Private cosmetology office: step-by-step instructions for opening. How to open a beauty parlor from scratch Open a beauty parlor

The beauty industry is a fast growing and quite profitable business. To organize such a business does not require large investments. Many women take care of their appearance and do not save money on it, so beauty salons usually do not suffer from a lack of customers. In this article, we will talk about how to open a beauty parlor and make it profitable.

Business registration

Before you open a beauty parlor, first of all, you need to form a legal framework. To do this, register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. If you are not going to further expand your business or provide licensed services, you can issue an IP. This will allow you to open in the shortest possible time and pay taxes under the simplified taxation system.

Some aspiring entrepreneurs ask the question, how to open a beauty parlor without a license? If the list of cosmetic services does not include those that are considered medical, you will not need a license. To avoid mistakes when preparing documents, seek help from specialists.

To obtain a license, you must submit the following documents:

  • Equipment certificates;
  • Diplomas of specialists;
  • Agreement for the lease of premises;
  • Permits from SES and fire inspection;
  • Equipment maintenance contract.

In order not to waste time on paperwork, you can purchase a ready-made business or open a franchise establishment.

Start-up capital

Before you open a beauty parlor from scratch, you will have to raise start-up capital. Banks refuse to lend to such a business, and it is almost impossible to find partners or investors. Therefore, you will have to use personal savings.

You can also try borrowing money from friends or relatives. If you plan to take out a loan, you should remember that a beauty parlor pays off within 2-3 years.

If you could not find the amount you need, you can find out. This will allow you to earn money and fulfill your dream.

Where to begin?

Now let's figure out how to start opening a beauty parlor. After you register your business, you can start choosing a premises. The profitability of your business largely depends on its location. In big cities, sleeping areas are the most profitable.

When developing the layout of the premises, all the norms and requirements established by the Ministry of Health should be taken into account. The area of ​​the room should be at least 15-20 square meters. meters, so that it freely accommodates all the necessary equipment. In addition, you need to allocate space for a wardrobe, utility room, toilet and waiting room.

It is better to finish the office in a calm color scheme, which allows clients to relax and tune in to a certain procedure. Indoors, you need to constantly maintain perfect cleanliness so as not to scare away customers. You should not set high prices for services, as your visitors may go to competitors who will attract them with cheap offers. But this is not all that is needed to open a beauty parlor. You still have to choose equipment, hire staff and conduct an advertising campaign.

Service list

Usually, newcomers are limited in financial resources, so they cannot offer visitors a wide range of services. Therefore, before opening a beauty parlor at home, or in any other place, you should first decide which clients you will work with. These can be wealthy people or citizens with an average income level. Depending on this, choose equipment, cosmetics and other consumables.

A good salon should have the following services:

  • Epilation;
  • facial skin cleansing;
  • Massage;
  • Specialist consultations;
  • Manicure and hairdressing services.

Cabinet equipment

For visitors to be comfortable, you need to choose a comfortable chair. Usually cosmetic procedures take a lot of time. They are carried out in a sitting or lying position, so the chair must meet all the established requirements.

In addition, the equipment for beauty parlors includes:

  • Steam bath for washing;
  • Sterilizer;
  • Apparatus Darsonval;
  • Special laser and more.

You will also need cosmetic underwear, wipes, tampons, masks, tonics, and more. Cosmetics that you use for procedures must be included in the list compiled by the Ministry of Health.


As a rule, a cosmetologist, a massage therapist, as well as a specialist in manicure and pedicure work in a cosmetology room. Since this area is constantly developing, the labor market lacks qualified personnel. Therefore, when compiling a business plan for a beauty parlor, be sure to include an expense item in it - employee training. Cabinet employees must constantly improve their professionalism and follow all the latest in cosmetology.

Large beauty salons hold master classes for their employees, and also regularly send them to advanced training courses.

The duties of a beautician include:

  1. Performing procedures related to facial aesthetic cosmetology;
  2. Aesthetic cosmetology of the body - body shaping, hair removal, spa programs, etc.;
  3. Preparation of medical documents;
  4. Consultations.

The job description of a cosmetologist states that he must have an appropriate education, a medical book, work experience and a well-groomed appearance. When hiring such a specialist, be sure to pay attention to the fact that he meets all these requirements.

There is a little trick when opening a beauty parlor.

Everyone knows, and if anyone does not know, they will now find out that the first peak in the flow of customers occurs in the spring, when people take off their hats, and the second - on September 1 (plus or minus a week), when people come from the sea.

Option 1 is fast.

If you do everything in time for the summer, then your costs will begin to "fight back" in the fall.

Option 2 is lazy.

If you do not have time, you will be able to acquire more customers by the spring.

Starting a cosmetics business from scratch, forget about what “profitability” is, at least in the first weeks of operation. When setting the cost of services, you will have to take into account the prices of competitors, so to attract customers you will have to work even at a loss.

Payback periods for beauty salons - from three to five years

beauty parlor

It differs from a beauty salon only in a smaller range of services offered.

1. To open an office - $ 10-15 thousand,

2. to launch a salon - $ 60-80 thousand,

3. Clinic - more than $250,000

Are you talking about a beauty salon?

2) We reduce the cost of equipment, namely, we buy domestic tables for manicure and pedicure. They are cheaper than foreign ones.

For comparison: a German manicure table costs $1.6 thousand, a mermaid table costs from $120 to $200.

Teach?.. Or die as an ignoramus?

You can save on chairs, but you can't save on staff. Especially in terms of improving his skills.

Specialists with a medical education are now being retrained to become cosmetologists at the same pace as in 1941 medical students were retrained to become field surgeons.

Basic training - from $300 to $1000.

Retraining and advanced training - training in hardware cosmetology, and all other features - requires additional costs.

You or your master can pay for training. If you pay, then do not forget to conclude an agreement under which he undertakes to work for you, as “by distribution”, for at least one year.

-And pay? -Who how much.

So, 1) Cosmetologists can receive from 10% to 30% of the daily revenue they bring,

2) manicure masters - 20-30%,

3) pedicure masters - 30-40%,

4) massage therapist - 20%.

It is best to open a salon with five jobs.

The most common services:

a) skin care

b) body care

c) manicure,

d) pedicure,

e) hairdressing services.

If you are not a beauty salon, but a hairdresser with a beauty salon component, then the opposite is true for you. First - hairdressing and in the end - facial skin care.

And further…

Equipment costs - $ 3-4 thousand.

$0.7-1 thousand for the purchase of consumables,

Rent about $150-200 per month.


Salon for wealthy clients. Initial costs - at least $ 60-80 thousand.

They are made up of:

rent in the city center (per month for 1 m2 - from $10),

stylish renovation (from $100 per 1 sq. m.),

equipment of well-known German brands - Italians - break down, keep in mind. ($40-50 thousand without a laser). The laser system for removing pigmented formations costs $54,000.

cosmetics of expensive brands, a whole line at once for $4-5 thousand.

Arrangement of a manicure and pedicure room - $ 5 thousand.

massage room and administrative hall - $ 1.5-2 thousand.

middle class,

rent in the sleeping sector for 1 sq.m - $ 5 per month. That is, for 60 sq. m monthly $300,

repair - $ 1.5-2 thousand,

equipment of Polish or Taiwanese assembly

for a beauty parlor - $ 2-4 thousand,

for a manicure / pedicure room - $ 2 thousand,

for a massage parlor - $300).

But the main thing that you always need to remember is that the beauty salon opens "under the masters of golden hands", like a restaurant under the chef. And therefore, if you do not have connections in the world of cosmetology, then it is better not to risk it. Just like that, they go to unfamiliar salons only for eyebrow correction, and then - people who do not respect themselves.

The services of a good beautician are always in demand. After all, a competent cosmetologist helps to get rid of many problems and preserve the beauty of the skin. Owning such a profession, it is a sin not to make it your source of income. You can start small - open a beautician's office at home.

Today, cosmetology services can be obtained at every step. Large cosmetology centers, smaller clinics and private offices offer a lot of modern options for preserving youthful skin and treating dermatological problems. But, having opened an office at home, you can hardly stay at a loss. Many women feel more relaxed at the appointment with a private beautician in a small cozy office. And, there is a category of clients for whom external conditions are not important at all. For them, the priority is the skill of a specialist and the result that can be seen after visiting a private beautician.

Therefore, if you have a specialized education, professional skills, a few free square meters in an apartment and a great desire to start your own business, it is worth a try. Perhaps, over time, the customer base will accumulate, opportunities will expand, and there will be an option to think about opening a larger platform for the provision of services.

Before you start buying everything you need for a beauty parlor, you need to consider some details. The premises must meet certain requirements:

  • There must be an individual sewerage system.
  • The premises must comply with fire safety regulations.
  • The office must be spacious. For one beautician you need at least 15 square meters of space.
  • Good artificial lighting should be organized in the room.
  • The interior environment must be created in accordance with sanitary requirements.

After making sure that everything in the apartment or house meets the necessary standards, it is worth starting the legal issues of registering your business. It is impossible to provide services without first registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The easiest and most affordable option is to open an IP. Of course, this form of activity implies the possibility of providing a certain (permitted) list of services. Some types of services that are classified as medical manipulations require a special license. Before deciding on an acceptable list of services, you can consult with a specialist from the licensing office.

List of required equipment

If you already have a room for an office, you should think about the equipment. Without good cosmetic equipment, things will not work. Perhaps the selection of the necessary equipment is a column on which you cannot save. Although, the choice of instrument requires a reasonable approach.

The cosmetologist's office assumes the mandatory presence of the following things:

  • Special couch. The client who came to the reception will need to be placed comfortably. At the same time, the specialist should also not experience inconvenience in the course of his work. That is why you should choose modern improved models of couches.
  • Loupes for cosmetology. Such devices allow for a good visualization of the client's skin. Due to high-quality equipment, it will be possible to carry out a detailed examination and carry out cosmetic manipulations with the maximum level of accuracy.
  • Mirror. In any beauty parlor without a mirror in any way. The client should be able to look at himself in the mirror. The absence of a mirror in the field of beauty is impossible.
  • UV sterilizer for instruments. Sterilization of devices above all. A cosmetologist who does not follow the rules for sterilizing a working tool literally breaks the law and endangers the health of clients.
  • Cosmetic forceps and other special tools. A set of items for cosmetic manipulations must be complete. It is impossible to provide services without being able to perform all the necessary manipulations with high quality.
  • Special clothing for staff and clients. Sanitation rules prescribe the presence of special gowns and caps, as well as sterile gloves. Violation of such requirements can lead to very undesirable consequences. Cosmetology services involve interventions in the area of ​​​​the skin. Even a minimal chance of getting and developing an infection should not be allowed.
  • A set of towels. You will need a lot of towels. They should be of different sizes and will imply different purposes of use. There are no extra towels in the beautician's office.
  • Disposable hygiene items. Napkins, peignoirs, hats and other little things will always come in handy during the reception. These things also need to be purchased with a margin.
  • Cosmetology devices for vibromassage, laser correction and other possible procedures. Good cosmetology equipment in all its diversity is offered by various manufacturers of medical equipment. It is necessary to choose options that are convenient in terms of price and quality and equip your beauty parlor with them.
  • Special furniture. In the office of a specialist, everything cannot be out of place. Order and exemplary cleanliness are partly responsible for the confidence of patients. A beautician's office needs a convenient cabinet for storing tools and shelves for distributing hygiene items and cosmetics.
  • A set of specialized skin care products, as well as antiseptics and other necessary preparations. The cosmetologist's office should have a good selection of effective products. At this point, too, you will not be able to save. Using products of dubious quality, you can pay with your reputation. Clients go to the cosmetologist for top-level care. Simple affordable means they can use at home. The specialist should use only professional lines designed for effective cosmetology.

Disposable hygiene items

Towel set

Instrument sterilizer

Other nuances of creating an office

So, the premises are ready, the equipment has been purchased, the legal moment has been observed. What else should be paid attention to? It is worth studying the demand for services and determining the initial selection of positions provided. A small office cannot immediately start with a wide range of services. You need to start with a few, but very popular options. Of course, creative ideas can be appreciated by the consumer. But, best of all, develop in your own unique direction, already having more or less solid ground under your feet. Customers are more likely to choose something that someone has already tried and recommended well. Learning preferences is easy. Especially if there is a certain knowledge base in a given direction.

Also, when opening your own beauty parlor, it is important to consider that such sites open everywhere. Competition is a serious thing. In order to develop your own customer base, you need to find your own zest that will attract people and make this particular office preferable among many others. Such a highlight can be the quality of service, pleasant environment and atmosphere in the office, but also, of course, the level of services provided. Prices will be important. Promoted sites can afford a high bar. You need to start with accessibility.

Based on the above, we can conclude that before opening your own business in the direction of cosmetology, you need a clear plan in which the smallest details will be thought out.

If we talk about the modern beauty parlor, then it began its rapid development in the middle of the 20th century and today has achieved tremendous success. The main goal of a modern beauty parlor is to regulate metabolic processes in the skin and delay the external manifestations of aging as much as possible. Women today can completely change their appearance through the use of electronic devices used in the application of masks and smoothing wrinkles. Epilation has become a daily routine not only for the female part of the population, but also for the male. Firming facial massages using special oils allow you to tighten your facial skin in a couple of weeks. Not to mention the design of eyelashes, lips and eyebrows.

Turning to our beauty salon once, you will remain our regular customer forever. A beauty parlor on Preobrazhenka in the Golden Apple beauty salon is a beauty parlor from the world's leading manufacturers of cosmetic products and top-level professionals.


Name Procedure time Cost, rub.
HYDRADERMIE Double Ionisation 60 min. 4 690
HYDRADERMIE Double lonisation Plus 90 min. 5 650
HYDRADERMIE Age Logic 90 min. 6 550
HYDRADERMIE Lift 90 min. 6 550
HYDRADERMIE Lift Express 60 min. 4 200
HYDRADERMIE Lift 60 min. 3 600
LIFTOSOME 60 min. 4 800
BEAUTY NEUVE peeling 60 min. 4 200



Anna Lotan



Classic massage 45 min. 1 200
plastic massage 35 min. 1 000
Chiroplastic massage 45 min. 1 700
Spanish modeling massage 45 min. 2 000
Lymphatic drainage massage 35 min. 1 000
Cryomassage 20 minutes. 800
45 min. 2 900
Myofascial facial massage (Reconstructive) 60 min. 3 500
45 min. 2 700
Smas-lifting (Active lifting) 60 min. 3 200

Kinesiology taping


General care (massage + mask) 90 min. 2 700
General care (massage + mask + alginate) 90 min. 3 000
Ultrasonic face cleaning 60 min. 2 700
Manual face cleaning 90 min. 3 400
Complex Face Cleaning (ultrasound + manual) 120 min. 3 500
Back cleaning (partial) 60 min. 2 700
Back cleaning (full) 90 min. 3 500
Face mask according to skin type (in addition) 20 minutes. 600
Face mask according to skin type (make-up remover + mask + cream) 30 minutes. 800
Face mask according to skin type (make-up remover + peeling + mask + cream) 45 min. 1 500
Alginate mask 30 minutes. 800
Face mask "Gypsum" (full face) "JANSSEN" 30 minutes. 1 800
Face mask "Gypsum" (lower third of the face) "JANSSEN" 30 minutes. 990
Paraffin therapy 20 minutes. 800
Darsonval 20 minutes. 600
brushing 20 minutes. 500
Iontophoresis 30 minutes. 800
Microcurrents 30 minutes. 1 200
Milia Removal (1 pc.) 15 minutes. 100
Removal of papillomas (up to 10 pcs.) 30 minutes. 100
Removal of papillomas (over 10 pcs.) 60 min. 50
Coagulation (spider veins) 30 minutes. from 200
Wart Removal 20 minutes. 300


Peeling RENEWLIFT (Active lifting peeling) 60 min. 4 350
Peeling REPROGRAMMATION (Regenerating Peeling) 60 min. 3 750
Peeling KERATOREGULATEUR (Sebo-regulating peeling) 60 min. 2 990
Peeling Madndeliqu 40 (Anti-inflammatory, sebum-regulating, depigmenting peeling) 60 min. 3 250
Peeling + Phototherapy 120 min. 5 000

Peelings McPEEL

Almond peeling 40% 60 min. 2 000
Milk peeling 50% 60 min. 2 500
Salicylic peeling 25% (1 layer) 60 min. 1 200
Jessner salicylic peel (1 layer) 60 min. 1 200
Glycolic peeling 35% 60 min. 2 100
Glycolic peeling 50% 60 min. 2 500
yellow peeling 60 min. 5 000


PRX-T33 5 000
BIO Re Peel Cl3 4 000


Name Procedure time Cost, rub.
Global skin rejuvenation based on Mando Ferul - peeling 60 min. 3 600
Biostimulating all-weather, universal peeling Poli Soft 60 min. 3 400
Treatment for sensitive skin with signs of rosacea 60 min. 3 500
Triple action cleansing procedure (Desincrustation + Ultrasound cleaning + Manual), normalizing the hydrolipid layer. 90 min. 3 900
REVINOL - intensive rejuvenating regenerating peeling procedure "Gold standard of cosmetology" 60 min. 8 500
Bio-stimulating antioxidant professional treatment RX 50 Synergic 60 min. 4 200

Treatments based on FAT NORMALIZE

Treatments based on NORMALIZE SKIN


Name Procedure time Cost, rub.
Eyebrow correction 300
Eyebrow shape 400
Eyebrow coloring 300
Eyebrow lightening 300
Eyelash coloring 300
Eyebrow modeling with henna 1 200
Permed eyelashes 1 500
Eyelash lamination 2 500
Microblading correction 1 500
Removal of eyelash extensions 800
Ear piercing (children under 7 years old) 2 000
Ear piercing 1 500
Ear piercing (One ear) 1 000
Belly button piercing 2 000

* The nuances of the cost of the service at the discretion of the master