Emotional and incentive interjections examples. Etiquette interjection

In the 18th century, French philosopher and writer Jean-Jacques Rousseau said: “To exist is to feel.” There are special words in the language that express a wide variety of feelings. These are interjections. In this lesson you will learn all about interjections as a special part of speech. You will also learn how interjections are written and what punctuation marks are used to distinguish them.

Topic: Interjections

Lesson: Interjection as a part of speech. Hyphen in interjections

Interjection- a special part of speech, not included in either the independent or auxiliary parts of speech, which expresses various feelings and motives, but does not name them.

For example: oh, ah, hurray, ba, my God, etc.

Features of interjections:

· are not grammatically related to other words;

· do not answer questions;

· do not change;

· are not members of the proposal;

Unlike functional parts of speech, interjections serve neither to connect words in a sentence nor to connect parts of a sentence.

Based on their origin, interjections are divided into non-derivative and derivative

· Non-derivative interjections do not correlate with words of other parts of speech and usually consist of one, two or three sounds: a, oh, uh, ah, oh, oh, wow, alas. This group also includes complex interjections like ah-ah-ah, oh-oh-oh and so on.

· Derivative interjections formed from words of other parts of speech:

a) verbs ( hello, goodbye, guess what?);

b) nouns ( Fathers, guard, Lord);

c) adverb ( quite, full);

d) pronouns ( same thing).

Derived interjections also include words of foreign origin ( hello, bravo, bis, kaput).

According to the structure, interjections can be:

· simple, that is, consist of one word (a, oh, oh, alas);

· complex, i.e. formed by combining two or three interjections ( ay-ay-ay, oh-oh-oh, fathers of light);

· composite, that is, consist of two or more words (alas and ah; same thing; here you go; here you go again).

Types of interjections by meaning:

· emotional interjections express, but do not name feelings, moods (joy, fear, doubt, surprise, etc.): oh, oh-oh-oh, alas, my God, fathers, those times, thank God, as if it were not so, ugh and etc.;

interjections that express motivation to action, commands, orders: well, hey, guard, kitty-kiss, out, shoo, march, whoa, come on, sh-sh, ow;

· etiquette interjections are the formulas of speech etiquette: hello(those), hi, thank you, please forgive me, all the best.

Interjections include, but do not include, words denoting instant actions ( bang, clap, slap, etc.), as well as words imitating various sounds and voices of animals and birds ( tra-ta-ta; boom Boom Boom; Meow meow; Bow-wow; ha-ha-ha, etc.).

Interjections are used in colloquial speech and in artistic style to express the author's emotions or convey the mood of the hero of the work.

Sometimes interjections become independent parts of speech, and they take on a specific lexical meaning and become a part of a sentence.

For example: There was a thunderous sound in the distance hooray».

Fee – Alas And Oh.


Exercises No. 415–418. Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. - M.: Education, 2012.

Task No. 1. Read it. Pay attention to the intonation with which interjections are pronounced. Write down the sentences in the following sequence: 1) sentences with emotional interjections; 2) sentences with incentive interjections. Indicate shades of emotions and motivations.

1. Ah! Damn Cupid! And they hear, they don’t want to understand... 2. Well! Guilty! What a deal I gave to the hook. 3. Oh, the human race! it has become forgotten that everyone must climb there himself, into that little box where one can neither stand nor sit. 4. I'm sorry; I was in a hurry to see you as soon as possible, I didn’t stop by home. Farewell! I'll be there in an hour... 5. Ah! Alexander Andreich, please, sit down. 6. Eh, Alexander Andreich, it’s bad, brother! 7. Hey, tie a knot for memory; I asked to be silent... 8. The women shouted: hurray! and they threw caps into the air! 9. Ah! My God! He fell and died! 10. He tightened the reins. Well, what a miserable rider. 11. Ah! Evil tongues are worse than a gun. 12. Hey! Filka, Fomka, well, catchers! 13. Eh! Brother! It was a nice life back then. 14. Hello, Chatsky, brother! 15. Well, I cleared away the cloud. 16. Wow! I definitely got rid of the noose: after all, your father is crazy... (A. Griboyedov)

Task No. 2. In the examples from A. S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit,” highlight the words, phrases and sentences that act as interjections.

1. God be with you, I remain again with my riddle. 2. Have mercy, you and I are not guys: why are other people’s opinions only sacred? 3. Prince Peter Ilyich, princess, my God! 4. And a gift for me, God bless him! 5. “I’ve finished it.” - “Good! I covered my ears." 6. And the ladies?.. May God grant you patience - after all, I myself was married.

Didactic materials. Section "Interjection"

Didactic materials. Section “Onomatopoeic words”

3. Culture of written speech ().

Culture of writing. Interjection.

Interjection. Encyclopedia Around the World.


1. Razumovskaya M.M., Lvova S.I. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. 13th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2009.

2. Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. 34th ed. - M.: Education, 2012.

3. Russian language. Practice. 7th grade. Ed. S.N. Pimenova 19th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2012.

4. Lvova S.I., Lvov V.V. Russian language. 7th grade. In 3 parts, 8th ed. – M.: Mnemosyne, 2012.

emotional interjections), and 2) interjections expressing will, order, etc., i.e. imperative (imperative interjections).

1. Among interjections expressing feelings, the following groups are distinguished:

    a) interjections used to express satisfaction, admiration, joy, fun, delight, approval, etc. ( Hooray! Bravo! That's it! Uh! Oh! A! and etc.). For example: - A! It’s you,” and he smiled at her with his kind smile.(Sim.); - Well, that's it, I got out! - he muttered happily(G. Berezko); Shouts: “bravo, bravissimo, bravo!” drown out... the sounds of the orchestra; Hooray! We are breaking, the Swedes are bending(P.);

    b) interjections expressing melancholy, grief, regret, sadness (Alas! Ah! Eh! etc.). For example: Ah, Dunya, Dunya! What kind of girl was she?(P.); Alas, I have wasted a lot of my life on various amusements!(P.); Eh, mistress, there is no urine!(N.);

    c) interjections expressing bewilderment, distrust, surprise, amazement, fear ( Bah! A! ABOUT! Well well! Hmmm! Oh! Fathers! Mother! God! and etc.). For example: - “Well, well,” Klimov said in surprise.(G. Berezko); Wow, what passions!(Dahl); Mother! And I forgot the potatoes(N. Usp.);

    d) interjections expressing protest, displeasure, censure, annoyance, anger, etc. ( A! Oh! Oh, my God! Eh!), and a number of swear interjection combinations ( Damn it! Hell no! etc.). For example: Oh, you glutton! Ah, the villain!..(Kr.); - Uh! Darling! - the nanny grumbles quietly(Gonch.); Yes, the hell with it! No matter how it is, it’s so nice and funny!(Vyazemsky);

    e) interjections expressing irony, gloating, sarcasm, contempt, disgust, etc. ( But! Fi! Ugh! Ugh! Uh! A!). For example: You know that Malevsky is now a thing for me!(T.); Fie, abomination! How could I not see the nastiness of this then...(L. T.); Ugh! I made a mistake...(Gr.);

    f) interjections expressing an emotional characteristic, assessment of the situation, attitude to the speaker’s speech. Interjections of this group are characterized by the fact that they have a connotation of modality ( Right! Hey, hey! By God; Here's another! That's it! Pipes! and etc.). For example: Really, from the bottom of my heart I am grateful to my neighbor(Fet); I gave my word and so what? Hey, hey, now I’m ready to give up(P.); [Podkolesin:] Listen, Ilya Fomich, do you know what? Go yourself;[Kochkarev:] Well, Here's another thing: are you crazy?(G.); No really, pipes, your grace! Even then everything in me has gone astray! I won't go for anything(Ershov);

    g) interjections meaning gratitude, greetings, etc. ( Thank you! Hello! Goodbye! I'm sorry and etc.). For example: Thanks for the advice. Or: Goodbye, Marya Ivanovna, I don’t apologize to you...(P.); Hello, happy tribe! I recognize your fires...(P.).

Most emotional interjections are polysemous. Thus, interjections A are polysemantic. ABOUT! Oh! Uh! and many others.

Interjection Oh! may, for example, express admiration: Oh, this would be a heavenly life!..(G.); amazement: Don't you know me? ABOUT! Meet him(Gr.); fright: ABOUT! How you scared me!; astonishment: Out of surprise, I could only utter one sound: Oh?!(Cupr.); indignation: - Oh, to choke you! - he cursed, sitting by the window(M.-S.); mockery: - Oh yes, you are a poet! - he said, grinning.

Interjections that can be correlated with other parts of speech are also polysemantic: Fathers! God! Mother! etc. For example, the interjection Father! can express admiration and surprise. Fathers! What's wrong with your face?..(M.G.); anxiety, fear: - Fathers, trouble! - answered Vasilisa Egorovna. - Nizhneozernaya was taken this morning(P.); call for help: - Fathers, they crushed me,” a woman’s voice was heard(L.T.).

2. Among interjections expressing will, motivation for any action, the following groups are distinguished:

    a) interjections, which are a kind of call (Ay! Hello! Hey! etc.). For example: Hey, friends! Leshutki, Lesovye! Did you fall asleep? Wake up, respond to my voice!(A. Ost.);

    b) interjections expressing a command, an order, a signal to begin or end an action, a call for attention, for agreement, for silence, a call for help, etc. ( Come on! Well, get out! Shoo! Chu! March! Tsits! Shh! Shh! Chur! Guard! and etc.). For example: Nikita, let's go to the boardwalk!(Fed.); Grinev, having learned from him about our danger, ordered to sit down, ordered march, march, gallop...(P.); I thought: “Tsits! Don’t you dare joke about it!”(Lesk.); Shh... someone's coming(G.); Only, mind you, don't interrupt(Crumpled.); And again the alarm started: “Help, for God’s sake! Guard: catch, catch..."(P.).

Lecture 32 Interjection

This lecture discusses the main features and classifications of interjections.


This lecture discusses the main features and classifications of interjections.

Lecture outline

31.1. Interjection as a part of speech.

31.2. Classifications of interjections.

31.3. Onomatopoeic words.

31.1. Interjection as part of speech

Interjection is a little-studied class of words, which, due to its intermediate position in the general system of parts of speech of the modern Russian literary language, has not yet received a precise definition. The history of this issue goes back a long way.

Currently, in school practice it is generally accepted that interjection - this is a part of speech that expresses various feelings and motives, but does not name them.

Expressed interjections feelings or expressions of will are conveyed using special intonation, for example: Oh, how much interesting material I have!.. (A. Kuprin); Hey! A fox fur coat, if you have extra ones, don’t regret five knights... (In. Annensky).

Interjections differ from both significant and auxiliary parts of speech. From significant parts of speech interjections They differ in that they do not name phenomena of reality, and from service ones in that they do not express the relationship between words in a phrase and a sentence, do not serve to connect words and sentences, and do not introduce additional semantic shades into the sentence.

Interjections have neither lexical nor grammatical meanings and cannot act as any member of a sentence. However interjections are the basis for the formation of words of other parts of speech: nouns, adjectives, verbs that are actively used in speech. For example: The horses indifferently stepped over the barrier and moved on, but the driver of the carriage stopped , pulled the reins (B. Akunin).

TO interjections Words denoting instant actions should not be used: bang, clap, slap etc. (although in science there are different points of view on this issue), as well as words that imitate various sounds and voices of animals and birds. (tra-ta-ta; boom-boom-boom; meow-meow; woof-woof; ha-ha-ha and etc. ).

31.2. Classifications of interjections

Types of interjections by origin

By origin interjections are divided into non-derivatives And derivatives.

Non-derivatives interjections do not correlate with words of other parts of speech and usually consist of one, two or three sounds ( a, oh, uh, ah, oh, eh, wow, alas, ay-ay-ay, oh-oh-oh).

Derivatives interjections are formed from words of other parts of speech:

Verbs (hello, goodbye, just think about it);

Nouns (priests, guard, Lord);

adverb (pretty, full);

Pronouns (same thing).

Words of foreign origin (hello, bravo, encore, kaput)

Types of interjections by structure

By structure interjections can be simple, complex or compound.

- Simple, consist of one word (ai, oh, alas);

- Complex, formed by combining two or three interjections (ay-ay-ay, oh-oh-oh, fathers-lights);

- Composite, consist of two or more words (alas and ah; same thing; here you go; here you go again).

Types of interjections by meaning

There are three groups of interjections:

1) emotional interjections,

2) incentive interjections,

3) etiquette interjections.

Emotional interjections

Express various positive or negative emotions, as well as one or another emotional state: joy, gaiety, fear, horror, bewilderment, apprehension, admiration, etc.., For example:

Disappointment - Ah, everything in the world is made of the same clay... (F. Sologub);

Irritation - Ugh, God forgive me! Repeat the same thing five thousand times... (A. Griboyedov);

Regret - Alas! To this day, only people... (Vyach. Ivanov).

Almost all interjections serving the sphere of emotions are clearly expressive. Nevertheless, in some interjections the expressiveness can be further enhanced. In some cases, increasing expressiveness is achieved by means of word formation (by adding suffixes of subjective assessment: oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh); the technique of complicating the interjection with the pronoun you is often used, with such use almost completely losing its lexical meaning and intonationally merging with the interjection: oh you, oh you, oh you, oh you, oh you, oh you, ugh you, oh you. A common means of enhancing expression is the joint use of several (usually two) interjections: ugh damn it, oh my god, oh my god.

Incentive(volitional) interjections usually express:

Call, call - Hey, collar, do you speak German? (In. Annensky);

Inducement, prohibition - Shh. not a word... the distance of the past... (John Annenisky);

Assurance - Now, sir, if you were outside the doors, by God, it won’t be five minutes since we remembered you here... (A. Griboyedov).

Due to their natural proximity to the imperative mood of verbs, interjections functioning in the sphere of expressions of will reveal a number of specific verbal features:

Capable of accepting postfix -those (na - here, well - well, that's enough - completeness, let's go - let's go, drop - drop, beat - beat, go ahead - go ahead, throw away - throw away)

Capable of combining with the particle -ka ( na - na-ka - here you go - here you go, well - well - here you go - here you go, let's go - let's go).

They demonstrate the ability to make syntactic connections with certain (usually pronominal) forms: forget me, get away from him, get out of here, march home, go to the river, to the apple.

Can be used when addressing interjections au, hello, hey, na, but (b-no-o), well, whoa, hoo-hoo: Hey, Zhenya, where are you?

Incentive interjections include words used to call animals or control animals: kitty-kiss, chick-chick, bit-bite, but!, whoa! and etc. and interjections used when communicating with young children: bye bye, yeah (agunushki, agushenki), bye-bye, bye-bye (bayushki-bayu, bayinki), this also includes children's crazy.

Label Interjections are words associated with the expression of etiquette norms in speech: Thank you! Thank you Hello! Hello! Goodbye! Happily! Best wishes!, For example:

greetings - Great, friend, great, brother, great! (A. Griboyedov);

farewell - Goodbye, my friend, goodbye. (S. Yesenin).

All interjections of this group contain a certain amount of significance, which brings them closer to words of other parts of speech. Many interjections of this group are capable of developing secondary meanings and functioning as means of expressive-emotional expression of surprise or disagreement, rebuff, and opposition.

31.3. Onomatopoeic words

Onomatopoeic words are a special group of words that convey various sounds made by humans and animals, as well as sounds that exist in living and inanimate nature: woof-woof, yoke-go, carr-carr, cluck-tah-tah, drip-drip, meow, moo, frrk.

Onomatopoeia does NOT include:

1) words (verbs and nouns formed from them) with the meaning “to make a cry” like whine (whine), bark (bark), bleat (bleat), moo (moo)and etc.;

2) words with the meaning of instant action (truncated forms of verbs) like bang, plop, jump, knock, slap, clickand etc.

Date: 2010-05-22 01:03:45 Views: 12883

10th grade

"Unfortunate misunderstanding",
or Interjections

Lesson objectives: to awaken students' interest in interjections, to teach the appropriate use of interjections in speech, to form an attentive and thoughtful attitude to ongoing linguistic processes, and the ability to analyze linguistic phenomena.


Teacher's opening speech.

Interjections are the least studied class of words in the modern Russian language. Academician L.V. Shcherba called the interjection “an unclear and foggy category”, “an unfortunate misunderstanding,” meaning the confusion of views on this part of speech. In the history of the study of interjections, two opposing concepts can be distinguished. The first concept is associated with the name M.V. Lomonosov. It was she who laid the foundation for the scientific interpretation of interjections. A.Kh. subsequently worked in this direction. Vostokov, F.I. Buslaev, A.A. Shakhmatov, V.V. Vinogradov. These scientists consider interjections to be words, recognize these words as part of speech, study their structure, functions in speech, and the history of education. Academician V.V. made a great contribution to the study of interjections. Vinogradov. He believed that the study of interjections is important in terms of studying the syntax of living oral speech. The originality of interjections by V.V. Vinogradov saw that they serve as a subjective means of expressing emotions, feelings and are functionally close to different classes of words, occupying a special place in the system of parts of speech: this is neither a significant nor an auxiliary part of speech.

N.I. Grech, D.N. Kudryavsky, D.N. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky, A.M. Peshkovsky are supporters of the opposite concept, who do not consider interjections to be words and exclude them from parts of speech.

In the school course of the Russian language, interjections are considered as a special part of speech.

Updating basic knowledge.

– What is the name of the section of grammar in which words are studied as parts of speech? (Morphology.)

– What does the concept mean? parts of speech? (Parts of speech are the main lexical and grammatical categories into which words of a language are distributed based on certain characteristics.)

– What are these signs? (Firstly, this is a semantic feature (generalized meaning of an object, action, state, attribute, etc.); secondly, morphological features (morphological categories of a word); thirdly, syntactic features (syntactic functions of a word).)

– What two groups are parts of speech divided into? (Parts of speech are divided into independent (significant) and auxiliary.)

– Which part of speech occupies a special place, not relating to either independent parts of speech or auxiliary ones? (This is an interjection. Interjections do not name objects, signs, or actions and do not serve to connect words. They convey our feelings.)

Studying the topic of the lesson.

- So, what is an interjection? (An interjection is a part of speech that includes sound complexes that serve to express feelings and volitional impulses. Interjections are on the periphery of the grammatical and lexical systems of the language and differ significantly from both independent and auxiliary parts of speech in their semantic, morphological and syntactic features.)

– How do you understand the expression sound complexes? (An interjection is a class of grammatically unchangeable words and phrases, which is why the concept uses the expression sound complexes.)

– So, interjections are devoid of nominative meaning. However, Academician V.V. Vinogradov noted that interjections “have a semantic content realized by the collective.” How do you understand the words of V.V. Vinogradova? (This means that each interjection expresses certain feelings and emotions, which, with the support of intonation, facial expressions and gestures, are understandable to both the speaker and the listener. For example, an interjection fi expresses contempt, disgust (Fee, what disgusting!), interjection ugh expresses reproach, annoyance, contempt, disgust (Ugh, I'm tired of it!), interjection hey expresses disbelief, ridicule (Hey, how tired of you!).)

Right. The attachment of a certain content to one or another interjection is convincingly expressed in M. Tsvetaeva’s poem “Rumor”:

More powerful than an organ and louder than a tambourine
Word of mouth - and one for everyone:
Oh - when it’s difficult and ah - when it’s wonderful,
But it’s not given - oh!

What is the difference between interjections and functional parts of speech? (Unlike conjunctions, interjections do not perform the function of connecting members of a sentence or parts of a complex sentence. Unlike prepositions, they do not express the dependence of one word on another. Unlike particles, they do not add additional semantic shades to words or sentences.)

Name the morphological and syntactic features of interjections. (From a morphological point of view, interjections are lexical units that do not have inflectional forms. The main syntactic feature of interjections is that they do not interact with other words in a sentence, but can act as independent sentences. As part of a sentence, interjections always remain separately, which is emphasized by placing a comma or exclamation point on the letter.)

Analyze the following two groups of interjections: ah, eh, oh, ha; Fathers, that's it, however. What do you think: what is their difference? (The first group of interjections are non-derivative lexemes, and the second are derivatives, i.e. formed on the basis of other parts of speech.)

Give linguistic commentary to the following examples:

1) Oh oh oh; Oh well;
2) wow, ege-ge;
3) ooh-ho-ho;
4) wow, wow, come on.

1) Repetitions are an important grammatical means of forming interjections.

2) The repetition may be incomplete.

3) In the first part of the interjection, there may be a reversal of the vowel and consonant.

4) Individual interjections can be combined with a pronominal you, imperative plural ending those, with a verb particle -ka.)

– What phonetic features of interjections are evidenced by the following examples: yeah, wow, shoo, kys-kys, um, shh, whoa. (In interjections yeah, wow pronounced alien to the literary language [] fricative. In interjections shoo, kys-kys there is a combination alien to the Russian language ky. In interjections hmm, shh there are no vowel sounds. In interjection Whoa there is a combination of three consonants.)

– Although interjections occupy a separate position in the language system, they retain a connection with other elements of this system. How is it shown? Give examples. (Interjections can arise on the basis of significant and function words. And on the basis of interjections significant words can be formed: gasp, akanye, gasp, nook, nook etc.)

– According to semantics, scientists distinguish two categories of interjections. Try dividing the interjections below into two groups and establishing a certain pattern: encore, oh, ah, damn, ba, oh, wow, down, bravo, brr, march, let's go, fie, hurray, fathers, hello, Lord, shhh, fi, away. (Interjections oh, ah, oh, wow, ah, ugh, fathers, Lord, phi, damn, bravo, hurray, brr, ba express various emotions, both positive and negative, and serve to identify a person’s attitude to reality and to the speech of the interlocutor.

Interjections bis, down, march, let's go, hello, shh, away express various types and shades of motivation to action.)

- Right. Interjections belonging to the first group are emotional interjections; those belonging to the second group are motivating interjections. Incentive interjections also have other names: imperative, imperative. Try comparing two emotional interjections: Ouch And ba. (Interjection ba unambiguous, but interjection Ouch ambiguous. Depending on the situation of speech and intonation, the interjection Ouch can express a complex range of feelings: pain, fear, surprise, admiration, regret, warning, grief, joy. Interjection ba expresses surprise.)

– Determine which category the following interjections belong to: That's enough, well, let's go, march. (These are incentive interjections.)

– Try to guess whether the same interjection can express both emotion and motivation. Try to include interjection in various speech situations Well.(Yes maybe. Well, get out of here! Well, flowers! In the first example, the interjection expresses motivation, in the second - surprise, admiration.)

– Some linguists identify well-known sound complexes as a special category of interjections – etiquette ones: hello, goodbye, thank you, goodbye, good night, happy holidays, good health, all the best etc. The main argument of these scientists: these sound complexes convey the corresponding content in the most general, undivided form. Let's try to challenge this point of view. Let's start by thinking about whether these expressions have the semantics inherent in interjections. (These sound complexes do not express feelings and motives, which means they do not have the semantics inherent in interjections.

The main feature of interjections is the absence of a nominative meaning. Expressions of the same type see you, all the best, good night, good morning retain the direct nominative meanings of their components.

Expressions goodbye (those), forgive (those), sorry (those), hello (those) are verbs in the imperative mood. Only in special cases, for example, the word Hello expresses surprise, dissatisfaction:

– I won’t go to the cinema today.

- Hello, you promised.

Let's take the floor Sorry). This word can express protest or disagreement: Should I go to the store again? No, sorry.)

- Well done! And now I will name several verbal complexes. You've certainly heard them: Lord my God, Mother Queen of Heaven, please tell me... What do they express? (Feelings and emotions.)

– Scientists note their structural dismemberment, phraseology, and semantic integrity. Try to continue this series of examples. (My father, my God, the devil knows what, that’s it, it’s a waste of time, that’s a miracle, damn it, pray tell, that’s a pound, etc.)

– Make up sentences using these examples.

Prove that interjections serve the purpose of saving linguistic resources. (For example, you did not expect to see or meet your friend in some place. Surprise about this can be expressed in sentences: And are you here?, How did you get here? You didn't intend to come here. Who do I see?!, or maybe with one interjection: Bah!

You can call for silence and calm down with the following sentences: Quiet please, I can't hear anything or maybe with one interjection: Shh!)

Practical part of the lesson.

Exercise 1. Vocabulary dictation crossword puzzle on the topic “Feelings”. The teacher reads the lexical meaning of the word, students write down the word corresponding to this lexical meaning.

Supreme satisfaction, delight. – Delight.

Feeling of strong indignation, indignation. – Anger.

The impression of something unexpected and strange, incomprehensible. – Astonishment.

A state of doubt, hesitation due to the inability to understand what is going on. – Confusion.

Feeling of irritation, displeasure due to failure, resentment. – Annoyance.

A feeling of annoyance caused by the well-being or success of another. – Envy.

A feeling of joy from pleasant sensations, experiences, thoughts. – Pleasure.

A strong objection to something. – Protest.

Expression of disapproval, condemnation. – Condemnation.

Task 2 . Insert suitable interjections into the table opposite the indicated values. Students were given sheets of paper with a table in which the second and fourth columns were not filled in. Interjections to choose from: ehma, chur, uh, fu, uf, oh, sha, chu, uh, uh, hy, chick, eh. Come up with examples of using interjections in speech.

When finished, the table will look like this:

No. Interjection Expressed
interjection meaning
in speech
1 Sha An exclamation meaning “it’s time to finish, that’s enough” Let's run - and sha!
2 Hey Expresses distrust and ridicule Hey, what did you want!
3 Chu Expresses a call to pay attention to a low, unclear or distant sound Chu! Something crackled in the garden.
4 E Expresses bewilderment, surprise, distrust and other various feelings Eh, how did you end up here? Eh, I don't agree.
5 Wow Expresses surprise, appreciation, admiration and other similar feelings Wow, fidget! Wow, you'll get it from your grandmother!
6 Chur 1. An exclamation that demands compliance with some condition. 2. An exclamation (usually in children's games), which is forbidden to touch something or go beyond some limit. Just don't touch me! It's not me!
7 U Expresses reproach or threat, as well as surprise, fear and other emotions Wow, how tanned you are! Ooh, shameless!
8 Tsyts A shout expressing a prohibition, an order to stop something or be silent Tsits, Valentin!
9 Eh Expresses regret, reproach, concern Eh, what can I tell you after everything!
10 Ugh Expresses tiredness, weariness, or relief Phew, how hard!
11 Ehma Expresses regret, surprise, determination and other similar feelings Ehma, I didn't expect this.
12 Ugh Expresses reproach, annoyance, contempt, disgust Ugh, I'm tired of it!
13 Oh Expresses regret, sadness, pain and other feelings Oh, I can't stand it anymore!

Task 3. Determine the part-speech affiliation of the highlighted words. Justify your answer.

1) AND I won't give you a penny. 2) AND, full! 3) Hopes arose And he became cheerful again.

1) Write with a pen, A not with a pencil. 2) A, Gotcha! 3) Let's go for a walk, A?

Task 4. In offer Hurt! try inserting various interjections.

(Oh, it hurts! Oh, it hurts! Oh, it hurts! Oh, it hurts! Oh, it hurts!)

Task 5. Make a linguistic commentary on the following examples: Come on, come on, let's go to the river, go to the room.

Many motivating interjections are close to forms of the imperative mood; this closeness is confirmed by the fact that interjections can acquire a plural indicator -those(completeness). Interjections can be combined with a particle -ka(take that), able to manipulate other words (come on, let's go to the river, go to the room).

Task 6. Remember proverbs that contain interjections.

It’s too much for one to give it to anyone.

Ay-ay, the month of May is warm but cold.

Oh, oh, but there’s nothing to help with.

Oh, what melancholy! I wouldn’t let go of a piece of food, I would eat everything and sing songs.

Oh-ho-ho-ho-honnyushki, it’s bad for Afonushka to live.

Task 7. Determine what syntactic functions interjections perform in the following sentences. Comment on your answer.

2) If the guy in the mountains doesn’t Oh, if you immediately become limp and down, step onto the glacier and wilt... (V. Vysotsky)

3) All these hee hee, ha ha, singing, cowardly talk - an abomination! (A. Tolstoy)

4) He could not remain silent, could not smile condescendingly or get away with his disgusting "A!"– he had to say something. (Yu. Kazakov)

5) What happened to the people - ah-ah! (D. Furmanov)

Answer. The interjection is not syntactically related to other elements of the sentence. But in these examples, interjections act as various members of the sentence. Examples 1, 2 – predicate, example 3 – subject, example 4 – object, example 5 – adverbial. If the interjection acts as a subject and an object (examples 3, 4), then it gains the ability to have a definition.

Task 8. Linguistic scientists distinguish three groups of interjections among emotional ones:

a) interjections expressing satisfaction - approval, pleasure, joy, admiration, etc., a positive assessment of the facts of reality;

b) interjections expressing dissatisfaction - reproach, censure, protest, annoyance, anger, anger, etc., a negative assessment of the facts of reality;

c) interjections expressing surprise, bewilderment, fear, doubt, etc.

Try to give as many examples as possible for each group of interjections.

A) Aha!, ay!, ah!, bravo!, oh!, hurray! etc.;

b) a!, ah!, here's another!, brr!, fie!, fu!, eh! etc.;

V) bah!, fathers!, mothers!, well, well!, so cranberry!, just think!, alas!, hmm! etc.

The same interjections, depending on the expression of emotions, are included in different groups. These are interjections a!, ah!, ay!, oh!, oh!, fu!, eh! and etc.

Find interjections in the following sentences and determine their belonging to one group or another.

1) Someone, driving her, said over her ear: “Oh, my eyes!” (A. Tolstoy)

2) Oh, turn them back! – the nervous lady moaned. - Ugh, how stupid you all are! (A. Kuprin)

3) Fathers! – the thin one was amazed. - Misha! Childhood friend! (A. Chekhov)

4) Panteley Prokofievich busily looked at the black head sticking out of a heap of diapers, and not without pride he confirmed: “Our blood... Ek-hm. Look!" (M. Sholokhov)

5) - That's it! – Romashov widened his eyes and sat down slightly. (A. Kuprin)

Sentences 1, 4 – interjections ah, ek-um express satisfaction (admiration, pleasure) - which means they belong to the first group.

Sentence 2 – interjections ah, ugh express dissatisfaction (annoyance, anger, anger) - therefore, they belong to the second group.

Sentences 3, 5 – interjections fathers, just like that express surprise and bewilderment, therefore they belong to the third group.

Task 9. Read the interjections: ay!, let's go!, scatter!, hello!, hey!, hop!, out!, but!, guard!, shh!, well!, chick!, choo!, shh! What are these interjections? Try grouping them. What do you think: is this possible?

Incentive (imperative). These interjections can be combined into two groups: interjections expressing a command, an order, a call to some action, etc. (come on!, scatter!, hop!, out!, but!, shh!, well!, chick!, chu!, shh!), and interjections expressing a call to respond, serving as a means of attracting attention, etc. (ay!, hello!, guard!, hey!).

Determine what the interjections in the following sentences express.

1) – Don’t play! - the elders waved to the musicians. – Shh... Yegor Nilych is sleeping. (A. Chekhov)

2) – Guard! They're cutting! - he shouted. (A. Chekhov)

3) Guys! It's so warm, let's go for a swim. (Vs. Ivanov)

4) – Hey! - Grigoriev shouted and waved. The cart turned into a field road and soon arrived. (V. Ketlinskaya)

5) “Well,” I said, “tell me what you need?” (K. Paustovsky)

In examples 2, 4, interjections express a call to respond and serve as a means of attracting attention. In examples 1, 3, 5, interjections express a call to some action.

Task 10. Match the following examples: Well, ball! Well, Famusov! He knew how to name guests.(A. Griboyedov). Rewrite! Quickly, come on!(Vs. Ivanov)

Answer. In the first example, the interjection Well! is emotional, in the second – motivating.

Answer. Interjections are widely used in colloquial and artistic speech. They serve as a means of conveying a person’s varied feelings and his attitude to the facts of reality. In addition, in works of fiction they enhance the emotionality of the statement. Often interjections seem to absorb the meaning of several words, which increases the laconicism of the phrase, for example: Let it not succeed, let nothing come of it, nothing. If it succeeds - Wow! (D. Furmanov) The use of interjections conveys the characteristics of lively speech, rich in emotions, gives the text liveliness, ease, and expression. Interjections play an important role in characterizing a character.

Task 12. Have you all read the comedy by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". Why do you think Repetilov’s speech is full of interjections?

Repetilov, as follows from his own words, is only capable of “making noise.” His empty enthusiasm naturally results in exclamations interspersed with interjections. (Oh! Meet him; Oh! Marvel!; ...Ah! Skalozub, my soul...)

Remember the famous Ellochka Shchukina from the novel by I. Ilf and E. Petrov “The Twelve Chairs”. How many interjections does her vocabulary include? What does this indicate?

Answer. Ellochka easily managed thirty words, of which three were interjections. (ho-ho!, big deal!, wow!). This indicates the character's linguistic and mental wretchedness.

Task 13. Comment on punctuation marks. Students receive a table consisting of two columns. The first column contains examples. The second column is empty. In the second column, students write a comment.


Interjections help make language much richer, more expressive, and more colorful. Depending on its meaning, this isolated part of speech is divided into three main groups, detailed descriptions of which are given in this article. For a better understanding of the material, visual examples of the use of interjections are also presented.

Ranks of interjections by meaning

A part of speech that helps express the entire range of feelings, emotions, and expressions of will, but does not name them, is called an interjection. According to their meaning, they are divided into the following groups:


Examples emotional interjections: (ah, ah, oh, Lord, fathers, hurray, alas, bravo, ugh, etc.)

Such words express all existing positive and negative emotions and feelings. It can be surprise or fear, delight or sadness, joy or annoyance, relief or contempt, etc. The ambiguity of such interjections is revealed only in context. For example: Ah! Hello honey! - A! That's not you.


Examples incentive (imperative) interjections: ay, scat, hello, guard, stop, chick, hey, etc.

In functionality, these words resemble imperative verbs. With their help, a call to some action or motivation is expressed. In structure they can have a circulation or replace it. For example: Hey, Prokhor, come here. - Hey, bring some water.


Examples etiquette interjections: (hello, sorry, thank you, etc.)

Such interjections are found in etiquette speech and express feelings of gratitude, requests, greetings, farewells, etc. For example: Salute, Vitek! Well, godfather, thank you!

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Table "Discharges of Interjections"

Emotional Interjections

A) satisfaction, delight, joy;

B) regret, grief, melancholy;

C) surprise, fear, bewilderment;

D) anger, protest, discontent;

D) irony, contempt, sarcasm;

E) assessment of the situation, of the speech heard.

Bravo, cheers, ah, ah, etc.

Alas, eh, ah, oh, etc.

Mm-yes, fathers, bah, oh, etc.

Eh, but, but, oh my God, etc.

Fu, fie, fie, etc.

Here are some more, by God, pipes, etc.


A) call;

B) a signal to action, a command, an order.

Hey, ay, hello, etc.

Come on, march, shoot, scatter, etc.


They express a request, farewell, gratitude, etc. Goodbye, thank you, salute, merci, etc.

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