How society influences the formation of human goals. The influence of society on the individual

The personal qualities of a person are manifested exclusively during socialization, that is, in the process of carrying out common activities with other individuals. In another case, the improvement of his spiritual, mental and spiritual self-development is impossible. In addition, during socialization, the formation of the environment of each person occurs.

The real reality in which the individual develops is called the environment. In addition, various external circumstances influence the improvement of the individual: family, social, school and geographical. Scientists, talking about the impact of the environment on the formation of personality, in most cases have in mind the home and social microclimate. The first factor corresponds to the immediate environment (family, acquaintances, relatives, etc.), and the second - to the distant one (material well-being, the political system in the country, interactions in society, etc.).

A great influence on the self-improvement of a person, starting from his very birth, has a home environment. It is there that the first and most important years, necessary for the formation of a person, pass. Family relationships determine the interests, needs, values ​​and views on certain situations. In addition, there are laid the initial conditions for improving the personal qualities of each individual.

The process of interaction between a person and his environment is called socialization. This term appeared in American psychology and originally implied the relationship by which the individual adapted to his environment. Based on this, adaptation is the initial component of socialization.

The main goal of society is to maintain the social environment in an optimal state. At the same time, it constantly forms stereotypes and standards, which it tries to maintain at the proper level. In order for a person to develop normally, it is necessary to adhere to these rules, since, otherwise, the process of socialization can develop for a very long time or completely stop. However, thanks to the principles of freedom and independence initially laid down in each person, each individual should form his own opinion on any situation. Thus, individuality is formed, which is the main driving factor in the development of both each individual and the whole society.

As a result, the full disclosure of the concept of socialization occurs in the totality of the following factors: independent regulation, adaptation, development, integration, as well as dialectical unity. The more these components influence the individual, the faster he becomes a person.

Socialization consists of several stages, during which certain tasks are solved. Modern psychology divides these stages, depending on the participation of the individual in labor activity, as well as on how he relates to it.

Factors Influencing Personal Improvement

In sociology, factors are usually called certain circumstances that create favorable conditions for socialization. A.V. Mudrik formulated the basic principles and identified four stages of specialization:

  • microfactors - social conditions that affect each, without exception, personality: family, home atmosphere, a group of peers in a technical school or university, various organizations in which an individual learns and interacts with an environment similar to him;
  • mesofactors (or intermediate factors) - are determined by a broader social atmosphere, i.e., with the place where each individual lives at the moment: village, city, district, region, etc. In addition, differences can be by belonging to any subculture (group, sect, party, etc.) as well as to the means of obtaining information (television, Internet, etc.);
  • macro factors - have an impact on significant human groups that occupy a certain territory on a scale: planets, countries, states, etc. Moreover, some factors can be inherited from previous factors.
    - megafactors (or the largest) - imply factors in the largest representations: the world, the planet, the universe, etc. Also, in some cases, it can be considered in relation to the population of the earth living in vast areas (countries, continents, etc.) .).

If we compare all these components, then most of all the development of personality is influenced by microfactors. With their help, the process of interaction occurs through the so-called agents of socialization. These include those persons with whom each particular person interacts. Depending on his age, agents can be completely different people. For example, for children, these are the closest relatives (parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents), neighbors, acquaintances, friends, etc. In youth and youth, the main agents of socialization are: spouses, study and work colleagues, colleagues in the army . In adulthood and old age, the addition of their own children, grandchildren, etc. occurs. At the same time, most agents can move from category to category starting from a very early age.

How is the human environment formed?

Each person tries to form around himself such an environment that would in every possible way contribute to his development and self-improvement. At the same time, he should not feel constrained and restless. After all, everyone understands that it is much easier to develop in an environment where all other people also strive to improve and improve their lives.

According to the conclusions of scientists, the influence of the environment on each individual person is almost imperceptible, but it has a very powerful effect. Therefore, it is necessary to try to form an environment around yourself exclusively of successful and interesting people.
To form a successful environment, the following principles must be followed:

  1. Always look for opportunities to meet and chat with interesting and successful people. When talking with them, you can always learn some important and necessary information. However, it should be remembered that you yourself must be something interesting to this person.
  2. Study the work of interesting people. It can be an autobiography, a book, video or audio materials. From them you can learn a lot of useful things for yourself.
  3. Develop diversified. This includes various habits and hobbies: outdoor morning workouts, yoga classes, trainings, seminars, etc. At such events, it is very common to meet like-minded people and form a successful environment.

Creating an environment means constantly working on improving yourself, at every moment in time and in any area.

For self-improvement, it is necessary to set more complex tasks and goals for yourself each time. Depending on age and social status, they can be completely different, but the main factor must remain unchanged, that any activity must be aimed at improving the individual as a person.

There are two main theories about how environment influences personality development. According to one of them, a person is initially born with a program embedded in him, which forms his abilities and character. On the other hand, it is the environment of a person that forms the personality of each individual person.

If a person takes a look at his surroundings, then he will be able to identify certain patterns, that is, all these people will be of approximately the same social status, education, and also have common interests. Thus, it will also match all of these parameters. And if an individual wants to change his life and improve it in some way, then the first thing to do is to change his environment. After all, it will be very difficult or almost impossible to reach your goal in an environment where they don’t believe in you.

There is a good example in our history - Mikhail Lomonosov. As a young man, he had a strong thirst for knowledge. However, in the environment in which he was initially, the boy could not acquire the necessary skills and abilities. So he made a very difficult choice. The young man not only changed his environment, but also his place of residence, leaving for an unfamiliar city. Being completely alone, he did not give up, but, on the contrary, got stronger and revealed himself as a gifted and talented person.

On the other hand, at present, there are a lot of reverse examples. Many young people, having been born in large cities, received excellent education and work, become the usual "gray" mass. They have no interests, exist only for one day and are ordinary life-seekers.

From all this we can conclude that the environment always influences the formation and development of personality. Sometimes to a greater extent, sometimes to a lesser extent. Its influence on children is especially strong, so the main goal of parents is to help form a circle of friends and acquaintances in their child, as well as show some principles by their own example. An adult needs to identify for himself the priorities of his future life and, based on them, form the necessary and successful environment around him.

Personality- a product of cultural, not biological evolution. Therefore, it can be assumed that it is society, and not nature, that has the maximum influence on the individual. The way it is. Society is able to influence the individual either by suppressing or developing it. Agents of influence are otherwise called agents of socialization. We encountered the process of socialization and upbringing in the course of social science for grades 8-9, but about who and how socializes a person, has not yet been said.

Socialization is the process of assimilation of cultural norms and development of social roles. It means the transformation of a person into a social individual, the mature variety of which is called personality. The topic of socialization is at the intersection of two sciences - psychology and sociology, and both of them have made a significant contribution to its study.

Living organisms make up the natural hierarchy.All their diversity can be placed on the ladder of species, from the simplest to the most complex. How The more complex the organism, the longer it takes to adapt to the environment. Insects are born as adults, i.e., ready to function normally in their ecological niche. Higher organisms have a harder time. Nature took care to allocate a special period of time during which the newborn learns and adapts to the adult world. This period is called childhood. In birds it lasts one season, at tigers, elephants and monkeys - several years. The higher the animal stands on the species ladder, the longer the period of childhood.

The higher the animal stands on the species ladder, the longer the period of childhood.

In humans, the period of preparation for adulthood is the most protracted. It used to be thought that it was limited to childhood, today it includes youth and youth. A third of his life a person learns to live in the most complex of the existing worlds - in the world of social relations. None of the species has such an ecological niche. Recently, experts have come to the conclusion that a person is trained and retrained all his life. These are the requirements of modern society.

B. within human history for the lengthening of childhood strongly influenced by the transition from one economic structure to another.

Gathering required the least training time. The transition to the creation of food stocks and their storage increased the duration of training. The transition from gathering to hunting required an even greater increase in the parental contribution to the education and protection of offspring. Now the success of survival directly depended on the success of training.

Another factor in lengthening childhood is the emergence of a family. Appearance monogamy- a stable marriage union of a male and a female for the period of growing at least one brood - was caused by the fact that the female alone could not save offspring: get food, protect the territory from enemies, transfer knowledge. From here the institution of fatherhood grows and the history of socialization in the full sense of the word begins. Its lower limit is the emergence of the institution of paternity and, on its basis, the formation of the institution of parenthood. The history of instincts ended, the history began institutions.

This is where it starts and social division of labor since historically its first form does not belong to the sphere of production, as we are accustomed to think, but to field of raising offspring. The woman provides for the bearing of the fetus, breastfeeding the baby and psychophysiological care for the child. The father joins the upbringing later, but teaches the children the whole amount of knowledge necessary for life in society.

A lot of people inherit not only from their distant animal ancestors, but also from their immediate ancestors - parents and their parents. The human being, being born more helpless than the young of animals, is nevertheless much more prepared for the assimilation of social experience. If it had been otherwise, it would hardly have been possible to teach him logical thinking and symbolic language. After all, a monkey cannot learn this, despite all the efforts of scientists.

The degree of biologically fixed human social readiness is very high. And yet it cannot be exaggerated. However, some scientists have suggested that, since everything necessary for socialization is embedded in the genes, a person will remain himself, no matter what environment he is placed in. Their confidence was shaken by an encounter with the so-called feral people.

Feral people- creatures that grew up in isolation from people and brought up in the community of animals. The term was coined in the 18th century. Swedish scientist K. Linnaeus. Feral, uncivilized people are also called "mowgli" and "children of the jungle." Of the sociologists, the American D. Kingsley was the first to study them. In 1940, two girls were discovered in India - eight-year-old Kamala and one and a half year old Amala, raised by wolves. In 1938, a five-year-old girl, Anna, was found in Pennsylvania. All three had normal biological prerequisites for successful socialization, but were isolated from the normal social environment.

They lacked coherent speech, thinking, human feelings. The children found in the den of the beasts were well adapted to locomotion on all fours; touching food - meat or milk, they first sniffed it; thirsty, they licked their teeth; the children had a strong fear of fire and never laughed. "Mowgli" proved that a man left to the mercy of fate ceases to be a man. He is not helped by the stock of genes inherited from his parents.

When the animal children were returned to society, they were able to learn only the most elementary skills, to master oral speech, consisting of 30 words. The "Izolyants" never learned to be friends, smile, think abstractly, and carry on a conversation. In human society, they lived no more than 10 years.

Feral people cannot become full-fledged members of society because socialization began too late for them. Socialization is a process that cannot be artificially controlled or manipulated. By the age of 14, a child prodigy can be made from a talented child who knows this or that subject to perfection. There are many examples of accelerated learning. Cases of early maturation of people are found, especially if their life was rich in events: in childhood they lost their parents, went to work early, knew the hardships, the hardships of fate. However, this is not yet socialization. It is possible to shorten its individual stages, speed up their passage, but it is impossible to lengthen or shorten the process of socialization as a whole. Why do you think?



Chapter 1. Society and man

1.1 Definition of the term "Society"

1.2 Definition of the term "person" and the formation of personality

Chapter 2

1. Ways of influence of society on a person


3 People dependent and independent of society

Chapter 3





It is impossible to live in society and be free from society. IN AND. Lenin

The choice of the topic of the work is due to its relevance, which is expressed by the fact that society in any period of time affects a person. It drives us into certain limits. And we immediately have a question: why? And the answer is very simple: a person, regardless of time, will think about what people think about him, what will happen if he does as he wants, and not as he is told.

The influence of society on a person is manifested everywhere - in all spheres of life. This is most evident in fashion, in fashion trends in clothing, style, and interior. If you look at young people, then cell phones for them are no longer a means of communication, but a fashion accessory to their image, which changes depending on mood, weather, and simply models quickly go out of "fashion". For example, you can also take the fact that some of us want to become popular, or go up the career ladder, and for this he obeys the demand of the society surrounding him, he will change himself until either he gets what he wants, or until won't give up. Also, for example, you can take the king or queen of any country, he or she is obliged to obey the citizens of his country, take into account their opinion when making laws or decisions, otherwise they will stop listening, stop seeing them as leaders, and, in the end, no one will what good it won't do.

Society can also change a person as a person. For example, when he joins a certain group, he begins to behave in accordance with the members of this group, maybe he will exclude communication with certain people, or he will listen to music of a certain genre, he may change his mind about certain things. As a result, a person can change beyond recognition. You can also take smoking as an example, because many people start smoking just because their friends smoke. This is also a kind of pressure on a person, he does not want to separate himself from his friends, to be a kind of outcast, but wants to be on a par with them.

I chose this topic because it is interesting to me, and at the same time it is relevant, because every day a person is influenced by society. And, probably, every person thought: why is he so dependent on the opinions of others. In this work, I want to understand how society affects a person.

Chapter 1. Society and man

.1 Definition of the term "Society"

Modern man lives in society, one way or another he is forced to participate in some kind of collective activity. Civilized man is not physically able to be excluded from it. He is dependent on her. Despite everything, he is forced to spend part of his energy on maintaining relations with society and with its institutions. No one will argue that these connections themselves are far from always desirable for a person. However, he serves them. What is this addiction based on? We have already said that there can be no one-sided dependence. If this were so, modern society would collapse, all its parts (people) would go in different directions. This means that in addition to the dependence of man on society, there is an inverse dependence of society on man. What is this addiction? I think no one will seriously argue that modern society depends on a particular person, personally on you, on me or anyone else. Under the conditions of either communism or capitalism, a person is subject to the laws, principles and morals of society. Or the laws of the majority. But we already know that for the stability of the society-man object, a relationship between them is needed. Where does it come from? Some hints are given to us by personalities like Napoleon, Lenin, Stalin ... They had a real impact on societies and on its change. But maybe this is an exception? This effect cannot be an exception. If this were the case, society in principle could not have formed. It wouldn't be sustainable. Therefore, there is a connection, a person, as an active, independent element, pumps his energy into it (the subject of connection), and society, as a dependent element, accepts it. But then where is the result of this influence. So, in order to figure out how society can influence a person, you must first find out what society is and who such a person is.

Society (in a broad sense) means a part of the material world isolated from nature, which is a combination of all historically developing ways of interaction and forms of uniting people. In a narrow sense, a society is a group of people characterized by common interests.

Public opinion is the point of view of a certain group of people on any issue in accordance with their idea of ​​behavior and thinking within society, shared by the majority. The key purpose of public opinion is that it plays the role of a kind of regulator of personal relations between people in society.

1.2 Definition of the term "person" and the formation of personality

Man is a social being, an individual with consciousness and reason.

An individual is a separate concrete person, a person endowed with his own individuality.

A person is a person who takes an active life position and leads the society behind him. Possesses a number of leadership qualities.

Addiction is an obsessive need felt by a person and pushing him to a certain activity.

What is the difference between a person and a person, because they say that "a person is not born, they become a person." Every person is an individual, but not every individual is a person. The formation of an individual as a personality does not happen suddenly, this process is influenced by many factors:

· First of all, the formation of personality is influenced by the genetic characteristics of the individual, received by him at birth. Hereditary traits are the basis for the formation of personality. Biological heredity largely explains the individuality of the individual, its difference from other individuals, since there are no two identical individuals in terms of their biological heredity.

· The second factor influencing the formation of a person's personality is the influence of the physical environment. Obviously, the natural environment that surrounds us constantly influences our behavior and participates in the formation of the human personality. People who grew up in different climates are different from each other.

The third factor in the formation of a person's personality is considered to be the influence of culture. Any culture has a certain set of social norms and shared values. This set is common to members of a given society or social group. Thus, modern society, with the help of culture, seeks to form a social personality, easily making social contacts, ready for cooperation.

· The fourth factor that forms a person's personality is the influence of the social environment. It should be recognized that this factor can be considered the main one in the process of forming the personal qualities of an individual. The influence of the social environment is carried out through the process of socialization. Socialization is a process by which an individual learns the norms of his group in such a way that through the formation of his own Self, the uniqueness of this individual or personality is manifested. Personal socialization can take many forms.

· The fifth factor that forms the personality of an individual in modern society is the individual experience of a person. The essence of the impact of this factor lies in the fact that each person finds himself in different situations, during which he is influenced by other people and the physical environment. The sequence of such situations is unique for each person and he is guided by future events, the outcome of the positive and negative perceptions of past situations. A unique individual experience is one of the most significant factors in the formation of a person's personality.

The concept of personality expresses the totality of social qualities that an individual has acquired in the process of life and manifests them in various forms of activity and behavior. In order to become a person, an individual goes through the path of socialization necessary for this, i.e. mastering the social experience accumulated by generations of people. Every person is an individual, but not every individual is a person. The formation of an individual as a personality does not happen suddenly, this process is influenced by many factors.

Chapter 2

.1 Ways of influence of society on a person

The whole environment of a person belongs to society, these are his family, friends, classmates, even the information that he receives in the process of life, this is also a kind of society. A person largely depends on society, his way of thinking, way of life and physical health depend on his environment. In addition to the fact that society directly affects a person, it also affects nature. And where does the impact on nature, you ask. Society influences nature, and it has a direct impact on the conditions of human life, health and development.

The search for a reasonable balance in the relationship between man and nature is impossible without understanding the relationship in which nature and society actually exist today, as well as the weight of each of these components. Mankind, despite all its current power and independence, is an integral part and continuation of the evolution of nature. Society is inextricably linked with it and is not able to exist and develop outside of nature, first of all, without the human environment. The influence of the natural environment on the life of society is especially pronounced in the sphere of production. All material production, which allowed a person to stand out from nature, is based in its basis on the natural component. Nature is the natural basis of human life and society as a whole. Man does not exist outside of nature, and cannot exist.

The interaction of society with nature has for a person not only utilitarian, industrial significance, but also health-improving, moral, aesthetic, scientific. Man not only "grows" out of nature, but, producing material values, at the same time "grows" into it. In addition, nature, among other things, has its own amazing charm, charm, which to a large extent makes a person an artist, a creator. In particular, from this creative attitude towards it, not least of all, a feeling of the Motherland, unity with their land, patriotism arises in this or that people.

Researchers of this problem have often been tempted to consider man primarily as a representative of a biological species, and society as a collection of individuals. Hence the main thing in their actions is the obedience to biological laws. At the same time, the social component in a person and in society was assigned a secondary role.

The creator of the theory of psychoanalysis 3. Freud believed that in anthropo-sociogenesis - the process of the emergence and development of man and society - the main cause is biological. In his opinion, it is rooted in the decisive influence on a person of an unconscious principle, which lies in his psyche, instincts inherited from his ancestors. In turn, society, in order to protect itself from unwanted animal instincts, tries to create counterbalances, for example, in the form of moral norms and culture. And yet, Freud believed, these unconscious biological instincts, primarily sexual, play a decisive role in human behavior. Culture, on the other hand, especially European culture, with its extensive, puritanical prohibitions, only drives biological urges into the human subconscious, thus being a serious source of neuroses. Of course, man is a biological being. And this cannot be ignored. However, modern scientific analysis shows that only about 15 percent of all acts of human activity are purely biological in nature. Man cannot exist outside of society. A specific social lifestyle contributes to the constant strengthening of the role of non-biological, social patterns in the life of a person and society. Thus, the political, industrial, spiritual activity of man and society are purely social phenomena that develop according to their own laws, different from those of nature.

2.2 Socialization

Society has a great influence on a person. Evaluation of the society of the individual affects its development. It is worth noting that a third of his life a person learns to live in the most complex of the existing worlds - in the world of social relations. Recently, experts have come to the conclusion that a person learns this complex art all his life. These are the requirements of modern society. This process is called socialization.

Socialization is the process of assimilation by an individual of patterns of behavior, psychological attitudes, social norms and values, knowledge, skills that allow him to successfully function in society.

The social environment is the main factor that affects the personality, its development, the formation of individual qualities.

Socialization begins in childhood, when about 70% of the human personality is formed. In childhood, the foundation of socialization is laid, and at the same time, this is its most unprotected stage, because. during this period, a person begins to absorb information like a sponge, he also tries to imitate adults, taking from them not only good qualities, but also bad ones. And during this period, adults can impose their opinion, and the child at this moment is defenseless against the demands of the elders, he will be forced to obey them, which can affect the further development of a person as a person. The whole process of personality development can be divided into several stages in accordance with the age of the child:

Early Childhood (0-3)

· Preschool and school childhood (4-11)

Adolescence (12-15)

Youth (16-18)

A child, after birth, goes through three phases of personality development:

adaptation (mastering the simplest skills, mastering the language);

Individualization (opposing oneself to others, highlighting one's "I");

integration (management of behavior, the ability to obey adults, "management" of adults).

The biggest influence on a person's personality is the opinion of parents. What a child acquires in the family in childhood, he retains throughout his subsequent life. The importance of the family as an institution of education is due to the fact that the child is in it for a significant part of his life, and nothing can compare with the family in terms of the duration of its impact on the personality. It lays the foundations of the child's personality, and by the time he enters school, he is already more than half formed as a person.

In preschool age, another significant social group from the point of view of personality development is the collective. As a rule, this is a kindergarten team. The development of a child's personality is influenced by his relationships not only with peers, but also with educators. The child learns the norms of discipline, interaction with others. The child wants to be respected by his peers, so that he has many friends. In kindergarten, he can get life experience, because. he communicates with children of his own age, takes something from them, trying to imitate, to say, “popular” children. The child changes to be on a par with his friends, he can change his character, his habits.

In adolescence, children often experience a personality development crisis, which is provoked by too rapid changes in the socio-psychological structure of the group in which they are located. The crisis of this age is characterized by the spirit of contradiction, the desire to do everything in one's own way, to acquire one's own experience of successes and failures.

By the age of 18, as a rule, the personality of the child is fully formed. It is impossible to radically change an already established personality, you can only help the child correct his behavior. Therefore, it is so important to instill moral and ethical values ​​in a child in a timely manner, to teach him the norms of behavior and human relationships when the child's personality is still developing.

Youth completes the active period of socialization. Boys usually include teenagers and young people between the ages of 13 and 19 (they are also called teenagers). At this age, important physiological changes occur that bring certain psychological changes: attraction to the opposite sex, aggressiveness, often unmotivated, a tendency to rash risk and the inability to assess the degree of its danger, an emphasized desire for independence and self-sufficiency. During this period, the formation of the foundation of the personality ends, its upper - ideological - floors are being completed. Awareness of one's "I" occurs as an understanding of one's place in the life of parents, friends, and the surrounding society. At the same time, there is a constant search for moral guidelines associated with a reassessment of the meaning of life. Teenagers and young men are more susceptible to negative assessments of others, especially when it comes to clothing, appearance, behavior, circle of acquaintances, i.e. everything that makes up the social environment and the social symbolism of the “I”. At this age, a teenager wants to assert himself in society, he wants to show his independence and independence.

A person can also be influenced by the media. For example, advertising encourages the purchase of a particular product.

2.3 People dependent and independent of society

A codependent person is one who has allowed another person's behavior to greatly affect her or him, and who is obsessed with trying to control that person's behavior. People, as it were, have clung to one tight lump and are not capable of independent existence. Codependency is associated with low self-esteem and a huge amount of negative emotions: fear, anxiety, prolonged despair, anger, shame, guilt, etc.

The life of codependent people is full of long-term stress. In fact, it was stress, including strong feelings for another person, that created this type of personality in them. These people are able to experience a lot, but, as a rule, they are not able to act in the right direction, since negative emotions take away all their energy from them. Codependent people are so drawn into someone else's life that they feel worthless without a relationship with someone. At the same time, they, of course, try to draw the other into their own life, including their negative experiences. There is a kind of mutual "poisoning" of each other with negative emotions. Codependents become so accustomed to "taking care" of the other that they often offer obsessive help even when the other person doesn't need it, or when the help is completely useless. Such people spend a lot of energy maintaining close relationships for the sake of a sense of security.

Each perceives the problems of the other as their own. This is especially noticeable in women in families with an alcoholic. The patient himself is addicted to alcohol or drugs, and a loved one living with him depends on the condition of the patient.

Codependency, as a complex and multidimensional defensive reaction, is divided into four types:

Codependency, the meaning of which is to avoid the anxiety associated with rejection. Such codependents are “sticky” and submissive. Their main goal is to prevent feelings of loneliness, so they never allow their partners and loved ones to become independent.

Codependency designed to deal with the codependent's fear of losing control. Feigning helplessness and need, such codependents force their environment to take care of them, satisfy their needs and desires. These codependents refuse to grow and force their loved ones to treat themselves as emotionally and physically handicapped.

Counterdependents deny intimacy, consider themselves strong and always right, focused on themselves or on some activity leading to success, aggressive.

Codependent usually:

Considers himself responsible for others - for their feelings, thoughts, actions, decisions, desires, needs, well-being, lack of well-being, ultimate fate ...

· Feels "forced" to help the other solve their problems (offering unsolicited advice, making inferences instead of a partner, or trying to "guess" the other's feelings).

· Doesn't know how to say “no”, and in order to please a partner, does what he doesn't want to do, or does more than he should do, or does for others what they can do themselves.

Easily expresses indignation at an injustice done to another, but is unable to stand up for one's own rights.

Attached to people in need of help.

Often feels angry and angry, feels unaccepted and used.

Feels like a victim or a puppet.

· Brought up in a troubled family.

Blames himself for everything he can.

· Rejects compliments and praise.

Always considers himself "not good enough."

An independent person is also a self-sufficient, independent person who is aware of personal responsibility for his life.

Signs of an independent person:

· Responsible. You need to realize your responsibility for your life, for your actions, for your loved ones. Often people are afraid of responsibility and avoid making decisions. Because it is more convenient to shift the decision to someone else: parents, husband or wife, society, or the state. Whoever makes the decision is responsible.

· Financial independence. To be an independent person, you need to become independent financially. Because when you are financially dependent on someone, he can decide for you and manage you. For example, can a housewife be called an independent person? Whether she realizes it or not, she has to please the head of the family, on whom she is financially dependent. Even if her husband is rich, her life can turn into a "golden cage".

· Self-sufficiency. A self-sufficient person does not look for support in others, he has support in himself. A self-sufficient and independent person does not depend on someone else's opinion and assessment. This means you need to have the courage not to be "like everyone else." It means being yourself.

· Live your own life.

biological social public personality

Chapter 3

For the full development of personality, a person needs communication with other people. Otherwise, the social norms and value orientations established in society will not be perceived or will be perceived in a distorted way. In a democratic society, individual rights are sacred. The group allows a person to build a true self-esteem, because only with the help of a look from the outside can one correctly perceive and evaluate oneself. The influence of the group does not end with the assessment of the personality, with its help you can change yourself - remove negative qualities, develop positive ones. The group responds to a change in personality, and a person can receive information about the correct direction of his development with the help of feedback.

The group is not a homogeneous mass, it contains people of different levels of development, with different knowledge, skills and abilities. Communicating with a group, a person gets the opportunity to communicate with those from whom he can learn something. Communication with those who are more developed makes you rise to a higher bar, sets a higher standard than the one that the loner has, and the person in the group strives for the best - because he knows that the best exists, but the loner does not suspects. The education of a person can only be carried out by a group of people. Only direct communication in a group, personal contacts and the achievement of openness with other people give a person the opportunity to perceive someone else's and share his life experience. These are elementary skills (for example, you need to wash your hands before eating), and the use of speech, and moral values, and even the ability to engage in various activities. The variety of groups in which a person participates in his life gives a variety of opportunities and directions in development. Moreover, other members of the groups are not only a role model or a source of learning, but also a stimulus for further development, the elimination of childhood complexes and the full formation of beliefs. The value of some groups lies precisely in the fact that they give the necessary positive emotions, positive feedback, which stimulates the further development of a person in the chosen direction. It has long been observed that the group has a significant influence on the behavior of the individual. Some of the changes generated by the influence of the group disappear as soon as a person leaves the sphere of influence of the group, others continue to exist, leaving a noticeable mark on the personality and, under certain conditions, turning into personality traits.

Each of the groups contributes to the psychology and behavior of the individual, and this contribution is by no means unambiguously positive or negative. It is different, and this is primarily evidenced by the presence of many advantages and disadvantages in people, most of which they acquired while in groups. Only the constant communication of an individual with individuals who are more developed than himself, possessing valuable knowledge, skills and abilities, provides him with the opportunity to become familiar with the corresponding spiritual values. Almost every person has something to learn from other people, and in almost every group he meets such people. If a human child were born and raised not in society, among other people, but in isolation from them, he would never psychologically and behaviorally turn into a person. This is evidenced by many facts described in the scientific and popular literature, when, due to tragic life circumstances, human children from an early age were deprived of the opportunity to communicate with developed, cultured people, lived in physical or psychological isolation from them, in animal communities. In almost all of these cases, serious delays were noted, both in the psychological and behavioral development of children. In addition, society helps a person to accumulate his life experience.

It has been noticed that the more life experience of a person, the more correctly he perceives and understands people. True, we are not talking about the quantitative expression of life experience, not just about the age of a person, but about how often a given person had to communicate with different people, on different occasions in different life situations. When we talk about knowledge of human psychology, we mean the following. There are people who, by virtue of their abilities, as a result of accumulated life experience, because of their profession, know and understand people better than others. This is typical for those people who know how to empathize, sympathize with people, put themselves in their position, accept people as they are, understand the motives of their behavior. These are people who, due to life circumstances, often have to not only communicate with people, but also influence them, convince them, win them over to their side, and encourage them to do certain things.

There are such types of professional activity that involve not only constant and active communication of a person with different people, but also a developed perception and a correct personal assessment. These are, for example, doctors, teachers, psychologists, politicians, actors, directors and others.

In communication with a person, a situation may arise in which he will best show himself. This will allow people watching him to more accurately and correctly perceive and understand him. You can consciously create situations in which a person will manifest himself in many ways, and carefully observe his reactions in these situations. Such situations can, for example, be created directly in the process of communicating with a person, addressing him with some premeditated words or taking a conscious, purposeful action in relation to him, calculated on a certain reaction on his part.

Relationships between people that develop in groups teach a person to comply with existing social norms, they carry value orientations that are assimilated by a person; the group is the place where a person works out his communication skills; from the group members a person receives information that allows him to correctly perceive and evaluate himself, preserve and strengthen all the positive in his personality, get rid of the negative and shortcomings. The group gives a person self-confidence, supplies him with a system of positive emotions necessary for his development.

In addition to the positive impact, the group can also have a negative impact on the individual. This happens, for example, when the goals of the group are achieved by infringing on the interests of its individual members to the detriment of the interests of the whole society. In psychology, this is called group egoism.

Another possible negative consequence of group influence may be the impact that usually occurs on gifted creative individuals. The famous scientist V.M. Bekhterev, having conducted a series of individual and group experiments in which the indicators of the creative work of a group and an individual were compared, found out that in creativity a group can be inferior to especially gifted individuals. Their original ideas were rejected by the majority because they were incomprehensible, and such individuals, being under strong psychological pressure from the majority, are restrained and suppressed in their development. History of Russia in the XX century. I knew many examples when outstanding composers, artists, scientists, writers were excluded from trade unions and even persecuted. Sometimes a person, in order to stay in a group, goes to an internal conflict and behaves conformally, becomes a conformist. Conformal is the behavior of a person in which he, consciously disagreeing with other people, nevertheless agrees with them, based on some considerations. Also, because of the group, a person can acquire many bad habits. For example, under the pressure of people, he can start smoking, he can change himself and his character in a negative direction.

There are three ways in which an individual can respond to group pressure. The first is suggestibility, when a person unconsciously accepts a line of behavior, the opinion of a group. The second is conformism, i.e. conscious external agreement with internal disagreement with the opinion of the group. The third way to respond to the group's demand is conscious agreement with the opinion of the group, acceptance and active upholding of its values, norms and ideals.


From all of the above, we can conclude that society has a very strong influence on a person. It affects us both positively and negatively. So, we can conclude that a person will always depend on and change for society. Because a society can be taken as a small group of a person's friends, so a family, and since. a person spends almost all the time with them, he depends on their opinions and decisions. As my test shows, almost every person is in an average dependence on society, i.e. a person thinks about what people say about him, every day he listens to the opinions of people and listens to them, he does what he was told. And it is possible, with some reservations, to accept the fact that a person as a person is a product, the result of numerous group influences, that almost everything in his psychology and behavior is formed and consolidated under the influence of participation in the activities of various social groups.

Sometimes, having his own independent opinion, a person bows under the pressure of public opinion and accepts it. Subsequently, he believes that it was his personal decision. In fact, such a choice is imposed


1. Andreeva I.L. "Social psychology" M., 1994

2. Bodalev A.A. Personality and Communication: Selected Psychological Works. 2nd ed., revised. M., 1996.

Zdravomyslov A.G. "The Sociology of Conflict". M., 1995.

Sorokin P. "Man, civilization, society." M., 1992.

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(388 words) No one will deny that half of the human personality is formed by the environment in which this or that person was born and raised. A clearly built society with already established moral and legal norms has a huge impact on the character of a person, laying in his mind certain judgments and behaviors. For many centuries, mankind has wondered whether a person, placed in a certain environment from an early age, is capable of eventually developing his own individuality.

So in the story of N.V. Gogol's "Overcoat" before us appears the most ordinary "little man" Akaki Akakievich. Living in a strictly divided estate society of the Russian Empire, suffering humiliation and neglect from superiors, he resigned himself to his fate as a small cog in a huge machine. He has no ambitions or big dreams. Promotion or wealth, the hero does not even dare to think about it, hoping to save up money for a new overcoat. For most of his life, the hero of the work worked as a petty official in a routine service, only to die and disappear in the finale of the story, leaving no trace behind him. Developing the theme of the "little man" after Pushkin, Gogol, feeling a certain pity for his hero, shows his spiritual poverty and narrow-mindedness caused by the injustice of society.

More than a century after Gogol, the American writer R.D. Bradbury in the dystopian fantasy novel Fahrenheit 451 again raises the issue of man and society. Before us appears a society of the future, devoid of any moral norms. The value of family, knowledge, culture, even human life itself is reduced to zero. The main character, Guy Montag, was born and raised in this society. He never had doubts and just went with the flow. Having got a job in a special team for the destruction of books, he became a full-fledged member of society. But one day, having met a truly lively and spontaneous girl Clarissa, Montag gradually realizes the meaninglessness of his existence, the emptiness and lack of spirituality of the world around him, he realizes that even his wife is just a beautiful, decorated empty shell. The hero is reborn, acquires new ideals and seeks his destiny. In the finale, the protagonist escapes from the city, a war begins, civilization perishes, and Guy and a group of like-minded people decide to try to revive humanity from the ashes, build a new society based on the ideals of humanism and enlightenment. Unlike Gogol, Bradbury believed that the individual could resist society.

Most writers agreed that society has a tremendous influence on a person, but whether he is able to overpower him, everyone decides for himself. So the writers of critical realism were mostly pessimistic about the relationship between the individual and society, while science fiction writers are often more optimistic and retain faith in the power of the human spirit.

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Modern society is a mechanism that is complexly structured and at the same time striving for a single, global standard of values, on which the heritage of various cultures and traditions has left its imprint. As you know, any macrosystem consists of many microcomponents, and society is no exception. Each individual representative of it, one way or another, contributes to the development of the entire "organism" as a whole, but in nature the law of feedback always operates and, in turn, the influence of society on each person is no less important and is, almost its most important and fundamental factor.

Where are you from?

Any person from the moment of his birth falls into a certain social environment, where its inherent traditions, customs, as well as religious and cultural values ​​play their role. Family, inner circle, and finally, generally recognized canons, according to which the world lives, with which we begin to associate ourselves, as soon as we enter a conscious age, as they mold us from plasticine, which will later become our main essence and determine that spiritual and moral vector, focusing on which, we will build our future life.

Thus, the influence of society on the formation of the individual is enormous and it is by no means possible to belittle its significance at this level. But in the future, it does not stop. We constantly look back at the generally accepted rules of life when choosing one or another variant of interaction with others and try to give an objective assessment of our behavior in accordance with precisely these norms. So the influence of society on a person's personality continues until the end of his days. Society can execute, or maybe crown. He hangs labels that determine our status and place in the hierarchy of our own kind. All this is reflected in the strengths and weaknesses of our personality, makes us develop the ability to adapt to the situation depending on the circumstances.

Believe or understand?

But the influence of society on the development of the individual lies not only in this. A mixture of different cultural ideologies or their forced change (for example, moving to another country) can lead to the formation of a sense of confusion in the individual taken and a break in the individual. the process of reassessment of values, which in turn is fraught with various negative consequences for the psychological state of a person.

The society surrounding us usually clearly defines where is black and where is white, but between these two colors in life, as you know, there are many more shades and despite the indisputable influence of society on a person, a lot in its formation and further development depends on the degree of self-improvement of a person and from his desire for a state of inner harmony and integrity, as well as for a compromise interaction with the social environment surrounding him.