10 tallest tower in the world. The tallest TV towers in the world

On July 25, 1907, the Russian scientist Rosing filed an application for a patent for transmitting images over a distance, that is, television. From that day on, the rapid development of television broadcasting began, many TV towers were built, some of them are impressive in height.

Tokyo Sky Tree, Tokyo

The Skytree Tower in Tokyo is the tallest building in and the tallest TV tower in the world. The height of the tower is 634 meters. The highest TV tower in the world is very young - its grand opening took place in May 2012. This is truly a grand building. The lines of the silhouette of the tower resemble a samurai sword, however, it looks very futuristic.

Taking into account the difficult seismological situation in this region, the tower was designed and built in such a way that neither earthquakes nor typhoons are afraid of it. The seismic resistance test took place during the construction of the tower - in March 2011, during a terrible earthquake. In addition to its direct function, the tower is a kind of entertainment center for visitors. There are not only restaurants and viewing platforms, but also boutiques, a planetarium, an aquarium, and even a theater. The tower is a real decoration of the city, it is especially beautiful at night.

Guangzhou TV Tower, China

The tower, built in 2009, has a height of 611 meters, and for several years it held the title of the tallest TV tower in the world. This tower is the biggest attraction. The tower is also called "Supermodel" for its unusually attractive architecture. She looks very feminine - graceful, transparent, slender.

The tower has an inner "core" and an outer hyperboloid mesh shell. The shell is made from steel pipes large diameter, which give the tower an airy look. At the same time, the weight of this grandiose grid is only 50,000 tons. The Guangzhou Tower is an earthquake-resistant structure designed to withstand very strong tremors. The Supermodel Tower has everything you need to entertain tourists - viewing platforms, restaurants, shops, 4D cinemas. And at the top of the tower is the world's tallest horizontal Ferris wheel, which offers stunning views of the city. At night, the tower shines with stunning illumination, which changes color every day of the week.

CN Tower, Toronto, Canada

This tower is almost twice as high as the Eiffel, its height is 553 meters, until 2007 it was the tallest TV tower in the world, holding the palm for more than thirty years. About two million people visit the tower every year. The tower is very durable - it can withstand wind gusts up to 420 km / h and earthquakes of 8.5 points. Interestingly, about 78 lightning strikes the tower's antenna every year.

At the top of the tower is a revolving restaurant. The slow rotation of the restaurant allows visitors to see in detail, the views of which are simply breathtaking. But this restaurant is famous not only for entertainment, but also for excellent food, and the wine list of the restaurant includes more than 500 wines. There is also an observation deck with a glass floor that can withstand a weight of up to 109 tons per square centimeter. Since August 2011, the most daring visitors, ready to test their nerves, have been offered an attraction - a walk with insurance along the unfenced open cornice of the upper observation deck.

Architecture has always fascinated humanity. Since ancient times, people have sought not only to build a building with a certain functionality, but also to give it a certain aesthetic property. Towers remain very popular and attractive to this day. All over the world buildings of this type are business cards certain cities.

In this article, we will answer the question: “What is the tallest tower?” Let's talk about the ten tallest buildings.

First place - Burj Khalifa (United Arab Emirates)

Dubai is known for its picturesque buildings. One of the greatest projects was the construction of this tower, which started in 2004. Six years later, the Burj Khalifa was opened to visitors in Dubai. This building is located in the middle of numerous hotels and shopping centers. The tower even has its own official website.

The building is made in the form of a stalagmite, its shape is easily recognizable and original. The tower has 163 floors, despite the fact that few buildings in the world have more than a hundred floors. Initially, the designers wanted to embody with the help of this structure a “city within a city”, where there would even be their own parks. In addition, it was originally planned that this building would be the tallest. The developers kept the final height secret in order to make adjustments to the construction plan in the event of the appearance of competitors.
The height of the tower is 818 meters.

Second place - Guangzhou (People's Republic of China)

China is also taking great interest in the construction of skyscrapers that amaze the imagination. The Guangzhou TV Tower is the second tallest tower in the world. Its construction started in 2005 and was completed five years later.

The purpose of the TV tower is to broadcast a radio signal and television. In addition, at the top there is a special platform with which you can observe the panoramic picture of the Chinese metropolis. It is designed for ten thousand visitors daily!

At an altitude of 419 and 426 meters there are special restaurants that are placed on rotating platforms. At an altitude of 406 meters there is a cafe for VIPs. The building can receive up to 10 thousand tourists daily.

The height of the tower is 610 meters.

Third place - CN Tower (Canada)

The CN Tower is located in Toronto, Canada. The Tower is not just part of the city. She is his symbol. The CN in the building's name stands for Canada's National. Construction began in 1973 and was completed in 1975.

An interesting fact: at least seventy lightning strikes the tower every year. The elevators that are installed inside move at a speed of twenty kilometers per hour. They are able to lift a person to the very top in one minute. At an altitude of 350 meters there is a restaurant up to the visitors. At the top there is an observation platform, with the help of which visitors can see the hills, located at a distance of 120 kilometers from the Tower. In addition, it is possible to pass with insurance on an open ledge.

The mass of the tower is 130 tons. Height - 552 meters.

Fourth place - Freedom Tower (New York)

Another tall tower in the world, the most recognizable in America, is the Freedom Tower. The history of the building dates back to the tragic events of September 11, 2001, when two skyscrapers of the World Trade Center were destroyed by a terrorist attack. As a result of the competition, it was decided to build the Freedom Tower in their place, which today is a symbol of the democratic world. The building opened to the public in 2013.

Its height is 541 meters.

Fifth place - TV tower "Ostankino"

The fifth tallest tower in the world and the tallest in Russia is the Ostankino TV tower. The building is located on seven special legs. It was designed literally for centuries. According to technological calculations, Ostankino should last no less than 300 years. Inside, in addition to television studios, there is a restaurant "Seventh Heaven" at an altitude of 300 meters. There is also a special observation deck. It allows people to look at Moscow from a great height. The platform is protected by three layers of thick glass to prevent accidents.

The height of Ostankino is 540 meters.

Sixth place - Willis Tower (United States of America)

The list of the tallest towers is continued by the Willis Tower, which is located in the state of Illinois, the city of Chicago. Construction started in 1970 and lasted three years.

The building has one hundred and ten floors, the total area of ​​​​which is 410 thousand square meters.

The tower is built of nine square pipes, which converge into a square at the base. There are 104 elevators inside, with the help of which visitors move through the three zones into which this building is divided.

The Willis Tower is the second tallest building in the United States. The TV tower also transmits a radio signal. At the very top, appropriate transmitters are installed for this.

characteristic feature structure, resulting from its asymmetric design, is that it is slightly tilted to the west (by 10 degrees). This happened due to the fact that the building creates a different load on the foundation in different parts.

The height of the Willis Tower is 527 meters.

Seventh place - Pentominium Tower (United Arab Emirates)

Dubai is the only city on this list that has two large towers. The construction of this structure began in 2011 and has not been completed at the time of writing. The cost of construction is declared at four hundred million dollars. Also, the tower is a leader in another rating. The construction site has one of the deepest pits in the history of mankind.

Designed by Andrew Bramberg. The tower will house luxury residential apartments. The cost of one apartment is at least three million dollars. There is only one apartment per floor.

The formation of the building's name is also interesting: Pentominimum is a combination of the words "penthouse" and "condominium".

The height of the building is 516 meters.

Eighth place - Taipei-101 (Taiwan)

Erected in 2004 in the Taiwanese city of Taipei, the building has one hundred and one floors (plus five more underground), which is reflected in its name. Below are numerous trading platforms, and above - office rooms. Construction began in 1999 and was completed in five years. The building also leads in terms of the speed of movement of elevators. It is 60 kilometers per hour. You can reach the very top in just half a minute.

The tower is made of glass, steel and aluminum, has several hundred concrete supports eighty meters deep. To protect against strong earthquakes or hurricanes, a special round pendulum is placed between the 87th and 90th floors. According to the designers, Taipei-101 is able to withstand the strongest earthquakes, which occur no more than once every several thousand years.
The height of Taipei-101 is 509 meters.

Ninth place - Burj Al Alam (United Arab Emirates)

Ghost building. The project was very ambitious. Burj Al Alam is a large tower, the third largest in Dubai, but its construction was not completed. The construction was launched in 2006, and at first everything developed quite successfully, the crossing of the finish line was announced for 2009.

However, the project was soon closed, construction was stopped. At the moment, the site of the tower has ceased to function. There is no news about its future fate, but it is obvious that sooner or later the project will be resumed in one form or another. If the project is completed, then the UAE will have three large towers.

Estimated final height - 501.

Tenth place - Eiffel Tower (France)

The tallest tower in Europe and the tenth largest is called the Eiffel Tower in honor of its chief designer Eiffel. He himself called it the "three hundred meter tower" - simply and concisely.

The Eiffel Tower is famous all over the world. She is a constant symbol of France and Paris. Every year it is visited by several million tourists from all over the world. It is very interesting that Eiffel was initially criticized for such a daring design solution. However, subsequently the tower did not have any critics.

It is symbolic that during the retreat of the German troops, a personal order was received from Hitler to destroy the masterpiece of architecture. However, General Choltitz did not fulfill it, realizing its greatness.

The height of the Eiffel Tower is 324 meters (initially 300, but a new antenna was subsequently installed).

Modern TV towers are huge high-tech complexes, including the most advanced scientific and architectural developments. Although their main purpose is to transmit television signals over a distance, they also house cafes and restaurants, viewing platforms to attract tourists. The higher the tower, the larger the broadcast region. Different countries as if competing in the construction of the highest TV towers. Introducing the Top 10 tallest TV towers in the world.

10th place. Tashkent TV tower

Height: 375 meters
Location: Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Year built: 1985

It is the highest TV tower in Central Asia. It was built over 6 years and was put into operation on January 15, 1985.

9th place. Kyiv TV tower

Height: 385 meters
Location: Ukraine, Kyiv
Year built: 1973

The Kyiv Tower is considered the tallest structure in the world of buildings with a lattice structure. The tower is entirely made of steel pipes different diameter and weighs 2,700 tons. In the central part there is a vertical pipe with a diameter of 4 meters. It serves as an elevator shaft and smoothly passes into the antenna part. The Kyiv TV Tower is the tallest structure in Ukraine. The tower is 60 meters taller than the Eiffel Tower, but weighs 3 times less.

8th place. Beijing Central TV Tower

Height: 405 meters
Location: China, Beijing
Year built: 1995

On top of the tower is a revolving restaurant

7th place. Menara Kuala Lumpur

Height: 421 meters
Location: Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
Year built: 1995

The construction of this structure, 421 meters high, lasted about 5 years. For the original illumination, the Menara tower received the unofficial name "Garden of Light".

6th place. Borje Milad

Height: 435 meters
Location: Iran, Tehran
Year of construction: 2006

There are 6 panoramic elevators in the tower, and at a height of 276 meters there is a panoramic revolving restaurant. The gondola of the tower has 12 floors with total area 12,000 sq.m, which is the largest area of ​​the TV tower in the world. This is the tallest building in Iran.

5th place. Oriental pearl

Height: 468 meters
Location: China, Shanghai
Year built: 1995

The Oriental Pearl is the second tallest TV tower in Asia. The sphere at the top of the tower has a diameter of 45 meters and is 263 meters above the ground. At an altitude of 350 meters - a penthouse with a viewing platform.

4th place. Ostankino tower

Height: 540 meters
Location: Russia, Moscow
Year built: 1967

The project of the tower was invented by the chief designer Nikitin overnight, the image of the tower was an inverted lily. The mass of the tower together with the foundation is 51,400 tons. On August 7, 2000, a strong fire broke out in the Ostankino tower at an altitude of 460 m. 3 floors were completely burned out. Long repair and construction work and landscaping were completed by February 14, 2008.

3rd place. CN Tower

Height: 553 meters
Location: Canada, Toronto
Year built: 1976

The CN Tower is almost twice as tall as the Eiffel Tower and 13 meters taller than the Ostankino Tower. It is able to withstand winds of 420 km/h and is struck by more than 80 lightning strikes a year. From 1976 to 2007 it was the tallest structure in the world.

2nd place. Guangzhou TV Tower

Height: 610 meters
Location: China, Guangzhou
Year of construction: 2009

The mesh shell of the tower is made of steel pipes of large diameter. The tower is crowned with a steel spire 160 meters high. The design of the mesh shell of the Guangzhou TV tower corresponds to the 1899 patent of the Russian engineer Shukhov.

1st place. sky tree tokyo

Height: 634 meters
Location: Japan, Tokyo
Year built: February 29, 2012

The construction of the TV tower was completed quite recently, and on May 22, 2012 it was opened. The tower houses more than 300 boutiques, restaurants, an aquarium, a planetarium and a theater. Under construction, October 10, 2010. It is the tallest building in Japan and the tallest TV tower in the world.

The tallest tower in the world is planned to be built by 2020. It will be based in Saudi Arabia. The country's authorities have already presented an ambitious project.

The tallest building - a tower called "Kingdom" - will be erected in Jeddah. Its height will reach 1600 meters. The Saudi prince and part-time millionaire al-Walid controls the project. But who is the author and designs the tower is not yet known. According to some reports, the architectural company Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture. In the meantime, it is already known how much the project will cost - the preliminary budget - 30 billion dollars. What the tower will become famous for is not hidden from the public. It will contain apartments, shops and offices, and a large observation deck will be built on the 157th floor, which will offer views of the city and the Red Sea. In short, the "Kingdom" will be a real city-home.

Burj Dubai, UAE, 822 meters

In the meantime, the tallest tower in the world is located in the United Arab Emirates, in Dubai. The Burj Dubai opened its doors in January 2010. Grand opening timed to coincide with the 4th anniversary of the inauguration of Mohammed bin Rashed Al Maktoum, the ruler of Dubai and at the same time Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE.

Designed by Burj Dubai American architect Adrian Smith. After that, the construction of the tower lasted for six years. Almost 1.5 billion dollars was spent on the construction of 160 floors with a height of 822 meters and 55 centimeters.

The six-star Armani Hotel is located on the first eight floors of the tower. Its design was personally handled by the owner of the popular brand, designer Giorgio Armani. In the hotel you can find SPA salons, several restaurants and a night club. 900 luxury apartments occupy the remaining floors up to the 108th. The cost of each ranges from 600 thousand euros to 11 million. Another 38 floors were occupied by restaurants and office space. Among other things, the Burj Dubai housed gym and a nightclub. And in the tower, which is located above the main building, there are tons of telecommunications equipment. The tallest tower in the world is fraught with the highest located pool - you can swim on the 76th floor, the highest observation deck - on the 124th, as well as a mosque on the 158th floor. By the way, the developer company assures that almost all the real estate in the tower has already been sold out.

Burj Dubai on video

And the most interesting thing is that you can climb to the upper floors of the tower in just two minutes. This is possible thanks to 65 state-of-the-art high-speed elevators. Each is capable of speeds up to 18 meters per second or up to 64.37 kilometers per hour. On the way down, the elevator speed is slightly reduced so that passengers do not experience stress. However, to get from the first to the last floor, you will need to transfer to another elevator. The Burj Dubai tower draws energy from a 61-meter turbine, which operates on wind power and a system solar panels. A kind of power unit occupies 15 thousand square meters.

Tokyo Sky Tree, Tokyo, 634 meters

One of the tallest towers in the world is located in Japan. Tokyo's Tokyo Sky Tree was commissioned in Sumida District of Tokyo in 2011. Previously, it was planned to be named as the TV tower in Sumida or the new Tokyo tower.

However, the final name was chosen during construction in 2008 following a competition. The height of the Tokyo Sky Tree was 634 meters, together with the antenna, it turns out that the Tokyo Sky Tree is almost twice as tall as the Tokyo TV Tower. By the way, although the building has already been commissioned, the opening is scheduled only for May 2012. The tower will be used for digital television and radio broadcasting, as well as navigation systems and mobile communications. Inside, you can find about 300 boutiques, an aquarium, restaurants, a planetarium and even a theater.

Canton Tower, China, 610 meters

The Guangzhou TV Tower also made the list of the largest. It was built for five years, until 2010. ARUP specially planned the completion of construction for the Asian Games. The Canton Tower boasts a height of 610 meters. Here, up to 450 meters, the structure was erected as a combination of a central core and a hyperboloid bearing mesh shell.

The latest design of the TV tower corresponds to the patent of the last year of the 19th century by the Russian engineer Shukhov. This part of the building is made of steel pipes of large diameter. And the Canton Tower is crowned with a 160-meter spire. The tower is used for television broadcasts and radio transmissions, and besides this, you can see the panoramas of Guangzhou here. The tower can receive up to 10,000 tourists a day.

CN Tower, Canada, 553 meters

From 1976 until 2007, the CN Tower (CN Tower) was the tallest building in the world. Its height is no less than 553.33 meters.

The tower is located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and has been a symbol of the city since its opening. More than 2 million people come to see the CN Tower every year. Initially, CN stood for Canadian National, since the building was owned by the Canadian National Railway Company.

View from the CN Tower

But in 1995, the tower was bought by Canada Lands Company (CLC). At the request of local residents, the towers retained their original name. Now officially CN stands for Canada's National.

Ostankino, Russia, 540 meters

The tallest building in Russia is the Ostankino television tower. The height of the building is 540 meters. The Ostankino tower stands on ten legs, each of which bears 3,200 tons of pressure. At an altitude of about 330 meters in Ostankino you can dine - here, on three floors, the Seventh Heaven restaurant is located.

The people call the tower "Needle". Experts suggest that the building built in 1967 will stand for at least 300 years. It is strictly forbidden to walk under the supports of the tower, and this will not work, since the tower is surrounded by a security zone of 180 meters.

Ostankino tower

There is also an observation deck in Ostankino, and it is also safe. It is impossible to settle scores with life here, since the site is fenced with three-layer tempered glass.

Oriental Pearl Tower, China, 468 meters

The futuristic design of the Shanghai TV Tower is located in the Pudong district, on the banks of the Huangpu River. Its height is 468 meters, which makes it the tallest building in Asia. The TV tower consists of 11 so-called pearls, metal balls of different diameters.

And at the base of them lies a stone slab. The architecture, as it were, conveys a line from a poem of ancient Chinese poetry: "Large and small pearls fall on a jade dish." On each ball there is an observation deck, the highest at a height of 360 meters. Here you can see Shanghai from unusual angles. It is noteworthy that the floor on the observation deck is glass. In addition, there are galleries and shops on each level of the tower, especially for tourists who wish to buy souvenirs. And at the level of 267 meters there is a revolving restaurant - the only one of its kind that is located so high. About 350 people can sit at the tables at the same time. At the base of the TV tower, everyone can go to the Shanghai History Museum.

Eiffel Tower, France, 300 meters

Not the highest, but the most recognizable. The landmark of Paris, the symbol of all of France - the Eiffel Tower is located at an altitude of 300 meters above sea level.

It was named after the designer Gustav Eiffel, who, in turn, called his creation simply "300-meter tower". It was built in 1889, long before the appearance of the first telemasts. The structure was erected exactly 2 years, 2 months, 2 days. After 20 years, they wanted to dismantle it, but when the radio was invented, they decided to keep the brainchild of Eiffel.

Several hundred million people have already visited the tower. At the same time, for more than 115 years of existence, 53 people fell from it and crashed.
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I present to your attention a selection of the 10 tallest TV towers in the world today

So, in 10th place stands the 372-meter Kuwaiti Liberation Tower with a huge number of elevators and a lot of offices

The 9th tallest building in the world is the 375-meter Tashkent TV Tower, which is also the tallest building in Central Asia

The 8th line is occupied by the 385-meter Kyiv TV Tower - the tallest lattice structure in the world.

In 7th place is the 405-meter Beijing TV Tower with traditional golden dragons at the base.

The 6th tallest TV tower in the world is located in the capital of Malaysia - the city of Kuala Lumpur. This is the 421-meter Menara TV Tower, which is the second building in the city, whose height crossed the mark of 400 meters (the first building was the Petronas Towers twin towers)

On the 5th line stands the 435-meter Tehran Borje Milad - the tallest building in Iran

4th place is occupied by the futuristic design of the 468-meter Shanghai Oriental Pearl TV Tower, which cannot be confused with any other thanks to two characteristic spheres with a diameter of 45 meters each

Our 540-meter Ostankino television tower, which survived a terrible fire in 2000, opens the top three by a significant margin.

The second tallest TV tower in the world is located in Toronto. This is the 553.3-meter CN Tower (CN Tower), which for more than 30 years has held the title of the highest building on the planet.

Well, we finally got to the tallest television tower in the world. At the top of our list is the 610-meter high Guangzhou TV Tower.