined effect: nourishes, smoothes wrinkles, rejuvenates. After application, it does not leave shine, feeling of tightness, film, fat. With constant use, it normalizes the water-fat balance, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, saturates the skin with useful substances. Suitable for all types of epidermis. How to moisturize the skin of the face without cream: shake the bottle, squeeze a few drops into the palm of your hand and spread over the skin of the face, paying special attention to areas prone to dryness. The price is about 500 rubles.
  • Ella Bache extreme hydration serum. The product is suitable for professional use. Can be used on all skin types. After application, it is instantly absorbed and saturates the epidermis with moisture, hyaluronic acid, apple polyphenols and other useful substances. Eliminates dryness and tightness, restores barrier functions, returns a healthy glow. Apply in the evening before applying the cream. The price is approximately 2500 rubles.

Such cosmetics penetrate much faster deep into the epidermis than any even the highest quality cream. This is due to their liquid base. Therefore, the effect is noticeable much faster.

Serums are an emergency, so they should be used if the skin needs intensive hydration and restoration.

Question answer

To choose the right vitamin complex, contact a dermatologist. He will prescribe a blood test, the results of which will give a complete picture of the missing vitamin substances.

Such products serve not only for cleansing, but also for moisturizing. The fact is that in their composition there are components that moisturize the skin. This is, for example, cucumber juice.

In the cold period, the skin does not have enough nutrition. Therefore, use appropriate products, but do not forget to moisturize your face.

Moisturizing folk remedies

Do not forget about the recipes of our ancestors. Using folk remedies, you can also moisturize the skin. Ideally, it is better to deal with the problem in a complex way: visit a beautician, use creams, serums and folk methods.

Honey to help

If there is no time for salon procedures and you are a supporter of natural cosmetics, but do not know how to moisturize your face in winter at home, then a honey-based mask will help. The benefits of this product are endless.

It has numerous medicinal (antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitussive, etc.) and cosmetic properties.

Being a rich source of vitamins and nutrients, this simple product is an effective beauty treatment.

It absorbs moisture from the air and keeps it in the skin cells, creating an invisible thin film, thereby preventing dryness and wrinkles.

After honey, the epidermis becomes deeply hydrated, velvety, smooth and elastic. Due to its antiseptic properties, the product prevents inflammatory processes: acne.

Apply to the skin should be in the morning and evening after washing for a few minutes. Can be used in combination with other components:

  • sour cream (deep moisturizing);
  • egg (increased tone);
  • milk (tightening effect);
  • lemon (whitening effect and elimination), etc.

Honey face mask:

Coconut oil

Judging by the reviews on how to moisturize your face at home with folk remedies, coconut oil is another effective moisturizing product. Suitable for all skin types.

After the oil, the skin is silky, deeply moisturized, acquires a healthy natural glow.

It also has protective, healing, anti-inflammatory properties, so it is great for use in the cold season, as well as for the treatment of dermatitis, which is manifested by increased dryness of the epidermis.

Like honey, coconut oil can be used in its pure form (apply for 10-15 minutes), or in combination with other products.


Extracts from this vegetable are widely used in skin care cosmetics. Its benefit lies in the rapid hydration and nutrition of the epidermis.

The product is 90% water and 10% nutrients, minerals and trace elements, making it an excellent facial toner.

Cucumber is refreshing, soothing and hydrating. It is recommended to use it not only to prevent dryness, but also to treat irritation and inflammation.

The vegetable accelerates regeneration, therefore, with regular use, it returns the elasticity and firmness of the skin. In addition, cucumber has mild bleaching properties, so it can be used to combat age spots.

According to reviews on how to moisturize the skin of the face, this product gives a pronounced effect when used on the face in the form of:

  • thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bplates;
  • grated mushy consistency;
  • freshly squeezed juice.

Use of sour cream

Sour cream is rich in various important substances. That is why you should pay attention to this product if you are looking for the answer to the question of how to moisturize your skin.

Remember that you need to apply the mask on cleansed skin.

Tomato for hydration

By means of a tomato, you can provide the skin not only with hydration, but also with excellent nutrition. To do this, chop the tomato and cucumber.

The resulting mixture is squeezed and superimposed on clean skin.

Such a mask should be used no more than 1 time in 10 days.

apple use

An apple is a valuable fruit, rich in vitamins, fruit acids.

Take any essential oil that suits your skin type and mix it with apple pulp. The mask lasts 10 minutes.

Homemade moisturizing lotions

Lotions and tonics are used after cleansing the face. It is not necessary to go to the store to get them, as you can cook them yourself.

To do this, you should take into account your type of skin.

skin typeSuitable photolotion preparation
NormalHeat up the water first
(about 150-200 ml). Then
add linden blossoms to it
(1 tablespoon). Strain the decoction and
mix with 1 tbsp. l. honey.
FattyTo 3 spoons of cereal is poured
a glass of boiling water. All this
should stand for a third of an hour.
Used in strained
DryYou will need the pulp of 4 plums.
Boil them for about 10 minutes.
on fire. The lotion is applied
strained form.
CombinedRed grapes turn
into the gruel, which should
stand 3 hours. Strain
all of this, and add to the juice
a little salt and a spoonful of honey.

In this section, you will learn how to moisturize your face from the inside out. These are just a few nutritional tips.

How to moisturize your face in summer with nutrition:

MethodA photoPeculiarities
Freshly squeezed juices,
In summer it should be included in
diet of freshly squeezed vegetables
and fruit juices from carrots,
pomegranate, tomatoes, cucumbers,
ginger, grapes, lemon,
strawberries, etc. also
smoothies are recommended.
To achieve more
pronounced effect and
getting the maximum
product benefits,
juicing is recommended
from several types of fruits
and vegetables.
increase consumption
In summer, the amount of fluid
who loses the body,
increases significantly.
To make up for her deficiency
and prevent skin aging
need to increase
water consumption up to 1.5-2 l
in a day.
Eating the same way
reflected in appearance.
human, the work of internal
organs, epidermis. That's why
should be excluded from the diet.
or limit as much as possible
harmful foods that
have no particular nutritional value.
fatty, smoked, spicy, salty,
fast food, semi-finished products, etc.
Recommended thermal
processing: boiling, stewing,

TOP 3 popular salon procedures

A variety of creams, serums and other products really benefit. But with their help, it will not be possible to achieve colossal hydration, even if it is an expensive product.

But do not be upset, as cosmetology does not stand still and today offers a lot of useful procedures. The best of them are described below.

Biorevitalization (hyaluronic acid injections)

They help to effectively moisturize the epidermis and stop the aging process. Getting into the skin, acid:

  • retains moisture;
  • improves oxidation processes;
  • stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • restores microcirculation.

Biorevitalization is carried out by women of various age categories. And if you do not know how to moisturize your skin after 40 or 50 years, and have already tried a variety of products, then it will be ideal for you.

The appearance of any woman at this age displays the inexorable course of the biological clock, even if she strictly monitors nutrition, plays sports and uses high-quality anti-aging cosmetics.

The effect is noticeable after the first. And with further saturation with hyaluronic acid, a stable result appears:

  1. Increased tugor, elasticity of the epidermis.
  2. Color improves.
  3. Wrinkles are smoothed out.
  4. Wet skin effect.

Under the influence of this substance, the skin restores itself.

Glycolic peeling

It consists in deep cleansing of the upper layer of the skin using glycolic acid.

At the beginning, the beautician cleans the epidermis, applies a weak solution of glycolic acid (it degreases and softens). Then a glycol gel is applied, which causes the process of exfoliation, i.e. exfoliation of dead cells.

The substance also has a moisturizing effect by retaining and attracting moisture, which positively affects the elasticity and tone of the epidermis.

Remove acid and dead cells with a neutralizing solution. After that, a nourishing or moisturizing mask with a soothing effect is applied. Can be used by owners of different skin types.

Alginate masks

These professional cosmetics are used to obtain a moisturizing, rejuvenating, cleansing, tonic effect.

They normalize the water balance of the skin, saturate it with oxygen, eliminate dryness and signs of fatigue. They have a tightening effect, so they are also used to eliminate fine wrinkles. The price of the procedure is from 1000 rubles.

The use of vitamin complexes

How to moisturize the skin of the face at home in winter? For this, it is recommended to use vitamin complexes. Here are some popular drugs:

  1. Cosmetic alphabet. The supplement improves the condition of the skin, nails, hair. Provides rapid regeneration, slows down the aging process, increases the barrier function of the epidermis. The complex contains 3 types of tablets: green (calcium-D3), yellow (bioflavonoids, antioxidants), red (iron +). Take 1 pc. each type daily with an interval of 4-5 hours. The price is about 400 rubles.
  2. Vitrum Beauty. The drug normalizes metabolic processes. Contains amino acids necessary for the formation of collagen and other proteins that improve the structure of the epidermis. It has an antioxidant, tonic effect. Take 2 tablets. per day. The price is about 1300 rubles.


The lack of water in the skin cells can lead to premature wrinkles, flaking, and a feeling of tightness. To avoid these unpleasant symptoms, you must constantly adhere to simple rules for home skin care, make masks regularly, use moisturizing tonics and creams.

How to moisturize your skin at home

When dry skin appears, it is not at all necessary to rush to the store for a special cream, lotion or tonic, you can try to cope with the problem on your own. There are 3 ways to moisturize the skin of the face at home, which will bring the desired effect in a short time:

  • Masks. The main value of this method is that the skin not only receives the necessary amount of moisture, but also a lot of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. At home, you can prepare a moisturizing mask from oatmeal, cottage cheese, cucumber, apples, and other seasonal fruits and vegetables. The disadvantages of this method of moisturizing include: the difficulty in choosing the right ingredients for combination skin, a high risk of allergies to the products of the composition.
  • Moisturizing compresses. One of the three ways that helps get rid of peeling, gently cleanses the upper layers of the epidermis, instantly moisturizes. For their preparation, vegetable or fruit juices, mineral water, herbal decoctions are used. The main disadvantage of compresses is that they saturate only the surface layers of the epidermis with moisture.
  • Sprays. For the preparation of homemade aerosols, juices from fresh vegetables and fruits are used. The third method is perfect for hot weather: you can take the spray with you for a walk, work, study. The disadvantage of the method is surface moistening.
  • Steam baths are made on the basis of herbs. In addition to deep moisturizing, they provide gentle cleansing, get rid of blackheads, and reduce the visibility of pores. The disadvantage of the method is the presence of many contraindications: wounds, scratches on the face, rosacea, dermatological diseases.

Remember that moisturizing the face at home should be not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

To enrich all layers of the epidermis with moisture, adhere to the drinking regime - drink at least one and a half liters of water per day. Proper nutrition will also help. The appearance of the skin will improve if you exclude at least three elements from the diet - sweet, fatty, smoked foods.

Facial Moisturizing Mask

A properly selected or prepared moisturizing face mask at home provides a complete supply of moisture to all layers of the epidermis. There are many folk recipes, here are the three most effective ways:

  • Cucumber. Take one fresh cucumber, remove the peel and seeds. Grate the pulp on a medium grater. Add three tsp. thick sour cream, stir. Lie down, put a towel around your face (the mask may leak), apply the composition. Keep for half an hour, then rinse with warm water. Carry out the procedure three times a week.
  • Tomato. To prepare it, grind 1 medium-sized tomato through a sieve. Apply the pulp on your face in a thick layer. Hold for 20-25 minutes. Rinse off the rest of the mask, apply a moisturizer. The method can be repeated 1-2 times a week.
  • Curd. Grind through a sieve or grind with a blender three tbsp. l. cottage cheese. Add 1.5 tsp to it. honey. Distribute the mask evenly. Hold for 20 minutes. Repeat this facial moisturizing at home every three days.

Moisturizing compresses

  • Mix three tsp. milk and liquid honey. Whisk the mixture with a fork. Moisten the gauze with the solution, put it on your face. Keep the moisturizing compress on for 30 minutes.
  • Grind the pulp of aloe. Add to it 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs and plants: linden, chamomile, rose, St. John's wort. Pour boiling water into a container, cover with a lid. After half an hour, moisten the gauze, wring it out, apply it to your face for 30-40 minutes.


The simplest facial moisturizer that can replace your daily morning wash is ice cubes. They tighten the oval of the face, effectively cleanse the pores, moisturize. The method of making ice is simple: freeze fruit juice, mineral water, herbal decoctions. Wipe your skin with one ice cube every morning. In addition, it is recommended to follow a number of rules.

Any skin requires careful care, but dry skin in particular. Let's explain why. Increased dryness of the skin of the face is accompanied by many unpleasant phenomena: peeling, early wrinkles, roughness. They are not always caused by insufficient care. The phenomena may be associated with some pathologies or other causes that should be eliminated so that the skin shines again with beauty and freshness. Allowing the epidermis to dry out unnecessarily is unacceptable!

Moisture retention mechanism

On the surface of the skin there is a stratum corneum. Its moisture is provided by cellular structures and lipids located between them, which perform several functions:

  • they act as a bonding agent for post-cellular structures;
  • prevent moisture loss;
  • regulate the rate of skin peeling and renewal of its cells;
  • due to the antimicrobial action, they play a protective role on the surface of the epidermis.

In normal skin, there is a certain balance between the water content in the stratum corneum and in the surrounding air; if it is disturbed, dry skin of the face appears or, conversely, oily skin.

The water-lipid emulsion film that forms on the surface of the epidermis also contributes to the preservation of moisture. It is formed from secretions of sweat and sebaceous glands and intercellular lipids. The emulsion may have a different ratio of components. It depends on external conditions and the intensity of the work of the glands.

The mechanism of occurrence of dryness and peeling of the skin is determined by the following factors:

  • lack of moisture in the stratum corneum;
  • too frequent change of the surface layer of cells;
  • violation of the protective properties of the skin.


Many factors affect the condition of the skin. Each of them can cause negative consequences. Sometimes the appearance of dry skin of the face and the causes that cause this phenomenon can be eliminated by selecting the best care products.

But sometimes they are associated with a serious disease that requires qualified treatment.

The most common causes of dry skin are:

  • lack of sebaceous glands or their dysfunction;
  • hormonal changes that occur in the body for any reason;
  • disorders caused by a genetically determined predisposition;
  • decrease in the moisture level of the stratum corneum with increasing age;
  • severe diseases of the digestive tract or diabetes mellitus, which are accompanied not only by dry facial skin, but also by other symptoms;
  • deep cleaning of the skin, if it is carried out too often;
  • beriberi, which usually begins at the end of a long and cold winter;
  • frequent use of hot or poor-quality water, as well as aggressive detergents when washing;
  • too dry air in the house, especially in winter, during the heating season;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun or frost without a protective cream;
  • poor-quality or improperly selected skin care products;
  • insufficient consumption of clean water;
  • irrational nutrition.

If you do not understand the reasons that made dry skin on your face, then what to do should be advised by the doctor if peeling and itching are additional symptoms. They may indicate any skin diseases.

Care rules

Eliminating the causes of skin problems, at the same time it is necessary to provide it with competent and regular care, which requires compliance with several conditions.

  • We need to change the rules of washing. In the morning, water washes away all the fat released from the sebaceous glands during the night from the face, and deprives the skin of the protective barrier it needs so much during the day. Therefore, it is better to postpone the procedure of thorough washing for the evening.
  • A dry face should be washed with water at room temperature, and let the bath or shower be warm.
  • Water quality is important. It must be boiled and cooled or used filtered, thawed or settled.
  • For washing, you can use only a moisturizing gel or foam. Any soap should be excluded.
  • You should not rub your wet face with a towel, it is better to let it dry or lightly blot it with a soft cloth.
  • Very dry facial skin requires a particularly careful choice of cosmetic care products. If you do not make such products from natural products, it is better to buy cosmetics from well-known manufacturers and, preferably, from the same series, marked as intended for dry skin. Avoid gels and lotions containing alcohol. It has a drying effect on the skin.
  • Carefully you need to select decorative cosmetics. Both creams and powders should have moisturizing properties and contain protective filters.
  • It is also important how to remove makeup - it can be removed only with special cosmetics intended for this purpose. Make-up should not be left on the face overnight.
  • It is important to replenish the lack of water in the body. Drinking plenty of water every day will not only help increase skin moisture, but also remove metabolic products and toxins. This will help cleanse the skin and give it a fresh and healthy look. It is recommended to consume up to two liters of water per day.
  • A balanced diet is an important part of the fight against dry skin. An increase in the diet of fruits and vegetables contributes to:
  • timely cleansing of the intestines and the speedy removal of toxins from the body;
  • the body receives vitamins and nutrients involved in the healing of the skin.
  • It is necessary to monitor the level of humidity at home and at work. If the air in the room is too dry, then you should install a humidifier in it, as well as regularly ventilate the room.
  • Excessive sweating is not recommended, so you should think about choosing a sport. Pools with chlorinated water also have a negative effect: before swimming, it is better to apply a greasy cream to the skin.

Since getting rid of dry skin on the face is quite difficult, you need to tune in to long-term and systematic care in compliance with all of the above recommendations.

Cosmetic procedures

If dry facial skin is observed, then treatment should include not only masks and creams, but also effective cosmetic procedures. Many of them can be done at home.

  • A hot compress enhances capillary blood flow, expands and cleanses pores, removes the stratum corneum and dust from the surface of the skin, inhibits the evaporation of moisture, and also helps to relax muscles. To carry it out, you can wet a striped towel with hot water and apply it to your face for about 20 minutes. Its temperature should be tolerable for your face. This procedure is especially useful after a relaxing herbal bath.
  • Dry skin on the face lends itself well to cleansing with a steam bath. The procedure will fill it with a mass of useful substances from herbal decoction, increase blood flow. An infusion can be made from chamomile, which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Essential and vegetable oils

An excellent means of caring for dry skin types are essential oils, which have been used for these purposes since ancient times. By strengthening cell membranes, they stimulate metabolic reactions, increase blood flow, which improves cell nutrition. Moisturizing the skin, at the same time saturate it with vitamins. Their concentration is so high that it is enough to add a few drops to products for dry skin. A good base for essential oils are cold-pressed vegetable oils, which absorb very quickly into the skin.

Olive oil is especially suitable for these purposes. The essential fatty acids that it contains form a thin film that envelops the skin and retains moisture in it. And the influence of antioxidants stimulates the production of collagen, which increases its elasticity.

Olive oil is a versatile remedy that can be used for all skin types in combination with various supplements, but it is especially useful for dry skin. It is used in the form of compresses, masks are prepared on its basis. You can even simply wipe the skin with oil, slightly warming it up. All these procedures are best done at night.


The arsenal of cosmetic products is great, and every woman can choose how to deal with a dry face and what to do with early wrinkles. Various masks perfectly moisturize the skin. They restore elasticity and slow down the aging process with regular use. They are easy to prepare at home, using those natural products that can always be found in the kitchen. Another advantage is that there are no chemical additives.

  • Mustard powder mixed with olive oil perfectly moisturizes the skin and stimulates capillary blood flow. The rush of blood contributes to the enrichment of the surface layer with oxygen and useful microelements.
  • An excellent moisturizing effect has a mask, which is made from grated apple based on olive oil. After several procedures, the skin becomes fresh and velvety.
  • With peeling, oatmeal is great. They should be poured with warm water, and honey and a little glycerin should be added to the swollen mass. It nourishes and regenerates the skin.
  • Excellent moisturizing and rejuvenating effect is characterized by cucumber mask. It can be prepared on the basis of heavy cream, and a few drops of lemon juice will give it softness and elasticity.

Today, there are various methods of moisturizing, protecting and caring for the face. It depends only on the desire and possibilities what to do and, if the skin of the face is dry, how to moisturize it. And home care methods are available to everyone, you just need to follow the recipes and observe regularity. Then the skin will always be smooth and well-groomed.

English women are known for their ideal skin condition, which always looks firm and toned. Moreover, English ladies look excellent even at the age of Balzac. And the reason for this is proper facial care. Of course, any woman dreams that her face always remains in excellent shape, because it is the face that gives out the age of a woman.

Many women suffer from the problem of dry skin of the face, and this does not depend at all on the time of year, but on care. Moisturizing your skin is an essential part of personal care. And the unpleasant feeling of tightness will disappear only when every cell of the face is filled with moisture. Therefore, the question is relevant: how to moisturize the skin of the face, because the usual cream from the store can stop giving a moisturizing effect.

So, the most important thing is to determine that your skin is really dry. If it peels off, you feel tightness, discomfort, and every now and then you want to smear it with cream, then we are talking about a dry type of face.

Dry skin needs to be moisturized not only with cosmetics, but also from the inside. The first rule: drink enough water to keep your cells hydrated. Moreover, drinking about three liters of water a day is useful not only for the condition of the skin, but also for the whole body, many believe that such an amount of fluid consumed will allow you to keep your weight normal, and in some cases even lose it.

When asked: how to moisturize the skin of the face, it is impossible to answer unambiguously. After all, this whole complex of procedures, which includes:

  1. Periodic change of moisturizer. No matter how good it is, the face gets used to cosmetics without perceiving their actions.
  2. The skin is hydrated with thermal water, even before applying moisturizer.
  3. It is worth protecting the skin from sunlight and ultraviolet rays. In summer, the open sun is contraindicated, and in winter - severe cold.
  4. Dry skin needs more liquid inside, as mentioned above.
  5. It is necessary to properly make face masks at least twice a week.
  6. Aromatherapy with essential oils.
  7. It is worth making sure that the air in the room is not dry, but always humidified.
  8. People with dry skin should not wash their faces with hot water.

These tips will solve the problem, and effectively and quickly.

Rules for applying masks

It is not difficult to moisturize the skin of the face at home, it is not necessary to spend fabulous sums for this. Folk recipes effectively cope with the problems of dry skin. But before talking about the masks themselves, it’s worth talking about how to apply them correctly in order to achieve the desired effect:

  • Any moisturizer should be applied to clean skin. Therefore, it is advisable to cleanse the skin initially with a scrub.
  • Any moisturizing mask should not be on the face for more than 20 minutes, so that the opposite effect does not begin.
  • It is necessary to properly remove the mask with a paper towel. Under no circumstances should a jet of water be used to wash off the protection.
  • Removing the mask should be accompanied by a moisturizer. Do not think that one tool is a substitute for another.
  • Masks that are prepared at home should not be stored, they should be prepared only before use.

Moisture Recipes

Moisturizing the skin of the face with folk remedies is no less effective than those sold on store shelves. The main thing is to use these recipes correctly, and you will forget about dry skin forever.

One of the most effective ways is a cucumber mask, which is also very easy to make. You will need fresh chopped cucumber, about three tablespoons, which must be mixed with a teaspoon of sour cream or cream with a high fat content, and add a teaspoon of water. The mask is ready to use!

For dry skin, an aloe vera mask is also perfect. All you need is to squeeze juice from aloe, or buy it at a pharmacy and dilute it with water in a one-to-one consistency. It is worth noting that such a mask not only perfectly moisturizes the skin, if applied correctly, you can get an effective remedy for inflammation, redness of the skin and acne.

Moisturizing with oils is great for dryness. To do this, use olive oil. It should be mixed with the same amount of sea buckthorn oil and aloe juice in the amount of one teaspoon. All this is heated and applied to the face. Effectively make a mask at night, so as not to wash off. Even if you applied the mask during the day, after a couple of hours, just blot the skin with a tissue, but do not wash off the mask with water.

From improvised products that are always found at home, you can use egg white for moisturizing, which is mixed with five drops of lemon juice. This mask is applied to the skin. It is important after one layer dries up, apply a second one and hold the mask for no more than fifteen minutes.

Honey also moisturizes the face, which means that honey masks will be great helpers. To do this, you need to steam two tablespoons of honey. After the honey has cooled, add to it the already known egg white and olive, sea buckthorn or peach oil. The mask should be on the skin for about twenty minutes.

In fact, there are many moisturizing masks. They can also be made from cottage cheese, sour cream, oatmeal, banana.

But not only masks allow you to moisturize your face. Folk tales also speak of the preparation of various lotions, tonics, tinctures to moisturize the skin.

So, a great helper is a glycerin tonic. It is necessary to make two tablespoons of strawberry puree, pour it with one hundred milliliters of boiled water, add glycerin in the amount of one teaspoon. In a cooled form, it is necessary to wipe the face with a tonic a couple of times a day.

Poppy mixed with milk in brewed form gives an excellent tincture in just three hours. To do this, you need to take just one tablespoon of poppy seeds and one hundred milliliters of milk.

I allow a lot of vegetables and fruits to make simple, but most importantly, effective home compresses. All you need is to squeeze the juice from cabbage, tomato, cucumber, carrot or watermelon. Soak a gauze in the juice and put it on your face. This method can be used up to four times a day.

Lots of great reviews on frozen herbal infusions that are very easy to make. Brew chamomile, mint, linden, wild rose, rose, dill or sage, freeze cubes of these decoctions and wipe your dry skin with them.

Modern ways of moisturizing the face

Still, many women do not have time to prepare home remedies on their own, do not like to use them, or simply do not trust folk recipes. For this, there are procedures in beauty salons.

A well-known procedure called hydrodermia, which deeply and intensively moisturizes the skin. The procedure tones the skin, cleanses and moisturizes. One minus is a rather big cost, especially since the procedure needs to be carried out systematically, but the effect, on the other hand, is amazing.

Many cosmetics offer us and store shelves. Reviews show that the most effective of them are products such as Janssen Face Oil, Janssen Face Oil mist, Aquasource Deep Serum, Hyaluronic Acid Serum, Garnier Skin Naturals face cream.