Diseases that the coach should know about. Coach

Despite the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, diseases are becoming younger. This is especially true for cities where many have chronic fatigue syndrome and burnout, whatrisk of strokes and heart attacks. And the best prevention is here -sports, nutrition, hardening. About this on the air of the video channel site- Senior Researcher of the Sports Research Institute Viktor Koss.

Pain is not a hindrance to sports?

What is the difference between an ordinary doctor and a sports doctor?

- Sports doctors are a highly specialized area that has emerged quite recently. All national teams are represented by doctors of various specialties - cardiologists, traumatologists, neurologists. And only after a certain period of work with athletes can a doctor call himself a sports doctor.

In nomenclature Russian Federation there is a doctor physiotherapy exercises and sports medicine. Work with athletes, including amateurs, differs from classical clinical neurology, traumatology, cardiology, orthopedics in that the doctor works with healthy people. A sports doctor provides medical and biological training of an athlete at all stages.

- If a person started running at the age of 40 and his knees hurt. He came to an ordinary doctor, he tells him not to run. What is this person to do?

- Yes, there is a certain conflict between the doctors who sit in the clinics and those who accompany the athletes. It is in the interests of the coach and the athlete himself that this athlete is always in the ranks. If an athlete goes to the clinic at the place of registration with knee joints, of course, in 99 percent of cases he will be banneddo sport . Of course, doctors in urban outpatient or inpatient settings do not delve into the process of sports so deeply, they have no task leaveathlete in line.

As my practice has shown, we can very well adapt an athlete to the training process and competitions, to physical activity, and at the same time foresee long-term consequences. If the knee joints are injured again, the person will eventually become disabled.

Sports medicine provides a range of interventions, including a rehabilitation package that protects the knee joints from damage in the distant future. Of course, all decisions are made individually, diagnostic data are taken into account. But in 90 percent of cases, hospitalization, cessation of stress and training can be avoided if you connect the necessary means and methods of sports medicine and rehabilitation.

- Is it always Should an amateur athlete go to a sports doctor if there are any problems?

- Before you start playing sports, you should already go to a sports doctor. Cardio loads, muscle, joint loads will increase. Previously, a person did not receive them in such a volume. Naturally, a person should know what is happening to him. There is a certain regulation or etiquette of doctors regarding age.

There are pediatricians, because children need to be looked after, there are neonatologists who deal with babies, there are gerontologists - doctors who deal with the elderly. Accordingly, middle-aged people, somewhere from 35 to 45 years old, also have certain diagnostic standards. If he wants to go in for sports, of course, he definitely needs to know the examination algorithm, which is desirable to pass, so as not to get some kind of surprise later.

What is the survey algorithm?

– General analysis of blood and urine, biochemical blood test, cardiogram, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, retroperitoneal space, small pelvis, thyroid, blood pressure, well, a conversation with the patient. The therapist or sports doctor should talk, look, check the spine, joints, cervical region, knee joints.

The overall picture that will emerge after this algorithm will show what prevention methods can be applied if a person has started playing sports. Because practice shows that those who have not done this often come to us with chronic or acute problems that are more difficult to treat at the stage of exacerbation.

- What diseases are treated most often?

- In the first place in terms of requests - back pain, lumbar pain, cervical region. All athletes come to our sports medicine clinic - gymnasts, judokas, sambists, archers, biathletes, hockey players, skiers. And in general, in the first place all the same - lesions of the spine. This is caused by overloads.

Gymnasts often suffer from the cervical region. In aerobic sports - running, skiing - the legs predominantly suffer. In this case, the tendon, tendon-muscle canals can become inflamed. The knee joints can be affected - the anterior cruciate ligament in the meniscus, directly the muscles. In second place, probably in terms of requests, is pain in the knee joints and legs.

In third place, I would put headaches and pain in the abdomen. What lies beneath them is a whole different story. If suddenly the head hurts during exercise, you need to check the same cervical region, pressure, intracranial pressure, and even do an MRI of the brain.

Also, for many reasons, the stomach can hurt. Amateur athletes often complain of pain in the hypochondrium. This may be a pathology of the liver, because intrahepatic pressure rises when a person runs, for example. These may be problems associated with the heart - a load on the pulmonary or systemic circulation. It may also be related to the lungs. And all this can hurt in the stomach, oddly enough.

- That is, in any case, you should consult a doctor for any pain.

- Well, of course! Either contact a therapist at the clinic, or find a specialized sports doctor.

- If a person has passed the examination, he is doing well, and he is going to prepare for a marathon what advice would you give?

Man is still homo sapiens, a thinking man. And it differs from animals in that it has a fairly large cerebral cortex, that is, a processor. So this is where you should probably start. A person must mentally mature for a marathon. That is, a person must answer the question: why does he need this?

- What should it be? prevention?

In general, prevention is a whole area. It begins with the purity of the soul, with nutrition. What do we eat, what do we drink, what do we think about, do we exercise in the morning. Everything must be done right. If a person is used to dressing neatly in the morning, he has some kind of culture of life, then, probably, this same culture can be projected onto the body. That is, if he got up in the morning, brushed his teeth, did exercises for the cervical spine, warmed up for 7-10 minutes. It's just such a mandatory rite should be. This can be recommended to everyone.

I bathe every morning cold water. For me, this is a must. I think that this is very useful and important for the prevention of the same viral infections. But it is also important that a person goes to a different psychophysical level, and this gives him the opportunity to do more things. And, probably, it gives him the opportunity to live creatively. Because prevention is closer to creativity, to inventions, to good deeds.

Unfortunately, now all diseases, including oncology, have become younger. And today there is no school medicine. I just deal with this issue at the state level. We buy expensive equipment for clinics and think that by doing this we will organize prevention, the population will get sick less. Of course not. All these things that we are talking about should be projected into kindergartens and schools.

Accordingly, prevention should already begin from there. All these marathons, sports and fitness sections should be started from childhood. Because this is where health and prevention begins.

- which is more dangerous for of a person: many hours of sitting in the office without any physical activity or the loads that a person receives when intensively preparing for a marathon, triathlon?

- When Churchill was asked why he lived so long, he answered: "When I had the opportunity, I sat, and when I had the opportunity to lie down, I lay." Actually, this is a philosophical question. We must comply with the measure. It all depends on the psychotype of a person, on his type of higher nervous activity. In a modern city, metropolis, of course, movement is necessary.

Office workers are our patients in large numbers. They have a lot of diseases. The syndrome of chronic fatigue and emotional burnout leads to an increase in blood pressure, and then, unfortunately, to strokes and heart attacks.

Russia is now in first place in terms of these diseases and mortality from them. Of course, movement is simply necessary for a person, if only in order to live longer and suffer less. After all, torment is pain in the back, pain in cervical region spine, pain in the limbs, numbness - this is all a consequence of sedentary sedentary work. And if you go in for sports, for example, running, of course, you need to take into account the other side of the coin - rationality, that is, we must dose the loads. Maybe then gradually increase them, when the doctor allows. Gradually, gradually.

Interviewed by Evgenia Rumyantseva

The death of an 8-year-old Novoaltai boy in a karate club class has stirred the hearts and minds of fellow countrymen since April 29.

As expected, a criminal case was initiated. Employees of a youth public organization who conducted martial arts classes with children are suspected of providing services that do not meet the requirements for the safety of life and health of consumers, which negligently caused the death of a person.

Topic needs attention

The tragic incident in Novoaltaisk attracted attention and Deputy of the State Duma Alexander PROKOPIEV, who said he would be following the progress of the investigation closely. He is convinced that safety issues in sports should be a priority, and it does not matter whether it is a professional sport, an amateur section or school physical education lessons.

The death of a first-grader Vanya during a martial arts training is an absolute tragedy, the deputy said. - It is too early to draw conclusions, but one thing is clear: the safety of children during sports is a topic that requires close attention, control and a different approach. We are talking not only about the safety of the premises or sports equipment and inventory, but, first of all, about the health of athletes or those who are just going to practice some kind of sport on a systematic basis. When selecting exercises and loads, an instructor or trainer should be guided mainly by indicators of human health. Now, within the framework of the expert council on sports medicine, which I chair, we are discussing the creation of a special register of deaths, which will help to collect statistics and, on its basis, amend the existing legislation.

According to preliminary data from a forensic medical examination, the death of a young karateka came from a sudden onset of heart failure. At the same time, some eyewitnesses of what happened in the gym say that the boy lost consciousness after being hit by a 12-year-old girl who was practicing the technique. Also contrary to the statement that the victim was immediately taken to the hospital, there are statements by the tenant of the house where the club is located. A man from the window of his apartment saw that for a long time they tried to “pump out” the child right on the street.

The investigation in the case will have to find out if the boy had serious illnesses that could be an obstacle to practicing martial arts, how he felt, whether the safety rules were observed in the sports club, etc.

Currently, a complex of investigative actions is being carried out aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident. Olga CHESNOKOVA, Senior Assistant to the Head of the Regional Investigative Committee of the RF IC for Media Relations .

Not an isolated case

Unfortunately, this is not the first fatality that has occurred in children's sports clubs or in physical education classes. We can recall many sad examples. In the spring of last year in the Shipunovsky district, a child was crushed by a football goal; in the summer in the sports camp "Academy of Robinsons" the boy fell off the bungee and drowned in the Katun; in autumn, in the gym of a school in the Mamontovsky district, a student fell off the horizontal bar and broke his spine; In March of this year, a six-year-old boy nearly drowned in the Biysk pool...

Just the other day, the Oktyabrsky District Court of Barnaul was sued by the father of a girl who received a spinal injury last summer in a recreation camp where her children's sports school was training. The investigation found that the girl, without a coach and without insurance, was engaged in a sports equipment, fell off the crossbar and received a fracture of three thoracic vertebrae. So far, she has not completely recovered. As compensation, the parents demand 300 thousand rubles from the children's sports school.

Of course, sports are often associated with risks and dangers. But it is also obvious that adults - parents, teachers, coaches, representatives of various supervisory bodies and departments - should do their best to minimize the risk in children's sports.

If you are a coach or a serious athlete, then you should take this data seriously. They may be of immediate practical importance to you.

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Optimism is not something you know
intuitively. The ASQ Test Measures What You Can't
those themselves evaluate. He is able to predict success
more correctly than an experienced coach and handicraft expert

Optimism can tell you when is the best time to use
use some athletes instead of others. take
take, say, an important relay race. Do you have a fast
athlete, but he is a pessimist who lost the post
ice personal run. Replace it. Use
pessimists only after successful performances.

Optimism can tell you who to choose and take.
If two candidates are close in talent, take
optimist. He's going to be better for the most part.

You can raise optimists from your pessimis

I haven't told you yet what else the Thorntons wanted. They asked if I could take their pessimistic swimmers and make them optimists. I replied that I was not quite sure yet, but we were developing the corresponding programs, and they looked promising. As a matter of gratitude, I promised that we would be the first to pass on our program of work with athletes to them. As I write this chapter, our trainers are on their way to Berkeley to teach the university the art of optimism. You will learn the technique for this in the last section of the book.



Daniel was only nine years old when doctors diagnosed him with Burkitt's lymphoma, a type of abdominal cancer. A year passed, he was ten years old. Despite radiation and chemotherapy, the cancer continued to grow. Doctors and almost everyone else lost hope. Everyone except Danny.

Danny made plans. He was going to grow up to be a researcher and discover a cure for diseases like this so that the other guys would be safe. His body was weakening, but his optimism remained strong.

Daniel lived in Salt Lake City. The main source of his hopes was a doctor, whom he called "a famous specialist from the East Bank." This physician, an authority on Burkitt's lymphoma, took an interest in Danny's illness and consulted with physicians who treated him from afar. He planned to stop in Salt Lake City on his way to the pediatric convention West to meet with Danny and talk to his doctors.

For several weeks Danny was in a state of excitement. There was so much he wanted to tell the specialist. He kept a diary and hoped that his notes would help find the keys to his healing. He felt himself an active participant in his own treatment.

On the day of the expected visit of a specialist, fog covered Salt Lake City, and the airport closed. The controllers sent the specialist's plane to Denver, and he decided to fly directly to San Francisco. When Daniel found out about this, he wept softly. Parents and sisters told him not to

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worried and promised to call the doctor in San Francisco so that Danny could talk to him. But the next morning Danny became indifferent to everything; he had never been like this before. He developed a fever and pneumonia. By evening he was in a coma and died the next day.

What do you think of this story? I'm sure it's not the first time you've heard of the death that came with a crushed hope, or the remission that came with the discovery of hope. Such stories can be heard around the world often enough to inspire faith that hope sustains life and hopelessness destroys it.

But another explanation is also possible. Let's say, suddenly, there is a certain third factor, for example, a well-functioning immune system, which both saves lives and gives rise to hope. Or one might think that our species has a deep desire to believe that hope can work miracles, and we tell and retell stories that seem to support this view; but in fact this is just a coincidence, and much more often it happens the other way around, and we try to erase from our memory cases when, after hope, illness came, and recovery followed despair.

In the spring of 1976, a very unusual graduate application landed on my desk. Its author, Salt Lake City nurse Madelon Vistainer, told Danny's story. She reported that she encountered several similar cases, both with children with cancer and (without much specification) "during her time in Vietnam." According to her, such “stories” by themselves cannot be convincing enough evidence for her. She would like to find out whether helplessness can really be the cause of death, and if so, what is the mechanism for this. She would like to come to the University of Pennsylvania to work with me, teaching

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first relevant animal studies, and then use their results for the benefit of people.

Visinteiner's simple and artless explanation, the only one of its kind, brought tears to one of the members admission committee. Her grades were impeccable. From her autobiography, it was difficult to determine where she was, at what time, and what she did during some periods of her adult life. It seemed that she often disappeared somewhere.

After several fruitless attempts to sort out these inconsistencies, we decided to admit her to admission. I looked forward to her arrival in September 1976. She didn't show up, but instead she called and said something about needing to stay another year. v Salt Lake City, something about a grant for cancer research. A grant for cancer research is quite unusual for a nurse. She asked to hold a place for her until next September.

In turn, I asked her if she was really going to come to the University of Pennsylvania and work on such an unfashionable topic. I warned her that very few psychologists and even fewer medical professionals believe that psychological states such as helplessness can actually cause physical illness. She will find herself in an academic minefield, and one obstacle after another may await her. She replied that she was not born yesterday and knows what she wants.

She appeared with us in September 1977 - as artless and direct as her statement, and just as mysterious. She avoided talking about her past and what she wants to achieve in the future. But in the present, she worked conscientiously. It was just some scientific whirlwind. Already in her first year of graduate school, she took on the difficult task of proving that helplessness can cause death.

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She was very inspired by the new results of Ellen Langer and Judy Roden, then young doctors involved in research work at Yale University. They worked with elderly people in a private hospital and regulated the ability of the elderly to influence the daily events in their lives.

They divided the house into floors. The inhabitants of the first floor received additional opportunity influence on their lifestyle and an additional right to choose. One day the director approached them: “I want you to learn about everything that you can do yourself here at the Shady Grove. For breakfast, you can choose either an omelette or scrambled eggs, but you need to choose in the evening. On Wednesdays or Thursdays there will be a movie, but you will need to sign up in advance. Here are the flowers; you can choose what you want and take it to your room - but you will water it yourself.

On the second floor, the director said: “I want you to know about the good deeds that we are doing for you here at the Shady Grove. Breakfast is scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs. We cook omelets on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and scrambled eggs on other days. Cinema happens on Wednesday and Thursday evenings: on Wednesday - for those who live in the left corridor, on Thursday - for those in the right. Here are flowers for your rooms. The sister will choose a flower for each and will look after him.

Thus, it turned out that the inhabitants of the first floor could themselves dispose of additional benefits; on the second floor, people received the same benefits, “oh without the possibility of influencing them.

Eighteen months later, Langer and Rodin returned to the hospital. They found that the group with the right to choose was more active and happy, according to special rating scales. They also found that fewer people died in this group than in the other.

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This startling fact showed that choice and control over a situation could save lives, and that helplessness could possibly kill.

Madelon Wisintainer wanted to explore this phenomenon in a controlled laboratory setting and understand how possession and helplessness can affect health. She took three groups of rats; the first group was given a mild, avoidable shock, the second was given an unavoidable shock, and the third was not given any shock. But, "before starting the actual experiment, Madelon inoculated several sarcoma cells into the flank of each rat. The tumor was of a type that inevitably leads to the death of the animal if not rejected by its immune system. The number of inoculated cells was chosen so that in normal conditions 50% of the rats would reject the tumor and survive.

The experiment was organized perfectly. All physical parameters were controlled: the strength and duration of the shock; nutrition; accommodations; tumor size. The only difference between the three groups was their psychological state. The first group felt acquired helplessness; the second was in control of the situation; the third, control, was psychologically unchanged. If it turned out that these three groups differed in their ability to reject the tumor, the psychological state might be the only factor at play.

Within a month, 50/o rats not subjected to shock died, and 50% rejected the tumor; this is the usual ratio. In rats that could avoid shock by pressing a key, tumor rejection occurred in 70%. In helpless rats, which could not avoid shock, rejection occurred only in 27/o.

This is how Madelon Visinteiner became the first person to demonstrate that the psychological

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nie - acquired helplessness - can cause cancer.

In fact, almost the first. While Madelon was writing an article about her work to send to Science, the journal that reports on the biggest scientific discoveries, I opened the latest issue. In it, two Canadian researchers, Larry Sklar and Hymie Anisman from Ottawa, reported on a similar experiment; they did use mice, not rats, and they measured the rate of tumor growth rather than the ability to reject it, but the result was the same: helplessness caused more fast growth tumors.

Another discovery of Madlon was associated with the childhood of rats (more precisely, with the period when rat pups no longer feed on mother's milk). Madelon found that rats that were exposed to influence at an early age developed immunity to tumors that persisted into adult animals. She exposed rat pups to avoidable shock, inevitable shock or none at all, and then waited for them to grow up. She then inoculated them with sarcoma, divided the original groups into triplets, and then subjected each new group to two types of shock (plus no shock). Most of the rats that experienced helplessness at an early age failed to reject the tumor as adults; most of those who escaped shock in childhood were rejected by adults. Thus, childhood life experience turned out to be a key factor in the ability of adult animals to reject tumors. The ability to control the situation in childhood strengthens the immune system, and early helplessness increases the risk of cancer in adult rats.

After completing her doctoral dissertation, Madelon applied to a number of universities, offering herself as an assistant professor; some of them responded by requesting its detailed

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Autobiography. Looking through one of them, I was surprised to learn that she had already been an assistant professor of nursing at Yale University before going on to graduate school in psychology. In addition, I learned that she had earned the Silver Star and various other awards for her courage under fire in Vietnam. During the invasion, in 1970, she headed a hospital in Cambodia, in the so-called Parrot's Beak.

I couldn't get more out of her. But now I began to understand the source of her courage and strength of character, which she needed in 1976 to overcome the intellectual battlefield she chose for herself. Her chosen field (the impact of psychological factors on physical health) was at that time at the undivided disposal of healers and talkers. She wanted to prove from a scientific standpoint that consciousness can influence disease, and this dream ran like a red thread through her medical career, despite the disbelief and ridicule of her colleagues. According to official dogmas, only the physical can affect the disease, but not mental processes. And Madelon turned to academia for sympathy and support. By the time she began working on her dissertation, Madelon had already been able to prove that consciousness can influence the disease. Even the medical world began to believe it. Today Madelon chairs the Department of Child Care. Faculty of Medicine at Yale University.

What a good personal fitness trainer needs to know

6 Steps to an Effective Personal Trainer

The fitness industry is a booming multi-billion dollar industry and becoming a personal trainer has become a desirable career choice for those who want to help people reach their fitness goals.

Effective personal trainers stand out for their knowledge of physical principles and their ability to motivate clients to positively change their lives, become stronger and healthier.

Step 1

Knowledge of anatomy, physiology and biomechanics, in particular, how the body is structured, what functions the body performs and how movement affects the body is essential for a good trainer. Having knowledge in the field of joints and muscle structure allows you to understand what happens to the body during the performance of strength and cardiovascular exercises, which allows you to design workouts to maximize potential client, avoiding injury.

Step 2

You need to know how to test the current physical condition of new clients before developing an individual plan. Find out the cardiovascular endurance abilities of your clients by doing walking. Test your clients' upper body muscular endurance. Ask them to do as many push-ups as they can before they get tired.

These assessments will provide you with a baseline for developing the right training plan and assessing your clients' progress.

Step 3

Development of effective and safe training programs in accordance with the needs of clients. You should be able to change the exercises if they are too difficult or if your client feels uncomfortable. For example, be able to develop a workout for your client who has 10 kg excess weight but also have problems with the knee.

Step 4

Know the basics of nutrition and how it can help clients achieve their goals

goals. An effective personal trainer knows what and when their clients need to eat and how many calories they need to consume in order to reach their goals.

Step 5

Provide your clients with support and motivation so they can focus on achieving their goals. Use words of encouragement and encouragement. Ask your clients why they hired you and what they want to achieve. These answers can help you determine how to motivate them.

Step 6

Keep learning by attending conferences, classes, or by earning a degree in health and fitness. Personal trainers have access to many sources of continuing education. Getting over complete information about health and fitness will help you better train and understand clients using necessary tools to help them reach their goals.

Created 17 Oct 2012

If you like to move and you don't want to sit in the office from morning to evening, choose the profession of a fitness instructor. There is a lot of pleasure in this work: classes to music, smiles of satisfied clients, and even pay for the fact that you train yourself and keep yourself in shape. You can work on a flexible schedule and choose from a huge number of specializations to your liking.

The fitness instructor has a lot different options career development. You can reach such heights in your specialization that you will become a welcome guest at fitness conventions where you can demonstrate your technique. Or start teaching beginners yourself. Another very logical way is to go into the management of a fitness club: it is from instructors that the best fitness managers grow, then fitness directors, and then, if you have ambitions and abilities, a direct road to club or even network managers. Another direction is to improve your qualifications to work as a personal trainer. Here the possibilities are almost endless. You can find your niche and specialization: from preparing athletes for bikini fitness competitions to rehabilitation after serious injuries of the musculoskeletal system. This is a very well-paid job - with a reputation and proven success stories, when customers begin to recommend you and pass from hand to hand. At this level, you will already be able to open your studio when the flow of clients is guaranteed by your previous work.


From the outside it seems that the work of an instructor is always a continuous holiday. This is true - when you love your job, and when you have already accumulated enough experience to conduct a group lesson "on the machine", easily and naturally adjusting the load depending on the reaction of the groups. At the beginning, almost every novice instructor has difficulties in order to "get" into the music, there is not enough attention at the same time to the choreography, and to the music, and to the teams. Not all clients are equally pleasant - some, for some reason, do not like your style, they are capricious and refuse to do what you give them, they say that the previous instructor did everything differently. Maintaining your form sometimes ends with injuries (but you have to work!), And somehow you don’t want to get up for morning workouts at 7-8 in the morning .. But this is all surmountable - after some time, many difficulties go away, but the pleasures really added with experience. Remember the main thing - if you want to become a good fitness instructor, be prepared to overcome yourself at first.


In principle, it is also possible to work without all this knowledge (alas, some do). There is a huge amount of information on the Internet, you can find thousands of exercises at any time. But without your own knowledge, your work will be just copying movements. Without anatomy, physiology and biomechanics in any way. Whatever specialization you choose in the future ( personal trainer, pilates or kids fitness ), you must understand the anatomical subtleties and laws of the functioning of the body in order to correctly compose training programs for your clients. Imagine that a client came to you for training, who for some reason (for example, an injury or diseases of the joints) cannot do push-ups or squats. And these are some of the most popular exercises that will be the first to come across when you search on the Internet. They are also one of the most efficient. If you have enough knowledge in anatomy and biomechanics, you can analyze this situation and still give the client an adequate load by choosing other exercises or their other variations, etc. - a knowledgeable coach will have a mass different ways give the planned load.So if at school you preferred to skip anatomy and physiology classes, then it's time to buy school textbooks on these topics at the bookstore and study them again (preferably before you come to Basic course - it will be a little easier to learn!). Of course, in addition to anatomy, physiology and biomechanics, there is still a lot of everything you need to know, but start with this!


It's vital important point. Literally. If you want to work as a fitness instructor happily ever after, get yourself a technique right away. For former athletes easier - they have a culture of movement "in the blood." And those who did not seriously go in for sports in childhood and adolescence will have to work separately on technique. Your role models should be gymnasts, artists, synchronized swimmers, ballroom dancers, ballet dancers, after all. Posture, the position of the back, body and limbs during movements - all this will protect against injuries and problems with the musculoskeletal system in the long term. The coaches have a lot of workload, and if you do some movements incorrectly for many years, this, in the end, will be reflected in the back and knees, without which it is problematic to work as an instructor.


There is a lot of information about fitness and training methods. Thousands of blogs where you can find anything you want. And what is true in them, you can only understand if you yourself know more and own the basics of training theory. Only constant self-education will help here and independent work over your knowledge and skills. And then you can effectively and without harm to yourself and your customers use only what is really worthwhile, and filter everything else.


It only seems from the outside that it is easy and simple to conduct a lesson with a group. At the very beginning of a career as a fitness instructor, the worst thing is to go out in front of a group and start leading it. And for an hour, trying hard not to forget your workout plan, not to stray from the music and at the same time keep track of all clients, correct them, motivate them, try to help those who are not succeeding. Well, it’s also beautiful and technically demonstrating all the movements.

So if you are initially shy, then start by practicing a loud command voice!


Decide in which direction you see yourself - in group programs or in personal training. If you want to start your studies with us, then choose to start with either the Basic Aerobics Course or the Gym Instructor Course - both of them provide a fundamental theoretical basis for their direction. Get ready for a very intense and stressful study - every day from 9 am to 6-7 pm, lectures and practical training, and even homework for the evening. Try to plan in such a way that you have a minimum number of other things to do, you will not have time for them during your studies.

By the end of the training, your head will swell from the amount of information, fatigue will cover you and you will want to take the time to practice the acquired knowledge in practice and prepare for the exam. And while you're pretty sure you're not ready for the exam yet, it's best to go through the process. After all, while you are not yet a fitness star who will be invited to work, you have to go through auditions in fitness clubs. The exam is a good casting rehearsal where you can test your ability to concentrate in a stressful situation. And reviewing the exam together with us will help plan work on knowledge gaps.

The rest will be discussed in the seminars! See you!