"Putin's Army": what and how the National Guard will do. The National Guard of the Russian Federation (Rosguard) What structures are included in the National Guard

On April 5, Vladimir Putin announced the creation of a fundamentally new structure on the basis of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the National Guard, which will be engaged in the fight against terrorism and organized crime, that is, it will continue to perform the functions of units of the Internal Troops, OMON, SOBR.

New threats require higher coordination, coherence and effective state action. A unified structure will not allow "shifting arrows" to related departments in the absence of results and shortcomings.

Experts are sure that such a self-regulating system is the key to success. For example, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Adalbi Shkhagoshev noted: “This is an adequate response to the state of affairs in the fight against terrorism, in particular against international terrorism and organized crime.

It is categorically never possible to separate organized criminal groups from the actions of terrorists. It is the terrorist networks that are best organized today, and there are no such areas in the underworld that operate more smoothly."

Structural features

The new department will be able to improve the system of management, planning, forecasting. It is not only about the fight against organized crime groups and terrorists, but also about public unrest. For example, the National Guard will be required to maintain order at protests.

The National Guard will include governing bodies and subdivisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that control the circulation of weapons and the sphere of private security activities, private security. It will include special rapid reaction units (SOBR) and mobile special forces of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the Center for Special Operations of the Rapid Response Forces and Aviation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the state unitary enterprise Okhrana of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

With the reorganization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, not only will it not lose its administrative weight, but it will also expand its own. After all, the previously withdrawn powerful structures of the Federal Migration Service (FMS) and the Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN) will return to the department.

Advanced functions and powers

The National Guard of Russia will be engaged in the protection of nuclear hazardous facilitiesAt the same time, organizations of the nuclear power industry complex will provide housing for servicemen. This is stated in the text of the bill submitted to the State Duma by the president and posted in the database of the lower house of parliament.

The National Guard will be engaged in the protection of nuclear hazardous facilities. It will participate in the fight against terrorism and extremism, ensure the legal regime of the counter-terrorist operation, and, together with the internal affairs bodies, protect public order.

It is envisaged that the guard will be able to participate in the territorial defense of the country, to cooperate with the FSB border agencies in protecting the state border.

According to the bill submitted to the State Duma on April 6, the National Guardsmen will be able to use physical force and weapons without warning in case of a threat to citizens or the military personnel themselves. They will also be allowed to use firearms when the armed ones escape. In the absence of an immediate threat, the National Guard will be required to issue a warning about the use of force.

It is fundamentally important that the draft law prohibits the National Guard from shooting at pregnant women, the disabled and children, except when they are armed.

Servicemen of the National Guard troops will be able to enter the living quarters of citizens when performing combat service to ensure the emergency regime and in other cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation

Employees of the department will be able to inspect vehicles, check documents of citizens (with the right to detain for up to three hours), use special equipment "to suppress riots and other illegal actions that disrupt traffic, communications and organizations," including water cannons and armored vehicles " with subsequent notice to the prosecutor.

The bill is harsh and yet necessary - this has been shown by the recent tragic experience of Paris and Brussels.

RBC's source in the presidential administration noted that the National Guard would allow centralizing the work of a number of disparate power units that were still part of the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Such a service will be easier to manage, the interlocutor of RBC added.

The project to create the National Guard is already about four years old, notes political analyst Yevgeny Minchenko. Initially, it was assumed that, first of all, the National Guard would have protective functions (which is why its leaders predicted the chief guard of the president): fighting riots, preventing and eliminating mass riots. But in the end, the functions of the National Guard expanded, which means a big hardware victory for Zolotov, the expert states.

Who will join the guard?

Internal troops are transformed into troops of the National Guard. They will include all special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the presidential decree says.

The total number of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2015 was just over a million people. Of these, about 170 thousand were internal troops, which were deployed almost throughout the country.

It follows from the document that the new Federal Service of the National Guard Troops includes SOBR and OMON units, the Special Forces Center for Rapid Response and Aviation, private security, in particular the Special Forces Center for Private Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that monitor compliance with legislation in the field of trafficking in weapons and in the field of private security activities, as well as the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Okhrana, which provides services for paramilitary and physical security and for the installation and operation of technical security equipment.

The creation of the National Guard will not require an increase in staffing, will not require an increase in the apparatus and anything else, Peskov said, answering a question from RBC.

Since all training bases and training grounds will be transferred from the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the National Guard, the costs from the budget will be minimal, RBC's source in law enforcement believes. Aleksey Lobarev, chairman of the Association of Russian Police Trade Unions, agrees with this opinion. According to him, the training bases will simply be transferred to the National Guard, there will be no need to build new facilities.

Earlier, the Ministry of Internal Affairs repeatedly complained about the lack of funding. When discussing the budget for 2016 in the State Duma, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Alexander Makhonov, that the department lacks 41 billion rubles. The lack of funds is caused, in particular, by cuts in the department and payments to employees who leave the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

According to Khinshtein, it is no secret that internal troops inside the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not receive the necessary funds for rearmament, for providing technical equipment, etc. Now this situation will change. The independence of the National Guard can, among other things, make life easier for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, since the ministry has a high current budget deficit of more than 120 billion rubles, Khinshtein says.

Who is Viktor Zolotov?

In May 2014, Putin appointed Zolotov First Deputy Minister of the Interior and Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, after he had worked for six months as First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Interior Troops. Prior to his appointment to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Zolotov worked for 13 years in the Federal Security Service (FSO) and was the head of the Presidential Security Service. Zolotov was appointed to manage the presidential guard by Putin after he came to the Kremlin in 2000.

Putin had known Zolotov since the 1990s, when Zolotov was guarding Anatoly Sobchak, the mayor of St. Petersburg, for whom Putin was deputy. As Novaya Gazeta reported, Zolotov began his career in the 9th Directorate of the KGB of the USSR, which was later transformed into the FSO. Zolotov Law Institute and the Academy of the General Staff.

“The President and Commander-in-Chief does not appoint people to lead the security forces without having personal trust in them,” Peskov said, answering the question whether the Kremlin has special confidence in Zolotov.​

We are talking about a serious hardware reinforcement of Zolotov, he becomes one of the most influential security officials, Minchenko notes. The expert recalls that the growing influence of people from the FSO has been noticeable in recent years, and especially in recent months: several former colleagues of Zolotov took important positions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs after his conflict with the FSB, and Alexei Dyumin became the governor of the Tula region. Close to this group is Veniamin Kondratiev, who recently headed the Krasnodar Territory.

The position of the main security agency is not vacant - both the FSB and the FSO claim this role, but the new structure headed by Zolotov, precisely because of its novelty, may have a greater mandate of trust, political scientist Mikhail Vinogradov emphasized in a conversation with RBC.

How will the National Guard interact with the FSB?

While it is difficult to say whether the powers of other services and departments will change in connection with the emergence of the National Guard, Peskov answered the question of whether the powers overlap of the National Guard with the FSB and other departments. “We can say with confidence that it will definitely be necessary to improve the legal and regulatory framework, it will be necessary to make some changes to the laws, and it will not be about one or two laws,” the presidential press secretary emphasized.

The functions of the National Guard will partially coincide with the functions of the FSB, draws attention to the head of the Moscow trade union of police officers Mikhail Pashkin. In a conversation with RBC, he noted that now the fight against terrorism is legally enshrined as the prerogative of the FSB. To involve the National Guard in counterterrorism activities, it will be necessary to change the law.

However, it is not clear why the new structure should duplicate the powers of the FSB, Pashkin stressed. “Does this mean that the FSB is bad at fighting terrorism? And will the National Guard, in addition to the security functions, also have operational-search functions, without which it is impossible to fight terrorism? So far, there are more questions than answers,” Pashkin believes. “If the National Guard will only carry out the power tasks that the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, customs and others will set for it, then there should be no problems,” Pashkin added.

Retired FSB Major General Vasily Eremenko believes that the National Guard, having assumed the functions of internal troops, will conduct major operations inside the country. “If the FSB is fighting individual, hidden terrorists who are preparing attacks in the subway or at the station, then the new army unit will confront large terrorist groups, such as, for example, the ISIS group banned in Russia,” Eremenko argues in a conversation with RBC.

Who else has a guard?

The closest example to Russia is the creation of the National Guard in Kazakhstan. In April 2014, President Nursultan Nazarbayev decided to transform the internal troops into the National Guard. In addition to the renaming, little has changed: the new service remained under the control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, headed by the last head of the internal troops, General Ruslan Zhaksylykov.

In 2015, in an interview with the Russian edition of Krasnaya Zvezda, Zhaksylykov admitted that the soldiers of the National Guard are assigned basically the same tasks as the military personnel of Kazakhstan’s military forces. Among these duties: protection of public order, cargo escort, assistance to border guards, participation in special operations of other law enforcement agencies, escort of convicts and other tasks. Similar functions are performed by the National Guard in some other CIS countries, for example, in Kyrgyzstan.

The second type of military formations on the territory of the former USSR, called the National Guard, is a service for the protection of senior officials and personally the head of state, a kind of presidential regiment. According to this principle, the National Guard operates in Azerbaijan and Tajikistan. In Georgia, in addition, the National Guard deals with issues of military mobilization: registration of reservists and assistance in conscription.

The National Guard of Ukraine is also formed on the basis of internal troops, but has much greater powers. It performs all the functions mentioned above: both the protection of public order and officials, and the organization of mobilization, the implementation of counter-terrorism measures, and even participation in hostilities.

The very term "national guard" appeared at the initial stage of the French Revolution to refer to the detachments that ensured order on the streets of Paris. The Americans were among the first to adopt this name at the beginning of the 19th century: the US National Guard is equipped with military reservists who are periodically mobilized to suppress riots. One of the latest such cases was the riots in Ferguson in 2014, although there the authorities resorted to the support of only the local Missouri state guard.

But what is it and why is the new guard needed?

The National Guard is created on the basis of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The number of the National Guard will be 350-400 thousand people (data from the Zvezda agency, there is no official information on the number yet).

At the same time, the current number of internal troops is about 200 thousand people.
This means that the National Guard will be almost twice as large.

In fact, the national guard is an expanded internal troops, and expanded quite significantly. The National Guard will include various special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Okhrana.

The tasks that the National Guard will solve are the fight against terrorism and organized crime, the protection of important state facilities, and assistance to the border service.

By and large, these are the same tasks that the internal troops were previously engaged in. The only exception is the fight against organized crime - this has always been the task of the police / police and SOBR. But now the SOBR is transferring the National Guard and the function of combating organized crime along with it.

How effective it is to transfer the function of combating organized crime to a military formation (the National Guard - these will be precisely the troops) is a moot point. It seems to me that this is redundant. After all, we are not in Mexico, where we have to fight drug cartels with military methods. Our organized crime is not so strongly dug in to carry out military operations against it. Terrorism is a separate issue and should not be mixed with ordinary bandits, who were quite successfully taken by the OMON and SOBR, which belongs to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

But I think that the transfer of special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the National Guard is carried out not in order to more effectively fight the bandits, but for a slightly different purpose.

It seems that the Kremlin decided to bring into a single military structure all combat-ready units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and internal troops. To get one powerful formation with centralized control, a single command, one-man command.

"The involvement of the National Guard troops in the performance of tasks using weapons ... is carried out by decision of the President of the Russian Federation"This is an excerpt from the draft law.

The National Guard will report directly to the President.

Not to the Minister of the Interior, but to the President directly.

After the creation of the National Guard, there will be no internal troops in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - they are fully included in the National Guard, they are reorganized, and even such a name as "internal troops" most likely will not remain.

The current commander of the VV, Viktor Zolotov, will command the National Guard - this decision has already been made, which is very significant in itself. If the commander of the explosives has already been appointed to head the National Guard, then a new structure will be created in the very near future. In fact, they have already begun to create it, despite the fact that even the law has not yet been adopted by the State Duma.

In general, appointing the commander of the structure, the law on which has just been sent to the State Duma, is a sign of great haste.

And it is also very significant that the law was not composed by the deputies, the law was invented in the Kremlin. The President signed the Decree, and the finished bill was sent to the State Duma so that the deputies would "wave".

This is the clearest example of violation of the constitutional principle of separation of powers. The Constitution states that the legislative power is the State Duma and the Federation Council, that is, the lower and upper houses of parliament. And the president and the government are the executive power, which must implement the laws developed and adopted by the parliament.

Of course, the president can come up with an initiative and invite the deputies to develop this or that law, or to amend the existing one. But in such a way as to send ready-made bills "for signature" to the deputies, and even appoint the commander of the new power structure before the relevant law is adopted, as if this is already a settled issue ... excuse me ...

Where are they in such a hurry in the Kremlin?

In my opinion the answer is obvious. The Kremlin is in a hurry to catch the elections to the State Duma. Because after the elections, the United Corrupt may lose the majority, and then it will no longer be possible to simply send the law on the National Guard "for signature" to the deputies. And the Kremlin needs the deputies to pass the law in the form in which it was composed in the presidential administration, without editing or asking unnecessary questions.

And there can be many questions to the law.

For example to this snippet:

"A serviceman of the National Guard troops has the right not to warn about his intention to use physical force, special means or firearms."

And the National Guard soldiers will also have the right to enter the living quarters of citizens while on military service.

Interesting, right?

The Kremlin is in a hurry before the elections to the State Duma, while United Russia retains a majority that allows it to accept anything - it is in a hurry to push through the law on the creation of the National Guard - a structure of about 400,000 people with heavy weapons (who does not know, the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are full-fledged troops with Armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, helicopters and similar weapons, and they say the National Guard will even have aviation).

And this structure will report directly to the president, with the right to use weapons without warning and enter the living quarters of citizens.

Of course, they will use weapons and enter residential premises only in case of special need, when they catch terrorists ... of course, of course ...

Troops of 400,000 to hunt terrorists!

For reference, in the Chechen wars, the contingent of Russian troops (internal and defense ministry combined) amounted to 80-100 thousand. The contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan is about 100 thousand.

And so, the Kremlin decided to double the number of internal troops, bring it up to 50% of the armed forces (about 800,000 serve in the RF Armed Forces) and subordinate the new structure to the president directly.

The question arises: why?

Do we have two simultaneously ongoing Chechen wars planned?
Seems like no...

Speaking of the resubordination of the National Guard (former internal troops) to the president. To some, this may seem like a mere formality, because the Ministry of Internal Affairs, together with the internal troops, is already subordinate to the president.

Not really! Everything is much more interesting!

The MIA is a ministry run by a minister, and a minister is a member of the government. And who forms the government? Prime Minister. And who appoints the prime minister? President with the consent of the State Duma!

The President represents, and the State Duma approves.

Today, when the majority in the State Duma belongs to United Russia, who are ready to support any initiative of the president in advance, there is no practical difference in how exactly the internal troops are subordinated to the president - directly or through the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

But what will happen after the elections to the State Duma, when the United Corrupt will lose the majority?

It may turn out that the president will no longer be able to appoint anyone he wants to be the chairman of the government and the minister of the interior. Candidates will have to be approved.

All this means that the Kremlin is in a hurry to create the National Guard and subordinate it directly to the president, assuming the loss of the majority in the State Duma.

And they are in a hurry, apparently, very much.

If they were not in a hurry, they could have carried out the transformation of the explosives into the National Guard in several stages, so as not to lump everything together and not cause unnecessary questions. But the Kremlin is in a hurry. The Kremlin is afraid that if they do not have time to complete the formation of the National Guard before the elections to the State Duma, then it will be too late.

Too late for what?

After the elections, it will be too late for the formation of the National Guard, which the president will be able to single-handedly dispose of - full-fledged troops numbering 400,000, that is, half of the armed forces, and even with the right to use weapons without warning and enter residential premises.

Just don’t say that the president is already the supreme commander in chief, to whom the entire army is subordinate, therefore the National Guard of 400,000 employees does not make any difference.

The armed forces cannot be used on the territory of the country without the introduction of martial law or a state of emergency, but it is being introduced ... again with the participation of the State Duma.

This means that by law, the president cannot use the troops of the Ministry of Defense on the territory of Russia without the consent of the State Duma. In violation of the law, as they did in Ukraine - maybe, but according to the law - no.

And the president will be able to use the National Guard on the territory of Russia without asking permission from the State Duma and without even involving the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the case - he will simply give an order to the commander of the National Guard and that's it.

But who is the president going to fight on the territory of Russia with the use of the 400,000-strong National Guard, and even without waiting for approval from the State Duma?

Will ISIS go on a counteroffensive, take over Syria and quickly invade Russia?
It doesn't seem like it should...

Turks? Also unlikely. Moreover, the armed forces of the Russian Defense Ministry exist precisely to repel external aggression.

The National Guard will not fight with guest workers ...

Then with whom?


Who has not yet guessed - I give a hint: with whom is the National Guard fighting in / in Ukraine?

Please note that even the name is the same - in Ukraine there is a National Guard and in Russia there will be a National Guard. They didn't even bother to come up with a different name.

Why didn't they bother to come up with a different name?

Yes, because the project to create a national guard in Russia was ready a very long time ago, back in 1998. Yes, even under Yeltsin.

They already planned to create the National Guard, they simply postponed this matter - first because of the 1998 crisis, and then Yeltsin was "tired" and decided to leave without a fight. And for a long time, Putin simply did not need any National Guard.

But now, the situation has changed, the chairs are shaking, the ruling party risks losing control over the State Duma. And in the Kremlin they got an old project from a dusty shelf.

The old project was taken out because the Kremlin simply cannot compose anything original. All that the current government can do is copy from the West or get it from the archive and finish old projects.

So it was with the Unified State Examination, so it was with the transformation of the police into the police, so it was with the pension reform.

Now the project for the creation of the National Guard has been taken off the shelf.

What was not done under Yeltsin will be done now.

But Yeltsin did not create the National Guard because he was tired and left. And Putin, judging by the number and powers that the National Guard will have, as well as the haste with which it is being created, is not going to leave just like that.

Tasks and functions of the national guard This is a topic that people are discussing very vividly today. And this is understandable, because there has not been a more ambitious reform in law enforcement agencies for a long time. Today tasks and functions of the national guard, according to ordinary citizens, should be aimed at eradicating crime, making life safe and preventing terrorist attacks. Whether this will actually be the case cannot yet be predicted. Before we describe the tasks and functions of the National Guard, we propose to talk about the structure itself, the history of its appearance.

The National Guard has its roots in the 18th and 19th centuries, namely in France, where this form of national guard, in fact, appeared. Later, similar organizations began to appear throughout Europe, and initially the tasks and functions of the National Guard were limited to protecting the opponents of the previous political system. It was a kind of replacement for law enforcement agencies, and if it was not dissolved, then it was part of the armed forces, and then the tasks and functions of the national guard were reduced to the performance of relevant duties.

Later, this term began to be applied to various kinds of armed organizations in other countries, and the tasks and functions of the national guard changed according to political moods. In the USSR, illegal armed formations were called the National Guard (for example, Georgia, Chechnya). Today, such structures operate in different countries - in Ukraine, Russia, Azerbaijan and a number of Asian states. The tasks and functions of the National Guard are the topic that interests us today.

According to the presidential decree, this formation includes OMON, SOBR, and aviation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And the tasks and functions of the National Guard are described in detail and clearly. There is no official data on the number yet, but the tasks and functions of the National Guard have already been outlined quite accurately and specifically. It is worth noting that this is one of the most fundamental reforms in the law enforcement system and even more radical than the transformation of the police into the police.

The government has been taking this step for several years, weighing all the pros and cons, preparing the ground and creating fertile ground for such an important reform, so the tasks and functions of the National Guard are well thought out and worked out. The main reason was the increase in the level of terrorism around the world and the growth of crime. It is clear that the tasks and functions of the National Guard were dictated precisely by this goal, that is, to increase security in the country and find effective methods to combat crime.

Strictly speaking, the tasks and functions of the National Guard are as follows:

  • To take the most direct part in the protection of law and order, ensuring, together with the internal affairs bodies, public order.
  • The fight against extremism is part of the tasks and goals of the National Guard.
  • The tasks and functions of the National Guard involve participation in countering terrorism, ensuring the legal regime of anti-terrorist operations.
  • The protection of important state and objects and the escort of special cargoes were also included in the tasks and functions of the National Guard.
  • Assistance to border authorities in protecting the state border.
  • To supervise the observance of legislation regarding the circulation of weapons and private security activities.

In order for the tasks and functions of the National Guard to be fully implemented, employees will be given the following rights:

  • They may be required to present documents and detain citizens.
  • They have the right to cordon off areas of the area, including also the suppression of riots, since the tasks and functions of the national guard are to ensure order.
  • In a state of emergency, they can prohibit the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, they can also use the vehicles of citizens in order to get to the scene of an emergency or to pursue criminals.

As you can see, the tasks and functions of the National Guard are aimed at ensuring law and order, and employees have a full range of powers to carry out their work. Speaking about how the tasks and functions of the National Guard are put in the first place, one cannot but touch upon the issue of the use of weapons by employees. According to this, it is forbidden to use firearms against women with visible signs of pregnancy, the disabled, minors, and in large crowds of citizens. The tasks and functions of the National Guard are to warn, protect and secure. According to this, a serviceman is obliged to report the use of force, weapons and special means to the person (s) in relation to whom the use is intended. He should strive to minimize any damage, act according to the situation and provide first aid to the victims (these are rather not the tasks and functions of the national guard, but the duties of the military).

The tasks and functions of the National Guard are based on the experience of foreign colleagues, taking into account the realities in the country and the needs of society. You can hear opinions that they boil down to the dispersal of rallies, which is absolutely not true.

The Russian Guard is a paramilitary body of executive power, formed by order of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces (Armed Forces) of the Russian Federation. Another name is the National Guard. The structure is based on:

  • internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • detachments of SOBR and OMON;
  • private security;
  • TsSN SOR and aviation (center for special forces and rapid response).

The composition of the TsSN SOR includes the legendary units "Lynx" (SOBR), "Bison" (OMON), "Hawk" (aviation special forces), deployed in Moscow and the capital region. Those wishing to enter the service in the National Guard by conscription must clearly understand the goals and objectives of the unit. Military service in the National Guard has significant differences from the performance of military duty in the ranks of the army.

The main tasks of the National Guard

The troops of the National Guard are directly subordinate to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armed Forces. The activity of a paramilitary structure is determined by the Federal Law. The intended purpose is to protect the security of society and the state.

To ensure the goal, the Russian Guards perform the following tasks:

  • combating terrorist and extremist organizations, participating in counter-terrorist operations;
  • protection of OP (public order);
  • protection of state facilities, sensitive facilities and cargo of special importance;
  • participation in hostilities to protect the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • assistance to FSB officers and servicemen of the border troops in the protection of the state border of Russia;
  • ensuring the organization of the state of emergency and martial law;
  • supervision over the implementation of state laws in the field of arms trafficking, the activities of private security companies (private security companies) and private detectives;
  • ensuring the security of representatives of state authorities (by personal order of the President).

The escort and protection of prisoners and persons under investigation is not included in the tasks of the National Guard. Unlike the active army, which is deployed in four military districts, the territorial division of the Russian Guard consists of eight districts: North Caucasus, Siberian, Urals, Southern, Eastern, Central, United North-Western and Volga.

Basic requirements for applicants for service in the divisions of the Russian Guard

To serve in the units of the National Guard on a contract basis, you must meet the age category from 18 to 31 years. Behind the shoulders of the applicant must be a military service on conscription. Priority is given to candidates who served in the airborne troops, special forces, marines, border troops.

An additional advantage will be work experience (in a civilian position), or length of service in rank, in law enforcement agencies and law enforcement agencies. Police officers applying for a place in the ranks of the Russian Guard are not required to take qualification exams.

For other candidates, the qualifying events include:

  • examination by a medical commission with the assignment of an “A” fitness category (sometimes, a “B” category is allowed);
  • psychological testing for stress resistance and adequacy;
  • delivery of standards of physical training.

The gender of the applicant does not matter. Female representatives are allowed to serve on an equal basis with men, and in accordance with identical requirements. For Russian Guardsmen from among girls and women, positions are provided in medical, printing, photogrammetric units, and in communications units.

And also as lawyers, psychologists, cooks, video surveillance operators, translators. Selection for women's positions is accompanied by a medical examination, psychological testing and compliance with physical fitness standards.

Legislatively approved the formation of the National Guard troops of a mixed type, where contract soldiers make up 80% of the total personnel. The remaining 20% ​​are accounted for by young people serving on conscription. The term of military service in the ranks of the National Guard corresponds to the length of service in the Armed Forces, that is, it is one year.

The key requirements for recruit candidates are:

  • age of majority;
  • the presence of a document confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • ideal state of health (compliance with the fitness category "A", according to a medical examination at the Military Commissariat).
  • compliance with the standards of physical training;
  • psychological stability.

With deviations of physical or mental health, you can forget about serving in the units of the National Guard.

Basic standards for the scoring system

With a competitive selection system, preference is given to candidates with higher physical fitness. Not the last place is given to the personal qualities of the applicant. The young man should be distinguished by a high level:

  • working capacity;
  • responsibility;
  • self-control;
  • self-discipline.

It is necessary to adhere to the moral values ​​accepted in society. Be restrained, decisive, courageous, attentive. Express thoughts clearly.

The procedure for a conscript who wants to serve in the National Guard

To become a member of the National Guard, and not to serve in the army, a young man of military age must:

  • apply to the military commissariat at the place of registration;
  • fill in the form of the questionnaire (questionnaire);
  • write an autobiography separately (sheet format A-4);
  • sign consent to verify personal information.

The application is accompanied by a package of documents, including:

  • passport and a copy of the document;
  • a certificate of secondary education, or a diploma from a technical school / college / university;
  • registration certificate from the Military Commissariat;
  • work book (if any);
  • TIN and a copy of the document;
  • driver's license (if any).

After submitting the documents, the special services are engaged in identity verification. The procedure can take 1-3 months, so you need to take care of submitting documents well in advance of the start of the draft campaign. If the issue is resolved positively, the young man is sent for a medical examination, psychological testing, and physical fitness standards.

Possible reasons for refusal:

  • having problems with the law (conviction);
  • participation in activities aimed against the public interest;
  • neuro-psychological discrepancy;
  • having dual citizenship.

The basis for refusal is an unconfirmed medical category of fitness or inability to fulfill the standards of physical fitness.