Fumigator from flies raptor. Fly plates - TOP ideal remedies

- insects that annoy with their buzzing and tickling, depriving households restful sleep and rest. However, the real danger lies in the fact that they are carriers of very dangerous diseases such as cholera, diphtheria, tuberculosis, dysentery or anthrax. Vegetables and fruits, in the peel of which annoying creatures lay their larvae, are real threat for human health. You can solve this problem with the help of the Raptor fly line.

Spray can

For, and other flying pests, Raptor specialists have developed a special aerosol, which is based on two active ingredients: cypermethrin and tetramethrin. Due to this, the agent has a contact-intestinal effect and leads to paralysis of insects.

On a note!

The composition has a pleasant citrus smell and does not contain ozone-depleting substances.

Shake the bottle well before use. The composition is sprayed at a distance of 0.2 m from the surface in places where pests accumulate, holding the bottle in an upright position. At the end of the procedure, the room should be left for 20-30 minutes, after which it should be thoroughly ventilated. The first effect is observed already 15 minutes after spraying the aerosol and persists for 2-3 weeks.

The cost of a balloon (275 ml) is within 180-200 rubles.


Fly plates impregnated with a special substance vaporthrin (vaportrin) are very popular with consumers. The tool also has a detrimental effect on mosquitoes and other flying pests. Lack of smell, simple principle of operation, affordable cost are the main advantages of Raptor plates.

To clean the room from flies, it is necessary to place the plate in an electric fumigator, and then turn on the device in the network. When heated ceramic heating element evaporation of particles occurs, which, penetrating into the body of insects through the respiratory organs, cause their poisoning. The effect of impact of the plates impregnated with structure becomes obvious already 10 minutes later from the moment of operation of the device.

One plate is designed for 8 hours of continuous operation. To achieve maximum results, it is preferable to close windows and doors during the operation of the device. The used replacement element must be disposed of.

A set of 10 Raptor plates costs about 60-90 rubles.


The Raptor Aquafumigator is another of the most effective means to protect against flies, ants, mosquitoes, cockroaches and even bedbugs. In a special container is the active substance, which is used as an insecticide - cyfenotrin. A container with a chemical is installed in the center of the room and placed in water, having previously opened the doors of cabinets, sideboards and tables. As a result of the reaction, steam is formed, which completely covers hard-to-reach places, settling on the surface.

Before processing, all children's toys, dishes, food and things should be taken out of the room. It is also necessary to remove pets from the house. Close doors and windows tightly, after which you can proceed to activation. The processing area is up to 30 square meters. m. The cost of the device is from 600 rubles.


It helps well in the fight against flying pests and the Raptor trap for wasps and flies. This design is equipped with a bait consisting of natural ingredients, the smell of which attracts annoying pests. Penetrating through the holes, they get inside the device, from which they can no longer get out.

The protective effect of the trap, designed for 30 days of work, extends to an area of ​​16 square meters. m. Thanks to the cord holder, it can not only be placed, but also hung.

On a note!

A set consisting of a trap, a bag of bait and a holder cord costs around 200 rubles.

Duct tape

Referring to the reviews of the Raptor from flies, adhesive tape is the most popular and affordable remedy, which is in great demand among consumers. It is made in the form of a cardboard sleeve, inside of which a tape coated with an adhesive is placed. Upon contact with it, the insect does not have the opportunity to free itself.

On a note!

The composition of the glue does not contain toxic components, and therefore, such a trap can be used even in a house where there are small children and people with allergies. The sticky effect of the sticky surface lasts for 2 months.

The price of a package containing 4 is about 100 rubles.

In summer, flies and mosquitoes "get" a fair amount in the room. "Grandfather" methods are either very ineffective, such as sticky tape, or labor-intensive (fly swatter). In addition, both methods cannot be called aesthetic - neither a hanging tape with adhering insects, nor spots of fly entrails on stylish wallpaper do not really decorate the design of your apartment.

Something more modern is clearly needed here. Let's use chemical weapons on these uninvited guests.

For these purposes, electric fumigators serve as a tool for its use, and the means themselves in the form of cardboard plates impregnated with a poisonous composition, or liquid. Electric fumigators are of two types: designed only for plates:

A plate is inserted into the upper part and the device is plugged into an outlet. A ceramic heater located inside heats the inserted plate, and the toxic substance evaporates from it.

The second type is more versatile with a small difference in price. In addition to the plate device, it has a device for evaporating liquid from a vial that is screwed on the bottom. It can work with both plates and liquid.

Electrofumigator "Raptor". Plates can be inserted into the upper part of the device, or a bottle with a liquid agent can be screwed from the bottom. You can use the device and so, and so.

A graphite rod runs inside the vial. It is wetted with a liquid, which rises along it, like a wick, and evaporates in the upper part due to its heating in an electric fumigator.

Do not be embarrassed by the fact that each manufacturer offers only its own plates and liquids for its fumigator. Suitable for anyone. Both the liquid for the fumigator and the plates for it are sold separately, and you can always buy them.

Both plates and liquid are of two types: Mosquito and fly.

Application practice has shown that fly plates kill both flies and mosquitoes, and mosquito plates against larger flies are ineffective. But fly plates are more toxic to humans.

In both cases, pyrethroids act as the active substance. There is such a flower - pyrethrum, or Dolmatian chamomile. Its powder has long been used as a nerve agent for lice. Chemists have somewhat changed the formula of the poisonous pyrethrin that is part of the plant, creating a whole class of synthetic pyrethroids. One of them, pralletrin, is part of Raptor.

One should not think that these things are harmless to a person. They can provoke allergic diseases, headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, weakness. Therefore, it is better to turn on the fumigator at a time when no one is in the room. Do not leave them on all the time or all night. Turned on for a few hours, and enough. If there are children under 3 years old, it is better not to use them at all. For humans, they are small, but also toxic. The thing is that the toxic dose is calculated per kilogram of live weight. Since there are much more of these kilograms in a person than in a fly, what will kill it will not bring much harm to a person.

The practice of using showed a rather high, not 100%, but still, efficiency.

The Raptor fumigator, complete with fly liquid, costs about 500 rubles. 10 plates for him - 70 rubles. A bottle of liquid from flies - 150 rubles.

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They swarm over fruit and other food, giving people discomfort and discomfort. In addition, they can become. Special funds Raptor protection against flies is represented by a wide range (plates, aerosol, traps, etc.), each of which helps to destroy flying pests.

Spray can

When spraying the Raptor aerosol indoors, drops are formed in the air, which, when they hit the body of an insect, penetrate into its body through the respiratory organs and chitinous cover and kill it. Substances deposited on the surface in the room (floor, etc.) provide a longer effect on pests.

The main components of the Raptor aerosol:

  • Cypermethrin is an insecticidal substance that penetrates through the stomach, or body cover of the pest;
  • Tetramethrin - belongs to the class of pyrethroids and is used indoors, has a negative effect on the nervous system of insects;
  • Imiprotrin - has an instant paralyzing effect.

Aerosol products are used to quickly kill flying and crawling Diptera indoors. Aerosol Raptor is effective against flies and mosquitoes, wasps, etc. When sprayed, it has a pleasant citrus aroma. Price - 700-800 rubles. for a bottle with a capacity of 400 ml.


The principle of operation of this tool is based on the use interchangeable plates from flies that are inserted into the fumigator (powered by electricity). The main active substance is Vaportrin (50 mg), an insecticide in the form of an oily liquid, with which the plates are impregnated. Its vapors help destroy flying dipterans and are also used in products to protect fur and wool products from moths.

Ribbons are sold in sets of 4. in sleeves, the cost of which is 50-70 rubles. Under the Raptor brand, a set of 3 decorative ribbons is also produced, on which a bright pattern of yellow sunflowers is applied. It is this color that scientists consider the most attractive to flies, flower flies and other flying pests. The duration of operation is 6 months, the price is 130-160 rubles.

fly traps

For effective protection from flying insects in the fresh air, a device in the form is intended. Its action is based on luring flies and wasps that flock to the smell, penetrate inside the jar and cannot get out. To attract dipterans, special substances are used (a mixture of yeast, sugar, gelatin and “apple” flavoring), emitting the smell of ripe fruits, jam and honey, which are very fond of flies and wasps. All components of the device are non-chemical and therefore safe for people and the environment.


The Raptor trap is made in such a way that its smell attracts only flies, wasps and hornets, but does not affect bees at all. It is recommended to install it in morning time(or at night) to a place where there are no sharp currents of air.

The Raptor wasp and fly trap set includes:

  • plastic jar-trap with a lid;
  • a bag of bait powder, which, when used, must be diluted with water;
  • string for hanging.

The trap is designed for long-term use - at least 30 days. The impact area is up to 16 square meters. m area. Shelf life - 3 years. The cost is about 220 rubles.

Flies are the most tenacious insects that can even survive the winter, hiding in secluded places in houses and apartments. And as soon as it comes early spring, they are ready to bother people again. How to get rid of such pests, and what we offer modern market to fight pesky insects?

There are really enough drugs and they all do their job quite well. Therefore, your choice may depend on several criteria - the price factor, safety for humans and pets (especially if there are children in the house), ease of use and duration of the effect.

Best fly killer

Overview of the best fly repellents in the apartment

Let's start our review with drugs that will help get rid of flies in a house or apartment. Our choice was based on feedback from our blog readers, as well as sales statistics over the past year in our online store and the stores of our colleagues.

Flies aquafumigator

If you prefer the latest achievements of the chemical industry, aquafumigators are what you need. Simple, at first glance, the design is able to work in automatic mode, while constantly releasing an insecticide that is deadly to flies and other flying insects. Poison in the form of a fine dispersion penetrates the chitinous shell of insects, paralyzes the work of the digestive and nervous system. Fumigators - have proven themselves well as a remedy for fly larvae.

Advantages of fumigators:

  • Practical - repeated long-term use.
  • quick effect - after 2 hours there will be no trace of insects in the room
  • High efficiency, thanks to the formation of steam, which gets even into hard-to-reach places ( effective for killing larvae)


  • The need to leave the room during the operation of the device (for 2-3 hours)
  • It is necessary to hide food and household items, especially for children, during processing

The undisputed leader in this line of goods can be called a means of combating flies

Aquafumigator (Raptor)

The easiest tool to use. Before processing, remove all children's toys, dishes, food and things. Get pets out of the house. Close doors and windows tightly and proceed with activation. It is enough to add water to a special bath, where the active substance is already present - the process of steam release is started.

  • The active substance is 7.2% cyphenothrin (cyphenothrin)
  • processing area - up to 30 m2
  • effective against – Flies / Ants / Mosquitoes / Cockroaches / Bed bugs
  • Manufacturer - China
  • cost - from 600 rubles

Buy now for 490 RUB

"Steam" quickly dissipates, completely covers hard-to-reach places, the insecticide settles on the surface. After processing, thoroughly ventilate the room. We can safely say that the aquafumigator - the best remedy from flies in the room today, in the ratio price / quality.

Aerosols against flies

A concentrated insecticide packed in a high-pressure can is very convenient to use. No need to carry out preparatory work, it is enough to close the windows and doors and process the room. You leave the house or apartment closed and after an hour all the pests are destroyed.

Advantages of aerosols:

  • Easy to use - an insecticide jet will allow you to treat hard-to-reach places
  • (the jet beats at a distance of 3 meters).
  • High efficacy of drugs


  • Toxicity- when processing, it is unacceptable for insecticides to get on food, furniture, children's household items.

leader in this category can be home remedy for flies in the form of an aerosol Dr. Klaus. Its innovative combination formula minimizes the risk of insect larvae surviving. Piperonyl butoxide, cypermethrin, tetramethrin are active components that enhance each other's action. In addition, the aerosol can be used in open areas.

buy now for 259 rubles

Using an aerosol is very convenient - shake the can and start processing from the opposite side of the room from the entrance, approaching front door. Direct the jet up and into places where insects accumulate.

  • For rooms up to 18 m2 - spray no longer than 5 seconds,
  • for rooms from 25 to 30 m2 - up to 12 sec

During processing, close all windows and doors tightly. After 15-30 minutes after treatment, ventilate the room for half an hour.

fly sprays

As a "killer" composition, only effective insecticides in the form of liquid sprays are used. When sprayed, the droplets cover all surfaces very densely and evenly. Once the poison is sprayed, the flies have no chance of avoiding contact with it. In addition, sprays allow you to treat any surface, as they are easy to use.

Spray Benefits:

  • Economic consumption with a large area of ​​processing.
  • Prolonged action - in some drugs, residual effect - up to 6 months after spraying
  • Approved for use at public utility facilities, catering establishments, health care facilities, children's institutions, as well as by the population at home


  • Relatively high cost of drugs.

The most popular remedy for flies and other insects in the form of a spray can be called

GET microencapsulated preparation

The drug boasts a unique formula and unusual shape release. The microcapsules contain a poison that, upon contact with the surface, begins to slowly release, killing any insect and their offspring upon contact. It has a very long-term prolonged action - 6 months from the date of initial processing.

  • Manufacturer - Russia
  • Active substance - Chlorpyrifos, 5%
  • A bottle (100 gr) is enough to treat a room up to 100 m2
  • The price of a bottle is from 790 rubles

Buy GET with 10% discount

After applying the solution, the water evaporates, and only microcapsules with the active substance remain on the surface. The agent does not repel insects, which increases the efficiency of processing.

Powders and tablets from flies

Insecticides in the form of powders or compressed tablets have also proven to be effective and easy to use. They allow you to quickly process rooms that are impressive in size, while there is no need to tightly close windows and doors, and then ventilate the room for a long time. It is enough to decompose the poison in certain places, or mix the powder with water to obtain a suspension - the work is over. Powders, tablets, granules can be used as a remedy for flies in the country.

Advantages of tablets and powders:

  • Easy to use and long lasting
  • Low price of drugs
  • no need for ventilation


  • Dry substances must not be applied to vertical surfaces.

Powder Agita from flies

If you're in doubt , what kind of fly remedy to buy so as not to waste money - pay attention to composition Agita. It is enough to dilute the highly concentrated powder in water and a strong insect poison is ready for use. Due to the presence of powerful insecticides and natural pheromones, Agita is highly effective. You can apply the suspension with a brush on walls, floors and other surfaces or by spraying.

  • Active substance - 10% thiamethoxam and 0.05% Z-9-tricosene (fly sex pheromone)
  • coverage area (packing 400gr) – up to 160 m2
  • duration of action - from 4 to 8 weeks (depending on the method of processing)
  • Producer - (KWIZDA GmbH), Austria.
  • Cost - from 890 rubles

The action of Agita begins 3-5 minutes after the contact of insects with the drug.

Dosage and methods of processing:

Processing method

Insecticide Agita 10 WG

Number of strips 10x30 cm

Room floor area

Applying smears to the surface

at least 8

40 m2

at least 30

160 m2

Surface spraying

20 m2

80 m2

Smoke bombs

These fly killers have been known for a long time, but they do not lose their popularity due to their excellent results and high efficiency against different types insects. Yes, and working with them is very simple - just set the saber indoors or in the air and set it on fire. Thick smoke will begin to be emitted, which completely envelops the entire room, providing high penetrating power to active insecticides.

Chess Benefits:

  • Cover a very large area (up to 300m2)
  • Acceptable price
  • Provide prolonged action of the active substance (up to 2 weeks)


  • emits a large amount of smoke with a specific odor with a residual effect of 5 to 10 days
  • active substance - Permethrin 10%
  • processing area - up to 300 m2
  • effective against - Horseflies / Midge / Mosquitoes / Flies / Cockroaches / Bedbugs / Fleas / Ants
  • The cost of one checker - from 500 rubles

The main advantage is that it allows you to process even the most inaccessible places. It is allowed to use the population in everyday life, including closed, residential and utility rooms

fly traps

If you do not want to use powerful insecticides in the house, pay attention to these fly control products. They are completely safe for humans, there is no risk of poisoning. In addition, they are very inexpensive and can be installed anywhere in the house. Principle of action: to lure the insect and fix it on the surface, eliminating the risk of their "escape" from the trap.

Sticky tape can be a good option, it is enough to hang it and the pests, attracted by pleasant aromas, stick around it. Since a special sticky composition and poison are applied to the surface, they can no longer fly away.

As soon as it comes to sticky tapes for catching flies, we all remember with horror the creepy yellow sticky spirals that hang in clusters from the ceiling and which you constantly bump your head against. Forget about these relics of the past.

The Swiss company Swissinno offers an alternative solution to this issue -. The trap is attached to the corner of the window, does not interfere with you at all, fits well into the interior and effectively catches annoying flies.

Learn more about modern fly traps and

Special traps for flies with natural baits will also be an excellent solution. You just need to put the bait into the trap, fill it with water, and then the trap will do everything for you. Natural bait like a magnet lures insects. Once the fly gets inside, it can no longer get out. Here is an example of such a trap:


  • the range reaches 20-30 m.
  • 100% sustainable solution - natural bait
  • multiple use (bait can be purchased separately)
  • cost - from 790 rubles

Buy for 785 rubles

Indoor fly exterminators

These devices fight insects in slightly different ways. The units are equipped with UV lamps that generate heat and attract pests. Some lamps are equipped with propellers that pull insects into the container where they die. Another type of lamp strikes flies with a current discharge, killing them instantly when they hit a special grate.

Exterminator benefits:

  • no insecticides - the best solution for rooms where children and pets live
  • 100% efficiency

Disadvantages - high price.

For small premises (up to 20 sq.m.), we can recommend the SWISSINNO SWI-15 portable exterminator - this is a real all-rounder, capable of cleaning the premises not only from flies, but also from mosquitoes, horseflies, midges, etc. in the shortest possible time. The voltage and the UV lamp work in tandem to attract and kill huge insect populations.

  • The destroyer is equipped with a built-in battery
  • waterproof case
  • price - from 6500 rubles

Buy now for 5840 rubles

Outdoor fly repellant

Flies bother not only indoors, but also outdoors, for example, when hiking, fishing or during a country holiday. We offer an effective solution for outdoor recreation -. The main advantage is that repellers constantly emit insecticide, which covers large areas (up to 20 sq.m.). The cloud repels flies, midges and mosquitoes, preventing them from getting close to the source.

Repeller benefits:

  • Large coverage area - up to 20 sq.m.
  • mobility - the device weighs 1 kg and is powered by a replaceable gas cartridge (no need to connect to the network or buy batteries)

Flaws - price from 2000 rubles

If you need a convenient and mobile fly and midge repeller - best solution will be the Light Green device from ThermaCELL. The insecticide is absolutely safe for humans. Active substance- an analogue of a natural insecticide. Doesn't make any sounds.

Buy now for 1930 RUB

The repellent creates a protective cloud (4.5 by 4.5 meters) in just a few minutes. Read

Both people and animals are waiting for the onset of summer. But, with hot days, when you want to open all the windows and enjoy the sun, clouds of blood-sucking monsters appear. To get rid of them, you have to purchase a remedy for flies "Raptor", "Fumitoks" or use other methods.

The principle of operation of the fumigator from flies and mosquitoes

The operation of a household electrical appliance is based on the process of evaporation of a toxic substance. V general view, this is a plastic case with a heating element and a place to place the chemical component. A substance that kills insects can be produced:

  • in solid form - plates or tablets from flies for the fumigator;
  • like sprayed fly liquid.

Currently, artificial synthetic substances - pyrethroids - are used as toxins to destroy bloodsuckers. An analogue for creating a group of chemical toxins was the Caucasian chamomile, the flowers of which contain natural poison for insects.

Fly plates for the fumigator are made of porous material and impregnated with a toxic compound. Heating a metal or ceramic element leads to the evaporation of a composition that is poisonous to insects. A felt wick is also located in the neck of the can, with liquid for the fumigator from flies, and through it the insecticide enters the heating area and the toxin is evaporated into the room.

Conveniently, most devices are universal in terms of the use of toxic elements. different manufacturers. In addition, mosquito repellent plates help against both flies and moths.

The effect of the fumigator on insects and people

The name of the process - fumigation, means the saturation of the surrounding space with insecticide vapors. Depending on the method of evaporation of the chemical toxin, the effectiveness of the effect on bloodsuckers is achieved. You can simply set fire to the fly plates for the fumigator, but the combustion process will proceed much faster than in the device.

Manufacturers try to maintain a balance in the concentration of the toxin that is safe for humans and at the same time sufficient to kill insects. If there is a predisposition to allergic reactions, it is recommended to test the product for no more than 2-3 hours. Noticing dizziness or nausea, you will have to resort to other procedures to get rid of bloodsuckers.

Even completely healthy people You must follow the manufacturer's recommendations:

  • place the device closer to the floor, toxin vapors are lighter than air and rise up;
  • carry out ventilation - the smaller the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the more often;
  • place in an open space with good air access;
  • do not forget to turn off the device after 8-10 hours of operation;
  • do not use the fumigator in rooms with aquariums and try to remove pets from it.

Restful sleep is important for a person, for this you need to use a fumigator from flies indoors. You can buy such a device in many department stores.

Popular home remedies for flies

The well-deserved attention of consumers is enjoyed by the Raptor remedy for flies and mosquitoes. The device is safe, since ceramics are used as a heating element. Vaportrin, developed by Japanese chemists, is used as a toxin. Plates "Raptor" from flies will perfectly help housewives get rid of moths and their larvae. Like other electric fumigators, the Raptor device from flies is turned on into a home network outlet.