How to quickly remove pits from cherries manually. Proven ways to quickly remove pits from cherries without a machine

Simple items that every housewife has will help remove cherry pits. It is important that this item has a kind of loop at the end. For example, pins or hairpins easily cope with this task. To do this, you need to insert its end into the berry in the place where the stalk was, pick up the bone and remove it from the berry. As a rule, after a few minutes of training, the process becomes clear, and the berries are cleaned quickly and naturally. With the same success, you can use steel wire, looped at the end. The disadvantage of manual removal of seeds is that the berries lose a lot of juice, and it is difficult to wash your hands after such an activity.

Folk craftsmen also use a straw for cocktails, punching the berries in the middle so that the bone pops out from reverse side. However, this process requires skill. Before you learn it neatly and quickly, you will have to spoil more than one berry.

To remove the stones, you can adapt a peeler with a device for peeling potato eyes at the end. At the same time, the berry, most often, loses its integrity, but it is quite suitable for making jams and as a filling for a pie.

An interesting invention is the removal of the bone with the help of small scissors. At their end is tweezers with thick edges. It is necessary to introduce it into the berry, grab the bone and pull it out, slightly scrolling for minimal loss of juice.

Automated pitting

On sale there are devices for removing seeds from berries and fruits. Among them you can find specialized devices for both small berries, such as cherries and sweet cherries, as well as for larger fruits - plums, etc. The devices are similar in operation. The essence of the process lies in the fact that the berry, placed on the cell allotted for it, breaks through with a knitting needle. different kind tips. At the same time, some manufacturers have provided for the presence of containers for automatic feeding of berries and receivers for peeled berries, so the juice loss in this case is minimal, and the process is fast and very accurate. There is even an option to remove pits from frozen berries. For cafes, restaurants and small bakeries, industrial devices have been created that allow cleaning up to 90 kg of cherries per hour. They can also be used in everyday life, if the territory allows, because such a design takes up quite a lot of space.

Cherry is one of the most unpretentious berries. From childhood, everyone knows the taste of jam and refreshing compote. Everyone remembers how they helped their grandmother or mother to take out the bones from the berries. This long and tedious procedure plays an important role, since the bone contains a poisonous substance, the excess of which can cause health problems.

The harmful product begins to stand out from the bone after a year of conservation storage. Thus, if the bones are not pulled out, then compote or jam should not be stored for a long time.

How to manually remove bones

To remove pits from cherries, both improvised means and specialized devices are used. But most often the ancient method of cleansing by hand is used. The technology is simple, the berry is clamped with the thumb, index and middle fingers. After that, the nail of the thumb should pry off the bone. It is necessary to push out the seed at the point of attachment of the stem. This requires some skill, after a few attempts the bones will quickly fly out.

In addition, when peeling cherries manually, you can apply the following method. The berry must be slightly torn at the base, and get close to the bone with your finger, taking it out.

Manual pitting has the disadvantage of being difficult to wash hands. Burgundy berry coating is absorbed deep into the skin. To get rid of traces of cherries, you can use soda, a brush and laundry soap.

Many housewives use a safety pin or hairpin to clean berries. To do this, insert a cherry into the loop of the hairpin from the side of the stem attachment, pick up the seed and separate it from the soft part. If there was no hairpin at hand, then you can use an ordinary paper clip, and act on the same principle.

You can also use matches. To do this, you need to stick two matches into the cherry, squeeze it firmly on both sides of the bone and pull it out by picking it up.

There is a technology that uses a cocktail straw. The berry should be punched from the center so that the bone appears on the opposite side of the tube. This method requires some skill.

How to quickly pull out the bones

To peel cherries when making dumplings, you can slowly test the listed methods, but if you need to remove a large number of seeds, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with faster options.

An excellent way to quickly eliminate the bones is to use scissor tweezers for eyebrows. To do this, grab the bone and drag it up, twisting it a little. With practice, you can clean up in a short time right amount berries.

It is easy to get the pits by pressing on the cherries with your thumb and forefinger. In this case, you should not pinch the place of attachment of the stalk, because the bone should pop out from there. The downside of the process is that splashes can scatter, so it is recommended to put on an apron and cover the table with oilcloth.

In addition, the bones are removed with wooden sticks or knitting needles. To do this, you need to press on the berry at the point of attachment of the stalk, and the bone will pop out from the opposite side. In this case, there is also a large loss of juice.

Each hostess determines a method convenient for her and adapts, since a lot of cherries are required for canning. Some options will help to quickly peel ripe or small fruits, others will allow you to remove the stones from medium-sized cherries.

Cherry pitting devices

For high-quality cleansing of berries, you can purchase a special machine for removing pits from cherries. The device is designed to facilitate the monotonous process. This device is able to cope with a large volume of berries in a short time. Such a mechanical device will be a great help when you need to peel a lot of cherries.

The principle of operation of the machine is that the cherries are laid in large batches, cleaned, and the finished berries go down the groove, falling into the substituted container. And the bones are collected inside the device.

The positive characteristics include the fact that the hands remain clean, the loss of juice is completely insignificant, a large volume of cherries is cleared in a short time. The downside is that often the berries must be shifted manually by opening the machine. In addition, the cherry is pierced through. Some silicone elements of the device jump off from time to time, stopping the work. Sometimes processed berries may remain unpeeled.

No less famous is such a device as a stone remover. The berry is placed in the groove, after which the lever should be lowered, and the bone is pushed out. This process is much faster than manual. Negative indicators: each cherry must be placed with particular accuracy in the separator, hands get dirty during work, juice is lost.

If at least once in your life you went through harvesting cherries with cherries for the future or using berries for making desserts, pies, then the question probably arose of how easy it is to peel cherries from stones so that save time, energy and get the desired result. After all, I want the berry to lose less juice and not be too deformed.

Why are pits removed from cherries and cherries

The stone from the cherry is removed for various reasons. Firstly, in order to fully enjoy a delicious pie or cherry jam. Just imagine how uncomfortable and unaesthetic it would be if we began to take out the bones while eating (spit them out or removed them with our hands).

Secondly, the drupe of the berry contains very harmful hydrocyanic acid, which is poisonous. Toxic substances can cause food poisoning if ingested in sufficient quantities.

Thirdly, compote or jam preparation made from peeled cherries is stored longer. The longer the shelf life, the more toxins will be released from the drupes. Rolling with a bone can be stored for no more than a year, without it - two to three years.

On a note

If your baby accidentally swallowed a couple of cherry pits, you can not be afraid of poisoning. The amygdalin contained in the nucleolus is not transformed into hydrocyanic acid so quickly, it takes a certain time, so the bones will leave the intestines earlier in a natural way. In addition, only a large number of bones can cause a poisoning reaction.

Methods for peeling cherries from stones

To achieve the goal, all means are good, both improvised and special devices, machines offered by various manufacturers. We list the most popular of them.

Most housewives will surely agree with us that pitting cherries is rather painstaking and unpleasant process. However, using various simple devices and mechanical devices, it is possible to minimize both time losses and associated difficulties.

A bone missed during processing can turn into a broken tooth for an eater of delicious cherry treats.

The choice is yours as to which device you prefer.

Craftsmen learned how to make their own mechanical devices to remove pits from cherries. They work on the principle of a ballpoint pen with a spring. To make the device, you need to take a rigid metal (or plastic) tube with a diameter of 22 mm, a length of about 7 cm. It is desirable that the metal does not oxidize, so try to find an aluminum tube or stainless steel. The tube should have a hole for placing berries, with a diameter of 10 mm, as well as a pusher (for example, a nail) with a good spring that can push well and rise to the top position. When the pusher spring is pressed, the bone is removed, and the spring returns to its original position.

The devices listed above can also be used for cleaning cherries.

Useful video

Here is another fun do-it-yourself bone extractor. Look, everyone can do it.

Simple items that every housewife has will help remove cherry pits. It is important that this item has a kind of loop at the end. For example, pins or hairpins easily cope with this task. To do this, you need to insert its end into the berry in the place where the stalk was, pick up the bone and remove it from the berry. As a rule, after a few minutes of training, the process becomes clear, and the berries are cleaned quickly and naturally. With the same success, you can use steel wire, rolled up in a loop at the end. The disadvantage of manual removal of seeds is that the berries lose a lot of juice, and it is difficult to wash your hands after such an activity.

Folk craftsmen also use a straw for cocktails, punching the berries in the middle so that the stone pops out from the back. However, this process requires skill. Before you learn how to do it neatly and quickly, you will have to spoil more than one berry.

To remove the stones, you can adapt a peeler with a device for peeling potato eyes at the end. At the same time, the berry, most often, loses its integrity, but it is quite suitable for making jams and as a filling for a pie.

An interesting homemade invention is the removal of the bone with the help of eyebrow tweezers in the form of small scissors. At their end is tweezers with thick edges. It is necessary to introduce it into the berry, grab the bone and pull it out, slightly scrolling for minimal loss of juice.

Automated pitting

On sale there are devices for removing seeds from berries and fruits. Among them, you can find specialized devices for both small berries, such as cherries and sweet cherries, and for larger fruits - plums, apricots, etc. The devices are similar in operation. The essence of the process lies in the fact that the berry, placed on the cell allotted for it, breaks through with a knitting needle with various tips. At the same time, some manufacturers have provided for the presence of containers for automatic feeding of berries and receivers for peeled berries, so the juice loss in this case is minimal, and the process is fast and very accurate. There is even an option to remove pits from frozen berries. For cafes, restaurants and small bakeries, industrial devices have been created that allow cleaning up to 90 kg of cherries per hour. They can also be used in everyday life, if the territory allows, because such a design takes up quite a lot of space.

There are many ways to remove pits from cherries. I like the one that I saw in my preschool childhood and tried it with my grandmother in the city of Globino (Ukraine), when my mother brought us, four children, to visit my grandmother.

With this method, the cherry is less injured, loses less juice and pulp. The work is much cleaner and more accurate than simply squeezing the bone with your hands or knocking it out with a special device through and through.

Unfortunately, I can not film the process in my hands, since both hands are busy. I'll try to explain with photos and descriptions.

Take three containers and put them in a row, placing them from left to right:

1. a container with a whole cherry,

2. container for peeled cherries,

3. container for bones.

In the right hand we take a pin, in the left - a cherry. Turn the cherry so that the hole in it, in which the stalk of the berry was, looked to the right side, towards the hand with the pin.

Squeeze the cherry with the fingers of your left hand, only not very strongly (so that it does not crush), but at the same time not weakly, to help the right hand remove the stone.

Insert the pin into the hole below the cherry, then, moving your hand towards you, pick up the bone with a round curl of the pin and pull it out of the hole by pulling it to the right.

Throw the peeled cherries into the middle container, and shake the stone from the pin into the right container ...

Fast to do, but long to write. While writing, I could peel a dozen cherries. When the hands are dexterous, it will go very quickly without thinking.

Continue to pit the cherries, admiring your work and imagining what a delicious cake you will bake, or make excellent jam.

Please note: the pits have already been removed from six cherries, and the plate is almost clean...

Cherry is a healthy and tasty dietary product. It increases appetite and improves the digestion process. Cherries are an excellent dessert, both fresh and processed (cherries make incredibly delicious compotes, jams, jellies and mousses). Cakes and ice cream are decorated with this berry.

To prepare compote or jam from cherries, which are planned to be stored for several years, it is necessary to remove the seeds from the berries, since cherry seeds contain amygdalin (poisonous substance). There are four effective ways to quickly remove the stones from cherries: with your hands, with improvised means, with a cherry stone separator and with a special machine.

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Manual pitting

In order to remove the seeds from the berries without the use of improvised means, you must:

  • Prepare three deep dishes: one for whole cherries, the second for seeds, the third for processed berries;
  • Wash the required amount of cherries and put them in the first plate;
  • Take one berry with three fingers (thumb, index and middle);
  • Pry off the pit of the cherry and push it out with your thumb through the hole where the stalk was attached;
  • Treat all berries the same way.

improvised means

To remove pits from cherries, you can use improvised means, such as:

  • Clip. Expand the paper clip so that two loops are obtained, which are used to extract seeds from cherries of different diameters;
  • Two matches. Immerse the matches in the berry and pull out the bone, squeezing them tightly together;
  • Pin or hairpin. Insert the “tail” of a pin or hairpin into the hole from the stem, pry off the bone and pull it out.

Cherry pit separator

You can use a special device for removing pits from cherries. When using a cherry pit separator, you will need:

  • Choose a pit separator from cherries of a convenient configuration;
  • Place a clean cherry in a special fixture with a hole;
  • Push out the bone by pressing on the separator piston;
  • Remove the processed cherries and put a new one in the pit separator.

The use of a special mechanical device for removing pits from cherries greatly speeds up and facilitates the process. The main disadvantage of this method is that the cherry is pierced through, so the loss of juice is greater than when removing the seeds using improvised means.

Stone removal machine

When you need to process a large number of cherries, it is better to use a special machine to remove the pits of cherries. For this you need:

  • Buy a machine for removing pits of cherries (the price ranges from 300 to 600 rubles);
  • Wash the required amount of berries;
  • Put a batch of cherries in a special compartment of the device;
  • Substitute a plate for processed berries under the groove of the machine (if the device does not have a special container) and press on the piston;
  • Clean the device from the seeds remaining inside and lay a new batch of cherries.

The main advantage of using a cherry pitting machine is a clean work surface and minimal loss of juice. But some berries can get stuck in the groove, so they have to be transferred to the plate manually. As with a pit remover, cherries are pierced through and worsen their condition.

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Summer season is in full swing. We hope you are already enjoying delicious homemade cherries? Well, or, at least, other people's "home" berries bought on the market or in the nearest supermarket. And if this summer you are planning cherry-cherry desserts, delicious compote or fragrant jam, we advise you to definitely find out how to quickly remove stones from juicy berries. And don't get your hands dirty. Nearly.

Love cherries, sweet cherries and all desserts derived from them, but do not like to break your teeth on their hard bones? We understand very well. Especially for such “fastidious” people, machines have been created that remove the hard core from the berries. But why spend money on a dubiously useful device when you can do it yourself? Yes, and quickly, (relatively) neatly and without the need to clean your feet from juice for half an hour? And three simple life hacks will help you with this. Choose which one you like best.

Method one: "bottle"

We recommend this particular cleaning method, because it is the fastest and at the same time “clean”. You will need equipment: a bottle with a narrow neck (from cola or, for example, wine) and Chinese chopsticks or a couple of plastic straws. And then everything is simple.

Put the berry on the neck and pierce right through the middle with a stick. The stone falls straight into the bottle, and in your hands you have a clean and soft berry. Video below proves how easy and simple it is.

Method two: tweezers

Remove the bone with tweezers. Yes, it's that simple. The advantage of this method is that the berry will remain intact after such an operation.

Method three: paperclip

If you don't have tweezers handy, a regular paperclip or even a hairpin will work too. Use it like a small spoon to take out the bone. The process will become a little dirtier, but no less effective.

Bon Appetit!

5 / 5 ( 7 votes)

If you remove the stones from the cherry, then you can store the finished cherry product more than a year. Cherries are the most delicious and healthy gift from Mother Nature. Who among us does not smile and remember grandmother's cherry jam and compotes - this wonderful nostalgia from childhood? Do you remember how your mother made jelly for you from this berry, and how you helped her remove the pits from cherries?

This long and monotonous process has an unimaginably deep and serious significance, no matter how ridiculous the procedure itself may seem to you.

The seed of a cherry or sweet cherry contains amygdalin glycoside, a dangerous toxic substance. The product of its excretion is chenille acid, an excess of it will lead to unpleasant and sad results.

It is impossible to get poisoned by amygdalin when eating fresh cherries.

When storing preservation from cherries for more than a year, the prussial acid formed in its seed begins to stand out, it can easily cause serious poisoning.

If you plan to store cherry compote or jam from this berry for less than a year, then you do not need to remove the seeds.

Removing bones manually

To get pits from cherries, housewives come in handy with everything: from improvised means in the form of standard hairpins to household appliances. More often they use the "old-fashioned" method - cleaning the berries with their own hands.

How to remove pits from cherries at home? The technology is simple: we pinch the cherry between the middle, index and thumb, then with the nail thumb we hook the bone in the place where the stalk is attached, and push the seed out.

The method is effective in that, with special dexterity, the process is fun and fast: the bone itself flies into the palm of your hand.
But it will be difficult to get rid of the burgundy berry "blood" on your hands. Although, they say that laundry soap, a brush and baking soda help get rid of cherry or cherry juice.

If you are too lazy to mess with cherry seeds, you can use improvised means for this business.

The only condition is a loop at the end.

It is easy to remove the stone from the cherry can be safety pins and hairpins. We bring cherries into their loop (at the place where the stalk is attached), we cling to the seed and separate it from the pulp.

Craftsmen have adapted to use a cocktail tube for squeezing a stone out of a cherry. With its help, they simply pierce the berry in the center, the seed pops out from the other side of the tube.

You have to get used to and learn how to remove the pits from cherries, the video will help you with this.

"Automatic" to help you

Manual removal of pits from cherries using improvised means is a “bleeding” process.

Lovers of glorious berry preserves use special automatic devices.

Cherry stone remover

We place each cherry separately in the “groove” of the device, lower the lever. The bone is rapidly pushed out.

  • The removal process is faster than the pin "withdrawal";
  • No need to "catch" the seed.

  • Cherry should be placed in the separator, as they say, with surgical precision;
  • The berry is pierced through, which worsens its final shape;
  • Large loss of fluid and tender pulp;
  • Soiled hands.

Cherry pitting machine

The device is suitable for people who want to deal with a large volume of cherry seeds, while maintaining a decent pace of work. These mechanical devices are needed to process a large number of berries.

The cost is, on average, 400 - 500 rubles, which is inexpensive, because its invaluable help in preparing various sweets is obvious!

Cherries are laid in a large batch, and ready-made berries go down the groove, jumping into the substituted plate. The bones are stored inside the device.

  • Clean hands;
  • The loss of valuable juice is negligible;
  • Maximum processed cherries - minimum time.

  • Sometimes you have to shift the berries manually by opening the device;
  • Cherries are pierced through;
  • The silicone gaskets of the device sometimes come off - the device does not work without them;
  • About 15% of the berries that have already been processed retain their pits.

Exclusive desserts

Cherry Cake No Bake

  • 0.5 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 0.5 kg of sour cream;
  • 0.5 kg of cherries;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar;
  • 200 gr. Sweet cookies;
  • 100 gr. Oils;
  • 50 gr. gelatin;
  • Pack. cherry jelly;
  1. Gelatin pour 0.5 ml of water until the state of "swelling". Grind the cookies into crumbs, get the pits from the cherries.
  2. Mix melted butter with bread crumb. Form a cake, lay it out in a mold.
  3. Make jelly (according to package instructions). Create a cream: beat sour cream with cottage cheese, add sugar. Pour gelatin into the mass and mix everything.
  4. Grind 1/2 cherries into puree in a blender.
  5. Add to the cream, mix, pour the cake. Place in refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  6. Decorate the cake with cherries, pour it with fruit jelly. Put it back in the refrigerator for 13 hours.

Cheesecakes in Kiev

  • 0.4 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 0.1 kg flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 70 gr. raisins;
  • 70 gr. Dried cherries;
  • 2.5 tbsp Sahara;
  • 5 tbsp Pan. Rusks.
  1. Pour over cherries and raisins hot water to "come alive" and swell.
  2. Dough: mix the egg and fat-free cottage cheese, granulated sugar and vanillin, then add flour little by little.
  3. Form balls from the dough.
  4. Put a small amount of dried fruit in the center of each ball, seal the edges.
  5. Dip the dough in breadcrumbs, slightly flattening (thickness about 1cm).
  6. Fry on 2 sides.

Cherry and chocolate jam

  • 1 kg of cherries;
  • 0.3 kg of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp Lemon juice;
  • 300 gr. bitter chocolate;
  • Water.
  1. Rinse the cherries, sort out, remove the cherry stones.
  2. Put the berries in a bowl, cover with sugar, remove for a day.
  3. Next day add to cherry lemon juice and 0.1 ml of water, mix.
  4. Bring the berries to a boil, then cook for another half hour.
  5. Remove from heat, add chocolate. Mix and chill.
  6. Divide into containers.
  7. Put the finished jam in the refrigerator for about 15 hours.

Summing up

  • To peel cherries from stones, you do not need to use improvised means, you can also buy devices that facilitate the cleaning process. They are not a panacea, so try to properly prioritize.
  • Bones can not be removed if the shelf life of jam or any other cherry product does not exceed six months.
  • From this appetizing berry it is possible to make a lot of delicious dishes.

Cherry is a wonderful gift of nature. Useful in all respects, a berry loved by both adults and children. It makes delicious compotes, jelly, jams. Another great way is freezing. That's just better when the cherry is frozen - without a stone. Yes, and in traditional blanks, the bone is undesirable. And the question immediately arises: “How to remove pits from cherries?” Especially if the harvest is rich and calculated in buckets.

Cherries are delicious and useful berry. But when processing it, the question always arises: “How to remove the bones?”

Removing pits from cherries with improvised means

There is an opinion that it is quite possible to process even a large amount of berries simply by hand. In this case, the berry is clamped between three fingers (middle, index and thumb), then with the nail of the thumb through the hole (where the stalk was attached), the bone is hooked with the nail and pushed out. With a certain skill, the process goes quickly, the bone itself jumps out in the palm of your hand.

But more often than not people try to use various improvised means: matches, pins, hairpins, paper clips. The technology of how to remove pits from cherries is the same and similar to the first method. Through the hole from the stalk, the device is immersed in the berry, the bone is hooked and, like a spoon, is pulled out.

In this case, a pin or hairpin is used without improvements: the “tail” works. You need to take two matches and act by squeezing them tightly together. In this case, it is easier to pick up the bone. To turn an ordinary paper clip into a “cherry pit remover”, you need to unfold it. Two loops are obtained, used for berries of different diameters.

The paper clip unbends, and a fine stone separator is obtained. Bilateral - for berries of different diameters.

What are the advantages of this method?

  • The berries remain practically intact, only the hole for which the stalk was attached is slightly enlarged.
  • In addition, you will definitely remove absolutely all the bones. If by chance a few pieces fall by chance, it will be almost imperceptible.

What are the downsides?

Cherry pit separator

A device for removing bones.

A step in the direction of technical progress - a pit remover from cherries. It can be of various configurations, while maintaining a single principle of operation. Each berry is placed in the device separately, and the stone is pushed out by mechanical pressure.

Pros :

Minuses :

  • Each berry must be placed in a separator with jewelry accuracy.
  • In addition, the berries are pierced through, which worsens their final state, increases the loss of juice and pulp.
  • As in the above case, the hands are inevitably stained with juice.

How the bone extractor works in practice is clearly demonstrated by the video:

Cherry pitting machine

This device (also shown various types with a single principle of operation) is ideal for those who decide how to get the stones out of cherries in large quantities and quickly.

Mechanical devices are indispensable when it is necessary to process a large number of berries.

Its cost in different regions and stores ranges from 300 to 600 rubles, which in any case is acceptable for every consumer. Cherries are laid immediately in batches, and the processed berries go down the groove into the substituted dishes. The bones remain inside.

Video instructions for using the machine:

What are the advantages of this device to remove pits from cherries?

What are the downsides?

Perhaps it is these shortcomings that are the reason why most of us prefer improvised means to various mechanical devices offered by manufacturers. After all, even if they break, they are easy to restore without spending a penny on it. And the quality of processing at the same time depends only on personal care.