Training schedule for beginners. Weekly Gym Workout Plan for Men

In dreams of steel muscles, one should not hope for a miracle that will happen overnight. To achieve what you want, a novice athlete needs to stock up on time, maximum concentration and motivation.

Are you determined? Then we will begin our step-by-step acquaintance with the topic “How to make a training program for a beginner”.

The essence of the program for beginners

The tasks of beginners who first crossed the threshold of the gym are similar. The guys want to improve, become better, have a healthy and attractive appearance.

In more detail, the essence of any training program for beginners is:

  • the development of general training ability - the endurance of the body during training, the ability to quickly recover after exercise;
  • improving muscle coordination, training the technique of performing exercises;
  • increase in working capacity – increase in volume of the program;
  • increase in strength indicators.

As these goals are achieved, the novice athlete approaches others - gaining muscle mass, burning fat, improving overall health.

How to program correctly

The most effective will be a training program based on the individual characteristics of the beginner.

When selecting exercises for a beginner athlete, 3 main factors must be taken into account:

  1. Age. This factor determines the list of acceptable exercises. For example, a 16-year-old teenager should refrain from performing deadlifts with heavy weights.
  2. Health status. To a person suffering varicose veins veins, it is worth reducing the load on the legs.
  3. mode and lifestyle. When compiling a program for an office manager and a loader at a factory, different approaches are needed.

Training Schedule

The training program for a novice athlete looks something like this:

Day of the week Week #1 Week #2
Monday A B
Tuesday rest rest
Wednesday B A
Thursday rest rest
Friday A B
Weekend rest rest

Training occurs on Monday, Wednesday and Friday - three times a week. The two types of workouts alternate every other time. Such a schedule for gym the most optimal: the muscles are well pumped during the workout and have time to recover after the load.

What muscles can be pumped in one workout

Here is the most common and logical option:

The main muscle groups are distributed by day. To each large group are added small muscle groups that take part in the training of the main (excluding the training of the shoulders and legs). It's simple: take a chest workout, which includes exercises based on pushing (squeezing) the weight from the chest. This function is taken over by the triceps, which should be trained along with the pectoral muscles.

We follow the same principle when planning a back and biceps workout. The shoulders are not involved in pumping the legs, but Friday is the most convenient day for ensuring a quality load of the deltas.

The above program should not be taken as a postulate and there is an alternative training plan for muscle groups. As follows:

This option is less popular. Its supporters consider it pointless to train a minor muscle after it has already been involved in the study of the main muscle groups. Therefore, the biceps and triceps in the table have moved.

The third and no less effective training option for beginners: working out all the main muscle groups in one workout. This plan is the most energy-intensive and will not suit everyone.

Where to start training

The beginning of any workout involves a warm-up.

For these purposes, a cardio simulator is perfect. For beginners, it is better to give preference to an exercise bike. Cardio warm-up usually takes 5-10 minutes.

Then move on to swings, turns of the body, pull-ups to the sides. Everyone remembers such a warm-up from the time of school years: we start with the neck, then the shoulder joint, elbow, and wrist follow.

It is especially worth paying attention to the lower back - this part of the body accounts for the main load during the training process. Lean to the side, backbend, stretch to the side, twist, rotate the torso. We finish the warm-up - rotate the hips, work out the knees, feet.

Beginner training program

The above programs can serve as an excellent guide for a novice athlete. However, before starting classes, it is necessary to correct the material based on individual characteristics (age, health status, lifestyle, etc.).

Split training program for beginners

A three-day split for a beginner might look like this:

Monday (back muscles, biceps)
Warm up 5-10 minutes
Deadlift 2 sets of 8 reps
Bent over row 3 sets max
Weight lifting for biceps (with a barbell) 2 sets of 12 reps
Working out the press 3 sets max
Stretching 5 minutes
Wednesday (chest, triceps)
Warm up 5-10 minutes
Bench press with wide arms 5 sets of 5 reps
Bench press with narrow stance 2 sets of 12 reps
french press 3 sets of 12 reps
Working out the press 3 failure sets
Friday (legs and shoulders)
Squats 3 sets of 6 times
Leg press in the simulator 2 sets of 18 reps
Raising on toes in a sitting position 3 sets of 15 reps
Breeding hands with dumbbells 2 sets of 12 reps
Army press 3 sets of 8 reps
Stretching 5 minutes

After Friday, the body needs rest for 2 days. Training of this type can be continued for several months, eventually getting acquainted with new principles of training.

Circuit training with simulators for beginners

Circuit training in the gym - the most best option for a beginner. Among the clear advantages of such classes:

  • the possibility of mastering exercises in terms of the technicality of their implementation;
  • gradual adjustment of mental-muscular coordination;
  • high-quality preparation of muscles for more significant loads.

With this kind of training, the fitness trainer usually adheres to the principle of “from large to small”. However, according to practice, not every beginner will have enough energy and physical endurance after heavy exercises for the lower part to work out other muscle groups.

The most favorable circuit training option for a beginner athlete is as follows:

  1. After a five-minute warm-up, we completely perform the first exercise on the back muscles (in 2-3 sets of 12-15 repetitions). Having done one set, we rest. Then we proceed to chest exercises (2-3 sets of 12-15 reps). Then we move on to the shoulders and continue on the same principle. Thus, you can train for the first two weeks.
  2. With the beginning of the third week, we add another exercise for the main muscle groups (back, chest). Then we continue to adhere to the same principle: after performing 2 exercises for the back muscles (in 2-3 sets), we proceed to work out the chest. We are not in a hurry with our legs: we leave one previous exercise (squat or bench press). The same applies to small muscles - we perform one exercise for biceps, triceps and shoulders.

Cardio workout for beginners

For a novice athlete in the process, it is important to perform a block of exercises that would allow you to evenly load all areas of the body. This goal is perfectly achieved when doing aerobics, dancing. In the process of performing a specific element, tension should be maintained in those muscle groups that are currently tense - this will increase the effectiveness of the exercises.

The following exercises may be included in the cardio training complex for a beginner:

  1. Run in place. Grab the hips with the heels.
  2. Jumping (breeding / mixing legs). You can also use your hands, simulating the rotation of the rope.
  3. "Jumping Jack" - wide jump. We raise our hands at the same time.
  4. Running with high hips.
  5. "Mill".
  6. Scissor legs jumps. We jump and change legs in the direction back and forth. We press our hands to the body.
  7. "Pendulum". The body is vertical to the floor, hands are pressed to the shoulders, one of the legs is supporting, the other is taken to the side. Alternately change the emphasis on the leg.
  8. Feet together, jump to the sides.
  9. Boxing.
  10. We squat deeply, the back is even, we throw our hands out in front of us.

Such cardio workouts for a beginner should be preferred during the first two months. After that, you can connect outdoor running, running on sports simulators, a bicycle, an exercise bike, jumping rope, etc.

How much rest between sets

It is recommended to rest 90-120 seconds between sets. However, this is not a postulate! If, after performing the next exercise, your heart beats in your ears, it is difficult for you to breathe, or your rapid pulse has not recovered during this allotted time, you can safely increase the length of rest between sets.

How to make the training program work

To achieve this goal, a beginner in the process of training should adhere to the following rules:

  1. We focus on the form of execution. At first, we determine our working weight, which will allow us to perform the exercise in the proper form (technically). After confidently completing the entire volume of exercises, you can proceed to a gradual progression of working weights.
  2. We perform all sets, we progress in loads. We are talking about volume-strength progress, which provides for a consistent increase in load while maintaining the technique and numerical parameter of the exercise.
  3. We follow the plan and do not experiment.

By following these three principles in the gym, a beginner can rightly count on a good sports result.

Do you need a coach?

If it weren't for the issue of price, most beginners would be in favor of training in the gym with a personal trainer. There are several reasons for this, and they are quite objective:

  • training with a trainer gives beginners confidence. After all, many novice athletes are shy, suffer from complexes, experience a feeling of fear;
  • the coach helps the beginner avoid unpleasant situations. Incorrect assessment can lead to injury in the gym own forces, violation of the technique of performing the exercise, inability to use simulators and equipment;
  • the trainer is able to create an individual training program for the client. At the same time, the professional takes into account the real level of physical fitness of the beginner, his goals, wishes, characteristics of the body;
  • the coach, watching the client from the side, can point out a mistake to a novice athlete, teach right technician or make the necessary amendments to the program;
  • according to statistics, with a coach, a beginner achieves good, sometimes excellent results much faster;
  • the coach motivates the novice athlete, sets him up for training, supports, prepares him for future success.

However, to answer the question "Do I need a coach?" each novice athlete must independently weigh all the pros and cons, taking into account his recent relationship with the sport and assessing his own internal state.

The above training programs for beginner athletes can play the role of worthy layouts when compiling an individual program. The choice of exercises, the number of repetitions, sets and the pace of training are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

Regardless of the type of training and training regimen, it is important not to be guided by the three main principles aimed at practicing technique, progressing in working weights, following a plan and not experimenting. Such an approach will not only prevent the development of unpleasant situations, but also ensure the achievement of the goal, no matter how unattainable it may seem.

Be sure to read about it

The training program in the gym for men differs from the female version in a high load and a power bias. Programs for girls most often aim to lose weight, and the training program for men sets goals - to increase strength and gain mass.

Approaches to creating training programs

Today is the age of free information. Everything can be found in in social networks and other open sources. Today, few people ask their questions to really experienced and competent specialists in these matters. The easiest way is to find the answer on the Internet and choose one of the options yourself. Men's training is no exception.

There are many different programs on the Internet, ranging from "how to increase biceps in a week" and ending with "lose weight in 3 days." It is clear that such programs are designed simply to attract attention and this is not a male training. For in a week you won’t increase your biceps by training, just as you won’t lose weight in 3 days due to cardio.

Of course, there are a number of good quality programs that were compiled for someone individually and then posted on the Internet. They are not always useful for us, as they were created for someone else, taking into account the characteristics of his body.

We need a program that will take into account:

  1. Our health.
  2. Our preferences.
  3. Our capabilities, physique, physiology.

Only point 2 can be summarized - since many have similar questions and goals (for example, how to pump up a beautiful body for a man, increase body weight, gain pumped up muscles).

But the health and physiological capabilities at a particular point in time are different for everyone. Therefore, I note that the following programs are a generalization. They will certainly be useful, but their effectiveness will not be as high as with an individual approach. However, it is quite possible to start with a generalized program, subsequently adjusting it for yourself, taking into account your own needs. After all, a beginner often does not imagine what his body is capable of.

When creating an advanced gym program for men, you need to use an individual approach, treating the athlete as special, like no one is unique. Using this approach, you can conduct effective male strength training.

The first program for beginners

Before you engage in the direction of achieving the desired goal, you need to test your capabilities, understand the level of preparation.

This is not about basic exercises, although you will need to do a bench press from the base. This is done through a monthly test program. Working weights must be constantly adjusted, the coach should not leave the beginner unattended.

For the first month, it is likely that you will be able to gain a little mass, become more inflated than you were. It turns out that the test program also gives a small anabolic effect.

Squats and deadlifts cannot be included in the test program, since the muscles of an inexperienced guy in the gym are not yet ready for such work.

On the very first day, you can introduce a bench press, figuring out how much a guy can squeeze out 8-10 times in his first lesson.

Another nuance of the test program - the first three workouts in each exercise should be no more than two approaches.

This is how a variant of a test training program for men might look like (if the number of approaches and repetitions is not indicated, then everything is done 2x10):

  1. Cardio 10 minutes on a stationary bike or treadmill.
  2. Bench press in 2 sets of 8-10 reps.
  3. Pullover lying on a bench with dumbbells.
  4. Breeding dumbbells on a bench parallel to the floor, the same number of repetitions.
  5. Hanging leg raises on the press.
  1. 10 minutes on a treadmill or exercise bike.
  2. We press our legs twice 10 times.
  3. We bend our legs in the simulator.
  4. We unbend our legs, sitting in the simulator.
  5. We do calf raises in the simulator or in Smith, Hack-machine.
  6. We do twisting, lying on the floor, legs thrown on the bench, knees looking at the ceiling.
  1. Hyperextension.
  2. Thrust for the head in a block simulator.
  3. Traction to the lower back in a block simulator.
  4. Extension of arms in a block frame.
  5. Raising the bar for biceps.
  6. 10 minutes cardio and stretching.

The first week everything is done in this way, then the third approach is added and the working weights gradually increase over the course of a month.

In the third week on the first day 1 lunges with dumbbells are added. In the third - breeding arms with dumbbells through the sides, and in the second. At first, all these exercises are done in the same way in 2 approaches.

In the fourth week, on the first day, squats with an empty neck are added in two sets of 10 reps under the close supervision of a trainer. This week you should learn how to squat correctly.

Competent male training in the gym for beginners is nothing without the right selection of weights. No complex strength exercises for men without an adequate choice of working weight will not give a good result. This is another role of a personal trainer: to help you choose an effective weight. Only an experienced athlete can do this for himself.

The job of a trainer is to teach the technique of the exercise, monitor the correct execution, based on what he saw, solve the issue of weight selection, adjust the program every day, if necessary.

In the first month, you should learn the basics of bench press technique, squats, strengthen muscles for other exercises and work with heavier weights. There is also a strength training program for men. In the second month, you can start trying deadlifts with an empty neck to hone your technique.

For those who are not the first month in the hall

I hope you already know the technique of performing many exercises, have achieved some results, both in strength and external terms. Let your biceps increase by 1 cm compared to what it was - this is the result.

Now you can already set specific goals and train in the gym to gain muscle mass and increase strength.

The exercise option may look like this (if the number of approaches and repetitions is not indicated, we do 2x10):

  1. Cardio 5-10 minutes (your choice of exercise bike or treadmill).
  2. We press the barbell lying down. Do 4 sets of 6-8 reps.
  3. We press the dumbbells, lying at an angle of 30 degrees, 3 sets of 8 repetitions.
  4. We press the barbell upside down in an inclination of 30 degrees, the same number of repetitions.
  5. Mixing hands in a crossover (3x8).
  6. French bench press (3x8).
  7. Extension of arms on the block (3x10).
  8. Any 2 ab exercises for 2 sets of 15 reps each.
  1. Cardio.
  2. We squat with a barbell 4 sets of 6-8 reps (excluding warm-up sets).
  3. Lunges with dumbbells.
  4. Leg extension in the simulator.
  5. Calf exercises.
  6. We pull the lower block to the chin (or the barbell instead of the block).
  7. Arnold press with dumbbells.
  8. Breeding dumbbells through the sides.
  1. Cardio.
  2. Hyperextension, do 2 sets, each with 15 repetitions.
  3. Deadlift 4 sets of 6 reps.
  4. Hyperextension 15 times slowly with a delay at the top point.
  5. We pull the barbell in an incline (3x8).
  6. We pull the upper block (3x8).
  7. We pull the lower block (3x10).
  8. Raising the bar for biceps (3x8).
  9. Hammer or curl with dumbbells (3x10).

This training plan is aimed at simultaneously gaining mass and increasing strength.

Different goals - different programs?

Male training for weight gain can be exactly the same as for increasing strength, as one develops in parallel with the second. Your mass will grow after the power ones, and the power ones after the mass.

Another question is fat burning - here already power training and exercises for gaining mass are not quite suitable.

Thus, programs for weight loss and weight gain for men will differ. But strength training for men will be very similar to mass-gaining. More often, they are the same (conditional division of the number of repetitions into 3-6, 6-12, 12 or more is really conditional for this case, since both mass and strength increase by 3, 6, 10 repetitions).

How to gain weight without excess calories? No training plan will help in this case - the body has nothing to build muscles from. Therefore, it is necessary to provide the body with building material.

In fact, quite a few people come to a trainer with the only question: “why don’t my muscles grow, how to gain muscle mass? They work with normal weights, press under 100 and pull more than 100 kg, and the mass stands still. Having lost their patience, they run to try various unwanted methods that allow you to get a quick and very short-term result. Then they all leave, causing great harm to themselves.

In most cases, the answer is simple. Calculate the amount of BJU that you consume per day. You will see that there is little protein. And if you sit on protein-rich food for a couple of months and continue to work hard, the people around you will notice the results.

There are also difficult cases when the physiology of the body is so peculiar that it reacts poorly to strength training. The level of testosterone practically does not fluctuate with loads, the mass does not change at all. This happens. But you should not immediately attribute yourself to this category until you try to sit on proper nutrition for a couple of months.

And it also happens that we do not see external changes, because we contemplate ourselves in the mirror every day. Believe me, if you come to your loved ones once a month, for example, they will notice the difference.

Supersets and circuit training

Any program is not eternal, it is advisable to change it every 2-3 months. You can use the following information to make your training program more varied.

A superset is a series of exercises that are performed without a break. A superset can be performed for synergist and antagonist muscles. For example, alternating barbell curls and block extensions is a superset for antagonists. And the bench press and dilution of arms with dumbbells are for synergists.

Supersets help to overcome the upper power thresholds, increase endurance. They are effective when you reach a plateau when you need to create shock loads.

Circuit training is a large number of exercises for different muscle groups that are performed one after another with a very short break. The number of repetitions here is 15 or more, it is desirable to complete the approach in 20-40 seconds. This option is very exhausting and is well suited for creating relief, burning fat.

Unlike supersets, it is better to work in simulators here. You can include a circular option in your program once a week.

Reading time: 31 minutes

Want to lose weight and wonder where you can start training at home? Or do you want to improve your physical fitness and have a more athletic and toned body?

We offer you a ready-made home workout plan for beginners with visual illustrations of exercises and a schedule that will help you lose weight and get rid of problem areas.

Home workout for beginners: general rules

Regular exercise is essential even if you don't have excess weight. Firstly, it is the strengthening of muscles and the development of muscle endurance, which will help you easily withstand any physical activity in everyday life. Secondly, it is the development of the cardiovascular system and the training of the heart muscle, which reduces the risk of developing many diseases, including heart attacks and strokes.

Thirdly, training contributes to the production of happiness hormones (endorphins), which reduces the risk of developing depression and a depressed state. Fourthly, regular sports loads stimulate a person to lead a healthy lifestyle without bad habits.

At home, you can organize quite effective workouts for weight loss, and for this you do not need special equipment and even any experience in fitness. If you choose an affordable exercise program and exercise regularly, you can achieve results even if you have never exercised before. We offer you ready-made circuit home workout plan for beginners, with which you will get rid of excess weight and improve the quality of the body.

Benefits of this home workout for beginners:

  • workout will help you lose weight and tighten your body
  • Class suitable for beginners and those who have not trained for a long time
  • With this program you can start exercising at home
  • the program includes exercises for all major muscle groups
  • they will help you strengthen your muscles and get rid of problem areas
  • most of the exercises offered are low-impact
  • you will need a minimum inventory.

Before going directly to the list of exercises, be sure to read the recommendations and rules that will allow you to train efficiently and effectively.

Rules for training at home for beginners:

1. Start this home workout for beginners with a warm up and finish with a full body stretch. Recommended to see:

2. Always wear running shoes; you can’t train at home barefoot if you don’t want to get joint problems.

3. Try not to eat at least an hour before training, otherwise digestive problems may occur. Half an hour after training, eat protein + carbohydrates (for example, 150 g of cottage cheese + fruit).

4. Drink a glass of water 20 minutes before training and drink water in small sips every 10 minutes during the session. Drink a glass of water after your workout.

5. Suggested workout for beginners consists of two rounds of 6 exercises in each round. Each round is repeated in 2 rounds. If you find it difficult to endure a workout from start to finish, you can take a 5-minute rest between rounds or shorten the duration of the program.

6. This workout for beginners involves the use of a timer. (each exercise is performed for 30 seconds). But if you are uncomfortable with this format, you can perform exercises on the account: 15-20 repetitions of each exercise.

7. This program has exercises that involve performing on different sides: first on the right, then on the left (eg, lunges, leg raises, hip adduction). We recommend dividing the execution into 2 circles, i.e. in the first circle you perform exercises on one side, in the second circle - on the other side. But if you want to make your workout harder and longer, you can do exercises on both sides in each round.

8. The duration of this workout at home for beginners is 20-25 minutes (excluding warm-up and cool-down). You can always adjust the training time to your liking by adding or decreasing the number of laps. Stop and stop exercising if you feel dizzy, weak, or have heart pain.

9. Some exercises for beginners will require dumbbells. If you don't have them, you can use plastic bottles with water (1-1.5 liters) or exercise without additional weight. If in some exercises you, on the contrary, do not have enough load, you can use leg weights or an expander.

10. This set of training for beginners is divided into 3 days. You can train 3-5 times a week depending on your goals and abilities - just alternate 3 ready plan between themselves. After 3-4 weeks of exercise, it is desirable to increase the time of exercise (refer to your abilities).

Home Workout for Beginners: Exercise Plan

So, we offer you a workout at home for beginners, which is performed on a circular basis. Perform sequentially the proposed exercises for the specified time, the exercises are performed in one approach with a little rest between sets. By alternating between cardio and strength training, you'll increase your heart rate, burn more calories, and tone your muscles. If you want to monitor your heart rate and the number of calories burned per session, you can purchase or heart rate monitor.

How to do the workout:

  • Each exercise is performed for 30 seconds
  • Rest after each exercise 15 seconds (can be increased to 30 seconds if you have a weak heart or low stamina)
  • Repeat each round for 2 rounds.
  • Rest 1 minute between rounds, 2 minutes between rounds
  • If you feel uncomfortable doing an exercise, then replace or skip it.

Timer 30 seconds work / 15 seconds rest:

Beginner Workout: Day 1

First round:

(for cardio, abdomen and arms)

2. Squat with calf raise (for legs, buttocks and arms)

3. Dumbbell press (for arms and shoulders)

(for buttocks and abdomen)

(for abdomen and legs)

Second round:

(for cardio and toning the whole body)

(for the waist and legs area)

3. Breeding hands with dumbbells lying down (for chest and arms)

(for legs and buttocks)

(for cardio and abdomen)

6. Static bar

Beginner Workout: Day 2

First round:

(for cardio and legs)

(for hands)

(for cardio and toning the whole body)

(for stomach and back)

(for abdomen and legs)

6. Elbow plank static (for arms, shoulders, stomach and back)

Second round:

(for cardio and legs)

(for hands)

(for legs and buttocks)

(for cardio and toning the whole body)

(for legs and buttocks)

(for stomach and back)

Beginner Workout: Day 3

First round:

1. Walking with an overlap of the lower leg(for cardio and toning the whole body)

( for arms, abdomen and legs)

(for legs and buttocks)

( for cardio, abdomen and buttocks)

(for chest and arms)

(for the abdomen and waist area)

Second round:

(for cardio and toning the whole body)

Today I will tell you about what should be
the first training program for a beginner in the gym.
What is important to pay attention to and why
first training program for a beginner in the gym
determines subsequent progress and how to lay this foundation.

program for beginners in the gym. video.

Technique exercise program for beginner video.

1. Why the first

should it be circular?

Circuit training provides three important entry-level points:

  1. In circuit training, we do not take maximum weights, we do not do exercises to failure, which means you can concentrate on the main thing - setting up your technique. This is VERY IMPORTANT. In building your body when working with iron, the most important thing is not huge weights, but technique.
  2. Since I recommend losing fat first and then gaining muscle mass - circuit training is excellent for fat loss, due to its intensity. This will be another push to overcome the plateau if you are losing weight.
  3. The circuit training program will take 1-3 months. This is the time in which your cardiovascular system and muscles will be ready for hard training.
2. What it consists of
beginner gym workout program
and how long does it last?

So the workout should last about 40 minutes or an hour.
During this time, you should complete approximately 6 exercises and, depending on your level of training, go from 3x at least to 6 circles.
There is no rest between exercises within the circle. That is, it is exactly enough to reach the next projectile. Between circles, you can rest, but so that the pulse does not drop to normal.
Training can be done every other day. Or three times a week.

So I circle.
This is a warm-up, or warm-up circle. You perform all exercises with the lowest possible weight or with your own and be sure to follow the technique.

1. 20 squats without weight2. 20 times deadlift on straight legs (dead) with no weight or with a minimum.
3. 20 times vertical block pull
4. 20 push-ups from the floor, arms wide.
5. 20 times dumbbell bench press from a vertical bench
6. 20 times alternating dumbbell curl for biceps.

II and subsequent circles:
The weight is such that after the last repetition you could do more.
1. 15-20 times squat with a barbell in a power rack.
2. 15-20 times deadlift on straight legs.
3. 10-15 wide grip pull-ups. INSTEAD OF A VERTICAL BLOCK. At first, most likely, you will have to make them in a gravitron.
4. 15-20 bench press from a horizontal bench. (you can take a fit bar from the aerobic room, if a 20kg bar is a lot)
5. 15-20 times dumbbell bench press from a vertical bench.
6. 15-20 alternating dumbbell bicep curls while standing.

At the end of the workout, you can do it if you really want to.

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So what are our tasks in the training program for a beginner in the gym

1. technique, technique and again technique. For each of the exercises, you can shoot a separate video with subtleties and nuances, and there are plenty of these videos on the network. If you train without a coach, which is, of course, difficult at the initial stage, then you will have to control you yourself. Remember - the mirrors in the hall are not for taking selfies. And just in order to control your technique.
Ask your partner to film your exercise on your mobile phone and in the evening at home review the technique and write down the task in your notebook for the next workout to improve your technique.
2. Increase the intensity from time to time. If you started with three circles, do two months in advance with the same weight, but the best technique- 6 circles. If you feel like you can do more, increase the weight. Remember - in circular training, you need to increase the intensity first of all and then your shell weights.
3.Don't forget to drink plenty of water. How much you want and more. And control your pulse. It should not go beyond the fat burning zone, but it should not fall below. Be sure to do a functional test before the very first workout, and then do it a month later. You will clearly see how you have progressed.

Well, don't forget subscribe to my video channel I remind you that new videos are released twice a week.
Share information with your friends and ... bye bye. A video clip - at the very beginning of the article - is attached.

Many girls want to be slim and beautiful. A well-designed training program for girls in the gym works wonders and transforms the body. Literally in two or three months, you can tighten your muscles, lose fat, pump up your buttocks.

Training goals and program features

Girls come to the hall with different purposes. The training programs will depend on what the task is.

It can be presented in the form of a table, you can paint everything by day - as you like. The main thing is that you have everything written down.

This is very convenient, especially when you have taken a break and want to continue training again. A good memory is great, but after a month you will forget how many times and with what weight you did a particular exercise.

If a trainer is working with you, he should track the dynamics of your weights, progress in results, changes in your body weight. If there is no coach, all this needs to be done by you.

And also you need to know the technique of the exercises that you will do. Understand what each exercise is for in order to perform it as well as possible. The most difficult thing is to find the optimal load.

Features of the first workouts, load dosing

The very first workout should be easy, otherwise you will lose the desire to continue to practice. Muscles that are not ready for stress can be injured. Especially in the case of training for women, this must be taken into account. Although their body is more enduring than that of men, it is more fragile.

In the first month, you need to carefully add weight, observing the condition of the girl. If training is easy for you, you don’t even sweat, it loses its meaning. If in the middle of a workout you find that you have no strength, the load is too much.

But if after a workout you go home completely exhausted, this is correct program! If the training program is aimed at keeping fit, you can not bring yourself to such fatigue.

Change of exercises

To achieve the best result, it is recommended to change the entire program once a month or partially replace the exercises. Muscles get used to loads, and then stop responding to them. If, of course, the load is removed completely, regression will begin. And with stable exercises, weights stop growing, muscles too. Something new is required.

You can also diversify the program in this way: once every 2 weeks, change one exercise to another. For example, today you did a leg press, and next time you do lunges with dumbbells. Alternate this several times, then change these exercises to plie squats, do it for a couple of weeks.

Muscles love variety!

The main controversy on the topic

Fear of pumping

A man's natural testosterone level is 15 to 20 times higher than a woman's. Nevertheless, even the guys do not always manage to swing normally. What to say about girls? Are you afraid that your biceps will become larger in volume than your boyfriend or husband? You should not worry, not the level of the hormone.

It is testosterone that activates anabolic processes in our body. It is he who is responsible for muscle growth (along with growth hormone, of course, from which absolutely everything in our body grows).

Conclusion - practice boldly, swing and do not be afraid of anything!

Barbell or dumbbells: do girls need it all

Since there is not enough testosterone in the girl’s body for pronounced muscle development, the question arises: is it worth it for the female to lift the barbell, do the base, try to pump up muscles, like in men?

Today you can meet girls who have more developed muscles than men. This result was obtained in an unnatural way. What can be achieved without doping: relief, a slight increase in volume, a good increase in strength and endurance.

And all these results will give you dumbbells and a barbell. Basic and additional exercises will help you become stronger. And calorie consumption and muscle tone in parallel with this will give you a beautiful body!

If you want a minimum percentage of fat, you will need to radically change your diet, count every calorie. At the same time, retaining the protein component. Otherwise, you will just lose weight.

How to eat if you go to the gym

The nutrition scheme is simple and determined by the goal of your training:

  • Weight gain - the ratio of BJU is on average 30, 20, 50%, respectively.
  • Weight loss - BJU 45, 35, 10%, respectively.
  • Weight maintenance - BJU 30, 30, 40%.

Do I need to drink gainers, proteins?

The organisms of a man and a woman differ slightly from each other, from the point of view that the regulation of physiological processes is carried out due to the same hormones, the opposite sex has nothing new and unique in biochemical terms.

Why not take sports supplements? Girls also need amino acids, vitamins, proteins, unsaturated fatty acid. They just need something to compensate for the loads received in training.