Network marketing companies in Russia. All directories of mlm companies

To organize a network business on the network, you need to work on the Internet at home. What is the best business to open online for optimal earnings online with minimal investment? Naturally, the best entry into online business is, oddly enough, network companies and network marketing.

Network marketing companies in Russia appear regularly and disappear rapidly. In order not to fall for scammers on the network, and, in particular, scammers in network marketing, it is necessary to choose a network company with experience and a reasonable business plan. Of course, it's easier to send all the "obsessive" and work for someone stupidly performing mechanical actions. But you can turn on your mind, choose the best network company with an affordable franchise, and provide yourself and your children and parents with a decent life. just working from home online.

What you need to know for remote work on a network at home, if you intend to work on the Internet and looking for a ready-made business with minimal investment?

“There are many network companies, but you have only one life” - the words of a great woman, Tamila Polezhaeva.

Starting a business

When choosing a network marketing industry, it is very important to choose a network company with the most convenient marketing plan for you. It is important that the company's capabilities match your needs. Now I will briefly describe the pros and cons of the most famous network companies - competitors and starting a business in them. Where you can open a business in Russia - the most affordable franchise and telecommuting networking at home.

So, there are many companies on the market (cosmetic, travel, legal). I want to say right away that the founder of network marketing was Mary Kay (Mary Kay), which began its existence in the 19th century! But, this company is engaged in offline promotion (meetings, master classes), entering the company is quite difficult - you need to purchase a starter kit of expensive cosmetics for a good amount.
Active promotion on the Internet is carried out by Avon, Faberlic, Oriflame, NL and Amway. Consider these network marketing companies in Russia.

What business to open


To register with this company as a coordinator (that is, to get the opportunity to invite people and build your own business), you need to send paper copies of documents to the company, which delays the registration process for a long time. Of the benefits - a small purchase amount - only 1600 rubles, cosmetics are inexpensive. The company promises a good bonus is 125,000 rubles, but it is paid only if the coordinator recruits 5 active consultants in the first line of each catalog, and this continues throughout the year.

At the same time, there is a certain plan for group turnover, if it is not fulfilled, the coordinator flies from qualification to a bonus. The company promises a discount from the catalog price. If a consultant buys cosmetics only for himself, his discount is 15%, if he fulfills the plan (each catalog of 5 actives for 1600 rubles) - the discount reaches 32%. It is easy to guess that if the coordinator does not fulfill the recruitment plan, then he finishes off the order for inactive consultants. You want to get bonuses and very big discounts .... The company thus does not encourage the construction of structures in depth. When recruiting, the coordinator is happy to announce that in order to receive income, it is not necessary to start an individual entrepreneur, the money is dripped onto the consultant's card.

At the same time, it is forgotten to clarify that for such a procedure the company retains 20% of the consultant's profit at the first stages, and then the retention increases to 40%. The company does not have large-scale events and conferences that the Internet would thunder about. There is also no way to get passive income. The plan for recruiting to the first line is endless. In case of non-compliance with the plan, Avon may terminate the contract with the consultant, transferring its structure to another coordinator. No international sponsorship provided.


This company has been on the market for only 20 years. This is a Russian company, which the consultants are very proud of. The marketing plan and the picture of the career ladder are painfully reminiscent of the Oriflame marketing plan. But the devil is in the details. The Company pays bonuses when a consultant achieves certain Directorial ranks. Prizes in rubles - for closing the title of Director, paid 55 thousand rubles. Mandatory turnover - 50 points. At the same time, 1 point costs 80 rubles. In total, the mandatory purchase for payroll is 4000 rubles. Director's turnover is more than 400,000 rubles.

The company DOES have a plan to recruit first line priority. There must be a gap at any Director level. If a consultant has 2 grown directors in the first line, then in order to receive income from these structures, it is necessary that there is an additional growing group with a turnover of 1000 points (80,000 rubles). There is a gap at any level. If the SUPER-Director does not have a personal group, then in this directory, he will not receive a salary.

That is the company did not provide for its consultants the possibility of passive income. Also, if the recruitment plan is not fulfilled, the company reserves the right to unilaterally terminate the contract with the consultant. Travel abroad is not included. Entrance to the company is free and without a passport.


Russian company - IP registered in Russia. The company's product Energy Diet- Pretty expensive food cans. I am not satisfied with the recruiting method in this company - newcomers are taught to recruit existing consultants from other network companies, in particular Oriflame.

I also alerted the turnover necessary for accruing income - 21,000 rubles per period. A very narrow focus of products and a high price per unit of goods make it quite problematic to develop a business.


This network company is mainly engaged in household chemicals, washing powders. Of the minuses - there is an entrance fee that must be paid for the right to work in the company. The product is quite expensive and does not run out for a long time.

There is obligatory turnover - 200 points, at the moment this amount is more than 10,000 rubles. Since the goods are consumed for a long time, to ensure a minimum personal turnover, you need to constantly find new buyers. Also, the presentation of the goods takes place offline (i.e. wash clothes and remove stains at the client's home;). On the Internet, Amway business is not common, you can mainly see selling pages. Quality products, but for business I would not choose Amway


This network company 50 years on the market, 20 years on the Russian market. Survived 3 crises and always only increased its turnover. Assortment - 1800 items for every taste and budget. In addition to decorative cosmetics, skin care products, there is an excellent Wellness series - health products.

To calculate salaries (volume discounts), the consultant must learn how to make a turnover equal to 150 points (about 6000 rubles). The consultant's initial discount is 20% off the catalog price. When a consultant makes 150 points for his number, the system automatically calculates and shows the income from his structure, and in the next catalog 12% of the consultant's personal order is returned to the account.

Thus, a partner who came to build a business makes 150 points and the total discount is 32%. The company has own production - 5 factories and 1 leather research institute, constantly publishes scientific publications, has its own patented formulas. The company has milestones - titles, upon reaching which the company pays dollar bonuses. For the title of Director - you will receive $1000, for the title of Golden Director - $2000.

At the moment, bonuses of up to $1 million are envisaged. The director's turnover is 250,000 rubles. The company does not have a plan for recruiting in the first line. A consultant may not recruit at all, but buy personally for himself and have the maximum discount. In the projects of the company, building structures in depth is welcomed, which gives a chance to all team members to grow quickly.

When a consultant reaches the title of "Golden Director" (that is, 2 director teams have grown under you) - income becomes passive, and you can not recruit at all, but make a personal turnover and receive your 5% of the team's turnover. Basically, everyone goes further and continues to build structures, because "appetite comes with eating", plus the company arranges motivating trips abroad (conferences) from certain levels.

Once a year, the company holds a conference for managers and directors - even newcomers can go if they fulfill the conditions for their growth. The second conference is for Gold Directors and above, the third is for Diamond Directors and above, and the fourth is for the Top Leadership of the company. Banquet Director takes place in Moscow every year- the largest corporate party in the country, which attracts all the directors with their companions. Stars of network marketing, show business stars perform at the Banquet. From the "Director" level, an Autobonus is available - a monthly payment from 3,000 to 9,000 rubles. to buy a car.

Income is accrued to the consultant to his personal number and is paid in full when the consultant opens an IP (calculations under the simplified taxation system). Upon reaching the level of "Director" Registration costs 149 rubles (if the consultant collects an order for 100 points within 21 days from the date of registration, this money is returned to his account and can be used as a discount on the next purchase. For registration, you need a series and passport number.

You can work in 62 countries of the world. International sponsorship is provided, that is, you can have a team in Russia, Ukraine, Poland, etc. Oriflame is the only best network company in Russia where you can pass on your ready-made business by inheritance - this is an ideal network job when choosing which business to open so that you can work from home. The best choice to start an online business. They really have something to be proud of. And now is a good time to

Having studied the company's website, I see only the hotline number, a list of service centers and email. In fact, there is not enough information for a serious decision in favor of long-term cooperation.

Where is the information about turnover, production, form of activity, assortment? Well, okay, the company was founded in 2007 in Barnaul.

To get a marketing plan, I had to register on the company's website. It turns out that the company is developing in 32 countries of the world. You can see a photo of the CEO. On the site for checking counterparties, it turned out that 4 companies were registered for the general director, which are LLCs with an authorized capital of 20,000 rubles and a total revenue for 2016 of 383 million rubles. Oriflame, only in Russia, for the same year, had a revenue of 15 billion 940 million rubles.

Not a single fact that tianDe has at least one plant, research center or factory, institute. All production is in China with ISO certification. That is, the products are clearly with an extra charge - everyone needs a profit.

It says at the top - the 35% discount does not apply to the first 20 bb. We drive in an order for 20 bb (1277 rubles) - the discount is not issued, we drive in an order for 130 bb (5900 rubles) - the amount for free delivery - the discount is 29.6%. If the order is reduced to 50bb, then the discount will decrease to 21.3%. Where is 35% on products?

Delivery - only from self-delivery points, which are only in 15 cities. Not enough, compared with the thousands of free software that Ori has, even in the most remote corners of our country ... If your city is not on the list of Tiande pickup points, you will have to pick up the goods at the post office, paying an additional 500 rubles, and you will have to wait from 4 to 15 days for the delivery of the goods .

Now about the marketing plan.

First, the cost of a point for a consultant and the cost of a point payable are different. And the difference is quite large - about 50%. They pay, as in NL, only from half of the sales.

A high margin per product kills the idea of ​​network marketing, which is supposed to ensure the availability of a quality product.

Secondly, the "unique non-separable marketing plan" of the company is unique by the total pool of all volumes. All their MP is Ori's marketing plan to the level of Director in Ori, for example. And then imagine that at the Senior Director level the discount would be 23%, at the Gold Director level it would be 24%, and so on up to the Diamond President.

But if you do not have an inter-percentage difference with your leader, you will not be paid anything from your group, only a bonus from 5 generations. And if this branch accounts for 75% of the volume of your structure, then you will not receive this bonus either. It is NOT PROFITABLE to raise leaders in this company.

The marketing plan is final, that is, if you have collected all the qualifications, you will have to come up with new ones until you get to 100%, but this is no longer possible, that's all the uniqueness.

Thirdly, the company has only five levels of bonuses, everything else is cut off, and you must constantly work on breaking away from your branches. There is no passive income in this company.

Fourthly, the Auto program ends in 2018, the only brand you can count on is Volkswagen. A car is leased under specific conditions (an increase of 10,000 - 40,000 points per year). The car program in the company is given under rather harsh conditions, a large number of points, I think. But for me, the most important thing in the network is the ability to build passive income. The rest - then ...

As for travel, they didn’t get into the wilds either - the company has just begun to develop this direction. One thing pleases - of all the companies listed here - representatives of Tiande have never tried to lure our girls and boys to them - this speaks of clean working methods.

I hope that they will remake their unique marketing plan, because the network business is a business of mutual assistance, where it is profitable to grow and train leaders.

Grid companies of Russia

Despite the enormous income gained from the network business, in Russia only 7 percent of the population is included in it, who are mainly engaged in open sales, that is, they form the turnover of network companies. Nevertheless, significant dynamics are visible.

Every year, new network companies appear in Russia, which are untwisted much more rapidly than companies performing traditional sales. Undoubtedly, in terms of mass, such states as India, China, Brazil, and Japan are mainly leading in this business. In Russia, there is still a lot of free space on the network.

A very delicate moment in the network business is the absence of any legislative base in our country, while in America and Japan, for example, there is a whole section in the laws on network marketing. Such conditions lead only to fertile ground for fraudulent activities, which, unfortunately, occur to this day.

It's good that we have at least a special association that somehow checks the network companies in Russia, raising the intended trust in these companies and network marketing in general. In the database provided by the association, there are only 16 organizations that can deserve some trust.

When newly minted companies in the fashion chain business emerge, one cannot be one hundred percent sure that they will be able to survive among a significant number of rivals. In any case, one of them will go bankrupt, and there is nothing terrible or shameful in this, because this is a business - nothing personal ...

Remote networking at home

Those people who decide to work in the company must understand that, perhaps, they will have to invest personal funds, undoubtedly there will be a lot of contact with people, research products and of course mentally prepare to the fact that customers will be all the most diverse, and it is strictly forbidden to perceive any disagreement on your own subjective account.

Many people have reached significant heights in this difficult networking business - as an example, you can look at similar Russian network companies like Avon, Oriflame, Mary Kay, Amway and Faberlic. Among their top leaders are diamond directors with cars and apartments, and a huge team of successful distributors around the world.

Often, Russian network companies provide their employees with unlimited freedom of action, the potential for themselves, carve out days off and earn as much as they want. Such a positive fact has its own specific nuances, since, on the one hand, it looks like everything is wonderful, and you definitely your own boss, and on the other hand, at the initial stage there is no stability, today you can make good money, and nothing tomorrow, but this is only a matter of time.

Undoubtedly, if there is a goal and desire, and essential knowledge of one's products or services, then everything will definitely work out. Successful network companies in Russia have certain established and well-established tactics of professional online business organization, capable of build a stable business to ensure return on equity.

Newcomers need to tune in to a leisurely, but promising outcome, since you won’t earn significant money right away, especially in large companies where there is competition that has captured about 70-80% of the entire sales market. Only with gaining experience and understanding all the subtleties and nuances of the network business, it is possible to come to a decent and stable income.

Question for those who are already registered in any network company:

If everything is fine with you, why are you looking in the search for "Network Marketing Companies in Russia"? If you went to this page, it turns out that you are dissatisfied with your company and are looking for something else?
Or you came to leave here your coordinates in order to lure people from other companies to you. Such behavior is unambiguously incorrect and discredits your entire company. Such comments are removed.

I express my deep gratitude to the blog of E. Penkin in the formation of the addition of part of the article. I completely agree with Evgeny - there should be no competition and enticement within network marketing. Competition should be between traditional and network business. Leave all the "tomatoes" in your pockets and go to work in your companies with clean methods.

MLM in 2015 or what to do in a crisis when there is no work.

Now we will touch on a very important topic. I'm sure it interests 99% of all network marketing workers who want to keep doing what they love in 2015.

We will not only touch on the limited topic of how networkers should act in the near future, but also what lies behind the scenes.

What awaits MLM in the crisis of 2015?

Most people are, of course, interested in how to survive or succeed. Therefore, let's start with money, then we'll talk about the realities of life and move on to the network marketing forecast for 2015. Many probably do not realize that we live all our lives under the world's banking tops and the ruble is not the state currency of Russia. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is an appendage of the US Federal Reserve (the Central Bank is a private organization). It determines the dollar exchange rate, respectively, the material stability of the whole country.

"Let me the ability to print and control the money of the country, and everything to me no matter who writes the laws." Mayer Amschel Bauer ( Rothschild)

Will our civilization survive?

But this does not mean that you should immediately dismiss the dollar. On the contrary, this is a great way to make money in the MLM business, especially in international companies. More on that later.

Now there is an active flow of telling the truth and revealing sacred knowledge that was sleeping deep in the material. It is the truth that has a long history, from the day of the birth of mankind on our earth. That's it, the gentlemen danced, and if not, then don't worry, it's much more interesting behind the scenes. 🙂

MLM of the future in times of change.

2015 is a time of change. Everyone is now noticing that information is emerging about consciousness, proper nutrition, rejection of negativity and cessation of the struggle with one's life. Now the "mental nineties". Whoever has an idea will have life. Who does not have time to realize the full potential of NEW information, will be at a broken trough. Noticed that the 90s were a time of physical change and false freedom. Only before people usually everything comes with a delay. 🙂

We are neither the first nor the last to live on this earth. The main thing is that we make the same mistakes and these mistakes are helped to make by those “people” who influence the consciousness of people. Every area of ​​our civilization dictates degrading beliefs about what to eat, watch on TV, or strive for. All this blocks the connection with what cannot be explained, but this something gives a better life.

Sooner or later, every person, especially if he has increased responsibility, will have to make a choice. The choice is very simple - either drown our consciousness further in civilization or help people wake up.

I am not saying that you do not need to earn money or score on material well-being. I'm talking about the fact that you need to start to capture the essence of everything that happens. Think big and look 50, 100, 150 years ahead. You need to improve your life by helping other people. If you're still in the MLM business out of greed and anxiety, then chances are you're not doing well with the business, or you're not getting mental satisfaction that's hard to contain with "material sweeteners."

Network marketing in the crisis of 2015.

Network Marketing 2015 will be completely different. To put it simply, this is the time when the MLM business becomes one of the few opportunities to survive through "interdependence." The purer and more creative your vibrations are, the more you will receive the rest of the blessings. Matter and slow ways are weakening every day.
Also, the network business will be an ideal source of new information for the masses.

Maybe some of you know the theory of the cyclical change of reality. This is when the objects of reality are given another opportunity to visit similar conditions and experience the same changes. I will not load now about the unity of everything and everyone, and also about the fact that we are a single organism called "Earth + Human consciousness." The main thing I want to understand is that the action and thinking of each of us leads everyone to the same result.

Let's go down to earth and agree that we have already reached the result - the crisis. What's waiting MLM business in 2015? Definitely takeoff and the opportunity to earn excellent checks within 3-6 months. To understand why many will go into the network business, let's look at layoffs, inflation and the dollar. We will also understand this from the ridiculous stories on the first channel, which Anton Agafonov already wrote about. People are trying by all means to keep in the old chains. Now there is more time to understand what rake we have stepped on.

Companies with high entry amounts will be supplanted by the more flexible and automated network marketing companies of 2015, where the entry into the business is up to $100. Imagine, when the dollar is 100 rubles, then the entry into the business for 300 dollars will cost 30 thousand rubles. I think a person without work and money will think about it.

Now let's define the possibility of when the time comes - "Whoever works, he eats." Everything is simple here, how you can be useful when many people are having a hard time. The more people you will be useful at one time ...

Almost 90% of successful MLM companies present on the Russian market work in the field of cosmetics and dietary supplements. Found their customers and categories such as goods for motorists, dishes and textiles. Many of the network brands are not only known to the consumer, but are also in high demand, which means that it is much easier to get additional income by becoming a representative of such a network. In order to reduce risks at the same time and conclude an agreement with a reliable organization, you can consider for yourself a list of network marketing companies in Russia that work completely legally and are included in the ratings of the best in terms of product quality and cooperation conditions.

Foreign MLM companies in Russia

It is worth recognizing that the best network marketing companies in Russia came to the domestic market from the US and Europe. Many of them have been operating for decades, and even today you can occupy a worthy niche in the existing chain of such a network.

The first network company that appeared on the domestic market in 1995. In the CIS countries, its name has become a household name for all nutritional supplements for weight loss and work in the network business in general. Herbalife was founded in 1980 and today is one of the three largest chains in the world. On average, annual sales of products is about 4.5 billion dollars. Income from participation in the network is generated by discounts on the purchase of products, which at the initial stage is 25%.

Official site in Russia -.



The oldest network marketing company in the world, founded in 1886 in California. It has been operating in Russia since 1991, offering cosmetics, perfumes, accessories and souvenirs. It is one of the three largest network companies in the world. Avon products are popular in 75 countries. Network members are offered a linear marketing scheme, which includes income from individual mark-ups on products and remuneration from the group's turnover.

Official site in Russia -



The largest and most successful MLM company. She began her work in 1959 in the USA. A distinctive feature of Amway is a wide range of products, which includes various consumer goods from cosmetics and household chemicals to bags, dishes and stationery. Amway's annual turnover is about $12 billion. Members of the network are positioned as Amway Independent Entrepreneurs who receive the right to purchase products at a discount. In addition to earning from the markup on goods, a distributor (registered as an entrepreneur with the tax authorities) can receive bonus payments for personal turnover and the turnover of the group attracted by him.

The official website in Russia is

The company was founded in 1963 in Texas. A feature of this network is not only the launch of high-quality and affordable cosmetics on the market, but also regular lessons for clients on skin care and makeup techniques. Because of this, Mary Kay distributors are called consultants. The annual turnover of the network is about 3 billion dollars, and the total number of consultants is more than 2.5 million people. Currently, about 500,000 network members are registered in Russia, with almost 80% being updated during the year. The partnership is based on a linear marketing system. Income is generated from an individual mark-up when selling products, as well as commissions for reaching a certain level of turnover.

Official website for citizens of the Russian Federation -

The fairly well-known company Oriflame, founded in 1967, was one of the first to enter the domestic market, which today it positions as the main one. Since 2006, in addition to service centers, the production of some types of brand products has been established in Russia. There are currently more than 3.5 million registered distributors in this marketing network operating under a multi-level marketing scheme. The main products of the company are cosmetics, perfumes and Wellness line of nutritional supplements. In recent years, the company has been actively developing in the Internet space.

Official web representation in Russia -.

Many network marketing companies are trying to enter the market with a non-standard product for this business, which is in constant demand from the consumer. Perhaps best of all, the Austrian company Zepter, which began operations in 1986, succeeded in this. The main direction of goods is high-quality kitchen utensils, household appliances, medical equipment and cosmetics. Products are manufactured using our own innovative developments at six large factories located in different countries of the world. At the time of 2018, more than 120 representative offices of the network were registered in Russia, and more than 6 million people became the company's customers. Zepter offers its distributors a linear marketing system.

Russian web representation -.

A young French MLM company with a linear marketing system that entered the Russian market in 2013. The main product line is natural cosmetics at an affordable price, while distributors purchase products at a 26% discount. The income of a company representative, in addition to the markup, is also formed from the turnover of the attracted group, which ranges from 3% to 21%. Also, distributors can arrange the opening of a bureau (subdivision), receiving additional bonuses from its turnover. At the current stage, Biosea is in a phase of active growth, which makes it attractive for building an independent career.

Official site in Russia -

In fact, Farmasi was founded in 1950, but it entered the Russian market only in 2011. The main direction is the sale of decorative cosmetics, luxury perfumes and various care products. Like many network marketing cosmetics companies, the Turkish brand Farmasi offers to earn through a markup (discount for a partner), which directly depends on sales volume. Bonuses are also paid from the turnover of the attracted group, while the percentage of deductions depends on the level of the latter. Currently, the development of this network is marked by intensive growth, which is due to the high quality of products and incomparably affordable prices.

Official website of the company -.

An American company founded in 1978. A feature of this network is products made exclusively on the basis of Aloe Vera. At the same time, more than 150 items of complexes, cosmetics and dietary supplements are currently presented in the catalog. Forever Living Products' current network of distributors, acting as independent entrepreneurs, exceeds 10 million people, but this company is still very little represented in the domestic market.

Company website for the Russian market -

Another American company working in the direction of the production of cosmetics and biological supplements. Jeunesse Global focuses on anti-aging and complex rejuvenation of the body in the development of Jeunesse Global products. This is a relatively young network, registered in 2009. It appeared on the domestic market only in 2014, offering distributors six options for generating income at once, working exclusively online. At the initial stage, the partner receives a markup on products due to a 35% discount, a reward for purchasing a starter package, as well as commissions from sales of the involved team.

Russian version of the official website -



The company has been operating since 2005, but it entered the Russian market only in 2013. The range is represented by natural juices and vitamin complexes, including noni juice. Most of the goods are made from products grown in Alaska. The company offers 12 types of income generation to network partners, including commissions for turnover without limiting the group level. At the same time, the achieved distributor rank does not decrease with a decrease in turnover. Financial data show that Kyani's annual revenue from sales of goods is consistently in the order of $1 billion, which indicates the popularity of products with the consumer.

Russian version of the company's official website -

One of the first Russian network companies based on a franchise purchased in the USA in 1998. The product range includes more than 150 items, most of which are bioadditives and cosmetics made on the basis of corals. Initially, the company's marketing plan had a linear scheme, which over time has been supplemented by many types of bonuses and rewards. When registering as a distributor, a 20% discount on products is automatically provided.

Russian network marketing companies

Undoubtedly, the USA is the leader in terms of popularity of the MLM business model, but our country has made significant progress in this direction over the past decades, introducing many high-quality products and promising cases for distributors to the world market. At the same time, the TOP network marketing companies in Russia are somewhat more diverse, and include networks that work with a wide range of consumer goods, and not just dietary supplements and cosmetics.

The network began operating in 2002, setting itself the goal of becoming a leader in Russian perfumery. Ciel Parfum's strictly linear marketing plan invites distributors to profit from markups on products. At the same time, in order to receive a 40% distributor discount, you must purchase one of the starter packages, costing from 25 to 75 dollars. For attracting a group and increasing turnover, the discount increases. The company's products themselves are of good quality and meet international standards, which ensures consumer demand.

This Russian brand using linear marketing undoubtedly tops the list of network marketing companies in Russia. The network began operation in 1997 and since 2003 entered the international market, delivering goods to 42 countries of the world. In recent years, the company has not only formed a network of 2 million distributors, but also absorbed several competing MLM companies. The main products are cosmetics, high-quality household chemicals, clothing and accessories. According to RBC, it is one of the fastest growing companies in Russia.

Network website -.

The main products of the company are medical equipment and household appliances for therapy and recovery. The network began its activity in 2005, and since 2009 it has received certification and permits from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The marketing strategy of the company provides for a linear scheme of cooperation with a distributor discount of up to 60% of the cost of goods. Bonus remuneration is accrued only for partners of the first level, but there are no restrictions on turnover.

Recently, a new company website has been launched -

A Russian network that also works with medical equipment and, above all, devices for physiotherapy at home. It was founded in 1998 and today has more than 120 large warehouses located on the territory of the CIS countries. The assortment includes 15 types of devices, in addition to which dietary supplements and medical cosmetics have been included in recent years. The marketing scheme of cooperation includes several levels, which include discounts on products, commissions from personal sales and the turnover of the attracted group, as well as rewards for reaching a certain rank. For new partners, the company conducts very effective training sessions. Today, this network is attracting more and more attention from both distributors and ordinary consumers.

We can say that this is the first domestic Internet project that successfully combined the MLM concept and the automotive industry. The network began operation in 2014 in Barnaul and today has more than 120 offices in various regions of Russia. The main essence of the project is to provide partner discounts for a wide range of services and goods. The marketing plan of the network is based on a matrix, which you can get into by becoming a shareholder of the project (by paying an entrance fee). To stay in the matrix, you need to invite 2 partners, but at least 7 are required to receive bonuses.

The official site of the project -

Domestic brand offering a wide range of health and beauty products (cosmetics, dietary supplements, perfumes, various personal care products). The network was founded in 1996 and today it is not only one of the leaders in the Russian market, but also operates in 16 largest European countries. The number of distributors of the network exceeds 150,000 people. The success of the company is ensured not only by high-quality products, but also by a very good marketing plan that does not require the purchase of a starter pack and any investment. Also, depending on the turnover, free training programs, travel at the expense of the company, a personal car, and even participation in a housing program are offered.

Official website of the company -

It has been operating since 2006, but only in the last period there has been an active growth of the network. The MLM marketing scheme began to be applied in 2013. The main products are health products based on seaweed. When comparing network marketing companies in this product category, Werther Organic has two advantages - more affordable cost and the use of domestic products in production. The marketing scheme for partners includes a distributor discount, seven levels of leadership rewards, team turnover bonuses, partner programs for education, housing reform, and inheritance of achieved results.

Internet representation of the network -

Perfume manufacturer from Russia, producing products strictly according to GOST. Litani has been working under the network marketing scheme since 2016, offering potential partners three opportunities to become a member of the system (client, trainee, partner) and two options for earning income (up to 28% per distributor turnover and incentives in the form of a car and tourist trips). Despite a large number of competing companies, in recent years, Litani has been systematically expanding and conquering the market, which makes it a promising direction for earning.

Official website of the company -.

A network selling a wide range of quality household goods (environmental detergents and cleaning products, textiles, household appliances, car care products), operating since 1998. Despite the fact that the company is Russian, the products offered to consumers are supplied from European countries and the USA. Currently, it has registered more than 500,000 distributors distributing goods in the near abroad. A cumulative marketing plan is offered for partners, according to which you can receive discounts and earn on retail sales, get a trade loan, and also secure interest payments from the turnover of the involved team.

A young Russian MLM network that has been operating since 2014 and is characterized by stable growth. The main product is Omegaferol oil, which consists of plant components. Dietary supplements and other products for a healthy diet are also presented. The cooperation scheme offers two formats: linear when cooperating as a client (discounts on products) and binary when forming a partnership (building a balanced network).

Summing up, it is worth noting that the list of network marketing companies in Russia is regularly updated with new projects, which can also be an excellent start for you in the MLM business. On the other hand, before entering into a partnership, it is important to analyze not only the terms of cooperation, but also the relevance of the product itself with which you have to work.

Date: 2018

Description: Premium sports nutrition at affordable prices. Korona Labs is a young and rapidly growing company focused on achieving the highest results both in sports and in life. We develop and manufacture sports and dietary nutrition for professional athletes, people with an active lifestyle, and all those who simply value their health. High-quality raw materials, innovative methods and developments allow Korona Labs to produce modern sports and health nutrition. The priorities in our work are high manufacturability, innovation and responsibility to our customers and partners. A distinctive feature of Korona Labs is the ideology of production: we never save on the products we release. We do not replace expensive ingredients with cheaper ones to make more money, as some other sports nutrition manufacturers do. The main components used by us are produced by the world leaders in this sector - transnational corporations and large companies located in Europe. Thus, we make premium class sports nutrition, which is reflected both in its effectiveness and in taste characteristics. If we sell ice cream flavored diet food, then it really tastes like a creamy shake, not pancake batter! But, at the same time, our prices do not "bite". Korona Labs products are presented in the middle price segment. We achieve these results by reducing overheads and costs, increasing productivity and controlling quality. Production of Korona Labs products was organized in 2015 according to licensed German technology and certified. Partners from Germany conducted staff training and carry out technological supervision. To develop unique products (about a third of the product line), which have no analogues on the market, we involved specialists and scientists from SORAN, SORAMN and FBUN SSC VB "Vector". In particular, thanks to this cooperation, the entire product line of Korona Labs is at least as good as foreign models, and often surpasses them. Another distinctive feature of Korona Labs is the use of microencapsulation technology in the production. This method of increasing the effectiveness of certain substances is quite widespread in other areas, but has almost never been used in the production of sports nutrition. With the help of microencapsulation, we achieve the prolongation of the work of active substances, eliminate side effects, and increase the effectiveness of our products.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 11 minutes


The first network companies entered the Russian market in 1993. At that time there were no more than a dozen of them. Over time, the business expanded by attracting new people, and today the list of network companies includes about 500 organizations. For many people, network marketing has become the main form of income. Some are attracted here by a free work schedule, others by regular communication with people, others are happy with the opportunity for rapid career growth, and, of course, with monetary rewards. Currently, over 5 million distributors operate throughout Russia, with a fairly extensive network of 20 million customers.

7 main criteria by which network companies are evaluated

Deciding where to go in network marketing is not an easy task.

Therefore, first of all, you should pay attention to the main parameters by which network companies are usually evaluated.

  1. Suggested Product. It should be safe for human health and affordable. Its application must produce results.
  2. Company age. It is best to conclude an agreement with an organization that has been on the market for at least 5-6 years. Firstly, no one will last that long, and secondly, as statistics show, approximately 80% of network companies cease their activities before the expiration of the first 5 years.
  3. Marketing plan. It is desirable to compare it with the plans of other companies, paying special attention to compensation payments through the network.
  4. Distributor training. It should be free, accessible and professional.
  5. Company fame. To build an international business, a company must have a structure in at least 3 countries.
  6. Legality of the company. The presence of a legal status in the country where the distributor is going to work, and the official website on the Internet indicate that it is possible to cooperate with the company.
  7. Strong leadership team. The success of the entire team largely depends on the personal qualities and capabilities of leaders.

Independent rating of grid companies in terms of sales in 2015

No. p / p Company name The country Sales volume in Russia (%) Sales volume in the world
1 Amway USA 8,1 $10.7 billion
2 Avon Products USA 28,8 $8.9 billion
3 USA 3,0 $5.0 billion
4 Mary Kay Inc. USA 4,9 $4.0 billion
5 Vorwerk & Co. KG Germany No data $3.8 billion
6 Natura Cosmetics SA Brazil No data $3.2 billion

Brief introduction to networks

This international corporation headquartered in Michigan (USA) has been successfully operating in the sales market for over 55 years. Amway branches are located in 80 countries of the world, including Russia (since March 2005).

Consumers are offered over 450 items of high quality health products.

What are the characteristics of the company?

  • By purchasing products at Amway at wholesale prices, the distributor retails it at a 30% markup. These percentages form his income.
  • For large volumes The participant receives an additional reward for personal purchases.
  • Inviting to the team new distributors or consumers of products, the distributor receives a reward in the form of a reduction in interest on the cost of goods.

Having achieved significant success in sales, a person can live on the interest transferred by Amway to his personal account.

Avon has over 120 years of history. More than 5 million distributors cooperate with it in more than 100 countries of the world. In Russia, the first representative office of the company appeared in 1995.

Avon products are more focused on the female audience, offering lovely ladies perfumes, cosmetics, jewelry and various accessories.

Distinctive features of the company

  • Cooperation as a VIP client. Free registration and the opportunity to purchase products with a 30% discount. At the first order and further the participant receives gifts.
  • Cooperation as a Coordinator. When attracting new representatives, the coordinator, in addition to the already existing discount of 30%, also receives 12% of the sales income of his group. There are bonuses and incentive programs for coordinators.

Despite the fact that the company is only 35 years old, its products are widely distributed in 92 countries around the world. The products are aimed at people who want to lose weight and cleanse the body. Offers Herbalife and natural cosmetics.

  • To work as a distributor You must purchase the International Distributor Kit.
  • When selling goods at retail purchased at the wholesale price, the distributor earns a 25% return.
  • A supervisor is standing over the distributor. His commission and monthly remuneration for services is 5%. In addition, its retail income is 50%, and wholesale - up to 25%.

Mary Kay

Mary Kay has been in existence for almost 50 years, and all this time it has been very popular among women. The principle of its consultants “Try before you buy” is still relevant today. It is one of the best-selling brands for facial skin care and makeup applications.

Branches of the company exist in 36 countries of the world, on 5 continents. In 1993, the first Mary Kay products went on sale in Russia.

Features of working in the company

  • For work The company invites women at least 18 years old.
  • To become a Consultant for beauty, you need to purchase a Consultant Starter Kit. Consultants receive income from the sale of products during their presentation at master classes, when re-ordering goods and attracting new employees to work in a team.
  • You can become a direct client to purchase products with a significant discount - up to 40%, receive gifts and a monthly magazine, participate in contests and receive free professional training in makeup techniques and business basics.

132 years have passed since the founding of the German company Vorwerk. Its activity began with the production of carpets and weaving equipment. Today the company offers kitchen and floor care equipment sold in 58 countries around the world. Vorwerk products appeared on the Russian market in 2005.

What is special about the company?

  • For beginners Those wishing to participate in the work of the company are offered free training, which includes a theoretical part and basic trainings. Refresher courses are being held.
  • Consultant he plans his own working time, receiving a certain percentage of sales.

The Brazilian company Natura Cosmeticos has made significant strides in its 44-year history in the field of direct sales of cosmetics and perfumes. Its products are familiar to consumers in many countries around the world. In 2008, a branch of the company opened in Russia.

Natura Cosmeticos has 1 million distributors offering over 900 face and body care products.

Features of the company

  • Consultants and Advisors receive a percentage of sales.
  • Provided as well as incentive programs and bonuses.
  • Consultants receive free training.