Ladies in the toilets of medical facilities hidden camera. Thousands of videos

and hidden cameras in the toilet of the Shokoladnitsa coffee shop, and then found out that not one suffered from the actions of unknown people who shoot such videos and publish them on the network. Representatives of the company promised to involve the security service in the investigation of the incident.

On Sunday, June 12, Anisimova received a message from a stranger on VKontakte. He sent her a photo of her face and asked if she really was in the picture. Polina immediately recognized herself, but did not remember publishing such a photo somewhere.

The truth turned out to be prosaic and, frankly, much more unpleasant: after making sure that it was really me in the photo, the stranger said that he had “bad news” for me and that “I suffered just like his loved ones.” Still not understanding anything, I received several screenshots from the “video”, where a certain girl, sorry, pissing in a public toilet. Two cameras film this case: one opposite the toilet bowl, the other, as they say, under the rim.Polina Anisimova

Then she discovered an archive of a site with similar videos called "Hidden zone", in the heroine of one of them she recognized herself.

After reviewing numerous photo previews (that's another occupation, I tell you), I discovered that one of the series of photos is really me: there was no doubt at all - this is my bag, my jeans and my ass. It must be assumed that I am also on the video - in the process - although I did not have the desire to watch it in its entirety.Polina Anisimova

Continuing the search, she learned that the filming was allegedly conducted in the toilet of one of the coffee shops of the Shokoladnitsa chain. A whole thread with a discussion of such shootings was found on the website. One of the users in 2014 said that she discovered a hidden camera in the "Shokoladnitsa" on Lomonosovsky Prospekt. According to her, "the staff behaved in a boorish way." “There is such a suspicion that the cafe workers themselves installed the video camera, and I violated their plans,” she recalls.

The person who wrote Anisimova says that one of the victims was his friend and he wants to achieve punishment for the culprit.

Later, a stranger engaged in "retribution" in the form of searching for the guilty, as well as notifying all the "victims" using Findface, said that one of the girls remembered the location of the "shooting" - "Shokoladnitsa" on Oktyabrskaya. He also outlined his assumptions regarding the identity of the author of the videos. What is happening now? Now I'm primarily trying to figure out the legal side of the matter - at least a violation of privacy catches the eye, but I will be very grateful for the help of experienced lawyers and friendly media representatives.Polina Anisimova

The general director of Shokoladnitsa, Tamara Shesterina, in a conversation with REN TV, assured that, at the initiative of the management, surveillance cameras were not installed in the toilets.

There are [cameras] in the corridors, in the halls and in the working area. Don't know, never heard of it. Share the information with our security team, they will check. We will check it.tamara gear, Chocolate Managing Director

Previously, a Moscow PR man, as he turned out to be a victim of Internet scammers: an unfamiliar girl divorced him for undressing on Skype and began to threaten to send intimate pictures to friends, demanding money for silence.

A large-scale investigation was decided to conduct by the Dozhd TV channel after the scandalous publication of a Muscovite. She noticed hidden cameras in the toilet of the Chocolate Girl cafe, which attracted a huge outcry from the public.

The Dozhd TV channel conducted its own investigation, in which it found out who was filming such videos and why. Hidden camera videos like this are widely circulating on the internet. And the people who watch them have their own name - voyeurs.

These people, mostly men between 35 and 60 years old, get aroused by peeping at women in the toilet. Specialized websites have been created for them, where they register (for a fee) under fake names.

According to clinical psychologist Veronika Kashirina, these people have mental disorders and an obsessive need to peep.

Often people in our country live in one-room apartments of five people - they change clothes in front of each other, wash themselves without closing the door, parents have sex, and children sleep nearby - this greatly blurs the psychological boundaries, distorts the attitude to one's own and other people's intimacy, which can to underlie both the desire to peep, and, conversely, not to protect oneself, to strive to be naked in public.

The video with Polina was distributed on the Hidden zone website, which specializes in such videos. According to Dozhd, the videos themselves later become freely available on torrent trackers, anyone can download them.

One of the pages of the torrent tracker contains five "seasons" of video filmed in women's toilets - from 2011 to 2015. Russia is indicated in the column "country of production". In each season, on average, there are 150-200 videos with women of different ages urinating. The last folder - for 2015 - was added in January 2016. Each video is assigned a serial number, and judging by the number of the last video, there are more than two thousand of them in this “series” alone.

The Shokoladnitsa chain of coffee houses has become the main place in which such shootings take place. A whole thread with a discussion was found on the website. Back in 2014, one of the users said that she had discovered a hidden camera in the Shokoladnitsa on Lomonosovsky Prospekt.

And the voyeurs themselves were very worried. On specialized forums, they suggested that they are unlikely to be happy with commercials from a coffee shop chain.

I can tell you one thing with complete certainty: we will not wait for fresh videos from the “Chocolate Girl” push.

The other "Chocolate Girl" was not burned down.

... the sluggish delusion that the employees or the administration of the institution are somehow involved in this will sooner or later be dispelled, but now, in addition to the heifers themselves, the Security Service, concerned about reputational risks, will also look “under the rim of the toilet bowl”.

Representatives of coffee houses are trying not to develop this topic. The general director of Shokoladnitsa, Tamara Shesterina, in a conversation with REN TV, assured that, at the initiative of the management, surveillance cameras were not installed in the toilets. Representatives did not give any other comments.

There are [cameras] in the corridors, in the halls and in the working area. Don't know, never heard of it. Share the information with our security team, they will check. We will check it.

Now Polina is negotiating cooperation with a lawyer, as she does not want to leave this story unpunished.

I was angry, upset, and this post became a natural outburst of my emotions. I tend to draw parallels in this case with cases of domestic violence. After all, I'm not the first person to whom this anonymous person wrote - they either simply banned him, or, having already learned about everything, they hushed him up.

Previously, a Moscow PR man, as he turned out to be a victim of Internet scammers: an unfamiliar girl divorced him for undressing on Skype and began to threaten to send intimate pictures to friends, demanding money for silence.

, "Rain"

A cursory web search is enough to make sure that covert filming in the public toilets of cafes and shopping centers, in the locker rooms of gyms and on beaches has been around for a long time, and such videos are widespread. The consumers of such content are voyeurs - those who experience sexual arousal from spying on other people. A separate type of voyeurism is spying on women in toilets, such people are excited by everything related to urination.

One of the associates of the anonymous person who helps Polina and other girls to figure out the intruders, a hacker who entered the closed forum, says that most voyeurs are men from 35 to 60 years old. They exist according to the laws of a secret society - on the sites where they communicate and share videos, there are varying degrees of access to content, and registering there can be quite difficult. The desire for careful conspiracy is evident. They have their own legends and their own heroes - providers of the best content and best angles.

The press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow could not recall a single statement from the “heroines” of such videos over the past few months. The police do not consider this a mass phenomenon, noting only isolated cases.

Videos like the one Anisimova found are being sold on closed voyeur sites with complex access systems and regular porn sites. Registration on specialized sites can cost hundreds of dollars.

Voyeur forums, depending on the complexity of registration, can be divided into closed and open ones. There, participants exchange their experience of shooting and peeping, share their own videos and finds from the Internet, and give advice on choosing equipment.

Judging by what they write on the forums, many video authors use miniature cameras disguised as other objects - the most common ones look like car key fobs. In Russia, the purchase, manufacture and sale of special technical means for obtaining covert information (that is, without warning those people whom you record using covert video surveillance) is prohibited. For violation of the relevant article of the Criminal Code (138.1), the maximum penalty is up to four years in prison. The most high-profile case on her in recent years was initiated against a member of PARNAS Natalya Pelevina - they found a pen with a video camera on her.

The voyeurs themselves, for the most part, believe that they are not doing anything wrong - although they fear for their safety, discussing what might threaten them.

In another thread, he enthusiastically describes the state that embraces him at the sight of pissing women: “When I go to the toilet and peep, sometimes it’s even bad with my heart, such a thrill, emotions are so strong and bright! Dressing views ... completely take over my nature.

A voyeur does not need to see something intimate for arousal, the very fact of invading someone else's space and feeling power over an unsuspecting person may be enough, says clinical psychologist, specialist in working with addictions Veronika Kashirina. To one degree or another, many people like to spy on others, but, according to Kashirina, it is precisely the obsessive need for this that threatens the safety of other people can be considered a deviation (in the International Classification of Diseases, voyeurism is listed in the column “disorders of sexual preference”).

This is due to the violation of psychological boundaries between people: “Often people in our country live in one-room apartments for five people - they change clothes in front of each other, wash themselves without closing the door, parents have sex, and children sleep next to each other - this greatly blurs the psychological boundaries, the attitude to one's own and other people's intimacy is distorted, which can underlie both the desire to peep, and, conversely, not to protect oneself, to strive to be naked in public, ”the psychologist argues.

Such people often have problems with self-esteem, superiority over the victim and support for each other in closed communities help to artificially raise it - and at the same time suppress guilt, a sense of one's own "wrongness" and fear of exposure.

Most of them are not afraid of criminal prosecution. His prospects are vague, the participant in the discussion encourages his interlocutors: it is difficult to find victims, and content from the point of view of the law is ordinary pornography. In general, you just need to be careful and not “draw attention to our existence, otherwise the journalists can inflate,” he writes.

Late on the evening of June 12, a VKontakte user with an empty profile and a little-known Russian rapper on his avatar sent Polina Anisimova a photo with her face and asked if it was her. She only read the message in the middle of the night. Polina was definitely in the photo: her sweatshirt, a birthmark, a mole on her face. But when and how the picture was taken, she did not understand. In addition, she did not post anything like that on the Internet at all. Alerted, Polina showed the message to her young man.

At first, they decided that this was some kind of bad joke or a new type of online blackmail, and began to google VKontakte extortion methods.

After Polina confirmed that it was really her in the photo, the anonymous person sent her other photos saying that he had “bad news” for her and that she “suffered the same way as his loved ones.” In the pictures, some girl pissing against the background of white and brown tiles. Anisimova became even more embarrassed, refusing to believe that it was her.

Anonymous did not blackmail Polina or threaten her, but only warned that she, like many other girls, was a victim of covert filming.

The footage was watermarked with the words Hidden Zone. Having driven the phrase into a search engine, Polina and her young man easily found hundreds of videos on one of the torrent trackers, filmed by hidden cameras in the toilets. In a preview of one of them, Anisimova recognized herself. There was no doubt: it was her bag, her blue jeans, her buttocks. True, in the screenshot she was with long hair, which she cut off two years ago.

So Polina found out that at least since 2014 there has been a porn video with her participation on the Internet, filmed without her knowledge.

The next day, she herself told about everything in facebook. “If I kept quiet about this, this story could become a reason to blackmail me in the future, although I am not to blame for anything here, like thousands of other victims,” she explains.

The story was picked up by the media. Most of all, many were shocked by the fact that Polina, according to her assumption, was filmed in the toilet of one of the cafes of the popular Shokoladnitsa chain. At least, this is what her "informant" thinks, who also talked to other girls caught in such videos. Some of them figured out when and how they could get into these shots.

According to the anonymous source, he began his investigation after his relative became the “heroine” of one of these videos. Now he is trying to identify those who shoot videos, and notifies the victims using Findface technology (allows you to find a person's VKontakte account from a photo).

So far, he has managed to contact less than ten victims - in many videos, faces are either not visible at all, or they cannot be recognized. He hopes that the statements of these victims to law enforcement agencies will be sufficient to start an investigation.

Now Polina Anisimova and four other girls who became victims of hidden shooting are negotiating with a lawyer who will represent their interests. “What happened is a violation of our rights. And now we are trying to figure out what to do with it, how to restore our rights,” she says.

Anonymous also persuades his relative to go to court, but she, a low-ranking official in the administration of her city, is, according to him, afraid of losing her job: “Their unspoken policy is that if you are involved in any scandal, even as a victim, you help you quit.

The young man does not give his name, explaining that he “does not want to shine, given the connections that those under whom [he] digs have.”


A cursory web search is enough to make sure that covert filming in the public toilets of cafes and shopping centers, in the locker rooms of gyms and on beaches has been around for a long time, and such videos are widespread. The consumers of such content are voyeurs - those who experience sexual arousal from spying on other people. A separate type of voyeurism is spying on women in toilets, such people are excited by everything related to urination.

One of the associates of the anonymous person who helps Polina and other girls to figure out the intruders, a hacker who entered the closed forum, says that most voyeurs - men from 35 to 60 years. They exist according to the laws of a secret society - on the sites where they communicate and share videos, there are varying degrees of access to content, and registering there can be quite difficult. The desire for careful conspiracy is evident. They have their own legends and their own heroes - providers of the best content and best angles.

Before the last scandal with the “Chocolate Girl”, voyeurs were a rather inconspicuous community - in Russia, hundreds of women become victims of those who install hidden cameras and sell recordings from them every year, but there have still been no high-profile criminal cases and sentences.

The press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow could not recall a single statement from the “heroines” of such videos over the past few months. The police do not consider this a mass phenomenon, noting only isolated cases.

Videos like the one Anisimova found are being sold on closed voyeur sites with complex access systems and regular porn sites. Registration on specialized sites can cost hundreds of dollars.

Voyeur forums, depending on the complexity of registration, can be divided into closed and open ones. There, participants exchange their experience of shooting and peeping, share their own videos and finds from the Internet, and give advice on choosing equipment.

Judging by what they write on the forums, many video authors use miniature cameras disguised as other objects - the most common ones look like key rings - car keys. In Russia, the purchase, manufacture and sale of special technical means for obtaining covert information (that is, without warning those people whom you record using covert video surveillance) is prohibited. For violation of the relevant article of the Criminal Code (138.1), the maximum penalty is up to four years in prison. The most notorious case against her in recent times wasexcitedagainst a member of PARNAS Natalya Pelevina - they found a pen with a video camera on her.

keychain camera

The voyeurs themselves, for the most part, believe that they are not doing anything wrong - although they fear for their safety, discussing what might threaten them.

For example, the former deputy director of a defense plant, for example, was not even afraid of exposure - he was discovered after he had been spying on his colleagues for 15 years, but he already “couldn’t stop it” and continued to “walk around, watch.”

In another thread, he enthusiastically describes the state that covers him when peeping: “When I go to the toilet and peep, sometimes it’s even bad with my heart, such a thrill, emotions are so strong and bright! Dressing views ... completely take over my nature.

A voyeur does not need to see something intimate for arousal, the very fact of invading someone else's space and feeling power over an unsuspecting person may be enough, says clinical psychologist, specialist in working with addictions Veronika Kashirina. To one degree or another, many people like to spy on others, but, according to Kashirina, it is precisely the obsessive need for this that threatens the safety of other people can be considered a deviation (in the International Classification of Diseases, voyeurism is listed in the column “disorders of sexual preference”).

This is due to the violation of psychological boundaries between people: “Often people in our country live in one-room apartments for five people - they change clothes in front of each other, wash themselves without closing the door, parents have sex, and children sleep next to each other - this greatly blurs the psychological boundaries, the attitude to one's own and other people's intimacy is distorted, which can underlie both the desire to peep, and, conversely, not to protect oneself, to strive to be naked in public, ”the psychologist argues.

Such people often have problems with self-esteem, superiority over the victim and support for each other in closed communities help to artificially raise it - and at the same time suppress feelings of guilt, a sense of one's own "wrongness" and fear of exposure.

Most of them are not afraid of criminal prosecution. Its prospects are vague, the discussion participant encourages interlocutors: it is difficult to find victims, and content from the point of view of the law is ordinary pornography. In general, you just need to be careful and not “draw attention to our existence, otherwise the journalists can inflate,” he writes.


A hacker who hacked into a voyeur forum and studied its closed sections under stolen accounts said that the first such communities (one of which was called Petrovka, 38) appeared back in the nineties, in the era of VHS cameras. The largest of the existing now - voyeurs among themselves call it "House" (short for the original name - "House for Pigs") - was created 12 years ago by a man known by the nickname Keks.

Screenshot of the page on the "House"

Membership in the "House" is closed, and members have different levels of access to sections. Status and access level increase for money or the publication of a video.

“Many veteran voyeurs have long retired, the forum provides them with an influx of fresh videos at the expense of newcomers seeking to move up in the community hierarchy and gain a higher status that gives access to closed sections of the forum with more extreme content,” says the hacker.

Large open forums also have closed sections where members post their "work". Most of these people appear to be non-commercial based on the content of the forums, but there are a few "operators" who make videos to sell to sites that specialize in such videos. They advertise their products in the commercial sections of the forums. Actively communicating in the community, they almost do not provide details about themselves, although other users sometimes share stories from their lives.

One of the associates of the anonymous person talked to a former member of Domik, who was the sponsor of the site and for this in 2008 received access to its closed sections. According to this person, there are several major producers of paid voyeur videos.

“In nature (nudist beaches, sex in the bushes, pissing girls in forest plantations) Vadukha rents for sale, and to a lesser extent Jerki. Women pissing at wedding venues (especially brides) is the focus of Zooom. Ver films pissing minors. Fall has been filming for many years, sitting right in the cesspool in a gas mask and hiding behind some kind of blanket or cape. A particularly dangerous voyeur, Surokspit, who used to be a non-profit author and moderator of Domik, has been operating in Moscow and filming upskirts on escalators for at least nine years,” the source said.

People with such nicknames are often mentioned on forums, and there are thousands of videos allegedly produced by them on torrent trackers.

Named by the source, Surokspit, indeed, uploads videos on paid sites in which women are lifted up their skirts on the escalators of the Moscow metro. The videos were filmed on video recorders or cameras hidden in a bag or attached to an umbrella.

For a long time, a "cameraman" under the nickname Uchebnik specialized in covert filming in public toilets. Until about 2009, he owned a site with paid videos filmed in the toilets of catering and educational institutions. Among voyeurs, Uchebnik is a legend. “I'm not a textbook, I'm just learning,” says, for example, in the status of one of the users of the voyeuristic forum. Forum participants note his "brand signature", which is guessed in anonymous videos that appeared after 2009 on the largest specialized sites.

Another way to create content for voyeurs is to infect the victim's computer with a virus that allows remote access to the webcam.

Such viruses are often developed by voyeurs themselves to attack a narrow circle of victims, so the antivirus does not immediately recognize the threat. In addition, according to one of the sources, there is legal software for remote access that is not blocked by antivirus, it is installed by fraudulent programmers. Video recordings of an intimate nature, obtained through a webcam, are sold on Domik in the relevant commercial sections.

“Spying on a webcam has become a large-scale cyber fraud,” says Internet expert Anton Merkurov, “it is enough to download a suspicious program that will infect a computer with a virus.” According to him, the best way to protect against this is to tape up the webcam, as Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg does, for example.

The video with Polina was sold to the pay site Hidden Zone before it got on the pornographic torrent tracker, as evidenced by the corresponding watermark.

Hidden Zone is one of the largest resources dedicated to voyeur content. According to the approximate data of SimilarWeb (the site has closed statistics), from April to May 2016, more than 90 thousand people visited it.

Hidden Zone is the dream of many fans of non-standard porn, but it is difficult because of the multi-stage registration and blocking of accounts with stolen passwords. Entire threads of discussion on the forums are devoted to describing ways to get there. When you try to access the Hidden Zone from a Russian IP address, a stub appears stating that the site is blocked by Roskomnadzor, although it is not on the “black list” on the site of the supervisory authority.
The site is updated daily, with the latest videos allegedly filmed in Russian public toilets added on June 26th.

So on one of the torrent trackers in the "Non-traditional porn" section, among thousands of other videos, a video with Polina Anisimova appeared. But it turned out to be just one of the episodes of the "series" that was filmed in public toilets for several years (and possibly still being filmed).

One of the pages of the torrent tracker contains five "seasons" of video filmed in women's toilets - from 2011 to 2015. Russia is indicated in the column "country of production". In each season, on average, there are 150-200 videos with women of different ages urinating. The last folder for 2015 was added in January 2016. Each video is assigned a serial number, and judging by the number of the last video, there are more than two thousand of them in this “series” alone.

In the threads under the distributions, forum visitors comment on camera angles and complain about the irregularity in the supply of new videos.

“Even through one such camera in a public place, hundreds of ‘models’ pass a day, and dozens of material a week,” lamented one of the commentators (author’s punctuation).

In the folder for 2011, there are videos taken from the cesspool of a street booth, as well as in a toilet decorated with light tiles. In the next "seasons" these places no longer appear. In the same folder, there are videos with an interior that is identical to what can be seen on the frames of the video with Polina Anisimova and at least one other girl found by an anonymous author. According to the second girl, this is the “Shokoladnitsa” toilet near the Oktyabrskaya metro station.

This toilet appears in hundreds of videos from the rest of the "seasons". One of the cameras appears to have been installed in a bin next to the toilet: in some shots, the lens is partially covered by a black garbage bag. In another toilet, according to the anonymous assumption, the camera was disguised as a metal napkin holder on the door, from which the clothes hook was removed. “How, during business hours, you can make holes for screws in the door and replace one piece of furniture with another, I don’t understand,” he wrote.

Women's toilet, in the "Shokoladnitsa" coffee shop near the Oktyabrskaya metro station. Photo: Rain

After the publication of Polina's post, users of one of the thematic forums created a separate discussion thread "drain". A few comments also mention a chain of coffee shops.

“I can tell you one thing with complete certainty: we will not wait for fresh videos from the “Chocolate Girl” push,” writes one of the participants in the discussion. “They didn’t burn the other Chocolat Girl,” another answers him.

Another user discusses whether the coffee house itself may be related to hidden filming: “... the sluggish delusion that the employees or the administration of the institution are somehow involved in this will sooner or later be dispelled, but now, in addition to the heifers themselves, „ under the rim of the toilet “the Security Council will also look, concerned about reputational risks,” he writes (author’s punctuation).

Screenshot from one of the voyeur forums

In addition to the “Shokoladnitsa” on “Oktyabrskaya”, the victims of hidden filming, warned by an anonymous person, were able to recognize from the video of the coffee shop of the network on Tverskaya, Lomonosovsky Prospekt and near the Paveletskaya metro station. A geolocation search on Instagram makes it possible to see that two years ago the interior of the Shokoladnitsa toilet on Tverskaya 19a was the same as in the footage taken by voyeurs in 2012, 2013 and early 2014. Now there is a different interior. The cafe declined to comment.

Toilet in "Shokoladnitsa" on Tverskaya 19a, 2016 / Rain

Hidden camera video preview

Instagram page screenshot

In 2014, a user of the website wrote about the allegedly discovered hidden camera in the toilet of the Shokoladnitsa on Lomonosovsky Prospekt. According to her, “the cafe staff behaved in a boorish way, they didn’t even try to apologize” (author’s spelling - Rain). In one of the two "Shokoladnitsa" located on Lomonosovsky Prospekt, they said that they had not heard anything about such an incident, in the other - that he was, but in another cafe (it was not possible to specify which one).

The series was filmed in at least seven different interiors, but they are all made in the same beige and brown tones. It was not possible to find out from the video where these toilets are located.

In the “Shokoladnitsa” itself, such cases are extremely reluctant to comment. Immediately after the scandal with Anisimova, Tamara Shesterina, CEO of the network, promised in an interview with the National News Service that the security service of the coffee shops would check information about hidden cameras. According to her, video filming is carried out only in the corridors and the working area, and she has no information about the installation of hidden cameras in the toilets.

Security officer of "Shokoladnitsa" in

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