polymorphic cocci. What do cocci mean in gynecology, the causes of the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, treatment and preventive measures

The girl's body is very capricious and requires close attention. In order to be beautiful and ready for further procreation, they must regularly visit the gynecologist's office.

One of the main and mandatory procedures is smear analysis for microflora, which speaks about the general condition of the female body. We will talk about it in more detail in the following paragraphs.

Cocci - what is it?

Certainly the analysis smear for microflora very simple and the most common, but despite this, it can be used to determine the slightest signs of various diseases. To do this, the smear determines the number of cocci, which report the problem. What is it?

cocci- spherical bacteria that live in the microflora of a woman. It is they who, as a result of their vital activity, create the acid balance of the vagina. These bacteria, like leukocytes, are conditionally pathogenic. That is, with a normal amount and good immunity, they are useful to the body and perform all the necessary functions.

Expert opinion

Kovaleva Elena Anatolievna

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If the body is weakened, and the immune system cannot cope, then in this case, cocci multiply rapidly and begin to harm, provoking diseases and various inflammatory processes. In this case, you must immediately start treatment to protect the female body from more serious consequences.

Norm of cocci in a smear

If the state of the body depends on the number of cocci, then you need to know the norm for further orientation. In a woman, these bacteria provide the vital activity of microflora with a certain level of acidity.

When passing the analysis of cocci should be no more than 5 percent, otherwise dysbacteriosis begins, which is extremely unpleasant and especially dangerous for pregnant girls. Less than 5 percent indicates that the microflora is slightly acidic, it is not harmful, but gives the first signals for a careful examination. 5 percent is an ideal state that speaks of a healthy and full-fledged course of the body's vital activity.

If the level is more than 5 percent, then the microflora is considered alkaline, it kills beneficial microbes and activates conditionally pathogenic ones.

Main reasons

Before starting treatment, everyone needs to know reasons for the increase in cocci in a smear. With what it can be connected?

  • Irregular or improper hygiene and sometimes her complete absence. Every girl should carry out daily hygiene procedures using special products. It is also necessary to change linen regularly, it is advisable to buy things from natural materials.
  • Frequent change of sexual partners. To protect yourself from problems, have one permanent partner.
  • Sexual intercourse with an infected partner is the surest route of infection. Especially high probability with an unprotected act.
  • long term taking antibiotics or the wrong dosage. Often this happens during self-treatment, when a girl tries to prescribe treatment without a doctor's recommendation.
  • Masturbation. In this case, infection is inevitable with insufficiently clean hands or undisinfected objects.
  • The procedure in the form of douching is also undesirable without the intervention of a specialist. Avoid self-administration of this treatment.
  • Another cause of cocci is the onset of sexual activity at an early age.
  • During menstruation, the use of synthetic tampons, which are causative agents of various diseases, is not recommended.

Consideration of all causes is a long and laborious task, so the most likely ones were listed. But, despite this, each organism is unique, and you may have a completely different reason for the appearance of cocci. Therefore, before starting treatment, immediately go to the gynecologist for a professional examination and the necessary diagnosis.

Main Symptoms

Any disease accompanied by symptoms, cocci also have specific features. Let's consider some of them:

  • The most common symptom is the appearance copious discharge, often they are quite thick, in the form of a clot on linen and hygiene products. They are also visible when viewed on the labia.
  • The next symptom is bad smell, usually resembling spoiled fish.
  • Discharge of a yellow, and sometimes green hue, is a clear sign of the appearance of cocci.
  • Another symptom is itching, burning in the groin area. Especially unpleasant burning sensation when urinating.
  • In very rare cases - fever and deterioration of the general condition.

These symptoms are quite obvious, so it is simply impossible not to notice them. Therefore, at the first symptoms, go to the doctor to get timely help.

What treatment is needed?

Since cocci is a sexually transmitted disease, it requires the simultaneous treatment of two partners. However, it is worth remembering that treatment is necessary only when symptoms appear that interfere with the girl.

In order to start treatment, laboratory research on the number of cocci, an analysis for sensitivity to certain drugs is also desirable.

First of all, they are assigned broad spectrum antibiotics. The most common of them is Metrodinazole, which is quite effective and inexpensive, unlike others. Your doctor may also prescribe you an antifungal drug, most often it is Flucanazole.

Secondly, for greater efficiency, vaginal and rectal suppositories that help to cope with the problem from the inside (Hexicon, Polygynax, etc.).

Traditional medicine lovers often add to treatment baths and lotions from various herbs and plants(chamomile, burdock, calendula). However, before using them, it is better to consult a doctor.

Expert opinion

Kovaleva Elena Anatolievna

Doctor-Laboratory. 14 years of experience in the clinical diagnostic service.

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Since taking antibiotics greatly affects the general condition of the body, in addition to the main drugs, it is recommended to take immunostimulating drugs and lactobacilli.

They can be replaced with folk recipes: walnut with honey to increase immunity, pomegranate juice. In order to avoid indigestion, consume fermented milk products daily - kefir, fermented baked milk, snowball, and jelly is also recommended.

After a course of treatment, you need to re-pass microflora analysis each partner to see how effective the treatment was.

Prevention measures

In order not to have to endlessly visit the gynecologist and take medications, it is better to protect your body from infection. What to do so that cocci never visit you?

  • Decide on a sexual partner and do not change it for a long time.
  • Before giving up condoms, check your partner for STDs, as well as oral and anal sex.
  • Carry out hygiene procedures regularly, use proven and high-quality products.
  • When the first symptoms appear ask for help to a specialist, do not start the disease, take action in a timely manner.
  • Support your immunity with healthy foods and multivitamins.
  • When choosing underwear, give preference to natural fabrics so that they do not restrict movement in everyday life.
  • And, of course, lead a healthy lifestyle: proper nutrition, regular physical activity, lack of stress and nervous situations.

Cocci - do not pose a danger in an acceptable amount, otherwise they can be harmful, up to infertility. Therefore, they must be disposed of on time so as not to harm the unborn child. Remember, the disease is easier to prevent than to fight it. This works well with cocci as the preventive measures are very simple. If you notice the first symptoms in yourself, immediately go to the doctor for qualified help. Love yourself and take care of your health.

Coccal flora - the norm must be observed

Cocci are spherical bacteria, which include streptococci, tetracocci, staphylococci, diplococci, sarcins. Some varieties of cocci normally live in the body of any healthy person, but their reproduction is inhibited by other bacteria and the activity of the immune system. If the balance of microflora is disturbed for one reason or another, the number of cocci may exceed the norm, and this, in turn, can lead to various problems with health. So, the coccal flora in women may not cause any symptoms for quite a long time, but sometimes it causes such disorders as cervical erosion, inflammation of the endometrium and infertility.

Antibiotics. Treatment with antibiotics of any disease, for example, tonsillitis, can lead to an imbalance in the microflora of the vagina. Microflora of the vagina: purity. Some of the beneficial bacteria after such treatment can be destroyed, as a result of which cocci are able to actively multiply; Fluctuations in the hormonal background can have a noticeable effect on the microflora. Therefore, coccal flora during pregnancy, lactation, and while taking hormonal drugs is a fairly common occurrence; Weakened immune system. Stress, exercise, flu, certain medications (such as corticosteroids), and acquired immunodeficiency can lead to an imbalance between good and bad bacteria; Douching. Some women still believe that douching cleanses the vagina and is essential for those who truly practice good personal hygiene. In fact, this procedure clears the vagina of lactobacilli and can lead to irritation of the mucous membrane. With regular douching, the colonies of lactobacilli decrease, and there are more and more cocci; Unprotected intercourse. Some cocci, such as gonococci, are transmitted through sexual contact and lead to the development of STDs. In addition, bacteria that are not causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases, such as staphylococci, can sometimes be transmitted from person to person. For this reason, after having sex with a new partner, some people (most often women) may experience STD-like symptoms.


Cocci in a smear in women: causes and treatment

What are cocci

The most malicious and defiant severe illness flora - coccal.

Cocci are spherical bacteria that live in the body of any person from birth, on its outer cover and internal membranes of hollow organs.

Such bacteria can be found in the body of women, men and children. Cocci found in a large amount in a smear indicate disorders in the body.

When a woman is absolutely healthy and there are no pathological processes in her body, the result of a smear on the flora will show a high level of lactobacilli - 95%. Due to this, the necessary acidity is preserved in the entrance part of the female genital organs, and the vagina is protected from infection.

The results of the analysis, which allows to investigate the microflora, are determined by the number of cocci. If there are many bacteria, this will be indicated by the alkaline environment in the vagina. An excessive number of cocci is a clear indication of the course of the inflammatory process. If you do not start the treatment of pathology, in the future it will lead to diseases such as endometritis in acute or chronic form, cervical erosion.

Cocci are transmitted by household means and through sexual contact. Easily transferred to the mucous membrane of the reproductive organs from the segment of the colon or anus.


Cocci found in a smear: what is it? What is the norm and why do they appear in the body?

Gynecologist - how much fear and panic arises from the mere thought of this doctor. Do not be afraid, because the gynecologist is your friend against harmful diseases and viruses. It is necessary to visit a gynecologist every six months to be sure of your health.

Cocci - what is it?

If the amount is out of the norm, you should worry, in this case, the bacteria can harm your body. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the number of cocci in the microflora.

Norm of cocci in a smear

The microflora of a woman's vagina is very interesting, it is home to a huge number of bacteria that perform their functions and maintain the health of the female organs and the whole organism as a whole. In the microflora, in addition to other bacteria - acidophilus, bifidumbacteria, peptostreptocci, there are also cocci.

Their tasks in full cooperation - maintain acid balance. influence the metabolic process of substances, fight "harmful" bacteria.

To determine the number of cocci, it is necessary take a swab to alkaline balance. If the amount exceeds the norm, then the microflora has an increased alkaline environment, in this case the pH level is more than 7.5.

With a normal alkaline balance, the pH level should be no more than 7 and no less than 5.5. The number of cocci have a great impact on the body, a woman may experience cervical erosion, endometritis, or even worse, infertility.

Symptoms of the appearance of cocci

The appearance of cocci in the body will not go unnoticed, they are accompanied by a number of symptoms:

  • Unpleasant smell, similar to rotten fish or missing sour milk product.
  • Constant itching and burning on the genitals.
  • Painful sensations when urinating.
  • Vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor and an unusual color - white, yellow or even green.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Norm of cocci in a smear
  • Prevention
  • Improper care of the skin of the body and genitals;
  • Wearing tight synthetic underwear;
  • Frequent washing of the genitals;
  • Timely change of linen;
  • Use of protective equipment during sex;
  • Proper and balanced nutrition;
  • Wearing underwear made from natural fabrics that does not restrict movement.
  • monococci
  • staphylococci look like bunches of grapes
  • genital infections
  • early sexual life
  • pain in the lower abdomen
  • purulent discharge from the vagina, urethra in men
  • Gradually decreases and completely stops the production of estrogen.
  • The balance of microflora is disturbed, the reaction of the environment becomes alkaline.
  • Lack of estrogen leads to infertility and miscarriages.
  • The presence of a chronic focus of infection causes a general weakening of the immune system.
  • burning sensation in the canal
  • swelling and hyperemia of the external genitalia
  • It is necessary to refuse sexual intercourse before the procedure for at least five days.
  • Do not take medications that hinder the differentiation of bacteria. This is especially true of antibiotic therapy for concomitant diseases, if any.
  • avoid stress
  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • Gonococcus;
  • Streptococci.
  • Violation of immunity;
  • Additional diseases;
  • Unprotected sexual contact;
  • Genital injuries;
  • Surgical intervention.
  • Itching and discomfort in the urethra;
  • Pain when emptying the bladder;
  • Lack of sexual life;
  • Refusal of concomitant therapy;
  • regulate the level of acidity;
  • destroy pathogenic bacteria and microbes;
  • improve metabolic processes.
  • neutral (pH up to 5.0);
  • slightly acidic (pH up to 7.0);
  • alkaline (pH at around 7.5).
  • long-term use of antibiotics by a woman, especially without a doctor's prescription;
  • improper or insufficient body hygiene;
  • early onset of sexual activity;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • unprotected intercourse with an infected partner;
  • use of dirty hands or non-disinfected objects for masturbation;
  • frequent wearing of synthetic or too tight underwear;
  • frequent douching.
  • observe personal hygiene of the body, wash regularly and change underwear;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • less nervous and avoid stressful situations;
  • protect yourself during intercourse;
  • do not have promiscuous sex life;
  • Healthy food.
  • Causes
  • Medical treatment
  • Prolonged and chaotic use of antibiotics;
  • Early sexual life;
  • Frequent sexual contact with different partners;
  • Unprotected sex with an infected partner;
  • Oral and anal sex.
  • Compliance with personal and intimate hygiene;
  • Rejection of bad habits;
  • Avoidance of stress;
  • diplococci - arranged in pairs (one of the representatives is pneumococcus)
  • tetracocci - grouped together four
  • sarcins - 8 or more cells
  • long-term use of antibiotics
  • chronic diseases
  • a large number of intimate partners
  • non-compliance with hygiene measures
  • abuse of oral contraceptives
  • pregnancy
  • discomfort and pain during intercourse
  • itching of the external genitalia
  • pain during urination
  1. The regularity of the menstrual cycle is disturbed.

Without treatment, serious diseases such as endometriosis, cervical erosion develop. In pregnant women, infection can cause miscarriage, bleeding, placental abruption, and premature birth. In the womb, a child can also become infected. For the purpose of prevention, the gynecologist twice takes a smear on the flora during pregnancy in women.

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor, it will differ depending on the cause of the disease. Timely referral to medical Center prevent life-threatening complications.

Features of the treatment of infection in women

Therapy consists in taking antibiotics orally, using antimicrobials in the form of vaginal and rectal suppositories, douching with antiseptic solutions. To restore normal microflora, probiotics are prescribed, in severe cases, the doctor additionally prescribes immunomodulators. The course of treatment is from 10-14 days.

When a coccal infection is detected in women, both partners should be examined.

Coccal flora during pregnancy is a dangerous condition that can lead not only to inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system, but also harm the fetus if left untreated. Safe therapy for mother and baby is prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the side effects of drugs. For an accurate diagnosis, he uses modern methods disease diagnostics:

PCR to detect cytomegalovirus in the blood of a pregnant PIF to clarify the possible presence of an infectious disease (chlamydia, mycoplasmosis)

The reason for the imbalance of microflora in pregnant women is hormonal changes, decreased immunity, and a stress factor.

Symptoms of diseases of the genitourinary system in men

Do not delay a visit to the doctor if you have complaints related to the genitals and urethra. The most striking symptoms that signal that a bacterial infection has joined:

pain during emptying of the bladder purulent discharge from the urethra

The burning sensation during urination is explained by pain during the passage of fluid through the inflamed tissues of the affected areas of the urethra.

Gonorrhea is characterized by gray-green turbid discharge, sometimes mixed with blood, with a characteristic odor.

Enterococci and staphylococci cause significant swelling of the tissues of the urethra and scrotum. This makes it difficult to empty the bladder.

Careful hygiene before the examination.

A feature of the methods of combating coccal infection in pregnant women is the observance of intimate hygiene, it is possible to use suppositories with lactobacilli to normalize the microflora. No less effective are sitz baths with medicinal herbs. Antibacterial therapy is prescribed only in extreme cases, if the expected effect outweighs the risk of complications for the health of the fetus and mother.

The key to normal microflora of health indicators is a healthy lifestyle, minimization of stressful situations, and observance of intimate hygiene. A visit to a gynecologist should be regular at least once a year, and after 35 - once every six months with a mandatory oncological examination. To prevent the development of pathogenic flora, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

strictly observe personal hygiene of the body do not abuse the use of alcoholic beverages nutrition should be balanced

Avoid chronic foci of infections, seek medical help in a timely manner.

Periodically, candidiasis occurs: I follow all preventive measures. A microflora smear showed an excess of fungi and cocci. After the treatment prescribed by the doctor, all the symptoms disappeared. Now, in order to avoid relapse, I follow all the recommendations of the gynecologist.

urethral bacteria

Antibiotic treatment;

Impairment of the immune system affects the state of the whole organism. Decreased immunity leads to the development of various diseases in the male genitourinary system. The inflammatory process leads to a decrease in the number of beneficial organisms. Their place is taken by cocci. Bacteria strike urinary tract and sex glands. Especially often with reduced protective functions, the inflammatory process affects the prostate gland. A man develops bacterial prostatitis.

Taking antibiotics by the patient leads to the active reproduction of cocci. Medicinal substances of antibiotic action have a detrimental effect on all types of bacteria. Long-term use of antibiotics leads to a decrease in the level of beneficial microflora. Cocci begin to actively multiply and settle on the vacant tissue areas. For this reason, it must be taken into account that the bacterium will have resistance to this substance. The selection of drugs should be carried out by a specialist.

Injury to the genital organs and surgery can cause a change in the level of the flora, and activates the development of cocci. When using non-sterile or poorly disinfected instruments, pathogens enter the body, which lead to the development of diseases of the genitourinary system.

Symptoms of diseases

The appearance of purulent fluid; Redness and swelling of the organs of the inguinal zone. Certain conditions for washing the body.

The patient needs to know that antibacterial body wash gels reduce the level of cocci in the urethra. Microorganisms go into the urinary tract. It is necessary to refuse washing with such means a day before the analysis. Otherwise, the smear will be invalid.

Treatment of diseases

All pathologies caused by cocci must be treated with medication. Specialists use two pharmacological groups:

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will help reduce the inflammatory process. Medicines must be taken within 7-14 days until the pathogenic process is completely eliminated. A man taking NSAIDs should pay attention to the appearance of various unpleasant symptoms. This pharmacological group causes pathologies from gastrointestinal tract and liver.

What does the presence of cocci in a smear mean in women?

During a routine examination by a gynecologist, cocci in a smear in women can be detected, which can indicate both minor changes in the vaginal microflora and serious STDs.

The causes of the appearance of cocci, methods of their treatment and prevention are discussed in the article.

What are cocci?

The human body is inhabited by many bacteria - useful, protecting the body, contributing to the coordinated work of all systems, and harmful, the activity of which leads to a deterioration in human health and the development of various diseases.

The microflora of a woman's vagina is a complex system, which includes the bacteria necessary for the functioning (lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, peptostreptococci).

It is these microorganisms in the course of their life that create a special acidic environment in the vagina that is detrimental to pathogenic bacteria.

With the right balance of beneficial bacteria, an acidic environment becomes a kind of barrier against the penetration of harmful microorganisms and their reproduction.

Various effects on a woman's body lead to an imbalance in the microflora of the vagina, the environment of which is alkalized and populated by pathogenic bacteria. One of the most harmful and dangerous flora for a woman's health is the coccal environment.

Cocci are spherical bacteria (sometimes they have a more elongated shape, similar to the outline of a coffee bean).

Depending on the structure of the bacteria, streptococci, diplococci, tetracocci, sarcins and staphylococci are distinguished. All these microorganisms are present in the body of a healthy person, but in small quantities.

They do not affect the change in the environment of the vagina, their reproduction is controlled by lactobacilli.

Gradually, with the change of the mucosal environment from acidic to alkaline, the number and type of cocci in the composition of the flora change, the level of beneficial microorganisms decreases, and the pathogenic microflora increases.

If a large number of cocci is found in the smear, then this is an occasion to immediately begin treatment. The fact is that the gradual transition of the vaginal environment from acidic to alkaline under the influence of pathogenic bacteria leads to inflammation of the genital organs and serious diseases of the genitourinary system.

The most common consequences of the reproduction of cocci in the vaginal flora include endometritis, cervical erosion, pyelonephritis and other diseases.

The danger is not only the diseases themselves, but also the high probability of developing infertility against the background of an actively developing pathogenic environment and infection of the genital organs.

Types of cocci

A change in the balance of the vaginal microflora towards alkalization provokes the active reproduction of cocci and the death of beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria, which normally inhabit the mucosa.

The detection of cocci in a smear in women in itself says little, the main information lies in the data on the type of pathogenic bacterium and its quantity.

In a healthy body, almost all types of cocci can be present, but their number is negligible and does not affect the state of the vaginal microflora.

If cocci are found in the smear in excess of normal values, it is worthwhile to figure out which pathogenic bacteria were found during the study and why they are dangerous.

Streptococci are Gram-positive bacteria. The presence of streptococcus in the smear is acceptable, since the bacterium is considered opportunistic.

This means that a small amount of microorganisms does not harm a woman's health, but their excess leads to a change in the vaginal environment, that is, dysbacteriosis, and inflammation in the woman's genitals.

Enterococci are opportunistic bacteria that live in the intestines. Their migration to the genitourinary system occurs quite simply and quickly, for example, if a woman does not follow simple rules of intimate hygiene.

The presence of coccobacilli in a smear (coccobacillary flora) implies active reproduction in the vaginal microflora of Haemophilus influenzae, gardnerella and chlamydia and indicates STDs and bacterial vaginosis.

Gonococcus is a type of Gram-negative diplococcus that causes gonorrhea and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the genitourinary system. The danger of gonococcus lies, among other things, in the extremely rapid development of an inflammatory reaction.

Diplococcus in a smear on the flora is a dangerous signal. Its presence indicates the development of serious infections, primarily meningococcal and pneumococcal. In a smear of a healthy woman, diplococcus should not be detected.

Staphylococcus aureus is the most common pathogen in the human body.

Most people become infected with staphylococcus aureus in the maternity hospital, but often it does not provoke the development of serious pathologies, and some people even develop immunity to this strong bacterium.

But the danger lies in resistance to many antiseptics and even antibiotics. In addition, it is Staphylococcus aureus that often causes the development of serious diseases (pneumonia, meningitis, osteomyelitis, and others).

Symptoms and causes of cocci in a smear

The main reason for the appearance of cocci in a smear is considered a promiscuous sex life. Frequent change of sexual partners and lack of protective equipment often leads to infection with various STDs and the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the body.

To avoid this is quite simple - to protect yourself with barrier contraceptives (condoms).

If a woman has a single sexual partner and protection is impossible for some reason (for example, when trying to get pregnant), then a man's examination for the presence of hidden diseases can protect against infections.

The danger is the early onset of sexual activity and masturbation with dirty hands. During masturbation, various pathogenic microorganisms can be introduced into the vagina, contributing to the development of infections.

Not less than common cause development of the coccal environment in the vagina becomes insufficient or improper hygiene of the genital organs.

Daily shower, washing with warm water with a special product for intimate hygiene, changing underwear is a normal set of daily procedures for any person.

Gynecologists insist on the correct washing process: the movement must occur from the genitals to the anus in order to prevent the migration of pathogenic bacteria from the intestinal environment into the vagina.

Frequent douching or taking antibiotics entails a change in the flora of the vagina.

The washing out and destruction of beneficial lactobacilli that inhabit the mucosa stimulates a sharp growth of pathogenic microorganisms, which, in turn, leads to the development of inflammatory processes and diseases.

Although a Pap smear is a mandatory procedure at the annual examination by a gynecologist, sometimes a woman should visit a doctor outside of the plan.

The reason for an emergency trip to the doctor should be abundant discharge with an unpleasant "fishy" smell, a feeling of discomfort, itching or burning in the vagina and in the area of ​​the labia.

If the analysis confirms the coccal environment in the vagina, then the doctor, based on the results of the research and the patient's complaints, will select the most effective treatment.

How to treat cocci in a smear?

Cocci found in a smear require immediate treatment, as they are dangerous to a woman's health and affect her fertility.

It is especially important, if there are complaints, to consult a doctor in time while carrying a child, since cocci in a smear during pregnancy pose a threat not only to the expectant mother herself, but also to the baby.

If the first symptoms or suspicion of the development of a coccal environment in the vagina occur, a woman should visit a gynecologist and take a smear on the flora.

The procedure of this study does not cause pain and passes quickly enough. The doctor uses a special sterile spatula to take mucus from the urethra, cervical canal and from the walls of the vagina.

The resulting material is applied to glass, dried, stained and studied for the presence of pathogenic bacteria.

Most of the microflora of the vagina is made up of Dederlein rods and lactobacilli, while the number of cocci is less than 3%. If the norm is exceeded, then specific therapy is mandatory.

Treating a coccal environment always means taking antibiotics. Usually, at the initial stage of the development of the disease, drugs with local action are prescribed: solutions for washing, suppositories, gels, ointments.

The course of therapy is set by a gynecologist and takes an average of up to two weeks. Important is the simultaneous treatment of both the woman and her sexual partner.

Among the most popular remedies both among doctors and patients are Metronidazole and Clindamycin. Most cocci are sensitive to these drugs, so their administration is effective in bacterial vaginosis and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.

Since pathogenic bacteria tend to develop resistance to entire groups of antibiotics, it is recommended that the vagina be cultured on a nutrient medium before taking this group of drugs. Such a study is of great importance in the development of a treatment regimen for a sick woman.

Without fail, when taking antibiotics, drugs are prescribed that restore the microflora of the vagina due to the content of a large number of lactobacilli.

Such complex treatment will be more effective and will prevent the recurrence of the disease.

At the end of the course of antibacterial drugs, the woman again takes a smear for the flora. In case of serious illness, repeated antibiotic therapy may be required.

The presence of a coccal environment in the vagina does not always threaten a woman's health.

But in order to exclude possible complications and stop the disease in time, one should not only visit a doctor on a scheduled basis, but also seek medical help for any complaints and ailments.

A gynecologist will tell you how to treat ailments and prevent their recurrence.

What threatens the coccal flora?

The preservation of an acidic environment in the microflora of the vagina is the norm, but without the development of harmful bacteria in it. If a significant amount of cocci is found in a smear in women, the alkaline balance changes, and not for the better. The coccal flora leads to an imbalance in the vagina. The doctor diagnoses dysbacteriosis often in conjunction with the inflammatory process in it. Treatment is necessary, otherwise endometriosis will subsequently develop, erosion of the cervix will appear.

Varieties of bacteria

Leukocytes are designed to protect the body from infection. An increase in their number when taking a smear indicates the development of an infection. With an increase in the coccal flora in the smear, treatment is necessary, but depending on the type of bacteria that have settled in the woman's vagina. Bacteria are:

– gonococci;

- streptococci;

– staphylococci;

– pneumococci;


What are the symptoms when the norm of cocci is exceeded?

Symptoms for a long time may not be. With the development of infection, the mucous membrane becomes dry, women are worried about itching and burning, and discharge appears. With inflammation of the prostate gland in men, the microflora is infected with gonococci, when taking a smear from the urethra.

Coccal bacteria or gonococci in a smear lead to the development of gonorrhea in men. The testicle swells, yellow or green contents are discharged from the penis, cutting pain appears when urinating. Treatment is necessary.

Why does a coccal infection develop?

The development of dysbacteriosis in the vagina is possible as a result of:

  • prolonged use of antibiotics, self-medication with incorrect doses;
  • development of genital infections;
  • douche abuse. Useful microflora is washed out and nothing prevents bacteria;
  • early onset of sexual activity, indiscriminate relationships;
  • unprotected sex with a partner infected with gonococci;
  • wearing synthetic underwear.

Cocci in a smear lead to an unpleasant odor, vaginal discharge, often thick and viscous, itching, burning, discomfort during sex. If, during examination and taking a smear, the gynecologist finds a conditionally pathogenic flora, then he makes a diagnosis - coccal flora.

What is the danger of cocci?

Cocci are bacteria in the form of rice grains. They are constantly present in the body, but when the norm is exceeded, they provoke the development of an inflammatory process. Coccal flora extends not only to the vagina, but also to the intestines, integuments of the skin.

The resettlement of bacteria in the secret of the vagina leads to a decrease and even cessation of estrogen production, lactobacilli multiply. The cessation of hormone production in the ovaries negatively affects the reproductive organs, resulting in miscarriages, miscarriage, and infertility. With a small number of cocci, the immune system is still functioning, the bacteria do not multiply strongly, the microflora is kept in balance.

With the predominance of bacteria, inflammation develops and this is a reason to consult a doctor. Inflammation is promoted by:

  1. Hormonal disorders, the number of lactobacilli decreases, the regularity of the menstrual cycle is disturbed.
  2. Damage to the vaginal mucosa, leading to a weakening of its protective functions.
  3. Infectious diseases, the immune system weakens, nothing prevents the development of bacteria.
  4. Non-observance of personal hygiene, pathogenic bacteria begin to develop intensively in a nutritious and favorable environment.

Diagnosis of the disease

The diagnosis is made by the doctor during a conversation with the patient, the presence of symptoms and complaints. The main symptoms indicating the presence of coccal flora:

  • pain, discomfort during intercourse;
  • heaviness, pain in the lower abdomen;
  • discomfort in the vagina, genitals;
  • vaginal discharge, profuse and foul-smelling, purulent.

Vaginal discharge, when examined by a doctor, characteristically changes color, the mucous membrane is irritated, the vagina itself is inflamed, with a bright crimson, red tint. The discharge may contain particles of blood.

All these are symptoms of the acute stage of the disease. In the chronic form, they are less pronounced, smoothed. The doctor will make an accurate diagnosis after examining the smear, assessing its microflora. The smear after taking is applied to a glass slide, dried, stained by a laboratory assistant to count and identify microorganisms. With a large number of leukocytes and abundant coccal flora, desquamated epithelium, a diagnosis is made - nonspecific colpitis.

How to treat cocci?

Treatment consists in taking drugs locally, 1-2 weeks. Betadine is often prescribed, but the drug has contraindications, itching, a disorder of the vaginal mucosa is possible. With increased hypersensitivity to the components, it is not recommended to treat the disease with Betadine. Also, during pregnancy, while breastfeeding, treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of the attending physician.

Coccal flora is treated with antibiotics: Clindamycin, Metronidazole. Antimicrobials, suppositories, sprays, vaginal tablets are prescribed. All treatment is aimed at restoring the microflora. It is possible to additionally prescribe immunostimulants in the form of suppositories to increase immunity and restore normal microflora.

To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, antihistamines are prescribed, to restore the vaginal flora - probiotics as a prophylaxis against thrush, other fungal diseases that can begin to develop after undergoing antibiotic treatment. Antibacterial therapy is prescribed only in advanced cases. If the doctor decides that it is possible to do without it, then he will prescribe douching with antiseptic solutions, for example, chlorhexidine, then inserting a tampon into the vagina soaked with lactobacilli to destroy the infection that takes place in the watered antiseptic solution. The course of the main treatment is up to 10 days. It is useful to carry out douching with the addition of a decoction of calendula, celandine, chamomile. When a coccal infection is detected, both partners are often examined, it is transmitted sexually.

Mucus is often observed in the smear when cocci are exceeded in the smear. Mucus is not pathological, but together with cocci indicates the development of colpitis or dysbacteriosis. Nonspecific colpitis occurs with hormonal imbalance, treatment should be aimed at correcting the hormonal background. Women aged and with menopause are shown drugs containing estrogen.

The coccal flora during pregnancy is dangerous, leads to the development of inflammation and becomes dangerous if left untreated, moves up, the development of the pathology to the uterus can harm the fetus, the doctor will prescribe treatment. For the baby, it should be as safe as possible.

How to prevent the development of coccal flora?

The microflora in the vagina will be normal if you lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid stress, observe intimate hygiene, use condoms during casual sex.

If a diagnosis is made - coccal flora, treatment should be timely. Microbes are sensitive to many drugs, so self-medication is unacceptable. Only a doctor will prescribe drugs based on the results of a smear. If the infection is not treated, then the disease becomes chronic, reproductive organs are affected, infertility develops.

Interesting video:

It is necessary to visit a gynecologist when discharge, other unpleasant symptoms appear: itching, burning. It is advisable to take a smear regularly, at least 1-2 times a year.

The coccal flora leads to an imbalance in the vagina. To normalize the flora is the main direction in treatment, prevention of possible relapses in the future.

Coca in gynecology in women: what is it, how to treat and symptoms

The normal state of the microflora of the genital tract of women and girls is characterized by a small amount of spherical coccal bacteria (less than 5%).

If, however, an excess of the norm of staphylococci, streptococci, enterococci is found in the smear, or gonococci are detected, and the number of leukocytes has also increased, this means the onset of some kind of inflammatory disease. We need to treat him urgently.

Diagnosis and prescribing of drugs is the prerogative of a doctor, self-medication will inevitably lead to serious complications, so you should not take pills, use herbs that a compassionate neighbor told you about, or those recommended on the medical forum "Cocci, gynecology" from the Internet.

Reasons for the development of pathogenic bacteria

What are the factors causing the accelerated reproduction of harmful microorganisms? The main condition for the activation of conditionally pathogenic cocci and the spread of infection is the weakening of the body's immune forces. The development of inflammatory diseases in women can also provoke the following circumstances:

  • uncontrolled use of antibiotics;
  • sexual infection through unprotected contact;
  • non-compliance with personal hygiene;
  • washing out beneficial flora with frequent douching;
  • slimming underwear, thongs, synthetic underpants;
  • infection through household items of hygienic care;
  • infection during medical procedures;
  • using toys from a sex shop;
  • menopause;
  • hypothermia.

In some situations, the causes of infection are hormonal imbalance of the body, metabolic disorders, since any such disorder leads to a change in the acidity of the vagina, a decrease in the number of beneficial lactobacilli, which are immediately occupied by pathogenic cocci.

Symptoms of the development of infections

The onset of the disease is sometimes not characterized by any obvious signs, therefore, if an increase in the number of coccus is detected as a result of the smear analysis, it is necessary to undergo an extended thorough examination.

The main frequently observed symptoms are expressed by the following phenomena:

  • foul-smelling discharge;
  • profuse and thick leucorrhoea;
  • change in the color of the discharge;
  • the appearance of purulent clots;
  • burning sensation, itching;
  • swelling of organ tissues,
  • pain during intercourse or urination.

The manifestation of only one such symptom indicates the danger of a wide spread of pathogenic coccus colonies.

Urgent medical local and general treatment is needed, since many diseases develop at lightning speed and lead to life-threatening consequences.

What diseases can be?

Consider the danger posed by pathogenic organisms:

    Staphylococci. Infection with staphylococci causes the most serious harm to the body: cocci affect not only the mucous membranes of the vagina, cervix and uterine body, they penetrate into any organ of the body through the bloodstream.

    Enzymes and poisons produced by microorganisms destroy the cells of the body, resulting in the formation of inflammatory purulent wounds, ulcers, tissue atrophy, and blood poisoning.

    Bacteria are distinguished by unique survivability: they are resistant to physical and chemical influences, and quickly adapt to antibiotics.

    3 varieties of staphylococci: aureus, epidermal and saprophytic - the causative agents of more than 100 types of serious human diseases, they multiply at a tremendous rate, so treatment should be immediate.

    streptococcal infection. Able not to appear for a long period of time, and then there will be pulling or sharp pains in the lower abdomen, fever, chills, temperature and other signs of coccal infection.

    Streptococci are able to spread through the blood throughout the body, causing focal lesions of the mucous membrane of any organ of the body. If left untreated, a large-scale purulent inflammation of the fiber layers occurs, then the appearance of tumors, tissue atrophy. Tumor rupture guarantees the development of sepsis. Streptococci "B" of the group that live in the vagina or on the intestinal mucosa are often the causative agents of pneumonia, meningitis, cause heart disease, and affect bone tissue.

    Enterococci. Infection of the vagina with fecal enterococci causes purulent inflammatory diseases of the organs inside the small pelvis. Bacteria cause the development of many gynecological diseases. Often they cause urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis.

    Such cocci are especially dangerous for women carrying a child: a missed pregnancy, miscarriage, and infection of the fetus can occur. Cocci multiply rapidly and are highly resistant to drugs, so treatment should begin as early as possible.

    Gonococcus. The causative agents of the dangerous sexual disease gonorrhea. Bacteria infect the mucous membrane of the vagina, anus, cervix, gradually spread through the tubes and uterine cavity, causing purulent inflammation of the genitals, urinary ducts, and colon.

    Timely full-fledged treatment will not allow the transition of an easily removed acute form into a chronic stage dangerous for the body.

The consequences of a neglected disease are terrible: cocci are capable of spreading through the bloodstream and affecting the tissues of the brain, eyes, liver, heart, and joints.

Women and men are at risk of infertility. Activation of gonococci during pregnancy can result in blindness for the baby.

How to get rid of pathogenic bacteria?

Many women's diseases caused by cocci are immediately transmitted to the partner, so simultaneous administration of drugs is required. Doctors prescribe complex treatment, and individually select the necessary types of drugs:

  • antibacterial agents;
  • broad spectrum antibiotics
  • immunomodulators,
  • antihistamine medicines,
  • probiotics,
  • antiseptics.

You can use medicinal herbs for douching, lotions, baths only on the recommendation of a doctor, since some types of plants significantly reduce the healing ability of medicines.

After recovery, be sure to follow the rules of hygiene prevention to prevent re-infection.


How to prevent infection from external environment in gynecology?

The peculiarity of pathogens is that cocci often penetrate into the vagina from contaminated objects, moreover, they constantly live there, however, they do not always cause the development of the disease. If we exclude the factors that cause the activation of cocci, you can forget about their existence.

How to do it?

  1. Prevent a decrease in immunity that occurs due to strict diets, stress, bad habits, and non-treatment of chronic diseases.
  2. To ensure the integrity of epithelial tissues, and to do this, reduce or completely exclude household chemicals from consumption, exclude objects, procedures that injure the mucous membrane.
  3. Do not abuse douching procedures.
  4. Wear exclusively clean, ironed underwear made of natural fabrics, replace pads in a timely manner.
  5. Use only personal soap, towel, washcloth, other care items.
  6. When visiting a public bath, someone else's bath, beach chair, toilet, you can not sit on poorly treated surfaces.
  7. Monitor the cleanliness of medical instruments, lining fabrics when visiting doctors.
  8. Wash your hands more often.
  9. Avoid casual sex.

Such simple measures will save as much as possible from the spread of coccal infection, prevent infection.

Self-treatment for any coccal infection in gynecology is unacceptable: the resistance of microorganisms to drugs with inadequate treatment increases many times over.

In addition, the hidden flora of the coccus invisibly affects new areas of body tissues, and the release of toxins leads to severe poisoning. Only a doctor, based on the results of the analysis, diagnoses the type of disease, determines the methods of treatment, and prescribes medications. The sooner a person goes to the clinic, the easier it is to get rid of the pathogenic flora of cocci in gynecology. It is important to know that douching should not be performed before contacting a doctor, as the picture of the disease may become distorted.

Cocci in gynecology: what is it, how to treat and how to protect the body

It so happened that our people do not like to go to polyclinics unnecessarily. Only if it “bakes”, they turn to a certain doctor for help.

But, in spite of everything, there are doctors who should be examined at least once a year. Among such luminaries are gynecologists. When a woman comes to the gynecologist for an appointment, even if nothing bothers her, a smear is taken from the vagina. It detects the presence of beneficial bacteria and pathogens. It is the latter that include cocci.

Smear from all sides

Going to the gynecologist involves examining the gynecological chair. Usually, the doctor takes a smear on the flora to understand the state of health of the genital organs.

Any examination of the female genital organs in gynecology begins with taking a swab (flora) from the vagina. This procedure is painless and not scary. According to the results of the analysis, the state of health of the woman is determined.

In addition, flora helps to identify:

  • Elevated levels of Candida, leading to thrush.
  • Cancer cells.
  • Different bacteria-pests leading to different diseases.
  • Define hormonal background girls.
  • A variety of cocci that cause inflammation in the body.
  • And other.

When a woman is healthy, the vaginal microflora consists of 95% lactobacilli, the so-called Doderlein sticks (gram-positive bacteria). They maintain the desired acidity of the vagina and protect against various infections. The remaining 5% - may contain cocci, Candid fungus, and more.

If the number of lactobacilli is less than normal, the immunity of the vaginal environment decreases. Their complete absence indicates urgent treatment. Accordingly, no or few Doderlein sticks equals many pathogenic bacteria.

What are cocci

Based on the results of the tests, the doctor determines whether the allowable rate microorganisms in the vagina and, if any, prescribes treatment.

The detection of a large number of cocci in a smear does not lead to anything good. Their appearance is quite decent - balls, coffee beans, but appearances are deceiving.

The following cocci are distinguished in the world:

  • Staphylococcus. Mankind knows 27 varieties of this microorganism, only 14 can be found on the human body. Three of them are considered dangerous. Staphylococcus aureus can cause serious health problems, even death.

Basically, when they mean staphylococcus aureus, they mean the golden appearance. It is the most dangerous and quite resistant to various antiseptics, antibiotics, and external influences. Staphylococcus aureus is able to endure high temperatures over 150 degrees for 10 minutes. And under direct sunlight continues to exist up to 12 hours.

It is useless to treat this microorganism with ethyl alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or sodium chloride.

Staphylococcus can cause pneumonia, endocarditis, osteomyelitis. It excites an inflammatory process on the mucous membranes of the female genital organs, and this is unpleasant.

The presence of single staphylococci in the vaginal flora is considered the norm, and their increase requires treatment.

  • Streptococci. This microorganism may not affect a woman for a long time, and then suddenly cause a painful condition. This manifests itself in the form of a sharp pain in the lower abdomen, chills, high body temperature. Streptococci are dangerous because they spread through the blood to all internal organs of a person. They can provoke suppuration of fiber layers, then a tumor and tissue atrophy. If the tumor ruptures, sepsis appears. Vaginal streptococci provoke: meningitis, heart disease, pharyngitis, vulvovaginitis, the like.

Single streptococci in a smear do not cause danger to a woman's body.

  • Enterococcus. It is an intestinal microorganism, but can be found in the vagina. This indicates an inflammatory process of the genitourinary system or inflammation in the pelvic organs.

Its presence in the vaginal flora may indicate improper intimate hygiene, promiscuity, or wearing too tight underwear. It happens that growth is caused by antibiotics.

Enterococcus is able to "deal" a blow to human health with the help of cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, from gynecology - vulvovaginitis.

In cases of these microorganisms, treatment should be started as early as possible, enterococcus spreads very quickly throughout the body. And for pregnant women it is very dangerous, miscarriages, fetal fading, infection of the unborn child are possible.

Single enterococci in a smear are not terrible.

  • Gonococcus. The most widely known and most dangerous among all cocci. It is they who excite the venereal disease - gonorrhea.

In the smear, gonococci should not be present at all.

Bacteria enter the vaginal mucosa, the anus, the cervix, then reach the tubes of the cervix. Provoke purulent inflammation of the genital organs. Therefore, urgent treatment is required.

For an unborn child, gonococci threaten blindness.

For humans, this bacterium causes infertility.

The neglected state is life-threatening. With blood throughout the body, it enters the brain, liver, heart, etc. It strikes everything that meets on the way.

Early treatment will help to avoid serious consequences.

Causes of pathogenic bacteria

Many reasons are associated with rash acts. It would seem that such a beautiful lace underwear? But it turns out that this is not always good and can lead to disastrous consequences.

Of course, among the reasons there is also an unfunny reason - it is a weakened immune system. In this situation, it is worth taking care of your health.

The reasons for the appearance of cocci in the body are quite ridiculous:

  • Wearing synthetic underwear.
  • Wearing tight panties that don't fit.
  • Indifferent attitude to intimate hygiene.
  • Promiscuous sex.
  • Unprotected sex with an infected partner
  • Frequent use of sex toys from stores.
  • Prolonged use of panty liners.
  • Frequent douching without specialist supervision (meaning self-medication).
  • Accidental infection during a medical examination.
  • Infection through household items for hygiene.
  • Uncontrolled intake of antibiotics.

Symptoms of the disease

If a woman belongs to the category of people who do not visit a gynecologist every year, you should know the most common symptoms of coccal infection.

  • Vaginal discharge has an unpleasant odor (it is often said that the smell resembles the smell of salted herring).
  • Beli become more abundant and thicker.
  • In the female genital area, itching, burning, discomfort is felt.
  • Mucus acquires a yellowish tint, sometimes greenish.
  • Pain when urinating.
  • Pain during lovemaking.

These signs do not always indicate pest bacteria. They can be a consequence of other inflammatory processes in the body. To determine the cause, you need to see a doctor. So you do not harm your health, and will immediately eliminate the cause of the symptoms, by the method of proper treatment.

Prevention of cocci

It is worth introducing a few simple habits into your daily life, thereby avoiding health problems.

  • Minimize the "enemies" of immunity: stress, strict diets, bad habits, etc.
  • Avoid household chemicals as much as possible.
  • Adhere to daily intimate hygiene.
  • Use personal items for hygiene.
  • Use special agent for the intimate area.
  • You need to wash from front to back, using clean boiled water.
  • Refuse synthetic and tight underwear, at least use them less.
  • Decide on a sexual partner.
  • During sex, give preference to barrier protection - a condom.
  • Any antibiotic must be prescribed by a doctor. Some of them require the parallel administration of special preparations to preserve the normal flora of the vagina.

Features of treatment

  • Treatment should be started as early as possible. Means for this are prescribed only by a doctor. Self-medication can lead to a deterioration in the condition of a woman.
  • During the course of recovery, it is worth abandoning intimate relationships.
  • If a coccal infection is caused by taking antibiotics, it is necessary to exclude any of their types during the establishment of the vaginal microflora. Or consult with your doctor.
  • A woman is able to infect her sexual partner with cocci, so they must undergo a course of treatment together.

A woman who visits a gynecologist on time avoids many health problems in the future, so do not be lazy, but find time for your health.

Coccal infection - causes, symptoms, treatment

We are surrounded by a huge number of bacteria, fungi, viruses and much more, something that in everyday life we ​​rarely pay attention to or do not pay at all. But it is these microorganisms that can cause very great harm to our health. To prevent this from happening, you need to know as much as possible about this invisible world.

What is a coccal infection

Cocci are bacteria, they have a spherical shape and most often affect the digestive, respiratory system and mucous membranes of the genital organs. There are several varieties of this infection:

  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • gonococci;
  • meningococci;
  • tetracocci;
  • diplococci;
  • sarcinas.

The main types of cocci

Streptococci provoke inflammatory processes of a local nature, they are divided into 5 groups and cause various diseases depending on their group:

  • group A (erysipelas, scarlet fever, tonsillitis, impetigo);
  • group B (in newborns, sepsis and meningitis, puerperal sepsis, urinary tract infections, diabetic foot, infective endocarditis);
  • group C (infective endocarditis, erysipelas);
  • group D (infective endocarditis);
  • group G (infective endocarditis, periodontitis, brain abscess, erysipelas);
  • not grouped (sinusitis, pneumonia, pleural empyema, brain abscess, liver abscess, abdominal abscesses).

This type of infection is very strong and survives even after heating to 60 degrees and drying.

Immunity becomes stable only if a person has been ill with scarlet fever.

Staphylococci are considered the most dangerous, as they are resistant to even the strongest antibiotics and survive under high temperatures. They affect any organ or tissue; for this, a small damage to the skin or mucous membrane is enough. But the most terrible is the entry of this infection into the blood, it gives rise to sepsis. The incubation period can last from several hours to five days.

Gonococcus is the causative agent of sexually transmitted diseases, and also affects the mucous membrane of the eye. One of these diseases can be blennorrhea (an eye disease with an inflammatory process), as well as gonorrhea (this is a serious sexually transmitted disease). These microorganisms are less resistant to heat and disinfection, so they are easier to deal with.

Meningococci are pests for the mucous membrane of the brain. Microorganisms enter the body through the nasopharynx, then on the mucous membrane of the brain. The incubation period lasts only seven days, after which the disease begins to progress.

If you suspect a meningococcal infection, urgent hospitalization is needed.

Reasons for the development of the disease

To understand why the coccal flora has become predominant in the body, it is necessary to conduct a series of tests, since there are several reasons for the development of the disease.

Main reasons:

  • Antibiotics. When treating various diseases in women with antibiotics, the vaginal microflora may be disturbed, cocci begin to prevail with a decrease in the number of beneficial bacteria.
  • Any changes in the hormonal background can also lead to the development of coccal flora. Hormonal disruptions occur when taking hormonal drugs, during pregnancy, during lactation.
  • One of the main reasons is the weakening of the immune system. If a person is ill, for example, with the flu, during periods of stressful situations or physical activity his immune system is weakened - this leads to an imbalance between beneficial and harmful bacteria.
  • Douching. Most hygienic women resort to douching, hoping that it will protect them from infections. But in fact, after such procedures, lactobacilli die, which leads to the growth of cocci, since the vaginal mucosa is disturbed.
  • Unprotected intercourse. With such sexual intercourse, most often in women, staphylococci may appear, which are not causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases. However, after sexual intercourse, symptoms similar to STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) may appear. But there are gonococci that lead specifically to STDs and are the causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases.

Symptoms of a coccal infection

The main symptoms in women are:

  • itching in the genital area, as well as in the vagina;
  • vaginal discharge that has a yellowish tint;
  • feeling of discomfort after intercourse.

Symptoms in men are very rare, itching in the genital area may occur. Discharge from the penis is also rare.

If a man has a discharge, you should immediately undergo examinations - this may mean that you have an STD.

If, after the examination, coccal bacteria, namely gonococci, which cause gonorrhea, are found in the smear, the man may experience the following symptoms:

  • pain when urinating;
  • burning;
  • swelling of the testicles;
  • discharge from the penis of a white, yellow or green hue;
  • frequent urination or frequent urination.

In a woman, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • discharge with an unpleasant odor and color;
  • pain or discomfort when urinating;
  • pain of varying degrees during intercourse.

Treatment of coccal flora

Only after the doctor has examined you and carried out all the necessary tests, treatment will begin.

In no case do not self-medicate, at best it will not give results, at worst it will only aggravate your situation.

Treatment in women is most often accompanied by the use of topical drugs, they are more effective and less likely to cause side effects. For example, Betadine is very often used, it fights most coccal infections. Treatment will last from one to two weeks. Treatment with this drug is contraindicated only for people who have hypersensitivity to the components that make up Betadine. The drug may cause side effect in the form of mild itching and disorders of the vaginal mucosa.

During lactation and during pregnancy, treatment should be carried out under medical supervision.

For the treatment of coccal flora in women and men, antibiotics can be used, very often clindamycin and metronidazole are used, which are available in the form of tablets and gel.

In the case when the infection did not cause any symptoms in a person, its treatment does not always make sense. To protect yourself from unnecessary diseases, you need to give up douching, monitor personal hygiene and do not use intimate hygiene products with a lot of chemical additives.

If cocci are found in a high concentration in a smear for flora, treatment appropriate to the diagnosis should be started immediately. Infections caused by the active reproduction of these organisms can lead to the development of serious diseases and cancerous tumors.

Cocci in a smear - reasons:

  1. Long-term use of antibiotics without a doctor's prescription and taking medications to protect the microflora.
  2. Insufficient or incorrect hygiene.
  3. Unprotected sexual contacts.
  4. Chaotic sex life.
  5. Frequent douching.
  6. Wearing uncomfortable underwear or products made of synthetic materials.
  7. Early onset of sexual activity.
  8. Using non-disinfected objects or dirty hands to masturbate.
  9. Oral and anal sex with a sick partner.

Cocci in a smear - symptoms:

  • an increase in the amount of mucous secretions;
  • increase in viscosity and density of secretions;
  • change in color of mucus from transparent to white or yellow;
  • the presence of a sharp unpleasant odor;
  • itching or burning, a constant feeling of discomfort.

How does coccus reproduce?

The normal microflora contains:

  • a small amount of peptostreptococci;
  • acidophilic lactobacilli;
  • bifidumbacteria.

If the balance is disturbed, alkalization of the mucous membranes and tissues occurs. Gram-positive cocci join lacto- and bifidumbacteria, and an increased content of peptostreptococci in the cellular structure is found in the smear. Gradually, acidophilic lactobacilli die, the environment in the mucous membranes becomes neutral or slightly acidic. This leads to the multiplication of bacteria and inflammatory processes of a different nature.

Cocci in a smear - the norm and deviations

Normally, the analysis should show a high content of lactobacilli and Doderlein sticks - 95%. Cocci and leukocytes in a smear should be no more than 5% or occur singly in the field of view. Epithelial cells are also found in small numbers. The reaction of the medium is acidic, the pH value does not exceed 4.5.

Entirely cocci in the smear indicate the course of the inflammatory process and the presence of pathogens. At the same time, an increased content of leukocytes and a large number of epithelial cells are found. The reaction of the environment can be of three types:

Cocci in a smear from the nose and throat

The mucous membranes of the nasopharynx are also constantly exposed to bacterial infections. With a long and severe course of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, a smear is prescribed for the flora from the throat or nose. Detection of coccal infections indicates the need to take antibacterial drugs (antibiotics) and conduct disinfecting physiotherapy procedures (quartz, inhalation, rinsing).

A complete transcript of the smear analysis for flora and cocci can only be done by the attending physician. The norm indicators, although they are a generally accepted standard, each organism is purely individual and exceeding a certain established number of cocci does not always mean the presence of infection or sexually transmitted diseases. When establishing a diagnosis, the number of other components of the microflora, their ratio are taken into account, and the optimal values ​​​​of the acid-base balance are determined.

The human body is inhabited by a huge number of different bacteria involved in the course of basic processes. At the same time, the concentration of each strain has clear values ​​and ensures the normal functioning of all human systems.

One of them is coca, which belongs to an opportunistic class of bacteria that can provoke the development of many diseases, including those of a gynecological nature.

Normal microflora of the vagina and possible varieties of coccal infection

In a normal state, the microflora of a woman's vagina includes gram-positive rods or lactobacilli, the concentration of which can reach 90-95%.

Their purpose is to ensure the full functioning of the genital organs and prevent the development pathogenic bacteria. Under the action of lactobacilli inside the vagina, the level of acidity increases significantly, at which the formation of most pathogens becomes impossible.

The level of acidity is influenced by a huge number of factors, ranging from hygiene to nutrition. Also, an important role in maintaining the cleanliness of the vagina is played by the general state of the immune system, which provides control over the maintenance of optimal microflora parameters.

The remaining 5-10% is occupied by other bacteria, among which there are coca of various kinds, such as:

  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • tetracocci;
  • diplococci;
  • gonococci;
  • meningococci;
  • sarcinas.

Most of these cocci can be present in the vagina, even under optimal acidity parameters. Single varieties of pathogenic bacteria may be present in the microflora of the vagina. However, their concentration is so low that they are not able to have absolutely no effect on the functionality of the genital organs. Only an increase in the number of a certain strain of cocci can affect a woman's health and lead to the development of any diseases.

Based on this, a smear on the flora is one of the most important types of research that allows you to timely determine the presence of certain diseases and prevent their development.

An increased concentration of cocci in a smear indicates a shift in the vaginal microflora and the formation of an inflammatory process. With a decrease in the concentration of lactobacilli, acidity decreases sharply, and the level of alkali rises steadily, which is a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

The main causes of the development of coccal microflora in the vagina and its symptoms

The presence of cocci in the smear indicates not only a violation of the microflora of the vagina, but also certain malfunctions in the work of the whole organism. In this case, the main reasons for the development of pathogenic bacteria are:

The above factors do not necessarily lead to a deterioration in the condition of the vaginal microflora and the formation of cocci, but such a development of events cannot be ruled out. At the same time, the combined effect of several factors increases the risk of their development several times.

The symptoms of coccal flora are similar to the diseases they provoke. However, in the early stages, its symptoms are of a general nature and look like this:

  • discharge of mucus from the vagina;
  • bad smell;
  • itching and burning in the vagina;
  • feeling of discomfort.

Similar signs are observed in gynecology quite often and characterize the presence of any pathological process. This does not necessarily mean the development of cocci, since similar symptoms are also observed in the formation of candidal lesions or chlamydia.

To determine the exact cause that served as a catalyst for the formation of negative symptoms, a flora smear is used. Deciphering its results makes it possible not only to determine the primary source of the development of the problem, but also the degree of its intensity. This makes it possible to choose the most accurate and effective treatment methods.

A smear on the flora allows you to determine the exact number of cocci in the vagina and track the dynamics of their spread.

At the same time, such infections can be treated only under the supervision of a doctor and his clear guidance, and self-medication can bring a diametrically opposite result and lead to an aggravation of the situation.

Features of treatment and the role of preventive measures

Treatment of coccal infections is carried out comprehensively and is aimed not only at suppressing the activity of pathogens, but also at raising the protective properties of the body.

Majority medications is aimed at reducing the concentration of pathogenic microorganisms in the vagina and stimulating the immune system.

Based on this, when detecting cocci in a smear, the following means can be used:

  • antimicrobial;
  • antibacterial;
  • immunomodulating;
  • antiseptics.

Such drugs can be used both topically and orally. Specific agents and their dosages are selected strictly individually based on the existing symptoms, test results and the type of pathogens.

Elimination of manifestations is not a guarantee that the coccal microflora will not develop again. Preventive measures are designed to prevent such a scenario, which look like this:

  • personal hygiene;
  • daily washing of the genitals;
  • regular change of underwear;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • avoiding stressful situations;
  • complete rest;
  • use of barrier contraception;
  • proper nutrition.

By adhering to these simple rules, you can not only speed up recovery from exacerbation of coccal infections, but also prevent their further development. At the same time, their observance affects the state of the whole organism, which becomes much stronger and more resistant to various kinds of diseases.

The coccal flora in a smear is the norm, but only when it comes to a low concentration of pathogens. An increase in their concentration in the vagina indicates the development of some pathological process that can cause a lot of problems for a woman and require long-term treatment.

Most people don't like going to the doctor. Others don't like very much. Everyone perfectly understands that it’s impossible to do without it, everyone gets sick from time to time and needs medical help, but people don’t like to walk around the clinics and along the hospital corridors, and that’s it.

And yet, absolutely regardless of the desires and preferences of each individual person, there are such doctors and there are such tests that cannot be bypassed. If, for example, with an endocrinologist or with an allergist there is a chance not to meet even once in a lifetime, then meetings with a therapist or gynecologist are regular and inevitable. And any meeting with a gynecologist entails the delivery of tests - at least, at least, the delivery of a smear.

What is a smear?

The female internal genital organs are necessarily covered with a mucous membrane, and the condition of this mucous membrane and the condition of the mucus can tell a lot about the female reproductive system.

The flora of the female vagina allows us to draw conclusions about the presence or absence of pathogenic fungi belonging to the genus Candida, which cause the well-known thrush, a variety of bacteria or protozoa, which cause a very large number of diseases; also, according to the results of the smear, you can find out if cancer cells have appeared, what condition the vaginal tissues are in, and even assess the state of the hormonal background.

A smear is a completely painless and very short procedure, but the results of a smear give a fairly accurate picture of a woman's health. And any examination of women's health begins with a vaginal smear.

Gynecological smears are different - there are four types: a smear for flora (the most common), a smear for sterility, a smear for cervical cytology (a test for the so-called atypical cells) and a smear for detecting latent infections by PCR method(polymerase chain reaction).

What can a smear show for flora and sterility?

A smear on the flora is needed in order to identify pathogens and / or bacteria in the vagina that cause inflammation. Also, such a smear gives a fairly complete picture of the number of pest bacteria.

If a woman is healthy and no pathological processes occur in her body, the result of a smear on the flora should be a high (95%) indicator of the presence of lactobacilli, due to which the necessary acidity is maintained in the vagina and the vagina is protected from infection. If the number of lactobacilli falls, the protection immediately weakens.

Attention! Lactobacilli have other names, among which the names of gram-positive rods, or Doderlein sticks, are often used.

If there are Doderlein sticks (gram-positive sticks), that is, lactobacilli, in the smear results, it should be understood that everything is fine with the health of the genital area. But if these sticks do not exist at all or there are few of them, then this is bad: it means that there is some other “living creature” that has replaced the useful sticks. In such cases, it is necessary to first detect the infection, treat it, and then make every effort to restore the normal flora.

Doderlein's sticks are very important for maintaining the normal acidity of the vagina, on which the so-called degree of purity of the vagina also depends (there are four such degrees in total).

First degree purity indicates a healthy vagina and a healthy reproductive system. In this case, a lot of Doderlein sticks (lactobacilli) are detected in the smear, which provide an acidic environment normal for a healthy vagina (pH 4.0-4.5). Also, epithelial cells (in a small amount) and very few leukocytes (literally a couple of pieces in the field of view on a glass slide) can be detected in the smear.

Second degree of purity the vagina should cause some concern, because in the smear (respectively, in the vagina), in addition to the Doderlein sticks (lactobacilli), they are also gram-positive rods, gram-negative bacteria also appear, which with a high degree of probability (most often) turn out to be the causative agents of the infectious process. The acidity of the vagina gradually increases (pH 4.5-5.0), although it is not yet considered critical. However, the infection must already be treated while it is only in its initial stage.

Third degree of purity the vagina causes serious anxiety and concern, since there are a lot of epithelial cells in the smear, a lot of the so-called bacterial microflora, but there are almost no lactobacilli. The acidity of the vagina becomes alkaline or sometimes extremely slightly acidic (pH 5.0-7.0).

Attention! The third degree of purity of the smear is considered a poor result and indicates the need for serious treatment.

The fourth degree of purity not just disturbing - the body is in danger! There are no Doderlein sticks (lactobacilli) in the smear at all, even single ones. You can forget about the acid reaction of the smear for now, because the reaction is definitely alkaline (pH 7.0-7.5). The entire flora of the smear is pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria, the field of view is covered by leukocytes, which confirms the presence of an inflammatory process.

Attention! A smear grade four is considered a very poor result and indicates the need for immediate serious treatment, which can be both difficult and lengthy.

The culprits of the inflammatory process found in the vagina may be, for example, trichomonas or gardnerella, but some pathogens cannot be detected with a microscope, so analysis using PCR (polymerase chain reaction) may also be needed.

Candida (yeast-like fungi) can also be found in the smear, but there should not be many fungi: if their number is not in units, but in tens, then this is already becoming a problem that requires immediate treatment.

As for the rest of the indicators that are recorded in the results of the smear study, although only the attending physician can make a full interpretation of the results, it does not interfere with having at least some idea about them.

Epithelial cells (squamous epithelium) - these are cells of the mucous membrane, which should enter the smear in a small amount: the material for the smear is “lubricated” from the mucous membrane, so individual cells must also be smeared. If there are no epithelial cells in the smear at all, then you should take care of your hormonal status. If there is a lot of epithelium, then this once again confirms the presence of an inflammatory process.

Leukocytes These are white blood cells that perform protective functions in the body. The presence of leukocytes in a smear only indicates that there is an inflammatory process in the body and leukocytes have begun to fight foreign elements.

A normal white blood cell count for a vaginal smear is ten white blood cells per field of view, but there are doctors who immediately wonder where these white blood cells came from, even if they are few. Ideally, they shouldn't exist at all. But if there are a lot of leukocytes in the smear, it is necessary to establish the cause of the inflammation and treat this cause.

If the smear appears erythrocytes (red blood cells), then this may indicate one of three reasons: a smear was taken during menstruation (this happens); the mucous membrane of the vagina was injured (even just inadvertently touched by a gynecological mirror); the vagina is inflamed (it is necessary to find out the cause of the inflammation and start treatment).

Usually in a smear there may be some slime , since the swab is taken from mucous membrane vagina. However, too much mucus should alert: at least, the question should arise where this extra mucus came from.

Yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida live in almost any organism, but their number under normal circumstances is very limited. When some kind of failure occurs in the body, Candida begins to multiply very actively, causing an extremely unpleasant disease called thrush (aka candidiasis).

Attention! Normally, there can be up to forty different types of bacteria in the vagina, but their reproduction is restrained and regulated by Doderlein sticks (lactobacilli), which should prevail in a healthy flora.

A few words about the coccal flora

Cocci in a smear never talk about anything good and this is always not very good news.

Cocci look quite peaceful - like balls or like coffee beans, but this is where their “peacefulness” ends.

Very common in the world staph infection which can be caused by several microorganisms. Fortunately, out of the 27 species of staphylococci known to date, only 14 species of staphylococci can be found on human mucous membranes and on the skin, of which only three can cause disease, but happiness is very relative, since even three pathogenic species of staphylococci can cause quite a lot of very serious harm, up to and including death.

It has been proven that almost all newborns become infected, but later staphylococcus is constantly present only in 20% of the world's population (in the nasopharynx), another 60% of people become carriers of staphylococcus from time to time, and only 20% are so strong that staphylococcus remains out of work .

When talking about staphylococcus aureus, most often we are talking about Staphylococcus aureus, and it is really dangerous, because it is quite resistant to the action of antiseptics, and even to the action of antibiotics. Staphylococcus aureus can cause more than a hundred very dangerous diseases, and absolutely everyone is at risk.

Staphylococcus aureus is very active and extremely resistant to external influences. For example, it remains active (respectively, dangerous) after being in direct sunlight for 12 hours, and even a temperature of 150 ° C is able to withstand (though not more than ten minutes).

Staphylococcus aureus is not destroyed by pure ethyl alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or sodium chloride solution. This bacterium also causes simple skin inflammations, and pneumonia, and endocarditis, and osteomyelitis - up to and including death. Staphylococcus aureus is also capable of infecting the mucous membranes of the female reproductive system, and this infection is considered quite complex and unpleasant.

There may be another type of coccal flora in the smear - streptococci , which are known as Gram-positive bacteria. Of course, there should not be streptococci in a smear, however, single streptococci do not pose a particular danger and can be considered a variant of the norm.

Streptococcus, which is found in a smear in single quantities, also belongs to conditionally pathogenic microflora, and treatment is necessary only with an increase in the number of streptococci.

It can be quite unpleasant to be detected in a smear enterococcus - a gram-positive bacterium, which is characteristic of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, but not the vagina.

Enterococcus is quite resistant to any influences, and its presence in a smear (especially in significant quantities) indicates inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs and the genitourinary system. Although single enterococci in a smear can also be considered conditionally pathogenic microflora, which requires careful monitoring and control.

And the most unpleasant representative of the coccal flora is the infamous . This gram-negative bacterium causes inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, including gonorrhea, which is a sexually transmitted disease (STD); inflammatory processes in the urethra, in the rectum, in the cervix and in the fallopian tubes.

There should be no gonococci in the smear! Gonococcus in a smear indicates not just an inflammatory process, but the presence of a sexually transmitted disease, that is, gonorrhea.

Attention! In the case of gonorrhea, self-medication is categorically unacceptable! This is dangerous for the health of not only the carrier of the infection, but also for his partners.

Coccal flora is treated only with the use of antibiotics. Moreover, it should be well understood that undertreated cocci become resistant not only to a particular drug, but also to the entire group of drugs. Therefore, it is necessary to treat inflammatory processes caused by infection with coccal flora very carefully and complete the treatment, following all the recommendations of the attending physician.

Attention! In the case of any coccal infection, self-medication is unacceptable: only a doctor can select the necessary antibiotics and accompanying therapy based on the results of all necessary clinical tests.

Summing up, we can say that the sticks in the smear are Doderlein sticks, which are necessary to maintain a normal acidic environment in the vagina and to resist infections. The sticks disappear only when they are no longer able to cope with the inflammatory process.

Cocci, although their danger is unequal, is a very undesirable element that can appear in the results of a smear and which at any time can cause an inflammatory process. Of particular danger as a pathogenic microflora are gonococci that cause gonorrhea, a socially dangerous and sexually transmitted disease of the genital organs.

The spherical bacteria that are present in the human body are called cocci. Some of them are conditionally pathogenic. They are only dangerous when their population exceeds a certain number. When the ratio of cocci is normal, they maintain the acid-base balance and ensure the flow of metabolism.

The composition of the normal microflora of the vagina

During a gynecological examination, a standard procedure is performed - taking a smear from the posterior fornix of the vagina and the cervical canal. Normally, the following bacteria may be present in the microflora:

  • Lactobacilli. Also called Dederlein acidophilus. They should make up 85-95% of the total microflora.
  • Bifidobacteria. They make up about 10%.
  • Eubacteria, Prevotella, Peptostreptococci, Bacteroids, Fusobacteria and other anaerobes. They make up about 5%.
  • Epithelium. The amount depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle.
  • Leukocytes. There should be no more than 10 cells.

What does coccal flora mean in a smear

The normal ratio of microorganisms maintains the acidic environment of the vagina.

Coccal flora in a smear in women is not always a pathology. It is important here how many cocci are present.

Depending on this criterion, several degrees of vaginal purity are distinguished:

  • The first, or normocenosis. This is an acidic environment, where there is a normal amount of lactobacilli and epithelial cells, and there are no cocci. This is rare, more often after antibiotic therapy.
  • Second. This is the more common version of the norm. The number of lactobacilli is normal, there are up to 10 leukocytes and small diplococci. A small number of cocci is allowed - 1-2, Candida fungi.
  • Third. The number of lactobacilli is below the norm, leukocytes are up to 10-30, there is a lot of epithelium. Bacilli or cocci predominate (there are more than 1-2 of them), the number of fungi is increased. This is already a pathological condition, which is called dysbacteriosis.
  • Fourth. This is already an alkaline environment. There are almost no lactobacilli, a lot of epithelial cells, leukocytes and cocci. This stage corresponds to vaginitis.

Varieties of cocci

At 3-4 degrees of purity of the vagina in the microflora, against the background of a decrease in the number of lactobacilli, the number of cocci increases. Their main varieties:

  • Streptococci. They have a high viability for 3-4 months. A small amount of these cocci is allowed.
  • Staphylococci. These are opportunistic bacteria that normally live on the skin. When the immune system is weakened, it can affect the internal and external genital organs.
  • Enterococci are fecal. They enter the genitourinary tract from the rectum in violation of the rules of intimate hygiene. Cause colpitis or cystitis.
  • Diplococci. May indicate the development of a serious sexually transmitted disease. They affect the urinary system.
  • Gonococcus. These are the causative agents of gonorrhea, which causes serious complications. Gonococci infect all mucous membranes with which they come into contact.

Causes of coccal flora in a smear in women

One of the main reasons for the appearance of cocci is non-compliance with personal hygiene. This includes irregular and improper care of the genitals, the constant use of panty liners, the use of alkaline soaps. Also, the reason may be a rare change of underwear. If it is too tight or synthetic, then cocci may also appear in the smear.

Other reasons for the development of coccal flora:

  • prolonged use of antibiotics;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • early onset of sexual life (up to 15 years);
  • chronic infections;
  • taking glucocorticoids;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • period of menopause;
  • general somatic diseases;
  • douching abuse;
  • mechanical damage to the mucous membrane.

Symptoms of a coccal infection

As the number of cocci increases and the number of beneficial bacteria decreases, a woman develops unpleasant symptoms. The signs are nonspecific - it is difficult to determine from them which microorganisms have begun to multiply. You can suspect a change in the normal microflora by the following symptoms:

  • burning, itching and irritation in the genital area;
  • yellow, greenish or gray profuse vaginal discharge;
  • unpleasant and pungent odor of discharge;
  • pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen.


During routine preventive examinations and medical examinations, a woman takes a smear. There are other indications for this procedure:

  • pathological discharge from the vagina;
  • screening during pregnancy;
  • pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen, not associated with the menstrual cycle;
  • problems with urination;
  • end of antibiotics.

A smear is taken on the 5-7th day of the menstrual cycle. During menstruation, the discharge of the discharge is not carried out. Rules for preparing for analysis:

  1. The day before the study, it is necessary to exclude douching, sexual intercourse, vaginal suppositories and lubricants.
  2. Before delivery, do not use scented intimate hygiene products, wash with running water.
  3. Do not take a hot bath on the day of delivery.

A smear is taken during an examination on a gynecological chair. A bicuspid speculum is inserted into the vagina, which exposes the cervix. Next, with a special spatula, the doctor takes the material from the posterolateral fornix of the vagina and transfers it to a glass slide. From the external opening of the urethra, the sampling is carried out with a Volkmann spoon or a bacteriological loop, from the surface of the cervix - with an Erb spatula.

The smear results will be ready within 1 day.

smear on flora

This study helps to assess the composition of the microflora of the woman's vagina - the presence of pathogenic bacteria and their number. In the decoding of the analysis, several indicators are indicated. Their normal values ​​are presented in the table:

Indicator Vagina (V) Cervical canal (C) Urethra (U) What does deviation from the norm indicate?
Epithelium 5-10 5-10 5-10 Inflammation
Leukocytes 0-10 0-30 0-5 Inflammation
Slime In moderation moderate amount Infection



A small amount is allowed.


Microflora Lots of lactobacilli. Not Not infectious process

smear for sterility

The purpose of taking a smear for sterility is to detect possible sexual infections in a timely manner. Another study helps to assess the hormonal background of a woman, the composition of the contents of the vagina, and during pregnancy - to identify the threat of miscarriage. As a result of decoding, one of the degrees of purity is indicated:

The degree of purity of the vagina Indicators
The reaction is acidic - pH 4.0-4.5. Most of them are lactobacilli, there are some leukocytes and epithelial cells.
The reaction is acidic - pH 4.5-5.0. In addition to lactobacilli, infectious agents are present in a small amount.
The reaction is slightly acidic or alkaline - pH 5.0-7.0. Most of the coccal microflora, epithelial cells. Several lactobacilli are present.
Alkaline reaction - pH 7.0-7.5. There are no lactobacilli, the flora consists only of pathogenic microorganisms, leukocytes.

Complications in the presence of cocci in the smear

If a coccal infection is not treated in time, it can begin to spread to neighboring organs and tissues. The consequences depend on the reproduction of certain bacteria. The most common complications of coccal infection:

  • cervical erosion;
  • meningitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • pyoderma;
  • endocardium;
  • endometritis;
  • pneumonia;
  • osteomyelitis.

Treatment of coccal flora in women

The goal of treatment is to restore the normal microflora of the vagina. To do this, drugs are often used in the form of vaginal suppositories, capsules, ointments and solutions.

In a severe inflammatory process, systemic antibiotics are prescribed: Cefixime, Amoxiclav, Ceftriaxone.

After the course, the smear is taken again to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy. If it does not give results, then antibiotics and other drugs are prescribed again. The main groups of drugs:

Drug group Titles Mode of application Cost, rubles
Antiseptics Miramistin Irrigation of the genital organs 1 rub./day. The course is 5-7 days. 359 for 150 ml
Hexicon Enter 1 candle 2 rubles / day. The course is 7-10 days. 272 for 10 pcs.
Local antibiotics Terzhinan Insert a tablet into the vagina, 1 pc. in a day. The course is 6-10 days. 481 for 10 pcs.
Polygynax Enter 1 suppository at bedtime. Course - 6 days. 614 for 12 pcs.
ointment Clindamycin Using the applicator, inject into the vagina no more than 100 mg of cream per day. Course - 10 days. 383 for 10 g
Neo-Penotran Insert into the vagina 1 suppository at night for a week. 876 for 7 pcs.

coccal flora during pregnancy

Cocci in a smear for flora during pregnancy are dangerous because they complicate the process of bearing a child.

These bacteria can adversely affect the development of the fetus, cause miscarriage or premature birth.

When coccal flora is detected, a woman is prescribed gentle treatment. It includes suppositories, tampons and ointments that are used topically.

During the entire period of pregnancy, a woman takes a smear 3 times during routine screening examinations:

  • when registering;
  • at the 30th week;
  • before the expected date of birth.

Pregnant smear values ​​differ from those of non-pregnant women. Several features of the results obtained:

  • During the bearing of a child, the number of lactobacilli increases 10 times. They maintain an acidic environment that kills pathogens. This protects the fetus from infections.
  • The number of epithelial cells increases. They serve as a source of glycogen, which feed on lactobacilli.


In order to detect changes in the composition of the vaginal microflora in time, a woman should regularly visit a gynecologist - at least once a year.

Other prevention rules:

  • observe intimate hygiene;
  • use condoms;
  • live a healthy life;
  • treat chronic diseases;
  • avoid stress;
  • to refuse from bad habits.
