How to tell fortunes with playing cards 54 cards. Fortune telling with playing cards online

It is generally accepted that for fortune telling you need to use special cards, and playing cards cannot tell the whole truth. But this is a myth - there are proven methods of fortune telling with playing cards that are in no way inferior to classical methods. Let's talk about the most popular layouts and meanings of playing cards.

Online fortune telling with playing cards

To lay out a deck of cards, click on it:

Cards drawn:

The decoding of all cards can be seen.

There are certain rules that must be followed if you decide to tell fortunes with playing cards. Here they are:

  • You must have one, your own deck - only its owner can guess on playing cards: other people’s cards will “deceive”
  • Before the fortune telling session, you need to concentrate and clearly imagine your goal - what exactly you want to know. A correctly formulated question is the key to success
  • You need to trust that the cards will tell the truth. Skeptics and non-believers in the power of fortune telling should stop trying to tell fortunes.

It's simple - get ready, prepare your deck, clearly decide what you need to ask, and go ahead!

The meaning of the cards

After you receive the layout, you will need to decipher it. Here's what each card means:

  • Six - portends an important meeting or romantic date
  • Seven - promises luck and extraordinary success in all endeavors
  • Eight - falls to difficulties, troubles, problems and difficulties
  • Nine is the image of a rival, a competitor, a woman who has a negative attitude towards you: she is jealous or wishes harm
  • Ten - a situation will arise in the fortuneteller’s life in which he will have to make an important choice that will affect the course of his future life
  • Valet - a familiar young man from your circle
  • Lady - a girl from the fortuneteller’s close circle: relative, beloved woman, friend
  • The king is a man from the fortuneteller’s inner circle: lover, husband, friend, brother, father
  • Ace is the personification of love, and mutual: you won’t have to suffer from unrequited feelings

The suit of the card also matters:

  • Hearts mean mutual feelings of a romantic nature: infatuation, love, strong sympathy
  • Diamond cards foretell important news in the life of a fortuneteller. Moreover, the news will be pleasant and bring a lot of joy
  • Club (cross) cards - personify the material side of a fortuneteller’s life, can tell about financial affairs, attitude towards money
  • Spades cards are always for something negative - problems, difficulties, conflicts and troubles

Popular layouts

Free fortune telling for the future

Pick up a deck of playing cards and clearly formulate a question whose answer interests you. It is important that the question is closed, that is, it can only be answered “Yes” or “No.”

For example: “Will the young man (name) ask me out on a date?” Or: “Will I get money for the business I have in mind?”

Draw one of the cards at random. If the card comes up in the heart suit, the answer is yes. Peak - negative. Diamonds indicate that you can get a positive answer, but you will have to work hard. Clubs warn: you are thinking about the wrong thing, switch your attention to more important matters.

Fortune telling using one card

Also a very simple version of fortune telling. Do everything as in the previous case, but you can ask an open question - then the card that comes out will tell you what to pay attention to and what awaits you.

For example, you asked: “What awaits me tomorrow” and the jack of spades came up. This means that the next day promises a meeting with a young man from your environment who is negatively disposed towards you (see the meanings of the cards that we described in the first section).

Fortune telling for love

This version of fortune telling is suitable for those who want to find out what awaits them in their personal life. How to guess:

Shuffle the cards thoroughly. Select a card in advance that will represent the person you are interested in. For example, if your chosen one is a dark-haired older man, he will be the king of spades. If it's a young blonde girl - the queen of hearts

Take this card out and place it in the center of the table. Divide the remaining deck at random into 9 parts and place the top card face up:

  • Three stacks are above the central card. This is what happened in the past in your relationship
  • Three piles are under the central card. This is what awaits you and your other half in the future
  • The remaining three piles are your current relationships

See the meanings of the cards in the first section of the article.

Watch the video about fortune telling with playing cards:

Another option for the future

Before starting fortune telling, you need to remove all sixes from the deck. Then you must wish for any card that comes to mind first.

  • Shuffle the deck thoroughly and divide it into two equal piles
  • Choose one of the piles to which your heart lies most
  • Set one card from the pile aside and divide the remaining cards into three equal piles.

As a result, you will have four stacks of cards:

What is in the first is the personification of the person who is being told fortunes. His desires, aspirations, goals. The second pile is family life, predicts events that will take place in the house. The third contains cards that will indicate in which direction you need to move. And the fourth is unexpected events that will happen in the very near future.

How to check cards before fortune telling?

To be sure that the cards will tell the truth, they need to be checked before fortune telling. To do this, shuffle the deck, close your eyes and mentally transfer your energy to the cards. Then ask the question: “Will you tell the truth or a lie?” and take out any card. If it is red, you can guess. If it is black, it is better to postpone fortune telling until a more opportune moment.


We take the deck into our hands and, without shuffling, begin to put aside three cards at a time, opening them like a fan on the table. The layout should have five fans of cards, located one below the other. These triads of cards are interpreted, starting from the top, as follows: “what was, what will be, for the home, how the heart will calm down, for the lady (king) personally.”

The last sixteenth card is placed face down on the base of the last triad of cards. We will reveal this card as the last one after completing the interpretation of the resulting layout of cards. It will give the main tone to the entire interpretation. If this is a favorable card, then difficulties that could have arisen earlier will be overcome. If this card is unfavorable, then, even in the case of favorable previous cards, the interpretation of the layout will be unhappy.

To this end, there are one male and one female character cards. Thus, the questioner is taken directly to the reference. If you ask Lenormand would like to have straight answers and have problems that affect everyday life in general. They just want to know “for sure” and get answers. The meanings of the cards are adapted to practical life. Unlike Tarot, there are real lucky and unlucky cards. However, the importance of the cards can be variable here, depending on the location.

Existing troubles can be nullified on a sequence map. Today, this is not always intended, firstly, because this view is no longer seen as the cause for the biblical Fall and, secondly, it also points to other contents. The question poses many firm statements: the combinator or the plot as a whole is requested, the old meaning, of course, corresponds.

The meaning of the cards


You don’t even imagine what wealth will fall on your head. Bad cards can only talk about delaying this, but cannot overpower this card. A big holiday is coming on your street.


This card warns you of possible rash decisions. Be more prudent and think better about your actions.

This also applies to rivals in love or business. However, it is a snake on the personal card, which means that either the questioner is not being honest or - extended by today's symbolism - that the person is grabbing the land by force. The first mother and creation were brought in ancient times with the snake in direct connection.

The dog card shows loyalty, even devotion. Although this is also used in love before, but in this case there is a special card with a red heart. The Lenormand cards are a very useful tool for situations to “interpret” and “see” properly. It's not about things like life paths or even initiations - it's about material reality. These works do not put the wisdom of the ancients or the accumulated knowledge of thousands of years, but you can find a lot of plump life in all variations.


This card speaks of an unsettled personal life. The reason for this should be seen in the surrounding cards.


You are very timid and delicate. This is the reason for your failures in your personal life. Show more firmness and character and everything will work out.


You may lose money because of your kindness. Try to refrain from charity in the near future.

This one with many colorful little paintings can actually “tell fortunes”, this is truly a surprising but inexplicable fact. Our subconscious - we'll leave it for the duration of the hour's card reading with a slightly freer hand - reacts to a combination of images. This is exactly the language that he understands and can implement.

The body language of our fellow human beings tells us more than we consciously see - but these messages slip, our unread mind turns on, right up to the submission of the subconscious. At least, as a rule, this is the case in everyday life. So, we already know something about being a colleague doesn't mean he's too honest - but it's only when we see the snake image along with the image of work and professionalism that we call this information out again.


Disappointment in business. You are tired of overcoming endless obstacles, and your hands have already given up. Be careful with your friends - there are imaginary ones among them.


This card speaks of a pleasant event that you are expecting. The interpretation depends on the surrounding cards. With bad cards this event will not happen, but with good cards it will happen.

It sounds pretty simple, but it's not. There are an incredible amount and complex processes required to release this information - but it happens so quickly that we project the findings directly onto the map. However, the flash of an image from the future has already left some surprised and perhaps frightened - but the more you deal with this type of environment, the clearer the idea can be. One who learns to perceive internal images, it is possible here and there to look at the conditions that will take place, or at least maybe.


Not a bad, quite strong card. In a neutral environment it means fulfillment of desires. If neighboring cards warn of obstacles and failures, then its presence makes them surmountable.


Wonderful, strong card. It is interpreted as unexpected success, luck, luck. This card neutralizes the effect of bad cards and enhances the influence of good ones.

Working with Lenormand can be very interesting - whether to approach it very seriously now, or only the “random card” has its fun. In the end, life wants to be lived, and not “displayed” for the day to fly by. A guide to cartography for editors, editors and designers.

The map worked as a comparative chart: Germany was limited - on the left; on the right, possessions of the British Empire at the time. The magazine wondered why Germans, nearly ninety million, should "exist" in such a small area when the British dominated a quarter of the world. Indirectly, it also depicted the supposedly disadvantaged war relations of the Nazis against their giant rival.


An old man who is quite close to the fortuneteller. This could be an old friend or relative with whom you maintain a good, sincere relationship.

Queen of Hearts

For a man, this card means deep love or a passionate romance. For a woman, this card is a warning about the existence of a dangerous and successful rival.

All the cards are there, but some are there more than others. Make a mistake similar to the one posted in Facts in Review. One cannot compare phenomena such as the scale of a tragedy or the relative military strength of several countries without adjusting for other variables: population, investment in the military, industrial production, etc. a flood in a more or less empty area of ​​a developed country is not the same as something else that happens in a poor and populous nation.

Therefore, the world map projection should not be used. This is the corresponding projection: on a map, the intersection of two straight lines has the same angle as on the globe; Therefore, Mercator's map was originally intended for navigation. The fact that the angles are maintained and, as a result, the contours of the continental lines are drawn accurately, makes it easier to follow the routes.


An important official who is ready to help the fortuneteller, but a successful outcome is unlikely due to possible friction between them.


Interpreted as home and family happiness. It can mean news from friends and family, in short, close people. Domestic troubles and a possible change of environment are important.

But the Mercator projection, like many other relevant projections, distorts the relative sizes of regions. Comparison of Greenland with South America; or Alaska with the rest of the United States. I assure you that there is nowhere in Greenland the same size as Brazil. Or think of this map as American propaganda during the Cold War: it would have been much easier to convince the public of the serious Soviet threat; after all, the territory of the communist empire seems monstrous.

Beyond forecasts, sometimes exaggerated distortion of areas on a map is not only inevitable, but necessary. Imagine that you are about to publish election results in a country where there are huge differences in population density. If you just do it with a traditional map, it turns out that the party that wins in less populated and larger regions has a huge weight.


If the alignment of other cards is favorable, this card says that your passion for this person may end in marriage. Otherwise, this novel will distract you from your business, and you will abandon a very good project.


Disputes and problems. They will be everywhere, both in personal life and in business. In a family, disagreements can lead to divorce, and in business, to a change of partners.

Previous anecdotes suggest that cartography is a virgin landscape that will be explored by journalists and designers. Not only to avoid mistakes, but also to find ways to present data and phenomena. The aforementioned How to Lie with Cards, especially its introduction and three initial chapters, is a good starting point for the curriculum. When this is completed, you will have some knowledge of the terminology and underlying principles. Monmonier writes with the elegance of a teacher with many books behind him.

It's clear, precise and fun. The book goes back to the origins of geographic representation and reaches today, when the public no longer only uses maps, but manipulates and shares them thanks to the abundance of digital digital tools.


Unpleasant conversations or quarrels in the family are possible. Decide everything yourself; you should not follow the lead of relatives or friends. But an old friend will give you good advice.


You will prosper. Everything will be fine with you both materially and in your personal life. Your marriage will be long and happy. Friends will be faithful to you for many years.

It is also important to learn about thematic maps. Some of my favorite books include Thematic Mapping and Visualization by Terry Slocum. Although some of the information it contains is too technical for a journalist, this volume is a gem. In it you will learn what it is and how to design cholerept maps, proportional symbols, points and, along the way, give key statistical concepts for the analysis of phenomena that can be shown about the territory in which they occur.

In Spain, you can take a look at "Geographical Handling of Information" by Professor Tomás Cortizo Alvarez. Why conduct such research? We know the most popular ones! This will speed up the attack, and this type of need is perfectly illustrated by the one we described yesterday.


The card warns of an unsuccessful early marriage. Scandals in the family are possible.


This card speaks of losses in business or gambling. In the near future, it means failure for all endeavors. “Don’t rush to make a choice - you may make a mistake” - this is the motto of this card.


The interpretation of this card depends on the surrounding cards. It means marriage, travel or just pleasant flirting. Sometimes this card means a pleasant conversation that will take place the other day.


The card means the need for money. You will need them to realize your plans. Do not expect solutions to your financial difficulties in the presence of bad cards. The money will not appear soon.


This card means money or important documents related to receiving money. Sometimes it should be understood as a possible path or a quick marriage.


For women, this card means bad news that an older man will tell her. For men, the meaning of this card is determined by the cards adjacent to it. Perhaps the news will not be entirely sad.

Queen of Diamonds

A young active woman capable of conducting business negotiations. In conjunction with other cards, it can mean a dangerous and jealous woman. Sometimes it is interpreted as a homewrecker, for example, if this card fell for a married man.


A business man, a dangerous rival in everything - in love and business. Money floats into his hands, and luck is usually on his side.


Means money or gift. In the vicinity of ten it is interpreted as a letter or other papers. For a woman, this means an engagement ring.


Don't count on your friends for help. Rely only on yourself, and all your plans will come true.


This card signifies courtship. It can warn of an unexpected marriage with a stranger or an unsuccessful courtship.


You are surrounded by unscrupulous people. It can lead you to unhappiness and great losses. The map warns of danger.


With this card, a marriage is possible that promises prosperity or a love affair with a wealthy and reliable person. Your partnership will be beneficial for both. You should pay attention to the meaning of neighboring cards.


This card means success in business and successful negotiations. You will receive good, practical advice that is worth taking. You can borrow money.


If the rest of the situation is good, this card means success and luck. You should be careful with people of the opposite sex.


Possible careless handling of money. You can invest in them in an ill-conceived project or even lose at cards. The card warns of probable losses.


This card is interpreted as arguments with friends, stubbornness that can ruin your endeavors and ruin your personal life.


A very good card, meaning the rapid growth of material well-being, good luck and luck in business. The card is very strong. It reduces the effect of bad cards.


A virtuous boyfriend or girlfriend who occupies a good position in society. This person will be a faithful and reliable assistant in all your affairs. You can rely on him.

Queen of Clubs

For a man, this card indicates that next to him is a beautiful woman of high moral qualities. For a woman, this card means an old and faithful friend.


A faithful friend and advisor for a fortune-telling man and a relative for a fortune-telling woman. For men, this card is sometimes interpreted as a lucky rival in love affairs.


It means success, wealth, fame, a large circle of friends who can help in achieving brilliant results.


This card warns of separation from a loved one, changes for the worse. Other cards will indicate the reason for these changes. Sometimes this card means death.


Your love will end due to disappointment. You shouldn’t worry about this for a long time - you can’t return the past. Get busy and get everything out of your head.


Everything will be very bad - business and personal life. The reason could be your jealousy or illness. Get ready to face trouble.


Sometimes you worry for no reason. Don't get discouraged so easily. With good surrounding cards, you will be happy in your family life and achieve success in business.


This card means vain dreams and desires. But don’t give up - persistent work can change the course of fate. All in your hands.


Unpleasant conversation. It is better to refrain from discussing important matters, because you will not be able to convince that you are right. It's better to wait out this time.


This card suggests that your friends are very unreliable. You cannot be as frank with them and rely on them as you do. You should be more careful. But you still have time to prevent trouble.


A very bad and strong card. It means material loss, illness, tears, bad news. The effect of this card cannot be neutralized by any other card.


This is a very bad, but very strong card. It neutralizes the effect of good cards and enhances the effect of bad ones. Means failure, disappointment, tears, sadness.


Unreliable partner in business. Often this card means the collapse of some business; it is sometimes called “empty troubles.”

Queen of Spades

Card of a cruel and immoral woman. It represents evil and worsens the meaning of neighboring cards. This is an insidious woman who can pretend to be your friend, but in reality she is your dangerous enemy.


A person who can destroy your business and family life. In combination with other cards, it means a warning to a woman that there is a completely worthless person next to her.


This is a very bad card. It means failure, a serious illness either of the fortuneteller himself or of one of his loved ones. Sometimes this card means death.

Interpretation of card combinations

The presence of an ace of hearts in the layout indicates that you will soon receive big money.

The ace of clubs in any combination represents strong friendship, and gives nobility to love cards.

An ace of hearts in combination with an eight of clubs speaks of a big scandal over a trifle.

The two of clubs and the three of diamonds mean the fulfillment of your wildest desires.

The five of hearts in combination with the nine of spades means an obstacle to receiving money.

The five, six and seven of hearts in the layout mean an unexpected gift.

The combination of the five of spades and the eight of diamonds indicates the receipt of small money.

The seven of hearts and the nine of diamonds indicate short-lived prosperity.

The ace of hearts and ten of hearts indicate obstacles that need to be overcome as soon as possible. The ace of hearts and the king of clubs promise the help of an influential person.

The Queen of Hearts and the Jack of Diamonds warn of an ambiguous position.

The cards in the first row represent the past (I).

We mix again, don’t think about anything, focus on ourselves, look inside ourselves, and again take at random

three cards and place them under the first row - they represent the present (II).

They also form the third row - the future (III).

The tenth - the last - "fortune" is always chosen not by the fortune teller, but by the one to whom the fortune is told. Place it under the middle vertical row.

This results in the following diagram:
Past (I) - 1 2 3
Present (II) - 4 5 6
Future (III) - 7 8 9
"Fortunka" - 10

In addition, cards are interpreted in the present tense as follows:
1, 4, 7 - relatives;
3, 6, 9 - friends, bosses, work colleagues;
2, 5, 8, 10 are favorites.

Based on the resulting rows, they explain what the cards showed. Both the rank and suit of the cards play a role.

Particular importance is attached to suits, since their predominance in one row or another plays a significant role. If most of the cards in a row belong to the same suit, then they determine the general nature of the past, present and future, as well as the degree of predominance of a particular moment in life.

Peaks mean serious illness; news of death; great sorrow; major troubles.
Clubs - the same (except for death), but in a smaller size.
Tambourines - joy not without excitement; success is not without mistakes, losses and troubles.
Worms - complete luck and prosperity.

In the above chart of card layouts, “1” denotes the most distant past, “9” the most distant future.

Particular attention should be paid to the combination of suits “1-2”, “1-3”, “8-9”, “9-6”, etc.

“Fortune” (10) in this case is called a “key” and closes the middle vertical row - “2, 5, 8, 10”. The suits in the horizontal rows refer to the person being told fortunes.

The suits in the vertical rows refer to the persons closest to him.

The suits in the vertical rows have meaning only for the present - except for the “key”, which has meaning for the near future.

Value of cards by suit:
Peaks - bad inclinations (anger, bile, deceit, etc.), bad news, sad outcome, etc.
Clubs - lies, deceit, mistake, ruin, poverty, ill will, etc.
Diamonds - coquetry, wealth, arrogance, pride, inaccessibility, winning, etc.
Worms - joy, warmth, affection, ardent love, sincerity, honesty, straightforwardness, luck, happiness, etc.

The value of the cards is:
Ace is the highest degree of any event (for example, extreme joy, great sorrow, etc.) or surprise.
King or queen - some more or less close person.
Jack is an outsider.
10 - large enterprise, great expectations, grandiose plans.
9 - money matters (expenses or receiving money).
8 - vanity, troubles.
7 - conversations, reprimand or praise, recommendation, gossip.
6 - road.

Ace of spades end up (straight position) - a major trouble related to work; state house or place of duty;
end down (inverted position) - serious illness, death, news of death or blow.
Ace of diamonds end up (upright position) - money matters or a business letter, favorable news about money, big money or an unexpected inheritance;
end down (inverted position) - wedding.
Ace of hearts end down (direct position) - good news, unexpected happiness;
end up (inverted position) - great joy.

Nine of Hearts with the middle sign with the end down (direct position) - the arrival of a loved one or relative;
end up (inverted position) - a declaration of love or a date.
Nine of Clubs with a middle sign, end up (straight

The cards in the first row represent the past (I).

We mix again, don’t think about anything, focus on ourselves, look inside ourselves, and again take at random

three cards and place them under the first row - they represent the present (II).

They also form the third row - the future (III).

The tenth - the last - "fortune" is always chosen not by the fortune teller, but by the one to whom the fortune is told. Place it under the middle vertical row.

This results in the following diagram:
Past (I) - 1 2 3
Present (II) - 4 5 6
Future (III) - 7 8 9
"Fortunka" - 10

In addition, cards are interpreted in the present tense as follows:
1, 4, 7 - relatives;
3, 6, 9 - friends, bosses, work colleagues;
2, 5, 8, 10 are favorites.

Based on the resulting rows, they explain what the cards showed. Both the rank and suit of the cards play a role.

Particular importance is attached to suits, since their predominance in one row or another plays a significant role. If most of the cards in a row belong to the same suit, then they determine the general nature of the past, present and future, as well as the degree of predominance of a particular moment in life.

Peaks mean serious illness; news of death; great sorrow; major troubles.
Clubs - the same (except for death), but in a smaller size.
Tambourines - joy not without excitement; success is not without mistakes, losses and troubles.
Worms - complete luck and prosperity.

In the above chart of card layouts, “1” denotes the most distant past, “9” the most distant future.

Particular attention should be paid to the combination of suits “1-2”, “1-3”, “8-9”, “9-6”, etc.

“Fortune” (10) in this case is called a “key” and closes the middle vertical row - “2, 5, 8, 10”. The suits in the horizontal rows refer to the person being told fortunes.

The suits in the vertical rows refer to the persons closest to him.

The suits in the vertical rows have meaning only for the present - except for the “key”, which has meaning for the near future.

Value of cards by suit:
Peaks - bad inclinations (anger, bile, deceit, etc.), bad news, sad outcome, etc.
Clubs - lies, deceit, mistake, ruin, poverty, ill will, etc.
Diamonds - coquetry, wealth, arrogance, pride, inaccessibility, winning, etc.
Worms - joy, warmth, affection, ardent love, sincerity, honesty, straightforwardness, luck, happiness, etc.

The value of the cards is:
Ace is the highest degree of any event (for example, extreme joy, great sorrow, etc.) or surprise.
King or queen - some more or less close person.
Jack is an outsider.
10 - large enterprise, great expectations, grandiose plans.
9 - money matters (expenses or receiving money).
8 - vanity, troubles.
7 - conversations, reprimand or praise, recommendation, gossip.
6 - road.

Ace of spades end up (straight position) - a major trouble related to work; state house or place of duty;
end down (inverted position) - serious illness, death, news of death or blow.
Ace of diamonds end up (upright position) - money matters or a business letter, favorable news about money, big money or an unexpected inheritance;
end down (inverted position) - wedding.
Ace of hearts end down (direct position) - good news, unexpected happiness;
end up (inverted position) - great joy.

Nine of Hearts with the middle sign with the end down (direct position) - the arrival of a loved one or relative;
end up (inverted position) - a declaration of love or a date.
Nine of Clubs with a middle sign, end up (straight

Fortune telling with playing cards is an affordable and relatively simple way to lift the veil of the future. This method does not require special knowledge or training. Even a simple person can guess this way. Nevertheless, fortune telling should be taken seriously - one does not look into another world for the sake of a joke. Preparing for a simple fortune telling with playing cards will require you to have a deck of 54 cards and an empty room (where you will be alone) with a large table made of natural wood. Avoid bright lighting - this will “blind” the cards, depriving the prediction of accuracy. Limit yourself to a dim lamp or candle.

Below is a method of American fortune telling, common in the 19th century in the southern states, especially in New Orleans. This is a very quick fortune telling that reveals the near future (up to a month). Place 9 cards (3x3 square) face down on the table. First of all, open the central card. She will reveal the most important thing in your future affairs.

  • Ace is an important change in life.
  • King – something related to work/finance.
  • Lady is family.
  • Jack – acquaintances/friends.
  • Odd number - your current affairs will develop successfully.
  • Even number - your current affairs will develop unsuccessfully if you do not change your approach to them.

Then sequentially (clockwise) open the cards around the central one. Take all the number cards and add the first 3 number cards from the deck to them. Mix and place in a row. Now try to compare the resulting number (or parts of it) with the numbers of houses, telephones, and cars known to you. The connection will not be accidental, although it will not necessarily be obvious.
This kind of fortune telling with playing cards can be done in a company, but with an important condition: it must be completed to the end.

Fortune telling with playing cards for a loved one

Since ancient times, the mystical power of cards told girls the hidden secrets of the love awaiting them. Then it was through fortune telling on cards that their loved one came to their aid. You need to seriously prepare for such fortune telling. You must be wearing a skirt or dress, but bare legs, let your hair down, wait until dark. Light two candles. All mirrors should be curtained with thick fabric. No one should enter the room - if you are caught doing fortune telling, its power will dissipate. You will need a new deck of 36 cards.

Lay out the cards in 3 rows of 6 face down. Each row reveals your destiny for a certain time. The one closest to you is next month, the middle one is next year, the farthest one is the distant future. Remove 1 card from each row, without opening them under any circumstances. Return them to the deck and shuffle them. Then start revealing cards in the row closest to you, starting with the one on the far left. If there is no king in a row, reveal the next card.

The king is your favorite. If there are two or more of them, a difficult choice awaits you.

  • Peak - it will be associated with the state, power.
  • Chervovy is a man of many secrets and contradictions; you may not immediately fall in love with him.
  • Diamonds - he will be of foreign blood.
  • Clubs - will be a person of a rare profession or hobbies, possibly associated with danger.

The cards lying next to the king will tell you more about what is coming.
The ladies are rivals.

  • Peak - will oppose you from the very beginning.
  • Chervovaya - will invade your relationship much later, in a few years.
  • Bubnovaya will be his or your girlfriend, but then she will try to take away your love.
  • Clubs - she won’t do anything, but your man will fall in love with her.

To weaken your opponent, later burn her card in a candle fire and drown the ashes.

Aces and numbers lying next to the king can reveal some details:

  • Peak - you will receive a valuable gift.
  • Chervovy - your or his relatives will be against the union.
  • Bubnovy - you will be tested by a long separation.
  • Clubs - a quarrel awaits you, but if you can overcome it, love will become even stronger.
  • 6 – acquaintance will be connected with the road (transport).
  • 7 – you will meet at a holiday/official event.
  • 8 – you have mutual friends.
  • 9 – you will be connected by common interests.
  • 10 – one of you will help the other, and this is how acquaintance will begin.

Fortune telling on cards for a loved one can be repeated no earlier than in a month, otherwise the cards will not reveal the truth to you.

Fortune telling for the future

Many people want to know the future, but only a few, such as the great Nostradamus or Vanga, were so favored by mystical forces that they easily looked into the coming years and centuries without any outside help. To discover secrets, an ordinary person will need objects that contain powerful magical powers. For example, cards.

The first prototypes of cards appeared long before our era; in China, the first attempts were made to carry out fortune telling on cards for the future. For a long time, cards were made by hand, often becoming real works of art. The development of printing made cards a popular form of entertainment in the 16th century. Over time, almost all of Europe became addicted to them. And starting from the Petrine era, so did Russia.

The peak of interest in cards (and card fortune-telling) occurred in the 18th-19th centuries. Then fortune telling was done everywhere: in the huts of common people, taverns, secular salons, houses of the nobility and even palaces. The thirst to penetrate the innermost secrets of one’s own and others’ future has taken over the minds of people. At this time, many card games were developed, schools of fortune telling were formed, and outstanding mystical personalities appeared. The stormy twentieth century slightly reduced the mystical aspirations of humanity, turning it to material problems.

Today, interest in predictions is awakening with renewed vigor, especially in fortune telling on cards for the future. The two most popular card divinations remain - on simple playing cards and Tarot cards. The first attracts with its accessibility and relative simplicity, the second with an aura of mystery and depth of prophecy. Black sorcerers traditionally use cards in their practices. You should be wary of people who handle cards with great dexterity - these may not just be magicians and sharpers, but much more dangerous individuals.

Interpretation of cards

It’s worth saying right away: there are an infinite number of interpretations of cards, accepted in different cultures and fortune-telling traditions. Even each individual fortune-telling, affecting one aspect or another of the unknown, has its own rules of interpretation. And this is no coincidence. Human destiny cannot be forced into strict rules. This is a fragile canvas; wisdom is needed to read it correctly.

The interpretation of cards during fortune telling has one thing in common - the meanings cannot be taken literally. Sometimes the sweetest promises of cards turn into disappointments and, on the contrary, predicted troubles turn into unexpected joy. An unfavorable series of events can ultimately lead, for example, to meeting important people in your future life or acquiring invaluable skills for later life. Luck, on the other hand, can be treacherous and lead you gradually downward. Wealth - attracts criminals, success and fame - quarrels with old friends and deprives you of your family.

There are stories when passengers, unexpectedly and seriously ill, did not get on planes, which subsequently crashed, and no one on board survived. What may initially be considered bad luck often turns into salvation. When receiving both a favorable and unfavorable prognosis, you should not lose your head, fall into euphoria or despair. Forecasts only reveal that life consists of black and white stripes. A wise person knows how to equally steadfastly experience both extreme states in calmness.

Moreover, we must remember that if you get too excited about your upcoming success, you can lose your vigilance, make mistakes and, ultimately, miss it. A desperate attempt to avoid the predicted troubles, on the contrary, only pushes people into the arms of a negative outcome, aggravates the problem, and drives them into a dead end. An excellent example can be given here - the story of the biblical king Herod.
When learning the interpretation of cards during fortune telling, always be careful. It carries many meanings, remember that.

People turn to cards for advice in completely different life situations. After all, you don’t always know what to do, what to do?! The love sphere is no exception. Fortune telling on cards for love began in ancient times, which is not at all surprising. This method of fortune telling is quite simple and informative. The cards will help the girl decide on her choice of life partner, find out about his intentions, feelings, how serious the existing relationship is, the prospects for its further development and other issues.

Let us examine in more detail the preparation for fortune telling, the most popular layouts, correct interpretation and useful tips.

Choosing a deck and preparing for card fortune telling for love

There are many card decks - Indian, Gypsy, Tarot, Lenormand, standard 36 and 54. For the correct layout and interpretation of the first four, many years of experience and certain knowledge in this area will be required. Even a beginner can master fortune telling with playing cards for love. Therefore, this method is very popular.

Before you begin the fortune telling process, do not forget to consider the preparatory steps. Otherwise, the cards will provide false information and the person will not receive answers to his questions.

  • For fortune telling, use a deck that is not played on, or a new one. Don't give your deck to strangers.
  • There should be no strangers or noise in the room.
  • Remove all jewelry and let your hair down.
  • It is forbidden to guess on Sundays and on church holidays!
  • Concentrate on the question, say it mentally, and tune in to a positive attitude.
  • You should not guess more than once a day.

After you have properly tuned in and taken into account all the tips, you can proceed directly to the fortune-telling process.

It is necessary to associate the partners for whom fortune telling is being performed with figures of certain stripes.

For girls and women the following apply:

  • A young unmarried girl under 25 years old – Queen of Diamonds
  • Married or aged 25 – 50 years – Queen of Hearts
  • Widow or woman over 50 years of age – Queen of Clubs (Cross)

For men:

  • Young unmarried guy – King of Diamonds
  • Married or over 25 years old – King of Hearts
  • Widower or over 50 years of age – King of Clubs (Crossie)

Most popular layouts

Fortune telling with six cards

Focus your thoughts on your loved one, your relationship and your future together.

A standard deck of 36 elements is taken and carefully shuffled. Remove the deck with the little finger of your left hand towards you. Turn over the top card and place it on the table. You should repeat these manipulations six times (shuffle six times, remove with your left little finger, set aside the inverted top card). Lay out the dropped cards from top to bottom. Their interpretation:

  1. What is the person you are guessing about thinking about?
  2. What's on his mind
  3. What awaits him in the future
  4. What does he really want?
  5. His future plans
  6. What is happening to him in the present

The old way of card fortune telling for love

Our grandmothers also used this method of layout.

Find a king in the deck that matches the type of man you need. Place this card in the center of the table. Mix the cards well, don’t stop thinking about your lover, slide the deck toward you with your left little finger.

  1. Remove the top three cards and place them on the king: they will tell about his heartfelt experiences.
  2. Place three cards to the right and left of the king - they symbolize his present.
  3. The three cards on top are information about his future.
  4. The three cards below will talk about his past.
  5. Detailed meanings by suit are given in the table below.

For the future of your relationship

Find your Queen and King in the deck, which represents your loved one. The King is on the left and the Queen is on the right. Be sure to leave a gap between them. Shuffle the deck and slide it towards you with your left little finger. Remove cards in a row, one after another, face down.

The layout will be as follows:

  • Two cards to the left of the King and to the right of the Queen mean information that the young people are hiding from each other;
  • The King and Queen have two at the bottom - plans for the near future;
  • The King and the Lady have two on top - the lovers’ thoughts about each other;
  • Two to the left of the outermost cards of the King, two to the right of the outermost cards of the Queen - obstacles that interfere with harmonious relationships on each side;
  • Two each directly for the King and the Queen - what is going on in the soul and heart of each partner;
  • One card each for the King and Queen - they show the real feelings of a man for a woman, and a woman for a man;
  • Place two cards three times between the King and Queen - they will tell you about the past, present and future of your couple;

The cards should be revealed and interpreted in the same order in which they were laid out.

Detailed meanings by suit are given in the table below.

Alignment for the feelings of a loved one

If you want to find out more about the feelings of your loved one, use this particular fortune telling.

Shuffle the deck, mentally think about your lover, remove the cards with your left little finger towards yourself, trying to bring them closer to your heart.

The cards are laid out in rows of six. Take a closer look at the diagonal values, if they coincide (two Aces, two Tens, and so on), set aside the resulting pairs from the layout. After all the cards have been laid out and the diagonal pairs have been removed, assemble the deck in order, STARTING FROM THE END OF THE SCHEDULE! Under no circumstances should you shuffle the resulting deck!

Place the cards in rows again, but now in groups of 5, removing paired ones diagonally. Then 4 at a time, then 3 and 2 at a time (the same ones diagonally are also put aside).

  • One - possible early marriage
  • Two - your partner sincerely loves you
  • Three – mutual interest
  • Four - the beloved is sad
  • Five - his thoughts are connected only with you
  • Six - perhaps your husband is cheating on you
  • Seven - your person is indifferent to him

Fortune telling for a homewrecker

If you are unsure of the fidelity of your spouse or lover, make the following arrangement. Mentally ask one specific question, shuffle the deck and slide it towards you with your left little finger. In random order, pull out four cards, which will be the answer.

  • The first one means your current position.
  • The second will describe a possible homewrecker.
  • The third one will tell you how to change the current situation.
  • The fourth one will explain why your partner is cheating on you.

If you work on your own mistakes in your relationship with your loved one in time, you can avoid divorce or separation.

Meanings of cards in layouts



Diamonds Clubs Hearts Peaks
Six A short trip to visit friends or relatives. Business trip. Next to the suit of Spades are family squabbles. A joint journey, a trip, a long journey. Perhaps it means reciprocity of feelings. Unfavorable long journey.
Next to your man's map may mean his secret path.
Seven Meetings with friends, parties. Next to the suit of Spades is jealousy. Successful business negotiations or improving relationships with loved ones. Love meeting, secluded date. Quarrels, conflicts, hysterics and tears. If there is a Lady nearby - an unpleasant date.
Eight Making general plans for the future. Perhaps a joint holiday with friends. Making family shopping plans. Next to the suit of Spades - monetary disagreements, accusations of commercialism. Romantic communication, correspondence. Possible matchmaking. Domestic quarrels and scandals, claims from both partners. A drunken party with friends that is best avoided.
Nine Friendship, first love or true feelings. A love relationship or marriage that pursues selfish goals. Sincere and mutual feelings of partners. If the Jack of Hearts is nearby - an early pregnancy. Blues and ill health of you or someone close to you.
Ten Prospects, projects in the friendly sphere. Next to the suit of CLUBS are general acquisitions of necessary things. Luck is on your side. Success in any area of ​​life, new romantic relationships are possible. An unexpected gift, inheritance, winning or receiving a bonus at work. Living together, common plans for the future. Collapsed plans and dreams. Complete disappointment in my soul mate.
Jack Friendly troubles. Possibly a young admirer. Financial difficulties, due to which discord in the family is possible. Sexual troubles are possible. Unreasonable actions, wasted efforts. Possibly a dark-haired man with selfish intentions. In scenarios for the present and future, it means dead-end relationships.
Lady Blonde woman, young girl, faithful friend. A dark-haired woman in your environment or a fortune teller herself. Perhaps the lady you owe money to. A blond married woman, perhaps a fortune teller herself. If the suit of Spades is nearby - a homewrecker, with the suit of DAMBORS - a friend, an acquaintance. Anger, resentment, jealousy. Perhaps an ill-wisher or a rival.
King A young guy or husband, for an unmarried girl - the chosen one. Dark-haired middle-aged man: lover, spouse, fiancé, colleague or boss. Blonde man, groom or spouse. Can also mean a rich lover. An elderly man who belongs to government agencies or has power. Perhaps an enemy or a seducer.
Ace An important message or letter. Perhaps a close friend will help you with business. Next to the suit of CLUBS is the conclusion of a marriage agreement. Joint venture or personal business. Perhaps it's just the work of each partner. Symbolizes home, family hearth. If the tip of the Ace is directed downward, there is a strong blow, discord in relationships and separation. If up - troubles and mistrust.

When deciphering the dropped cards, correlate the meanings with real life, listen to the prompts of your inner voice. In this case, you will be able to analyze the situation more specifically and get a clear answer.

  1. Only guess when you really need the help of the cards. This ritual exhausts a person energetically.
  2. Give the deck a break, at least for a couple of days.
  3. Avoid night fortune-telling, as this can attract the attention of dark forces.
  4. Don't guess out of boredom or curiosity.

The love sphere of human relationships is quite complex and confusing. Sometimes a person is not able to independently understand the events taking place and make the right decision. Then cards can come to the rescue. If you follow all recommendations and advice, they will answer all questions and suggest further actions.

You can predict love and the further development of relationships between a man and a woman, open the door to the secrets of your destiny, and see the prospect of marriage with the help of fortune telling. Its popularity has lasted for many years among people of different ages.

Decoding the cards gives direct answers to the troubles that have arisen in love relationships. The most accessible tool for fortune telling with cards for love is a playing deck consisting of 36 pieces.

Fortune telling rules

In order for the prediction result to be true, certain rules must be followed. The most favorable days for predicting the future for women are Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The art of fortune telling loves silence, so there should only be two people in the room - the fortune teller and the person to whom she is telling fortunes.

Before a fortune-telling session, the fortuneteller talks to his cards, asks them to tell the truth, and whispers a certain prayer when using the cards for the first time. The spoken words of the conspiracy strengthen the invisible connection between the fortune teller and the cards. During the day you are allowed to use one deck of cards no more than 3 times.

How to set up cards to predict correctly

There are many ways to customize the cards so that they provide accurate answers to the questions asked. For example:

  • find the door handle attached on both sides, pass the entire deck of fortune telling cards through it 36 ​​times (this is a proven accurate method);
  • if the person who came to tell fortunes is a virgin, she needs to sit on a deck of cards for 1 minute, and the fortune-telling will become 100% truthful;
  • the shift from the deck is carried out in the direction where the person for whom the future is being predicted is located.
  • an unmarried, sociable representative of the fairer sex, unmarried or divorced - the lady of diamonds;
  • girl - a woman aged 28 - 50 years old who is married - queen of hearts;
  • a woman who is a widow or over the age of 50, loves power and is quite successful - the queen of clubs;
  • a widow or a female representative of the older generation - the queen of spades.

Each type of man also corresponds to a certain card suit:

  • a young, unencumbered and very sociable guy who is popular with the fairer sex - the king of diamonds;
  • a young, but already married man - the king of hearts;
  • a man over 50 years old, a respected person - the king of clubs;
  • no matter what age, a representative of a strong figure with dark hair, in a certain position, possibly a widower - the king of spades.

There is another way to determine suit, which is very often used by experienced fortune tellers - by hair color. This method is convenient for work and does not cause confusion. Clients with dark brown hair are perceived as being of cross color. Blonde-haired people are of the suit of diamonds, and fair-haired people are of the suit of hearts. People with black hair are the suit of spades.

Rules for using a card deck:

  1. Single unused new card deck.
  2. Under no circumstances should you transfer your fortune-telling tool into the hands of others.
  3. You cannot tell fortunes with atlas or foreign maps.
  4. It is prohibited to carry out the ritual of fortune-telling on Sundays and on major church holidays.
  5. It is a sin to cast spells on fasting and days of remembrance.
  6. During the divination session, you need to let your hair down and remove your jewelry.
  7. Fortune telling about love must be done with lit red candles.
  8. Mentally ask the cards for help and only then can you ask your question.
  9. One question is asked only once, even if the answer of the cards is not to your liking.

The best time for fortune telling has long been considered evening or night, but only experienced fortune tellers can cast fortunes at night. Everyone else is advised to carry out the ritual throughout the day. Layout rules:

  1. The deck of cards is thoroughly shuffled several times.
  2. Then, only with your left hand, approximately a fifth of the deck is removed strictly towards you.
  3. Repeat 5 times and lay out 5 pieces of cards on the table.
  4. Place one card separately.
  5. Carry out the described manipulation 2 more times (unfold).

Thus, there were 5 piles of cards, each of which had 3 cards and one separately. The cards are interpreted as follows:

  • I stack – characterizes a person as a person;
  • Second pile – will tell about the worries and anxieties that torment a person;
  • ІІІ pile – information about the house, family and friends;
  • IV deck - will tell about events from the past;
  • The V pile is information about the near future.

The last card to be considered is the one that lies separately. She will give information about the intended question. And from it you can get the main recommendation.

36 playing cards: options for simple fortune telling for love

Although it is said “darlings scold - they only amuse themselves,” but if suddenly a quarrel arises and a loved one behaves unfriendly, and actions raise only questions, then it is necessary to understand a number of issues. Fortune telling on playing cards for love using all 36 cards will help you get an objective picture of the current situation and understand what the intentions and desires of your loved one are. Layouts do not require special preliminary preparation.

The principle of fortune telling using three cards

Take the entire deck and shuffle it three times. Mentally hold the guy you want next to you and ask a certain question about him. Take 3 cards from the deck and arrange them in a row (from right to left). Carefully consider the predominance of color and, of course, suit. Decoding of the laid out cards:

  • all dropped cards are red - the only reliable answer is positive;
  • if black cards fall out, the answer to the question asked is, of course, negative;
  • if suddenly two cards are red and one is black, the answer is regarded as more likely to be positive;
  • when drawing two black cards and one red from the deck, the answer is of course not.

For a guy's love

The fortune telling will tell truthfully about the feelings of a man or guy, and will tell a lonely heart when and where it is possible to meet true love. The technique is this: the deck is shuffled, the lover’s card is in the deck and it is placed on the left.

Similarly, your card is found and placed on the table on the right side. Space is left between cards. The deck is shuffled again, remove a small part of the cards with your left hand (towards the heart). Cards must be taken in a row, but they must be laid out face down. The breakdown is as follows:

  • 2 cards on the right side of the queen, and 2 pieces on the left side of the king - these cards will show what he and you are hiding in yourself;
  • put 2 cards each at the “feet” (bottom) of the king and queen - they will talk about the near future;
  • Place 2 pieces above your heads - they will reveal secret thoughts about each other;
  • Place 2 cards next to the left pile from the king, and accordingly with the right pile from the queen - these cards will show life’s obstacles;
  • 2 cards placed on top will tell you what is hidden in both of their hearts;
  • by placing 1 card under the queen and under the king - you can accurately find out about the true relationship to each other;
  • 6 cards laid out 2 each between the king and queen three times - they will open the curtain on the recent past, what is happening now and the relationship in the future.

Fortune telling of this type is interpreted in the same order as the cards were laid out.

The performed ritual will help determine the feelings of the partner, will tell you what fate has written - both in love and in separation, and will give answers to troubling questions.

Interpretation of cards

First of all, the fortune teller pays attention to the color prevailing in the cards. This is what is important.

  1. If worms predominate, this symbolizes a quick marriage, strong friendship and love. Sometimes this suggests the right way out of the current situation.
  2. The predominance of clubs predicts sadness and minor troubles. A long separation from a person is possible.
  3. Most of the diamond cards indicate material wealth, predicting a certain monetary income and possible career growth.
  4. The spades suit is the most terrible and quite unpleasant. It predicts failures in love relationships and symbolizes loss. According to some card combinations, it foretells mourning.

Cards have a certain significance:

  • Ace - pleasant official notice, news, power;
  • The king is a young unmarried guy, a friend;
  • Lady - a young representative of the fairer sex, you yourself or a friend;
  • Jack - troubles, difficulties in life, minor problems;
  • Ten - friendly interest, a dream come true, professional success;
  • Nine - independent friendship, love, there may be a slight obstacle;
  • Eight – evil and anger, hatred, conversation, discussion of a joint future;
  • Seven – joyful meetings, pleasure and achievements, friendships, possibly betrayal;
  • Six – pleasant road, vacation.
  • Ace – the house where a loved one lives, love, tenderness and romance, wedding;
  • The king is a passion, an older man, most likely a father, a beloved;
  • Lady - a close relative (mother, sister), maybe the lover’s sister or rival;
  • Jack – problems in the intimate sphere, experiences;
  • Ten – dream come true, pleasant warm conversation;
  • Nine – mutual feeling of love, new relationships, warmth of feelings;
  • Eight – date, recognition, pleasant conversation, pleasure, friendship;
  • Seven - secret date, important conversation, family life;
  • Six is ​​the road, a short but pleasant journey.
  • Ace - work, evil intent, litigation;
  • King - man - boss, lover, married admirer;
  • Lady - relative, colleague - intriguer, boss;
  • Jack – financial troubles, problems, separation;
  • Ten - monetary profit, an expensive gift;
  • Nine – love, passionate romance, care;
  • Eight – conversations about the budget, unfulfilled dreams;
  • Seven – business meeting, problems in a government agency;
  • Six – trip, long journey, business trip.

  • Ace - major unpleasant news, separation, failure in love and business;
  • The king is a man - a representative of power, a noble person;
  • Lady - a strong evil enemy, jealousy, rival, loss;
  • Jack is a waste of time, useless chores and affairs;
  • Ten - unfulfilled dreams, disappointment, deprivation;
  • Nine – serious illness;
  • Eight – road, jealousy, faded feelings;
  • Seven – tears, quarrel with a lover, grief and sadness;
  • Six is ​​a long road that must be avoided.

It is also important to learn to recognize the meaning of cards in their combination with each other.

Popular fortune telling with 6 cards

This type of prediction is the most common and simple. It goes like this:

  1. Mix the deck thoroughly.
  2. Use the little finger of your left hand to remove the top card.
  3. Shuffle the deck and remove the card with your little finger again.
  4. Place the cards diagonally.
  5. Repeat 4 more times.

The meaning of the cards is:

  • the first card tells about the thoughts of the mysterious person;
  • the second popularly describes anxieties and emotional experiences;
  • the third predicts future events;
  • the fourth describes his secret dreams and desires;
  • the fifth talks about the plans of a loved one;
  • the sixth is the present and the near future.

It is important to know that fortune telling is a warning about possible events and it depends only on the person whether everything will happen as the cards said, or whether the person will independently change the future.