Vitamin k2 name. What is Vitamin K2 and what foods do you need it for?

The impact on human health of a deficiency of vitamin K2 (menaquinone) has not yet been studied well enough, but scientists are already arguing that its deficiency can lead to quite pronounced problems with the musculoskeletal system and bones in general, as well as dysfunction of the arteries. In order to protect yourself from the likely consequences that a small intake of it from the outside can bring, you need to eat foods containing the vitamin in large quantities. This article is intended to help establish a list of such products, as well as explain what menaquinone is.

What is this vitamin

This vitamin was first discovered in 1929 in tandem with its more famous "brother" phylloquinone (K1) . The discovery belongs to the Danish scientist Henrik Dam. The new group of vitamins got its name (K) due to the fact that the first publication dedicated to them was made in a German magazine, where they were designated as "Koagulationsvitamin".

Did you know? The concept of "vitamins" was first introduced by the Polish biochemist Casimir Funk in 1912. Then he named them "vita amines", which can literally be translated as "vita amines".

The discovery, like many other similar scientific breakthroughs, happened completely by accident and not purposefully. Initially, Dam studied the effects of a lack of cholesterol on chickens, during which it was found that without the latter, they develop bleeding and hematomas. Then he added refined cholesterol to their diet, but this did not have the desired effect, but top dressing in the form of cereals and herbal products fixed this problem. Later, vitamins K were obtained from grains of cereals.

Then the scientist did not distinguish between substances, but later phylloquinone received a prefix to the name in the form of a unit due to the fact that it is contained in foods in much larger quantities and, in general, has a more significant effect on the human body than vitamin K2.

A little later, in 1939, there was a differentiation into vitamins K1 and K2. It turned out that if vitamin K1 is more found in plant foods, then K2 is easiest to get from rotting fishmeal. In addition, both vitamins differed somewhat in their physicochemical properties. According to some reports, in the human body, endogenous menaquinone is also synthesized in the intestine from phylloquinone under the influence of bacteria.

What does the body need

First of all, vitamin K2 is involved, together with its "big brother" K1, in the distribution of calcium throughout all body structures - bones, teeth, vascular walls, thereby strengthening their structure.

This seemingly harmless function actually carries some negative effects. For example, if the concentration of vitamins K in the blood is too high and concomitant atherosclerosis, more active deposition of calcium in atherosclerotic plaques is possible, which greatly worsens the course of the disease and reduces the quality of life.

Important! Remember that the presence of any substances in your body in excessive amounts can significantly harm you. Therefore, wisely approach the formation of your diet - do not overfill it with the products listed below.

Consumption rates

The consumption rates of each substance, including menaquinone, are quite variable and depend on many different factors. For example, if you have an impressive constitution and large body weight, you will need much more vitamin K2. It is also important to understand that people who have a genetic defect in the synthesis of this substance in the intestine should strive to get more of it from exogenous sources.

Approximate consumption rates:

  • infants (up to six months) - 2 mcg / day;
  • children from 7 to 12 months - 2.5 mcg / day;
  • children from 1 to 3 years old - 30 mcg / day;
  • children from 4 to 8 years old - 55 mcg / day;
  • children from 8 to 14 years old - 60 mcg / day;
  • adolescents from 14 to 18 years old - 75 mcg / day;
  • adults - 90 mcg / day.

What foods are high in menaquinone

Since we already mentioned that menaquinone is practically not found in plant foods, in the first part of this list we will present foods that contain a large amount of the "progenitor" of vitamin K2, phylloquinone. It must be said right away that most of them also contain K2, but in negligible amounts.

herbal products

Foods High in Vitamin K1:

  • green leafy vegetables (lettuce, lettuce, etc.);
  • cabbage (, fodder cabbage, etc.);
  • cereals (wheat, etc.);
  • some fruits ( , );

Animal products

Here we will give a more detailed list indicating the approximate content of this vitamin in each of the products:

  • goose liver - 369 mgc / 100 g;
  • hard cheese - 76.3 mcg / 100 g;
  • soft cheese - 56.5 mcg / 100 g;
  • egg yolk - 32.1–15.5 mcg / 100 g;
  • home - 25 mcg / 100 g;
  • butter (not fat-free) - 16 mcg / 100 g;
  • chicken liver - 14.1 mcg / 100 g;
  • sausage (salami) - 9–10 mcg / 100 g;
  • chicken meat - 8.5–9 mcg / 100 g;
  • minced beef - 8.1 mcg / 100 g;
  • bacon - 6 mcg / 100 g;
  • calf liver - 5 mcg / 100 g;
  • milk (depending on fat content) - 0.6–1 mcg / 100 g;
  • salmon - 0.5 mcg / 100 g;
  • egg protein - 0.4 mcg / 100 g.

Features of the absorption of vitamins by the body

Vitamin K2 is lipophilic, simply put, it only dissolves in different kind fats.

In this regard, it is necessary to understand that for the normal absorption of this substance by the body, it is worth eating a large amount of fatty foods. If you eat foods rich in this vitamin in order to increase its amount in your body, but your diet does not have a balanced amount of fat, you are simply wasting money.

Important! If you intend to make a diet for yourself with a minimum amount of fat, but at the same time you want to have enough vitamin K2 in your body, seek help from a nutritionist. He will advise you on a list of foods rich in unsaturated fats, which are not so critical for weight loss.

Causes and symptoms of deficiency in the body

There are only two main reasons for the lack of menaquinone in the body, and the most common of them is alimentary. In fact, this means that due to the peculiarities of your diet, a sufficient amount of this substance simply does not enter the body. The second reason is related to the already mentioned genetic defect, due to which there is a difficulty in the synthesis of endogenous vitamin K2. It is also possible that some people experience vitamin deficiency symptoms due to dysbacteriosis, but this information is still being discussed in scientific circles and is not completely reliable.

The main symptoms of K2 deficiency in the body include manifestations associated with a violation of the integrity of the walls of blood vessels of varying severity. First of all, these include hemorrhages, bruises and hematomas, which appear throughout the body even with the slightest blow or excessively intense contact of a different nature. Of the less noticeable and more distant manifestations, it is worth noting the decrease in strength and thinning of bones and teeth.

Causes and symptoms of excess

An excess of menaquinone in the human body is extremely rare and is most often associated with the intake of fortified supplements in too large quantities. The manifestations of such an excess in the first place include excessive compaction of bone structures, as well as excessive calcification of blood vessels, due to which they become less plastic and mobile, which ultimately leads to their injuries.

When is an additional intake of synthetic vitamin K2 prescribed?

most main reason for the appointment of vitamin K2 is the detection in the patient of any disease associated with an endogenous violation of the synthesis of a substance in the human body or the inability to eat foods rich in it. First of all, hemophilia should be attributed to such diseases. In addition, prophylactic doses of menaquinone should be given to patients with bleeding tendencies of a different nature, as well as to those who cannot eat on their own (for example, patients in a coma, paralyzed people, people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, etc.).

Pharmaceutical preparations based on menaquinone

So, we hope that this article has helped you deal with all aspects of the use of such a substance as menaquinone that are of interest to you. Remember that the occurrence of spontaneous bleeding is an extremely serious symptom that can indicate many different pathological processes, so do not self-medicate when they occur and do not hesitate to consult a doctor. Be healthy!

Today, vitamin K2 is perhaps the most obscure vitamin. Moreover, even among doctors. For a long time it was believed that vitamin K2 is synthesized in sufficient quantities by intestinal bacteria, which means that its role in metabolic processes can be ignored. But it is already clear that vitamin K2 is an important nutrient for human health. And most likely, vitamin K2 will go down in history as the most underestimated vitamin in the twentieth century.

"Bloody" history of discovery

In the 1920s, while studying the role of cholesterol and its impact on health, the Danish biochemist and physiologist Henrik Dam observed a startling phenomenon. Chickens that "sat" on a low-fat diet after a while literally bled and died. That is, when food was cleansed of cholesterol, some other important substance that was responsible for the processes of blood clotting disappeared.

In parallel, the American biochemist Edward Doisy managed to isolate and determine the structure of this substance. It was a hitherto unknown molecule called vitamin K. In 1943 Henrik Dam and Edward Doisy were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for the discovery of vitamin K.

Surprisingly, for a very long time, the chicken experiment was the only way to determine the content of vitamin K in certain foods. The chicks were brought to the point of bleeding on a fat-free diet and then fed the study product. And already by the speed of stopping bleeding and the time of recovery, they judged the content of vitamin K in the product.

Later it was found that vitamin K is not one substance, but a whole group of molecules, on the one hand, similar in structure, but on the other hand, with different biological activity of molecules. The most studied representatives of the group to date are vitamin K1 - (phyloquinone) and vitamin K2 (menoquinone).

Vitamin K1 (phyloquinone)

Vitamin K2 (menoquinone)

green vegetables intestinal bacteria Fermented foods (cheese, yogurt, natto)

How does vitamin K work?

There are a number of important enzyme proteins in the human body, the activity of which directly depends on vitamin K. These are the so-called Gla proteins. The blood clotting factor is one of these proteins. If vitamin K is not enough, then Gla-radicals are not completely formed, as a result of which Gla-proteins do not fully perform their functions. That is why chickens deprived of vitamin K bled.

However, the blood clotting factor was far from being the only protein dependent on vitamin K. This means that the role of vitamin K should extend far beyond the antihemorrhagic function.

Scientists have found that cartilage ossification, bone deformation and the deposition of salts on the walls of blood vessels - all these processes are also regulated by Gla proteins. Only not all forms of vitamin K are capable of activating them. Thus, numerous studies have shown that the role of vitamin K1 is limited to blood coagulation processes. But on the other hand, a real sensation awaited scientists in relation to vitamin K2. The role of vitamin K2 in the human body turned out to be so phenomenal that today it is proposed to consider K1 and K2 as two completely different vitamins.

Vitamin K2 and its role in the body

Vitamin K2 protects bone tissue from destruction.

Vitamin K2 is an essential vitamin for bone health and strength. If a person is deficient in vitamin K2, levels of the vitamin K-dependent protein, osteocalcin, decrease, which in turn increases bone fragility. The risk of fractures increases, posture is disturbed, bone and joint pains appear.

The cumulative results of numerous studies have shown that vitamin K2 completely eliminates bone loss (and in some cases even increases it in patients with osteoporosis) and reduces the risk of fractures by up to 87%. At the same time, when taking vitamin K2, no side effects for several years.

Regular intake of vitamin K2 is especially relevant during the period of growing up of the body for the formation of a good peak bone mass, for women during menopause and people over 50 years of age to normalize the absorption of calcium.

It is worth noting that vitamin K2 was three times more effective than vitamin K1 in activating proteins responsible for normal skeletal metabolism.

Vitamin K2 prevents vascular calcification.

A huge risk of developing cardiovascular problems is the process of calcium deposition in soft tissues and organs - calcification. The elasticity of tissues is broken, they stop working normally. Stones are formed in the kidneys, the cartilage matrix is ​​covered limescale. And if calcium accumulates in the wall of a blood vessel or in myocardial tissue, atherosclerosis or cardiosclerosis develops.

There is a so-called "calcium paradox": where it is not needed (vessels) - there is a lot of calcium, and in the bones - where it is needed - it is not enough.

Studies show that vascular calcification can be prevented by regular intake of vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 regulates the activity of matrix Gla-protein (MGP), effectively preventing the formation of calcium crystals inside blood vessels.

A large epidemiological study conducted in the Netherlands between 1990 and 1993 showed that vitamin K2 supplementation reduced the risk of severe arterial calcification by 52%, the risk of coronary artery disease (CHD) by 41%, and the risk of cardiovascular mortality by 51%. At the same time, vitamin K1, unlike K2, had no effect on cardiovascular disease outcomes.

Vitamin K2 supports brain activity

Vitamin K2 is a necessary element for the synthesis of a very important family of lipids in the brain and nervous system, the so-called sphingolipids. Sphingolipids are critical in the formation of the myelin sheath of nerve fibers and act as signaling molecules for motor and cognitive behavior. Insufficient intake of vitamin K2 disrupts the regulation of sphingolipids and is a risk factor for the development of age-related cognitive impairment.

Moreover, regular intake of vitamin K2 can support the health of the nervous system as a whole. The fact is that vitamin K-dependent protein (Gas6) protects nerve cells from necrosis, participates in the division, growth and myelination of neurons throughout the central nervous system and maintains normal brain vascular function. Therefore, regular intake of vitamin K2 can significantly slow down age-related neurological degeneration.

Vitamin K2 and Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease is based on neuronal death associated with oxidative stress. Although vitamin K2 is not a direct antioxidant and is not on a par with substances such as vitamins A, E, C, selenium, vitamin K2 nevertheless helps to protect nerve cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. Research shows that high levels of vitamin K2 can slow down oxidative damage to neurons. But so far, there are no clear recommendations, and the study of this phenomenon continues.

Vitamin K2 and the liver

The hepatitis C virus often causes liver damage, leading to cirrhosis of the liver, and then to a fatal complication - hepatocarcinoma (liver cancer). In the course of many years of clinical studies conducted in Japan, it was shown that vitamin K2 reduces the risk of developing liver cancer by almost 10 times. Vitamin K2 is currently being tested along with other drugs to reduce the risk of liver cancer. And vitamin K2 is showing promising results.

Vitamin K2 and prostate cancer

A study of more than 11,000 men published by the European Prospective Study on Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) found that increased vitamin K2 intake can reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 35%. The scientists also noted that, unlike vitamin K2, vitamin K1 did not have any effects on prostate cancer.

Vitamin K2 and diabetes in the elderly

Studies show that the overall risk of diabetes in individuals with high levels of vitamin K2 is 51% lower than in those with low level. The researchers concluded that taking vitamin K2 with food reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

How Much Vitamin K Should You Consume?

There are norms for the consumption of vitamin K, adopted by the Ministry of Health. In Russia, they are for an adult: 100 mcg per day.

However, these figures were derived from the study of blood clotting proteins only and do not take into account the needs of other vitamin K-dependent proteins. Today there are serious reasons to revise the norms for the consumption of vitamin K2, since they do not reflect the real need for this unique vitamin.

According to various studies, for the effective functioning of all K-dependent proteins, it is necessary to consume from 200 to 500 micrograms of vitamin K2.

Today, preparations containing vitamin K2 can be purchased at pharmacies. For example, from the Lekolaik company. Taking alone or at the same time as any calcium supplement will improve calcium absorption and ensure proper metabolism. Namely, it will direct calcium to those places where it is really needed - bones and teeth, preventing its deposition in soft tissues, joints and vessel walls.

Vitamin K2, also called menaquinone, is important for the body of every person along with ascorbic acid, vitamin A, D, group B and others. Sufficient intake of K2 is required to regulate protein synthesis and material metabolism, but these are not all of its functions.

How does menaquinone work?

The most valuable mineral for the human body is calcium, which is indispensable for teeth and bones, and also involved in biological processes. The main function of vitamin K2 is to modify proteins to bind calcium. Unlike K1, which is responsible for physiological blood clotting, K2 activates proteins that regulate calcium deposition in the right places.

You don't need a reference to a study to understand that menaquinone is required for bone formation processes. According to statistics, sufficient consumption of animal products with K2 in the composition reduces the risk of bone fractures. Also, the substance is unique in that it promotes the production of osteocalcin protein, which is valuable for joints and the cardiovascular system.

Research shows that K2 is required for many of the body's natural functions:

  • regulates digestion;
  • prevents the appearance of malignant neoplasms;
  • supports the work of the liver;
  • manages oxidation and regeneration;
  • ensuring intracellular respiration.

Vitamin K2 is divided into two subcategories:

  • MK-4, found predominantly in egg yolks, butter, and animal foods;
  • MK-7 - present in fermented foods (sauerkraut or cucumbers).

In terms of usefulness, they are equal, so choose any source of this substance. There is also an opinion that with the additional intake of complexes with vitamin D, it is necessary to start additionally using K2 for better assimilation of the first component. For this reason, many pharmaceutical preparations contain a combination of these two useful substances.

The benefits of K2 for humans

Consumption of the vitamin prevents cardiovascular diseases, helps maintain the condition of the joints with bone tissues. In this regard, the substance is recommended for children and the elderly. K2 is involved in the natural process of blood clotting, therefore, accelerates the healing of scratches and wounds. For this reason, the largest number of products with menaquinone is recommended for people with ulcers, tuberculosis, or radiation sickness.

K2 promotes the removal of calcium deposits from the arteries, so that they do not thicken and the lumen does not narrow. Another discovery for scientists was the ability of menaquinone to slow down skin aging. In this regard, this component is especially important in the human body for skin lesions: dermatitis, psoriasis.

Doctors prescribe vitamin K2 to children with enamel hypoplasia. Hypoplasia is a state of metabolic disorders in the child's body, against which the teeth receive less proteins and minerals for growth and strength.

Daily Values ​​for Vitamin K2

As for the daily recommended amount of vitamin K2, it depends on the person's age. On average, it is determined at the rate of 1 μg per kilogram of weight. To obtain this vitamin in sufficient quantities in the diet, there should be enough suitable dishes or vitamin complexes. Thus, the daily dose of K2 is different for each person, and the table will help determine the approximate norms:

Note that in the intestines, under the influence of fats, the substance dissolves, so for its normal assimilation, it is necessary to combine the intake with non-fat food.

Danger of vitamin deficiency

Why do we need K2, what is the use of it and what is the consumption rate, we figured out, and now we will find out what a lack of vitamin can lead to. Deficiency of the substance contributes to the development of certain diseases and worsens overall health. In advanced cases, it comes to:

  • ZhUB (cholelithiasis);
  • inflammation of the liver;
  • tumors on the pancreas;
  • cirrhosis.

Menaquinone deficiency during pregnancy can be dangerous. This leads to increased bleeding during childbirth. There are also indications for the use of K2 by nursing mothers, since breast milk is the main source of vitamin for the baby.

Lack of the substance for a long time will reduce bone density and increase the risk of fractures. The cartilage will also begin to ossify, salts will accumulate on the surfaces of the vessels inside, and small internal bleeding will occur. Intestinal dysfunction due to hormonal abnormalities, diseases, and long-term use of antibiotics can lead to a deficiency. Vitamin-rich foods and complexes can reduce the risk of such conditions.

Signs of a lack of a substance

K2 deficiency has characteristics which you better know and remember. Among the main symptoms are:

  • increased nosebleeds;
  • impaired blood clotting and delayed healing of wounds, scratches and other damage to the skin;
  • deviations in the work of the intestine;
  • painful menstruation;
  • bleeding gums;
  • frequent retinal hemorrhages;
  • deterioration of the skin;
  • joint diseases;
  • feeling tired and tired.

Is excess dangerous?

We will soon find out where vitamin K2 is contained, but first we will determine whether an excess of a substance in the body is possible and is it dangerous? This occurs infrequently and usually in people who do not take into account the indications for the use of pharmacy complexes (there is an instruction for this).

Excessive concentration of vitamin K2 due to improper intake of drugs and complexes leads to an increase in blood clotting. This increases the risk of thrombosis in the vessels and causes cardiovascular disease.

There are contraindications to taking K2, including a previous stroke or cardiac arrest, a tendency to form blood clots, and taking blood thinners.

What products contain?

If you have a vitamin K2 deficiency with the corresponding signs, you need to take a special complex according to the instructions or indications of a doctor. In other cases, it is enough to include in the diet a number of products in which menaquinone is present. Most of it is in fermented soy, goose liver pate and Brie cheese. What other products contain K2 will help you understand a special table:

Pharmacy preparations

A substitute for a natural source of vitamin K2 from food is a pharmacy drug, which must be taken as prescribed by a doctor or according to instructions. The main thing is to take into account contraindications in order to avoid problems when using the complex.

Doctors prescribe pharmacy sources of menaquinone to newborns to prevent hemorrhage, adults and children to reduce blood loss during surgical operations, in order to prevent osteoporosis in the elderly. In every pharmacy you will find a suitable preparation containing vitamin K2. It is mainly produced in the form of tablets and capsules, sold under the following names:

  • Vita K2 - vitamin complex needed for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis, hemorrhage and a number of other disorders. The capsule contains 45 micrograms of K2, 5 micrograms of D3 and linseed oil.
  • Now Foods Vitamin K2 is an organic type supplement with menaquinone and alfalfa sprouts. Each capsule contains 100 mcg of K2 covering daily requirement adult person.
  • Vitamin K2 from Swanson. It is made from natto soybeans, so it has a more stable form of K2 (menaquinone MK-7). The capsule contains 50 micrograms of the substance. Doctors prescribe the drug to normalize the functions of the liver and heart, improve calcium absorption and strengthen the bone apparatus.
  • Viva-K2 is a drug from the Swiss manufacturer Dr. Duenner containing K2, D3, linseed oil. Prevents leaching of calcium from the bones, eliminates the destruction of bones and rickets in a child. Each tablet contains 45 micrograms of K2 and 5 micrograms of D3.

Before taking a complex of vitamins, it is better to consult a doctor for contraindications and recommended dosage. The doctor will ask questions about your usual diet and nutritional principles that you adhere to. Based on this, he will draw up a picture of the substances entering the body. useful substances in products. Additional tests may also be carried out confirming the deficiency of a certain component, including K2.

According to the instructions, all of the listed drugs and complexes are recommended to be taken after a meal or half an hour before it. You will find more precise information about the appropriate time to use K2 in the annotation from the package.

Why does the body need vitamin K2? As mentioned above, the main reason why you should not forget about this representative of group K is his ability to influence bone tissue. This is due to the fact that under the influence of vitamin K2 calcium is better absorbed.

Although this substance, like other representatives of the K-group, also affects blood clotting, its main task still concerns the bones.

For example, K2 promotes the synthesis of a number of protein structures, many of which are associated with bone tissue. These include, for example, osteocalcin, a non-collagenous substance that is extremely important for the formation of both bone and joint tissues.

In addition to protein, K2 also affects the production of enzyme structures such as prothrombin and proconvertin. All this makes this element extremely important in osteoporosis and other similar diseases.

Menaquinone is also involved in various other aspects of human health. Among them:

  • the condition of the teeth;
  • removal of excess deposited calcium;
  • normalization of the digestive tract;
  • help in the work of the heart and liver.

In addition, the substance is capable of:

  • slow down oncological diseases;
  • improve skin condition, slow down its aging;

Osteoclasts - cells big size that can destroy bone tissue by dissolving minerals and collagen. In the normal state, they simply clean the body of old, more unnecessary bone tissue, but their excessive presence can harm health. Fortunately, K2 prevents osteoclasts from appearing too much.


Although the substance is produced by bacteria in our intestines, it is important to get vitamin K2 in foods.

It can be found in:

  • goose pate,
  • cheeses,
  • eggs,
  • dairy products,
  • salami,
  • chicken,
  • beef,
  • sea ​​fish.

Plant sources of vitamin K2 are quite scarce. Vitamin in a minimal amount can be found in almost any vegetables, as well as oils. However, in such products the content of the substance is unlikely to exceed 1 gram, while, for example, 75 grams can be found in cheese.

The daily value of vitamin K2 is rarely considered separately, so it is best to know how much vitamin K is required in general.

The average normal amount of this element for a person is 120 micrograms. For newborns - 2 mcg, for older children - up to 55.

vitamin deficiency

If K2 entered the body not with food, but was produced by intestinal bacteria, then after that, due to bile, it will become a lipoprotein that will spread through the blood.

If a person does not have significant problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then, as a rule, he should not worry about a possible lack of K2.

There are a number of pathologies that can lead to deficiency. Among them:

  • liver disease,
  • hepatitis,
  • pancreatic cancer,
  • prolonged use of antibiotics;
  • damage to the gastrointestinal tract due to stress, malnutrition and endocrine diseases.

Symptoms of menaquinone deficiency:

  • gum disease,
  • fatigue,
  • menstrual pain,
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract,
  • deterioration in the condition of the skin and hair,
  • the appearance of bruises even with weak blows,
  • nosebleed,
  • joint pain,
  • inhibited tissue regeneration,
  • retinal damage.

With a prolonged deficiency, due to the inability of the described element to perform its functions, cartilage ossification, the appearance of significant salt deposits in the vessels and various pathologies associated with bone tissue are possible.

It is very important to avoid vitamin K2 deficiency during pregnancy, as this can lead to hemorrhagic problems in both the mother and her baby.


As is the case with many other vitamins, K2 overdose usually only happens if the person has taken drugs with this substance. Proper nutrition will help you not only avoid a deficiency of menaquinone, but also its excessive amount.

The intake of any drugs should always take place under the supervision of a physician, otherwise an overdose may occur. It can lead, in addition to nausea and dry skin, to a miscarriage. Be careful and buy vitamins in pharmacies only on prescription.


Preparations with vitamin K2 are prescribed for:

  • lack of substance;
  • taking steroids based on adrenal hormones;
  • pathologies of the mineral component of the bones;
  • osteoporosis and other similar diseases;
  • spinal injuries;
  • arthritis;
  • diabetes
  • endocrine diseases, diseases of the skin and gastrointestinal tract;
  • abdominal operations;
  • menopause;
  • pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • oncological diseases of the genital organs, brain and blood;
  • tuberculosis;
  • poor functioning of the immune system;
  • multiple sclerosis.

Even if there is no problem with vitamin K2 in the body, the bones cannot be healthy without calcium. For this reason, a calcium transactivator with vitamin D3 and K2 was created.

  • It helps calcium, obtained from both food and drugs, to be absorbed.
  • Promotes bone tissue regeneration.
  • Helps metabolism, prevents the formation of calcium plaques.

Due to its composition, the drug:

  • reduces the possibility of osteoporosis;
  • fights vitamin deficiency of both vitamin K2 and D3;
  • ensures the normal functioning of bone tissue, its density and mass.

Instructions for vitamin K2:

The drug is taken in a capsule up to two times a day. The duration of the course should not exceed one month. In just a year, it is worth conducting up to five courses of admission.


Solgar Super with Vitamin K2 is a product designed primarily to affect blood clotting. In addition, it contributes to normal bone density and improves the regenerative properties of the skin.

In addition to vitamin K, calcium is present in the composition. Take vitamin K2 tablets called Solgar once a day with meals. Preferably morning or afternoon. The minimum course duration is 1 month.

Dr. Mercola

It is believed that this vitamin K2 is good for the skin - it prevents its aging. In addition, like other products with this substance, Dr. Mercola is taken for bone health, heart health, and memory and immunity. The product also has antioxidant properties.

The drug belongs to the premium class, and, according to the manufacturer, is environmentally friendly both in the production process itself and in the ingredients used. In this regard, the price of such vitamin K2 is approximately 2000 rubles.

Capsules Mercola should be taken one per day, with food.

Swiss drug, produced in packs of 40 capsules. Contains K2, D3, flaxseed and sunflower oil. It is used to stop the process of calcium leaching from bone tissue, and also prevents its destruction.

Viva-K2 is a remedy for osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, fracture prevention. In addition to these pathologies, indications for use are:

  • tuberculosis,
  • problems with the immune system
  • diabetes,
  • psoriasis,
  • oncological diseases of the breast, ovaries, brain and blood,
  • pathology of the kidneys and respiratory tract.

The drug should not be used during pregnancy or lactation, as well as if individual intolerance to the ingredients is possible. Take one capsule per day for a month with plenty of water. The price of Vivasan is approximately 70 rubles.

Other medical preparations

  • Eurocaps LtD is a complex remedy for osteoporosis and atherosclerosis. It can act both as a medicine and a preventive effect. In addition to menaquinone, the composition contains vitamin D3 and linseed oil.
  • Now Foods is a dietary supplement with the most stable vitamin K2 compound. In addition to it, there is alfalfa in the composition. Each capsule is daily rate this element. It is used for problems with bones and blood clotting.
  • Swanson is made from the natto bean, the most vitamin K2-rich food. Like Now Foods, the K2 in these formulations is presented as MK-7. Swanson is prescribed, in addition to affecting the bones and blood, to normalize the activity of the heart and liver.
  • Jarrow Formulas contains only MK-7 Vitamin K2. It is used to increase the elasticity of blood vessels and improve bone density. Fights calcium deposits in capillaries.

Do not forget that it is always worth adjusting your diet and lifestyle first, and only then think about buying synthetic vitamins. Even if you still decide to take medications, first consult with specialists to avoid various possible complications. And now a little video about vitamin K2.

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And its useful properties.

Stay strong!

Artem and Elena Vasyukovich

Vitamin K2 (also known as menaquinone) is a fat-soluble compound of the K vitamins that is essential for maintaining normal protein synthesis and proper nutrient metabolism in the body.

This element was first isolated by American scientists Binkley and Doisy in 1939 from rotting fishmeal. Biochemists have found that the substance has an antihemorrhagic effect that is different from the functional properties previously obtained from alfalfa. The new substance was given the name K2.

Menaquinone plays an important role in human life support processes, as it potentiates the formation of new bone tissue cells, promotes absorption, and participates in blood coagulation reactions. Moreover, some protein structures of the body, in particular, elements located in the tissues of the heart and lungs, are synthesized only in the presence of vitamin K2. In view of this, the substance acts as an indispensable tool for osteoporosis in the elderly.

Physical and chemical properties

Vitamin K2 is a yellow crystalline powder, soluble in organic solvents (anhydrous ethanol, chloroform, benzene, ether) and practically insoluble in water. A feature of the nutrient is the ability to redox transformations: under the influence of hydrogen, it easily turns into colorless naphthohydroquinones, which, in the presence of oxygen, are again converted into colored quinones. The adsorption spectra of menaquinones and phylloquinones are similar, however, the former substances absorb ultraviolet radiation less intensively. Maxima of vitamin K2 in hexane lie at 243, 249, 260, 325 nanometers. At the same time, due to the sensitivity of the substance to ultraviolet, these absorption spectra rapidly disappear. To determine vitamin K2 in pure solutions, in 90% of cases, spectral analysis is used, and infrared spectroscopy is used to identify menaquinone homologues.

The antihemorrhagic nutrient belongs to the fat-soluble category of naphthoquinones. Among which, menaquinones are characterized by the longest half-life, due to the greater number of isoprenoid units in the side chain. For example, compounds of the MK-7 type circulate in the blood stream for 72 hours, as a result of which they have time to accumulate in the liver and spread to all organs, including bones and blood vessels (unlike vitamin K1).

The melting point of menaquinone is 53.5 - 54.5 degrees, which causes the instability of the compound in the external environment.

The structural formula of the substance is 2-methyl-3-difarnesyl-1,4-naphthoquinone.

Natural vitamins K2 and K1 can be modified into each other. Interestingly, in the body of birds and mammals, phylloquinones are converted into menaquinones.

Contraindications: predisposition to thrombosis, recent stroke or heart attack, heart failure, taking blood thinners.

Sources of menaquinone

Since vitamin K2 plays a key role in the human body: it participates in the mechanisms of blood clotting, the construction of bone and joint tissues, it is necessary to monitor the level of its intake with food weekly. Consider what foods contain vitamin K2 in its natural form.

Table No. 1 "Sources of natural menaquinone"
Product name The content of vitamin K2 in 100 grams of the product, micrograms
soy natto 875
Goose liver (pate) 370
Gouda or Brie cheese 270
Hard cheeses 75
Soft cheeses 55
Egg yolk 20 – 30
Cottage cheese 25
Butter 16
Chicken liver 14
salami sausage 9
Chicken breast 9
Chicken's leg 8,5
Ground beef 8
Bacon 5,5
Calf's liver 5
Sauerkraut 4,5
Whole milk (2 - 4% fat) 1
Salmon 0,6
flounder, sea bass 0,2
Egg white 0,2

In addition, natural vitamin K2 in small quantities (up to 1 gram per 100 grams of product) is present in almost all "green" vegetables (lettuce, parsley, avocado, kiwi, broccoli, spinach, nettle), vegetable oils (olive and soybean ), wheat bran, fish oil, cereals. However, the highest concentration of menaquinones in food, which contains milk and animal protein.

Acceptable Alternative natural source vitamin K2 is its pharmaceutical form. Drugs based on menaquinone are used to prevent hemorrhage in newborns, reduce blood loss before surgery, prevent osteoporosis in the elderly, reduce bleeding caused by the action medicines or poor plasma clotting.

Consider K2 - vitamin products:

  1. Vita K2 (Eurocaps Ltd) is a complex drug for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, hemorrhagic anomalies. One capsule contains nutrient K2 (45 micrograms), vitamin D 3 (5 micrograms), flax seed oil.
  2. Vitamin K2 (Now Foods) - Organic Menaquinone (MK-7) supplement with alfalfa sprouts. 1 capsule contains a daily dose of vitamin - 100 micrograms. The drug supports the health of the bone and coagulation systems of the body.
  3. Vitamin K2 (Swanson) is a single product derived from fermented natto soybeans. Contains the most stable form of menaquinone - MK - 7 (50 micrograms in 1 capsule). The tool is used to improve the functioning of the heart and liver, increase the absorption of calcium, strengthen the strength of bone and joint tissues.
  4. Vitamin K2 (Source Naturals) is a two-component organic dietary supplement containing vitamin K2 (MK-7) and cholecalciferol. The capsule contains 100 micrograms of MK - 7 and 400 IU of vitamin D 3. The American vitamin complex is an effective assistant in the fight against atherosclerosis, osteoporosis and osteomalacia.
  5. Vitamin K2 (Jarrow Formulas) is a pure menaquinone isolated from fermented soybeans. 1 capsule contains 90 micrograms of the active substance (MK - 7). This form of the compound is 10 times more effective than substances of group K1 obtained from spinach leaves. At the same time, MK - 7 maintains arterial elasticity of blood vessels, regulates bone density, and prevents calcium from sticking to the walls of the capillary bed.
  6. Viva-K2 - Vivasan (Dr. Duenner) - a Swiss drug based on vitamins K2, D3, flaxseed and. Regular intake of this remedy prevents leaching of calcium from the bones, destruction of bone tissue, the development of osteoporosis and rickets (in children). In addition, Viva-K2 helps to normalize the function thyroid gland, blood clotting, contractility of the heart muscle. 1 tablet contains 45 micrograms of vitamin K2 and 5 micrograms of cholecalciferol.
  7. Vitamin K2 (Dr. Mercola) is a premium supplement based on menaquinone-7 (150 micrograms per capsule). K-vitamin monopreparation strengthens bone tissue, regulates metabolism, improves memory, fights against premature skin aging, acts as a powerful antioxidant.

These drugs are included in the catalog of medicines with K-vitamin activity. If, while taking supplements, there is a need for anticoagulants, antibiotics, sulfonamides, or the use of large portions (about 2200 IU per day), you should consult a doctor, since these compounds inhibit the absorption of menaquinones in the intestine.

Vitamin K2 for osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disease caused by a decrease in bone mineralization, as a result of which bone fragility develops and the risk of fractures increases.

This process is triggered due to a violation of the absorption of the following most important "building materials" for the human body: calcium and osteocalcin. The latter, in turn, is a non-collagen protein that protects bones from damage.

Metabolism of calcium and osteocalcin occurs only in the presence of vitamin K2. Recent studies, in particular, experiments sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, indicate that pathological changes in bones begin at the nanostructural level. Biochemists have found that when falling, moving, or any impact on the bone, a pair of combined proteins (osteocalcin and osteopontin) is deformed, causing the appearance of a "hole" with a diameter of 450 - 500 atoms. These holes, called longitudinal stripes, are a protective reaction of the body, due to which the “repayment” of the force of movement occurs without the formation of large gaps. Thus, cracks and fractures occur only under the influence of too strong external influences.

Biochemists believe that an increase in the concentration of "building" proteins in the body will help prevent pathological changes in the structure of bone and dental tissues. However, the assimilation of these proteins is possible only after the introduction of a carboxyl group into the protein compound in the presence of vitamin K2 (in the carboxylation cycle). Therefore, when stimulating the synthesis of osteocalcin, it is advisable to increase the level of consumption of foods rich in menaquinone. This is evidenced by studies by Japanese biochemists (Kawasaki Medical School): scientists have identified the effect of fermented soybeans on bone strength and markers of bone metabolism in healthy women during menopause. The experiment involved seventy-three patients who were divided into four groups, depending on age and the number of births in history. Persons of the first category did not consume beans, women of the second group received a K-containing product once a month, in the diet of the third "community" soybeans were present once a week, in the menu of the fourth - three times in seven days.

The duration of the experiment stretched for a year. Throughout the study period, the patients were subjected to regular bone strength monitoring (ultrasound). In addition, 6 months after the start and immediately after the end of the trial, they were assessed for markers of bone metabolism. During the experiment, doctors recorded that in the fourth group of women, the level of bone-specific alkaline phosphatase was higher than in the third, and the degree of carboxylated osteocalcin was significantly lower compared to the first three. Doctors noted that the risk of reducing bone formation in the fourth group is two times less than in the first. Based on the data obtained, the scientists came to the conclusion that for older people, including postmenopausal women, it is advisable to consume foods rich in vitamin K2 three times a week to increase bone mineralization. In addition, for the prevention of osteoporosis, four times a year, take "menaquinone" complexes for 30 days.

So, vitamin K2 is one of the most important fat-soluble nutrients necessary for the full-fledged calcium metabolism and the synthesis of protein structures. Regular intake of natural menaquinone will help minimize the risk of osteoporosis of bones, cardiovascular pathologies, hemorrhagic abnormalities, bleeding gums. Along with this, compounds of the K2 group slow down skin aging, improving its appearance and preventing the appearance of wrinkles. Despite the fact that the vitamin can be produced independently in the small intestine, it is important to consume K-containing foods three times a week for preventive purposes. The largest amount of menaquinone in soybeans, meat and.

For the full absorption of vitamin K2, it is important to consume foods rich in this nutrient with healthy ones (for example, with 5 milliliters of olive oil).