Umbrellas mushrooms fried with onions recipe. Mushroom umbrella: edible and poisonous species

The guest of our dinner is a fragrant mushroom from the champignon family. Variegated umbrellas are delicious edible mushrooms. If you have seen, but not tasted, these lovely natural gifts in your forests, then it is very in vain. Umbrellas have a mushroom taste characteristic of them alone, which cannot be confused. Rich mushroom aroma can conquer anyone. Fried umbrellas with onions in olive oil is a dish worthy of a festive table.

Umbrellas are suitable for frying in any version: fresh, dry, frozen. I will focus on a fresh umbrella weighing about 1 kg.

And I will only use a hat. It is fleshy and wide at the umbrella.

The cap is carefully rinsed with water. The umbrella has a rather fragile structure on the inside of its cap. After water procedures, the mushroom is cut in any shape. For frying, it is better not to grind umbrellas. Having a loose air base, they are fried three times.

Umbrellas are first stewed in their own juice until reduced in volume.

Then diced onions are added and vegetable oil is introduced.

Umbrellas are salted at the very end, fried three times.

Well, take a sample! How? Agree that fried umbrellas are a great alternative to chicken meat. Happy mushroom dinner!

You know, there are such mushrooms - umbrellas. For some reason, few of the mushroom pickers collect them. It is for this reason that I will allow you to post more photos of mushrooms, and then go directly to the recipe.

Some mistake umbrellas for toadstools or inedible mushrooms. Others prefer to put only aspen mushrooms in baskets, without exchanging the second grade. But in vain. Umbrellas are quite edible, delicious, not similar in taste to other mushrooms. Umbrellas belong to the mushroom family.

Umbrellas grow in forest clearings and forest edges, several at a time. I have never seen them in large numbers. Usually there are 1-2 clearings with 2-3 mushrooms on each.

Mushrooms with unopened caps are possible. Instances the size of a frying pan are best fried whole. Just about this recipe will be discussed below.

Ingredients for 1 large umbrella mushroom

  • chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • breadcrumbs - 2 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil for frying - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt and black ground pepper to taste.

So, I am returning from the forest with a full basket of mushrooms. Among other trophies in the basket are 3 of these umbrella mushrooms:

Since the recipe for preparing these mushrooms is simple and does not take much time, and you want to eat brutally after a long walk in the fresh air, the decision is definitely made to spend 15 minutes and fry the umbrellas first.

First you need to get rid of the hard leg. Just unscrew it from the hat and throw it away. Then rinse the mushroom under running water and scrape off the hat with a knife. Brownish spots and plaque come off easily. Break the egg into a flat plate, shake it with a fork. Dip the pancake hat in the egg on both sides. Then sprinkle the hat with breadcrumbs. And place in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Fry the umbrella mushroom like a pancake. 2-3 minutes on each side until golden brown. Then reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for another 5 minutes.

Snack on ready-made mushrooms, similar to white fish steak or chicken breast chop. And start processing other mushrooms.

True story: Last time I picked up an almost full basket of mushrooms, I leave the forest. I see 3 umbrellas at the edge - 2 large ones with opened hats and one small one. I cut and put on top of the rest of the mushrooms. I am going home. A passer-by asks me:
- What are these mushrooms? I don't know those.
“These are umbrellas,” I answer.
- Are they edible?
“Of course,” I answer. - Do I look like a man eating toadstools?

From the beginning of summer, when the mushroom season does not even think of coming, unusual mushrooms with a wide dish-shaped hat on a long and thin stem can be seen along the roadsides and highways. Many take it for a fly agaric or grebe, although it does not look like a grebe at all. In fact, this is an umbrella mushroom, a completely edible and even very tasty mushroom. What is an umbrella mushroom - we will study the recipes and properties of this representative of the forest world in this article.

Why is the mushroom called an umbrella?

This representative of eukaryotic organisms got its name for its resemblance to an umbrella. Initially, it stretches upwards on a long stem with a domed hat, which soon opens like an umbrella. There are mushrooms with a hat, the diameter of which reaches 30 cm or even more. One has only to remember that almost all mushrooms have their poisonous counterparts. The umbrella also has them, and therefore you can collect only those mushrooms that are well known.

How to distinguish an umbrella from poisonous mushrooms

Some not very knowledgeable mushroom pickers do not collect umbrellas, but simply knock their hats off with their feet, mistaking them for fly agarics or other poisonous mushrooms. In fact, there are significant differences between them. The fly agaric has sparse scales - these are the remains of the covers of young mushrooms. More often, fly agarics are smooth, with rare white scales. Unlike them, the umbrella has a gray or even brown cap, with large white and gray scales. Moreover, the central part of the fungus remains without scales. On the leg of this representative of wildlife there is a three-layer ring that can be easily moved down.

By the way, the umbrella can be confused with another umbrella, purple, which has an unpleasant odor and a bitter taste. This mushroom is not edible. But an umbrella with a fleshy-reddish hat is not worth collecting at all, since it is deadly poisonous.

How to cook umbrella mushroom

Beginning mushroom pickers should remember that an ordinary umbrella mushroom with a grayish hat is considered quite edible and you should not be afraid of it. According to the reviews of many gourmets, the umbrella has an amazing mushroom taste and aroma of chicken meat, which only adds spice to this dish. The cap is eaten while the stem is discarded. True connoisseurs of this mushroom eat it raw (they can eat it right in the forest). The mushroom is cleaned of twigs and leaves (if any) with a brush, cut into portioned pieces and laid on bread, then pepper and salt - the original sandwich is ready!

This mushroom is also subjected to heat treatment, it produces tasty and fragrant dishes. We will tell you how to cook such mushrooms.

Fried umbrellas

The cut and washed pieces of the umbrella cap are laid out in a pan and fried under the lid. As soon as the liquid evaporates, butter and onion rings are added to the mushrooms. After frying the ingredients a little in a frying pan, chopped potatoes are added to them, after which they are fried until tender. As soon as the dish is ready, you need to salt it, add dill and cilantro seeds. For 5 mushroom caps, it is enough to take an onion, 60 g of oil and 3 potatoes.

Umbrellas fried in batter

To prepare such an interesting dish in a deep bowl, you need to beat one egg, add flour, and bring to a homogeneous mass, you get a batter. The umbrella mushroom cap can be cut into four parts if it is large, or you can take it whole and dip it on both sides in the prepared mass. After that, the mushrooms are placed on a heated frying pan and fried for 3-5 minutes. While the process is in progress, you can grate the cheese on a grater. Sprinkling cheese on top, pepper and salt, mushrooms need to be fried for another 3 minutes on low heat. This dish is best served hot.

As you can see, the umbrella mushroom - the recipes and properties of which were discussed here, is a fairly popular mushroom among those who know how to cook it correctly. You can also surprise your loved ones a lot if you serve them an original dish of umbrella mushrooms. Happy culinary adventures!

Fans of quiet hunting often ignore umbrellas - they are too similar to poisonous counterparts and are not very attractive in appearance. Meanwhile, they make delicious, fragrant and original dishes. Moreover, these mushrooms are suitable for eating raw, they taste like boiled chicken breast. Cooking umbrella mushroom requires accuracy due to the fragility of the cap.

Appearance description

The mushroom has a telling name: a thin, rigid leg is covered on top with a wide flat hat, strongly reminiscent of an umbrella. In young mushrooms, an oval hat, similar to a microphone, tightly fits the stem. The objects of hunting are white, girlish, blushing and motley types of umbrellas.

As a rule, due to the external resemblance to grebes and other poisonous mushrooms, umbrellas are the objects of hunting for experienced mushroom pickers. In fact, distinguishing an edible mushroom from a poisonous double is simple:

  • the main number of scales is located along the edges of the cap, and not evenly, as in grebes;
  • the leg ring is three-layered, and it can be easily moved up or down with your fingers, and in poisonous specimens it is motionless;
  • the cut point does not change color upon contact with air;
  • when the cap is broken, the umbrellas smell pleasant, the smell resembles a wet walnut. Inedible twins have an unpleasant odor.

Stuffed young mushrooms

For this purpose, only young umbrella mushrooms are suitable. Stuffed mushroom recipes are popular in Eastern Europe. You will need the following ingredients:

  • egg-shaped caps of young mushrooms - 15 pcs.;
  • mashed potatoes - 100 g;
  • bulb - 1 pc.;
  • ground cloves - 1 pinch;
  • boiled carrots - 1 pc.;
  • minced chicken breast fillet - 200 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • salt and black pepper.

Simple recipes for soup from fresh boletus mushrooms

Carrots are rubbed on a grater and mixed with minced meat and mashed potatoes. The resulting mixture is salted, peppered and ground cloves are added to it.

Vegetable oil is poured at the bottom of the deep skoroda and onion, cut into half rings, is laid out.

Hats are placed in warm water for 2-3 minutes to prevent brittleness. After that, they are carefully stuffed and put in a pan close to each other so that the stuffing does not get enough sleep. Place sliced ​​tomatoes on top, add 200 ml of water, cover with a lid and put on a slow fire.

The dish is prepared in 25 minutes. Time is counted after boiling water.

Umbrella mushrooms have their own Latin name. The initial part of the word - macro - is translated as large. The second means - a variety or genus of plants. In general - macrolepiota. The umbrella was named because of the similarity of the shape of the dome, the head of the mushroom.

Umbrellas stand on thin long legs with a large hat, shaped like a dome of a rain device. Groups are divided into edible and poisonous. Separate subgroups are allocated in a special variety - delicacy. The diameter of the cap can reach up to 35 cm, the leg grows up to 40 cm. The shape of the head is similar to half an egg. Small umbrellas have a special proximity to the dome of half an egg. The main characteristics of the appearance:

  • The skin color of the dome is white;
  • On the dome there are growths of various ornate non-geometric shapes;
  • The tone of the growths is pale brown;
  • The head gradually cracks, dividing into raised scales;
  • the base can be flat and straight or somewhat curved;
  • The leg cavity is empty;
  • Under the dome on the leg is a fringe resembling a skirt;
  • The fringe ring is easy to move.
  • The bottom of the head - parallel plates.
  • The color of the plates is perfectly white.

The fungus can be found almost all over the world. Being saprophytes, umbrellas grow on any type of soil and various parts of the forest belt. Mushrooms are well cultivated, so they can be grown near the house, in household plots or special greenhouse buildings.

The umbrella was named because of the similarity of the shape of the dome, the head of the mushroom

Edible mushroom umbrellas

Mushroom-umbrella white (field)

The field variety is common in certain areas:

  • steppe areas;
  • coniferous and mixed forests;
  • clearings of forest roads;
  • animal pastures and pastures;
  • glades.

You can find field umbrellas from the beginning of summer to the end of October. The field species has a thick, fleshy main part, up to 12 cm in diameter. At first, the cap has elongated circles, then it becomes lower and flatter. A dark mound appears in the center of the dome. On the edge - white fibers, formations in the form of flakes. On the cut, the color of the cap pulp does not change. It rises up to 12 cm, the dome is dense - up to 1.2 cm. The white, smooth and hollow leg stands firmly. If you touch it, the surface begins to turn yellow or acquires a brown tint. The plates change with age: first - white, then - cream, at the end - brown. Umbrella pulp with a pleasant aroma and tart taste.

Gallery: umbrella mushroom (25 photos)

Properties of umbrella mushrooms (video)

Due to the peculiarities of taste, the field view is a component of the gourmet cuisine of China. In addition, the white species grows in other countries:

  • Europe;
  • Iran;
  • Turkey;
  • Siberia;
  • Far East;
  • America;
  • Africa.

Experienced foresters warn of a similar description to the toadstool: stinky fly agaric. The forest guest, deadly for humans, has a bag-like coating that goes into the ground. The hat is slimy and strewn with film flakes.

Mushroom-umbrella white (field)

Mushroom umbrella graceful (thin)

The species is included in the edible variety and grows in open glades of low grass in forests, field and meadow areas. Collected from August to October. The appearance and name are synonymous - a thin curved leg and an elegant head. The shape of the dome is similar to a field bell, gradually expanding during growth and becoming almost flat. Scaly formations on the dome of an icteric shade. Circumference up to 15 cm. The fringe skirt is white and fluffy. Scales fill not only the hat, but also the leg. Gradually, the yellow tone changes, darkens to brown. The pulp during cooking is pleasant, with a special unique aroma. The color of the mushroom pulp is bright white.

Mushroom umbrella graceful (thin)

Konrad's parasol mushroom

Prefers to grow in forested areas. The fleshy head at a young age is more rounded and ovoid, then straightens, in the center there is a protruding tubercle, similar to a baby's nipple. The skin is white or gray-dirty, in the center it can be pink or black-brown. The skin does not reach the edges of the cap. The pulp does not change color after cutting the mushroom. The leg rises to 15 cm. It has a brown color, brown scales. The skirt can be moved. It is light on top and brown on the bottom. The plates are white and cream in color. Umbrellas are found in European and Asian countries.

Konrad's parasol mushroom

Mushroom-umbrella reddening (shaggy)

The edible species prefers soils rich in humus. The name was given because of the change in the color of the dome. Shaggy hat becomes gradually reddish. The edges of the cap are tucked inward, gradually they straighten and crack. The skin is covered with scales and takes on a shaggy appearance. The taste is pleasant and bright mushroom aroma.

Mushroom-umbrella reddening (shaggy)

Mushroom-umbrella girlish

A kind of reddening umbrella. The species is very rare and protected. The shape of the hat has a fringe along the edges. The surface is light and white. Scales are fibrous. The smell is similar to radish. Height up to 12-16 cm. The plates are free white or pink.

How and when to pick mushrooms umbrellas (video)

Inedible and poisonous umbrella mushrooms

False mushrooms are similar to edible species in appearance. Doubles with poisonous properties are dangerous and bring death and serious complications to a person.

Fly agaric smelly

Another name is white toadstool. The fungus is highly toxic, if ingested leads to death or serious poisoning. All components differ in shades: gray, dirty. Hat - the hemispheres becomes convex, the color changes from white to pale pink or gray. The ring on the stem is membranous, quickly disappears, leaving fragments of fibers.

Fly agaric smelly

Fly agaric panther (gray)

The poison dome hat is hemispherical in shape, which flattens with age. In addition, it is gradually torn to pieces. The mushroom is poisonous and dangerous to humans. Even a small amount, getting into food, leads to death. The leg lacks a velvety ring. The head is lamellar and white, sometimes brown spots are clearly expressed on it. The pulp is unpleasant in aroma, it tastes sweet. When cut, the flesh remains white.

Fly agaric panther (gray)

Chlorophyllum dark brown

A dangerous species similar to umbrella mushrooms. The hat has the same scaly plates. The color of the dome is close to edible - gray-brown. The shape of the head is also similar. The leg is denser and thicker, towards the ground it begins to thicken and form a tuber. Mushrooms have hallucinogenic properties. Its toxicity has not been fully studied, so the effect on humans is very dangerous and poisonous mushrooms should be avoided.

Chlorophyllum dark brown

Chlorophyllum lead slag

The shape of the cap makes the mushroom look like umbrellas at a young age. White ovoid heads. The legs are thin and smooth, in the upper part under the head there is a skirt. The flesh changes from cutting, becomes reddish. The pulp has no taste or smell. False umbrella changes color when pressed turns yellow or brown.

Chlorophyllum lead slag

Methods for preparing edible umbrellas

Umbrella mushrooms have excellent taste characteristics. Only young specimens are collected for cooking. Start cooking with heat treatment. For umbrellas choose a large number of technologies:

  • pickled;
  • dried;
  • salty;
  • boiled.

Dishes from umbrella edible mushrooms:

  • broths;
  • sauces;
  • second;
  • salads;
  • toppings for pancakes and pies.

Only young specimens are harvested for cooking