Marches of direction. Education

The Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy), continuing the traditions of the Moscow School of Architecture, trains professionals in architecture, urban planning and design of the architectural environment. Graduates receive a wide, high-level professional training with specializations in the field of architecture of residential, public and industrial buildings and structures. organization of rural areas and urban structures, natural and urbanized landscape, reconstruction, restoration and theory of architecture and design, temple architecture.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, training is carried out at three levels higher education- bachelor's, master's and postgraduate studies.
For each level developed modern educational programs in which all departments of the institute are involved. The bachelor gets the opportunity to develop in practice any type of building, in all areas professional activity from sketch searches to the implementation of master plans, volumetric and planning solutions, protection in examination. Masters receive (possess) deeper professional skills in specific, narrower areas in the field of architecture and urban planning with the ability to further develop in theory, postgraduate studies and in practice the most demanded and promising world trends in the field of transforming the human living environment.

MARCHI is accredited by the Royal Institute of British Architects, UNESCO-UIA and successfully cooperates with the world's leading architectural schools.
Since 2015, the development of joint master's programs with a number of Russian and foreign universities has begun. General training is combined with specialization in the master's program in the departments: Architecture of residential buildings, Architecture of public buildings, Architecture of industrial buildings, Urban planning, Restoration and Reconstruction, Architecture of rural settlements, Landscape architecture, Theory and history of architecture, Design of the architectural environment, temple architecture. The qualification obtained after graduating from the MARHI master's program is equivalent to a "Master of Architecture" degree abroad and allows young graduates of the Institute to work as professional architects and designers.

The Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy) conducts educational activities in the following areas:

  • 070301 Architecture Bachelor
  • 070303 Architectural environment design bachelor
  • 070401 Architecture Master
  • 070404 Urban planning Master
  • 052320 Theory and history of architecture, restoration and reconstruction of historical and architectural heritage (postgraduate student)
  • 052321 Architecture of buildings and structures. Creative concepts of architectural activity (postgraduate student)
  • 052322 Urban planning, planning of rural settlements (postgraduate student)
  • 070601
  • FPC
  • Preparatory Department of the Moscow Architectural Institute
  • The program of additional education in preparation for admission to the Moscow Architectural Institute

At the Moscow Architectural Institute, education is conducted in Russian according to full-time education:

Qualifications: B
Profiles: architectural design, urban design,
landscape design, restoration design

Field of study: 070303 - Architectural environment design
Qualification: B bachelor, 5 years of study, (I stage)
Field of study: 070404 - Urban planning
Qualification: Master, study period 2 years, (II level)

and part-time (evening) form:

Directions of study: 070301 / 070401 - Architecture
Qualifications: B bachelor, study period 5 years and 6 months, (I stage)
Qualification: Master, study period 2 years and 3 months, (II stage)

Budget education

Accessibility of facilities and services in the field of education for people with disabilities.

Moscow Architectural Institute is equipped with necessary equipment and conditions to ensure a comfortable living environment for persons with handicapped. MARCHI has appointed persons responsible for instructing specialists working with disabled people, and staff who, by the nature of their activities, can contact people with disabilities on issues related to ensuring accessibility for people with disabilities of objects and services in the field of education.






The Moscow Architectural Institute is a legendary metropolitan university with over 250 years of history. The official date of creation is 1933, the unofficial one is 1749, when the architectural school of the Moscow architect Dmitry Vasilyevich Ukhtomsky was founded. At the moment it is the leading architectural university in Russia and the CIS. Therefore, if you are ready for a difficult and challenging study, dream of erecting beautiful buildings that will become a bright decoration of the city, welcome to the Moscow Architectural Institute!

Why is it worth entering the Moscow Institute of Architecture?

  • The Institute actively cooperates with well-known architectural and art universities of the world, so its students have the opportunity to undergo internships and additional education abroad. In particular, the Moscow Architectural Institute, together with Columbia University (New York, USA), is developing fundamentally new method studying architectural disciplines - with a humanitarian bias.
  • A well-planned educational process at the Moscow Architectural Institute makes even the most disorganized children collected. Students constantly have to draw, draw and submit a lot of projects, so it's simply pointless to hope for a "freebie" here.
  • The education received at the Moscow Architectural Institute is quoted not only in our country, but also in Europe and the USA. The study programs for which students are trained are highly appreciated by international experts. The university is accredited by the Royal Institute of British Architects, UNESCO and the International Association of Architects.
  • MARHI students regularly participate in international and all-Russian creative competitions of projects and concepts, as well as in scientific conferences, and have the opportunity to apply for state assignments.
  • The Institute's campus and dormitory are located in the center of Moscow, within walking distance from the metro, so students do not spend much time on the road. The hostel has everything you need, including gyms.

What to hand over?

In addition to the compulsory subjects - the Russian language and mathematics, applicants must pass additional tests - drawing and drafting. They are evaluated on a scale of 100 points, the minimum score is 20 points. The drawing consists of 2 tasks: an analytical drawing and a planar coloristic composition.

What directions are there in the Moscow Architectural Institute?

This year you will be able to apply for one of the following areas:

  • Architecture. 131 budget places have been allocated here.
  • Design of the architectural environment - 12 people will be accepted for free training.

To enter the Moscow Architectural Institute, you need to score a total of at least 304 points for the budget and at least 262 points for the contract.

Form of education: bachelor's, master's, postgraduate, full-time, part-time.

Can I get extra points?

If you have any personal achievements, you have the right to count on additional points.

  • School certificate with honors, silver or gold medal gives 10 points.
  • College degree with honors - 10 points.
  • The gold badge received for passing the TRP standards is 1 point.

As a result, each applicant is credited with no more than 10 points.

Who will be accepted on the budget out of competition?

Within the framework of the quota, disabled children, orphans and other categories of persons entitled to such a benefit, provided for by federal law, are accepted. In addition, the winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian and All-Ukrainian subject Olympiads, which were held no later than 4 years before the submission of documents, can take advantage of their advantage.

Disadvantages of MARCHI

The main disadvantage of the university is that it is extremely difficult to enter here even on a contract, not to mention the budget, although enough budget places are allocated every year. Many guys enter only for 5-6 years, while it is necessary to study at the preparatory courses of the Moscow Architectural Institute, which, by the way, also need to be enrolled.

Building is one of the most needed, respected and interesting activities on earth. An architect is a person who largely determines how the building will look, whether it will be reliable, safe and convenient for people.

The competition among applicants to universities that train such specialists is always great, and a large number of future applicants want to know what subjects to take for an architect.

Engineer and artist

This profession is one of the most difficult. The results of the architect's work have a great influence on the living conditions of a person, on the appearance of small settlements and huge megacities. The example of the great architects of the past shows that it is impossible to achieve success in this profession without a harmonious combination of artistic taste, great culture and a large amount of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the construction business.

What subjects you need to take for an architect is largely determined by the location of this specialty at the junction of the humanities and the exact sciences. To a good preparation in mathematics and geometry, in other natural sciences added the need to possess visual skills. A real architect thinks only with a pencil in his hand. He cannot do without the ability to make his ideas visible and understandable to others, so applicants for "pure" architecture will have to pass the entrance exams to the university creative task. The content of this test is approximately the same for the leading educational institutions such a profile.

House, interior, city, landscape

Creating a comfortable environment for people's life is the main goal of a person whose profession is an architect. What subjects you need to take in order to start training in this specialty are determined by the regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. State standards designate the main specialists of this profile, who are assigned the corresponding codes in the documents:

  • 07.03.01 - Architecture. Profiles: architectural design, urban design, restoration design.
  • 03/07/02 - Reconstruction and restoration of the architectural heritage.
  • 07.03.03 - Architectural environment design.
  • 07.03.04 - Urban planning.
  • 03/35/10 - Landscape architecture.

University graduates who have been trained in these areas are commonly called architects and designers.

There are two levels of qualification - bachelor and master. They have their own training programs for different dates learning. Some specializations (restoration and urban planning) usually have only a two-year magistracy, and you can start their in-depth study only after becoming a bachelor. Having successfully studied for 4 years, having learned what subjects to take as an architect and passing a creative competition, you can achieve the highest level of professional training after mastering the training course.

On the example of the capital's university

In total, there are more than 20 Russian institutes and construction academies that train architects. The rating of such educational institutions changes annually and is largely determined by the results of admission of applicants and graduation of graduate students.

They differ in the level of teaching, conditions for ensuring the educational process, have their own history and traditions. But there is also something in common - what subjects you need to take for an architect, designer, what creative tests applicants pass.

Typical conditions can be shown on the example of one of the most famous universities in Russia - Moscow Architectural Institute. Metropolitan Institute of Architecture, now called State Academy, has a quarter-century tradition of training architects of the highest professional level. Studying here is prestigious not only because of the location of the university in the center of Moscow. Among its graduates there are many outstanding personalities who have clearly distinguished themselves, and not only in the field of architecture.

The program of entrance examinations at the Moscow Architectural Institute

The combination of creativity and engineering in the future profession determines for applicants who have submitted an application to the admission committee of the Moscow Architectural Institute, what subjects are needed to enter the architect. The main area of ​​training - "Architecture" - is provided for in the Russian language and mathematics, which are held in USE results, and additional tests of creative and professional orientation - drawing and drafting. Applicants to the Architectural Environment Design must pass the same exams, but the creative test program (figure) is different.

All exams have a 100-point scoring system. The minimum in the Russian language is 36 points, in mathematics - 27, in additional tests - 20 points. If the number of points scored by applicants is equal, those who have shown themselves better in creative disciplines have an advantage in the competition for enrollment, and the best result in drawing is a more weighty argument.

Creative test - drawing

For a "clean" architecture, the drawing exam consists of two tasks. On the first day, applicants draw a "head" - a plaster cast from the head of an ancient sculpture. Antinous, Caesar, Aphrodite, Socrates - these names are familiar to those who have studied at least once and know in advance what subjects are needed to enter the architect.

The type of model, the angle is a matter of chance: applicants work ten people in a room, at a strictly defined easel. On sheets of thick paper measuring 30x40 cm, it takes 6 hours to show the ability to correctly compose a drawing, build and express the volume of the model without distortion, and convey the ratio of light and shadow.

At the second exam in drawing for the specialty "Architecture", models of geometric bodies are offered - a cube, a prism, a cone, a ball, etc. Of the given objects, two of which are mandatory, you need to complete an imaginary three-dimensional composition in 4 hours. All lines of construction of bodies are saved - visible and hidden, their intersection areas and perspective cuts. There should be several sketch options for the composition on the sheet. Hatching is only an auxiliary means for giving expressiveness to a drawing.

In the "Design of the architectural environment" direction, the first part of the creative exam is drawing a still life, a composition of several geometric and natural objects. A graphite or charcoal pencil is used, 6 hours are allotted for work. The second 4-hour test is a planar color composition performed on the basis of the setting of a certain color proposed by the examiners. Technique - water-based opaque paints (gouache or tempera) on paper.

Drawing skill test

Spatial imagination should be possessed by anyone who is attracted to the profession of "architect". What subjects you need to take - you can find out and prepare in advance, but if there are no practical skills in performing orthogonal projections according to the proposed axonometry, there is little chance of enrolling.

Modern drawings are made in special computer programs, and the ability to draw lines using a T-square or compass seems to be archaic. But in addition to these professional skills, at the drawing exam in 4 hours you need to show the ability to represent from an axonometric image how the plan and side views object, with a section in one of the views. Theoretical knowledge on the competent design of the drawing, the execution of inscriptions, etc. are also evaluated. The speed of work is important - pencil lines must be circled with ink. It is no coincidence that for many who passed the entrance exams and knew for a long time what subjects to take for an architect, drawing turned out to be the most difficult stage.

Different universities, similar requirements

The requirements for future students who want to engage in “clean” architecture are high: there were 328 budget places at the Moscow Architectural Institute in 2015. Despite this, the number of applications submitted to the admissions committees of specialized universities is impressive. Many are also interested in areas of creativity related to architecture. There are features in the rules for admission to such specialties. For example, what subjects do you need to take for a landscape architect? It is logical that biology or geography is added to the Russian language and mathematics at the discretion of the academic council of the university.

There is an opinion that real architects become 50 years old. Too much knowledge and skills must be acquired in order to reach the heights in this most important profession. With today's pace of life, there is no time to waste. If you ask in advance what subjects are needed to enter the architect, and start preparing 2-3 years before graduation from high school, you can get a tangible boost at the very beginning of the path to success.

A creative atmosphere at the Moscow Architectural Institute reigns everywhere. (PHOTO: Ekaterina Pomelova)

The Dean of the Faculty of Advanced Studies of the Moscow Architectural Institute approved the calendar schedule for the 2017/2018 academic year. The plans include both advanced training programs and professional retraining. In both cases Full-time form of education classes in the evening.
The courses are addressed to specialists in the architectural and construction field, designers, restorers and teachers of the architectural and artistic complex.

Professional Development Programs

Almost all advanced training programs at Moscow Architectural Institute calculated for 72 hours, and regardless of the topic, the cost of training is 30,000 rubles, like last year.
The exception is the large-scale course " ”, which will be of interest to those who are preparing to enter the magistracy. Its duration 420 teaching hours(training from October to June), the cost is 130,200 rubles. (payment by semesters). There is also a short course of the same name 72 hours(May - June), recommended as a blitz preparation.
As a result, a Certificate of Excellence is issued.



  • Features of the architectural and urban heritage of Russia.
  • Urban planning code and protection of cultural heritage sites.

October - June

  • Educational complex of architectural creativity (420 hours).



  • Energy efficient buildings and environmental safety in architecture.
  • Training of experts in the field of protection of cultural heritage sites.


  • Modern materials and technologies in construction.


  • Accounting for environmental factors in architectural design.


  • Current issues of architectural restoration.

May June

  • Educational complex of architectural creativity (72 hours).

Professional retraining

Two retraining programs for specialists are planned at the Moscow Architectural Institute. September to April - Construction» 570 hours, 64 000 rub. October to June - high school architectural restoration» 423 hours, 130 200 rub.
As a result, a Diploma of professional retraining is issued.

The year the school was founded - 1863
Study period — 3+2 years
Tuition fee – 3300 euros
Language of instruction - Bachelor's and Master's programs

The Milan School of Architecture, whose graduates include Renzo Piano and Aldo Rossi, is considered the largest in Italy. On the English language training has been going on for five years. The undergraduate program consists of three courses. Each year, 7-8 subjects are taught on the basics of architecture - history, graphics, design, urban planning and heritage conservation. Moreover, already from the first year, you can choose between general architectural, teniko-engineering and urban planning areas.

The master's program, which can be entered only after completing a bachelor's degree and completing a six-month internship, offers several different areas at once: heritage conservation, interior architecture, technology and construction, urban planning and environmental protection.

Polytechnic University of Turin,Italy

The school was founded in 1925
Study period — 3+2 years
Tuition fee - 2600 euros
In English - bachelor's and partly master's degree

The local Faculty of Architecture, where teaching has also been conducted in English since the early years, calls its main goal the study of the relationship between architecture and context: nature, historical buildings, economic and social aspects. Just like in Milan Poly, the curriculum is not overloaded. For each year of the bachelor's degree, the study of 7 subjects is allotted. It is interesting that the history of modern architecture is immediately studied in the first year, and the heritage of past years is mastered in the second and third years of study.

The school was founded in 1867
Duration of study - 3 years (only master's degree)
(€745 for non-EU residents)

The Institute of Architecture at the Vienna University of Applied Arts stands apart from other schools in Europe. Firstly, here training is conducted only in the magistracy, which lasts three years, and secondly, all three design studios are headed by real stars of modern architecture: Kazuo Sejima, Greg Lynn and Hani Rashid. Taking into account the named names, the main direction of the school is also obvious - the search for a new experimental architecture.

The three-year master's program was created in order to give students the opportunity to consistently work in all three studios during their studies, but it often happens that someone stays in one for the entire period. Moreover, each studio organizes its own set of students based on a portfolio and a subsequent interview. Following a parametric bias, the institute is equipped with a 24-hour mock-up workshop with industrial lasers and 3D printers. The world fame of teachers allows to invite the best modern architects to give lectures every year.

universityBauhaus, Germany

The school was founded in 1860
Study period — 3+2 years
Tuition fee - free

Continuing the tradition of the Bauhaus, the University of Weimar is considered one of the largest in Germany, with 22 different departments. Following the historical concept of workshops, the Faculty of Architecture is closely connected with other areas: construction, art and design. For students, laboratories are equipped for layout, experiments with photography and work with light.

In English, they teach only in the magistracy in several non-standard courses. The MediaArchitecture School was founded in response to the growing importance of the mutual influence of media and architecture. Among the topics for study are, for example, "Dramaturgy in the design of interactive space" and "Architecture as a multicomponent environment: machine perception, body technique, physiology of space." Also available are two master's programs in urban planning - European Urban Studies and Advanced Urbanism. The first course builds on the tradition of studying the formation of European cities and graduates specialists in the field of urban planning. The second one is organized jointly with the Singapore Tongji University (the second year of study takes place there) and is devoted to more general and large-scale issues of urban planning.

Technical University of Munich,Germany

The school was founded in 1868
Study period — 4+2 years
Tuition fee - free
Education in English - several departments of the master's program

Munich Faculty of Architecture (as well as german school in general) is famous, first of all, for its bias in the study of building technologies. Much attention is paid to the structures, the development of details and the application of new construction techniques. Students work in laboratories with industrial robots and do joint projects with other technical faculties. At the same time, the university remains one of the few schools where manual graphics are encouraged. The Master's program in English offers courses in Energy Efficient and Sustainable Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Building Conservation and Restoration.

LevenskuyCatholic University, Belgium

Year of foundation of the school - 2012 (1862)
Study period — 3+2 years
Tuition fee - 0-890 euros
Teaching in English - Master's

The Faculty of Architecture of the University of Leuven was created in 2012 on the basis of the two oldest architectural schools in Belgium, which, however, were never united under one roof. The first branch is located in Brussels, the second - in Ghent. And if the bachelor's degree is taught according to an identical program in both cities, then the master's degree is different. Ghent studies architecture in the context of sustainable development in the course "Architecture: Resilient and Sustainable Strategies". In addition to experimenting with modern designs topics such as adaptation of existing buildings, use of limited resources, recycling, etc. are discussed. In the master's program of the Brussels department, the city itself becomes in many ways the object of study. The course is called "Urban Projects, Urban Cultures" and focuses on the phenomenon of the city, as well as the design of urban ensembles of medium scale.

The school was founded in 1872
Study period — 3+2 years
Tuition fee - free
Teaching in English - Master's

The Faculty of Architecture of Aalto University is traditionally known for its in-depth study of wooden architecture. If you stop by the university campus, then the department of architecture will be very easy to find - the building is surrounded by various small architectural forms made of wood. In addition to the master's degree in English, the faculty offers a separate school, the Wood Program, dedicated exclusively to working with wood.

In the magistracy, in addition to direct work with wood, several lecture courses are read - for example, Wooden Town, where the issue of using wood in design is discussed modern cities. Eight subjects at once are devoted to urbanism. Also, a separate module is allocated for the restoration of buildings. Selected subjects include courses such as Architect - Project Manager, Working Drawings and Documentation, or User-Centered Spatial Design.


The school was founded in 1936
Study period — 3+2 years / 5 years
Tuition fee - 2425 euros (depends on family income)
Teaching in English - Master's

The University of Florence bears the burden of the heir to the Renaissance, so it tries not to deviate from tradition. In addition to the Bologna system 3 + 2, the faculty also conducts training under a single five-year program. This course in 2014 was recognized as the second best study program in Italy. Unfortunately, teaching is conducted only in Italian, but it is possible to transfer from the two institutions mentioned above, having mastered the local language there in the first couple of years.

At the University of Florence, only a master's program is available in English, where special importance is attached to design studios (Design Labs). Unlike other schools, where usually master's students choose a specific direction right away, in Florence each semester is devoted to its own topic: "Architecture and constructions", "Restoration", "Green technologies" and "Urban planning".

University of Zagreb, Croatia

The school was founded in 1919
Study period — 3+2 years
Tuition fee - 2000 euros (bachelor's) / 3000 euros (master's)
Language of instruction - Croatian

Although the Zagreb School of Architecture does not offer any courses in English, we felt it appropriate to include it in the list as well. The similarity of the language with Russian allows you to get comfortable in a few months, which is facilitated by the specific architecture with the prevalence of graphics over text. Therefore, even with only knowledge of English, it is quite possible to continue studying in the Balkans without long preparation.

Like the whole country as a whole, the University of Zagreb has historically experienced a lot of Austrian influence. The program of the Faculty of Architecture is built on the basis of the universities of Vienna and Graz, with which partnerships have been established. The uniqueness of the Zagreb faculty lies in the fact that there is no other full-fledged architectural school in the country. Therefore, the University of Zagreb is also the center of the architectural life of Croatia. All departments are taught by leading practitioners of the country who constantly maintain contacts with Europe and arrange international seminars on architecture.

The school shares one building with the Faculty of Civil Engineering, which allows you to create joint projects. Education in the master's program is possible in four areas: "Architecture" (with an emphasis on the topic of modern housing), "Urban Urbanism", "Urban Planning" (they study the planning of strategies for the development of territories) and "Constructions", where students are engaged in detailed design and issues modern technologies construction.

The school was founded in 1846
Study period — 3+2 years
Tuition fee – 3000 euros
Language of instruction - English or Serbian

The University of Belgrade has a long history of relations with Russia, including the Moscow Architectural Institute, which makes it possible to count on a simple transfer from a Russian university, for example, from the second or third year. In addition, the Belgrade Faculty of Architecture was certified according to the British RIBA standards in 2014, which will help recognize the diploma in the UK. The school is in close cooperation with the universities of Delft, Zurich and Graz, which organize annual student exchange programs.

As in Florence, here, along with the new 3 + 2 system, a five-year full-fledged course has been preserved, which is largely similar to the Russian tradition of education. Master's programs are offered in two directions - architecture and urban planning, but there is also a developed postgraduate system, where you can take courses in Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Heritage Preservation and Cities in the New Millennium.
