Infinitely far from each other: compatibility of an Aquarius man and a Scorpio woman. Compatibility Aquarius (woman) - Scorpio (man)

The relationship between them begins immediately. At first these are only his views, which she, with her insight, understands as well as possible. Then he takes action, but she is too wise to immediately fall into his arms. She starts her game by giving him the opportunity to feel like a hunter. Her dreams may drive him crazy, but this will only fuel his desire to be with her.

Compatibility of Scorpio and Aquarius in LOVE

In love they can overact. She may get carried away and not see how tired he is of the chase. But he is not always ready to seek compromises in other people's rules. Therefore, she should know the limits in her desire to teach him a lesson, to make him suffer. And after establishing a warm relationship, he will begin to study her character. He will see how independent, strong and vulnerable she is at the same time. This cannot but please a man like him.

Disputes and friction often arise between them. The point here is her independence, and his desire to subjugate. They can bicker for a long time, but quarrels between them usually end well. He understands that he likes her life positions. And she will not want to part with him, since he gives her so many emotions like no one else. It is these feelings that will bind them. It is important to note that every quarrel between them makes the relationship fuller and more harmonious.

Compatibility of Scorpio and Aquarius in MARRIAGE

In marriage, this couple creates a whole plan. First of all, he will make a career. Then, perhaps, she will be able to achieve something more. Only after this they will begin work on creating a reliable home. In next place are their children, whom both will work with full dedication. And after that, they will be able to devote time and money to realize their desires, dreams and personal goals.

In living together, problems are unlikely to arise between them. He makes great money, she becomes his support. And this is enough to get satisfaction. They will achieve a lot, but for this she will need to sacrifice her friends and some hobbies. However, she is too sensible to reject him because of her friends or too risky adventures, so everything will be just fine between them.

Compatibility of Scorpio and Aquarius in BED

If the couple has just entered adolescence, their intimacy will become a field of competition. Their desires are so different that it is difficult for them to sort them out. Everyone will insist on their own, and this is simply unacceptable in a couple. As a result, they may even break up. In this case, he will be the initiator, since for him physical intimacy is an important area, without which he cannot live. He simply cannot understand why she doesn’t want unity as much as he does.

If the couple is in adulthood, then their love will become a real revelation and message to the partner. They will be able to achieve spiritual intimacy, since everyone will understand what needs to be done for this. She is like air, so she cannot give herself over to passion the way he does. And in order to maintain that fragile closeness of souls, she will have to make some efforts. This will be the secret of possible harmony in this area between them.

Important for girls to know!

To keep him, she needs to be the same as always. You just have to get rid of the habit of forgetting about everything because of some unrealistic desires. She must weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of an alliance with him. And it is unlikely that she will find that there are more shortcomings. They are comfortable together, and for this they can give up some habits, because living together is a series of compromises. There may not be too many compromises with it.

She is independent and freedom-loving, he is a thief of other people's emotions. They seem to be against each other, but this is only at first. Over time, the Scorpio man will be able to awaken bright emotions in the Aquarius woman, although he will really have to try. She is rather cold, her love is sober, somewhat distant. This is not the heat we see in a Scorpio man, no. They have very different attitudes towards love itself, they want different things from it. She gravitates more towards love-partnership, in which she will find it interesting and easy. He also needs rich, concentrated love-eros, in which he could burn. It is unlikely, of course, that they will ever find a middle ground that would suit both of them, but they will definitely enjoy the search.

It will be a tough fight. An Aquarius woman in alliance with a Scorpio man will show her deep hidden sexuality - he will make anyone liberate. And the Scorpio man, in turn, will be amazed by her unexpected thoughts - so exciting and unusual. He will always try to find the source of her inspiration - and he will never find it. Just as she will never hide from his desire - she will have to fulfill it. This couple can successfully try role-playing games and other ways to spur emotions and diversify their sex life.

Family and marriage

This will be a stormy, emotional marriage. The fact is that their values ​​in the field of family relationships do not coincide. The Scorpio man, as a representative of the water element, still dreams of a quiet harbor - in which he, of course, will create emotional storms. The Aquarius woman does not recognize formalities at all; she does not understand why one person should belong to another and how this is even possible. She doesn’t like to make promises - in general, it will be difficult to drag her down the aisle. If this does happen, the Scorpio man will receive a gentle wife, not devoid of imagination. She will not become an excellent housewife, but he will not be an exemplary husband either. Their family life will not be simple, but it will definitely be bright and not boring.

She knows how to make friends like no one else can. The Scorpio man will appreciate the devotion and loyalty of the Aquarius woman as a friend; she will always come to the rescue and be able to support. He, in turn, guarantees her exactly the same. They will misunderstand each other a little when it comes to emotions: it will be unclear to her why he wastes himself so much on something that, in her opinion, does not deserve time and effort. And he will not understand why she does not allow herself to live emotionally, intensely - like him. In any case, they will not have long arguments, they will simply accept each other for who they are.

Work and business

They will be able to achieve their professional goals if they work together. The Scorpio man will be the strategist; he will be able to outline a goal, but the Aquarius woman will have to choose specific steps that will lead them to the result. Sometimes she will be put off by his way of exaggerating problems, and he will be unhappy with her slightly aloof attitude, but if they want to achieve much, they will have to forget about these trifles.

Representatives of these signs rarely form pairs with each other. Their characters, attitudes to life, views on marriage and family, way of thinking are so opposite that the compatibility of Scorpio with Aquarius is very controversial.

The strong energy of both zodiacs in conjunction can cause a real hurricane of feelings, with a variety of consequences. If an alliance has already been formed, then love feelings will arise with lightning speed, from the first minutes of communication. But will the lovers be able to withstand the storm of emotions?

Compatibility of Scorpio and Aquarius signs

The Sun passes through the sign of Scorpio from October 24 to November 22, through the second sign from January 21 to February 20. The Moon and the Ascendant, being at these points at the time of a person’s birth, give his character similar characteristics.

The first belongs to the element of Water, the second to the element of Air. Water gives a person sensuality, a craving for everything mysterious and unknown. These qualities, combined with fortitude, attract the attention of Air. However, the contradiction in the relationship between them is that the air signs of the zodiac cannot provide the stability and confidence in the future that the Water signs expect from their partners.

Compatibility in a pair of Aquarius and Scorpio is unpredictable. Even if the latter’s soul is overwhelmed by emotions, outwardly he remains restrained and calm. And this scares Aquarius. He does not like to solve other people's puzzles, preferring to play by simple rules that are common to everyone. However, his extravagance and inconstancy shock his partner no less. It is not surprising that from the first minutes, compatibility in a love relationship between these signs is built on mutual misunderstanding and mistrust.

It is interesting that representatives of these signs rarely form alliances with each other without the influence of circumstances. Their communication or friendship is most often determined by their position at work (superior-subordinate) or family ties (mother-child). Another thing is love relationships, partners enter into them voluntarily and consciously. But even in this case, the compatibility of Scorpio and Aquarius in sex more often leads to short-term affairs than to lasting marriages.

And yet it can hardly be said that Aquarius and Scorpio are categorically incompatible. Such an alliance can bring its advantages for both signs: the first in this pair will have the opportunity to practice self-control and learn to behave less defiantly, and the second will give in and forgive insults. If both work on their mistakes and become more tolerant of each other, the compatibility horoscope for the signs of Aquarius and Scorpio may turn out less dramatically.

The likelihood of achieving mutual understanding is highest for partners under these zodiac signs if, according to the eastern horoscope, they were born in the year of the Ox, Tiger, Rooster, Horse or Dog.

Under the influence of the year of birth, their qualities will become more compatible in love and sexual relationships.

Scorpio woman and Aquarius man

The man in this couple is romantic and freedom-loving. He does not strive for family life and raising children. In any relationship, including love, friendship is important to him. Even in a Scorpio girl, the Aquarius guy strives to see a friend who knows how to listen and understand. These people are romantics, they live today and now, they are always in the clouds and making impossible plans.

Money, public reviews and status interest him much less than the opportunity to come up with an unusual move or come up with an amazing idea. Earning and saving money is not an activity for this man, so he is unlikely to burden himself with the financial wealth of his family. Which reduces the percentage of compatibility between an Aquarius man and a Scorpio woman, a prudent careerist who knows how to earn money.

However, while the Scorpio woman’s secrecy and restraint scares those around her, the Aquarius man is incredibly sociable. He speaks equally with both the janitor and the high-ranking official. Much more than social status, he values ​​kindness, sincerity and humanity in people. From this side, the compatibility of Scorpio with Aquarius is essentially a lesson in fate, after which each of the partners will become better in spiritual development.

To find out whether an Aquarius man and a Scorpio girl are compatible enough, you need to learn more about the latter’s character. She is independent in her judgment and often opposes generally accepted rules in order to achieve her own goals. In his work he shows himself to be an efficient and capable employee and is rapidly moving up the career ladder.

Loves luxurious things, appreciates comfort, has good taste and a sense of style. Her sexual energy and inventiveness in bed delights most zodiac signs. In marriage, she proves herself to be a good wife and mother. But in a love relationship with her it is not easy, since not every partner will be able to accept her touchiness and caustic remarks. It is within the power of a man who will be stronger than her in fortitude to win her affection and heart, and in this regard, the Aquarius man is not the best match for the Scorpio woman.

If such a union is nevertheless formed, then the love in it is never lightning fast and sudden. At first, the relationship between Scorpio and Aquarius does not go beyond friendship. They can become good friends despite the radical dissimilarity of characters and views. The Aquarius man appreciates the Scorpio woman’s unconventional mind and attitude towards friends, and she appreciates his insight and kindness.

AQUARIUS + SCORPIO - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Compatibility of Scorpio man and Aquarius woman

Compatibility of Aquarius man and Scorpio woman

Marriage compatibility of the sign Scorpio with the signs Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Compatibility Horoscope - Scorpio

Horoscope of sex compatibility of Aquarius with other signs of the Zodiac Partners of Aquarius Horoscope of Aquarius


Compatibility Horoscope - Aquarius


Scorpio woman and her compatibility - spicy details || Modern astrology

And only when a man begins to carefully study their relationship will he understand that he is in love and longs to solve all the mysteries of the mysterious Scorpio woman, with whom compatibility will not be easy for Aquarius. His love of freedom and non-obligation, endless get-togethers with friends irritate his partner. A girl of this sign loves and hates equally fiercely, being insanely jealous of her chosen one.

Views on family relationships, raising children, budgets, and a sense of duty in a couple of Aquarius and Scorpio are so different that lovers cannot avoid quarrels.

Even the friends of the Aquarius and Scorpio couple are not common, but are part of each partner’s personal social circle. Even after a long life together, they still have girlfriends and friends who do not approve of their choice of life partner.

Are a Scorpio girl and an Aquarius man compatible in bed? The partner’s energy, her activity and demandingness in sexual play can initially captivate a man. For the sexual compatibility of Scorpio with Aquarius to be successful, the latter sign needs to improve its technique and learn to be less uptight.

So that the contradictory compatibility of the Aquarius man with Scorpio does not interfere with family life, the husband should be more attentive to his wife, and the girl should accept the love of freedom of her chosen one. If the karmic lesson is completed correctly, the Scorpio woman and her chosen one under the sign of Aquarius will receive their bonuses:

  • mutual spiritual growth;
  • under the influence of the Aquarius man, the Scorpio woman learns to be balanced, cope with household chores and be a hospitable hostess;
  • in a relationship and marriage with his Scorpio wife, the Aquarius man learns self-discipline, organization and consistency in his actions;
  • The compatibility of an Aquarius guy with a Scorpio makes it possible for both to learn to take an interest in each other’s lives, talk and look for ways for a peaceful life as a couple.

Scorpio Man and Aquarius Woman

The compatibility horoscope of a Scorpio man and an Aquarius woman is built quite harmoniously and reaches a high percentage point. In love, a girl allows herself to be conquered by a long siege, which only fuels the interest of men of this sign in her. He sees in his friend a sophisticated fairy in need of care and protection. The compatibility of the feminine and fragile Aquarius girl with Scorpio gives rise to protective instincts in the latter.

Representatives of these signs are unlikely to make friends, but love relationships arise very quickly. Few people are able to perceive each other's views as insightfully as Scorpio and Aquarius.

In a love relationship, the compatibility of an Aquarius girl with a Scorpio is based on accepting the life position of her life partner. Both signs are independent by nature, which is what attracts them to each other. The Scorpio man likes the independence and strong character of the Aquarius woman. Although he is often annoyed by his girlfriend’s reluctance to submit to his control. But the quarrels in this pair of signs are short-lived, and mutual love makes their union strong.

The verdict for the compatibility of a Scorpio man and an Aquarius girl may be non-acceptance of the peculiarities of their characters. The Scorpio man must accept the extravagance and spontaneity of the Aquarius woman’s actions, and also stop tormenting her with his jealousy. At the same time, the passion raging in his blood frightens the girl of this sign, who is restrained in her emotions. Compared to her husband, she looks distant and cold.

Sexual compatibility for Scorpio Aquarius is also contradictory.

A man cannot do without physical intimacy; he is a passionate lover. Another thing is the Aquarius woman, who does not share the fanaticism of the Scorpio man and does not accept his rudeness. To achieve harmony in sex, they need to give themselves completely to the process and open up to each other. Then the sexual compatibility of the Aquarius girl with Scorpio will allow them to avoid conflicts in the relationship.

Their views on family life are similar. By default, the head of the family of Aquarius and Scorpio is a man, his energy is stronger. His and then her career growth become a priority for the couple. And only after achieving a position in society will they begin to arrange a home and raise children. It is interesting that the daughter in this family is more attached to her father than to her mother.

In family life, a Scorpio man and an Aquarius woman quarrel over the man’s desire to spend more time outside the home. He is not inherently reclusive, as, for example, Cancer is, and while the Scorpio man drinks beer with friends or cheers for his favorite team, his compatibility with Aquarius is bursting at the seams. In pursuit of loneliness, the girl will acquire a circle of fans. What her jealous life partner will not like. If Scorpio and Aquarius are able to organize a life together and resolve conflicts peacefully, their union will be happy.

The Scorpio man and the Aquarius woman are an example of a classic family, where he is the breadwinner, and she is the keeper of the hearth and a faithful life partner.

True, in order for the relationship to develop successfully, the girl will have to give up frequent meetings with friends. But the man will also have to hold his stinging tail so as not to offend his wife with his causticity. Otherwise, Venus, the patroness of family and love, feels harmonious in the family union of Aquarius and Scorpio.


Scorpio man


Aquarius Woman

From the outside, this union looks unsuccessful. The Aquarius woman is sympathized with by everyone in her immediate circle, and the friends and relatives of the Scorpio man believe that this woman is not for him; they want to see a more responsible and promising companion next to him. It often happens that, despite public opinion, the relationship in this couple develops as both need.

The Scorpio man is the most passionate sign of the Zodiac in relationships, to whom peace is alien. Interaction with others is the essence of his life. Nevertheless, he has maximum problems in relationships, since he constantly strives to change them, as well as to change his partner. This sign is always dissatisfied with the existing one.

The Aquarius woman is too demanding in relationships, but she achieves everything she wants from her loved ones. Scorpios are given the gift of awakening people's passions; they can greatly touch and hurt. At the same time, they themselves are vulnerable, although they tend to hide it under the guise of disdain. Scorpios are very dependent on connections with people.

Unfortunately, despite the very common love at first sight in such a union, its long-term prospects do not inspire optimism. The fact is that both Scorpio and the Aquarius woman are bright natures and strong personalities, while Aquarius, as a rule, is difficult to appreciate the beauty of family ties. Scorpio, on the contrary, is serious and expects stability from his soulmate.

True, despite all her independence, the Aquarius woman does not give Scorpio reasons for jealousy, but her freedom-loving lifestyle and reluctance to stand at the stove are far from Scorpio’s ideas about an ideal wife and housewife. In such conditions, their home can turn into a real battlefield, where reproaches and a flurry of mutual grievances rage. This can only be avoided if both parties try to soften their tempers and learn patience and compromise.

Despite all the differences in temperament, they overcome the conflicts and quarrels that accompany the beginning of their life together, but this is achieved by a great desire to be together and intense internal work. They constantly need to look for mutual understanding and common interests, since they have little overlap in real life. The Aquarius woman is very freedom-loving, so she perceives the Scorpio man’s attempts to rule as suppression of her individuality. An Aquarius woman will rarely be bored in the company of a Scorpio man; their relationship is extremely uneven: periods of relative calm are replaced by loud scandals. Their life together is constantly subjected to difficult tests; both will have to listen to many complaints against them. For the Aquarius woman, the husband seems self-absorbed and overly closed, and the Scorpio man sometimes finds in her behavior signs of hypocrisy and spiritual callousness.

Compatibility between Scorpio and Aquarius will be favorable if they learn to compromise. But it’s not easy for them to do this, because everyone stubbornly, hidden or openly, “presses” their line. The Scorpio man rarely lets anyone into his inner world, relies on intuition and opens up only to those whom his heart accepts. The Scorpio man is the guardian of the Aquarius woman. Scorpio gives Aquarius his head in the clouds the opportunity to connect to the potential of passion and gain strength to realize his ethereal love or sublime dreams. They are united in the implementation of radical plans. It depends on Aquarius that these projects are original and promising.

Due to the possessive tendencies of the nature of the element of water (Scorpio), a person of the element of air (Aquarius) cannot feel free. Just like fire, water oppresses the air with its own seething emotional outbursts. And this, in turn, quite often leads to a breakdown in relationships. Very often the airy person is the first to leave. The Aquarius woman is more focused on her opinions and desires, rather than listening to emotional disturbances. He is observant and insightful, and she paints an image and does not deviate a step from it. The Aquarius woman is annoyed when they look at her from head to toe, and they also begin to delve into the nuances of the soul. She looks realistically at everything that surrounds her, and he tends to create mystery even from what is obvious. Compatibility between Scorpio and Aquarius can be well influenced by passion, which arises almost immediately and irrevocably. Their union is unique, as evidenced by the elements under which they were born - Water and Air. The Aquarius woman always considers herself right, which irritates the Scorpio man. He tends to doubt and adapt to the circumstances that arise around him.

Relationships are fragile and short-lived

Quite a rare and atypical combination. Most likely, this will happen if in a couple the Aquarius woman wants to reveal her emotionality next to the Scorpio man, and therefore takes the initiative herself. The opposite case is more difficult to predict, because it will not seem natural for an Aquarius woman to deal with a man whose sign is subordinate to her. The Scorpio man will face the problems described above, but doubly aggravated by the fact that for him, as a man, the inability to control his woman and the supporting role next to her will look like weakness. At least the Aquarius woman will definitely not increase his self-confidence.

The love adventure or marriage of this couple will always be highly instructive, enlightening and interesting. It may not be harmonious, at least at first, but harmony can always be achieved by applying astrological wisdom, and conflicts between them are usually of the kind that cause both feelings and intellect to grow. Aquarius is ahead of Scorpio on the Karmic wheel of life and hence she can teach him some lessons, although he will never admit it. However, he is wise and sensitive enough to feel it, and will silently imitate her in more ways than he is willing to admit even to himself.

Scorpio Man - Aquarius Woman can either be a constant competition of conflicting desires, or a mature message of love to each other. A Scorpio man and an Aquarius woman who love each other will place his (and her) career first on their list of goals, and the security of their home second. Third place will be taken by offspring, and only then by personal hopes, dreams and desires.

Compatibility horoscope. Scorpio Man and Aquarius Woman

The compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Scorpio man is a controversial and complex issue.

Alone, these two live happily, they are interested in being together. In addition, they both do not pay any attention to prejudice. But from the outside it may seem as if Aquarius and Scorpio will simply wear each other out sooner or later.

About seduction

A Scorpio man can become seriously interested in an Aquarius woman only in two scenarios for the development of relationships: either a representative of the water sign of the zodiac will fall in love without memory, or he will be overcome by cold calculation.

In the first case, the Scorpio man is ready to be responsible in love. However, at the same time, he will not lose his head and will keep in mind that he and Aquarius are quite different.

Even a difference of views will not make a man grow cold towards his chosen one. This will be an ideal option for a girl of the air zodiac sign.

An Aquarius girl can easily seduce a Scorpio if she is truly feminine, hot and sexy. Aquarians have problems with the latter, since by nature they do not have a sexual aura; here it will be necessary to create an image of an attractive seductress.

What will happen in the second development of the scenario, when the Scorpio man acts out of profit? This is the most dangerous option that an Aquarius woman can get, and she won’t even notice the catch.

Scorpio will see and be able to appreciate the sincerity of the air sign of the zodiac and selflessness, then he will do his best to hide his true motives.

The only good thing is that Aquarius has flashes of insight from time to time; perhaps a woman will be able to see through the insidious Scorpio and his motives, which are far from pure love.

About the ideal couple

This couple does not leave themselves unnoticed. The Scorpio guy and the Aquarius girl instantly catch the eye of the people around them. They have some inexplicable power and attractiveness.

The Aquarius woman is always a bright and integral person; she is also friendly and easy to communicate with. This can be said about the water sign. Their compatibility gives rise to a relationship filled with mutual support and understanding.

As you know, a Scorpio man can be very sharp-tongued, and only an Aquarius woman is able to ignore his caustic remarks. And the whole point is that Aquarius is always pure and noble, there is nothing to convict her of.

Ideal compatibility of these zodiac signs will appear if you build relationships. After all, in the beginning they are more like a constant struggle. However, if representatives of these zodiac signs really love each other, their relationship will be ideal over time. Their union will be based not only on blind love, but also on respect.

About difficulties

Even the perfect compatibility of zodiac signs does not free them from difficulties and problems. Most often, problems arise due to the restless nature of Scorpio. A man born under this zodiac sign is jealous, hot-tempered, and domineering.

He absolutely does not like the excessive openness and sociability of Aquarius. However, the Aquarius woman will not be able to give up her freedom even for the sake of feelings, she will not be able to understand that now she needs to give up the entire outside world, this does not suit her.

Even if Scorpio is able to accept such openness from his beloved, it will be difficult for her to survive. He is more interested in the inner world rather than the external one, and he and his beloved are quite enough for him to satisfy the lack of communication.

About preserving peace

The compatibility of these zodiac signs will be ideal only when the Aquarius woman and Scorpio man learn to understand and accept. The best help for them in this matter will be a frank conversation.

It is impossible to change Scorpio, it is useless to prove something to him, you can only talk to him frankly, and, if necessary, put him in his place.

What to do to ensure that the compatibility of these zodiac signs is high:

  • A woman should not resort to criticism, appeal to conscience and conduct educational conversations. Scorpio will never succumb to such pressure.
  • In a conversation, you can resort to non-standard arguments and use psychological methods.
  • You shouldn’t test Scorpio’s patience by checking the boundaries of your permitted personal space from time to time.

The compatibility of this couple is high enough to ensure a favorable future for her! Provided that you make every effort to create and maintain a happy relationship.