Durer's Tarot: description of the deck and interpretation of the arcana. Interpretation of Durer's Tarot Durer's Tarot meaning

Durer Tarot

Original name: The Tarot of Dürer
Compiled by: Manfredi Toraldo / Manfredi Toraldo
Artist: Giacinto Godenzi (Gaudenzi) / Giacinto Gaudenzi
Publisher: Avvallon, Lo Scarabeo
Manufacturer: Italy
The year of publishing: 2009
Compound: 78 cards + instructions in Russian
Peculiarities: Strength - 11, Justice - 8.
Category: love-erotic deck

Albrecht Dürer, a German painter and engraver, was born in Nuremberg on May 21, 1471 in the family of a goldsmith. Dürer is rightfully considered one of the most important masters of the Northern Renaissance, and is considered to be the most skilled engraver of all time; the master's genius was recognized by his contemporaries, and he enjoyed the patronage of the authorities of that time. Even in his youth, as a student of the Nuremberg artist Michael Wolgemut, Dürer became interested in woodcuts. Imbued with the expressive possibilities of engraving, which corresponded to his spiritual inclinations, Dürer, in search of a path to improvement, traveled throughout Germany and its neighboring countries, after which he opened his own workshops. In the autumn of 1494, Dürer visited Italy. The main goal of his visit is Venice; he also stops briefly in Mantua, Padua and Pavia, where he will return again in 1505. Here he becomes an enthusiastic admirer of the Italian Renaissance, which greatly influenced his further work - his northern spirituality was filled with Italian mysticism. Thanks to his natural inclinations towards a synthetic understanding of things, Dürer comes to the use of allegories to fully express his thoughts. The most striking and brilliant example of this is a series of 15 engravings created by the artist in 1498 based on the subjects of “The Apocalypse of John the Evangelist.”

Inspired by the style of Albrecht Dürer, the Italian miniaturist Hyacinthe Godenzi created an illustrative series of this Tarot. Trying to penetrate the images of the Renaissance engraver, inspired by the life and way of thinking of the early 16th century, the modern master Godenzi developed a special heraldry of tarot cards, in which animals are used as comprehensive allegorical symbols. The twenty-two Major Arcana are decorated with corresponding Latin mottos. The fifty-six Minor Arcana are divided into four groups of fourteen cards per suit, which correspond to the four cosmic elements, whose symbols are metaphorical animals:

Cups - Water - Dove: Feelings, spirituality, white magic.
Pentacles - Earth - Eagle: Finance, material well-being, earthly power.
Maces - Fire - Leo: Bravery, fight, law and order.
Swords - Air - Fox: Initiative, clarity of thought, protection.

There's something really mysterious about this deck. There are 2 versions of the Durer deck -

1) black and white tarot, the deck contains only the Major Arcana, this is an earlier version of the deck, and, most likely, Durer’s original deck

2) color version, which already has both the Major and Minor Arcana. Although there is some debate in the tarot community about the authorship and name of the color version. In Russia, this deck was released in 2007 under the name “Tarot of the Transfiguration”, and there were no references to Durer and Giacinto Godenzi.

Both versions of the Durer Tarot belong to the Italian publishing house Lo Scarabeo, and they were drawn by the same artist - Giacinto Godenzi. The black and white version was the first created by the artist based on Dürer’s work, commissioned by the publishing house, and was published in 1989. The color version of the deck was finalized in collaboration with Manfredi Toraldo and published in 2002. Considering that Durer's black and white tarot can hardly be classified as erotic decks, we are essentially talking about two different decks, and not about a short and complete version of one deck. The colored version is also sometimes confused with the Decameron tarot, because... the artist is the same and the style of the images, respectively, too.


0. Madman (IL MATTO)
During the Middle Ages, human madness was the subject of frequent philosophical debate and controversial approaches. This theme is reflected in many literary works and paintings. Dürer developed this theme when he participated in the preparation of illustrations for the publication “Ship of Fools” (1494) by Sebastian Brant. In some cases madness was interpreted as demonic possession, while in others it was a sign of religious perfection, a hallmark of holiness and prophecy; There was also the extravagance of the jesters, which allowed them to communicate the unpleasant truth to the powers that be. In Tarot miniatures, the figures of madmen embody physical weakness and spiritual squalor. In Durer's interpretation, when the artist conveys the futile efforts of someone who wants to climb up the stairs without support, madness is a symbol of a challenge to the impossible, the unattainable.

I. The Magician (IL BAGATTO)
In the 15th century Tarot, this card represented either a gambler or a craftsman, a hint of a person’s ability to be prudent and conduct business with intelligence and dexterity in any type of activity, no matter what he undertakes. The image of the monkey, which appears for the first time in Dürer's Madonna of the Monkey (1497), is probably an allegory of human knowledge: just as the monkey imitates man, so man, this simia del (like the deities), tries to imitate the creator of the universe.

II. Papessa (LA PAPESSA)
In the late Middle Ages - a symbol of the Christian faith, over time the figure of the Pope acquired other meanings, often contradictory, sometimes becoming a symbol of heresy, as well as a symbol of esoteric secrets hidden behind religious dogmas. In Dürer's image, both meanings are presented simultaneously - the Shroud (Sudurium) as a symbol of faith and the reptile hiding among the logs as a symbol of doubt.

Traditionally, the image of the Empress embodies the intellectual virtues of people and their best qualities (understanding, kindness of soul, generosity, desire to serve good); the virtues inherent in an Italian greyhound (dog) stretched out at the feet of a woman firmly seated on a throne. A noble animal associated with the Moon, and therefore instinctively also indicates loyalty, devotion to moral principles and the ability to sacrifice oneself for the sake of ideas.

IV. The Emperor (L'IMPERATORE)
The image of the Emperor has not undergone significant changes throughout the history of the cards. He is usually depicted sitting on a throne. In his hands are attributes of secular power (a scepter and a golden ball), symbols of fertility and power over the world. Very often his legs are crossed - a ritual gesture associated with the medieval tradition of justice. Dürer also presented the Emperor in The Sun of Justice (1505) in this pose.

V. Dad (IL'PAPA)
Since ancient times, the figure of the Pope represents the Holy Church, and in a broader sense, in a figurative sense, the dogmas, sacraments, prayers contained in the keys of St. Peter, which make the salvation of the soul achievable by all believers.

In a complete departure from traditional Tarot iconography, Dürer took one detail from The Great Satyr (1498). This is how the artist, and not through marriage, decided to convey the joy of feelings, pleasure. These feelings were given great importance during pagan times, when they were at the center of rituals and holidays in honor of Orpheus and Dionysus. With the advent of Christianity, demonic powers began to be attributed to them, but during the Renaissance, this approach was revised simultaneously with all classical traditions (Ovid, Apuleius, etc.).

VII. Chariot (IL CARRO)
The image of the Chariot on Tarot cards has undergone changes over time, two options have appeared: this is the image of a victorious warrior, based on the example of the ancient triumphs of the Romans, which were again returned to during the Renaissance, or the figure of a richly dressed woman standing upright on a chariot drawn by griffins. In both cases, there is a desire to convey an allegory of glory, which makes some heroes immortal, bringing to the world the echo of their exploits. With this figure, Dürer avoided any association with traditional iconography, creating an image open to various interpretations.

Turning to his early engravings “Nemesis” and “Great Destiny,” created in 1502 based on the poetic text “The Mantle” (or “The Veil”) by the Italian humanist Angelo Poliziano, Dürer wanted to return this image to its original meaning. Nemesis, in fact, was the Greek goddess of Retribution, the guardian of the balance of peace and justice, which always brings chaos to order, and over time softens extremes.

IX. The Hermit (L'EREMITA)
Dürer's hermit is another variation on a theme that has been interpreted differently from the 15th century to the present day. A symbol of thought seeking to penetrate the secrets of nature, time and Holy Scripture, the Hermit in the Tarot is identified either with the Fathers of the Church, or with medieval ascetics, or with magicians, alchemists and philosophers who alone were able to perform a miracle and separate spirit from matter, soul from body.

X. Fortune (LA FORTUNA)
This image has also undergone numerous changes over time, moving further and further away from its original meaning. In the Middle Ages, the most common image of the "Wheel of Fate" represented some people clinging to the wheel; they rose and fell, holding in their hands cartouches with the inscriptions Regno, Regnobo, Sum Sine Regno, a clear allusion to the fickleness of Fortune. Dürer, despite proposing a new interpretation of the Wheel, managed to contrast the concept of Fortune with the concept of Virtus, that is, Fate blindly continues its path, sweeping away hopes and desires.

XI. Strength (LA FORZA)
During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Strength was depicted in many ways: "Hercules defeating the Lion of Nemean" and "Samson and the Lion" are the most common images of physical strength, while strength of spirit is represented by the image of a girl breaking a column or taming a lion. The image created by Dürer stands out among more ancient models for its expressive power and plasticity.

XII. The Hanged Man (L'APPESO)
The card whose meaning caused the largest number of conflicting interpretations. An image of detachment from material concerns, inner enlightenment, insight, the alchemist’s mercury... Such interpretations are caused by ignorance of medieval customs. In fact, the figure of the Hanged Man represents atonement for guilt; this is how apostates and traitors were punished or executed.

Death, the thirteenth card in the Tarot deck, is a number considered unlucky since ancient times. The card depicted a skeleton, menacingly swinging its scythe and striking people of various social groups. This topic was widely developed in the Middle Ages; it is enough to recall the large cycles in painting depicting dances of death or treatises on moral themes in the Ars Morendi or the theme of the Apocalypse and a series of famous engravings by Durer.

In the symbolism of Christianity, moderation is a virtue that in allegorical form expresses the ability to extinguish the fire of passions with the water of contemplation and the water of prayer, that is, conscience and good news, represented by an angel. This iconographic model remained unchanged over time, and Durer also turned to it, changing, however, the figure of “Melancholy” (1511), his earlier engraving.

To create the figure, Durer again turned to his work “Knight, Death and the Devil” (1511), where you can see the Devil following a horse. To complete the figure of the Devil, Dürer added new elements (snake, goat legs, Sabbath goat, sulfur smoke), which makes the sinister power of the depicted image almost tangible.

In medieval iconography, the destruction of a tower was always tantamount to retribution for human pride; punishment can be through natural forces, random - lightning, meteorites, fires, through military action or carried out by justice. In the Middle Ages, the height of the tower corresponded to the status of the family in whose possessions it was, and, often, as a result of the struggle between the warring parties, the victors ordered the height of the enemy’s tower to be reduced.

The iconography of this map was not uniform even in the Middle Ages;
In traditional Tarot decks, the most common was the astrological image, but in the aristocratic environment there was a drawing depicting a female figure holding a star, which could personify Venus.

Like the Star card, the image of the Moon in 15th-century Tarot decks featured a girl with a star or two astrologers taking measurements. In the next century, a composition with the image of the Moon, towers (the solstice gate) and the constellation Cancer (considered the home and refuge of the Moon) was established. When creating this image, Dürer gave free rein to his own imagination, harmoniously combining a number of symbolic signs traditionally under the auspices of the Moon: dogs, astrology, night, sleep (and dreams).

During the Renaissance, this card had different appearances: in an ornate version, it depicted Apollo holding the sun's luminary, while the traditional iconography of this card represented the Sun illuminating Diogenes in a barrel. In all cases, the Sun, from the most ancient times, has always been a symbol of the highest justice and moral purity, so that in the Middle Ages the Sun began to be correlated with Jesus Christ himself.

XX. The Last Judgment (IL GIVDIZIO)
The Last Judgment is a constant theme in the Christian religion. This moment, preceding the decisive battle between Good and Evil, has been developed in countless representations. The images correspond in most cases to the description presented in the Gospel of Matthew: “and he will send his angels with a loud trumpet, and they will gather the elect…” (24, 31); or: “and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised again” (27:52).

XXI. World, Universe (IL MONDO)
World map. The image on it has undergone great changes over time. In exquisite depictions of the Tarot, it is a ball with "Civitas Dei" (with everything of God), supported by two angels. In traditional, widespread Tarot decks, there is the same ball, but on it rises the figure of a girl-angel with a scepter. On maps of the 16th century, the figure of the “Soul of the World” appears in a ray-ornament of light with many evangelical symbols, an iconography used to this day. Dürer treated this theme in a very original way, placing the image of the city from the engraving “Sea Monster” (1498) next to a girl supporting him.

Miniature artist from Italy Giacinto Godenzi, inspired by the work of the master Durer, created illustrations for the deck of the same name. It describes the images of the Renaissance.

Typically, in the interpretation of tarot decks, the main importance is given to figures representing people. In Durer's deck, animals received allegorical symbols, becoming participants in the plot. The major arcana are decorated with Latin mottos. Animals represent natural elements and the 4 suits of the minor arcana.

Major Arcana of the Dürer deck

Let's consider the interpretation of the major arcana in a thematic interpretation:

Arcana Interpretation
Jester The classic image of feeble madness in Dürer's understanding is undergoing changes. Vain efforts without a sense of support and support, a challenge despite opportunities.
Businessman (Mage) Availability of potential and movement. Passions in love relationships, extrasensory abilities given by nature.
Priestess Confidence that cannot be shaken by doubt. Symbol of wisdom, intuition, knowledge. Shows ancestral values, charitable organizations.
Empress Progress, development of the situation, the emergence of new opportunities, an extraordinary personality with great creative potential in his field.
Emperor A confident, unshakable man. Shows a father, brother, husband, faithful companion, acting independently and not tolerating outside influence.
Hierophant The image of the priest is complemented by a dog lying at his feet. A symbol of fidelity and family values, nobility, respect, tribute to traditions and family customs.
Lovers A harmonious union of two people, a long-term love relationship, a successful partnership.
Chariot Movements and trips, business trips, relocation, change of residence, vacation. The chariot moves even without a specific goal.
Justice Profitable investments, business, project implementation, profit or recognition.
Hermit The card depicts a turtle as a symbol of long life, wisdom and patience. The person shown by the hermit lasso is a strategist, an introvert. The lasso also expresses a tendency towards loneliness, in order to understand one’s own personality.
Wheel of Fortune The butterfly shows moments of fleeting happiness and a successful period. The emergence of new opportunities, success, a state of internal transformation.
Force Man is capable of subduing the power of a lion. Power. Emotional and physical strength, confidence in one's own capabilities.
Hanged The lasso shows a young rooster. The state of the victim, inertia to current events, missed chances, reluctance to move forward, passive destructive waiting.
Death The dog walks around the gnawed bones. They symbolize internal transformation, a change in attitudes and values. The old life is destroyed, giving way to new opportunities.
Moderation The animal of the arcana is the ox. A sign of slowness, reliability, stability and balance.
Devil Attractiveness, magnetic sexuality, a bright personality who wants to control the situation, passionate love, a strong emotional connection that can be called mystical, passion for alcoholic drinks and other addictions.
Tower Destruction, quarrels, divorce. The events were expected. Moving, changing houses, the Tower also symbolizes buildings and government institutions.
Stars Talent for astronomy and clairvoyance. A merciful heart, service without profit. Daydreaming, lack of experience, child.
Moon Dreams, plans, hopes, searching for the truth, nitpicking over little things, fears and doubts.
Sun Moral and material well-being, prosperity, recognition, reward.
Court Receiving news, meetings, negotiations.
World Success, fame and glory, improvement of material well-being.

Minor Arcana

Let's look at the meanings of some of the minor arcana of the Dürer deck:

  • Ace of Cups – a state of peace, success, well-being, including financial;
  • Four of Cups - reliability, stable partnership, strong marriage;
  • Ace of Coins - the onset of a lucky streak for the implementation of projects and ideas;
  • Three of Coins - personal charm and abilities will lead to success;
  • The Ace of Swords is a well-deserved success, a triumph of the mind.

Durer Tarot Gallery

Greetings to all! Good news: I have unlocked a course on studying Durer's Tarot cards for everyone, and now you can familiarize yourself with the interpretations and meanings of the cards from this deck completely free of charge. A kind of New Year's gift.

Let's briefly talk about what the deck is and how it works.

Albrecht Dürer, a German painter and engraver, is considered one of the most significant masters of the Northern Renaissance, and is considered to be the most skilled engraver of all time. Thanks to his natural inclinations towards a synthetic understanding of things, Dürer used allegories to fully express his thoughts.

Inspired by Dürer's style, the Italian miniaturist Giacinto Godenzi created an illustrative series of Dürer Tarot. Trying to penetrate the images of the Renaissance engraver, inspired by the life and way of thinking of the early 16th century, the modern master Godenzi developed a special heraldry of Durer's Tarot cards, in which animals are used as comprehensive allegorical symbols. The 22 Major Arcana of the Durer Tarot are decorated with corresponding Latin mottos. The 56 Minor Arcana are divided into 4 groups of 14 cards per suit, which correspond to the four cosmic elements, whose symbols are metaphorical animals.

For some reason, it is believed that the Durer Tarot belongs to the Waitean traditions, but I may disagree here. I know from experience that this deck is closer to the Marseille school than to the above-mentioned one. This is even indicated by the fact that the Strength and Justice cards have changed their position in the deck - just like in the Marseille Tarot.

I'll warn you right away: the deck is very strong, and it needs a strong partner, so if you have never picked up cards, then you should not start with the Durer Tarot. The deck may be offended that you do not so clearly and clearly understand its symbolism and symbols, which carry a lot of useful information. The deck is suitable for more experienced tarot readers, or those who have at least some idea of ​​working with cards.

It is believed that the deck works well with issues related to the material aspects of life, but this is not the case. The deck works in all directions and will answer any question. The deck copes especially well with questions and tasks related to finding people - the images contain a lot of characteristic signs of the outside world that surrounds us: landscapes, forests, seas, and this will help you quickly navigate and give accurate clues about the location of the person who wanted. Durer's Tarot is perfect for tarot readers who find it quite difficult to guess for themselves and predict their future. This deck will get the job done.

Magicians and esotericists unanimously claim that these cards contain a special power from the other world, for which there are no unsolved mysteries. You will find a common language with the deck, and it will become your faithful companion and assistant. If you don’t respect the deck, it will answer you in kind, and you won’t get any help from it.

And one moment. Anyone who has learned something useful from the work can thank the author of the site using the donation system, which has recently been launched. You can make a payment in any amount, using a payment system convenient for you, in order to thank you for the work and effort spent on introducing you to Durer’s deck. Now you choose how much to pay for my work. Any tarot reader knows that work must be paid, and that knowledge will more than return the money spent.

Have a pleasant and interesting study. I hope that the sleepless nights spent studying the cards, and the days when work was carried out, and interpretations were honed for quality work through practice, had some meaning, and will resonate with admirers of the Tarot universe.

Let's consider the meaning of the Major Arcana in the Durer Tarot.

0. Madman

During the Middle Ages, human madness was the subject of frequent philosophical debate and controversial approaches. This theme is reflected in many literary works and paintings. Dürer developed this theme when he participated in the preparation of illustrations for the publication of “The Ship of Fools” (1494) by Sebastian Brant.

In some cases madness was interpreted as demonic possession, while in others it was a sign of religious perfection, a hallmark of holiness and prophecy; There was also the extravagance of the jesters, which allowed them to communicate the unpleasant truth to the powers that be. In Tarot miniatures, the figures of madmen embody physical weakness and spiritual squalor. In Durer's interpretation, when the artist conveys the futile efforts of someone who wants to climb up the stairs without support, madness is a symbol of a challenge to the impossible, the unattainable.

I. Businessman

In the 15th century Tarot, this Dürer Tarot card represented either a gambler or a craftsman, a hint at a person’s ability to be prudent and to conduct business with intelligence and dexterity in any type of activity, no matter what he undertakes. The image of the monkey, which appears for the first time in Dürer's Madonna of the Monkey (1497), is probably an allegory of human knowledge: just as the monkey imitates man, so man, this simia del (like the deities), tries to imitate the creator of the universe. (Paying tribute to tradition, in the modern edition of the Durer Tarot deck, the “Businessman” card was renamed “Magician”.)

II. Papess

In the late Middle Ages - a symbol of the Christian faith, over time the figure of the Pope acquired other meanings, often contradictory, sometimes becoming a symbol of heresy, as well as a symbol of esoteric secrets hidden behind religious dogmas. In Dürer's image, both meanings are presented simultaneously - the Shroud (Faith) and the reptile hiding among the logs (doubt).

III. Empress

Traditionally, the image of the Empress embodies the intellectual virtues of people and their best qualities in the Durer Tarot (understanding, kindness of soul, generosity, desire to serve good); the virtues inherent in an Italian greyhound (dog) stretched out at the feet of a woman firmly seated on a throne. A noble animal associated with the Moon, and therefore instinctively also indicates loyalty, devotion to moral principles and the ability to sacrifice oneself for the sake of ideas.

IV. Emperor

The Dürer Tarot card depicting the Emperor has not undergone significant changes throughout the history of the cards. He is usually depicted sitting on a throne. In his hands are attributes of secular power (a scepter and a golden ball), symbols of fertility and power over the world. Very often his legs are crossed - a ritual gesture associated with the medieval tradition of justice. The same Dürer presented the Emperor in “The Sun of Justice” (1505) in this pose.

V. Dad

Since ancient times, the figure of the Pope represents the Holy Church, and in a broader sense, in a figurative sense - the dogmas, sacraments, prayers contained in the keys of St. Peter, which make the salvation of the soul achievable by all believers.

VI. Lovers

Completely departing from the traditional iconography of the Tarot, Dürer took one detail from The Great Satyr (1498). This is how the artist, and not through marriage, decided to convey the joy of feelings, pleasure. These feelings were given great importance during pagan times, when they were at the center of rituals and holidays in honor of Orpheus and Dionysus. With the advent of Christianity, demonic powers began to be attributed to them, but during the Renaissance, this approach was revised simultaneously with all classical traditions (Ovid, Apuleius, etc.)

VII. Chariot

The image of the Chariot on Tarot cards has undergone changes over time, two options have appeared: this is the image of a victorious warrior, based on the example of the ancient triumphs of the Romans, which were again returned to during the Renaissance, or the figure of a richly dressed woman standing upright on a chariot drawn by griffins. In both cases, there is a desire to convey an allegory of glory, which makes some heroes immortal, bringing to the world the echo of their exploits. Meaning of Durer's Tarot: With this figure, Durer avoided any association with traditional iconography, creating an image open to multiple interpretations.

VIII. Justice

Turning to his early engravings "Nemesis" and "Great Destiny", created in 1502 based on the poetic text "Mantle" (or "Veil") by the Italian humanist Angelo Poliziano, Dürer wanted to return this image to its original meaning. Nemesis, in fact, was the Greek goddess of Retribution, the guardian of the balance of peace and justice, which always brings chaos to order, and over time softens extremes.

IX. Hermit

Dürer's hermit is another variation on a theme that has been interpreted differently from the 15th century to the present day. A symbol of thought seeking to penetrate the secrets of nature, time and Holy Scripture, the Hermit in the Tarot is identified either with the fathers of the church, or with medieval ascetics, or with magicians, alchemists and philosophers who, alone, were able to perform a miracle and separate spirit from matter, soul from body.

X. Fortune

This Tarot card has also undergone numerous changes over time, moving further and further away from its original meaning. In the Middle Ages, the most common image of the "Wheel of Fate" represented some people clinging to the wheel; they rose and fell, holding in their hands cartouches with the inscriptions Regno, Regnobo, Sum Sine Regno, a clear allusion to the fickleness of Fortune. The meaning of Durer's Tarot: despite proposing a new interpretation of the Wheel, Durer managed to contrast the concept of Fortune with the concept of Virtus, that is, Fate blindly continues its path, sweeping away the hopes and desires of the mind.

XI. Force

During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Strength was depicted in many ways: "Hercules defeating the Lion of Nemean", "Samson and the Lion" are the most common images of physical strength, while strength of spirit is represented by the image of a girl breaking a column or taming a lion. The image created by Dürer stands out among more ancient models for its plasticity and expressive power.

XII. Hanged

The card whose meaning caused the largest number of conflicting interpretations. An image of detachment from material concerns, inner enlightenment, insight, the alchemist's mercury... Such interpretations are caused by ignorance of medieval customs. In fact, the meaning of the Hanged Man in Durer's Tarot represents atonement for guilt, this is how apostates and traitors were punished or executed.

XIII. Death

Death is the thirteenth card in the Tarot deck, an unlucky number since ancient times. The card depicted a skeleton, menacingly swinging its scythe and striking people of various social groups. This topic was widely developed in the Middle Ages; it is enough to recall the large cycles in painting depicting dances of death or treatises on moral themes in the "Ars Morendi" or the theme of the "Apocalypse" and a series of famous engravings by Durer.

XIV. Moderation, abstinence

In the symbolism of Christianity, abstinence is a virtue that in allegorical form expresses the ability to extinguish the fire of passions with the water of contemplation and the water of prayer, that is, conscience and good news, represented by an angel. This iconographic model remained unchanged over time; Durer also turned to it, changing, however, the figure of “Melancholy” (1511), his earlier engraving.

XV. Devil

Meaning of Durer's Tarot: To create the figure of the devil, Durer again turned to his work "Knight, Death and the Devil" (1511), where you can see the Devil following a horse. To complete the figure of the Devil, Dürer added new elements (snake, goat legs, Sabbath goat, sulfur smoke), which makes the sinister power of the depicted image almost tangible.

XVI. Tower

In medieval iconography, the destruction of a tower was always tantamount to the punishment of human pride; punishment can be through natural forces, random - lightning, meteorites, fires, through military action or carried out by justice. In the Middle Ages, the height of the tower corresponded to the status of the family in whose possessions it was, and, often, as a result of the struggle between the warring parties, the victors ordered the height of the enemy’s tower to be reduced.

XVII. Star

The iconography of this card was not uniform even in the Middle Ages: in traditional Tarot decks, an astrological image was common, but in the aristocratic environment there was a drawing depicting a female figure holding a star, which could personify Venus.


Like the Star card, the image of the Moon in 15th-century Tarot decks featured a girl with a star or two astrologers taking measurements. In the next century, a composition with the image of the Moon, towers (the solstice gate) and the constellation Cancer (considered the home and refuge of the Moon) was established. When creating this image, Dürer gave free rein to his own imagination, harmoniously combining a number of symbolic signs traditionally under the auspices of the Moon: dogs, astrology, night, sleep (and dreams).

XIX. Sun

During the Renaissance, this tarot card appeared differently: in an elegant version, it depicted Apollo holding the sun's luminary, while the traditional iconography of this card represented the Sun illuminating Diogenes in a barrel. In all cases, the Sun, from the most ancient times, has always been a symbol of the highest justice and moral purity, so that in the Middle Ages the Sun began to be correlated with Jesus Christ himself.

XX. Court

The Last Judgment is a recurring theme in Christian art. This moment preceding the decisive battle between Good and Evil has been developed in countless representations. The images correspond in most cases to the description presented in the Gospel of Matthew: “and he will send his angels with a loud trumpet, and they will gather the elect...” (24, 31); or: “and the tombs were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised” (27, 52).

XXI. World

The World Tarot card, the image on it has undergone great changes. In Dürer's exquisite Tarot images, it is a ball with "Civitas Dei" (with everything of God), supported by two angels. In traditional, widespread Tarot decks, there is the same ball, but on it rises the figure of a girl-angel with a scepter. On maps of the 16th century, the figure of the “Soul of the World” appears in a ray-ornament of light with many evangelical symbols, iconography used to this day. Dürer treated this theme in a very original way, placing the image of the city from the engraving “Sea Monster” (1498) next to a girl supporting him.

Albrecht Dürer, a German painter and engraver, was born in Nuremberg on May 21, 1471 in the family of a goldsmith. Dürer is rightfully considered one of the most important masters of the Northern Renaissance, and is considered to be the most skilled engraver of all time; the master's genius was recognized by his contemporaries, and he enjoyed the patronage of the authorities of that time. Even in his youth, as a student of the Nuremberg artist Michael Wolgemut, Dürer became interested in woodcuts. Imbued with the expressive possibilities of engraving, which corresponded to his spiritual inclinations, Dürer, in search of a path to improvement, traveled throughout Germany and its neighboring countries, after which he opened his own workshops. In the autumn of 1494, Dürer visited Italy. The main purpose of his visit is Venice; he also stops briefly in Mantua, Padua and Pavia, where he will return again in 1505. Here he becomes an enthusiastic admirer of the Italian Renaissance, which greatly influenced his further work - his northern spirituality was filled with Italian mysticism. Thanks to his natural inclinations towards a synthetic understanding of things, Dürer comes to the use of allegories to fully express his thoughts. The most striking and brilliant example of this is a series of 15 engravings created by the artist in 1498 based on the subjects of “The Apocalypse of John the Evangelist.”

Inspired by the style of Albrecht Durer, the Italian miniaturist Hyacinte Godenzi created an illustrative series of this Tarot. Trying to penetrate the images of the Renaissance engraver, inspired by the life and way of thinking of the early 16th century, the modern master Godenzi developed a special heraldry of Tarot cards, in which animals are used as comprehensive allegorical symbols. The twenty-two Major Arcana are decorated with corresponding Latin mottos. The fifty-six Minor Arcana are divided into four groups of fourteen cards in suit, which correspond to the four cosmic ones, whose symbols are metaphorical animals: Cups - Water - Dove: Feelings, spirituality, white magic. Pentacles - Earth - Eagle: Finance, material well-being, earthly power. Maces - Fire - Leo: Bravery, fight, law and order. Swords - Air - Fox: Initiative, clarity of thought, protection.
I - Magician (IL BAGATTO):“No one can hide behind a mask.” Here the cat’s cunning complements the Arcana Magician, indicating talent, creativity and dynamism. Skill and diplomatic abilities, implementation of plans; passionate love; vocation to the magical arts; natural psychic abilities. A brave woman with organizational skills.

II - The High Priestess (LA PAPESSA):“No mortal is closer to the gods.” The High Priestess contains confidence that knows no doubt. The basis for this is the snake, symbolizing intuition, wisdom, knowledge and maturity. Mother, friend, confessor, professional, director. Charitable organization, large company, factory. Family values. An important figure, an influential and charismatic person.

III - Empress (L"IMPERATRICE):"No one can know everything." The influence of the monkey's intuition dominates the Empress: progress, development and innovation. The mother of the family, a strong and serious person with creative potential in her work. Mobile, capable of changing every day. An extraordinary, keenly sensitive person with developed taste and well-expressed artistic talents.

IV- Emperor (LIMPERATORE):“No one will command without learning to obey.” The vulture, symbolizing steadfastness in protecting the Emperor, who carefully holds the attributes of power. A young man who inspires confidence, an ideal; lifelong companion, father and friend. Preference for a typically male style of action rather than female management.

V - Hierophant (IL PAPA):“Wisdom cannot be improvised: virtue cannot be invented.” The dog lying at the feet of the Hierophant is a synthesis of his values: nobility, attentiveness and respect for family traditions. Elder, celebrity in profession: lawyer, doctor, engineer, teacher, priest, missionary, banker, judge. Senior, reliable companion.

VI.- Lovers (GLIAMANTI):“There are no difficulties for those who love.” The motto, supported by the love play of a pair of doves, symbolizes the Lovers in harmony with the Universe. Long-term love union, harmony, strong friendship and business contracts. Right choice. Good news. Tendency to learn, demonstrated concern for children, animals and plants.

VII- Chariot (IL CARRO):“Those who are everywhere are actually nowhere.” Like a mouse, which, having no attachments, can move freely as it pleases. The chariot is ready to roll even without a goal or direction, controlled by anyone. Indicates travel, movement, moving and changing jobs, change in stagnant situations, victory in an argument; communications, transport, tourism.

VIII- Justice (LA CIUSTIZIA):“There is a right solution for everything.” Justice, true as a sleeping dog, indicates decisive events and causal circumstances in legal and civil disputes. Realization of plans, well-managed commercial business, successful profitable investments. A well-deserved reward or praise. A peacemaker in the family and society, a physiologist or psychologist.

IX- Hermit (L"EREMITA):“Truth lies only in doubt.” The turtle, a symbol of longevity, creates an atmosphere of wisdom acquired through life experience, complemented by the prudence and patience that the Hermit displays. Political strategist, prominent experienced figure, outstanding personality, luminary. Also waiting, distance, sacrifice, melancholy, loneliness, private sanatorium. Philanthropist, acting cabbage soup and incognito.

H. - Wheel of Fortune (LA RUOTA DELLA FORTUNA):"Ride the Wheel of Fortune." The butterfly has the same short life as the moments of luck that need to be seized, and this shows the timely “saddle” of the Wheel of Fortune. Opportunities, good timing, success. Inner growth and maturity. The overall change is in a good direction. Positive situations in life: winning, society, friendship. Willingness to face failure.

XI- Strength (LA FORZA):"Strength overcomes strength." The beastly power of a lion is in the power of man. The power of persuasion and personal charm. Positive energies. Strength based on physical, moral, and spiritual energy, aimed at protecting the rights of the weaker. Deliberate sacrifice. Restoration of strength. The predominance of soul and intellect over instincts and physical roughness.

XII- The Hanged Man (LAPPESO):“Waiting for better times, there are many hidden dangers.” The young rooster guards and carries out the meaning of the Arcana, symbolizing the sacrifice of morality, reflection, expectations and passivity in trials. Stagnation in feelings, love, business and profession. Mission or difficult tasks for which there are no funds. Long-term debt or loan. Bureaucratic delays. Postponement of deadlines.

XIII- Death (LA MORTE):“Changing what needs to change.” This Arcana is dominated by a dog scurrying around bones that have been completely cleared of remains: this is a radical transformation, a spiritual or mental change, an unexpected manifestation or improvement of abilities. Breaking old values, opening new horizons. Changes in your personal life, at work, at home, a complete change.

XIV- Temperance (LA TEMPERANZA):
"We learn to live for the sake of life." The ox, thoughtful and good-naturedly calm, symbolizes Moderation, balance, peaceful intentions and reliability. Receiving spiritual support from a parent, spouse, teacher, colleague, or friend. Positive family principles. Skillful management in trade or business. Careful attitude towards people and spiritual values.

XV - Devil (LADIAVOLO):“Crime.., deception...”. The lasso contains inexhaustible mental energies and powerful attractiveness. Strong personality, dominance, passionate and lasting love; recovery from serious illnesses. Resolving disputes with justice. Craving for excesses: alcohol, drugs, gambling, smoking. Dangerous investments, compromising, ambiguous transactions.

XVI- Tower (LA TORRE):“It is foolish to fear what is inevitable.” The motto talks about events that will inevitably happen, being quite predictable in the lives of some of us: family discord, a quarrel among friends, a change of home, a deterioration in financial situation. Tower - also represents family hearth, real estate, home holidays, hotel, construction business and real estate trade.

XVII- Stars (LE STELLE):“Everything is pure for the pure.” Natural talent for astrology and clairvoyance. Idealism, charity and voluntary service. Purpose in art, pedagogy, psychology, veterinary medicine and music. Young children, emotional teenagers, immature youth. Excessive avoidance of reality, daydreaming with open eyes, unrealistic projects.

XVIII - Moon (LA LUNA):“Everything in the world is eternal...” (said in the Holy Scriptures). The world of the Moon is conducive to boundless imagination, faith, dreams, the search for mysticism, ghostly and illusory perception. Whims, petty niggles, but also romantic dreams, expected motherhood, clarification of confusing, dubious and mysterious situations.

XIX- Sun (IL SOLE):"This is a sign of prosperity." Spiritual and material prosperity.
Receiving rewards, winnings, insurance profits. Inheritance. Increased financial profit. New winning acquaintances, long-term friendships, harmony in friendship and family. A strong position at work. Rapid progress in professional studies and activities, research, successful passing of exams.

XX – Cyd (ILGIUDIZIO):“Everyone is the creator of his own destiny.” Messages, announcements, important notifications. Important business meetings. Compliance with discipline and law. Atonement for physical and moral offenses and sins. Thermal and cleansing agents, methods of healing the body and spirit. Restructuring or reorganization of a company, change in commercial activities.

XXI - World (IL MONDO):"Work leading to immortality." Complete success in the fields of literature, linguistics, communications and fine arts. International fame and prize. Fame and popularity. Academic degree, prestigious place of work. Travel or vacation abroad. Growing company and expanding business activities, professional growth, salary increase; harmony in the family and in the outside world.

0 - Fool (IL MATTO):"The Wisdom Behind the Veil." The Fool Arcana, the most significant in the deck and not having a numerical value, with the help of a prophecy crow indicates an accident that can unexpectedly change course; dramatic turn of events. News, possible meetings, brilliant inventions. A talented intellectual, a person with creative and extraordinary ideas.

Bowls (SORRE)
Ace - Well-being, including spiritual values; prosperity, children, favor of fate, union.
2 - Serene marriage, harmony in partnership, lasting passion. New alliances.
3 - Success, prestige and satisfaction. Humanitarian and charitable societies.
4 - Reliability, stability, achievement. Right choice. Home or future home.
5 - Restoration, coordination. Bringing back friendships and affairs from the past.
6 - Resumption of activity, new prospects. Long-term projects.
7 - Positive results, benefits and profitability. A good turn of events leading to prosperity.
8 - Waiting. Resolving or clarifying unresolved or questionable situations.
9 - Clarity, calm, completion. Achieving the goal. A successful career.
10 - Reward, completion. Profitable proposition. Spiritual enrichment.
Page (FANTE DI SORRE) - An open, reliable, sensitive young man. Intelligent and generous nature.
Knight (CAVALIERE DI SORRE) - Dating, travel, successful and encouraging trips of a personal nature.
Queen (REGINA DI SORRE) - Companion, relative, partner, ideal friend; a benevolent person who knows how to love and console.
King (RE DICOPPE) - A noble man with an exceptional sense of duty; generous and trustworthy.
Pentacles (DENARI)
Ace - A favorable moment for a profitable business, personal achievements and career.
2 - Difficult choice between equally attractive and successful situations,
3- Total success due to personal enthusiasm and ability. Protection and help from above.
4- Financial stability. The moment is good to reap the fruits of your activities,
5- Suspension of negotiations and long wait for a decision. Overcoming difficulties.
6- Time spent on unnecessary troubles. Energy and resources wasted in whirlwind and empty projects.
7- Opportunity to gain respect and acquire affection. Successful material investments,
8- Growth, expansion, rewarded efforts. Honesty, loyalty and clarity of thought.
9 - Prestigious position. Completion of the project. Possible additional income.
10 - Economic stability and confidence. Inheritance. Strengthening spiritual attachments.
Page (FANTE DI DENARI) - Studying youth, young generous person. Positive news.
Knight (CAVALIERE DI DENARI) - Efficiency and perseverance. A person gifted with leadership qualities.
Queen (REGINA DI DENARI) - Generous; a woman with a noble soul. Hard work in work, business and life.
King (RE DI DENARI) - An elderly man, educated, competent in financial matters. An excellent father of the family.
Ace - A positive start to the transition to a leadership position. Renewal, strength, abundance.
2- Power, pride, maturity. Change in position with a tendency towards further advancement.
3- Application, commercial activities, transport. Diplomatic and business negotiations.
4- Satisfaction, financial stability and peace in the family. Home holiday.
5- Labor and perseverance, bringing well-deserved results, income and progress.
6- Reward for patience and resilience. Overcoming obstacles and difficulties.
7- Activity for growth and prosperity. The ability to act and avoid problems.
8- Triumph of truth. Realization of business plans. Quiet life in the country.
9- Resolution of confusing and difficult situations. Good desired result of negotiations.
10. - Radical changes. Self-affirmation. Intellectual and creative potential.
Page (FANTE DI BASTONI) - A trusting, reasonable and attentive friend. Ability to keep secrets. Cheerful and optimistic character.
Knight (CAVALIERE DI BASTONI) - A middle-aged man with an independent character, inquisitive, and a lover of travel.
Queen (REGINA DI BASTONI) - A sincere, intelligent woman, characterized by sociability and love of nature.
King (RE DI BASTONI) - A warm-hearted and wise middle-aged man, always ready to help. Life outside the city.
Swords (SPADE)
Ace - Well-deserved conquests and honors, achievement and success. The conquering power of intellect.
2- Opposites attract. Union, intimacy, cooperation; cultural circles. Call.
3- Contradiction, bewilderment and uncertainty. Loss of finances, depression.
4- Obstacles, physical and spiritual isolation; controversy, loss, destructive extremism.
5- Unpleasant situation at work, in the family, with friends; a period of stagnation in resolving legal issues and bureaucratic delays.
6- Unexpected events that change plans in work, love and travel.
7- Successful resolution of protracted personal, legal and business conflicts.
8- Regrets, quarrels, defeat. Loss of credibility, sanctions. Wrongful conviction.
9- An overwhelming decision, relaxation, sacrifice. A time of religious or philosophical reflection.
10 - The hand of fate helps to overcome obstacles; unpleasant moments that bring positive changes.
Page (FANTE DI SPADE) - A brave person who knows how to control and maintain order in his life and his loved ones.
Knight (CAVALIERE DI SPADE) - A brave young man who knows how to protect the weak. A social environment with established rules and order.
Queen (REGINA DI SPADE) - An elderly woman with a sharp mind. Independent, older friend. Confessor.
King (RE DI SPADE) - A man with no aging soul who has fulfilled his duty in life.