Why is it not profitable to work for hire? What to choose - business or employment? Own business or employment.

Let's be honest: an entrepreneur is often associated with a smartly dressed person who is always talking on the latest model phone, adjusting an expensive watch on his wrist, and then getting into a premium car to get to his plane and go to work somewhere on the islands. Because he can.

This image is further cultivated by photos from Instagram, all kinds of interviews with already rich and famous entrepreneurs.

The truth looks very different. Entrepreneurship is the hardest path you can take. This opinion is shared by Jon Westenberg, an entrepreneur, writer and columnist for well-known publications.

If you're starting a startup because you want work/life balance, freedom and time off, I've got bad news for you. You won't succeed.

John Westenberg, entrepreneur

Why won't it work? Let's figure it out.

Let's count the money

If you are an employee, you get a fixed salary. Thanks to this, you can sit down at the beginning of the month, make a cup of coffee and plan your spending 30 days in advance. You are cheerful, cheerful and have a good idea where you will spend your salary this week and next too.

The equation is simple: you work X hours a week, you get paid Y for it.

This equation does not work when you are an entrepreneur. It turns into a multi-level monster and makes your brain literally explode.

You need to understand how much money you have, what deals you can close, what is your cash flow, is there a gap… Moreover, you need to figure out how much you can set aside as your own wages so that you don’t go bankrupt next month. You will be forced to settle for small amounts for a long time. It is very difficult.

On the other hand, if you learn to think a few steps ahead, sooner or later your business will earn more, and you will learn how to make the right decisions regarding finances.

You will have to find a balance point. Either you sacrifice your life to save money and invest in a business, or you leave everything as it is and hope that everything will work out somehow.

The second option is the easiest. He will destroy you. You have to choose the first one.

I agree, it all sounds rather sad. That is why being an employee is much easier than starting a business. Deprivation and self-restraint are difficult, and not everyone is able to cope with them.

How is it with time?

Most entrepreneurs sincerely believe that owning a business is a good way to control time and separate work from personal life. Unfortunately, this is complete nonsense.

For most of those who have started, time is the main and main resource. And even here, the entrepreneur has to deal with certain risks. After all, time may be short, and tomorrow it will disappear altogether. But anyway, that's all you have.

For the first few years, you will spend almost all of your time on the new business. Time, in fact, will be the only resource that you completely control and feel. No matter how much money you have, time will make you worry and nervous: are you devoting too few hours to your business?

And when to live?

My boss is an idiot

So many say and plunge headlong into their own business. Unfortunately, the reality is that it is much easier to work under another person than to be your own boss. Even if the boss is bad.

There are two types of leaders:

  1. The boss is a bastard. You know those. They keep a close eye on you so that you are not a minute late, they can put a stack of cases on the table five minutes before the end of the working day. They do not remember when your birthday is, and they hardly give out.
  2. The boss is a jerk. There are those too. They don't care what time you crossed the threshold of the office, they do not give feedback on your work. Sometimes it seems to you that such a boss is not at all interested in what you do in the office. And therefore you feel unnecessary, and you consider your work meaningless.

The truth is that if you are an entrepreneur, sooner or later you will become one of these bosses. You will either give yourself complete freedom of action, or go crazy trying to control every minute.

Your employees will not understand you. After all, this is your business, your brainchild, your future. It is not surprising that the maximum pressure will focus on you, and the sound of a ticking clock will wake you up in the middle of the night. In fact, you will be the only person on the team who laid down his life to achieve the goal.

This is a very unhealthy situation. But it cannot be otherwise.

And good news

If you have read all the dark stories and have reached this line - we congratulate you. Because there is good news too.

All the horrors described above really exist and await everyone who starts their own business. But it's worth it. In return, you get the opportunity to create something incredible, unique and original.

You will have the opportunity to change and take responsibility for your future. When you do something for yourself, you get great satisfaction.

And maybe - maybe! - someday you will be able to go so far that you really will conduct your business somewhere on the coast, sitting on a comfortable sunbed and sipping a cocktail. But the way to this beach chair is very long and difficult. He's not for everyone. But it's worth it.

Hello friends! If you are reading this article, then you are at a crossroads and want to decide what to choose - work for someone or for yourself. Let's see, work or business - which is better.

Before choosing one or the other, let's make a comparison and see what are the advantages in being hired and what are in business.

First, working for someone is much easier. There is no need to strain your brain too much, there is a boss who motivates you to take action and controls your work, there is a work schedule and there is a salary. You do not need self-discipline and the ability to organize yourself, plan your time. You do not need to set goals, make plans, define tasks and implement them. You just have to do what you're told. There are clear responsibilities, you just need to fulfill them. And it's not that hard if you know how to do your job.

The second plus of hired work is stability. Though unsteady, but some time is available. You know that on a certain day of each month you will have a certain amount of money. It still gives some confidence in the future. True, there is a downside to this stability - this is the income ceiling, above which you cannot jump. Yes, and the possibility of losing this stability also exists. You can be fired, laid off, the company closed - you are completely dependent on the authorities.

The third advantage of traditional work is that you do not need to solve problems, organize a workflow, make decisions yourself, you do not need to generate new ideas and look for ways to implement them. You are given an algorithm, you execute it. you do not need to think what to do, how and why. the boss will take care of everything. You only need to perform the same high-quality actions. And if this is exactly what you need, then perhaps hired work was created for you, and you for it.

Business is not for everyone

Now let's see how business is, as opposed to being hired.

If you think that business is much better, because you manage your own time and money, you will be free and independent, then everything is not so simple.

Yes, the prospect of working for yourself and being your own master attracts, attracts. However, the path of business is not entirely strewn with flowers, and it requires completely different qualities, skills and abilities than in hired work.

A business is an activity that generates income. This is an activity that is aimed at making a profit. To get it, you must first come up with an idea and a way to implement it. You need to organize a process that will bring you profit as a result.

Business requires such skills as entrepreneurship, organization, since there is no boss over you, and you yourself must motivate yourself, you need the ability to work with people and organize their work, you need responsibility for the entire work process and its results, you need the ability to make decisions quickly, on which, sometimes, a lot depends, you need to be able to solve problems, set goals and find new ways to achieve them.

And at the stage of launching a new business, there is no question of a free schedule. It is at the start that you need to invest maximum time and effort to start the process of business growth and development. You may have to work not for 8 or even 10 hours a day, but much more.

You also need the ability to count money and competently manage finances, keep records of income and expenses, be able to plan finances and attract new funds. One of the key skills that a business will need is the ability to extract maximum profit at minimum cost.

Running a business requires a strong inner core from a person. To have the strength to withstand all the storms and storms that lie ahead.

But if you feel potential in yourself, if difficulties do not scare you, but only provoke you, then perhaps business is your way.

Work or business - which is better? How to decide?

To find out which is better - work or business and what is right for you, take a short test. You can download the list of questions from the link below.

Choose one of the two options - a or b.

A) Do you like to set goals, make plans and implement them?

B) this phrase is more about you: “Tell me what to do, and I will do it well”

A) you like to find non-standard solutions to standard problems

B) you don’t like to “reinvent the wheel” and generally rack your brains and come up with something

A) you like to make decisions. If you have to make a decision quickly, and a lot will depend on it, this is not a problem for you.

B) you think: “Decision making is not my forte. It's hard for me"

A) What about being responsible for other people?

b) I do not want to answer for anyone. It's better without problems - they told me - I did it.

a) you like to connect with people

B) Relationship building is not my forte

A) Are you willing to work hard, sometimes a lot, even if it doesn’t bring visible results at first and isn’t rewarded?

B) a better stable schedule from 9 to 18. This suits me more

A) Are you ready to wait for a delayed result?

B) no, I want to have everything at once, the sooner the better

A) Are you ready to venture into the unknown and work on yourself to achieve results?

B) Or is the usual measured life more for you?

If there are more A answers, then business is something you should try yourself in.

If more B answers, then traditional work is more suitable for you, and business will not bring you joy or pleasure, and may even disappoint.

The HeadHunter Research Service conducted a survey among 5,049 company employees and found that 84% of those surveyed would like to work only for themselves.

First of all, they are driven by the desire for independence: the desire to become the master of oneself, not obeying anyone (59%). The desire to earn big money is the defining motive of 20% of respondents, and 19% are interested in trying themselves as the head of their own project. Representatives of the Automotive Business, Construction/Real Estate and Sales sectors most often would like to start their own business, but among the employees of the Medicine/Pharmaceuticals and Jurisprudence professional fields, they are the least.
In every second case, the reason for abandoning your own business is financial difficulties. 22% of those who had their own business, but are currently employed, noted that administrative and bureaucratic difficulties are to blame. The failure of an idea or loss of interest are the reasons for leaving entrepreneurship for 15% and 14% of respondents, respectively.
The majority of active businessmen (40%) note that Russian legislation only hinders running their own business. Only 7% of respondents could argue with them, who are sure that the current legislation favors the creation and development of business.

* excluding those who combine employment and their own business or have their own business at the moment
80% of employees admitted that they were thinking about creating their own business, and 15% have already tried to put this idea into practice.

Financial difficulties in every second case are the reason for abandoning their own business. 22% of those who ran their own business, but are currently employed, noted that administrative and bureaucratic difficulties are to blame. The failure of an idea or loss of interest are the reasons for leaving entrepreneurship for 15% and 14% of respondents, respectively.

* excluding those who combine employment and their own business, or have their own business at the moment
84% of respondents dream of starting their own business. Moreover, almost the same number of respondents (82%) who already had their own business, but for one reason or another abandoned it, remain enthusiastic and want to try their luck again.

* excluding those who combine employment and their own business, or have their own business at the moment
Men are more likely than women (87% versus 81%) to be ready to start their own business.

* excluding those who combine employment and their own business, or have their own business at the moment
The percentage of those wishing to organize their own business among top managers and specialists is the same (83% each).

* excluding those who combine employment and their own business, or have their own business at the moment
Residents of the regions, compared with both Russian capitals, more often dream of starting their own business.

* excluding those who combine employment and their own business, or have their own business at the moment
Representatives of the areas "Automotive business", "Construction/Real estate" and "Sales" more often than others would like to get their own business.

It is not the prestige of one's own business or even interest in it that attracts the majority of workers. The main motive is the desire to be your own master (59%).

Employment attracts people primarily because of its stability and calmness (44%).

20% of those who manage to “sit on two chairs” note that they successfully cope with both the role of an entrepreneur and an employee. However, 73% of respondents admitted that they are experiencing some difficulties.

Most of the respondents who have their own business note that Russian legislation only prevents them from doing business.

* average for two groups: “I have a business”, “I combine my own business with work for hire”
Workers in the Procurement sector are most dissatisfied with Russian legislation: 57% of all respondents in this group, it interferes with their business. The most positive attitude towards the state are lawyers, but only 11% of them.

"Gives loans for the development of small businesses."

"Company registration is fast and there are funds to support small companies."

“Preferential lending, consulting centers, business incubators”.

“It gives you the opportunity to create a business, but it does not give you the opportunity to work.”

“Modern Russian legislation is gradually improving and improving, but it is necessary that businessmen themselves read the laws so that they develop legal awareness.”

"Doing business in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, to the extent that there is sufficient judicial practice, will not only facilitate it, but also reduce possible costs."

"Made minimal tax costs for small businesses."

It does not help and even hinders:

“There is nothing to comment on here, open an LLC, a bank account and immediately get a fine for not notifying the tax authority within 5 days of opening a bank account (so what if you didn’t know this), etc. Summary - the whole system of organizing your own business is unfriendly to those who are trying to open this business; we are drowning in papers, deadlines for their submission, taxes, fines, etc. Even in a small business, you spend half your time on its paperwork, and not on the actual business that you want to do.
“Before you start your own business, in our time you need start-up capital, but with our earnings it is impossible. My responsibility, the family, does not allow me to take huge risks of a loan at high interest rates.

"Suffocates with a cloud of reports and taxes."

“The legislation establishes biased, unreasonable obligations that do not allow conducting legal business, drives the entrepreneur into such strict and unfavorable conditions and conditions that it is almost impossible to fulfill them, and puts before a choice: take risks and violate laws or refuse to do business.”

“Too much time and money has to be spent on administrative issues, instead of spending it on business development.”

“Inadequate legislative framework, especially with regard to contributions to the Pension Fund. (They don’t even care that there was no income, but pay the money).”

“Illegal competition (it’s more profitable to do everything illegally in order to be in the market and earn money), or there must be a substantial capital of its own, which in 3 years would begin to pay dividends.”

“Modern legislation does not create conditions at all, does not stimulate small and medium-sized businesses. Those who are at the feeder survive, and the so-called public procurement tenders are also corrupt. I know from personal experience."

“A lot of bureaucratic obstacles, imperfection of tax legislation, high tax burden, lack of incentives for the development of the private (small, medium, large) sector, lack of legal protection of interests, unfair competition from large monopoly and near-monopoly enterprises.”

“If Putin and Medvedev believe that any of the merchants (except those who pull billions out of the ground or sell their products at exorbitant prices for budget money) will be able to pay 43% of the full salary of employees, this only means that it is beneficial for the authorities to any businessman was on the hook!!!”

“The promised 60 thousand rubles. from the exchange for the development of small businesses, while even a weak franchise needs a start of about 3 million rubles - a drop in the ocean. I had not yet had time to face bureaucratic difficulties, but I heard a lot of different terrible stories from my friends. How, without a bribe, it is almost impossible (not enough nerves) to get permission for a new billboard, for example. Or how nothing is being done to combat racketeering, which still exists and thrives, just sits in the shadows and uses other methods. For example, in New Zealand, you can live on unemployment benefits and spend time developing your business, and to register as an entrepreneur, you just need to send an application on the site.

“It is impossible to do business under such tax legislation, when you have not earned anything yet, but you already have to pay tax to the state – this is nonsense. “No income, no tax” is accepted all over the world, and only in this fucking country everything is turned upside down.”

“High taxes, difficulty in forming start-up capital, high administrative barriers from regulatory authorities (SES, firefighters, etc.), low living standards of the country's population and, accordingly, low solvency. It is very difficult for a small business to survive in the struggle for a buyer.”

“Only taxes alone are worth it. Once upon a time, profit from trade was calculated, but with a markup of 27%, net profit was 3%, the rest went to the state. How can you work?

Natalia Prosvetova Category: 2 comments

Own business VS Employment: what to choose for you?

How to understand who you are: a performer or an entrepreneur, a freelancer or an investor? What type of vocation is inherent in you? Is business really yours or another illusion inspired by fashion?

We continue to develop the topic covered in

And I want to start with a comment that I left on Instagram to that very article Sweet Mila under the nickname @sweet_barbariska_bel:

“I believe that without trying, you will never know what is “yours” and what is not! Personally, working in the office has given me awesome friends and loyal customers who will honestly say where it’s delicious and where it’s sad. Working in a place tightly controlled by instructions gave me the ability to act systematically and proactively. But this stage is over, let's move on!

What got me into this phrase? The point is not only that I was lucky enough to take part in the unpacking of Mila's delicious talents, but also that her words very accurately reflected the essence of my worldview.

In fact, you won't know for sure until you try. But in reality, not everyone is ready to go by trial and error. The number of opportunities is already too great, too many paths-roads for professional implementation are opening up before us in the modern world. And a human life is too short to blindly try everything in a row ...

Just imagine: only OKPDTR (All-Russian classifier of professions and positions) contains more than 2500 items! But there are other guides. And how many appear every day! Eyes open!

Feeling as if you are standing in a hypermarket with dresses with an area of ​​10 hectares, and you only have to choose one! Yes, such that both in a feast and in the world, and so that the style is always in trend, and the size somehow adapts itself to your forms that change over the years, and, most importantly, that you always, always like yourself in this dress , and people, and so that you don’t feel sick from wearing it daily for at least the next 5 years.

Whether business, shop 5×5 sq.m, 2 cases, 3 shelves. It is much easier to choose from such an assortment, right? That's just not the fact that it will be the dress of your dreams ...

And how to be?

I vote for the golden mean! And then the algorithm looms as follows.

1) To begin with, get rid of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"one dress (case) for life." I think the hypermarket example clearly showed the failure of this approach.

Yes, there are exceptions. For example, when a woman devotes her whole life to medicine. But if you look closely, then in this case there is room for improvisation. Today it is an ordinary doctor, tomorrow - head. department, and the day after tomorrow she opens her private clinic. And at each of these stages, a person reveals completely different competencies, abilities and talents. If at the first stage it is important to be able to feel people, accurately diagnose and prescribe the optimal treatment, then at the last stage you need to learn how to run a business, deal with management and marketing.

2) Secondly, narrow down the number of “shops” (fields of activity) in which you will go to choose your “dress” (business) to 3-5 and start with them.

Fortunately, humanity has developed a fantastic number of methods that perfectly solve this problem:

  • numerology,
  • socionics, etc.

By the time this article was written, my collection had accumulated 133 ways to know yourself and your path. In fact, there are even more of them, and with the curiosity of a child, I continue to collect them. 🙂 But in fact, 20-30 exercises are enough for most people. For "special cases" (like "I've tried it all, nothing works for me"), there is heavier artillery. 😉 But more on that some other time.

So, why is this artificial narrowing of choice necessary?

This helps to determine the direction of movement, focus on the essence and reduce the number of unsuccessful “fittings”. Thanks to this, a person ceases to stagnate and begins to act. And that's all we need! After all, it is actions that produce results!

This is where I might be disappointed. My experience suggests that there is no single best method. Each method has its own merits and limitations. And if someone promises a “magic pill” for all troubles and insists on its universality, then personally I am wary of such specialists.

But the good news is that some methods do give fairly specific and consistent results. And if they are also competently combined into a system, then a positive result is inevitable. By the result, I mean not only a list of professions that are hypothetically suitable for you, but, for example, the first money in your favorite business. 🙂

What system are you talking about?

Therefore, to the question " Who am I meant to be? Do your own business or stay hired? I have no other answer than: "Come to me in - we'll figure it out." 🙂 Or you can contact another specialist you trust. Still, as an option, you can independently look for all these 133 ways and try it for yourself.

By the way, it took me more than 15 years... But I won't write that it was a mistake. It's my journey that has made me an expert on purpose. Whether you need to follow a similar path and spend years of your life looking for a job you like is up to you. Who knows, maybe in 15 years we will become colleagues in the shop and write a book about it together. 😉

Just in case: the program is also not a panacea, it is not suitable for everyone and will be able to give results. That is why before the start of the program, I personally talk for 10-15 minutes with each participant to feel whether we can reach the goal together or not.

My intuition has never failed me. All the girls with whom we had a resonance sooner or later decide to change: they change jobs, start businesses, social or creative projects. And someone, having curbed his fear of being left out of work in the labor market, without money and prospects, begins to actively create ... new people. 🙂

In general, no one stands still. 😉 Everyone moves at their own pace, learn to hear and implement the true desires of their soul. Someone succeeds quickly, someone slowly, someone jerkily and with a revolution, someone smoothly through progressive reforms.

By the way, to accept your unique speed and style of transformation is, in my opinion, extremely important. This helps to enjoy not only the results, but also the process of self-realization. After all, what is purpose? It's a path, not a final destination. Or not? Write your thoughts on this in the comments. Let's philosophize together. 😉

So, your business or employment: which one is right for you?

These 5 steps will help answer this question.

STEP 1. Introspection, creating an image of your favorite business

In order not to feel like a blind kitten in a world of endless possibilities and to minimize the risks of failure, you should first understand yourself: your true desires and dreams, strengths and weaknesses, abilities and talents. There are different methods for this. It is good when you use several methods in a system under the guidance of an experienced mentor. And on the basis of this, it is already possible to make assumptions: what kind of business will captivate you seriously and for a long time, will allow you to reveal your potential to the maximum.

For example, it could be a list like this:

  • dancing,
  • psychology,
  • teaching.

Plus, you throw in large strokes a general vision of your favorite business.

For example: the head of a friendly team of 3-5 people, I do something at the computer, free schedule, about 3-5 hours a day, Sat., Sun. - weekends, vacation - 2 times a year. Communication with people, interesting trips and physical activity are a must.

STEP 2. Trying on ideas

After that comes the stage the stage of "trying" these types of activities obtained in step 2. You test your hypotheses in real life in many ways. In the program, I show 3 of the safest and most affordable “trying on” options: zero risk, zero investment. No sudden moves: layoffs, loans, public promises, etc.

As a result of such a test drive, something disappears by itself, and something, on the contrary, begins to captivate you with renewed vigor. Often at this stage, new hypotheses are born, which also require verification in practice. For example, you understand that neither dancing, nor psychology, nor teaching - nothing ignites you like writing texts. And you go and start writing lyrics. 🙂


In the course of finding and pursuing a cause to your liking (both in hiring and in your business), it is extremely important to learn how to delicately go around everything. external and internal STOPs, that grow like mushrooms after the rain, almost at every step:

  • fears,
  • self-doubt,
  • lack of support from loved ones
  • sabotage,
  • procrastination,
  • perfectionism...

Otherwise, there is a risk of turning into Oblomov, into an embrace with castles in the air on the couch ...

STEP 4. Money for what you love

At this stage, the best ideas start to generate income for you. Sometimes this happens already during the “fitting” at step 2. So, for example, one of the participants, using my technology for a test drive of her favorite business, unexpectedly for herself I received my first order for 7000 r.!

Another girl quit her job as a hired manager, where she worked for more than 10 years, and found a new employer. The first salary at the new place arrived on her card even before the end of coaching. After some time, she realized that the new “dress” (place of work) is also not very suitable for her. Therefore, she quit again (this time without unnecessary worries) and began to work for herself, to conduct a private consulting practice.

STEP 5. Balancing areas of life

Through all the previous steps, it is important to learn keep the balance "I - my business - my family". Because there is a danger of diving into your favorite business with your head. 😉 So that the husband does not start to be jealous of work, and the children run hungry around the apartment with knee-deep snot, it makes sense to do everything gently, like a woman, without harming health and personal life.

work for yourself, you can't plow on uncle

Can't work for yourself, plow on uncle

Surprisingly, one twist in the right place - and the meaning of the whole sentence changes dramatically. So, one subtlety in understanding the essence can radically change both your life and your path to.

In this article I will share the arguments from personal experience, the pros and cons of working for yourself or working for hire.

In general, I often come across categorical statements: if you want to succeed, work only for yourself, or stability is reliability... and many, many other statements in favor of one or another way of earning and financial well-being.

It is curious that those people who can earn money themselves, make good money, do not want to leave their jobs for hire. And those who have never been engaged in entrepreneurial activity are sure that this is the path to a personal Eldorado (mostly young people think so, the older generation often “idolizes” traditional employment in production).



Stable and predictable income. Perhaps this is the most compelling argument. The employer legally undertakes to pay and pay on time.

There is always a lot of work. Even if there is no work in your specialty, modern business is arranged in such a way that there will always be more work in general than unique ideas for your business.

Capital is always with me. Your hands, abilities - this is the necessary working capital, so that after a month of its use - to receive an appropriate monetary reward. In your business, you may not see income for several years.

Low responsibility. As a plus - because another person will think about your discipline, and increase the level and efficiency of labor, for you, and not you personally. You only need to match the employee template set by the boss. The templates are generally simple (work, don't be clever, agree).

Psychological factors.(Fuzzy factor - for each person it can be different).

Well, you do not like to command and that's it. You like it when another person solves all your problems for you.

Own business is associated with movement in defiance of others and one’s weaknesses, often a very strong will is needed, a passive person will simply never be able to succeed in his business, but as an employee for his uncle, he can be excellent.

Work for others if you don't want to stand out and be a black sheep.

Work for hire - coincides with your personal desires. For example - a scientific podium. (All my life I dreamed of working at the Hadron Collider, you are unlikely to build one for yourself like a businessman).


Fixed salary. There is a ceiling that, with all desires, cannot be jumped over.

Do what you need to do, not what you want.

Need to adjust under someone else's rules, schedules, to be a faceless gear in a gigantic structure.

Work only for yourself


Self-realization. This is a very significant factor for success in general. Working and creating your own business is a huge field for applying your talents, a great opportunity for self-realization, ambitions (if they exist, of course).

There is no money ceiling. It is worth clarifying - business is different business. But if you have taken the path of entrepreneurship, what prevents you from directing your business in the direction that is either closer to you in spirit or more profitable?

psychological factors. As in the case of employment, individual factors of a person must be taken into account. I will single out those key factors in personality properties that are necessary and essential in choosing a job. This is a strong will, great self-discipline, a free-thinking and impatient personality, an innate leader (with such personal "parameters" - you will be out of place at any other work, and you need only your own business).


Liberty? In fact, on a whim - you will adapt to the authorities, and for yourself - you will adapt to the tax, customers, suppliers, laws. Yes, there are more choices in business, but there are also more rules to play by.

I do what I want? Oh, is it? Unlike an employee who spent his 40 hours at work, you will watch your business twice as much time without sleep and rest, without days off.

I'm the boss. Subordinates are such creatures that they like to relieve themselves of responsibility and, in addition, create additional problems on your head. Will your ambitions withstand all those problems that will appear in a flurry from everywhere? (especially when you least expect it)

Self-realization. Well, just fine, you have the opportunity to fulfill yourself in accounting, in the technological process from A to Z, in the psychology of a just tyrant, in bowing to local boyars .... (very long list....)

Verdict: work for yourself or still work for hire?

In general, this topic is very complex. My experience (I was both an employee and an employer, and on my own, now I combine) says that a comprehensive analysis is needed in making a decision.

Simple practical advice: you probably have acquaintances in this or that activity - see how they are. I know successful satisfied employees and eternal losers, unfortunate businessmen. I would by no means be categorical in offering you one specific path - without knowing your identity ...

In general, only you can give the most correct answer to this question. In difficult questions, I do this: I take a sheet of clean paper, write down the question correctly and, depending on the question itself, I attach the appropriate markup (pluses, minuses, heaviness, like or dislike ...). (You need to write only by hand and so that it is easy for you to understand what you mean - about the "magic" properties of this approach.)

Do not believe if someone convinced you for a couple of offers (all the various scammers, marketers, forex, pyramids) - that it’s cool to work for yourself ... You will be left without your last shirt.

The answer should be well thought out - your whole future life depends on it ... and not only yours (think about others too, about those that depend on you).

: work for yourself or be an employee.