Liveinternet intitle datalife engine control panel. Setting up the DataLife Engine

Let's talk about the menu on the dle website. More precisely, how to add your own items to the menu, or replace existing ones with new ones. Quite often, for beginners who have just installed this CMS, the question arises: “How to replace the standard menu items in the standard template with your own?” If, in wordpress, this can be done without editing the code, then in dle the situation is different, you still have to get into the code and figure it out a bit. However, there is nothing difficult in adding new items, and I hope you can see this today.

So, let's get down to business. To begin with, we need to create items that later need to be implemented in the dle menu, be it pages or categories. To do this, go to the admin panel and click on the item "list of all sections."

And then it all depends on the situation. If we need to add a link to the site category to the menu, then go to the “Categories” item, and if we need to create a page that the menu item will direct the user to, then go to the “Static Pages” item. There is no fundamental difference between them, so we will choose one of the two options, for example, "Categories".

A form for creating a new category on the site will appear. Everything is simple there. What each form field is used for, see image.

Not all fields that are described in the figure are mandatory, but only the first and second fields. And the points that I did not touch on the image do not relate to categories at all, but to global engine settings, such as dle news output settings, and also provide the ability to assign a unique template for each category separately.

After filling in the required fields, at least the first two, click on the add button. This action will create a new category on the site, a link to which we will add to the dle menu. And pay special attention to the second field, where it was necessary to register an alternative name for the category, which will be the address at which the category will be located. In my example, it will look like this:

Now, let's move on to directly adding a new item to the dle menu.

To do this, in the admin panel you need to go to the "Website Templates" section.

And then you need to select one of the two files, if a standard template is used, in which the menus on the site are registered. There are two types of menus in the standard template: this, and both horizontal and vertical. The topmenu.tpl file is responsible for the horizontal menu, and the sidebar.tpl file is responsible for the vertical menu in the left column of the site. Both of these files can be found in the left column of the Site Templates section. And when you click on one of them, the code of this file will appear in the right column.

After opening the file, we need to fix any existing item on ours. That is, change the name, in this case to the name of the category. And substitute a link to the category itself (alternative name), instead of #. That is, if I replace the “About site” item, then the menu code will look like this:

By analogy, you can change the rest of the menu items. As for the second, horizontal menu, the situation is exactly the same there. And of course, everything that you don't need can be removed. And of course, save the edited file.

If you are not sure about something, for example, that you will delete something superfluous, then just do it so that in case of unforeseen situations it can be restored.

And that's all for me.

Hello friends. I spend almost all of my time. Since most of my sites are built on CMS DLE, I have to work a lot with this engine. I have said before that developers are not friends with SEO, and in general they have never heard such a word, but it turned out to be even worse than it could be. I even prepared a whole series of posts dedicated to the "ossification" of the national engine (see in the category).

But today I would like to talk about such an important thing as the html sitemap for DLE. No matter how much I searched the Internet for a normal card module, I did not find it. There are, of course, several solutions, but all of them do not give the desired result at all, and sometimes even cause harm. I had to write the module myself, or rather entrust the implementation of my “wishlist” to professionals. I express my deep gratitude to Alexander Fomin for his enthusiasm and incredible speed of work.

The sitemap module for DLE that I am about to introduce to you meets all the requirements of seo and is extremely easy to install.

A complete list of modules for DLE from Alaich "a:

SiteMap - HTML sitemap generation module for DLE

Original name: sitemap
CMS Compatibility: DLE 8.2- 10.6
Spreading: Free, As Is, when distributing a link to the source is required
Current version: 2.2 (from 05/08/2014)
Purpose: Output an unordered list with links to all publications, categories and static pages.
Peculiarities: Visual embed code generator. Detailed settings for the principle of displaying all site elements - news, categories, static pages - the number of displayed elements, sorting principle and sorting order, displaying elements as a link or in plain text, the ability to include / exclude specific elements.

Description and configuration of the HTML sitemap module for DLE

Friends, June 3, 2012 is a big day, a brand new sitemap version 2.0 has been released. We are raising the usability bar of our module to a new level. We (I hope you, too) liked the visual code generation system implemented in the system and we decided to implement it in the sitemap module. Now you do not need to read manuals and descriptions of all functions and their values ​​- just go to the admin panel, specify a few values ​​and that's it - the module is ready to go!

In addition to the above, I would like to list a few more important features:

  • the module is fully cached;
  • the module uses the DLE API;
  • the map does not display publications that have not passed moderation, as well as those planned for the future;
  • the presence / absence of CNC, as well as the type of CNC are taken into account;
  • such a subtlety is provided - if someone has been working with the DLE engine for a long time, then he remembers that in the early versions there was no CNC at all, and then it appeared, but only of one type (the same as type 3 is now being formed). So this is also provided for in this module - new publications are displayed with a url, the CNC type of which is selected in the admin panel, and old ones, respectively, with the url of the CNC of the old type.

Despite the appearance of a visual generator, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the mechanics of the module.

The module is inserted into the main.tpl template using the tag:
(include file="engine/modules/sitemap.php?param1=value1¶m2=value2")

param1= — module parameter, value1 — parameter value. Module settings come after the sign? and separated by &.

Insert example (displays a sitemap with a list of static pages and news from categories with id=2,3,4):
(include file="engine/modules/sitemap.php?show_static=1&need_cats=2,3,4")

In order for the sitemap to be displayed on a separate page, the (include ...) tag must be enclosed in , and the (content) tag must be enclosed in . After that, the module will be available at

After any changes to the parameters and their values, it is necessary to clear the cache in the admin panel.

Module parameters passed via tpl when inserting:

  • need_cats - a list of id categories separated by commas for display in the map
  • exc_cats - list of id categories separated by commas, excluded from the map
  • need_news — comma-separated list of id articles to display in the map
  • exc_news - comma-separated list of article ids to be excluded from the map
    • it is pointless to specify these parameters at the same time
  • need_static — comma-separated list of static page ids to display in the map
  • exc_static - list of id static pages, separated by commas, excluded from the map
    • it is pointless to specify these parameters at the same time
  • cats_as_links - show category names as links (1 or 0)
  • show_static - show static pages in the map (1 or 0)
  • cats_sort - category list sort field (field from dle_category table)
  • cats_msort - category list sorting direction (ASC or DESC)
  • news_sort - sorting field for the list of articles (field from the dle_post table)
  • news_msort - direction of sorting the list of articles (ASC or DESC)
  • static_sort - sort field for the list of static pages (field from the dle_static table)
  • static_msort - direction of sorting the list of static pages (ASC or DESC)
    • There are 2 sorting options:
      • ASC - ascending (alphabetically)
      • DESC - descending (in reverse order)
    • if the field and sorting order are not specified, the specified category settings or standard DLE parameters are used
  • cats_limit - maximum number of subcategories to display
  • news_limit - the maximum number of output articles from the category
  • static_limit - the maximum number of displayed static pages

Notice none of the above settings are required, you can not specify anything at all - just insert the tag (include file="engine/modules/sitemap.php") - then the default settings will be used.

Sitemap Appearance and Style Classes

Optionally, it is possible to change the appearance of the site map, for this we open the style file (style.css) of our template and prescribe the classes described below.

List of sitemap CSS classes:

Sitemap_categories - element