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And in men, this form is much more pronounced (in social terms) character. A person with this diagnosis by hook or by crook is trying to get the attention of the environment. These are, as a rule, people who like to look colorful, while with a complete lack of a sense of style. During adolescence, a hysterical disorder can even "help" a young man to achieve success in any artistic or sports field, but success in itself does not play any role for a person; success should be followed by attention and respect, and if it is not there, then he will easily leave everything.

IN family life such a man constantly requires attention from his wife. If it is not enough, then the most different methods: from petty domestic disputes, to the formation of delirium of jealousy.

Moreover, needing to constantly feed his ego, such a person will seek admiration in the eyes of the environment, often such men are known as womanizers, flirting with all their acquaintances.

In terms of solving serious issues, it is unlikely that it will be possible to develop a joint solution, because giving up one's opinion for such a person is tantamount to suicide. Actually, if we talk about suicides, demonstrative suicides are also a method of pressure on the environment.

Schizoid psychopath

Such a man is literally the standard of helplessness. Absolute passivity, indecision, inability to make a decision and lack of self-confidence - these are the main features of the psychopathy of this form. To some extent, these are perfectionist men who diligently approach work, but quickly get tired and are literally constantly exhausted. Any physical and mental stress for them is a serious stress.

Dependent disorder is named due to the fact that such men constantly fall into dependence on the female figure, first - the mother, then - the wife. The latter constantly have to make their own decisions.

In family relationships, asthenics want to see in their wife a mother who takes care of them, but not a woman loved and equal to him. At the same time, dependent psychopaths will gladly take the niche of a subordinate in the family, and will skillfully portray sincere affection.

Dissocial psychopath

Other name - . In terms of social disapproval, this is the most dangerous disorder. Men with such a diagnosis, in principle, are not able to adhere to any moral framework. They do not know how to follow the established (and justified) order, they are also unable to limit themselves in some way.

They are easily capable of committing serious crimes, and they are also easily addicted to alcohol and drugs.

This category of psychopaths is not just aggressive, it is impulsive. Unreasonable risk, propensity to violence and cruelty accompany the lives of these people. It is this category of psychopaths that most often turns out to be the perpetrators of various crimes, accidents and incidents.

About correction

We talked in detail about the treatment of psychopathy in a special article. Here we will mention the main ones.

Firstly, psychopathy manifests itself already in early adolescence, and it is he who is optimal for correcting the disease. Secondly, it is impossible to completely get rid of the disease, but you can teach a person to control and understand their own characteristics.

The main treatment is aimed at "acquainting" the person with his diagnosis, teaching the person how to overcome certain pathological tendencies. In general, the goal of treatment is the socialization of the patient.

The main methods lie in line with psychotherapy: group work, family therapy, individual counseling and, of course, the cognitive-behavioral method.

Treatment with special drugs makes sense only with extreme aggressiveness, severe emotional disturbances (depression) and detailed delusional pictures.

Each drug, its dosage and combination with other drugs are selected strictly individually. The use of "word of mouth" is not only unacceptable, but also dangerous to health.

The prognosis for treatment is favorable, but you should not assume that even the most experienced psychotherapist will be able to save a person from his features.

Having met a psychopathic man, you may not even be aware of his psychopathological syndrome. At first glance, this person may seem adequate and healthy, but from time to time his mood can change dramatically and surprise you. Building relationships and a shared future with a male psychopath is incredibly difficult. Not every woman is able to withstand such a test.

Psychopathy is a serious disorder, so if you start dating a person who has symptoms of this pathology, it is worth visiting a doctor who studies such disorders with him.

What is psychopathy?

To understand how to recognize a male psychopath, we first need to define this rare disorder.

Psychopathy is a special pathological condition associated with a congenital inferiority of the individual, the inability to adapt to the world around him and interact normally with other people.

What is the essence of the problem?

The main problem of this disorder lies in the deficit of the emotional-volitional sphere and thinking, the immaturity of the psyche. Experts see the cause of psychopathy in disorders of nervous activity, which can be genetically determined or develop under the influence of adverse factors during intrauterine life.

What do the statistics say?

According to statistics, psychopathy is a rare psychopathological condition (approximately 9% of the world's population), which is most common in men. Scientists still do not know the reason why the representatives of the stronger half are more often born with such disorders. Nevertheless, experts have long identified the signs of a male psychopath, which can sometimes be calculated independently during prolonged communication with him.

Is it possible to recognize a psychopath in your man?

The disorder may not manifest itself in any way at the first meeting and even during subsequent meetings and dates with a male psychopath. He may appear to be a level-headed, reasonable and sane person with whom every woman would gladly build a relationship. Most often, the signs of a psychopath appear periodically, and a reason for their manifestation is far from always needed. Often, a male psychopath acts impulsively and inappropriately without any reason and under a variety of circumstances.

tendency to exaggerate

From the very first meeting, he pays a lot of attention to a woman, gives a lot of gifts and does not skimp on compliments. It may seem that he is trying to catch every glance of his beloved. IN in social networks he will send you poems and pictures, fill up the wall with declarations of love and openly demonstrate his affection and uncontrollable feelings for you.

Everything that the male psychopath says is presented in an exaggerated and often implausible form. The interlocutor may get the impression that he is an idle talker and likes to throw big words to the wind.

The emotions and frank confessions of a male psychopath raise suspicion of their insincerity. After each date with him, there may be a feeling of uncertainty about the seriousness of his words.

The desire to evoke an emotional response

You have only recently met him, but he is already trying to pity you with heartbreaking stories from his personal life, stories about how unhappy and suffering he is. This is one of the well-known tricks of the typical male psychopath: he aims to take “emotional power” over you so that you feel sympathy for him and empathize with all his problems. He wants you to feel sorry for him like a child.

Another variant of behavior is expressed aggression. A psychopathic man does not always show this in relationships with a woman, but in most cases he releases his unreasonable anger in order to see the emotional reaction of the people around him.

Inappropriate response to normal events

Sometimes he can behave strangely in typical life situations: push a stranger on public transport, raise his voice in a quiet place, or abruptly leave without saying goodbye to his companion. At first, this behavior can surprise and amuse. It will seem to you that you have met an interesting person, but soon you will be able to see that such inappropriate behavior is quite normal for him, but not for modern society.

tendency to provoke negative emotions

Men-psychopaths quite often like to provoke jealousy in their partner. At the same time, they can openly admit their feelings for other women, create the impression that he has a mistress, that he ex girlfriend constantly looking for an excuse to meet him. He can provoke not only jealousy, but also other negative feelings and emotions, put pressure on your conscience, even if he has no reason to do so.

Tendency to lie

Even if you uncovered his deception, he will never admit that he lied. No amount of evidence of his lies will help you convince him that he did wrong by deceiving you. Male psychopaths build almost their entire lives on lies and do not hesitate to openly lie in the face of their interlocutor. This is primarily due to the fact that they do not feel remorse. With psychopathy, it seems to turn off, not allowing you to experience natural feelings of remorse and awareness of your own mistake.

Unwillingness to accept criticism

Recognizing a male psychopath is not as difficult as it seems. One of his main features is the inability to perceive criticism addressed to him. Even the slightest remarks cause a storm of negative emotions in him. Rejection of criticism can manifest as anger, resentment, and mood swings. But most often he tries to transfer the blame to another person.

You accused him of infantility, then he will claim that he feels like a child next to you because of your behavior. You try to explain to him that he offends you with his words, then he will say that in fact it is you who offend him.

Psychopathy requires the help and supervision of a specialist. Do not try to solve this problem on your own: the expert will do everything possible to help you and your lover build a relationship and help the man own his own emotions.

When people hear the word "psychopathy", their brains draw scenes of violence and cruelty carried out by these same psychopaths. In fact, most psychopaths are not criminals. There are many gifted people among them - successful businessmen and talented scientists very often are just them. The only thing that separates psychopaths from ordinary people is complete absence moral feelings. They lack remorse, empathy and sympathy. And not because they specifically do not want to experience these feelings, but because they cannot, due to the structure of the psyche.

Varieties of psychopathy

There are 5 types of psychopathy:

  • Schizoid. Schizoid psychopaths are called "cold aristocrats." They are closed, live in their own world, have their own ideas and views, which often do not coincide with the public. Show their inner world in great movies and books. Schizoid psychopaths often become philosophers and artists. They are not prone to aggression. However, they are emotionally cold and unable to empathize, so their personal life is almost always unsettled.
  • hysterical. The purpose of the life of hysterical psychopaths is to be in the center of attention of others. For the sake of this, they go to deceit, fantasizing and inventing the most incredible stories. Their actions are theatrical and absurd. They do not pose a danger to others, but sooner or later hysterical psychopaths bother loved ones. Building relationships with hysterical men is a dangerous adventure.
  • excitable. The most dangerous kind of psychopathy. Excitable male psychopaths are characterized by increased irritability, fits of rage and prone to aggression. During "attacks" they lose control over themselves and can injure people around them. Often prone to gambling, drunkenness and other addictions. Associating (or even more so living) with excitable psychopaths is simply dangerous.
  • asthenic. Anxious people. Unsure of themselves, very dependent on ongoing events. Any more or less traumatic situation unsettles asthenic psychopaths. Men asthenic psychopaths are safe for society. However, very often nothing is achieved in life due to inconsistency of actions and weak concentration.
  • paranoid. This type of psychopath is characterized by obsessions. Such men have a narrow field of activity, which they are very passionate about. In a good case, these are talented musicians, mathematicians or programmers. In the bad - people who are carried away by absurd ideas. Often they fall into totalitarian sects and groups. In a normal society, most paranoid psychopaths do not take root, and their ideas are rejected. Then paranoid psychopaths become aggressive or withdraw into themselves.

Symptoms and characteristic signs of psychopathy in men

  1. Manipulation of other people's feelings and emotions. Close people feel it most acutely;
  2. Emotional coldness;
  3. Treason. For a psychopathic man, cheating on his wife is like having breakfast. The most amazing thing is that a man who has changed will not feel any remorse - he sincerely will not understand why his wife or girlfriend is upset;
  4. paralogical lies;
  5. Infantile and impulsive;
  6. Inability to experience deep feelings - love and responsibility for one's family;
  7. Tendency to addictions - alcoholism, gluttony and gambling.

How is psychopathy diagnosed?

As stated earlier, psychopaths are not schizophrenics and are quite aware of what they are doing. The exception is excitable psychopaths who are dangerous to society. In other cases, male psychopaths have excellent intelligence and succeed in their affairs. Therefore, the demand for them among women is quite present.

Problems begin when a psychopathic man enters into a relationship with a decent and normal woman. This is where they come out escapism, isolation, cold And infantilism. For women who suspect that their chosen one is a psychopath, we advise the following:

  1. If your husband/boyfriend is aggressive, manipulates your feelings or raises a hand against you, feel free to end the relationship without giving any chance for correction. Impulsive Psychopaths Don't Change, the structure of their personality is broken too much;
  2. If your husband/boyfriend is schizoid psychopath- overly passionate about work or a favorite thing and does not give you proper attention, you can try to help a person. It's great if your husband or boyfriend understands his problem. In this case, there is every chance of success.

Psychopathy treatment

Treatment depends on the type of psychopathy and how the patient relates to his disease:

  • If a person has excitable psychopathy and he got to the doctor after committing an unlawful act in a state of passion, then only a competent psychiatrist can help with registration. Excitable psychopathy requires pharmacological treatment to restrain a person in a state of passion;
  • If a person is adequate and understands his problem, then it will be required help of a qualified psychotherapist. The psychotherapist will look for an approach to a particular person. As practice shows, the most effective method treatment of psychopathy cognitive behavioral therapy. The psychopath is taught to control his thinking and emotions. In the case of the severity of schizoid and neurotic traits, pharmacology can be prescribed.

Psychopathy in men is a syndrome characterized by reduced ability to empathize, sympathy, showing love and compassion. It is pointless to accuse a particular person of coldness, infantilism and obsession with oneself, since this is a mental defect acquired in childhood. Psychopathy can and should be corrected by a competent psychotherapist. It all starts with understanding your problem.

Men come to my appointment exhausted by relationships with hysterical wives and women exhausted by psychopathic husbands. My clients are wonderful people: kind, gentle, caring, sympathetic, responsible, etc. In dealing with them, I involuntarily had a question: “Where do you find them, where do you get them from?”

I set off in search of an answer and found that the number of psychopaths in modern society is growing.

There are 8 obvious reasons:

1. Watching cartoons with scenes of violence and deviant behavior. A child under 7 years old does not have critical thinking skills, he perceives behavior patterns as acceptable in his life and imitates his favorite characters.

2. Teens' interest in computer games with violence, brutality and murder. The law of feelings states that even in a fictional (virtual) situation, a person experiences real bodily feelings. A teenager, playing violent games, regularly trains in aggressive behavior, he will be prone to violence and cruelty.

3. Lack of a healthy home climate. Children grow up imitating others, so parents pass on psychopathic behavior patterns to them.

4. Lack of quality relationships in the family. In close, sincere and trusting relationships in a person's life, there are no psychological problems. basis psychological problem constitutes a violation of interpersonal communication.

5. A social environment that shapes malignant courage. In a certain society, vulnerability, vulnerability, the need for close and sincere relationships are considered weaknesses. Such character traits as attentiveness, kindness and caring are condemned.

6. Mass fatherlessness. A study led by Gabriella Gobbi at Canada's McGill University argues that being raised without a father leads to increased aggressiveness and abnormal ways of interacting with others.

Fatherlessness is not only the complete absence of a father, when a mother raises a child alone, but also a “dead” father. In fact, dad can even live in the same apartment with children, but at the same time be removed from education, not participate in the lives of his children (alcoholics, drug addicts, workaholics, and dads who are so carried away by sorting out relations with their spouses that they forgot about children) .

On the other hand, a child may not have a physical father, but a grandfather, uncle or older brother takes care of him, giving the baby a masculine upbringing and models of healthy behavior.

7. The inability to create your own results in life leads to an unmet need for strength. Lack of understanding of their needs and ignorance of socially acceptable ways to satisfy them leads to disastrous consequences.

8. Ignorance of the signs of psychopathy leads to the fact that people easily enter into love and marriage relationships with a psychopath. In these relationships, children appear who adopt patterns of abusive behavior. So statistics say that a psychologically healthy man has an average of two children, and a psychopathic man - four children in the general population.

What to do? First, be able to discern psychopathic behavior in “nice” people.

Psychopathic personality traits:

1. Impulsivity.

Impulsivity is considered an instantaneous rash action. But it's not. Psychopathy is not a disease and not a violation of the functions of the cerebral cortex. Psychopathy is a chosen model of behavior that allows you to get what you want no matter what and in spite of everything.

Here, by impulsiveness I mean the absence of fear of the consequences of one's actions and the absence of internal restrictions on immoral and criminal behavior.

2. Aggressiveness.

Violent behavior intended to harm someone or something. If a child tortures animals, mocks insects, hurts those who are weaker or helpless; breaks, damages and sets fire to objects, then urgently take measures to correct behavior.

The psychopath takes pleasure in seeing another person suffer and takes every opportunity to cause pain or harm.

3. Ruthlessness.

Psychopaths lack empathy, they are not able to put themselves in the place of another person and show sympathy.

4. Dishonesty.

Psychopaths always cheat. In the web of their stories, it is easy to get so confused that you no longer understand where the truth is and where the fiction is. Do not try to figure it out, most likely there is no truth at all (no matter how realistic the story looks).

5. Self-centeredness.

It is typical for the thinking of an 8-10 year old child. If the personality does not develop, then the person “gets stuck” at this age, not realizing that the people around him have their own feelings, desires and needs.

6. Failure to care for others.

Every normally developing child at the age of 6-7 has a need to take care of others. He seeks to take care of his mother, father or grandmother, asks to give birth to a brother or sister, buy a dog or cat. Parents do not always recognize this need and support its development.

Cruel or indifferent treatment of a child in the family leads to the fact that this need is not formed or is lost. In modern society, aimed at material success and commodity-money relations, people no longer feel like a person, but more often perceive themselves and others as a means or tool to achieve certain goals.

7. Failure to comply with the created agreements.

The life principle of a psychopath: either in my opinion or not at all.

8. Craving for thrills and risk.

Psychopaths use situations to feel like they're on a razor's edge or on the crest of a wave. Hysteria, scandal, the ability to unbalance a loved one or drive him into a frenzy gives them a sense of omnipotence and superiority over the victim.

9. Disrespect for other people's work, values, personality and human life.

A psychopath easily spoils someone else's property, solves his problems at the expense and to the detriment of others, does not value relationships, health or life of loved ones.

10. As a rule, a psychopath has a bad relationship with relatives, colleagues, no real friends.

Secondly, understand that psychopathy is not a disease!

A psychopath has strong mental health and achieves his goals in any way, up to the physical destruction (murder) of a loved one. To do this, he is capable not only of spontaneous hysterical behavior, blackmail and manipulation, but also of well-thought-out schemes for destroying obstacles to the desired.

Thirdly, psychopathy is a way to satisfy the need for strength. The psychopath, torturing and torturing the victim, feels great pleasure from his superiority. Control over a weak partner gives a sense of significance, up to omnipotence. For the manifestation of psychopathic behavior, the belief in one's own safety and impunity is important.


1. If you find yourself in a relationship with a psychopath, end the relationship as soon as possible. It is impossible to treat his behavior condescendingly or philosophically, indulgence and resistance to a psychopath can end in disaster.

Your desire to protect yourself by involving third parties (parents, friends, police) will turn into the other side of the coin: the psychopath will build a situational plan in which you will be to blame (incited, provoked an "innocent person" to harm you).

2. If you are still choosing a life partner, be vigilant and do not let money, attractive appearance or wonderful sex close your eyes.

3. If you saw in yourself the features of a psychopathic personality and wish to live in love, harmony, mutual understanding, then you can change your behavior! Psychopathy is not a sentence, it's a lifestyle.