A healthy spine is complete in 2 weeks. “Can I exercise if I have a hernia of the spine?”

You can endlessly put up with back pain and not have peace, but you can get a healthy spine in 2 weeks! The statement is bold, but nothing is impossible when it comes to a special set of exercises for the spine with osteochondrosis, which was developed by fitness trainer and sports doctor Alexandra Bonina. Let's see what this miracle product is and whether it will help solve the problem of a sore back.

Regular exercise will greatly help prevent the development of diseases of the spinal column.

Osteochondrosis as a sentence

According to statistics, osteochondrosis is registered in the vast majority of the population on the planet, and if earlier it was the lot of only older people, today osteochondrosis is found in young people, and even schoolchildren.

And the reason for this, of course, is the modern criteria of life, which dictate their own rules. A sedentary lifestyle has become almost the norm, starting from the school bench, a person is constantly in a “crooked state” behind textbooks, a computer, and various documentation. Outdoor games, sports, physical education lessons for children and teenagers are replaced by “tanks”, “shooters”. Osteochondrosis, unfortunately, is becoming a mass problem!

Movement is life

The only way to get rid of osteochondrosis in the long term is to move. But not everything is so simple - you need to move correctly. This formed the basis of the Healthy Spine in 2 Weeks course, which was developed by Alexandra Bonina. The most effective are the movements of certain parts of the body, with exactly "measured" duration, frequency and intensity. That is why, after a general full course medical institute and in-depth study of science, called "physiotherapy exercises" in residency, and a set of exercises for the spine was created.

The main method of combating osteochondrosis and back pain is an active lifestyle.

It is important to remember that the concepts of "physiotherapy exercises" and "physical education" are not identical. Incorrect exercises can not only aggravate the course of osteochondrosis, but also harm the spinal column so much that a whole range of comorbidities appears.

First active life a person begins to literally ruin his spine, he sits incorrectly, sleeps incorrectly, moves incorrectly ... The constant lack of time for parents does not allow them to monitor the posture of their children, the child begins to sit at the lessons “as it suits him”, bad habits take root, reinforced by a long stay at the computer instead of walking. The “invisible osteochondrosis” that has begun, so far, smoothly passes into a complicated form during student time.

Having received a diagnosis of "osteochondrosis" in middle age, faced with discomfort, a person tries to drown out the symptoms medications(tablets, ointments, folk remedies). But gradually, conservative methods cease to work, the doses of painkillers become more and more, and at the next visit to the clinic, the question of the operation is raised.

Physiotherapy allows you to "get back" a healthy spine in 2 weeks. But Alexandra Bonina warns that it is difficult to completely cure all the flaws that have been accumulated over the past years. Treatment depends on the specific situation - from several weeks to many months.

Having heard about the course of physiotherapy exercises, many will smile skeptically, the belief in “pills” and disbelief in “exercises” are so strong. Here, the stereotype accumulated over the years is triggered - if the unpleasant symptoms are stopped, then the disease has receded. In addition, there is a desire to heal quickly without much stress. But in the case of the “Healthy Spine in 2 Weeks” course, Alexandra Bonina warns that, despite the ease of exercise that people of any age can handle, you still have to work hard. All classes are scheduled strictly and they must be carried out methodically, improving the "indicators" over and over again.

What will be required for classes?

To begin with, a general mood for recovery. To start practicing special program, which was developed by Alexandra Bonina, it will take only 20-30 minutes a day. This is the amount of time needed to perform one set of therapeutic exercises.

It is not necessary to buy expensive sports equipment to play sports. If desired, exercises can be performed even in the park.

More time is not required, the load on the spine should be strictly dosed. The back is a fragile mechanism that should never be overloaded.

What is the guarantee

It is impossible to fully prove the effectiveness of physiotherapy exercises. Any method of treating osteochondrosis has positive and negative sides.

Summing up, we can say that, despite the critical statements of some doctors (they can be understood), the reviews about the course are getting more and more positive every day. Although to date there are no generalized statistics on the effectiveness of the technique and official confirmation of the results of treatment, the testimonies of patients who have purchased the product quite often indicate the opposite.

Only you can decide whether to use a special course or not and get a chance to recover from osteochondrosis. The guarantee of success will be your daily work and patience. Make your choice right now!

The course of rehabilitation specialist Alexandra Bonina "Healthy Spine in 2 Weeks" is aimed at people who already suffer from back diseases. That is, this training system is poorly suited for the prevention of diseases, this is precisely a therapeutic complex of exercises.

The therapeutic effect is indeed achieved within 14 days from the start of classes, but this does not mean at all that you need to limit yourself to only two weeks. In two weeks, the user eliminates the most simple problems and prepares the body for further training.

The maximum benefit from this course will be revealed only with systematic studies for two to three months.

1 General description of the course "Healthy spine in 2 weeks"

The author of the printed course "Healthy Spine in 2 Weeks" is Alexandra Bonina, a physiotherapist and specialist in sports medicine. The course is designed primarily for those people who suffer from osteochondrosis (any part of the spine).

Given that osteochondrosis is a common disease, and according to modern data, about 80% of the total population of developed countries suffer from it, the course will be useful to almost everyone. In particular, this book will be relevant to people over 30 years old (the favorite age for the development of osteochondrosis).

The book describes the gymnastic complex "Traffic Light", which includes 86 physical exercises to work out all parts of the spine. The exercises are very easy to perform, so they are also suitable for people who do not even have basic physical fitness.

Moreover, these exercises are allowed to be performed by people of any age, including children and the elderly. Each exercise has several color illustrations, a general description, a separate list of contraindications.

Please note: in two weeks it is impossible to get rid of osteochondrosis - a disease that most people earn for years. The book should be considered as the start of training, and in two weeks you will simply eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but in order to cure it you need to move on.

1.1 Indications: Who can benefit from the Healthy Spine in 2 Weeks course?

Course "Healthy spine in 2 weeks"


More specifically, such training will be useful to the following categories of people:

  1. people leading sedentary image life, including as a result of any chronic diseases (not included in the list of contraindications to exercises from the book).
  2. People who already have degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine (including osteochondrosis), confirmed by radiography or medical examination.
  3. People who are engaged in hard physical labor (loaders, athletes, fighters of various martial arts).
  4. Women over the age of 40 who have hormonal prerequisites for the development of diseases of the spine (including osteopenia and / or osteoporosis).
  5. Parents should purchase this course for gymnastics with their children. It is very important for children and adolescents to engage in safe gymnastics - at their age, the formation of the spinal column occurs.
  6. People who have a predisposition to the development of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine (family burden, genetic abnormalities or defects in the structure of the spine).

1.2 Course "Healthy spine in 2 weeks" (video)

1.3 Are there any contraindications?

The course "Healthy spine in 2 weeks" is a safe set of exercises for different categories of people. However, its safety is guaranteed only if the patient has no contraindications.

And, unfortunately, they are not so few. In no case should you ignore contraindications - you will only worsen the course of the disease and can harm your health. The exception is when your doctor thinks that certain contraindications can be ignored.

List of contraindications:

  • the presence of severe forms of osteochondrosis (fortunately, they are extremely rare);
  • the presence of compression (squeezing) of the vertebral arteries or spinal nerve nodes for any reason (hernia, various anomalies, tumors);
  • the presence of malignant or benign neoplasms in the spinal column or adjacent tissues;
  • the presence of severe anomalies and defects in the structure of the spinal column, individual vertebrae, spinal vessels (for example, vascular dysplasia or their malformations / aneurysms);
  • the presence of diseases of the spinal column of unknown etiology (reasons) - first we go to the doctor and find out the diagnosis, then the doctor decides whether it is advisable to do the exercises from the course;
  • the presence of severe autoimmune, infectious or inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system (ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, tuberculosis or syphilis of the bones).

2 Is the Healthy Spine in 2 Weeks complex effective?

Speaking about the effectiveness of this gymnastic complex, one should consider the reviews of those who use it. They are usually positive. Only occasionally did some buyers complain about the ineffectiveness of gymnastics, but such cases are relatively few.

Warming up the back from the course "Healthy spine in 2 weeks"


However, you should always remember that this course does not guarantee 100% elimination of problems. Moreover, it does not even guarantee the absence of complications after classes.

However, most readers can count on deliverance, if not from the disease itself, then from its symptoms. After all, in fact, it is not necessary to fight most of the "civilizational diseases" of mankind (these are diseases that have arisen because of our lifestyle).

Protrusions, hernias, osteochondrosis - all this is unpleasant, but modern medicine is considered as a variant of the norm. Therefore, most doctors recommend not agreeing to radical measures to eliminate such diseases (this is dangerous with much bigger problems), but simply to suppress them.

If you do the exercises from the course regularly, systematically and with a minimum number of passes, you will feel great all the time. Stiffness in movements, back pain after sleep or work - all this will pass and if it bothers you, it is extremely rare.

Alexandra Bonina is a doctor of physical therapy and sports medicine.

The main cause of osteochondrosis is a sedentary lifestyle, which has become commonplace for people who spend a lot of time sitting at a computer.

The only way to get rid of osteochondrosis is movement!

Moreover, the most effective is the movement of certain parts of the body, in certain directions, with a certain duration, intensity and frequency.

Healthy spine in 2 weeks

Alexandra has released a special express course "Healthy Spine in 2 Weeks" for the treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis of all parts of the spine at home.

It contains 10 ready-made sets of therapeutic exercises. They need to be done daily for two weeks. for 20–30 minutes except weekends.

  • You do the first 5 sets from Monday to Friday, then rest on the weekend, and then work out for another week using the next 5 sets.
  • After that, you rest on the weekends, and on Monday you start practicing again from the first complex.

Photo of several exercises from the complexes.

The exercises are aimed at:

  • spine restoration;
  • improving the mobility of all parts of the spine;
  • improvement of blood circulation in the muscles of the neck, shoulder girdle, lower back;
  • removal of muscle spasms, muscle pain or infringement;
  • posture improvement;
  • restoration of your ability to work;
  • as well as for the prevention of osteochondrosis.

Alexandra believes that:

you can cope with osteochondrosis on your own at home,
without drugs or surgery.

Watch a demo video with examples of exercises that are in the course:

Do you want to know how to restore the health of the spine in just two weeks, spending no more than half an hour a day on it?!

Get at your disposal a step-by-step video course on the treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis of the spine on your own, without expensive procedures, at home!

Dear friend, if something pleasant happened in your life and problems with your spine appeared - pains, pinchings appeared, osteochondrosis of any of the sections of the spine worsened, then you should not despair.

in front of you the best solution, which today is on the Internet - the training video course "Healthy Spine in 2 Weeks" by Alexandra Bonina!

This is perhaps the first comprehensive video guide on the topic of spine restoration at home and without complicated procedures that common man not always available.

Alexandra Bonina is a sports doctor, fitness trainer and well-known specialist in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine, and in her new video course “Healthy Spine in 2 Weeks”, she gives 10 simple and understandable sets of therapeutic exercises aimed at quick recovery of the spine.

Indeed, in practice, the results are such that if you engage in physiotherapy exercises, which are offered in Alexandra Bonina's video course, then back recovery occurs in about 2 weeks.

Exercises can and should be used not only for exacerbations of diseases of the spine, but also for the prevention of osteochondrosis. To evaluate the quality of the information, watch a couple of exercises from the training video course.

Each set of therapeutic exercises lasts no more than 30 minutes on average. The patient is required simple steps- any of the exercise therapy complexes per day of your choice, on weekdays.

10 sets of exercises from the video course "Healthy Spine in 2 Weeks" by Alexandra Bonina - this is 2 weeks of regular classes.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated - you don’t have to spend a lot of money, you don’t have to go to gym and experience other inconveniences. Choose a complex, find a comfortable place for yourself (at home, at work, in nature) and do the exercises.

The results are such that hundreds of people around the world have already viewed the video course in a few months, and dozens of them have already sent their positive feedback. Read reviews about the course below on the page or on the official website of Alexandra. Dozens of people have restored their spine, and you can repeat their success!

Feedback on the video course "Healthy spine in 2 weeks":

Alexandra, good afternoon!

So I found the time to write you a letter with a review of the summer course -.

This is my second video course that I bought from Alexandra Bonina. I am very pleased! The first course was called Cervical osteochondrosis. I got it because I started having pain in my back, head, my eyes hurt.

Two years ago there was an accident - I had an accident, I sat on the couch for 6 months. When I went to a full recovery and I was allowed to walk, this is where my sores came out - pain appeared in the spine, neck, head, my eyes hurt.

I could not even imagine how all this is interconnected. And I went to doctors a lot, they told me a lot of things that Alexandra Bonina talks about in video courses.

And I decided to write a letter to Alexandra by mail, in which I told about my health problems. She advised me to start classes with the cervical spine for a start, as this is a very important place on the back from which nutrition begins. useful substances to the eyes and to the head. I clearly followed the instructions, did all the exercises, every day I started with Alexandra Bonina.

I won’t say that all my sores disappeared immediately after completing the course, no, it takes time, you need to do exercises regularly. The result in the treatment came, gradually I began to notice that I began to feel better, the pains disappeared, I began to enjoy life!

When I was convinced that Alexandra Bonina's technique worked, I didn't even think for a long time when I received an invitation to participate in the summer course - Healthy Spine in Two Weeks.

Every morning began again with Alexandra, only 20-30 minutes and together we do exercises for the whole day. Now doing the exercises has become a habit, I no longer think what to do and in what sequence. My virtual coach in the person of Alexandra tells and shows all the moments - from simple to complex.

The former lightness, flexibility in the body appeared, the lower back does not hurt anymore. I am happy and satisfied that I can study at home with an individual teacher and a true professional!

All the best to you! I am very grateful to you and glad that I met you at the right time in my life!

Reviewed by: Irina Gutyar

Review of the video course "Healthy spine in 2 weeks":

I have been following your video course for four weeks now. Every evening I watch the video and repeat. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for the course of exercises.

At first glance, exercise routines are simple, but every morning I feel on my body that the back muscles worked well the day before.

And this, apparently, is not just my feelings. The other day I went to see a neurologist and a chiropractor. I have been seeing them for a long time, they always advised me to do gymnastics to restore the spine, which I always did before getting acquainted with the video course, but there was no particular success.

But during this appointment (after three weeks of Alexandra Bonina’s classes), the doctor told me: “I won’t even ask if you did gymnastics, I see from the condition of the spine that YES.”

The doctor I see good specialist with extensive experience, his words are worth a lot.

I feel noticeably better than before. The head stopped hurting, the feeling of stiffness in the body, or rather in the upper spine, passed. The mood also improved, lightness appeared, others notice it.

Thank you, Alexandra, for your work, for the health that you give to sick people. Good luck and health!

Reviewed by: Elena Mikheenko

Feedback on Alexandra Bonina's video course:

Alexandra, hello!

Zdravko Yordanov is in touch. I am very glad to give you feedback.

I am 72 years old, weight -73 kg, height -174 cm... I work in a trading company. I drive for about an hour every day. The work consists mainly of sitting at the table and working on a computer or with papers, but the work is sedentary. All this harms the spine very much.

Been looking for a long time simple exercises to strengthen the spine. But I found only some difficult ones to complete, or not enough effective exercises. Therefore, it was interesting to get acquainted with your sets of exercises.
It is very pleasant to perform your complexes, you feel lightness and flexibility increases noticeably. After the completion of each cycle, endorphins appear, and if there was pain before, now the pain disappears and there is a feeling of increased muscle strength.

I like that exercise therapy exercises from the video course “Healthy Spine in 2 Weeks” do not overload my day and at the same time they do not exhaust me to the point of exhaustion. As a result, the state of health improved, sleep improved, and the former cheerfulness appeared.


Reviewed by: Zdravko Yordanov, Sofia, Bulgaria

Sports doctor, exercise therapy doctor, practicing trainer, fitness instructor, specialist in healthy eating. She has developed unique sets of exercise therapy exercises to restore the spine and joints - without surgery, pills and great effort on yourself!

Correct posture is not only beauty, but also health. Many factors in our life, such as lack of activity, prolonged sitting, malnutrition, have a negative impact on the state of the musculoskeletal system and provoke the development of osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spinal column. Pain begins to appear in various parts of the spine: in the neck, chest, lower back. There are many methods for preventing spinal pathologies, and one of the best is physical exercise. Excellent results are demonstrated by the Healthy Spine course, which was developed by Alexandra Bonina.

about the author

Alexandra Bonina graduated medical academy, and after that she was engaged in medical activities and studied restorative medicine and exercise therapy. At the same time, she was trained as a personal fitness trainer.

Alexandra learned from her own experience what is the initial osteochondrosis. Then she began to study this problem in depth and developed a set of physical therapy exercises. At the moment she has several courses of exercises of the "Your healthy spine" cycle, which are presented in video format and are available for purchase.

  • “Healthy Spine in 2 Weeks” Alexandra Bonina believes that for the health of the spine, it is necessary to work out all parts of the back equally carefully: cervical, thoracic, lumbar. And this is a correct judgment. Regardless of where in particular the unpleasant symptoms are felt, all parts of the spine need to be involved in gymnastics, and exercises for all of them are presented in the video complex.
  • "Osteochondrosis - no." A set of 50 basic exercises for the health of the spine for every day. Bonina insists that the health of our spine depends only on ourselves. Efforts will have to be made to eliminate problems that are the result of a long-term incorrect lifestyle. The exercises presented in the video will help improve the spine and improve the quality of life.
  • "We eliminate thoracic osteochondrosis." The thoracic spine is problematic for many people. Among women, there is a separate symptom that accompanies thoracic osteochondrosis. It is referred to as the "bra buckle symptom" when pain occurs at the point where the buckle of that part of the underwear touches the skin. The video shows a twenty-minute set of exercises of a basic nature, which allows you to quickly restore strength and flexibility to the spine, work out the chest and eliminate discomfort.
  • "Secrets of a Healthy Neck". Exercises for the cervical spine are especially indicated for those who work at the computer for a long time and sit with their heads tilted, that is, they are in a static position that is not physiological. Cervical osteochondrosis not only provokes pain, but also impairs the functioning of the nervous system due to poor blood circulation. Important arteries that carry blood to the brain are blocked by salts, which can provoke headaches, dizziness, weakness, even with proper rest. Using the Secrets of a Healthy Neck course, you can get rid of unpleasant symptoms and restore neck health. It takes only 25 minutes a day to complete the complex, and after a few weeks you will notice obvious changes for the better, as evidenced by numerous reviews.

Physical education for any part of the back helps to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, contributes to the proper development of the muscles of the neck and lower back. Also, the complexes help to improve posture.

The most popular methods

All the methods developed by Alexandra Bonina are effective and popular, but there are also the most popular ones. Let's analyze them in more detail.

Healthy spine in 2 weeks

This course, offered by Bonina, is an intensive express method that allows you to achieve significant results in a short time. However, the author insists that it will not be possible to completely heal the spine in two weeks, since problems have been accumulating for more than one year. Depending on how advanced the morphological changes are, the course can be extended up to several months, but the first results will really be noticeable after two weeks.

Inside the course is a set of exercises for the neck, lower back and back as a whole. The course is divided into two parts:

  • A lesson on the features of physical education. The author of the methodology tells what is required for the lesson, and how to build them correctly.
  • Directly video with exercises for the back. There are only ten complexes. They are built on the principle of five plus five. Having discovered the secrets of a healthy spine, you perform a set of five exercises every day for five days. Then a break of two days is taken, and the second block begins, also of five exercises.

If you are not sure that the proposed classes will suit you, you can not buy a full-fledged block, but try to perform the exercises in the introductory, free video.

  • Those who are now in remission of the process. The course helps to reduce the frequency of exacerbations in osteochondrosis and, possibly, to prevent them completely.
  • You can conduct a course for prevention for those who have an increased risk of developing diseases of the spine and increased stress on one or another of its departments.

Classes do not require long preparation. All you need is 20 minutes of your time, comfortable clothing and preferably a gym mat.

Secrets of a healthy neck

The course "Secrets of a healthy neck" helps not only to eliminate the pathology of the spine, but also has a beneficial effect on nervous system improves blood circulation. On the author's website, you can find information on what symptoms should make you alert and undergo an examination for the presence of cervical osteochondrosis. These include pain in the corresponding projection, tinnitus, dizziness, blurred vision, as well as numbness of the limbs, a feeling of crawling and other paresthesias.

The course is also useful for the prevention of pathology, especially for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not have the opportunity to fully engage in sports. It is also useful for older people.

The program includes several levels of training that are worth mastering:

  • Start. In this block, Alexandra introduces the basics of training to the audience, tells how to perform the exercises correctly and safely.
  • Theory. There are two subsections in the theoretical underpinning. In the first, the creator of the technique talks about the causes of the disease, its symptoms and consequences, explains why someone is faced with it, and someone is not, talks about contraindications to classes. The second block is dedicated physiotherapy exercises. Bonina tells what kind of exercises will be effective for osteochondrosis of the neck, and which ones are best avoided, explains the main goals of charging, the essence of which is to improve the cervical spine.
  • We eliminate the causes of the disease. This is the last, practical section. This block is completely devoted to exercises for the neck, but it is divided into two parts. In the first, the author explains what to do with exacerbations. The exercises are quite simple, and it is worth doing them to the best of your ability and strength, listening to the body.

The second part is two sets of exercises with cervical osteochondrosis at the stage of remission. The main block includes an additional set of exercises aimed at the prevention of humeroscapular osteochondrosis. The complex also includes a manual on self-massage, a light workout at the workplace, as well as a supporting outline that you can print.

As such, there are no contraindications to exercise. But it is very important to properly distribute the load. Regardless of which part of your spine suffers, you need to work out the entire spinal column. Also remember that everything will depend on your perseverance. You need to do exercises regularly. By video complexes it is very easy to master their correct technique.

Therapeutic gymnastics Bonina on video