Blockage in the bathroom what to do. How to clean a blockage in the bathroom at home? We clean the sewer pipe in the bathroom with "kitchen chemistry"

Many people have to deal with such a problem as a blockage in the bathroom. Pollution can appear even if the bath is very clean, because there are a lot of reasons for such situations. Of course, careful owners have to deal with blockages much less often, but they should also know how to most effectively clean pipes at home. This article discusses the most popular methods of getting rid of strong and minor pollution.


If not cleaned regularly, dirt in the sewer pipe can cause serious plumbing problems. When the drain is clogged, the water does not drain well, it stands, and the dirt ends up in the bathtub. Taking water procedures becomes very unpleasant.

There are a few of the most common causes of blockages.

  • Dead skin cells and hair stick to the walls. If dirt is not removed, it will accumulate over time and clog the drain.

  • Bath gets dirty due to regular use water procedures, frequent washes. There are traces of soap on the walls, which accumulate over time, although the water itself ends up in the sewer.
  • Prolonged lack of proper care can lead to limescale. You can not notice the appearance of such a blockage for a long time until the situation becomes too serious. Clogged pipes must be cleaned monthly, otherwise they may become unusable over time.
  • If the sewer is often clogged, it is possible that it was installed incorrectly. Pollution can quickly accumulate if the slope is very low.

  • When installing the pipeline, you need to ensure that there are not too many bends. Sand, grease, hair and other contaminants can accumulate in them.
  • Do not choose too narrow a pipe. Dirt in such elements accumulates much faster.

Having understood what exactly caused the pollution, you can decide how best to eliminate it. If you think you can’t deal with the problem on your own, you can seek help from a specialist. However, many people prefer to do their own cleaning, keeping their budget. There is nothing difficult in such work. You just need to understand some of the nuances in order to choose the best tool.


A pipe that is clogged can be cleaned by a mechanical, chemical or folk method. To improve cleaning efficiency, many people prefer to combine these methods. Consider the main features of each method.


Among the most common mechanical methods for cleaning sewer pipes in the bathroom are the use of a cable, a plunger or a vacuum cleaner. If everything is done correctly, it is quite easy to “break through” the blockage.


Many people prefer to use a plunger to get rid of blockages, so this simple device is available in many apartments. It is a flexible rubber product with a long straight handle. The rubber element is used as a suction cup. The plunger is well suited for cleaning a wide variety of drains.

If you are going to remove the dirt that has clogged into the drain hole, you need to consider a few points.

  • When using a plunger, you should not additionally use chemicals. Chemicals can get on skin or clothes and cause burns.
  • Before using such a device, moisten its base with water.

It is necessary to place the plunger over the drain hole. Make sure it is completely covered by the rubber cup. Position the handle vertically. In order for the plunger to suck well, you need to put pressure on it.

Move the fixture, then remove it and evaluate the result. If the bath is very clogged, carry out the procedure again. If you clean the drain and remove the blockage, you should rinse the fixture hot water to remove any remaining contaminants.


The pipe can be effectively cleaned using a plumbing cable. You can use this device if the plunger did not help. You can create a plumbing cable with your own hands. To do this, straighten the wire hanger and bend it at the end, making a small hook. With this tool, you can easily remove stuck hair.

The cable should be used in accordance with the recommendations of professionals.

  • Carefully insert the tool into the drain hole. At the same time, it needs to be rotated.
  • When the cable is at the maximum possible depth, turn it several times and remove it.
  • There will be hair and other debris at the end of the cable. Carry out the procedure until you can completely get rid of the dirt. Then you need to enable hot water.

A vacuum cleaner

Some use a vacuum cleaner to clean. This device is very convenient to use.

A vacuum cleaner is used in a certain way to eliminate blockages.

  • Take the rubber nozzle from the plunger and attach it with electrical tape to the pipe of the vacuum cleaner. Then the product can be cleaned of glue using alcohol.
  • Remove the trash bag from the vacuum cleaner and connect a hose with a pipe to the blowout hole.
  • Turn on the vacuum cleaner and start cleaning the drain.


Wear rubber gloves to protect your hands when using chemicals. You should also protect your face with special goggles and a respirator.

Several products are well suited for cleaning pipes.

  • Domestos. This tool can be called one of the most popular, because cleaning with it is very fast and convenient. In the evening, pour it into the pipes (10 caps will be enough) and wait until the morning. You should not use the bathroom at night, so warn all family members about the procedure in advance. When cleaning is complete, flush the pipes with water (it should be hot).

  • "Mole". This product is very effective in dissolving hair and other impurities. The whole procedure will take about an hour and a half. Pour the liquid, wait (how much is usually written in the instructions). Then open the faucet and flush the drain hole with hot water.
  • Tiret. Quite an effective remedy, but usually one package is enough for only two procedures. Pour in Tiret and wait a few minutes (if the contamination is strong, you can wait about half an hour). Then rinse off with water. Tiret should not be used together with acids, otherwise the respiratory tract may be severely damaged.

  • Mr Muscle. This tool is suitable for a variety of pipes. It is granular, but can also damage the skin, so rubber gloves must be used. Pour in the product and wait about 30 minutes. Mr Muscle will remove not only pollution, but also harmful microorganisms. Also, the product effectively eliminates unpleasant odors. After using Mr Muscle, fill the drain with hot water.
  • Sky. This tool can be called universal. It dissolves hair, removes traces of soap, destroys harmful microorganisms. The tool is sold in a bag.

Pour the substance down the drain and wait about 15 minutes. Then wash it off clean water. Sky should be removed with the utmost care.

Chemicals are quite effective. However, if you suffer from asthma, for example, it is better to prefer some other drain cleaning method. One option is to use folk remedies.


With the help of folk remedies, you can quite effectively clean the drain. You just need to know how to use them correctly. Consider the most popular options.


Can you use baking soda different ways. However, in any case, it should be borne in mind that when using such a product, there should be no water in the bathroom.

How to use soda:

  • Put on safety goggles and rubber gloves. The use of caustic soda can cause chemical burns. Pour about 2 liters of water into the bucket. Pour caustic soda into it (3 cups will be enough for cleaning). Take an old wooden spoon and mix thoroughly. When hissing sounds occur, pour the resulting liquid into the drain hole. Then you need to wait about half an hour and rinse the drain with hot water. If it does not clear the first time, you can repeat the procedure.

  • The next method also allows you to achieve good results. You need to mix baking soda (take half a glass) and table salt (half a glass will also be enough). Wait about 20 minutes and add boiling liquid. As a result chemical reaction get a tool that effectively dissolves the dirt.

Vinegar and soda are gentle agents that do not damage plastic pipes. Pour boiling water into the drain hole. Pour the baking soda into a glass (halfway in) and push it down the drain. Wait a few minutes, then pour a cup of boiling water and the same amount of vinegar. When a hissing sound occurs, the cleaning process will begin.

When about 20 minutes have passed, you will need to pour a kettle of hot water into the sewer. So you wash away the dirt weakened by this remedy.

Boiling water

There are no restrictions on the use of such a product; using boiling water, the drain can be cleaned daily. However, it will not help if the pollution is very strong. Water must be poured into the drain hole several times. Hot liquid works for a few seconds.

Dishwashing liquid

With the help of such tools, you can quite effectively remove fat.

They need to be used like this:

  • pour boiling water into the hole;
  • add a quarter cup of dishwashing liquid;
  • after 20 minutes, refill the liquid (it should also be boiling);
  • wait 30 minutes and turn on hot water to rinse the drain thoroughly.

Together with such a tool, you can use a plunger. Such cleaning will be more effective.

Sulphuric acid

Some people use this remedy if the pollution is very strong. However, it should be borne in mind that the acid is quite aggressive. Plumbers say that this tool is not always effective, besides, it can destroy sewer pipes.

Reading 5 min. Published on 11.09.2018

Sewer blockage is a very unpleasant phenomenon when water does not go down the drain, and a disgusting smell is felt in the bathroom.

There are many ways to fix the situation, although some housewives do not even know how to clear a blockage in the bathroom. folk remedies.

Usually blockages are formed due to improper use of sewers. Most often, pipes become clogged due to hair, animal hair, small debris and spools from clothes. All this turns into one big lump, because of which water cannot pass through the pipe.


This is a simple thing that is widely used to clear sewer blockages.
and .

It is believed that this method can be used as a preventive measure. The more often the hostess uses the plunger, the less often a blockage will occur in the bathroom.


  • The plunger must be installed so that the rubber nozzle completely covers the drain hole.
  • Before cleaning, it is worth filling the bathroom with a little water.
  • The plunger handle must be alternately lifted up several times, and then lowered down. Due to this, air will suddenly enter the drain hole and push through the resulting blockage. To wash it off, you just need to turn on the water.

Household chemicals

In fact, you can clear a blockage in the bathroom without a plunger. After all, you can just buy modern cleaning products.

If earlier only soda was used for this, today it is enough to visit the household chemicals department and choose the packaging you like.

It is best to choose the product, the instructions of which indicate that it dissolves hair and wool.

  • You can choose not only a special cleaning powder, but also a liquid product.
  • It is necessary to clarify in the instructions that the selected product is really suitable for a particular type of sewer pipes.
  • The agent must be carefully poured or poured into the drain hole. If this is a special powder, you should also pour a glass of warm water.

To definitely remove the blockage, you need to not use the bathroom for some time.

  • After a certain period of time specified in the instructions, it is necessary to turn on hot water in order to rinse the sewer pipes well and remove debris.

Folk remedies

In the old days, every self-respecting housewife knew exactly how to clean the blockage in the bathroom with soda and vinegar. Today, women resort to the use of folk remedies infrequently. However, at home, blockages can be easily removed in two ways:

  • In the drain hole of the bathroom, where there is no water, you need to pour half a pack of soda. Hot water should be turned on after 5 minutes.
  • Pour 4 tablespoons of soda into the drain and pour half a glass of vinegar there.

Then the hole must be covered with something so as not to interfere with the chemical reaction. After a while, you can turn on hot water. The easiest way to get rid of debris is with strong pressure.

Such methods are quite effective, but they can adversely affect the condition of the pipes.


A plumbing cable is a thick twisted wire coiled into a small spiral. For convenient rotation, a handle with a wooden or plastic nozzle is provided at the end.

Such a device is actively used to remove sewer blockages. And we are talking mainly about metal pipes.


  • The end of the cable must be carefully inserted into the drain hole.
  • It is best to do the work together. So, one person slowly rotates the handle, while the other gently pushes the cable forward.
  • When the cable is twisted, accumulated debris is removed from the pipes, that is, the blockage is destroyed.
  • As soon as the tension in the pipes decreases, you need to pull the cable back and forth several times.
  • The cable is carefully removed, washed and stored.
  • If the procedure was ineffective, it is repeated.

Before removing the blockage, you need to pay attention to the tension of the cable. Lack of tension can damage the cable.

Siphon cleaning

The male owners do not think long about how to clear the blockage in the bathroom. As a rule, they immediately begin to clean the siphon. This procedure allows you to get rid of debris accumulated in the pipes and an unpleasant smell in the room.

Cleaning procedure:

  • On the floor directly under the siphon, you need to lay a rag that absorbs moisture well.
  • A basin should be placed on top of the fabric. Such a simple measure will prevent dirty water from getting on the floor.
  • The lock nut must be unscrewed very carefully. After that, you need to remove the flask.
  • Immediately after this, the water that formed the water seal will flow into the basin.
  • The siphon itself should be thoroughly rinsed with water and all plaque removed from the walls.

The entire structure must be installed so that the drain pipe does not rest on the flask. This is very important, otherwise the water seal will be broken. To check the tightness of all connections, you need to open the tap and fill the water seal.

Such cleaning can also act as a preventive measure. For this purpose, the siphon is cleaned every 2-3 months.

How to avoid blockages

Of course, any blockage can be cleared using one of the above methods. However, it is much easier to worry about prevention in time.

  • It is necessary to install small nets in the drain hole to retain debris.
  • From time to time, pipe cleaners should be poured into the drain.
  • A plunger should be used periodically.

Thanks to the observance of all preventive measures you no longer have to rack your brains on how to clear a blockage in the bathroom with a cable or a plunger. Moreover, the bath will always be clean, and the air in the room will be fresh.

What is the best way to clear a blockage in a pipe? This is not an easy task, so many owners call a master whose services are paid. And so that the money remains in your wallet, and you don’t have to spend time waiting for a specialist, you can try to do everything yourself.

Why do pipes get clogged, how to clear a blockage in a pipe? The main cause of traffic jams is accumulated debris over time, soap residue, dirt, hair, and so on. Clogging suggests that water does not drain well or does not pass into the sewer at all. If the pipes are not cleaned in time, this can lead to flooding of the house, and in apartments, in addition to the fact that the bath will deteriorate, the neighbors below will also suffer. Therefore, before calling a plumber, you must first try to clean the pipes yourself.

Easy Ways to Clear Clogs

If you are faced with a blockage problem, there are several options for getting rid of it at home. Before you start cleaning, you will need to remove the visible causes of blockage (dishwashing residue, hair and other debris). Then you need the easiest to use and inexpensive remedy for blockages - a plunger. Such a device has been helping owners for a long time both to clear the blockage in the bathroom and to eliminate it in any other bathroom.

  • Regardless of what is clogged - a sink or a bathtub, it is necessary to fill everything with water and clog the overflow hole with a rag. This is necessary so that when using a plunger when the sewer pipes become clogged, the pressure created by the water does not decrease.
  • Install the plunger over the stack hole, pressing down on the handle to pressurize the pipes. It is necessary to pump water several times, then sharply remove the plunger. The blockage should move to either side of the pipe.
  • If this does not happen, you need to boil the kettle and pour hot water directly into the drain. Then repeat the procedure with the plunger several times.

If it doesn’t help, the second method will definitely break through the blockage in the bathroom, since the blockage will be split by boiling water.

In addition, there are many ways to clean the drains in the bathroom using improvised means. Knowing them is useful, since such a problem is most often taken by surprise. To use folk remedies for cleaning, you will need a plumbing cable. It looks like a flexible steel spring with a spiral at the end.

  • First you need to put a container under the siphon.
  • Then remove it in order to see if it is clogged with debris, if necessary, clean it.
  • Next, insert the siphon back into the sink and turn on the water.
  • If it also continues to accumulate, then the spillway is completely clogged and pipe cleaning is required.
  • It is necessary to remove the siphon again and place the plumbing cable into the pipe.
  • At the first resistance, turn it clockwise. Most likely, it will be overcoming the first bend. And the next cleansing jerk will eliminate the cork. We push the cable and pull it out, collecting debris on it.
  • If the device does not pass, you do not need to push it there by force. It can break and stay there, and the pipes in the bathroom become unusable.

You can make an analogue of a plumbing cable yourself, there is a good and easy way. To do this, wrap a bottle (2 l) with paper (the thickness should be 2 cm). When it forms a spiral on the bottle, you need to circle it with a marker.

Next, you need to cut out the circled pattern, starting to cut from above. We make a handle from the bottom of the bottle. Then, along the entire spiral on both sides, we make notches, the so-called teeth. A home-made plumbing cable has formed, with which you can try to clean the pipe.

Effective cleaners

Today, on the shelves of stores you can find a lot of chemicals that will help in the question of how to eliminate blockages in the bathroom or sink. But there is a slight difficulty, because you need to decide what is the best way to do this. Sometimes it is difficult to choose from the abundance of chemicals that will really cope with the problem: it will be able to break through the blockage in the bathroom and make sure that the pipes will not become clogged in the near future.

Before using chemistry, it is still recommended to attempt to clean the pipes mechanically (cable, plunger). Any procedures for cleaning blockage with chemicals harm the material, which is especially true for plastic pipes.

Several simple ways and improvised means that will tell you what to do if this has already happened:

We save pipes with chemistry

There are many household chemicals that can be found in any supermarket. For instance:

  • Mole for clearing pipe blockages;
  • Domestos;
  • Mister Muscle;
  • Potkhan;
  • Typhoon.

Basically, to clear blockages, such products are poured into the sink, bathroom and left for half an hour. For more information, see the instructions that come with the pipe blockage products. It is best to leave it overnight or for a long period, so that it not only removes the blockage, but also cleans up all the dirt behind it, due to which the pipe is clogged.

Even if the house has been renovated, this is not a guarantee that the pipes will not clog over time. It would seem that new pipes are a way out, because old ones, in addition to user debris, can become clogged with many other products - rust, metal peeling, etc.

Just for new plastic pipes, there are restrictions on clearing the blockage. For example, as mentioned earlier, cleaning chemicals can damage the material, especially PVC. Therefore, it is not worth rushing to “save” pipes in this way. If they are new, it is enough to break through the blockage with a plunger.

From now on, you need to try to prevent food debris, hair and other things from getting in, because of which the drain in the sink or any other plumbing can become clogged. At the same time, it is useful to periodically carry out preventive measures so that the plumbing does not become clogged.

Video instruction

Very often, housewives have the question “How to clean the drain hole in the bathroom from hair?”. Often the drain is clogged with hair. For such a problem, there are 2 solutions: figure out for yourself why water does not go into the drain hole, or call a plumber.

How to clean a drain hole

There are a lot of reasons why there may be a blockage in the drain hole. It can become clogged not only with hair, but also with small rubbish, pellets from clothes, and the hair of four-legged pets.
When all this accumulates in the drain, a lump forms, which is the reason that the water does not leave. Moreover, this lump becomes more and more, a bad smell begins to appear.
Well, let's get started. In order to clean the drain hole, you should try the following methods:

  • try clearing the blockage under the cap covering the drain hole. Even if it seems to you that the cap is clean, check it anyway. It is very likely that you will find hair in huge quantities there. Drains with a Phillips plug are the most prone to these blockages. If you have a bathroom with a plug, you will need to lift the plug before cleaning. The guide plate is unscrewed, and only then can you remove the plug.

If the blockage from the hair is deeper than you expected, then you can use:

  • wire hook.
    Take the wire hangers, unwind and bend into a hook. Place a hook in the drain hole and pull out the blockage. Important: you need to pull out, and not shove rubbish. Otherwise, you will definitely have to call a plumber.
  • plunger.
    Probably the most common method. But it will only help if the blockage is small.
    The plunger should be the size of a drain hole. It is easy to clean the drain hole with a plunger, so if your drain is often clogged, it will become your indispensable assistant. How to punch a drain hole with a plunger? Make about 10 sharp reciprocating movements. If the water is still standing, add hot water. Fill the tub with enough water to cover half of the plunger. The subsequent actions are the same as described above: we are trying to “break through” the blockage.
  • cable. A cable can help with serious sewer blockages. A cable is a twisted wire, at the end of which there is a handle (it can be wooden or plastic)
    The advantage of this device is that it can cope with blockage, which is located at a depth of up to 9 meters.
    How to use the rope? Take the handle and insert the cable into the drain, hold and twist the cable with one hand, push it deeper into the drain with the other. that the cable is stuck in something, “stalled” - know that this is the place of the blockage. Now you need to repeat the back and forth movements several times and then you can clean the drain hole. You can then pull out the cable.
  • tape. To punch a drain hole, you can use any adhesive tape. Cut a strip of approximately 50 cm. Place the tape in the drain hole and move along the inner walls. Almost all the hair will remain on the adhesive tape. When you remove the sticky tape with hair, do not forget to wash off the remaining blockage.
  • chemical preparations. In the fight against blockages can be used household chemicals. Ask the store clerk to suggest which remedy is best.

before applying chemicals to clean the drain hole, read the instructions and the composition of the drug. Why? Some preparations are not suitable for all types of pipes. So, "Mole", which is considered very effective tool Do not clean blockages in plastic pipes.
Using household chemicals to deal with blockages, you need to strictly follow the instructions, otherwise there will be no sense. The drug must be poured or poured into the drain hole and left for a certain period of time (indicated on the package). Then you just need to rinse the product with water.

If you do not follow the rules of use, there is a risk of deformation of the pipes, or inefficiency in the use of the product. Remember to wear gloves when you clean the drain. Safety is above all.

Top Drain Cleaning Products

How to clean the siphon in the bathroom.

Sometimes the problem lies not in the drain hole, but deeper - in the siphon. How to clean the siphon yourself?

  • there should be a rag on the floor under the siphon
  • under the siphon we put a small basin.
    Perhaps one rag will not be enough, and since the water in the clogged siphon is rather dirty, it is better to substitute a basin so that you do not wash the entire bathroom later and do not get dirty yourself.
  • then carefully unscrew the lock nut
  • the flask is removed
  • after you remove the flask, the water will flow into the basin..
  • then remove the siphon and rinse it under running water. The pressure of water will help you get rid of small particles of blockage, wool, hairs that remain on the walls of the siphon.
  • screw everything back. IMPORTANT: the branch pipe, which is responsible for the drain, should not rest against the flask.
  • after the siphon is in place, you need to check if the connection is tight and if the siphon is leaking.

What to do so that the drain hole does not clog

After reading the article, you probably realized that cleaning the drain hole and siphon is not so difficult. But in order not to waste time on the cleaning procedure regularly, you need to adhere to certain rules, prevention of blockages of the drain hole is important.

  • install a mesh in the drain hole that will trap litter
  • clean the drain hole from time to time with household chemicals.
  • clean the siphon every three months

If you follow these simple rules, you will never again need to search the Internet for “how to clean the drain hole in the bathroom from hair”!

Video on how to clear blockage

The question of how to clean the blockage in the bathroom arises in almost every person. Both a jack of all trades and an ordinary housewife can face this - it's a common thing. If the water does not go away, or even worse - it whips back, emitting a stench, using the bathroom becomes not only not pleasant, but also impossible in principle.

This article contains comprehensive information on how to remove a blockage in the bathroom, what tools are best to use, and how to prevent recurrence of trouble in the future.

Reasons why the bath could be clogged

First you need to determine why the drain is clogged, and what options are available for cleaning pipes or a siphon. Most likely, the cause will be discovered in the process of troubleshooting the problem. However, if it is known for sure that a piece of jewelry, a hairpin or other necessary thing got into the drain, then not all remedies for clogs in the bathroom will be good. For example, some chemicals can ruin an awkwardly dropped item.

So, the causes of blockages in the siphon:

  • hair, animal hair;
  • spools, pile, threads from clothes;
  • trifle;
  • dirt;
  • small parts, accessories, decorations.

All of the above components form a dense lump in the pipe, which prevents the passage of water, or even completely slows it down. It is possible to remove such a blockage in the bathroom either with tweezers or a thin wire.

Effective methods for clearing sewer blockages

Good old plunger and cable. These two things are in almost every home.

A plunger is a stick with a rubber tip shaped like a large suction cup that can suck or push debris.

Using this simple invention, you can get the following results:

  1. Prevent blockages.
  2. Eliminate the causes of slow water drainage.
  3. Assess the extent of pollution.

Usually a plunger is effective when the pipe is clogged slightly - sharp flows of water and air will push through the obstacle.

  1. Install the device so that its rubber part blocks the drain hole.
  2. Draw a small amount of water into the bath (dry efficiency is reduced).
  3. Make a few strokes by moving the handle up and down.
  4. Check if the water is running out.
  5. Flush out the trash.

If this did not help and the blockage in the bathroom did not disappear, then what to do? Use rope:

  1. Insert it into the drain hole.
  2. Push forward into the pipes and scroll at the same time.
  3. When the voltage drops (the blockage is cleared), gently move the cable back and forth.
  4. Remove and wash the product.


The modern chemical industry has taken care to make the process of removing blockages as fast and comfortable as possible.

Almost all of them are equally effective, but when choosing a remedy, you should take into account the fact that not every remedy for blockage in the bathroom is suitable for the type of pipes that are installed in your house.

Manufacturers vied with each other to produce tools for cleaning pipes from debris and deposits. The form of release can be varied:

  • powder;
  • gel;
  • liquid.

The most common and inexpensive remedy is Mole - a domestic drug that perfectly eliminates odors, food debris and fat, and also breaks down fibers (hair, wool, etc.). Produced by different companies and may vary slightly:

  • by composition;
  • price;
  • action time.

Compatibility with the type of pipes is usually indicated on the packaging. Here is a far from complete list of effective drugs:

  1. Mister Muscle.
  2. Bugs.
  3. Pothan.
  4. Tiret.
  5. Flup.
  6. Mole.

Folk way to clean the blockage: soda and vinegar

If there is no plumbing, no plunger, no cable, no purchased funds at hand and the bath is clogged, it’s worth a try folk method. This will require:

Follow these instructions:

  1. Wipe the tub and metal drain ring dry.
  2. Pour baking soda into the drain hole.
  3. Pour vinegar into it.
  4. Pour in boiling water after 1 minute.
  5. After 2-3 minutes, turn on the water - it should flow freely.

If, nevertheless, there is confidence that a necessary or valuable thing has become the reason for the slow draining of water, it is worth learning how to clean the siphon in the bathroom. Thus, it will be possible to remove what got into the drain and caused a blockage.

Siphon cleaning technology:

  1. Lay a cloth under the siphon, put a basin or bucket.
  2. Slowly unscrew the lock nut so that liquid does not rush out.
  3. Remove the flask and discard the dirty water.
  4. Remove any debris, small parts, or clods that are causing the problem.
  5. Rinse the siphon and remove plaque.
  6. Install the siphon.
  7. Check tightness of connections.

Now, in case the bath is suddenly clogged, you will know what to do.

It is also worth remembering that prevention with the help of a plunger and cleaning the siphon once a month is the key to high-quality and comfortable use of the bath. Expensive chemicals may not be required in this case!

It is also worth watching a video on this topic: