Financial law second highest. Second higher economic education

Since 2010, in accordance with the Bologna Convention, the Western system of higher education has been introduced in Russia, according to which master's programs replace graduate programs.

If you do not change the direction of your training, then the master's program for you is an opportunity to get a second higher education and study the chosen field of knowledge in more depth.

If you want to get higher education in the field of finance and credit, economics or management in addition to the previously received technical, humanitarian, legal, medical or other higher education, then the master's program gives you the opportunity to do this not in 3 or 3.5 years, as in the system second higher education for specialists, and for 2 years for full-time or 2.5 years for part-time learning.

In the structure of modern Russian higher education, the master's degree (2 years) follows the bachelor's degree (4 years of study) and precedes the Ph.D. This degree reflects the educational level of the graduate high school and indicates that he has the skills and abilities inherent in a researcher, analyst or novice researcher.

The master's programs of our faculty have a strong research component and are aimed at developing students' skills in collecting, analyzing and using information for making managerial decisions. Highly qualified personnel with a master's level of education are required both in commercial structures (large companies, medium and small enterprises), and in state and municipal government structures.

The master is a widely erudite specialist who owns the methodology of scientific creativity, modern information technologies, and is prepared for research, consulting, and analytical activities. The programs provide an opportunity not only to deepen knowledge in the field of economics, commerce or management, but also to receive economic and managerial education for university graduates who have completed graduate programs in any specialty.

For graduates of non-core specialties, there are preparatory courses at the Faculty of Finance. Taking the course will help students pass entrance exams to master's programs, increasing their chances of taking one of the extra-budgetary places (with tuition fees), admission to which is subject to competition.

You can choose any of the master's programs we offer in the areas of "Finance and Credit", "Economics" and "Management" and after 2 years (full-time) or 2.5 years (part-time) receive a state diploma of the Russian University of Economics named after . G.V. Plekhanov about higher education with a master's degree in the relevant field. The application to the diploma indicates the specialization you have chosen with all the grades.

There are two forms of education at the Faculty of Finance: full-time and part-time.

Due to the fact that over 90% of our students work, classes are held from 19:00 to 22:00 for the convenience of combining work and study.

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BACHELOR'S PREPARATION. Second higher education (reception of documents from June 20)

Study period - 3 years

Start of classes - October 2019

Direction of preparation "Economics". Program:

  • State and municipal finance
  • Accounting, analysis and audit
  • Financial markets and banks

Direction of training "Management". Program:

  • Financial management

HDepartment of training "State and municipal management"

  • State and municipal administration

Direction of training "Jurisprudence". Program:

  • Financial and tax law
  • Civil and business law

Entry Requirements

Persons with higher education (bachelor's degree, specialist's degree, master's degree) are accepted. Training is conducted on the basis of an agreement on the provision of paid educational services. Education is carried out according to programs developed in accordance with federal state educational standards and the standards of the Financial University. Upon graduation from the university, a state-recognised bachelor's degree is issued (with an indication of the correspondence form of education in the application).

Cost of education

The cost for each year of study is 9 5 RUB 000.00(ninety-five thousand rubles zero kopecks).

Payment is made for each semester by transferring non-cash Money to the account of the University in equal shares in the amount of ½ of the annual amount.

  • for the first semester - no later than September 20 of the current year;
  • for subsequent odd semesters of study - no later than July 5 of the corresponding year;
  • for subsequent even-numbered semesters of study - no later than February 1 of the corresponding year.

List of required documents

Required set of documents:

  • Statement
  • 4 photos
  • Copy of the passport
  • Diploma of education (when submitting documents by mail, a notarized copy)
  • Diploma Supplement (when submitting documents by mail, a notarized copy)

Often, in order to build a successful career, you need to get a second higher education. It's very important to do right choice and study at a prestigious university, the diploma of which is valued by employers. Russian State University justice - state university, where you can get a prestigious second degree, economics and management can become the second direction of your education.

Additional education in economics you can get in absentia. If you are interested in the second higher education, economics - the correspondence department of the Faculty of Economics of the RSUE is waiting for you.

Advantages of the faculty "Economics and Management" second higher education

  • We produce qualified specialists who have received higher economic education. University graduates have a solid knowledge of theory and have undergone practical training, which allows them to use all the skills and acquired skills for independent decision-making in complex and practical issues.
  • We develop a personality in intellectual, moral and cultural terms for adaptation in its professional field of activity and further growth.
  • We form students' civic position, as well as the ability to carry out their labor activity in our world of market relations.
  • Have additional education "Economics" wishes a large number of people, our university provides an opportunity to obtain a diploma of second higher education Economics in absentia combining work and study.

Areas of activity of the Faculty of Economics and Management


  • preparation of students in the direction 38.03.01 "Economics" ("Taxes and taxation"), full-time education;
  • preparation of students in the direction 38.03.02 "Management" ("Real Estate Management"), full-time education (after grade 11 or a non-core college);
  • preparation of students in the direction 38.03.02 "Management" ("Real Estate Management"), full-time education (after a specialized college);
  • preparation of students in the direction 38.03.02 "Management" ("Real Estate Management"), part-time (weekend group) form of education (after a specialized college);
  • preparation of students in the direction 38.03.04 "State and municipal management", full-time education.

Master's degree

  • preparation of students in the direction 38.04.01 "Economics" (master's program " Tax consulting"), part-time (classical) form of education;
  • preparation of students in the direction 38.04.02 "Management" (master's programs "Real Estate Development", "Real Estate Management, Valuation and Development"), part-time (day off group) form of education;
  • preparation of students in the direction 38.04.04 "State and municipal management" (master's program "State and municipal management"), full-time education;
  • preparation of students in the direction 38.04.04 "State and municipal management" (master's program "State and municipal management"), part-time (classical) form of education.

Get all the information you need about a second higher education in economics

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