Open a taxi business in Russia. How to open a taxi dispatch service: requirements, documents and how much it costs How to open a taxi service

Taxi has long been not a luxury, but a means of transportation for residents of any city.

If you consider the cost of gasoline, then everyone understands that it is much cheaper to travel on foot or by public transport, and if necessary (returning home late at night or with heavy luggage) call a taxi than to buy your own transport.

The dispatch service can be a good business for an individual entrepreneur (IP). It does not require large financial investments, special knowledge and skills, or the lease of gigantic areas.

The main advantages of opening a dispatch service are:

  • high demand for such services among the population;
  • the opportunity to occupy your niche, because the competition in this sector is not too high yet;
  • relatively small expenses for launching your business project;
  • the ability to use competitive advantages to positively stand out among other taxi services in your city;
  • registration as an individual entrepreneur, which simplifies interaction with the tax service.

In today's business plan, you will learn what does it take to open a taxi how much this project costs and the main advantages of this type of business.

  • Capital investments - 750,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 8-12 months.

How to open a taxi company: planning


IP is the most popular form for small businesses, which, of course, includes owning a taxi service.

The increase in the price of gasoline led to the fact that many motorists put their iron horses in the garage and switched to public transport (trams, metro, trolleybuses, buses, taxis, etc.). The crisis of 2014 led to the fact that many people were out of work. Having your own car tells experienced drivers that you can earn money by taxiing.

The owner of the IP taxi will definitely not have a shortage of personnel. There is a lot of competition in this sector, but if you do things right, you can build a successful business from the ground up.

The amount of initial investment is 750 thousand rubles.

Pursued goals:

  • Provide the population of your city with a sufficient number of cars, qualified drivers and quality service from dispatchers.
  • Organize a profitable and well-functioning dispatch service from scratch.
  • Employ only professional drivers with at least 5 years of experience.
  • Avoid scandals between drivers due to the struggle for orders, which can negatively affect your business.
  • Reduce the initial cost of radio communication, the maintenance of the control room, etc., so that the taxi service pays off as quickly as possible.
  • Immediately establish your own competitive advantages so as not to be afraid of other taxi services.
  • Automate most business processes to make them easier to manage.

Marketing plan

Despite the fact that even small towns have their own taxi services, let alone large metropolitan areas, this type of business can be made profitable and successful.

The main task that you must set for yourself is not to how to open a taxi, but how to reduce the initial investment so that the investment pays off as quickly as possible and you start earning for yourself.

Of course, there are expenses on the amount of which you will not affect in any way, for example, registration of an individual entrepreneur, but for the most part you can try to get by with small investments. Then there is no need to fear competition from similar firms.

Competitive advantages

One of your main competitive advantages in opening a taxi dispatch service is to reduce the cost of organizing a business, but in no case should you be limited to it, because other taxi car owners will take customers from you.

To make a business started from scratch become competitive and profitable, use the following advantages:

  • Hire only experienced drivers who know the city well.
    Passengers are usually annoyed if they have to explain to the driver where to go.
  • All vehicles in your taxi service must be relatively new, beautiful and in good condition.
  • Control drivers so that they maintain perfect cleanliness in their car.
  • Your dispatchers not only have to deal with the flow of orders without confusing them, but also be polite at any time of the day. Rudeness towards the client during work should be punished with fines.
  • Don't be afraid to hire female drivers if they are qualified.
    Taxi with a lady behind the wheel are in demand among customers.
  • Develop a loyalty program for regular customers by giving them discount cards.
  • Equip taxi cars with portable terminals so that the client can pay not only in cash, but also with a bank card.
  • Build your IP honestly by punishing drivers for cheating customers.

The target audience

Taxi services are used by all people, regardless of their gender and age: men, women, children, youth, people of middle and old age.

If we talk about the financial situation of your potential customers, then you should focus on middle-class people, since the poor stratum of the population moves around the city on foot or by public transport, and the rich have their own cars.

You will be able to attract a children's audience if you earn the trust of your parents. Moms and dads should know that in your taxi the child will be safe and will not be shortchanged.

Taxi advertisement

If there are already taxi services in your city, then you should conduct a good advertising campaign for your individual entrepreneur in order to start making money quickly. You can do this with:

  • commercials on local radio and television;
  • social networks;
  • advertisements in newspapers;
  • distribution of flyers on the streets;
  • advertising banners, pedestals, shop windows, etc.

Once you quickly and inexpensively deliver the client to the address he needs, do not spoil his mood with a boorish attitude on the part of the dispatcher and driver, and he will again use your taxi, and even tell his friends about it.

Print more business cards that the driver can give to each client and you will only reap the financial rewards of good work.

Taxi service staff

If you have registered your company as an individual entrepreneur, then you will have to officially arrange an accountant (you can, however, get by with the services of an outsourcing company), a system administrator and dispatchers.

But with drivers, you can simply draw up cooperation agreements, giving them the opportunity to independently settle matters with the tax office.

Directors are also not worth hiring (especially in the first year of the company), you yourself can perform a controlling and guiding function. P.S. just imagine how much you will save on the salary of the director.

The costs for one month of work of the taxi service staff can be found from this table:

How to open a taxi service: implementation

“If you don’t roll up your sleeves and try at least once in your life to do everything with your own hands, then you will never know what actions are necessary to promote a new business, expand the circle of customers, increase the circle of sales and make a profit.”
Bill Bishop

Calendar plan

Before starting work, you need to draw up a business plan with accurate calculations. This will help you get off the ground and get your investment back as quickly as possible.
It will not be superfluous to draw up a work plan for the taxi dispatch service for each month (at least in the first year of operation).
Then you can limit yourself to annual plans.

Stages of starting a taxi company

It is not difficult to find a suitable room that will serve as your control room. Enough one room for 20-30 square meters. It is also not difficult to pick up dispatch service operators.
It is better to hire adequate young women with pleasant voices. Difficulties can arise only during the search for drivers with their cars.

The main stages of launching an IP look like this:

Registration of an enterprise (IP)+
Room rental and furniture purchase +
Purchase of a software and hardware complex,
for example "2T-taxi" or "Takha"
Control room operators set +
Signing contracts with drivers
(you need to have at least 30 cars to pay off your investment)
+ +
Advertising company +
Starting a Taxi Service +

That is, you can start making money on your taxi company within 5-6 months after drawing up a business plan.

Table of expenses for starting a business

One of the main advantages of opening a taxi dispatch service is the relatively low initial cost.

Average initial expenses can be found in the following table:

Item of expenses Amount (rub.)
Total:RUB 750,000
Registration of an enterprise and registration of a permit for road transport30 000
Premises for rent (20 sq.m.)10,000 (per month)
Purchase of necessary furniture for work150 000
Purchase of computer and other equipment
(computer, electric kettle, microwave oven)
40 000
Cost of equipment180 000
Software cost
(with annual technical support)
200 000
Employee salary93 000
Advertising10 000
Additional expenses7 000

In order to open a taxi company, you need to have at least 750-800 thousand rubles.

provided in this video.

We take note!

Calculation of revenue and profit

If you do not have your own fleet, but cooperate with drivers who taxi in their own cars, then you should conclude a contract with them, according to which the drivers will pay you a monthly fee, for example, 5 thousand rubles per month + a percentage of your own income for the maintenance of the control room services (for example, 15%).

In total, your taxi service will bring the following profit:

Source of profit May (rub) Jun. (rub) Jul. (rub) Aug. (rub) Sen. (rub) Oct. (rub)
Subscription fee
(30 drivers)
150 000 150 000 150 000 150 000 150 000 150 000
Dispatch service income30 000 60 000 100 000 130 000 160 000 200 000
Revenue180 000 210 000 250 000 280 000 310 000 350 000

If you promote your business correctly, you will return the initial expenses after 8-9 months of work. But you will start earning decently after a year of work in the city.

Now you know, how to open a taxi dispatch service, and hardly miss the chance to build a profitable business that does not require a large initial investment.

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Taxi transportation in Russia is gaining momentum. Taxi as a business develops most successfully in large cities and regions with consistently high incomes of the population. It is quite difficult for a carrier to find and occupy its niche in the market - the competition is high. A new market player must take into account many factors in order for his taxi service to find its customers. Then consistently high profits will be ensured.

Where to begin?

Determine your place in the market. Think about what type of clients you are targeting:

  • social taxi;
  • VIP class;
  • corporate clientele.

Based on the concept of development, select a fleet of vehicles and build a pricing policy.

Organization of a taxi service

The business is to carry passengers. The system for receiving and distributing applications helps to quickly submit a car to the right address. The centralized dispatching service receives and processes orders.

Carry out the orders of customers accredited in this control room, drivers. Taxis are equipped with special distinctive signs (“checkers”), a walkie-talkie and a taximeter.

How to open a taxi so that drivers are interested in the final result, and the owner gets the maximum profit? Most entrepreneurs use a work scheme in which drivers work individually, “for themselves”. They are obliged to give a certain amount (plan) to the owner of the taxi service. Profit grows as the number of drivers fulfilling orders increases.

Another option - the drivers are in the state. The company must have its own fleet of vehicles. All profits are concentrated in your hands. In this case, questions arise about the depreciation of the fleet and the search for good drivers.

Many entrepreneurs prefer to open a taxi service with the involvement of self-employed drivers. As the company develops and the profitability of the enterprise grows, its own fleet is replenished. The quality of service and the increase in the number of regular customers contributes to the speedy exit to the break-even point and the receipt of solid dividends.

Make a business plan for a taxi fleet, taking into account the peculiarities of doing business in a given region, market capacity, all financial, organizational and legal issues.

Company registration

When issuing permits, be guided by the Federal Law "On Taxi" No. 69, as amended and supplemented, which entered into force on January 1, 2013. Formalize your business. A business can be registered as an IP. The carriage of passengers falls under UTII. Be sure to conclude an agreement with each of the drivers, in which you stipulate a percentage of the proceeds or a fixed amount that they are obliged to give to the owner of the taxi service.

For each car, you must obtain a road transport permit from the transport committee. The permit is valid for 5 years in the territory of the federal district where it was received. The document is in the salon. At the first request of the passenger, the driver is obliged to present it.


Find a room at the highest point in the city to ensure good communication quality. To get started, the size of the office can be small - 25-30 sq.m. In the control room, a minimum set of furniture (tables, chairs, cabinets) is required.

Create comfortable working conditions for taxi dispatchers to increase the level of concentration. Unfortunately, taxi owners often save on this expense item. Main disadvantages: cramped space, uncomfortable furniture, lack of sufficient rest time between work shifts, high workload per dispatcher.

The staff is forced to work in uncomfortable conditions. Constant stressful situations and a tight work schedule worsen the quality of the work of dispatchers, lead to misunderstandings, mistakes, which, as a result, worsens the company's image and leads to an outflow of customers. When you save small, you lose big money.


Before you open a new taxi service, purchase the necessary equipment:

  • computer with special software (from 20 thousand rubles);
  • multichannel telephone connection. The phone number should be simple and memorable. Each channel will cost 2-3 thousand rubles;
  • program for automating the accounting of orders. Cost - up to 200 thousand rubles;
  • "checkers" for a taxi. Cost - 600 rubles. a piece.

To work, you need radio communication in the VHF range. You will need a license, which is difficult and expensive to obtain. Many do the following: enter into an agreement with an outside operator licensed to use radio frequencies, and pay him a monthly fee.


You can open your own taxi only after recruiting a staff of competent, stress-resistant workers. For the dispatcher, a prerequisite is fast typing, attentiveness, politeness in communication and a pleasant voice.

  1. Director. In most companies, the director is the owner.
  2. Accountant. Hire a visiting specialist. Fixed salary.
  3. Dispatchers. Quantity - at least 3 people. Set piecework wages to increase employee engagement.
  4. Drivers. The number of drivers increases as your firm's reputation grows. For full-time employees, an acceptable option: +% rate. If the driver works "for himself", the entire amount in excess of the submitted plan remains with the driver. He pays his own taxes.


Your task is to inform the population as soon as possible that a new taxi service has opened, offering customers excellent travel conditions. Where to advertise your company? Good options:

  • on banners and billboards along roads;
  • in popular print media. Newspaper with ads is the best option. Your ad should be large enough for readers to immediately notice it;
  • print business cards, flyers. Hire students to distribute in crowded places;
  • place an ad on the Internet.

An important detail is the name of the company. It must contain the word "taxi". The second word should reflect the concept and range of customers: economy taxi, luxury taxi, ten taxi, first taxi, etc. The name should be easy to remember, just like your company's phone number.

Business payback

A business will pay off faster if there are a large number of cars in the fleet. The shorter the waiting time for the ordered car, the more successfully the business develops. If you have about 50 cars, the costs will pay off in six months. If you work with car owners, the profit of the dispatch service is 10-15% of deductions from the wages of drivers. A business plan for a taxi fleet will help you calculate labor costs.

How to improve business efficiency

Taxi transportation has its own characteristics. Customer satisfaction is an important factor. A satisfied client will advise you to call your taxi. Dissatisfied will tell everyone he knows that you should not be contacted.

The presence of regular customers allows the company to develop successfully. Give these customers discounts on every 10 or 20 trips, on birthdays or holidays.

Watch how drivers maintain the car. Cleanliness and good condition are a must.

Keep rates reasonable. High fares will scare away potential customers.

Reduce car delivery time. Try to avoid misunderstandings and confusion in addresses.

If you are seriously thinking about how to open a taxi dispatch service, study the recommendations of experts and develop your own concept. Your company must be different from competitors and meet the needs of customers as fully as possible.

It is no secret that the situation in the taxi market is very difficult. In addition to the usual taxi companies, Yandex Taxi and Uber entered the market, which further aggravated the situation. If you are thinking about how to open a taxi fleet and quickly make money on it, you should understand that this is a very complex business, in which there is simply a huge number of influencing external and internal factors.

In some regions, it even got to the point that disgruntled taxi drivers set fire to Yandex Taxi cars

Opening a taxi company from scratch is very expensive. If you approach this business with perfectionism, then you will need millions of rubles and a huge amount of time to pay off. In this article, we will tell you how to organize a business in such a way as to reduce at least the initial costs and pay off as quickly as possible.

Business Components

To understand how to open a taxi company from scratch, you must take into account the fact that this business resembles a LEGO constructor. There is a limitless number of variations of business organization.

To illustrate, let's take a simple example. To organize communication between drivers and the dispatcher, you can:

  • Purchase walkie-talkies and rent a frequency
  • Force drivers to buy tablets and communicate using them
  • Buy tablets yourself and distribute them to drivers
  • Use someone else's application to connect drivers and dispatchers
  • Develop your own application

5 different options that solve the same question. Each solution has its own cost, pros and cons. And the connection between the driver and the dispatcher is just a small piece of the chain of business organization. Therefore, before you start acting, you definitely need a detailed business plan, which will describe all the issues.

If we enlarge our business plan and discard all minor issues, it turns out that the taxi fleet consists of two parts:

A full-fledged taxi service cannot function without these components, but it does not have to create and maintain them on its own.

There are options when the taxi fleet has only a control room, but does not have its own drivers and cars at its disposal. Or vice versa, the fleet has drivers and cars, but it has no customers. Then he can offer his cooperation to the taxi company with the control room and the flow of customers.

Therefore, if you do not want to make big investments, but want to break into this market, you can start by opening your own fleet or control room.

We open a car park in Yandex Taxi

If you want to invest money with minimal risk, you should definitely find out how to open a taxi fleet in Yandex Taxi. The most important plus is that when you open a fleet with Yandex, you do not go on a free voyage. There are no questions about what to do and how to do it. From the very first day of cooperation, you will be helped in absolutely everything.

What is required of you:

  • Registration of a legal entity
  • Investments from 3 million rubles
  • Hiring drivers

Advantages of cooperation with Yandex:

  • You will definitely not be thrown
  • Minimal risks
  • We will help you to buy cars on favorable terms
  • Helping you find drivers
  • No need to buy software

Another significant plus is that Yandex is not some kind of office that businessman Vasya is trying to develop alone. This is a multi-million dollar business with analytics departments, in-house programmers and managers in various areas.

If you start cooperating with Yandex, the likelihood that they will not have customers or the company will suddenly close, as is usually the case with regional taxi companies, tends to zero. Therefore, payback and exit to the plus remains only a matter of time.

If you already have a fleet of vehicles and do not need to open a Yandex taxi fleet from scratch, then you can simply become a partner if your business satisfies their conditions.

How to officially open your taxi fleet

As we said earlier, any taxi fleet consists of a fleet that hires drivers and resolves issues with cars. And from the control room, which is engaged in attracting customers.

You can open only a fleet or only a control room and make great money on it. And you can open everything at once and earn even more, but the problem is that you are unlikely to have enough investment for everything at once.

First, we will tell you how to open a taxi fleet, then we will talk about the control room and attracting customers, and at the very end we will combine these components and calculate the costs and income.

Part 1: opening a car park

In the first part, we will talk about how to open a taxi fleet. Of course, you can start creating your taxi empire first from the control room, but we decided to start with the fleet.

In this part, we need to organize the hiring of drivers, purchase cars and find taxi companies that would like to rent them if we want the fleet to work as an independent business.

Earlier we have already said that there is the possibility of cooperation with Yandex and the solution of all issues will be much easier, but if you want to work with some other taxi companies or even create it for your future taxi service, you will have to go through a difficult path alone.

IP registration

In order for us to work officially, we first need to register as an individual entrepreneur with the OKVED code 49.32. For taxation, we choose UTII (single tax on imputed income).

It is highly recommended not to work informally. The taxi market is highly competitive and most likely, if competitors find out about your black side, they will immediately denounce the authorities, which will entail unpleasant consequences.

Save on cars

Buying at least 10 cars in your fleet is a very expensive undertaking. One Volkswagen Polo costs 600,000 rubles, and if we need 10, then we get a tidy sum of 10 million rubles. Not everyone has such large funds, and they will pay off for a very long time. There are two options to get out of this situation.


Corporate leasing is a very profitable way out of the situation. Since we will buy 10 cars at once, a discount system will apply to us.

After the full payment of the cost of the cars, you can freshen up your garage and buy new ones.

In order to purchase 10 VW Polo at once, we will need to pay 3 million rubles one-time. Agree, this figure is much less than 6 million. Then monthly we will need to make payments in the amount of 120,000 rubles until the full payment of the cost of cars. The lease term will be 36 months.

So that you do not get into an uncomfortable situation, we do not recommend buying cars with all your money. It may turn out that you spend all the money on cars, but you can not find customers. Then you will not have any profit and it will be very difficult for you to pay these monthly 120,000 rubles.

Purchase of used cars

Another option will also cost you about 3 million rubles. The only difference is that used cars will be old and they will probably start to break down soon. But this option has a serious advantage, you do not have to pay 120,000 rubles a month and you will be a little freer.

We take care of transport

Be sure to insure all vehicles. This question does not even need to be considered from different points of view. Cars are the most dangerous and most accidental vehicle, so you should definitely insure every car.

In the future, when your fleet grows, you should consider opening your own small service.

Obtaining a license

For each car, you must obtain a license, which is issued for a period of 5 years. To do this, you need to fulfill a small number of conditions:

  • Every six months, a full technical inspection must be carried out, as a result of which the machines must be in good working order.
  • Cars must be equipped with special checkers and lanterns. For those who want to open a taxi fleet in Moscow, they will also have to paste over the cars with a film. Since Moscow taxis must be yellow
  • Equipping vehicles with a taximeter

The obtained licenses will be valid only in certain regions. If you plan to travel intercity, you must indicate this when obtaining a license.

Interesting fact:
The license for New York taxis in 2013 cost $1 million per vehicle. Due to the fact that players such as Uber entered the market, its value began to gradually fall.

Rent for taxi drivers and taxi companies

If you are figuring out how to open your own taxi service, you can skip a couple of paragraphs and go straight to opening a control room. In this paragraph, we will consider a fleet of 10 cars as an independent business.

Rent price:

  • For new cars, the rental price is from 1,300 rubles per day
  • For old people from 800 rubles per day

There are two ways to rent out:

  • Directly to a taxi driver, for this you need to look for taxi drivers and place ads on the Internet, for example on Avito
  • Another option is to rent a taxi service

Now we can draw up a rough financial plan.

Thus, the approximate payback of the fleet can be from 10 to 40 months.

Hiring drivers

There is another option for monetizing the fleet. Some taxi services may cooperate with you on such terms that you will provide them with not only cars, but also drivers.

You can independently find and hire drivers and work with them according to one of the schemes:

  • The driver pays you a fixed amount of 1,300 rubles per day, all the rest of the money that he earns remains with him
  • The driver gives you a percentage of the profits

Which scheme to choose is up to you. The first is more reliable and stable, but the second can be more profitable.

Part 2: open the control room

We have come to the second part, in which we will talk about how to open a taxi without a fleet. In other words, we open a control room that will receive calls and transfer orders to taxi drivers. Like a car fleet, a dispatching office can be an independent business.

For registration, we may need additional OKVED codes:

  • 52.61.2 - sale of goods and services via the Internet
  • 63.2 - additional transport services for the population
  • 72.6 - information activities with the use of technology
  • 74.83 - information and editorial services
  • 92.4 - informative services

Try to stand out!

The taxi market is already very crowded. Large companies such as Yandex and Uber are rapidly conquering it throughout the country. And if you open your own taxi service, you will most likely have high prices, long delivery times and low brand trust. The consequence of this will be a small number of customers and a small profit.
There are two ways out of this situation, either invest huge amounts of money in advertising, or try to stand out!

By “stand out” we don’t just mean some unusual design, we are talking about the organization of the business itself.

For example, you can organize a "Women's Taxi". Not all women can trust a stranger to drive their child, not all girls trust male taxi drivers, and some simply believe that women drive cars softer.

Another option is "Taxi for the Disabled". On specially equipped vehicles, it is possible to conveniently bring in wheelchair users. If in Moscow there are several companies that do this, then in other cities there is much less competition or there is no competition at all.

It is not necessary to hire 10 female drivers and make a female taxi, and it is not necessary to rent 10 specialized cars for the disabled. These are unusual services and you may find it difficult to find clients. Therefore, it should not be the main part of the taxi fleet, but only an addition. To begin with, we recommend hiring one female driver and renting one car for the disabled.

Also, you can stand out from the competition if you equip each car with wi-fi, a computer set-top box with a TV and distribute chocolates to passengers. You can come up with a lot of unusual things, so come up with ideas and bring them to life!


In order to open a taxi dispatch office, you do not need a large room, but nevertheless it must satisfy a number of requirements:

  • Accommodate 10 people at the same time
  • Good cell signal
  • Modern telephony protocols (SIP, H323)
  • Good internet provider
  • Uninterruptible units and a small electricity generator

Since we need office space, not retail space, the cost of rent will be low. It is quite possible to find from 15.000r. up to 50.000 rub. per month.

Hardware and software

The most difficult thing in organizing a control room is hardware and software. To debug the correct operation and further maintenance, you will definitely need one system administrator.

You need to find software that will allow you to receive calls, calculate the cost of a trip, send a notification to drivers, show which driver took the order. It should also be able to store all information about the order in the database:

  • customer call time
  • the cost of travel
  • route
  • taxi driver arrival time
  • trip duration
  • trip end time
  • etc.

With this, you do not need to load your head much. Just rent the software for 10,000 rubles a month or buy it. They have everything you might need and more.

Communication with the driver

Most taxi service software assumes that the driver will have an Android tablet or smartphone. You have to decide for yourself whether you will force drivers to buy gadgets with their own money or give them away yourself.

If you decide to issue them yourself, we recommend buying cheap smartphone models for about 6,000 rubles. Their power will be enough to install the necessary software and work stably.

If gadgets are not enough for you to communicate, you can purchase walkie-talkies and rent a frequency. Many taxi companies refuse this option, as it is outdated.

In total, 630,000 rubles is the minimum amount required to open a taxi dispatch office.


For your business to pay off faster, you must work around the clock. Therefore, you will have to hire 6 dispatchers who will work 2 people per shift.


If you want to open a taxi service and earn at least some money, you must allocate a monthly budget for advertising and promotions.

  • billboard
  • Distribution of leaflets on the street, in the shopping center, at the checkout in stores
  • in regional newspapers
  • on regional websites

The most effective option would be to create your own website and promote it in search engines. It should be noted that if you order the development of a site for 15,000 rubles, then even the most professional search engine promotion specialists will not be able to promote your site.

15,000 rubles is too little. You need a well-thought-out structure, design, different features that will distinguish your site from most competitors. Only then can you hire an SEO specialist and promote it in search engines.

The cost of developing the site and its promotion will be about 200,000 rubles

Passenger transportation is a profitable business. Transportation services are in demand even during periods of acute crisis in the country. People always need to move around the city, often they need to do it as quickly as possible. This is where the transportation service comes in.

Business idea - taxi

The modern organization of the taxi fleet makes it possible to open a taxi dispatch service from scratch without spending extra money. To implement a business idea with a taxi fleet, you need to use one of two options:

  • open a dispatch service;
  • become a taxi partner.

The first option requires large investments, extended staff, additional equipment. The second option is suitable for those who want to become a taxi intermediary for a large operating corporation.

Opening a taxi business involves the purchase of several cars in working order, a staff of drivers, and a license to carry out passenger transportation activities. If there is no money to buy several cars for the transportation of passengers, you should not leave the business idea. You can offer free taxi drivers who work on their own cars to unite, connect to the program, and open a representative office in their city.

What you need to open a taxi company

To start a profitable business, you need to know how the taxi business works from the inside. To open a taxi fleet from scratch in Moscow, you need to conclude an agreement with one of the leading taxi companies: Yandex, Gett, Citymobil, Uber. But you need to start your business with a license and other documentation.

The activity of passenger transportation is regulated by a separate Federal Law No. 99, which indicates the current regulations, provisions, rules. To begin with, you should familiarize yourself with the provisions of the law, and only then take on the development of a business service.

After that, you need to choose the type of legal entity on behalf of which the business service will grow and develop. Then you can start issuing a permit for passenger transportation. The document is drawn up for a long time, you will need to collect the entire package of papers to simplify the task. To obtain a license, you need to equip cars for passenger transportation in accordance with the requirements of the law. Evidence will be required to present to the department. When connecting to Yandex or Gett services, this task is undertaken by the partner company. You will have to pay extra for assistance in obtaining a license, but the review time will be shorter, and the result will be more reliable. The license is issued for a period of 5 years.

Mandatory expenses when opening a taxi service

Option 1

If you do not take into account the purchase of cars, additional equipment, and other elements, opening a passenger transportation service from scratch will cost about 20,000 rubles. This amount is made up of:

  • registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC - from 2000 r;
  • smartphone purchases - from 5000 r;
  • buying a phone number - from 2000 r;
  • installation of mandatory equipment on a car: checkers, a lantern, a taximeter - from 3000 r;
  • trademark registration - from 7000 rubles.

Option 2

Moreover, if you become a taxi aggregator and work through Yandex, Gett or other companies, the savings on mandatory expenses are about 100,000 rubles:

  • installation of a walkie-talkie - from 30,000 r;
  • subscription fee for radio frequency - from 10,000 rubles per month;
  • salary for the dispatcher - from 30,000 rubles;
  • office rent - from 30,000 rubles.

Separately, a novice businessman will have to pay for an advertising campaign to promote a new taxi fleet. If you become a plug, these expenses can be avoided. Popular taxi companies have already been promoted and provide a large passenger flow to a novice entrepreneur.

Facilitate and automate business with TaxiAgent

A single integrated TaxiAgent service guarantees the entrepreneur the simplification and optimization of all business processes. With the help of a multifunctional service program, the manager can manage the taxi fleet directly from home or office. The program is installed on a PC or laptop and works in real time. Through the program, the entrepreneur tracks the location of each driver, the idle period for taxi drivers, the number of completed and canceled applications, and the calculation of net profit.

The program has advanced, unlimited functionality of two-way communication. The manager works directly with the exchange of orders. He was provided with four leading aggregators: Yandex, Gett, CityMobil, ApTaxi. Unlike other services that provide programs for working with aggregators, TaxiAgent allows you to dispatch your own orders and maintain a single balance for all sources of orders.

The manager no longer needs to spend time recruiting additional staff, the program will be an accountant, HR employee, secretary.

The story of a simple driver who created a large private taxi company in a big city almost from scratch, became a millionaire and advises you all to become one!

Today, a taxi ride is familiar to many residents of large cities, so such a business,
as a taxi organization, is popular.

But how hard is this business?

How to organize a taxi business from scratch and become a millionaire?

These and many other questions should be asked to a person who has gone from a driver in his own car to the owner of a large business in a taxi - Andrey Nikolaevich Dmitriev, a private entrepreneur from Samara, the owner of the Bravo company.

The owner of the taxi company "Bravo" Dmitriev Andrey Nikolaevich

From his interview you will learn:

  • Is it worth it to open your taxi?
  • How fast can you get up?
  • Do you need a business plan for a taxi?
  • Is it possible to rent taxi cars?
  • How to keep cars in working condition during continuous operation?

Initial stage: “I am a simple taxi driver in a car in a company”

— Andrey Nikolaevich, how did you get into this business? Why did you choose to work in a taxi?

- I didn’t specifically look for a job in a taxi. I was looking for a job and accidentally found an advertisement for vacancies in a taxi. At first he worked on his own car, but after a couple of months he came to the conclusion that it was more profitable to use a company car. Or take a car for a taxi for ransom.

- Many people think that working on their own car, they get more money, because they don’t have to pay for renting a car. Is not it?

- Not really. Indeed, all the money remains with the driver, minus the payment for a special program, but the costs are much higher. A machine that is in constant operation requires financial investments. In addition, it wears out and loses in value, which is important for further sale.

Also, in many companies, the most profitable and attractive orders are given to drivers in branded cars, so the likelihood of making good money on company cars increases.

How did you decide to start your own business? Was this prompted by difficulties in working as a driver or interesting prospects that you considered in the course of your activity?

- There were practically no difficulties, at least global ones. Rather, what mattered was the fact that I understood the system and began to understand how to optimize the process, how to increase profitability. Realizing this, I began to understand the mechanisms of work and organization of this business with redoubled interest.

Taxi car leasing is the best solution for us!

— So, the decision to create our own company has been made. What were the initial steps?

- Initially, we were looking for where to buy a car for a taxi.

We studied offers both from individuals and from many firms and banks.

After carrying out the calculations, it turned out that the best solution would be a car leasing for a taxi - this is the only option that does not require significant initial capital and allows you to immediately start working.

We chose a leasing company where a minimum down payment of 10% is required, and got down to registration.

— That is, you were immediately set to create a large taxi company? Did you try to consider other types of business?

- There were ideas to try to cooperate with a taxi with the right to buy a car, but they abandoned this option due to the fact that payment for rent and buyback must be made regularly, and business circumstances are different.

They also considered the creation of a fixed-route taxi as a business, but the feedback from the owners of such firms forced them to abandon this idea.

A business plan for a taxi business is a must!

How a business plan was created for our taxi company or don't invent anything yourself!

- Did you independently plan the organization, expenses?

- Not. To draw up a business plan, they contacted a consulting company.

- Can't you make it yourself? Probably, there is a sample taxi business plan on the Internet, where it can be easily downloaded?

— Yes, initially they tried to find a business plan for a taxi and download it for free, edit it for their company, but the attempts were unsuccessful, the leasing company did not accept our work, we had to turn to specialists. We were provided with a detailed document with competent calculations for all sections, they even provided a business plan for a taxi dispatcher.

Choosing a car for a taxi is not easy!

Renault taxi or taxi Lada - the theory of difficult choice

— How did you select cars for work? What were the main criteria?

- We chose from four options: Renault Logan, Lada Granta, Kia Rio and Skoda Octavia. The last two models were unaffordable at the time, we couldn't afford them. Therefore, we decided to leave them for better times and made the main choice between Renault and Lada.

Basically, they drew conclusions from their own impressions. In the company I worked for Renault Logan, my co-owner had a fret grant in a taxi. After sharing our impressions and discussing the options, we decided that Logan is the best car for a taxi.

Of course, Lada Granta in a taxi is also suitable, drivers' reviews about it are also positive. But these machines break down quite often, and the cost of repairs is far from cheap.
Renault Logan is more reliable, the cost of this car is slightly higher, but inexpensive maintenance quickly makes up for the difference, besides, Logans do not break down so often.

Renault is also good for winter operation, the cars have good cross-country ability and do an excellent job of driving through yards or snowy streets.
That is why we decided to start a taxi business with ten Renault Logan cars.

And now about a specific case: the organization of the workflow

- We bought cars, but how did you solve the issue with drivers?

Of course, the first few months were difficult. There are still few orders, it is difficult for an employee to provide a full-fledged income, from which he also needs to pay the plan. To optimize the process, they were looking for regular customers with cashless payments, such a partnership made it possible to implement a plan for drivers.

- How else did you attract customers?

They were engaged in wrapping a car with a film under a taxi, carried out various promotions, discounts, SMS mailing, advertising on the radio, in elevators and on the Internet - they used all available advertising tools that the budget allowed.

At first, there were very few calls, so various firms and organizations called in search of corporate clients.

The company's website was created almost immediately, one of the first in Samara organized an online ordering service, etc.
After about two or three months, we managed to get things going a little better, there was some stability, at least the drivers were provided with jobs.

— How big is the control room required for ten cars?

- For the first two months, the dispatcher was alone, and then they hired two more at once. We strived to ensure that customers do not have to wait for an answer, the call should be processed immediately.

— What were the main difficulties in business development?

- Taxi is a business, reviews of which you can hear different. Probably, we were lucky, we did not overcome global difficulties, everything corresponded to the working process.

There were minor troubles, for example, with auto insurance. It was difficult to find a company that did not require an unconditional deductible for CASCO insurance. At that time, it was difficult to obtain licenses, it took a lot of time, and this is one of the most expensive resources in our business. But all this was more interesting than difficult.

In the old fashioned way, people hail a taxi by raising their hand and walking to the side of the road. The mobile application saves you from such actions if you want to order a taxi.

Taxi business is not a child's occupation or how to organize successful development

“About two years later, we settled with the leasing company, and six months later we again turned to their services and issued a lease for another ten Renault cars and five Kia Rios. In the presence of Kia taxi cars, they could attract the attention of customers who prefer business class, therefore, despite the limited funds, we nevertheless added them to our fleet.

- More clients?

- Yes. Firstly, the increase in the fleet automatically allowed us to serve more customers, and secondly, our company became recognizable by that time, and customers enjoyed the new benefits.

- How much has the staff of the company increased?

- When Kia Rio appeared in our taxi, the drivers even began to offer their services themselves. They were attracted by work in a business class taxi, and we had no problems with applications. People who wanted to work could secure a good income.

We tried to recruit two people for each car. In addition, there were always a few people who were contacted if necessary, if someone did not come to the shift.
There were six dispatchers, three girls per shift.

Have better times come?

- Yes. Two years later, we bought five Kia Rio and twelve Skoda Octavia cars. True, also with the help of a leasing company, where they have already become regular customers.

The appearance of the Skoda Octavia in a taxi made it possible to expand the range of services, the volume of work has increased significantly.

There were orders for weddings, transfers, intercity trips, servicing presentations and business conferences.

Among drivers, taxi rental with the purchase of a car has become popular.

Many customers, despite the higher cost of a call, prefer to order a comfort class car.

This is especially important for businessmen, public people or those who have a long trip or an important meeting.

— How much more expensive is the maintenance of such cars as Kia and Skoda? Which cars bring in the most money?

- Of course, both repairs and consumables for Kia and Skoda are more expensive than for Renault. But the drivers have a higher plan on these cars, so everything is justified. And since ordering a comfort class car is more expensive, drivers also earn more.

Income, too, can be said to be the same. Just Renault allows you to earn on the number of orders, and Skoda on quality.

Situation today: we are “adults, millionaires” and plans for the future

— You are the owner of a large taxi company. Are there any difficulties at this stage? What would you like to change?

“Today, the main difficulties have been resolved. Periodically there are recessions, sometimes there are small problems with staff or workload, but in general the situation is stable, and nothing needs to be changed.

- How are relations with competitors developing? Is the struggle for customers reflected in pricing, quality of services?

— We constantly monitor the quality, regardless of competitors or something else. Market pricing. If we see that the income of drivers is decreasing, we slightly increase prices. Also, the cost of the trip is more expensive on holidays, during rush hour or when there is a very heavy load.

I can’t say anything about competitors, we occasionally compare prices, for a short time we make cheaper than theirs, but we are not engaged in a constant struggle.

— Do you plan further development? In the direction?

Yes, you can never stop there. Now we have covered the Samara market, next year we plan to launch a taxi in Novokuibyshevsk. And then you can open a company in Togliatti. There are many plans, but we strive to implement our plans in small stages, it is more reliable.

Attention: the name, surname and name of the service have been changed at the urgent request of the hero of the interview (Editorial)