We cut out a wooden spoon with our own hands. DIY wooden spoon Production of wooden spoons

In everyday life, all people use spoons, perhaps except for representatives of some Asian countries who prefer wooden sticks. And when the question arises in choosing this cutlery, many, without much hesitation, go to the store and buy them, focusing on their taste and budget.

A wooden spoon most often has a decorative function, but can also be used for its intended purpose.

Increasingly, people are attracted to wooden utensils, they have a special flavor and it is very pleasant to eat from them. This article will discuss how to make a wooden spoon with your own hands, without much experience and with a minimum number of tools.

Required tool

First you need to decide what should be at hand for the manufacture of wooden spoons:

  • Bar- not all breeds are equally good for making spoons, it is best to use aspen, birch, cedar or juniper. The log itself should be well dried;
  • Marker- or a pencil, it will be needed to mark the contours of the future spoon on the workpiece;
  • Axe- it is best to take a small hatchet, with its help the initial preparation of the bar is carried out;
  • Knife- should be comfortable and sharp, it will be needed for finer processing of the workpiece;
  • Clucars- a special figured chisel, it is distinguished by a modified shape of the working tip. For the manufacture of do-it-yourself spoons, cranberries with an arcuate tip are used;
  • Sandpaper- for polishing a spoon;
  • Flax oil– coating with linseed oil will serve as protection against the negative effects of water;
  • Drill- a special spherical nozzle for grinding rounded surfaces is sold on it. You can also use a drill to drill a hole for a hook in the handle of a spoon.

DIY step-by-step instructions for making a wooden spoon

Choice of wood

In order for the spoon to be comfortable and practical, it is important to choose the right type of wood. You should stop your look at hardwoods so that the future spoon lasts longer.

For a spoon, you should choose cedar, aspen or juniper.

An ideal option would be a pre-prepared and dried birch or aspen log. If you make a spoon out of raw wood, then over time it will bend.

Preparation for work

In order to make a wooden spoon with your own hands, drawings and templates for its manufacture should be prepared in advance. Clarity of the process is the key to success in any business.

The place for hand made wooden spoons must be freed from unnecessary items, leaving only the necessary.

Workpiece characteristics

When making a wooden spoon from a bar, it should be remembered that it must be of a certain size. For a tablespoon, a bar measuring 300x100x60 mm will fit, where the first digit is the length, the second is the width, the third is the thickness.

If you are using a log, then cut it in half and approximate it to the dimensions above.


Using a marker or pencil, draw the outlines of the future spoon well according to the template. There are many options, although you can come up with them yourself.

Primary processing

With a hatchet, chop off excess wood around the drawn contours of the spoon. Process the workpiece without reaching the edges of the spoon outlined with a marker about 8-10 mm. This step is due to the fact that the fibers of the tree can be twisted after drying, and you will chip off the excess, thereby ruining the workpiece.

Cut the workpiece a little more than the markup, taking into account the final grinding of the product.

It is important to observe safety precautions! Working with an ax in the process of making spoons with your own hands is the most dangerous, carelessness can lead to injury. Watch your fingers before the ax strike!

At the same time, try not to make a margin of more than 1 cm, the process of processing with a knife is more laborious. The more accurately you prepare the workpiece with a hatchet. The less work there is.

Cavity in a spoon

Arm yourself with cranberries and without a hammer, and relying only on the strength of your hands, begin to gradually choose a "hole" in the workpiece. For more accurate work, it is better to draw the wall thickness. From the best masters self made the walls are very thin, 4-5mm thick, if this is your first work, then it is better not to risk it and make the walls 7-8mm. You should go deeper, focusing on your own preferences and the thickness of the workpiece.

If there is not enough imagination, then you can draw a circle of the recess by making a template taken from the finished wooden spoon. You can see the solution in the video attached to the post.

Knife processing

Secondary processing will give the wooden spoon almost final view. The knife should have a short but sharp blade. Carefully cut off any excess. As mentioned above, you can give the shape of a wooden spoon whatever you want, only the imagination and abilities of your hands will become a limitation.

Comment! If you make a spoon with your own hands in nature for urgent purposes, then processing with a knife will be quite enough, eating an ear from roughly processed dishes is even more pleasant.

Many people make the mistake of cutting wood by pointing a knife at extra sections and hitting it with a hammer. This is not worth doing, because of the same twisted fibers. By doing this, you run the risk of ruining the spoon.

The recess in the spoon is most convenient to “choose” with cranberries.

The shape of the handle can also be any, if you want to make a set of wooden spoons, then all typical elements should be in equal proportions, especially handles. To do this, draw templates or download drawings from the Internet. Though handmade original template will please the eye much more.

Processing the back of a wooden spoon is one of the most crucial moments. Many amateurs, when making their first sample by hand, try to make the spoon too elegant and remove the extra layer in the process of processing.

Important to remember! Wood is a specific material, it is heterogeneous, knots can be found in it, or there may be hidden cavities. When cutting the back side with a knife, be very careful, you can ruin the spoon in the final stage of processing.

Interior surface treatment

For this, a special nozzle on a drill is best suited, they are different. The essence of processing is to grind the concave surface of the spoon without damaging it.

If you do not have a round nozzle, you can replace it with a rubber one with a mount for a sandpaper petal. But in this case, be very careful during the grinding process, you can’t put pressure on the drill, otherwise the fastening bolt, located in the middle of this nozzle, may leave deep grooves on the surface of the spoon.

To fix the spoon should be placed in a vise, holding it in your hands is very dangerous, because the drill can come off and injure you. But it is necessary to fix it with the help of gaskets, this will avoid damage to the surface of the spoon with the vise jaws.

Spoon grinding

One of the most enjoyable processes in making a spoon with your own hands. If you have little experience in working with wood, most likely after processing with a knife, the spoon remained far from ideal. Sandpaper grades from P240 to P280 will help remove irregularities; it is ideal for working with hardwoods.

Grinding is the final stage of manufacturing, performed with sandpaper.

Finer grinding should be done with grades P400 - P600, with their help you can prepare the surface for painting or varnishing.

Water protection

A handmade wooden spoon will serve its owner for a long time if he takes care of its protection from water in a timely manner.

As you know, when regularly wet, wood deteriorates! A variety of oils are used for coating, linseed, tung and others. The choice lies with the manufacturer.

Processing a spoon with oil is not difficult at all, especially if you have made a hole in its handle. In this case, you can completely process the spoon suspended by the hook. After drying, apply another layer of oil on its surface.

We hope the question of how to make a wooden spoon with your own hands is completely settled. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this process, and perhaps making wooden utensils will become your new hobby.

Video: do-it-yourself wooden spoon

Making wooden spoons is a simple and exciting process that allows you to touch the centuries-old traditions of arts and crafts. To create such products, you will need a minimum of tools and materials. Making spoons with your own hands is a great opportunity to hone basic carving skills and get a better feel for how wood and carving tools behave. You can experiment with the shape and size of the spoon, as well as the design of its handle, creating a unique utensil that is not only decorative, but also functional.

In our material, we will tell you in detail how to make a spoon with your own hands, introduce you to the basic carving techniques and answer current questions regarding the manufacture of wooden utensils.

What are wooden spoons made of?

What wood is best for carving wooden utensils? This important question worries all novice carvers. For cutting spoons best fit blanks from hard, but not prickly hardwood - aspen, ash, maple, birch, elm, walnut, cherry or maple.

Beginner carvers it is better to use lime. This wood is softer and lighter, has a uniform density and is well planed in all directions. For gaining experience and practicing basic carving skills, this is the most suitable material. Among other things, linden products are not prone to warping and do not emit tannins.

Coniferous trees unsuitable for the manufacture of spoons because of its high resin content and characteristic odor. Also avoid exotic tropical woods such as teak, which can be toxic.

As a blank, you can use planks or split the whole deck-ridge into small pieces. The first option is more practical, the second is more traditional. The orientation of the wood fibers in the blank determines the symmetry of the pattern of the bowl of the spoon, as shown in the photo.

A set of basic tools

To make a wooden spoon with your own hands, you will need a minimum set of simple tools:

  1. Knife. For wood carving, it is better to use the Bogorodsk knife. Its two-sided sharpening makes it equally convenient to work both “on your own” and “on yourself”, and a narrow nose makes it possible to cut wood along internal lines.
  2. Spoon cutter (staple). This is a chisel with a sharp bend, designed for scraping wood in recesses and processing the inner walls when carving dishes. An alternative to a spoon cutter can be a wide cranberry or an ordinary semicircular chisel.
  3. straight chisel- used for even cutting of solid wood from the workpiece.
  4. Clamp- necessary for convenient fixation of a piece of wood.
  5. File for roughing and sanding paper of different grits (320, 180 and 120 grit) for perfect sanding of the product.
  6. Stichel- a thin steel cutter, for creating decorative carvings on the handle.

How to carve a wooden spoon: step by step guide

  1. Using the template, transfer the drawing of the top and side views to the wooden blank. Please note that the orientation of the wood fibers is longitudinal, in this case the spoon will have maximum strength.

  1. Having fixed the workpiece with a clamp, proceed to the rough formation of the bowl. For these purposes, a spoon cutter is used, but you can also confine yourself to an ordinary semicircular chisel or a wide cranberry. Wood is sampled in the direction of the fibers. When deepening the bowl, do not forget that you need to leave a small thickness allowance for fine trimming and grinding.

It is much more convenient to gouge a bowl on a rectangular workpiece, since the piece of wood is rigidly fixed and maintains a stable position.

  1. When the recess is formed, you can start cutting off the excess array in the horizontal and vertical plane, following the top and side contours. To do this, it is most convenient to use a jigsaw or band saw, but if you wish, you can perform all the manipulations with a straight chisel or a hacksaw.

  1. Using a Bogorodsk knife, we cut off the convex part of the spoon. With a wide chisel, we give the bowl a perfectly even rounded shape. With the help of a knife and a chisel, we work out the shape of the handle.

  1. Using a spoon cutter, finish trimming the bowl and carefully align its edges, as shown in the picture.

  1. Grinding is carried out in two or three passes, each time reducing the grain size of the abrasive.


When in contact with water, even a perfectly sanded surface can begin to pile. Raised pile does not spoil appearance spoons, but unpleasantly felt in the mouth. Therefore, if you plan to use your own hand-made dishes for their intended purpose, you can solve this problem in the old proven way. After grinding, the spoon is wetted and thoroughly dried, passing again with a fine-grained abrasive. This procedure is repeated two or three times.

Our version of making a spoon is more of an adapted technique. It is designed to use a modern tool, which, although it simplifies the workflow, but at the same time moves away from the age-old traditions of carving art.

The secrets of the original Russian carving of a wooden spoon - see the video below:

How to cover a wooden spoon for food?

The final touch of creating a wooden spoon is its processing with a finishing compound. And here, as a rule, many questions arise. If you cut out a decorative spoon, then everything is simple: it can be painted with paint, applied with any varnish or waxed. With products that are planned to be used for their intended purpose, everything is more complicated. When choosing a composition for impregnation, it is important that it be practical and safe.

In the Russian tradition, they used and continue to use for processing wooden spoons. This impregnation is environmentally friendly, has antibacterial properties, emphasizes the texture of wood, and is easy to apply. But it will have to be updated periodically. At the same time, using raw linseed oil over time, it can begin to impart an unpleasant rancid odor to the food.

More practical solution is the use of special mineral oils for finishing wooden utensils. Such impregnation gives the surface water-repellent properties, while it does not form a film - the pores remain open and the wood continues to breathe. Mineral oils do not affect the taste of food and are more persistent.

We spoke in detail about the practicality and food safety of finishing compounds in ours.

Spoons - very ancient cutlery, without which even today no family in the whole world can do. The history of the wooden spoon dates back to the Paleolithic era. It was then that people began to use small pieces of found wooden fragments to scoop up liquid food. V Ancient Russia and the Scandinavian countries took root precisely spoons. They, like other dishes, were made of wood. The first mention of this cutlery is found in the Tale of Bygone Years, in the description of the feast of Prince Vladimir, and is dated 996. They were made from different types of wood: birch, aspen and maple.


Wooden cutlery is still very convenient in everyday life today - they are very well suited for mixing hot food and cooking it in dishes with non-stick coating. Do not forget also that wood is an environmentally friendly, inexpensive and common material. Often the handles of spoons are decorated with paintings. The carving can be primitive, or it can represent a whole work of art.

And this is not all its advantages, because in our country wooden spoons are an original musical instrument. Traditions of playing on it have deep roots. People have long noticed that if you lightly hit these objects against each other, you can hear a very pleasant clear sound. Nowadays, this cutlery occupies an important place among the percussions in any Russian folk orchestra. Spoon ensembles and skillful soloists make a great impression on the audience.


You can make wooden spoons yourself. This will require a small set of basic tools and material. Before starting work, you need to prepare the following items:

  • Axe.
  • Hand saw.
  • File for wood.
  • Rounded chisel.
  • Rasp.
  • Sandpaper of different calibers.
  • Pencil.
  • Dry wood.

When choosing a material, it is better to dwell on such species as linden, aspen, alder, birch. They are well and easily processed and do not lint when used. For comparison: a wooden spoon made of oak with your own hands will crack, and an ash one will release villi. Conifers are not used for the manufacture of items that come into contact with food, because due to resins, dishes will acquire a bitter taste.

Step-by-step instruction

The selected piece of log must be sawn or cut in half with an ax. On the flat side, the outline of the upcoming product is outlined with a pencil. Then the unnecessary sections are removed with a saw. With the help of an ax, the outer rounded part should first be shaped. It is also necessary to cut a layer of wood to create the desired angle between the scoop and the handle. The place of their connection should be rounded off with a file.

The next step is sanding. To remove rough elements, you can use coarse sandpaper. And in order for a wooden spoon (it’s not so difficult to make it with your own hands) to be more pleasant to the touch, you need to complete the process with a “zero”. For greater convenience, we wrap the stick in the grinding element.

Next, you should start cutting out the recess. With the help of a chisel, small pieces of wood are scraped out of the workpiece. Be sure to monitor the thickness so that it does not turn out too small. Next, you need to clean the wood. To do this, you can attach two strips of sandpaper to a stick with a rounded end, placing them crosswise. After finishing work, finished wooden spoons can be soaked in vegetable oil. To improve the absorption process, the liquid is heated.

Mass production

Nowadays, wooden utensils are experiencing a new peak in popularity. The gaze of people is drawn to these kitchen elements due to their natural origin. Individual enthusiasts or entire communities even form eco-villages, in addition, people try to change plastic utensils for wooden spoons and plates. Therefore, whole sets turned on machine tools began to enjoy great popularity.

For the manufacture of dishes in large volumes, turning equipment, chisels, cutters, spoon knives, brushes with steel pile and much more are used. All this resembles tools for homework, only inventory for working in a factory is more professional. If the manufacture of wooden spoons went without flaws, then the product will be very convenient to use.


Often, wooden dishes are decorated. It can be both a simple pattern and intricate patterns. It all depends on the skill and desire of the master. If a person has little experience in creating ornaments, then you can turn to specialized sites. They contain a wide range of materials of varying complexity.

If you know that the work will be limited to one or two products, then it makes no sense to purchase a lot of different tools. Using improvised means, you can also decorate wooden spoons. Photodemonstrate various devices for professionals. These are kosyachki knives, flat, angular and semicircular chisels, kluzars, jigsaw, rasps. However, a sharpened knife will suffice for a simple pattern. It is better if the blade is short and wide.

A pencil drawing is applied to the raw handle (if geometric, then using a ruler) or an ornament is copied from tracing paper. Most often, the thread has a triangular recess. In order to perform it, you need to draw two auxiliary lines on the sides of the main line of the drawing, indicating the width of the cut. First, the main strip is cut strictly vertically. Then the knife is attached to the side marks and cuts are made at an angle of 45 degrees. The procedure is then repeated on the opposite side. The cut wood itself should come out of the resulting groove.

If the pattern is more ornate, then it is performed with the same grooves, but less deep. The main incision is made along the marking line. To perform side cuts, it is not necessary to draw auxiliary contours. Small fluctuations in the shape of the groove are allowed to emphasize the relief of the image.


Like many other things, in our time, dishes are often a souvenir. Spoons and plates can be covered with traditional paintings or intricate carvings, which often deteriorate with frequent use in everyday life. To give durability to the drawing, the painted souvenirs are covered with varnishes. However, such products are not recommended for use in cooking or eating. Their function is completely different - they are exclusively souvenirs and decor items.

In the age of impersonal mass production, you want to have something truly unique in your home.

Taking the size of the spoon

In order to make your own spoon, it is not necessary to determine the parameters of the future product and make scrupulous calculations. It is enough to put a spoon, taken as a sample, on a piece of wood prepared in advance and circle around the contour. Then we cut out the resulting shape and circle it again, but already on the end side. Thus, we get a blank for further processing.

Grinding a wooden spoon

You need to feel like Michelangelo - and act according to his principle: "I take a block of marble and cut off everything superfluous from it." Picking up a chisel or grinding tools, carefully remove everything superfluous from a piece of wood, from time to time comparing the resulting product with the original.

When forming a “scoop”, it is better to use a drill prepared in advance with grinding nozzles or a slumber. This part of the work is quite difficult, requiring a lot of patience.

Bringing it to perfection

Having obtained the desired shape, we process the spoon with sandpaper, starting with a grain size of 100 and ending with 150. We carefully go through every centimeter of the surface, remembering that the attractiveness of the finished thing largely depends on this work.

Finishing the wooden spoon

Now you need to wash the spoon and let it dry. Further, depending on whether it is planned to use the spoon as an accessory or as a cutlery, we cover it with varnish or linseed oil. Sometimes craftsmen use sea buckthorn oil, but it is reliably known that since ancient times in Russia all wooden utensils were soaked with linseed oil.

How to make a wooden spoon with your own hands: photo

As a sample, you can take any spoon you like the shape.

  1. We circle the sample along the contour and cut out the workpiece.
  2. We circle and cut the workpiece from the end.
  3. For rough processing, you can use an electric sharpener.
  4. Finished with sandpaper.

To make a wooden spoon you will need

  • Spoon - sample for measuring
  • A piece of wood of the appropriate size
  • Band saw or jigsaw
  • Chisels
  • Sanding paper in various grit sizes
  • Device for mechanical grinding (nozzles for a drill or dremel. electric sharpener)
  • A lot of patience

DIY wooden spoon: video

© Vadim Lipatov, Moscow

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The process of making a spoon is simple and unchanged for many centuries.

There is enough information about the spoon business, both in carving textbooks and on the Internet.
However, we can't help but highlight how we make our spoons.

The description of this process will be a kind of "master class" for those who have never made spoons themselves, but want to try to learn how to do it.

So, we choose the material. In our choice of material for spoons, we have so far settled on linden (very soft and pleasant wood for carving) and birch (harder, harder to cut, but very beautiful glossy cut and expressive texture). Spoons can be made from different types of wood, be it oak, alder, cedar, beech, juniper, bird cherry, apple tree, etc. Each breed is good in its own way. Some spoons are very light, some are stronger, some are more fragrant. The choice is yours.
Our blanks are dry linden or birch sticks 5 cm by 2.5 cm and 24 cm long (this is for a large spoon) and 17 cm (for a child's one). On them we apply with a pencil a drawing-outline of the future spoon.

After that, we cut off everything superfluous with an ax, first in one plane, then in another. Here is a nuance. You can do this right away with a knife, but the process will be physically more time-consuming. The ax is faster and more efficient. The more we process with an ax, the less effort there is to refine with a knife.

With a knife we ​​bring the future spoon to an almost full-fledged look (the same rule - the better we bring it with a knife, the less grinding).

The next step is to choose "scooped". It is important not to overdo it here. If you choose too deep (beginner's mistake), then after grinding the walls of the "scoop" will turn out to be too thin, and this will reduce the durability of the spoon.

Well, here is a spoon, only unpolished. If you wish, you can even eat this, but we go further. We grind in several stages. First with large sandpaper, then medium, then fine and finally superfine. The most difficult thing is the scoop, so the purer it is chosen, the easier it is. Here it is, a beautiful, completely ready-to-use, little white spoon. It is not for nothing that spoons at this stage are called “underwear”.
When we started carving spoons. we immediately planned that this work would not become routine, but be as creative as possible, so we began to make our spoons as some kind of carved miniatures. To do this, a drawing is applied to the finished polished spoon (here the imagination is limitless at the level of skill) and cut out. It makes no sense to describe the carving process, since this is a separate topic.
Each spoon has its own style, its own image. And accordingly, various types of carving: embossed, planar, geometric, ornaments, mini sculptures, etc. It depends on the type of carving, respectively, on the image of the spoon itself, whether to grind the carved elements or not. Sometimes you need gloss, and sometimes you want to see, on the carving, traces of how the master's knife was wielding.
Well, now the "Starodubovskaya Spoon" is ready. Now she began her own life, given to her. It remains to be treated with oil.

We take linseed oil, heat it slightly and put a spoon there. After soaking for a short time, dry. Some of the villi on it rear up. All this is polished. The last stage, in its effectiveness, is rather relative. Non-oiled spoons serve just as reliably (if the material is dry), with the only difference being that at first use they are rougher, but even this is polished over time by the very process of use. So if someone likes pure white spoons, they can safely use them (by ordering untreated with oil in advance).