How to make a guy love you even more. Ways to make a guy fall in love with you

How to make a guy love you. We adopt experience

And even on the on the On our site, we have already theorized many times on the topic "How to make a guy love you." This time we will try not to repeat the hackneyed truths that you need to look good, appear spectacular, be organic, moderately inaccessible, etc. etc. You have probably already learned them by heart, and due to the wide distribution, these rules work every other time.

Today I want to offer you some practical tricks that my friends and I have tested on our own experience. They work. The main thing is to apply them wisely, with a sense of proportion, and to men of a certain type.

Tatiana's method. Sharp minus

If a guy does not respond to your extraordinary attractiveness and charm, intelligence and talents, despite the fact that you have demonstrated them repeatedly, it's time to resort to the method of my classmate Tatyana. I personally saw how she used it, and he acted flawlessly. In short, its essence is to stepping on the throat of pride, begin to intensively care for the guy, despite his coldness, endure the time, and then abruptly stop your advances.

In our student company, Igor was considered handsome. Tanya immediately liked him, and she immediately tried to attract his attention - she sang beautifully with a guitar, told funny stories, pampered our hungry team with various delicious pastries. Igor remained indifferent. Then we all began to notice with surprise that Tanya was practically running after Igor. He invites him to various events, regularly calls him, showers him with compliments, offers help. Sometimes it seemed to us that she had become his ponytail, and he accepted this care with disdainful indulgence.

And suddenly, after a couple of months, these “pas” stop abruptly. “Here she was - and no!” Igor was at first wary, and then even scared. How is it, he was sure that this girl would not go anywhere from him, and then she disappeared. Why? Out of love? Him so beautiful! Or maybe, God forbid, fell in love with another? All these throwings were easily read on the guy's face when he asked us about Tanya? And then she appeared and walked past with her head held high. This defile finally unsettled Igor, and he rushed to sort things out with her.

I don’t know how the conversation ended, but since then neither she, but he followed her like a tail. This was not the only case when Tanya made a guy fall in love with herself using the “sharp minus” method, and he worked. However, it is applicable only with brutal handsome men. It is unlikely to work on modest and notorious young men. Although, how do you know?

Tamara method. Reflection

Tamara read this way to make a guy fall in love with herself in Tracy Cabot's book "The Way to a Man's Heart" and immediately took it into service. His task is to inspire a man with the illusion that you are his man, his like-minded person, his reflection. That you are on the same wavelength. The method works simply, the main thing is not to lose a sense of proportion. If you start dressing in the style of the guy who you like it, carefully copy his demeanor, style of speech, manner of holding, sitting and standing, then the man will subconsciously feel trust when communicating with you. He will seem to communicate with himself, with his reflection, and it is well known that there are few men who do not love themselves. Automatically this love spread and on you.

I personally observed how Tamara, in a conversation with a man, imperceptibly took his pose. He is leg by leg. She too. He leans forward, she follows him. The principle of operation of the method of reflection of the method is hidden somewhere in the depths of the subconscious. However, the reception works almost flawlessly. If you don’t succeed in instantly falling in love with a guy, then he is guaranteed to feel deep sympathy for you.

Marina method. Hunting

This method to make a guy fall in love with himself is pretty common. It is well known that all men are hunters, but there are also women hunters. My colleague Marina is one of them. To get the attention of a man, she surrounded herself with his potential competitors. Sometimes it turned out naturally, because she is a bright girl, but more often artificially. She carefully organized the appearance that a train of admirers was constantly trailing behind her. Naturally, in front of the victim. Her chosen one instinctively joined his rivals in pursuit of prey. He had no idea that they were carefully trained colleagues, neighbors, friends and former classmates.

Even when Marina sought mutual love, she did not finally dissolve her male train home. You have to keep your lover in suspense. This method of making a man fall in love with himself works with almost all representatives of the strong half of humanity, with the exception of terribly notorious ones.

Personal experience. Operating method

I will never tire of repeating the proven personal experience truth: "The more a person has done for you, the more he is attached to you" How can you not love someone in whom you have invested so much effort, money or feelings. To make a guy fall in love using this method, you need to start with an innocent request. Naturally, you need to know in advance that he will cope with it. Help to carry, repair, nail, carry out, etc. etc. There are many options. We are always very disposed to those whom we have done good and helped.

Once I broke my leg and asked the guy to give me a ride to the emergency room. Naturally, he could not leave me there, he sat in line with me and then took me to the hospital and went to visit quite often. He already felt responsible for me on the first day. Then, of course, I fell in love. After all, I was living proof of his kindness and nobility.

One day, quite a long time I had an affair with a guy who I met near the train when I asked them to bring heavy suitcases to the metro for me. Word by word, he brought them to my apartment and then met and escorted me so that I would not go alone in the evenings. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it. Need to look like exploiter slaves, but weak, fragile and tender "

How to make a guy fall in love is of interest to a huge number of girls. We all strive to find our soul mate in this world and live happily ever after with it. But, alas, it is not always possible to get what you want. Before you ask yourself how to make a guy fall in love, you need to understand that you are unlikely to be able to force it. If you absolutely do not fit his type and do not correspond to the ideas of what kind of girl should be next to him, then there is no need to start a fight. After all, the bitterness of defeat can be unbearable. But if a girl at one fine moment realized that she fell in love with handsome guy, but he remains cold and impregnable, you need to start acting. No need to rush, carefully consider each step. After all, it is still not known for certain why guys fall in love. Love in general is beyond logic, stereotypes and public opinion.

If you do not know how to make a guy fall in love, first of all, make sure that he pays attention to you. Perhaps, while he simply does not see you, therefore he is not able to appreciate you. Make sure that he pays attention to you, and then try to impress him with your originality and dissimilarity to others. Many guys complain that all girls are the same - stupid and empty dolls who are not interested in anything other than glossy magazines, fashion hangouts and money. But you're different, right? You should try to behave naturally and not go too far, pretending to be who knows what.

Girls who are interested in how to make a guy fall in love should understand that, contrary to popular belief, guys really appreciate the mind in their chosen one. Intelligence must be shown in moderation, as tediousness can repel a man. You can talk about art, movies, religion, philosophy, weather, sports, and so on. If a guy has a very narrow circle of interests, which is limited to the nearest pub and a game of billiards with friends, then perhaps you need to think about whether it is worth trying to make him fall in love with you, it’s probably better to look for someone more worthy of your beauty and mind.

If you are interested in how to make a guy fall in love, then it's time to take care of your own appearance. Of course, intelligence and sociability are good, but appearance Girls play a huge role for any man. You must take care of yourself, keep your hair, nails, skin in order, and most importantly, periodically critically evaluate your wardrobe. Many people think that guys are absolutely ignorant of fashion and pay little attention to girls' clothes. In fact, they see the big picture, which should look sexy, attractive and elegant. Wide hoodies and old, washed out, stretched things are unlikely to look appetizing on you.

Always show interest in the affairs and hobbies of the guy. Men love it when they pay more attention than girlfriends or shopping trips. Perhaps a guy will fall in love with you if you help him cope with a difficult life situation or problem. Remember that he must feel your sincerity, and falsehood is simply unacceptable in such cases.

Stop trying to make yourself into a person that you really are not. All the same, it is impossible to play any role for a long time. The guy should love you the way you are inside, with relatives, friends and loved ones. In addition, if you want to know the answer to the question of how to make a guy fall in love, remember - you can not impose. So you can push a person away and he will be lost to you forever. For men, there is nothing worse than obsessive women. Be self-confident, moderately mysterious and persistent, interesting and try to arrange everything in such a way that the guy later thinks that he himself made a choice.

“Authentic and true love is so rare that when you encounter it in any form, this wonderful thing must be cherished by all. accessible ways". — Gwendolyn Christie

We all talk about love and how we felt it in a certain moment your life, but what is the exact definition of love?

In the words of scientist, psychologist, and author, Ph.D. Todd B. Kashdan, “Love is a state of being in which the other person’s interests, values, social connections, and finances become a part of your life, and you share them in the same way. people and their resources. Love does not mean that you give up everything personal for the sake of another person. Rather, it is when you have enough trust to give him the keys to everything that you yourself have access to.

Gaining that special trust from another person can be difficult. You want to show him that you are everything he dreamed of, but how to do it? Actresses in romantic comedies have been doing this for ages, but the real world is not the same. There are a few important things to always remember if you want to make a guy fall in love with you. And if you take the right steps, you will definitely succeed.

Here are fifteen steps that will make any man lose his head in love with you ...

1. Be yourself

Clinical psychologist Merry Lin writes in her book The Fully Lived, “The biggest mistake in life is believing that if you let people know who you really are, they won't like you. The stereotypes that sit in your head are telling you that if people really find out what is going on inside you, they will lose respect for you. As you play different roles, change the masks you have to wear and hide your pain... tension builds up in you, which makes you keep pretending that all this together is you.

Therefore, no advice will help you if you do not become yourself! After all, you want the guy to fall in love with you, not with the one you play. So, step out of someone else's image and just be who you are.

2. How to look your best

You don't have to go on a diet or change your hairstyle to look your best. All you need to do is highlight your best features and make sure you look great. Your beauty is unique and does not need any changes.

3. Learn to listen

Good communication skills are not just about being able to speak interestingly. It is also the ability to listen carefully.

Writer and journalist Irma Kurtz wrote: “No matter how bad things get, give your partner a chance to have their say. We tend to form an opinion before we hear each other. Do not shout, be calm: this is of great importance. Many issues can be resolved simply by learning to listen.”

Men have a lot to say, and when you show that you're willing to listen, they'll be more open about what matters.

4. Laughter

Laughter has been proven to be contagious. That is, when you laugh, you activate chemical processes in the brain of a guy that make him feel good. And this can be very effective. If you're trying to get some guy's attention, then laughter is The best way.

5. Be positive

Critical people are more likely to be gloomy than cheerful. The ability to treat well even what you don’t like is extremely attractive and charming. The guy will definitely like your ability to save positive attitude.

“Besides, by taking care of what interests you personally, you bring positivity to your relationship at the same time. The other person begins to relate to you differently - without thinking that all your energy is directed to your own life, ”says coach and health author Susan Byali.

6. Be kind

We all have the opportunity to show our greed, but there is no reason to do so! Turn off the part of your brain that wants to be greedy and try to be kind instead. Any guy will find it attractive. After all, flies are more likely to fly on honey than on vinegar.

7. Flirt

If you want a guy to fall in love with you, then you need to show that you care about him too! And the best way to do this is to flirt.

“When it comes to flirting, it’s a way of thinking. It is the ability to say to yourself: “I like them! I want them to be pleased, and I do this through compliments. I let them know that I like them”… You can play with your hair, but if you don’t radiate warmth or even make eye contact with them, it doesn’t mean anything,” says relationship expert and TV presenter Rachel Deolto.

Guys are more attracted to girls who show interest in them. Plus, flirting is a fun way to get to know someone better.

8. Be different

Being yourself is a great way to be different from everyone. It may seem that all guys like girls of the same type, but this is not so. If you allow yourself to be different and swim against the current instead of going with everyone else, the good guys will notice. And they will be in love with all your unique differences.

9. Be witty

You don't have to agree with everything he says and always agree with him. There is nothing wrong with friendly arguments and challenges to each other. The ability to be witty and express your views will only make the guy fall in love with you even more.

10. Physical contacts

Physical contact doesn't always have to be initiated by guys. In fact, many guys like it when a woman hugs him first.

“Very often, over time, people become more shy around their loved ones. Express your "sexual respect" by making certain sexual practices regular. This will keep your relationship alive and sexy,” says licensed sex therapist and sex therapist Sari Cooper.

Initiate physical contact yourself, and he will want you even more.

11. Don't stifle his freedom

It may seem very tempting to spend every moment of your life together, but remember that everyone needs some time alone. Giving a guy the opportunity to be alone with you, you get the confidence that in the end he will always come back to you. If you prove that you are not the type of woman who clings to everything, he will be ready to admit that you are right.

12. Let him call you

If you want to talk to him or have something to say, then calling yourself is fine! Quite normal! But sometimes a guy needs to feel like he's taking the first step. So even if you're dying to pick up the phone, let him call you. He will be delighted with how happy you are to hear his voice, and fall even more in love with you.

13. Make eye contact

“An oncoming look and a smile is all you need! Three to four seconds of eye contact, plus a smile, and you're in gold. Most guys like to weigh their odds of success, and these non-verbal cues let them know that the odds are in their favor,” Deolto adds.

If you're trying to get a guy to fall for you, make sure you give him frequent glances. He will more and more feel the connection between you, even if you do not know each other yet.

14. Don't despair

Cool down! Relax! Don't think that your whole life depends on these relationships. Remember that you have your own friends and personal hobbies. It’s nice to meet a guy, and to establish a life together with him is even better. But if you feel desperate, it will put an end to any further relationship.

15. Be reliable

According to love and marriage experts Charles D. Schmitz and Elizabeth A. Schmitz, “Trust is not where everything starts.” love relationship... But one thing is certain: the foundation of all happy and successful marriages is trust. Trust is so tightly integrated into everyday life that it does not even cause reflection. He is always expected. And it always is. It's part of the relationship."

Be a reliable partner and keep your secrets. If he can trust you, there will be no problems in your love.


The ability to attract a guy you like is largely about being yourself and showing off your positive side, and not about different tricks. As long as you are sure that you are good and good person, you are attractive to any guy you like.

We girls run in love, and they often trample. Of course, you want the feeling, high and light, like a starched pillowcase, born in your friend in the very first seconds of your acquaintance, to gush further and stronger. But men are different creatures, in which, if we sit back, the opposite happens. At first they flare up like a peat bog in the heat, and then they begin to “smolder”, like an unextinguished cigarette in a clogged ashtray. But our happiness is that this trouble is fixable, you just need to know how.

MEN (like us) are divided into types, and this is one of the clues. You can’t approach them the same way, they don’t have the same face, like chicken eggs. Only one thing, except for sexual characteristics, unites them - the structure of the brain (read: thinking) and some psychological and natural features, typically male, from which there is no escape.

So, first about the general for all, then by types. In the end, we will understand how to teach him to love himself. Not forever, so long!

First. Honestly, it was asked to write: “All men are bastards!” You understand… But no, not all. And not bastards, but just different. This is important to recognize, then it will be easier to look through the eyelashes at many male actions. The book that Bridget Jones read, studying the world of relationships, was called: "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus." In general, the way it is. Our left, emotional-intuitive hemisphere of the brain is more involved, they have a logical-effectively insensitive right. Is it any wonder then that “these goats” shed tears only from toothache and migraines, you can’t get an affectionate word out of them, and they are almost devoid of romantic fantasy (or fantasy romance - it doesn’t matter).

Second. Based on the first one, you need to know that men do not have a developed “center of Love”. That's the secret! They do not know how to love, as we do, with an open heart and a fire-breathing (what a horror!) soul. Such outbreaks are found only in rare males, romantics, who are becoming less and less on the planet, like Panda bears in the Red Book, or among the “blue”. All the other "machos", even the middle class, are crying "for love", unless the woman with whom everything was "not bad" and habitually says: "I'm leaving." The instinct of a hunter is triggered, from whose hands the victim swims away (like a roe deer, on which a minute ago lay the paw of a lion that had caught up with it). "My! It's a pity! The other one will get it, ”shouts the wounded male pride. Then everything calms down. Either he will be able to return it, or another “roe deer” meets on his way. And nothing - no one's body in the loop, as promised by the hero, is not found.

And even if a man "seems to love", his love is different. Many women are not satisfied because they do not know about this difference. For a man, for example, it is quite natural to completely forget about you for several hours, even if he is very passionate about you.

But! Unable to experience love on its own, a man is susceptible to female manipulations that can awaken in him the ability to feel. And those ladies who build relationships on the principle are wrong: “After all, I love you, so you must ... Conquer the whole world for me, and I will appreciate it. And love me, love! All this works wonderfully, but only after you show him love, but in a cunning, unobtrusive way. It's not he "should", but you "should", because you love - you. Remember the principle: "What's in me, that's outside." For a man to love you back, you need to become attractive, interesting, necessary for him. It's simple. You just need to give up the idea of ​​having it.

Begin follows from work on oneself. Not a single man in the world needs a sad (even if sometimes), offended, thoughtful, angry, teaching him how to live, finding fault with trifles, pestering, demanding endless attention (etc.) beloved. You need to gather your will, look at yourself from the outside, evaluate your behavior and become (so far only in his presence, at least) cheerful, smiling, not annoying him with your small problems (large ones you can even ask him to solve) and any good. But not a complaisant Darling, but the most desirable woman, worthy of his delights and exploits.

It is necessary to try only for the sake of worthwhile specimens. Scumbags, maniacs, chronic alcoholics and gigolos do not interest us.

In order for him to reach out to you, you need:

Rejoice at every meeting with him;

Praise in many ways, make compliments, men are more susceptible to this trick than we are. But don't overdo it. Sometimes it is worth entering the role of a silent "observer" so that he misses sweet speeches;

Become sexually sensual and attractive. If a woman wants to keep a man, she must give him such a variety in bed that he could not get anywhere;

In every possible way to show that he is the sexiest;

Demonstrate, but infrequently, their independence from him;

Give him (and at the same time yourself) the right to personal freedom. It works the same for all men. Nothing keeps you from going “to the left” like the feeling that you are not being kept “on a leash”, but they are not putting it on yourself either;

Try to look the way he likes (well, or almost so, without completely infringing on his tastes): clothes, hairstyle, makeup, figure.

These rules are for everyone. And with individual "breeds" you will have to behave a little differently.

"Mama's Boys"

Men, reverently raised in a family without a father, require special attention. Therefore, if you fell in love with “sissy”, you will also need to “turn on mommy” in yourself. But, if you yourself are a “daughter” in life, then it will become flour for you later. If you are ready to conquer the territory, then pay attention to the following.

“Sons” love it when all domestic and domestic problems are solved for them. And got used to the order. You will have to learn how to cook like his mother or grandmother, meekly collect socks around the house for him and make Solomon's decisions even for joint leisure. But, knowing that only you have a wild imagination, a patient disposition and the ability to “correctly” bake pies, it will be yours.


Alas, most of us must win over and over again the person we love. And even the "romantics" need to evoke love, as for the first time. True, with this type it is a little easier than with others. They, these "mammoths" from love, often speak the same language with us. Often these are people of creative professions. They are emotional (sometimes even too much), so they will have to learn to write poetry (and, possibly, prose), to be patient with their spiritual outpourings for any reason, both at work and in any life situations. It means being a listener.

As for no one else, it will be necessary to invent various "forms of communication and manifestation of feelings." "Holiday" is loved by all men, with the exception, perhaps, of the scientific "crackers", just "romantics" are especially sensitive to them. For example, you can invite him to the roof in the summer ... to have dinner. Of course, by preparing the most intricate sandwiches and snacks. These sensual guys, unlike most of their counterparts, sometimes love women's tears, they like to pity and sympathize, they can even cry for company. But they cannot stand authoritarianism, aggression, monotony and boredom. For example, if you are an inveterate tidying up, demanding from the threshold that guests put their shoes “in a row”, then the shoes of the “romance” that is not amenable to discipline will soon cease to appear in your house at all.


These include those who cannot imagine their life without round-the-clock vigorous activity, in any sense careerists. They can be representatives of business, politics, education, medicine. And among them, of course, there are "sons" and "romantics", but even on them the way of life imposes a stamp of restraint. These men are dedicated, but it is from them, oddly enough, that you can get more sense. Because most of them perceive a woman as a Woman, and not as a Mother or Muse, and even worse, a friend-familiar. The situation is worse with those “businessmen” for whom a Woman is a creature standing lower than a man who must stay at home and raise children. It is difficult to “re-educate” such people even with the help of the above wisdom and tricks. And is it worth trying if it's not for you?

But the best representatives of "business crackers" are the best at "games" like "deliberate retreat and again offered bait." With them, at times, a delicate calculation is carried out, helping to maintain love, when not “stockings and garters” are used in the bedroom. Knowledge of his interests, tastes, the desire to always be on top externally and internally, unobtrusiveness, lightness, freedom and passion - this is how the fire is maintained in the "furnace" of the "business". Then, after tasting this hybrid, he will want to give himself, invest, and, of course, love. In my own way.

And further. If suddenly all the efforts made were unsuccessful, you should not blame yourself and be sad for a long time. So, someone better is waiting for you .. It is important not to delay the period of such an experiment, in order to avoid love torment. But more on that next time.

Helpful Hints

How to arrange the object of sympathy that interests you?

Of course, only the most femme fatale or a real witch can make any man fall in love with her.

But if that same spark has already flared up between two people, you can try to ignite the fire of love and passion from it.

And this is where the right strategy is important.

A man cannot be forced to love himself, but if he already likes you, you can increase this sympathy, thanks to some female tricks and simple psychological tricks.

Here are 11 PSYCHOLOGICAL Tricks that will surely help you get the man of your dreams:

How to get a man

1. Ask him for a favor

© Kzenon

Research shows that people tend to show sympathy for those whom they have helped or rendered some kind of service, even if they initially did not like this person.

Perhaps this is because we subconsciously believe that this person will do the same for us.

This psychological moment is also known as the Benjamin Franklin effect, since it was he who discovered this strange psychological trick.

2. Compliment him in moderation

© fizkes / Getty Images

Most guys don't get compliments as often as women do. But they also like it when they are praised and told nice things to them. Therefore, as a rule, they are led to any pleasant things that the opposite sex tells them.

The only problem is that compliments lose their value if they are spoken too often.

Therefore, pronounce them in doses, a maximum of one per day.

3. Make eye contact a little longer than usual.

© oneclearvision / Getty Images

Eyes can make a person fall in love. And this is true.

Numerous studies have shown that prolonged eye contact makes it possible for a man to show sympathy and fall in love with you, even if this woman is not the ideal that the man initially aspired to.

4. Call him by his first name

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Our names, spoken by others, are music to our ears.

When we are called by name, it flatters our consciousness and involuntarily disposes to the person who pronounces the name.

According to research, the regular use of a man's name in a conversation good way charm him and bring him closer.

How to charm a man

5. Display his gestures

© Denisfilm/Getty Images

One of the most common ways people show connection to someone is by mimicking their gestures.

This simple trick really works. A person on a subconscious level perceives another person better if their gestures are similar.

Psychologists note that it is possible to create a closer connection by copying the gestures of a person, even if these gestures are reproduced completely consciously.

6. Don't be afraid to show him your flaws.

© Liderina/Getty Images

Many women want to hide their flaws in order to look perfect in the eyes of a potential partner.

Thus, they expect to attract a man.

Although you definitely don't need to immediately reveal all your flaws, it's still worth showing him that you are an ordinary person with your own weaknesses and shortcomings. And that's completely normal.

So he will understand that you are a real woman, not an artificial doll.

7. Expect good things from him.

© DragonImages

Psychologists call the moment when we form expectations and project them onto a person the Pygmalion effect.

If you think a person is a clown or a fool, that is exactly what he will behave. With your expectations, you push him to certain actions and actions.

On a subconscious level, you lay down a person's behavior towards you and others.

Therefore, expect him to be kind and sweet to you, and believe me, that is exactly what he will be.

8. Let him talk about himself.

© JackF / Getty Images

People love to talk about themselves.

We and our life is a favorite topic, even if we are not natural narcissists.

By asking him questions about himself, about what he is interested in in life, what he likes and what not, you make him open up to you.

This psychological trick helps a potential partner begin to feel sympathy for you and may even fall in love.

9. Know how to enjoy life without him

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Despite the fact that men like to feel important and significant, none of them will like it if a woman makes him the center of her universe.

Only a tyrant and an insecure person will like this.

Operate from the opposite: show the man that you are not a desperate woman, not an obsessive, but a completely independent person who can perfectly live without a man.

woman leading active life always attracts the opposite sex.

And a man should just be a pleasant bonus in her life, but certainly not its most important constituent element.