How to open optics. Opening an optics salon How to open an optics salon without a license

Today, approximately 30% of the population has serious vision problems. Given the great pastime in the evening near the TV, as well as the computer, these figures are increasing almost every year. And glasses are becoming not only a tool for vision correction, but also an attribute of modern style. Most people enjoy using them without having any visual problems at all. This, in turn, increases the number of potential customers. Based on this fact, you need to seriously think about how you can create your point trading point. And in this article we will try to tell you about Surely, our publication will allow you to learn a lot of interesting information.

Market and competition analysis

This publication will help you find out whether it is profitable to open an optics salon in your city. Of course - this is a profitable event, but it is important to take into account many features.

It is worth starting the opening of such a point with a market analysis. But it is worth saying that many entrepreneurs have already done this. And the results of the study of this market turned out to be very optimistic. It turns out that over the past few years, the retail network selling optics has increased by almost 8 times. And, according to many experts in this field, the optics market is only 55% full. But still, there is a deterrent, called the Russian mentality.

Many Russians cannot afford to buy frames that cost several hundred dollars, and very rarely visit an optometrist, while wearing for several years the optics that have long ceased to correspond to their level of vision.

How much does it cost to open an optics shop


By creating a salon-optics is excellent. In this area, there is a fairly high profitability and fast payback periods. But still, you will need to obtain licenses, special pharmaceutical equipment and have a decent start-up capital. And remember that there is no way to do without personal efforts. Therefore, be patient and hope that everything will work out for you.

Actual ideas for making money

Almost every fifth Russian citizen has vision problems. As a rule, these are elderly people who, alas, cannot always buy high-quality and expensive lenses and glasses. For this reason, although the potential for optics in the middle and high money segment is quite good, but still, the departments involved in the sale of low-budget glasses also have the right to fight for their place in the business. The sale of eyeglasses at any time brings a good income, and this does not depend on the economic situation in the country and the target audience of consumers. So what is the sale of optics like? This topic is worth exploring in more detail.

Business concepts

If we do not take into account the capital regions of our country for the possibility of creating premium class salons, then there are two options for opening an optics store:

Opening a department with ready-made lenses and glasses, with an average check of 350-500 rubles. This store is a budget type of business. And its opening will not require huge financial investments from you.

The opening of a full-fledged store, with an ophthalmologist, the production of frames and lenses to order. This type of business will require significant investments from you, the amount of which will be millions of rubles.

Yes, it is worth noting that although a full-fledged store will bring you a lot of profit, its profitability can be compared with a small separate shop. The thing is that at the moment of the onset of a crisis situation in the country, people begin to save on everything, and it often happens that people use monthly lenses for half a year. In addition, our domestic citizens do not like to monitor their own health, and visit an ophthalmologist once every ten years.

Department of Optics


For shift work, you will need to hire two sales assistants. In a small town, you can easily find a person with excellent qualifications and extensive experience for a salary of fifteen thousand. Since the entrepreneur is registering as an individual entrepreneur, he has the right to do the bookkeeping himself. Based on this, every month he will spend 30,000 thousand rubles on wages, and about 10,000 more - taxes on employees, and payment for medical and pension insurance.

Initial purchase of goods

An optics salon, as a business idea, cannot exist without a certain set of goods. The mark-up on all medical and sunglasses, as well as various accessories for them, will be one hundred percent of the wholesale price. A business plan for opening an optics salon should provide for daily revenue in the region of 10,000 thousand rubles. Of this amount, half is the wholesale cost. Based on this, the purchase of a batch of products for one month of work will cost the entrepreneur around 150,000 thousand rubles.

Profitability calculations

In general, to start the work of the optics department, you will need around 50,000 thousand rubles. Of them:

  • 30,000 thousand will be spent on the purchase of the necessary equipment for the sale of optics.
  • 5000 - for business registration and paperwork.
  • 10,000 - advertising costs.

About another 150,000 thousand will be spent on the purchase of the goods themselves, but you can significantly reduce this amount if you take the products for sale, or if you use a deferred payment.

Each month you will need to spend:

  • 10,000 thousand will be spent on renting the premises.
  • 40,000 will go to the payroll and taxation of employees.
  • 5000 - for unforeseen expenses.

As a result, we will receive 55,000 thousand rubles. With a daily turnover of ten thousand, and a trade margin of 100 percent, the monthly income will be 95,000 thousand rubles. fifteen percent of taxes should be deducted from them. As a result, we will receive a net income equal to 80,000 thousand rubles.

In less than one month, all expenses can pay off, and your optics department will be profitable. But this is all theoretical. As for practice, everything is much more complicated here. After you open a new enterprise, the flow of customers will not increase immediately, but gradually, and only after one year of operation of the department, it will be able to reach its maximum.

It is likely that in the first six months the level of sales will only cover the salaries of employees and the cost of rent. But in any case, after five, six months, after the opening of the department, the initial investment will be able to return, and the business will bring you a stable profit.

Optics store

Here we are talking about how to start selling optics. A full-fledged store will require a large amount of money from a businessman to start. Yes, and as for the red tape, it will be more. But, nevertheless, the potential profit can easily pay for all the trouble.

Room and equipment.

In order to open and launch a full-fledged optics store, it will be necessary to rent an area of ​​at least one hundred square meters. of them:

  • Twenty meters will go to an excellent ophthalmologist.
  • Fifteen meters - to the workshop.
  • And sixty-five meters - a trading floor.

Renting such a room will cost the entrepreneur approximately one hundred thousand rubles. In the region of two hundred thousand, it will be necessary to spend on the necessary equipment for trade, tables, cash desks and mirrors.

The largest expense will be for the purchase of medical equipment - at least two million rubles. The dollar exchange rate hit this type of business quite hard. Therefore, it will be possible to use used equipment, but only after its certification and prevention. For this reason, it is better to purchase a new one in advance.

After purchasing the complete set, you will be able to provide the following services:

  • Selection of frames and lenses.
  • Complete vision check.
  • Manufacture of glasses according to the physiological and optical requirements of the client.

An ophthalmologist can treat eye diseases. This, in turn, provides the entrepreneur with additional profit. Whether or not to call for payment for an eye test will be decided by the owner of the store. In some departments of optics, it ranges from two hundred to five hundred rubles for a complete examination. As for other departments, this service is completely free for customers. Both the first and second options deserve their right to be implemented.

Registration of permits and licenses

It is worth saying that optics as a business with a competent approach has positive reviews. But it is worth taking care of paperwork in this matter. Since the glasses sales department also provides medical services, the entrepreneur should go through the registration procedure as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. You will also need to obtain a special license to provide medical services.

In order to receive it, you must provide:

  • The act of recognizing the premises as suitable for the provision of honey. services.
  • A package of company registration documents.
  • Physician qualification document.

Before opening your optics store from scratch, an entrepreneur must be aware that the store manager must have a pharmacological and medical education. In general, the execution of all necessary documents at its cost will be from a hundred to flukes of rubles. This amount will depend on regional legislation and the ability of the owner of the enterprise to resolve weight issues without the help of lawyers.


A large and solid institution will require the same number of employees. Need to hire:

  • Technique.
  • Doctor.
  • Three or four vendors.
  • Accountant.
  • Manager, if the entrepreneur does not have the appropriate diploma.

As a result, there were eight people, with a salary of approximately 160,000 thousand rubles, and taking into account fees and taxes, you will have to spend 200,000 thousand rubles for this business.


It is much more difficult to evaluate the turnover and profitability of a large optics store, unlike a small one, as there are a lot of facts that affect the final result.

Perhaps it:

  • Place permeability.
  • regional factor.
  • Qualification of the doctor and person.
  • Seasonality, during the summer, sales increase.

But in general, based on experience, the sale of spectacle frames, their production, the sale of additional goods and the provision of services can bring a monthly income equal to 300,000 thousand rubles. From this it follows that the initial costs will amount to approximately three million rubles. This means that the payback of this project will be one year.


The profitability of a small business is much higher, but even opening a network of departments will not be able to generate such income as for opening one large one. The whole point is that one person is not able to follow a huge network of salons. He will need to hire an additional staff of accountants and assistants for this. As a result, it will reduce the income several times.

The most suitable option for developing this business from scratch is to open several small departments so that you can get start-up funds to create a larger business.

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A couple of decades ago, young people with glasses evoked ridicule and sympathy. Today the situation has changed dramatically. Glasses have become not only a device for improving vision, but also an element of style. Tastefully selected frames, colored lenses create their own, unique image, and not necessarily the image of a “nerd”. Much more often, it is thanks to the glasses that a person looks presentable and businesslike.

And experts refer to the optical business as “eternal” industries. Therefore, we can safely say that the opening of an optics salon is a promising undertaking and a profitable business that is not afraid of crises.

Overview of the optics market

The work of a modern optics salon takes place in two directions: the sale of corrective optics and vision diagnostics, followed by individual production of glasses.

Shops selling optics can be divided into three types:

trays with inexpensive finished products usually made in China. The advantage of such points is the cheapness and availability of goods. The average price of glasses does not exceed 300-500 rubles. They are very popular among the poor. Sales volumes of such trays reach 65% of all corrective and sun protection optics. Income varies between 2-3 thousand dollars per month. Many of them became the first step in the development of a large optical business. But quite often there are situations when the total monthly income does not allow to recoup the costs. Because, despite the cheapness, the consumer has become more picky and has begun to treat his health more carefully, and the quality of products from natural outlets is usually not high.

optical shops as medical institutions . Such points of sale are usually tied to pharmacies, shopping centers, and can be located as separate pavilions. They are distinguished by a high level of service, because implementation is carried out by people with specialized medical education. Typically, such a store has an ophthalmologist on staff who can provide advice and select the right glasses. The range of goods is quite wide, focused on various consumer audiences: from inexpensive Korean-made glasses to expensive elite Italian models. In some stores there are workshops for making glasses to order.

Usually, large optical salons open several stores with diagnostic rooms, where consultations and orders are taken. At the same time, the production of glasses itself is taken out to remote areas of the city or beyond its limits, in order to reduce rental costs. The monthly profitability of salons of this class is quite stable and reaches the level of 4-6 thousand dollars. But in order to be called a brand salon, they lack an idea, uniqueness, attachment to one well-known manufacturer.

brand salons , as a rule, are distinguished by high-quality and expensive goods. Many of them have a network of stores in different regions. Glasses can cost up to $1,500. Deliveries are organized directly from abroad or through official distributors. The profitability of the largest optical networks is in the range of 10-15 thousand dollars per month.

VIP-class salons have their own sales concept and take into account the latest fashion trends. They certainly have in their assortment luxury goods and, of course, branded models of well-known brands. Such models of glasses are made using modern production technologies and expensive materials for frames, in some cases precious metals. The category of citizens who can afford to buy optics in such salons is not large. Therefore, many networks focus their assortment on buyers with an average income.

As for the forecasts for the development of the optical business, they are quite optimistic. The profitability of salons is confidently holding on to positions of 15-20%. Oversaturation of the market is not expected, because, according to statistics, every person who has reached the age of 40 has vision problems. And that line is getting lower and lower.

The younger generation prefers not to save on their health, but mostly purchase contact lenses. The level of sales of lenses, in relation to the sale of glasses, is in proportion as 2:3. And, quite possibly, this figure will grow. In addition, the attitude of Russians to the way of life is changing. People want to spend money on quality products purchased in specialized stores. And this provides an annual increase in buyers up to 20%. Therefore, the optics market remains quite attractive for investment.

Premises selection

Depending on the services provided, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises is also selected. For a trading floor, 40-50 sq.m. is enough. Optics is a specific product. Even small areas allow you to place a wide range of products. In addition, as a rule, there is no need for storage areas. If the salon will be engaged in diagnostics and independent production of glasses, then the total area should be at least 80-100 sq.m.

The location of the salon plays an important role in generating profits. Therefore, it is desirable to equip the store in a crowded place, with good access roads and an equipped parking lot. The interior should be appropriate - stylish, harmonious and not flashy. Artfully selected design should bring aesthetic pleasure and the desire to return here again. You may need the services of a designer and project development.

Legal aspect of activity

Optics related business refers to medical activities. Therefore, in order to create it, in addition to legal registration, it is necessary to obtain a license for medical and pharmaceutical activities. Documents are issued by the Ministry of Health and the Federal Service for Supervision of Health and Social Development. The necessary conditions for obtaining a license are:

- the presence of a person responsible for the implementation of activities;
- availability and legal ownership of premises and equipment;
— Availability of personnel with appropriate education.

The premises will also be subject to increased requirements from the regulatory services - Rospotrebnadzor, fire control, SES.

The terms of issuing and coordinating documents can be delayed for several months. And the cost of paperwork will be about 5 thousand dollars.

Diagnostic room equipment

In accordance with the SNiP for medical institutions, the area of ​​​​the medical office must be at least 18 square meters, and it must be equipped with a sink. Sanitary standards provide for compliance with the requirements for interior decoration, ensuring optimal conditions for the microclimate of the premises. Natural lighting must be provided in the office.

The cost of equipment for a diagnostic room will cost about 15-20 thousand dollars. Moreover, the purchase of used equipment is not acceptable, because. when drawing up legal documents, its metrological examination will be required. And the risk of failure of these tests increases with the terms of use of the examined devices.

The necessary set of diagnostic equipment includes:

– autokeratorefractometer – a device for measuring refraction and corneal surface parameters – price from $6500;

- dioptrimeter - a device for measuring diopter and selecting optical glasses - price from $ 1500;

- ophthalmoscope - a device for examining the fundus - the price is from $ 1500;

- slit lamp - an apparatus for microscopic analysis of the eye - price from $ 2500;

- pupillometer - a device for determining interpupillary distance - price from $ 200;

– a projector of signs – a device for determining the acuity and nature of vision – the price is from $ 2000;

– a set of trial lenses is used for examination of visual deviations and selection of corrective optics by trial method – the price is from $600.

It is also necessary to equip the medical office with the necessary furniture and the workplace of the ophthalmologist.

Glasses workshop

Typically, optics salons, in addition to selling, provide the following types of services:

– production of glasses, taking into account the selected frame;
— production and tinting of optical lenses;
– repair of frames and ultrasonic cleaning of glasses parts.

To perform these services, you will need the following equipment:

- a machine for turning lenses. It is designed to scan the parameters of the frame, centering and giving the desired geometric shape to the lens. And also for polishing the end of the lenses - the price is from $ 2200;

- manual machine for final processing of lenses. With its help, the grinding of the lens for a specific frame is completed - the price is from $ 220;

— a dioptrimeter, necessary for marking the diopter in the optical center of the lens and restoring the required center-to-center distance in glasses — the price is from $520;

- a heating hair dryer, softens the plastic frame, for the subsequent installation of the finished lens - the price is from $ 130;

– apparatus for ultrasonic cleaning of small parts of frames and hard-to-reach areas of glasses – price from $1300;

- a manual woodman is used to cut a groove in the end of the lens, intended for subsequent installation in forest (semi-rimmed) frames - the price is from $ 230;

- a drilling machine, necessary for drilling holes in lenses, in the manufacture of glasses with screw fasteners - the price is from $ 210 ;.

- welding machine, designed for repair and soldering of frames - price from $ 10,000;

- a set of hand tools - the price is from $ 100.

With such equipment, an experienced master optician will spend no more than 1-2 hours to complete the task. For an optics salon with an impeccable reputation, this is a good indicator. Therefore, in order not to lose customers, it is not worth extending the order execution time.

But the order assumes that ready-made frames are already available. However, most firms are expanding their capabilities and are engaged in the manufacture of frames on their own. In terms of profitability, the production of glasses from the initial stages occupies a leading position among small and medium-sized businesses. Moreover, the frames can be not only for glasses that correct vision, but also for sun protection.

The cost of a complete line for the production of frames will be 25-50 thousand dollars. In many ways, the price of equipment is influenced by the manufacturer. The cheapest will be Chinese machines, more expensive - German and Swiss. To service the production workshop, you will need a link of 3-4 people. And the productivity will be from 1000 to 2500 products per shift.

Formation of the assortment and selection of personnel

The cost of buying goods will cost from 25 to 50 thousand dollars. The wider the choice, the more productive the work of the salon will be. Therefore, the assortment should include at least 500 frames, 10-15 types of contact and spectacle lenses and at least 80 diopters of each individual type, as well as sunglasses and accessories. Contact lens care products must include at least 10 items.

Recruitment of qualified personnel can be the most difficult task when organizing a spectacle business. In particular, this applies to experienced master opticians. The shortage of this profession has long been outlined in the labor market. And each salon in its own way comes out of these situations. Some poach specialists from competitors, others recruit graduates from universities and colleges. One of the solutions to the problem is self-training. The training of a master optician, with his subsequent employment, will cost about $ 320. Also, the mandatory staff should include an optician consultant, an ophthalmologist, a manager, an administrator.

The total initial investment will be at least $100,000. The payback period for optics salons depends on the number of services provided. On average, this figure is 1.5-2 years.

Today, if not all, then many Russians resort to the help of glasses and lenses, because in the computer age, poor eyesight is one of the most common problems. In addition, now glasses, both optical and sunglasses, are an integral part of the image of every self-respecting fashionista, and with the help of lenses it is easy to change the color of the eyes to the desired one. So, if you decide to open a business, you can be sure that the optical industry is one of the most profitable, and besides, the optical market in Russia is only half full.

Read below for tips on how to open an optics salon, what you need to do and how much it will cost.

When opening an optics store, first of all, you should take care of the license, since this area has a close relationship with medicine and there are a lot of requirements for it. The store manager must have the education of a pharmacist, licenses for the manufacture of medical equipment, the provision of pharmaceutical services, each for $ 1,500 are also required. The store must comply with sanitary standards, it is necessary to coordinate with the fire department - about $ 150.

Premises for an optician's salon

The optics salon, which includes a store and a diagnostic room, will occupy at least 50 m². It is best, of course, to rent a room in the city center, next to some popular institution or a famous monument, or in a shopping center. On average, renting an area will cost $10,000 per year.

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Optical staff

The choice of staff in the store must be taken very responsibly. It is important to choose a good ophthalmologist, because the reputation of your salon will depend on him. Please note that the doctor's duties will include prescribing glasses and lenses and consulting clients. An optometrist is needed to make glasses, although there is another option with ordering lenses and glasses from suppliers. Of course, sellers, an average of two. It is advisable to hire experienced people in the store who will be able to advise lenses or frames that suit each face shape. You will also need a manager and a cleaning lady. The salary of the doctor and the rest of the staff will take about $3,000 a month.

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To open the optics, it is necessary to acquire such equipment as an autorefractometer, a table of signs, an ophthalmoscope, a dioptrimeter, display cases, an ophthalmological table, etc. All this will take about another 6,000 dollars.

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Take care of the stylish interior design of the store, because, as you know, you are greeted by clothes. If you are not sure that you can handle the correct selection of interior elements yourself, contact a specialist with this question. It is very important that when entering the store, the client understands that he has visited a serious salon, where professionals will advise him and select what is right for him. Don't forget about optical magazines, which should entertain the client and provide him with a lot of new information while he waits for his turn. The store should radiate comfort and respectability. The cost of buying chairs, tables, a sofa, vases and other interior items will be about $4,000.

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Assortment of optics salon

Now about the most important thing - about the product. you must replenish the store with a large assortment of sunglasses, frames for optical glasses, contact and colored lenses, as well as cases, cases, lens cleaning solutions. Sunglasses are the most frequently bought of anything else, your store should provide a large selection of them already in late winter - early spring. To choose the latest and most versatile eyeglasses, check out eyeglass fashion trends, which glasses are suitable for different face types. The purchase of the first assortment will take around $ 5,000. This is the price of a middle-class product, luxury brands of glasses, of course, are more expensive, and Chinese ones are cheaper.

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Much has been said and written about the importance of advertising in any business. You need to tell the whole city about the opening of your store, and how to do it is up to you. You can advertise in a newspaper or magazine, both regular and electronic, you can order advertising on television, create a store website, or simply distribute business cards with the services and contacts of the salon. The amount you spend on it depends on how you will draw attention to your optics salon.