Unter officer rank. The system of military ranks in the Russian imperial army

It was for half a century the main source of replenishment of the officer corps. Peter I considered it necessary that every officer should certainly begin military service from its very first steps - as an ordinary soldier. This was especially true for the nobles, for whom lifelong service to the state was mandatory, and traditionally it was military service. Decree of February 26, 1714

Peter I forbade the promotion to officers of those nobles "who do not know the fundamentals of soldiering" and did not serve as soldiers in the guard. This ban did not apply to soldiers "from ordinary people" who, having "served for a long time", received the right to an officer's rank - they could serve in any units (76). Since Peter believed that the nobles should start serving in the guards, the entire private and non-commissioned officers of the guards regiments in the first decades of the 18th century. consisted exclusively of nobles. If during the Northern War the nobles served as privates in all regiments, then the decree to the President of the Military Collegium dated June 4, 1723 stated that, under pain of a court, “except for the guards, do not write anywhere for noble children and foreign officers.” However, after Peter this rule was not respected, and the nobles began to serve as privates and in army regiments. However, the guard for a long time became the forge of officer cadres for the entire Russian army.

Service of the nobility until the mid-30s. 18th century was indefinite, every nobleman who reached the age of 16 was enlisted in the troops as a private for subsequent promotion to officers. In 1736, a manifesto was issued allowing one of the landowner's sons to stay at home "to look after the villages and save money", while the service life of the rest was limited. Now it was prescribed “all gentry from 7 to 20 years of age to be in the sciences, and from 20 years old to use in military service and everyone should serve in military service from 20 years of age of his 25 years, and after 25 years of all ... dismiss with an increase in one rank and let them go to their homes, and whoever of them voluntarily wishes to serve more, give them to their will.

In 1737, registration was introduced for all minors (this was the official name for young nobles who had not reached military age) over 7 years old. At the age of 12, they were assigned a test to find out what they were studying and to determine who wanted to go to school. At the age of 16, they were called to St. Petersburg and, after checking their knowledge, they determined their fate. Those with sufficient knowledge could immediately enter the civil service, and the rest were allowed to go home with the obligation to continue their education, but at the age of 20 they were obliged to appear in the Heraldry (in charge of the personnel of the nobles and officials) to be assigned to the military service (except for those) who remained for housekeeping on the estate; this was determined at a review in St. Petersburg). Those who remained untrained by the age of 16 were recorded as sailors without the right to serve as officers. And whoever received a thorough education acquired the right to accelerated promotion to officers (77).

The head of the division promoted to officers for vacancies after an examination in the service by balloting, that is, elections by all officers of the regiment. At the same time, it was required that the officer candidate had a certificate with a recommendation, signed by the regiment's society. Both nobles and soldiers and non-commissioned officers from other classes, including peasants recruited into the army by recruitment, could be made into officers - the law did not establish any restrictions here. Naturally, the nobles, who received an education before entering the army (even if it was at home - it could be of very high quality in some cases), were produced first of all.

In the middle of the XVIII century. among the upper part of the nobility, the practice of enrolling their children in the regiments as soldiers at a very early age and even from birth, which allowed them to rise in ranks without undergoing active service, and by the time they entered the actual service in the troops to be not ordinary, but already have a non-commissioned officer and even officer rank. These attempts were observed even under Peter I, but he resolutely suppressed them, making exceptions only for those closest to him as a sign of special mercy and in the rarest cases (in subsequent years this was also limited to isolated facts). For example, in 1715, Peter ordered that the five-year-old son of his favorite G.P. Chernyshev, Peter, be appointed a soldier in the Preobrazhensky Regiment, and seven years later he was appointed chamber-page in the rank of lieutenant-captain at the court of the Duke of Schleswig-Holstein. In 1724, the son of Field Marshal Prince M. M. Golitsyn, Alexander, was enrolled as a soldier in the guard at birth and by the age of 18 he was already the captain of the Preobrazhensky regiment. In 1726, A. A. Naryshkin was promoted to midshipman of the fleet at the age of 1 year, in 1731, Prince D. M. Golitsyn became an ensign of the Izmailovsky regiment at 11 years old (78). However, in the middle of the XVIII century. such cases have become more widespread.

The publication of the manifesto "On the Liberty of the Nobility" on February 18, 1762 could not but have a very significant effect on the order of promotion to officers. If earlier the nobles were obliged to serve as long as the soldiers-recruits - 25 years, and, naturally, they strove to get the rank of an officer as soon as possible (otherwise they would have to remain privates or non-commissioned officers for 25 years), now they could not to serve at all, and the army was theoretically in danger of being left without an educated officer cadre. Therefore, in order to attract the nobles to military service, the rules for the production of the first officer rank were changed in such a way as to legally establish the advantage of the nobles when reaching the officer rank.

In 1766, the so-called "colonel's instruction" was issued - rules for regiment commanders on the order of rank production, according to which the term for the production of non-commissioned officers was determined by origin. The minimum period of service in the non-commissioned officer rank was set for the nobles for 3 years, the maximum for persons accepted by recruitment sets was 12 years. The guards remained the supplier of officer cadres, where most of the soldiers (although, unlike in the first half of the century, not all) were still noblemen (79).

In the Navy, since 1720, production was also established for the first officer rank by balloting from a non-commissioned officer. However, there already from the middle of the XVIII century. combatant naval officers began to be produced only from the cadets of the Naval Corps, which, unlike land military schools, was able to cover the fleet's need for officers. So the fleet very early began to be completed exclusively by graduates of educational institutions.

At the end of the XVIII century. production from non-commissioned officers continued to be the main channel for replenishing the officer corps. At the same time, there were, as it were, two lines for achieving the officer rank in this way: for the nobles and for everyone else. The nobles entered the service of the troops immediately as non-commissioned officers (for the first 3 months they had to serve as privates, but in a non-commissioned officer's uniform), then they were promoted to ensigns (junkers) and then to ensigns (junkers, and in cavalry - Estandart-Junker and Fanen-Junker), of which vacancies were already made in the first officer rank. Non-nobles before being promoted to non-commissioned officers had to serve as privates for 4 years. Then they were promoted to senior non-commissioned officers, and then to sergeant majors (in the cavalry - sergeants), who could already become officers for merit.

Since the nobles were recruited as non-commissioned officers outside of vacancies, a huge superset of these ranks formed, especially in the guard, where only nobles could be non-commissioned officers. For example, in 1792, the state guard was supposed to have no more than 400 non-commissioned officers, and there were 11,537 of them. In the Preobrazhensky regiment, there were 6,134 non-commissioned officers for 3,502 privates. Guards non-commissioned officers were promoted to officers of the army (over which the guard had an advantage of two ranks) often immediately after one or two ranks - not only ensigns, but also second lieutenants and even lieutenants. The guardsmen of the highest non-commissioned officer rank - sergeants (later sergeants) and sergeants were usually made lieutenants of the army, but sometimes even immediately captains. At times, mass releases of guards non-commissioned officers into the army were carried out: for example, in 1792, by decree of December 26, 250 people were released, in 1796 - 400 (80).

For an officer vacancy, the regiment commander usually represented the senior non-commissioned nobleman, who had served for at least 3 years. If there were no nobles with this length of service in the regiment, then non-commissioned officers from other classes were promoted to officers. At the same time, they had to have length of service in the non-commissioned officer rank: chief officer children (The estate of chief officer children consisted of children of civil officials of non-noble origin who had the ranks of "chief officer" classes - from XIV to XI, which gave not hereditary, but only personal nobility, and children of non-noble origin who were born before their fathers received the first officer rank, which brought, as already indicated, hereditary nobility) and volunteers (persons who entered the service voluntarily) - 4 years, children of the clergy, clerks and soldiers - 8 years, received by recruitment - 12 years. The latter could be promoted immediately to second lieutenants, but only "according to their excellent abilities and merits." For the same reasons, nobles and chief officer children could be promoted to officers earlier than the prescribed terms of service. Paul I in 1798 forbade the promotion of officers of non-noble origin, but the following year this provision was repealed; non-nobles had only to rise to the rank of sergeant-major and serve out the prescribed term.

Since the time of Catherine II, the production of officers "zauryad" has been practiced, caused by a large shortage during the war with Turkey and an insufficient number of non-commissioned noblemen in the army regiments. Therefore, non-commissioned officers of other classes, who had not even served the established 12-year term, began to be promoted to officers, however, with the condition that seniority for further production was considered only from the day of service of the legalized 12-year term.

The production of officers of various classes was greatly influenced by the terms of service established for them in the lower ranks. Soldiers' children, in particular, were considered accepted for military service from the moment of their birth, and from the age of 12 they were placed in one of the military orphanages (later known as "cantonist battalions"). Active service was considered to them from the age of 15, and they were obliged to serve another 15 years, that is, up to 30 years. For the same period, volunteers were accepted - volunteers. Recruits were required to serve for 25 years (in the guard after the Napoleonic wars - 22 years); under Nicholas I, this period was reduced to 20 years (including 15 years in active service).

When during the Napoleonic wars a large shortage was formed, then non-noble origin was allowed to be promoted to officers even in the guard, and chief officer children even without vacancies. Then, in the Guards, the term of service in the non-commissioned officer rank for promotion to officers was reduced for non-nobles from 12 to 10 years, and for single-palaces seeking nobility (The descendants of single-palaces included the descendants of petty service people of the 17th century, many of whom at one time were nobles, but subsequently recorded in a taxable state), determined at 6 years. (Since the nobles, produced by 3 years of service for vacancies, turned out to be in a worse position than the chief officer children produced after 4 years, but without vacancies, then at the beginning of the 20s a 4-year term was also established for the nobles without vacancies.)

After the war of 1805, special benefits were introduced for educational qualifications: university students who entered the military service (even not from the nobility) served only 3 months as privates and 3 months as ensigns, and then were promoted to officers out of vacancy. A year before, in the artillery and engineering troops, before being promoted to officers, a rather serious examination for that time was set.

At the end of the 20s. 19th century the term of service in the non-commissioned officer rank for the nobles was reduced to 2 years. However, during the then wars with Turkey and Persia, unit commanders, interested in experienced front-line soldiers, preferred to promote non-commissioned officers with long experience, that is, non-nobles, and there were almost no vacancies for nobles with 2 years of experience in their units. Therefore, they were allowed to be produced for vacancies in other parts, but in this case - after 3 years of service as non-commissioned officers. Lists of all non-commissioned officers who were not produced due to the lack of vacancies in their units were sent to the Ministry of War (Inspection Department), where a general list was compiled (first nobles, then volunteers and then others), in accordance with which they were produced for opening vacancies in the entire army .

The code of military regulations (without fundamentally changing the provision that has existed since 1766 on different terms of service in the non-commissioned officer rank for persons of different social categories) more accurately determined who, on what rights, enters the service and is promoted to officer. So, there were two main groups of such persons: those who entered the service voluntarily as volunteers (from estates that were not obliged to recruit duty) and those who entered the recruiting sets. Consider first the first group, divided into several categories.

Those who entered "as students" (of any origin) were promoted to officers: having a candidate's degree - after 3 months of service as non-commissioned officers, and a real student's degree - 6 months - without exams and into their regiments in excess of vacancies.

Those who arrived “with the rights of nobles” (nobles and who had an indisputable right to nobility: children, officials of the VIII class and above, holders of orders that give rights to hereditary nobility) were made after 2 years for vacancies in their units and after 3 years - in other parts.

All the rest, who entered “as volunteers”, were divided by origin into 3 categories: 1) children of personal nobles who have the right to hereditary honorary citizenship; priests; merchants of 1-2 guilds who have a guild certificate for 12 years; doctors; pharmacists; artists, etc. persons; pupils of orphanages; Foreigners; 2) children of the same palaces, who have the right to seek the nobility; honorary citizens and merchants of 1-2 guilds who do not have a 12-year "experience"; 3) children of merchants of the 3rd guild, philistines, single-palace residents who have lost the right to find nobility, clerical servants, as well as illegitimate children, freedmen and cantonists. Persons of the 1st category were made after 4 years (in the absence of vacancies - after 6 years in other parts), the 2nd - after 6 years and the 3rd - after 12 years. Retired officers who entered the service of the lower ranks were promoted to officers according to special rules, depending on the reason for dismissal from the army.

Before production, an exam was held for knowledge of the service. Graduated from military educational institutions, but not promoted to officers due to poor progress, but released as ensigns and cadets, they had to serve as non-commissioned officers for several years, but then they were made without an exam. Ensigns and estandard junkers of the guards regiments took an exam according to the program of the School of Guards Ensigns and Cavalry Junkers, and those who did not pass it, but were well certified in service, were transferred to the army as ensigns and cornets. Produced and artillery and sappers of the guard took the exam at the relevant military schools, and in the army artillery and engineering troops - at the relevant departments of the Military Scientific Committee. In the absence of vacancies, they were sent as second lieutenants to the infantry. (First, graduates of the Mikhailovsky and Nikolaevsky schools were enlisted for vacancies, then cadets and fireworks, and then students of non-core military schools.)

Those graduating from the training troops enjoyed the rights of origin (see above) and were promoted to officers after the exam, but at the same time, nobles and chief officer children who entered the training troops from the cantonist squadrons and batteries (in the cantonist battalions, along with the soldiers' children, children poor nobles) were made only in the part of the internal guard with the obligation to serve there for at least 6 years.

As for the second group (recruited), they had to serve in the non-commissioned officer rank: in the guard - 10 years, in the army and non-combatant in the guard - 1.2 years (including at least 6 years in the ranks), in the Orenburg and Siberian separate buildings - 15 years and in the internal guard - 1.8 years. At the same time, persons who were subjected to corporal punishment during service could not be made officers. Feldwebels and senior watchmen were promoted immediately to second lieutenants, and the rest of the non-commissioned officers were promoted to ensigns (cornets). For promotion to officers, they had to pass an exam at the divisional Headquarters. If a non-commissioned officer who passed the exam refused to be promoted to officer (he was asked about this before the exam), then he forever lost the right to production, but instead received a salary of ⅔ of the ensign’s salary, which he, having served for at least 5 more years, received in retirement. He also relied on a gold or silver sleeve chevron and a silver lanyard. In case of failure to pass the exam, the objector received only ⅓ of this salary. Since in material terms such conditions were extremely advantageous, the majority of non-commissioned officers of this group refused to be promoted to officers.

In 1854, due to the need to strengthen the officer corps during the war, the terms of service in non-commissioned officer ranks for promotion to officers were halved for all categories of volunteers (respectively 1, 2, 3 and 6 years); in 1855 it was allowed to accept persons with a higher education immediately as officers, to promote graduates of gymnasiums from noblemen to officers after 6 months, and others - after half their term of service. Non-commissioned officers from recruits were made after 10 years (instead of 12), but after the war these benefits were canceled.

During the reign of Alexander II, the order of production for officers was changed more than once. At the end of the war, in 1856, the reduced terms for production were canceled, but non-commissioned officers from the nobility and volunteers could now be produced in excess of vacancies. Since 1856, masters and candidates of theological academies have been equated in rights with university graduates (3 months of service), and students of theological seminaries, pupils of noble institutes and gymnasiums (i.e., those who, in case of entering the civil service, had the right to rank XIV class) granted the right to serve in the rank of non-commissioned officer before being promoted to officer for only 1 year. Non-commissioned officers from the nobility and volunteers were given the right to listen to lectures externally in all cadet corps.

In 1858, those of the nobility and volunteers who did not pass the exam when entering the service were given the opportunity to hold it throughout the service, and not 1-2 years (as before); they were accepted as privates with an obligation to serve: nobles - 2 years, volunteers of the 1st category - 4 years, 2nd - 6 years and 3rd - 12 years. They were promoted to non-commissioned officers: nobles - no earlier than 6 months, volunteers of the 1st category - 1 year, 2nd - 1.5 years and 3rd - 3 years. For the nobles who entered the guard, the age was set from 16 years old and without restrictions (and not 17-20 years old, as before), so that those who wish could graduate from the university. University graduates took the exam only before production, and not when they entered the service.

Graduates of all higher and secondary educational institutions were exempted from exams when entering the service in the artillery and engineering troops. In 1859, the ranks of lieutenant, sword-ensign, standard - and fanen-junker were abolished, and a single rank of cadet was introduced for officers of the nobility and volunteers who were waiting for production (for seniors - junker-belt). All non-commissioned officers from recruits - both combatant and non-combatant - were given a single term of service of 12 years (in the guard - 10), and those with special knowledge - shorter terms, but only for vacancies.

In 1860, non-commissioned production was again established for all categories only for vacancies, except for graduates of civilian higher and secondary educational institutions and those who were promoted to officers of the engineering troops and the corps of topographers. Non-commissioned officers from the nobility and volunteers who entered the service before this decision could, after their length of service, retire with the rank of collegiate registrar. Nobles and volunteers who served in the artillery, engineering troops and the corps of topographers, in the event of an unsuccessful exam for an officer of these troops, were no longer promoted to infantry officers (and those who were released from the institutions of military cantonists - internal guards), but were transferred there as non-commissioned officers and were made to vacancies already on the proposal of the new bosses.

In 1861, the number of junkers from the nobility and volunteers in the regiments was strictly limited by the states, and they were accepted into the guards and cavalry only for their own maintenance, but now a volunteer could retire at any time. All these measures were aimed at raising the educational level of the junkers.

In 1863, on the occasion of the Polish rebellion, all graduates of higher educational institutions were accepted as non-commissioned officers without an exam and promoted to officers 3 months later without vacancies after the exam in the charters and the award of the authorities (and graduates of secondary educational introductions - after 6 months for vacancies). Other volunteers passed the exam according to the program of 1844 (those who did not pass were accepted as privates) and became non-commissioned officers, and after 1 year, regardless of their origin, by honoring their superiors, they were admitted to the competitive officer exam and were promoted to vacancies (but it was possible to apply for production even in the absence of vacancies ). If, however, there was still a shortage in the unit, then after the exam, non-commissioned officers and) recruits were made for a reduced period of service - in the guard 7, in the army - 8 years. In May 1864, production was again established only for vacancies (except for those with higher education). As the cadet schools were opened, educational requirements intensified: in those military districts where cadet schools existed, it was required to take an exam in all subjects taught at the school (graduates of civilian educational institutions - only in the military), so that by the beginning of 1868 produced non-commissioned officers and cadets either graduated from the cadet school, or passed the exam according to its program.

In 1866, new rules for the production of officers were established. In order to become an officer of the guard or the army with special rights (equal to a graduate of a military school), a graduate of a civilian higher educational institution had to pass an exam at a military school in the military subjects taught in it and serve in the ranks during the camp collection (at least 2 months), a graduate of a secondary educational institution - to pass the full final exam of the military school and serve in the ranks for 1 year. Both those and others were produced out of vacancies. To be promoted to army officers without special rights, all such persons had to pass an exam at the cadet school according to its program and serve in the ranks: with higher education - 3 months, with secondary education - 1 year; they were produced in this case also without vacancies. All other volunteers either graduated from cadet schools, or passed an exam according to their program and served in the ranks: nobles - 2 years, people from estates not obliged to recruit duty - 4 years, from "recruit" estates - 6 years. Examination dates were set for them in such a way that they had time to serve their deadlines. Those who passed the 1st category were made out of vacancies. Those who did not pass the exam could retire (by passing the exam for clerical servants or under the program of 1844) with the rank of collegiate registrar after seniority: nobles - 12 years, others - 15. To help prepare for the exam at the Konstantinovsky Military School in 1867 a one-year course was opened. What was the ratio of various groups of volunteers, can be seen from table 5 (81).

In 1869 (March 8) a new provision was adopted, according to which the right to voluntarily enter the service was granted to persons of all classes with the general title of volunteers on the basis of "education" and "descent". “By education” only graduates of higher and secondary educational institutions entered. Without exams, they were promoted to non-commissioned officers and served: with higher education - 2 months, with secondary education - 1 year.

Those who entered "by origin" became non-commissioned officers after the exam and were divided into three categories: 1st - hereditary nobles; 2nd - personal nobles, hereditary and personal honorary citizens, children of merchants of 1-2 guilds, priests, scientists and artists; 3rd - all the rest. Persons of the 1st category served 2 years, the 2nd - 4 and the 3rd - 6 years (instead of the previous 12).

Only those who entered "according to education" could be promoted to officers as graduates of a military school, the rest as graduates of cadet schools, under which they took exams. The lower ranks, who entered the recruiting set, were now required to serve 10 years (instead of 12), of which 6 years as a non-commissioned officer and 1 year as a senior non-commissioned officer; they could also enter the cadet school, if by the end of it they served their term. All those who passed the examinations for the officer rank before being promoted to officers were called sword-junkers with the right to retire after a year with the first officer rank.

In the artillery and engineering troops, the conditions and terms of service were common, but the exam was special. However, since 1868, persons with a higher education had to serve in the artillery for 3 months, others for 1 year, and everyone was required to pass an exam according to the military school program; since 1869, this rule has also been extended to engineering troops, with the difference that for those promoted to second lieutenants, an examination was required according to the program of a military school, and for those promoted to warrant officers, an exam according to a reduced program. In the corps of military topographers (where earlier promotion to officers was carried out according to length of service: nobles and volunteers - 4 years, others - 12 years), since 1866 non-commissioned officers from the nobility were required to serve 2 years, from "non-recruiting" classes - 4 and " recruits" - 6 years and take a course at the topographic school.

With the establishment of universal military service in 1874, the rules for the production of officers also changed. Based on them, the weight of the volunteers were divided into categories by education (now this was the only division, the origin was not taken into account): 1st - with a higher education (served for 3 months before being promoted to officer), 2nd - with a secondary education (served 6 months) and the 3rd - with incomplete secondary education (tested under a special program and served 2 years). All volunteers were accepted for military service only by privates and could enter cadet schools. Those who entered the service by conscription for 6 and 7 years were required to serve at least 2 years, for a 4-year term - 1 year, and the rest (called up for a shortened term) were required only to be promoted to non-commissioned officers, after which they all, as and volunteers could enter military and cadet schools (since 1875, Poles were supposed to accept no more than 20%, Jews - no more than 3%).

In artillery, chief fireworks and masters from 1878 could be produced after 3 years of graduation from special schools; they took the exam for a second lieutenant according to the program of the Mikhailovsky School, and for an ensign - a light one. In 1879, for the production and officers of local artillery and ensigns of local search, an exam was introduced according to the program of the cadet school. Since 1880, in the engineering troops, the officer examination was held only according to the program of the Nikolaev School. Both in the artillery and in the engineering troops it was allowed to take the exam no more than 2 times, those who did not pass it both times could take the exam at the cadet schools for the ensign of the infantry and local artillery.

During the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. there were benefits (cancelled after its completion): officers made military distinctions without an exam and on reduced terms of service, these terms were also applied for ordinary distinctions. However, these could be promoted to the next rank only after the officer's exam. For 1871-1879 21,041 volunteers were recruited (82).

Most of the Cossack troops were recruited from the senior officers. In the Don army, the nobles were promoted to officers after 2 years, in general, the children of the chiefs in all Cossack troops (except for the Don and Transbaikal) served 4 years, the children of conscripts and ordinary Cossacks - 12 years (moreover, disorganization - 20 years). All of them were made only for vacancies, for honoring the authorities, but without an exam (of course, the illiterate could not be produced). In the Trans-Baikal army, only nobles were made officers, and the children of the Cossacks were “zauryad”, that is, temporarily. By the beginning of 1871, the recruitment of officers was left on the same basis only in the Amur and Transbaikal troops, and in the rest it was equalized in everything with regular troops. From October 1, 1876, the admission of volunteers was stopped, and the Cossacks who had an education were given the right to a reduced service life and to be promoted to officers: 1st category - after 3 months, 2nd - 6 months, 3rd - 3 years , 4th - 3 years (of which 2 years in the ranks and at least 1 year - a constable). After serving this period, they could enter the cadet schools. Since 1877, the production of officers "zauryad" was discontinued.

With the introduction of the institute of warrant officers in the reserve, the terms of active service in the army for volunteers with higher and secondary education have been increased from 3 and 6 months to 1 year, and for ordinary recruits - from 6 months and 1.5 years to 2 years. At the same time, they could be promoted to second lieutenants not earlier than this period. 1) In 1884, new rules were adopted for the production of officers of volunteers. On special rights (equal to graduates of military schools) persons with higher education were produced who passed the exam in military sciences according to the program of the military school, and with the average - in the full course of the military school, but after graduation from the officers of the junkers of this school.

In special schools, since 1885, all volunteers took an exam in the full course (except for those with a higher education in physics and mathematics). Volunteers of the engineering troops could, if they wished, take an exam for an infantry officer.

The right of volunteers, who passed the exam at the cadet school in the 1st category, to work without vacancies was canceled as early as 1883, since 1885 they were produced only for vacancies, at least in other parts. The same rule applied to all other graduates, and the right to produce outside vacancies in their units was left only to persons with higher education who had passed the exam at a military school. In 1885, it was decided that persons who passed the exam in special schools for the full course in the 1st category are promoted to second lieutenants, as before, with 2 years of seniority (Seniority meant the date from which the production period for the next rank was counted), in the 2nd category - with 1 year of seniority, and those who passed the exam in a lightweight program (at the artillery school) - without seniority. Those who passed the exams at the engineering school in the 2nd category were made at the same time in the army infantry (as were the pupils of the school who graduated from it in the 2nd category). In 1891, the light program exam at the artillery school was abolished, and from now on only those who passed the exam in the 1st category were made into the artillery, and the rest were sent to the infantry and cavalry.

In 1868, with the development of a network of military and cadet schools, the production of officers of volunteers (and from 1876, those who entered by lot), who had not been trained in them or who had not passed the exam for their full course, was discontinued. By the beginning of the 20th century, when the cadet schools were converted into military ones, the production of officers actually ceased, except for graduation from the school (with the exception of a very small group of people with higher education, produced by examination; their number did not exceed 100 people a year).

However, it should also be said about such a form of obtaining an officer's rank as promotion to reserve officers. In 1884, when the rank of ensign in active service in peacetime was abolished, he remained only for the reserve. Initially, reserve warrant officers were enrolled, who received this first rank on preferential terms in the war of 1877-1878. and never passed the officer's exam (and therefore not promoted to second lieutenant). But in 1886, a provision was issued on reserve warrant officers, which constituted this special officer rank. Persons with higher and secondary education who passed the preferential exam were entitled to it. For 12 years, they were required to stay in reserve and during this time to serve twice the fees lasting up to 6 months. By the end of 1894, there were 2960 reserve warrant officers.

In 1891, the regulation on ensigns was adopted. This was the name in active service of capable lower ranks from non-commissioned and volunteers with higher and secondary education, as well as sergeant majors and senior non-commissioned officers who filled vacant officer positions.

Only those persons with higher education who during the period of compulsory service were promoted to non-commissioned officers were allowed to take the exam for the rank of warrant officer of the reserve, while volunteers - not earlier than they served the winter and summer periods, and the rest of the recruits - not earlier than the end of 2- year of service. Persons who successfully passed the exam could retire immediately (but not earlier than 4 months before the end of the compulsory service).

Since graduates of cadet schools who graduated from them in the 1st category (150-200 people per year), and graduates of the 2nd category who graduated from a gymnasium or an equal educational institution before entering the school (about 200 per year), were promoted to officers in during the first year after graduation, then the rest had to wait for production (due to lack of vacancies) for several years. During these years, they (although they were equated by law with respect to the performance of service to junior officers), having no material means, involuntarily lived together with the lower ranks, assimilating habits and a way of life that little corresponded to the rank and position of the future officer. Therefore, the question was raised of reducing the number of cadet schools, which was subsequently carried out by converting some of them into military schools, and from 1901, graduates of all cadet schools began to graduate, as well as from military schools, as officers.

The role and place of non-commissioned officers - the closest assistants to the officers, the motives for their entry into the army, the intellectual level and financial situation, the experience of selection, training and performance of official duties are instructive for us today.

The institute of non-commissioned officers in the Russian army existed from 1716 to 1917.

The military charter of 1716 referred to non-commissioned officers: a sergeant - in the infantry, a sergeant-major - in the cavalry, a captain, a lieutenant, a corporal, a company clerk, a batman and a corporal. The position of a non-commissioned officer in the military hierarchy was defined as follows: "Those who are below the ensign, have their place, are called" non-commissioned officers, "that is, the lower initial people."

The non-commissioned officer corps was recruited from soldiers who expressed a desire to remain in the army for hire after the expiration of their military service. They were called "overtimers". Before the appearance of the institution of long-term servicemen, from which another institution was later formed - non-commissioned officers, the duties of assistant officers were performed by the lower ranks of military service. But the "urgent non-commissioned officer" in most cases differed little from the ordinary.

According to the plan of the military command, the institution of long-term servicemen was supposed to solve two problems: to reduce the understaffing of the rank and file, to serve as a reserve for the formation of non-commissioned officer corps.

After the expiration of active military service, the leadership of the Ministry of War sought to leave in the army as many soldiers (corporals) as possible, as well as combat non-commissioned officers, for extended service. But on the condition that those left behind will be useful for the army in terms of service and moral qualities.

The central figure of the non-commissioned officers of the Russian army is the sergeant major. He obeyed the company commander, was his first assistant and support. The duties of the sergeant major were quite broad and responsible. This is also evidenced by a small instruction published in 1883, which read:

"The sergeant major is the head of all the lower ranks of the company.

1. He is obliged to monitor the maintenance of order in the company, the morality and behavior of the lower ranks, and the exact performance of duties by the commanding lower ranks, the company on duty and orderlies.

2. Transfers to the lower ranks all orders given by the company commander.

3. Sends sick people to the emergency room or infirmary.

4. Performs all drill and guard crews of the company.

5. When appointed to the guard, he oversees that experienced and agile people are appointed to posts of special importance.

6. Distributes and equalizes between platoons all the regular orders for service and work.

7. Is in training sessions, as well as at lunch and dinner of the lower ranks.

8. At the end of the evening roll call, he receives reports from platoon non-commissioned officers.

9. Verifies the integrity and good condition of the weapons in the company, uniform and ammunition items and all company property.

10. Daily submits a report to the company commander on the state of the company: about everything that happened in the company, about household chores and food for the company, about the needs of the lower ranks.

11. In the absence of his own in the company, he transfers the performance of his duties to the senior of the platoon non-commissioned officers.

The second most important non-commissioned officer was the "senior non-commissioned officer" - the head of all the lower ranks of his platoon. He was responsible for the order in the platoon, the morality and behavior of the rank and file, for the success of training subordinates. Produced lower rank outfits for service and work. He fired the soldiers from the yard, but not later than before the evening roll call. Conducted evening roll call and reported to the sergeant major about everything that had happened during the day in the platoon.

According to the charter, non-commissioned officers were entrusted with the initial training of soldiers, constant and vigilant supervision of the lower ranks, and monitoring of internal order in the company. Later (1764), the legislation assigned to the non-commissioned officer the obligation not only to train the lower ranks, but also to educate them.

However, the number of re-enlisted personnel did not correspond to the calculations of the General Staff and was far inferior to the staffing of re-enlisted personnel in the Western armies. Thus, in 1898, there were 65,000 non-commissioned officers in Germany, 24,000 in France, and 8,500 in Russia.

The formation of the institution of long-term employees was slow - the mentality of the Russian people affected. The soldier understood his duty - to honestly and disinterestedly serve the Fatherland during the years of military service. And to remain, moreover, to serve for money - he deliberately opposed.

In order to increase the number of long-term servicemen, the government sought to interest those who wished: they expanded their rights, salary, established a number of awards for service, improved uniforms and insignia, and at the end of the service - a good pension.

According to the regulation on the lower ranks of combat extended service (1911), non-commissioned officers were divided into two categories. The first is ensigns promoted to this rank from combat non-commissioned officers. They had significant rights and benefits. The second - non-commissioned officers and corporals. They enjoyed somewhat fewer rights than ensigns. Ensigns in combat units held the positions of sergeant majors and platoon officers - senior non-commissioned officers. Lance corporals were promoted to junior non-commissioned officers and were appointed squad leaders.

Super-enlisted non-commissioned officers were promoted to ensigns under two conditions: to serve as a platoon (senior non-commissioned officer) for two years, to successfully complete the course of a military school for non-commissioned officers. Ensigns were promoted by order of the head of the division. Senior non-commissioned officers usually held the positions of assistant platoon commanders. The rank of junior non-commissioned officer was, as a rule, the commander of the departments.

Military servicemen of the lower ranks for impeccable service complained with a medal with the inscription "For diligence" and the sign of St. Anna. They were also allowed to marry and have families. Extra-conscripts lived in the barracks at the location of their companies. The sergeant major was provided with a separate room, two senior non-commissioned officers also lived in a separate room.

In order to interest in the service and emphasize the commanding position of non-commissioned officers among the lower ranks, they were given uniforms and insignia, in some cases inherent in the chief officer: a cockade on a headdress with a visor, a checker on a leather harness, a revolver with a holster and cord.

Combat servicemen of the lower ranks of both categories, who served fifteen years, received a pension of 96 rubles. in year. The salary of a lieutenant ranged from 340 to 402 rubles. in year; corporal - 120 rubles. in year.

The deprivation of the non-commissioned officer rank was carried out by the head of the division or a person of equal authority with him.

It was difficult for commanders of all levels to train an excellent non-commissioned officer from semi-literate extra-enlisted soldiers. Therefore, foreign experience in the formation of this institution was carefully studied, first of all, the experience of the German army.

Non-commissioned officers did not have the knowledge to lead subordinates. Some of them naively believed that orders should be given in a deliberately rude voice, that it was this tone that would ensure everyone's obedience.

The moral qualities of a non-commissioned officer were not always at the proper height. Some of them were drawn to alcohol, which had a bad effect on the behavior of subordinates. In society and the army, demands were heard more and more insistently about the inadmissibility of an intrusion of an illiterate non-commissioned officer into the spiritual education of a soldier. There was even a categorical demand: "Non-commissioned officers should be forbidden to invade the soul of a recruit - such a tender sphere." The non-commissioned officer was also illegible in the ethics of relations with subordinates. Others allowed something like a bribe. Such facts were sharply condemned by the officers.

In order to comprehensively prepare a long-term serviceman for responsible work as a non-commissioned officer in the army, a network of courses and schools was deployed, which were created mainly under the regiments.

To make it easier for a non-commissioned officer to enter his role, the military department published a lot of different literature in the form of methods, instructions, and advice. Recommendations included, in particular:

Show subordinates not only strictness but also a caring attitude;

In relation to the soldiers, keep oneself at a "known distance";

In dealing with subordinates, avoid irritation, irascibility, anger;

Remember that the Russian soldier, in his treatment of him, loves the commander whom he considers his father;

Teach soldiers in battle to save cartridges, at rest - crackers;

To have a worthy appearance: "a non-commissioned officer is taut, that a bow is stretched."

Training in courses and in regimental schools brought unconditional benefits. Among the non-commissioned officers there were many gifted people who could skillfully explain to the soldiers the basics of military service, its values, duty and duties.

Before us is a fragment of a conversation between one of the experienced ensigns, who are in love with the service, with soldiers about the role and value of such concepts as "banner", "courage", "theft", "sneak".

About the banner. “Once the general came to do a review. That’s just on literature (a survey of personnel. - Auth.) He asks one soldier: “What is the banner?”, And he answers him: “The banner is the soldier’s God, Your Excellency.” So what are you Do you think? The general turned him down and gave him a ruble for tea. "

About courage. "A brave soldier in battle only thinks about how he could defeat others, but that he is being beaten - my God - there is no place in his head for such a stupid thought."

About theft. “Theft among us, the military, is considered the most shameful and serious crime. Guilty in something else, even though the law will not spare you either, but comrades and even bosses will sometimes regret you, show sympathy for your grief. A thief - never. Except for contempt, nothing you will not see, and they will alienate you and avoid you as crazy ... ".

About the hawk. "Yabednik is such a person who brings out every little thing in order to denigrate his brother, and to advance himself. Yabedniks do it on the sly and only ... A soldier, as a duty of honor and service, must openly reveal such misdeeds that clearly dishonor his pure family ".

Mastering knowledge and gaining experience, non-commissioned officers became the first assistants to officers in solving the tasks facing companies and squadrons.

The state of military discipline in the units and subunits of the Russian army in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries was assessed as satisfactory. The reason for this was not only the work of an officer who worked, in the figurative expression of analysts of that time, "like a slave on a cane plantation", but also the efforts of the non-commissioned officer corps. According to the report of the commander of the troops of the Odessa military district in 1875, "military discipline was maintained strictly. The number of fined lower ranks was 675 people, or 11.03 per 1000 people of the average payroll."

It is generally believed that the state of military discipline would be even stronger if the officers and non-commissioned officers managed to get rid of drunkenness among the soldiers. It was the root cause of all military crimes and violations.

In the fight against this evil, non-commissioned officers were helped by the Law on the Prohibition of Lower Ranks from Entering Drinking and Tavern Establishments. Drinking establishments could not be opened closer than 150 fathoms from military units. Shinkari could dispense vodka to soldiers only with the written permission of the company commander. The sale of alcohol was prohibited in the soldiers' shops and buffets.

In addition to administrative measures, measures were taken to organize the leisure of soldiers. In the barracks, as they said then, "decent entertainments were arranged", soldiers' artels, tea rooms, reading rooms worked, performances were staged with the participation of the lower ranks.

Non-commissioned officers played a significant role in solving such an important task as teaching the soldiers to read and write, and the recruits of the national outskirts to know the Russian language. This problem acquired strategic importance - the army turned into an "all-Russian school of education." Non-commissioned officers very willingly engaged in writing and arithmetic with the soldiers, although there was very little time for this. The efforts bore fruit. The percentage of illiterate soldiers was declining. If in 1881 there were 75.9% of them, then in 1901 - 40.3%.

Another area of ​​activity of non-commissioned officers, in which they were especially successful, was the organization of economic, or, as they were also called, "free work".

For military units, such work had both minuses and pluses. The pluses were that the money earned by the soldiers went to the regimental treasury, some of it went to officers, non-commissioned officers and lower ranks. Basically, the funds were directed to the purchase of additional provisions for the soldiers. However, economic work also had a negative side. The service of many soldiers took place in arsenals, bakeries, and workshops.

The soldiers of many units, such as the East Siberian Military District, loaded and unloaded ships with heavy commissary and engineering cargo, fixed telegraph lines, repaired and built buildings, and performed work for the parties of topographers. All this was far from combat training and had a negative impact on the course of military education in units.

In a combat situation, the vast majority of non-commissioned officers were distinguished by excellent courage, carried the soldiers along with them. In the Russo-Japanese War, non-commissioned officers often acted as officers called up from the reserve.

The military rank of junior command staff in the army "non-commissioned officer" came to us from German - Unteroffizier - sub-officer. This institute existed in the Russian army from 1716 to 1917.

The military regulations of 1716 referred to non-commissioned officers in the infantry - a sergeant, in the cavalry - a sergeant-major, a captain, a lieutenant, a corporal, a company clerk, a batman and a corporal. The position of a non-commissioned officer in the military hierarchy was defined as follows: “Those who are below the warrant officer have their place, are called “non-commissioned officers”, i.e. lower initial people".

The non-commissioned officer corps was recruited from soldiers who wished to remain in the army for hire after the end of military service. They were called overtimers. Before the appearance of the institution of long-term servicemen, from which another institution was later formed - non-commissioned officers, the duties of assistant officers were performed by the lower ranks of military service. But the "urgent non-commissioned officer" in most cases differed little from the ordinary.

According to the plan of the military command, the institution of long-term servicemen was supposed to solve two problems: to reduce the understaffing of the rank and file, to serve as a reserve for the formation of non-commissioned officer corps.

There is a curious fact in the history of our army that testifies to the role of the lower commanding ranks. During the Russian-Turkish war of 1877 - 1878. Infantry General Mikhail Skobelev conducted an unprecedented social experiment in the units entrusted to him in the course of hostilities - he created military councils of sergeant majors and non-commissioned officers in the fighting units.

“Particular attention should be paid to the formation of a professional sergeant corps, as well as a link of junior commanders. At present, the staffing of such posts in the Armed Forces is a little over 20 percent.

Currently, the Ministry of Defense pays increased attention to the problems of educational work and professional junior commanders. But the first graduates of such junior commanders will enter the troops only in 2006,” said Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation General of the Army Nikolai Pankov.

The leadership of the military ministry sought to leave as many soldiers (corporals) as possible in the army for extra-long service, as well as non-commissioned officers who had served urgent service. But on one condition: each of them had to have the appropriate service and moral qualities.

The central figure of the non-commissioned officers of the old Russian army is the sergeant major. He obeyed the company commander, was his first assistant and support. The sergeant major was entrusted with fairly broad and responsible duties. This is evidenced by the instruction issued in 1883, which read: "The sergeant major is the head of all the lower ranks of the company."

The second most important non-commissioned officer was the senior non-commissioned officer - the head of all the lower ranks of his platoon. He was responsible for order in the platoon, morality and behavior of privates, the results of training subordinates, produced outfits for lower ranks for service and work, dismissed soldiers from the yard (no later than before evening roll call), conducted evening roll call and reported to the sergeant major about everything that happened during day in the platoon.

According to the charter, non-commissioned officers were entrusted with the initial training of soldiers, constant and vigilant supervision of the lower ranks, and monitoring of internal order in the company. Later (1764), the legislation assigned to the non-commissioned officer the obligation not only to train the lower ranks, but also to educate them.

Despite all the efforts to select candidates for the service of lower commanding ranks, this area had its own difficulties. The number of conscripts did not correspond to the calculations of the General Staff, their number in the army of our country was inferior to the staffing of Western armies with conscripts. For example, in 1898 there were 65,000 non-commissioned officers in Germany, 24,000 in France, and 8,500 in Russia.

The formation of the institution of long-term employees was slow. The mentality of the Russian people affected. The soldiers, for the most part, understood their duty - to serve the Fatherland honestly and disinterestedly during the years of military service, but they consciously opposed remaining, moreover, to serve for money.

The government sought to interest those who served on conscription in long-term service. To do this, they expanded the rights of long-term employees, increased salaries, established a number of awards for service, improved uniforms, and after service they provided a good pension.

The regulation on the lower ranks of combat long service in 1911 divided non-commissioned officers into two categories. The first is ensigns promoted to this rank from combat non-commissioned officers. They had significant rights and benefits. The second - non-commissioned officers and corporals. They enjoyed somewhat fewer rights. Ensigns in combat units held the positions of sergeant majors and platoon officers - senior non-commissioned officers. The corporals were promoted to junior non-commissioned officers and appointed squad commanders.

Super-enlisted non-commissioned officers were promoted to lieutenants by order of the head of the division under two conditions. It was necessary to serve as a platoon (senior non-commissioned officer) for two years and successfully complete the course of a military school for non-commissioned officers.

Senior non-commissioned officers usually held the positions of assistant platoon commanders. The rank of junior non-commissioned officer was, as a rule, worn by squad commanders.

Military servicemen of the lower ranks for impeccable service were awarded a medal with the inscription "For diligence" and the sign of St. Anna. They were also allowed to marry and have families. Extra-conscripts lived in the barracks at the location of their companies. The sergeant major was provided with a separate room, two senior non-commissioned officers also lived in a separate room.

In order to interest in the service and emphasize the commanding position of non-commissioned officers among the lower ranks, they were given uniforms and insignia, in some cases inherent in the chief officer. This is a cockade on a headdress with a visor, a checker on a leather belt, a revolver with a holster and a cord.

Combat servicemen of the lower ranks of both categories, who served fifteen years, received a pension of 96 rubles a year. The salary of a warrant officer ranged from 340 to 402 rubles a year, a corporal - 120 rubles a year.

The head of a division or a person of equal authority had the right to deprive a non-commissioned officer of the rank.

It was difficult for commanders of all grades to train excellent non-commissioned officers from semi-literate extra-enlisted soldiers. Therefore, in our army, they carefully studied foreign experience in the formation of the institute of junior commanders, first of all, the experience of the German army.

Unfortunately, not all non-commissioned officers had knowledge of leading subordinates. Some of them naively believed that the way to ensure universal obedience was to use a deliberately harsh and rude tone. And the moral qualities of the non-commissioned officer were not always at the proper height. Some of them were drawn to alcohol, and this had a bad effect on the behavior of subordinates. Non-commissioned officers were also illegible in the ethics of relations with subordinates. Others allowed something similar to bribes. Such facts were sharply condemned by the officers.

As a result, in society and the army, demands were heard more and more insistently about the inadmissibility of an intrusion of an illiterate non-commissioned officer into the spiritual education of a soldier. There was even a categorical demand: "Non-commissioned officers should be prohibited from invading the soul of a recruit - such a tender sphere."

In order to comprehensively prepare a long-term serviceman for responsible work as a non-commissioned officer in the army, a network of courses and schools was deployed, which were created mainly at the regiments. To make it easier for a non-commissioned officer to enter his role, the military department published a lot of different literature in the form of methods, instructions, and advice. Here are some of the most typical requirements and recommendations of that time:

Show subordinates not only strictness, but also a caring attitude;

With soldiers, keep yourself at a "known distance";

In dealing with subordinates, avoid irritation, irascibility, anger;

Remember that the Russian soldier, in his treatment of him, loves the commander whom he considers his father;

Teach soldiers in battle to save cartridges, at rest - crackers;

To have a worthy appearance: “Unter is taut, like a bow is stretched.”

Training in courses and in regimental schools brought unconditional benefits. Among the non-commissioned officers there were many gifted people who skillfully explained to the soldiers the basics of military service, its values, duty and duties. Mastering knowledge and gaining experience, non-commissioned officers became reliable assistants to officers in solving the tasks facing companies and squadrons.

Non-commissioned officers played a prominent role in solving such an important task as teaching soldiers to read and write, and recruits from the national outskirts - the Russian language. Gradually, this problem acquired strategic importance. The Russian army was turning into an "all-Russian school of education." Non-commissioned officers willingly engaged in writing and arithmetic with the soldiers, although there was very little time for this. Their efforts bore fruit - the number and proportion of illiterate soldiers in military collectives decreased. If in 1881 they were 75.9 percent, then in 1901 - 40.3.

In a combat situation, the vast majority of non-commissioned officers were distinguished by excellent courage, examples of military skill, courage and heroism carried the soldiers along. For example, during the Russo-Japanese War (1904 - 1905), non-commissioned officers often acted as officers called up from the reserve.

No wonder they say that the new is the well-forgotten old. In the third millennium, our army again has to solve the problems of strengthening the institution of junior commanders. In their solution, the use of the historical experience of the Russian Armed Forces can help.

The army is a special world with its own laws and customs, a strict hierarchy and a clear division of duties. And always, starting from the ancient Roman legions, he was the main link between ordinary soldiers and the highest commanding staff. Today we will talk about non-commissioned officers. Who are they and what functions did they perform in the army?

The history of the term

Let's figure out who the non-commissioned officer is. The system of military ranks began to take shape in Russia at the beginning of the 18th century with the advent of the first regular army. Over time, only minor changes occurred in it - and for more than two hundred years it remained virtually unchanged. After a year, great changes took place in the Russian system of military ranks, but even now most of the old ranks are still used in the army.

Initially, there was no strict division into ranks among the lower ranks. The role of junior commanders was played by sergeants. Then, with the advent of the regular army, a new category of lower army ranks appeared - non-commissioned officers. The word is of German origin. And this is no coincidence, since at that time much was borrowed from foreign states, especially during the reign of Peter the Great. It was he who created the first Russian army on a regular basis. Translated from German, unter means "lower".

Since the 18th century, in the Russian army, the first degree of military ranks was divided into two groups: privates and non-commissioned officers. It should be remembered that in the artillery and the Cossack troops, the lower military ranks were called fireworkers and constables, respectively.

Ways to get a title

So, a non-commissioned officer is the lowest level of military ranks. There were two ways to get this rank. The nobles entered the military service in the lowest rank immediately, without vacancies. Then they were promoted and received their first officer rank. In the 18th century, this circumstance led to a huge surplus of non-commissioned officers, especially in the guard, where the majority preferred to serve.

All others had to serve four years before being promoted to lieutenant or sergeant major. In addition, non-nobles could receive an officer rank for special military merits.

What ranks belonged to non-commissioned officers

Over the past 200 years, changes have taken place in this lower rung of the military ranks. At various times, the following ranks belonged to non-commissioned officers:

  1. Sub-ensign and warrant officer are the highest non-commissioned officer ranks.
  2. Feldwebel (in the cavalry he held the rank of Wahmister) - a non-commissioned officer who occupied a middle position in the ranks between a corporal and a lieutenant. He performed the duties of assistant company commander for economic affairs and internal order.
  3. The senior non-commissioned officer is the assistant to the platoon commander, the direct head of the soldiers. He had relative freedom and independence in the education and training of privates. He kept order in the unit, assigned soldiers to the outfit and to work.
  4. The junior non-commissioned officer is the immediate superior of the privates. It was with him that the upbringing and training of soldiers began, he helped his wards in military training and led them into battle. In the 17th century, in the Russian army, instead of a junior non-commissioned officer, there was the rank of corporal. He belonged to the lowest military rank. A corporal in the modern Russian army is a junior sergeant. The rank of lance corporal still exists in the US Army.

Non-commissioned officer of the tsarist army

In the period after the Russian-Japanese war and during the First World War, the formation of non-commissioned officers of the tsarist army was given special importance. For the instantly increased number in the army, there were not enough officers, and military schools could not cope with this task. The short period of compulsory service did not allow training a professional military man. The Ministry of War tried with all its might to keep non-commissioned officers in the army, on whom great hopes were placed for the education and training of privates. They gradually began to be singled out as a special layer of professionals. It was decided to leave up to a third of the number of lower military ranks on extended service.

Overtimers began to increase their salaries, they received non-commissioned officers who served over the term of 15 years, upon dismissal they received the right to a pension.

In the tsarist army, non-commissioned officers played a huge role in the training and education of privates. They were responsible for order in the units, appointed soldiers to outfits, had the right to dismiss the private from the unit, were engaged in

Abolition of lower military ranks

After the revolution of 1917, all military ranks were abolished. They were introduced again in 1935. The ranks of sergeant major, senior and junior non-commissioned officers were replaced by junior ones and the ensign began to correspond to the foreman, and the ordinary ensign to the modern ensign. Many famous personalities of the 20th century began their service in the army with the rank of non-commissioned officer: G.K. Zhukov, K.K. Rokossovsky, V.K. Blucher, G. Kulik, the poet Nikolai Gumilyov.

Not only historical documents, but also works of art that take us to the pre-revolutionary past are filled with examples of the relationship between servicemen of different ranks. The lack of understanding of a single gradation does not prevent the reader from isolating the main theme of the work, however, sooner or later, one has to think about the difference between the addresses “Your Honor” and “Your Excellency”.

Few people notice that in the army of the USSR the appeal was not abolished, it was only replaced by a uniform form for all ranks. Even in the modern Russian army, “Comrade” is added to any rank, although in civilian life this term has long lost its relevance, the appeal “Mr.” is increasingly heard.

Military ranks in the tsarist army determined the hierarchy of relations, but the system of their distribution can only be slightly compared with the model that was adopted after the well-known events of 1917. Only the White Guards remained true to the established traditions. Until the end of the civil war, the White Guard used the Table of Ranks, maintained by Peter the Great. The rank, determined by the Report Card, indicated the position not only in the army service, but also in civilian life. For your information, there were several Tables of Ranks, they were military, civil and courtiers.

The history of military ranks

For some reason, the most interesting issue is the distribution of officer powers in Russia at the very turn of the turning point in 1917. At that time, the ranks in the White Army were a complete analogue of the aforementioned Report Card with the latest changes that were relevant at the end of the era of the Russian Empire. But we will have to delve into the times of Peter the Great, since all the terminology originates there.

The Table of Ranks introduced by Emperor Peter I contained 262 job titles, this is the total figure for civil and military ranks. However, not all titles reached the beginning of the 20th century. Many of them were abolished in the XVIII century. An example would be the titles of State Councilor or Collegiate Assessor. The law introduced by the Table into force assigned a stimulating function to it. So, according to the king himself, promotion is possible only for people who are standing, and the road to higher ranks was closed to parasites and impudent people.

Find out: Until what age is the rank of lieutenant awarded, are there any age restrictions

The division of ranks involved the assignment of chief officer ranks, staff officers or generals. In accordance with the class, the appeal was also established. It was necessary to address the chief officers: "Your Honor." To the staff officers - "Your Excellency", and to the generals - "Your Excellency".

Distribution by type of troops

The understanding that the entire contingent of the army must be divided into branches of service came long before the reign of Peter. A similar approach can be traced in the modern Russian army. On the threshold of the First World War, the Russian Empire, according to many historians, was at the peak of its economic recovery. Therefore, some indicators are compared with this period. On the issue of military branches, a static picture has developed. You can single out the infantry, consider separately the artillery, the now abolished cavalry, the Cossack army, which was in the ranks of the regular army, guards units and the fleet.

It is noteworthy that in the tsarist army of pre-revolutionary Russia, military ranks could differ, depending on the military unit or clan. Despite this, the ranks in the tsarist army of Russia were listed in ascending order in a strictly defined order to maintain unity of control.

Military ranks in infantry divisions

For all branches of the military, the lower ranks had a distinctive feature; they wore smooth epaulettes with the depicted regiment number. The color of the shoulder strap depended on the type of troops. Infantry troops used red epaulettes of a hexagonal shape. There was also a division by color depending on the regiment or division, but such a gradation complicated the recognition process. In addition, on the threshold of World War I, a decision was made to unify the color, establishing a protective shade as the norm.

The lowest ranks include the most popular ranks that are well known to the modern soldier. We are talking about private and corporal. Everyone who tries to study the hierarchy in the army of the Russian Empire involuntarily compares the structure with modernity. These titles have survived to this day.

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The line of ranks, which indicates belonging to a group of sergeant status, is positioned by the tsarist army of Russia as non-commissioned officer ranks. Here the matching pattern looks like this:

  • a junior non-commissioned officer is, in our opinion, a junior sergeant;
  • senior non-commissioned officer - corresponds to a sergeant;
  • sergeant major - placed on the same level as the senior sergeant;
  • ensign - foreman;
  • ensign - ensign.

Junior officers begin with the rank of senior lieutenant. The holder of the chief officer rank has the right to apply for a command position. In the infantry, in ascending order, this group is represented by ensigns, second lieutenants, lieutenants, as well as staff captains and captains.

One feature is noticeable, it lies in the fact that the rank of major, which in our time is assigned to the group of senior officers, in the imperial army corresponds to the chief officer rank. This discrepancy is further compensated, and the general order of the hierarchy steps is not violated.

Staff officers with the rank of colonel or lieutenant colonel today have consonant regalia. It is believed that this group belongs to the senior officers. The highest composition is represented by general ranks. In ascending order, the officers of the Imperial Russian Army are divided into major generals, lieutenant generals, generals from infantry. As you know, the existing scheme assumes the presence of the rank of colonel-general. Marshal corresponds to the rank of Field Marshal, but this is a theoretical rank, which was awarded only to D.A. Milyutin, being Minister of War until 1881.

In artillery

Following the example of the structure of the infantry, the difference in ranks for artillery can be represented schematically, highlighting five groups of ranks.

  • The lower ones include gunners and bombardiers, these ranks ceased to exist after the defeat of the white units. Even in 1943, the titles were not restored.
  • Artillery non-commissioned officers receive the status of junior and senior fireworks, and then ensign or ensign.
  • The composition of officers (in our case, chief officers), as well as senior officers (here, headquarters officers) is no different from infantry troops. The vertical begins with the rank of warrant officer and ends with a colonel.
  • The senior officers, who have the ranks of the highest group, are designated by three ranks. Major General, Lieutenant General, and Felzekhmeister General.

With all this, there is a preservation of a single structure, so without difficulty everyone will be able to draw up a visual table of correspondence by type of troops or correspondence with the modern military classification.

Find out: What military ranks were in the USSR army until 1943

The army Cossacks

The main distinguishing feature of the imperial army at the beginning of the 20th century is the fact that the legendary Cossack army served in regular units. Acting as a separate branch of the military, the Russian Cossacks fit into the table of ranks with their ranks. Now you can bring all the ranks into line by presenting them in a cross section of the same five groups of ranks. But there are no general ranks in the Cossack army, so the number of groups was reduced to four.

  1. The Cossack and the clerk are considered representatives of the lower ranks.
  2. The next step consists of officers and a sergeant major.
  3. The officers are represented by a cornet, a centurion, a podaul and a captain.
  4. Senior officers or Headquarters officers include a military foreman and a colonel.