Safe toilet cleaner. What is the best way to clean the toilet? The best plumbing cleaners

Few people enjoy cleaning the bathroom, but you still need to wash the plumbing, and the more often, the better. However, a good toilet bowl and other bathroom fixtures cleaner can make this task much easier and reduce cleaning time. The freshness and order in the restroom shows how clean and hardworking the mistress of the house is. What should be the best product for the bathroom and toilet?

A toilet bowl cleaner should not only effectively remove rust, urinary stone, limescale and surface contaminants, but also to disinfect the surface of the toilet, killing countless colonies of bacteria. Not only freshness in the bathroom, but also the health of the whole family depends on the cleanliness of plumbing. Therefore, the choice of a substance for cleaning hygienic items must be treated very responsibly.

All gel and liquid cleaners are made up of similar ingredients. They are based on three main active ingredients:

  1. Alkaline acid. Substances based on alkali perfectly dissolve accumulations of fat and effectively remove organic contaminants. Acidic agents are excellent at fighting rust and lime deposits. But such substances should be used with extreme caution, since acids, getting on the skin, can damage it, causing severe chemical burns.
  2. Surfactants. Surfactants with anions and cations are the safest for human health, and non-ionic substances are considered the most effective against organic matter. A good detergent should not contain more than 15% surfactant.
  3. chlorinated derivatives. Gels with chlorine in their composition are able to quickly get rid of pathogenic microflora and effectively disinfect the surface of sanitary ware contaminated with bacteria.

Thus, the best detergent for cleaning the toilet bowl, sink, bathtub and toilet accessories should meet the following basic requirements:

  • effectively cope with traces of rust (acid);
  • quickly eliminate household pollution (surfactants);
  • it is good to dissolve urinary stone and lime plaque, which is formed as a result of salt deposits (alkali);
  • kill bacteria and disinfect the surface of plumbing (chlorine derivatives);
  • fight unpleasant odors and ensure hygienic cleanliness (chlorine-containing products with a variety of perfume components).

Top 10 best toilet products

Almost every well-known brand that manufactures household chemicals has a line of products for cleaning plumbing fixtures. Our rating on a 10-point scale includes only the best-reviewed housewives, popular top sellers and time-tested bath and bath products.

  1. Domestos 100% Green/Pink is the best sanitary ware cleaning gel in terms of price and quality. 10 b.
  2. Cillit Bang Lime and Rust is another popular toilet gel with good performance. 10 b.
  3. Toilet duck Active 5 in 1 gel is an excellent preparation for washing, cleaning and disinfecting toilet bowls in a very convenient package for use. 9.9 b.
  4. Comet 7 days of cleanliness is a good substance that can effectively deal with lime deposits and prevent the appearance of salt deposits on the surface for a week. 9.8 b.
  5. Faberlic Toilet bowl cleaner is a product with an optimal consumption and a good chlorine-free composition, which is suitable for allergy sufferers. 9.8 b.
  6. Sanita Antirust is the best stubborn rust gel in the budget category. 9.7 b.
  7. AIST Sanoks Ultra is another budget-friendly but effective toilet cleaner and disinfectant. 9.6 b.
  8. Sarma Sanitary Gel 7 in 1 is a cheap, chlorine-free quick toilet cleaner with a pleasant, refreshing scent. 9.4 b.
  9. Sanfor universal 10 in 1 is a good chlorine-containing gel for cleaning and disinfecting plumbing fixtures from the budget category. 9.3 b.
  10. Chistin Sanitary - the cheapest of the good products for washing the toilet and other plumbing, it perfectly disinfects the restroom and accessories. 9.1 b.

Attention! Even the best detergent and toilet cleaner can be harmful to human health! When using any of them, you must strictly follow the safety precautions and follow the instructions on the package of the drug. Always wear rubber gloves for hands, a protective mask for respiratory organs and ventilate the room well during work to avoid poisoning by toxic fumes of chlorine and other substances.

Which manufacturer to choose?

It all depends on personal preferences, budget and the presence / absence of an allergic reaction to certain components in the composition of the funds.

So, if:

  1. If you don’t like to spend a lot of time cleaning and want a quick but effective product, regardless of its cost, then it’s better to choose concentrated substances containing acids: Sillit, Domestos, Active 5 in 1, Faberlic cleaner.
  2. If you want an effective, but inexpensive gel, we advise you to turn your attention to Sanfor, Sarma, Chistin or Sanoks.
  3. Look for a product with a prolonged action, then the Comet 7 Day Cleansing Gel will extend the shine of plumbing fixtures in the restroom for the whole week.
  4. If you want to quickly and effectively deal with chronic rust, then Sillit, Sanita and Domestos toilet gel can cope with this task.

So, when choosing a cleaning agent for washing plumbing, you have to lean towards a more caustic, but the most effective gel, or towards a less toxic product, but also a less effective substance. One thing, regardless of the chosen product, you must always remember that the use of any household chemicals requires a clear dosage and accuracy. You also need to follow the rules for storing such specific products.

How to wash the dry closet?

It is relatively easy to wash and clean a conventional toilet bowl from lime deposits and rust stains, but how to wash dry closets is already an interesting question, since this task requires a more prepared approach.

What you need to know to carry out the work of washing the dry closet:

  1. Cleaning rules. Instructions for cleaning these devices are always written in the instructions for use.
  2. The use of additives. For dry closets, you can use special substances containing microorganisms that process human waste into fertilizers for plants.
  3. Disassembly. Before cleaning the device, it is necessary to disassemble the device, separating the lower part (for feces) from the upper (for sitting and a tank for storing special liquid) structure.
  4. Cleaning. The tank must be filled with water, and then empty the container by draining the water along with all waste. The faeces container also needs to be rinsed, after pouring the waste into a garbage bag.
  5. Storage device. If the time has come, then you can also change the drive, which changes periodically during operation, given the type of dry closet.

Advice: Before proceeding with the disassembly and washing of the dry closet according to this manual, carefully study the instructions for a description of an alternative method of cleaning this device. Some models of dry closets can be washed through an additional rear cover through which the bag and containers are removed.

What should be used for prevention?

In order to keep the restroom clean and fresh, thus reducing the consumption of strong chemical substances you can use drugs to prevent the appearance of lime deposits, urinary stone and rust in the toilet:

  • toilet cistern cleaning tablets. The active substances contained in these compressed preparations disinfect the water and make it softer, thereby preventing the formation of lime and rust deposits;
  • interchangeable blocks for the rim of the toilet bowl. These preparations in the form of several balls or rectangles begin to act when the water is drained. Blocks remove unpleasant odors and prevent the growth of harmful microorganisms;
  • dispenser stickers. These small devices are attached to the surface of the toilet in the way of flushing water from the tank. The stickers clean the toilet bowl containers and maintain a pleasant aroma when the liquid is drained;
  • magnetic rings for the tank. These devices are placed in a tank and dissolve all impurities found in tap water. Thanks to the rings harmful substances do not linger on the toilet, but are washed into the sewer when draining.

Keep in mind that preventive products are not able to eliminate various contaminants and deposits from the toilet bowl or tank, they are used specifically to prevent their occurrence and prevent the growth of bacteria that are dangerous to human health. Regularly, using these preparations for prevention, you can forget about the exhausting cleaning of plumbing and unpleasant odors in the restroom.

This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Cleanliness and freshness in the house is the key to a comfortable stay in it. This is especially true for the toilet. Cleaning it and washing the toilet is inevitable. To save time and effort, come to the rescue modern facilities, which not only give a sparkling whiteness to plumbing, but are also able to remove persistent limescale and rust. They disinfect the surface, get rid of various pathogenic bacteria and microbes, thereby maintaining the health of the whole family.

Manufacturers of household chemicals offer a wide range of such products, produced in the form of a gel, cream or powder, the best of which Expertology experts included in our rating. The main criteria by which the selection took place: efficiency, safety, value for money.

Rating of the best toilet cleaners

Nomination a place Name of product price
The best way to clean the toilet from rust, limescale and disease-causing bacteria 1 310 ₽
2 169 ₽
3 181 ₽
4 123 ₽
5 87 ₽
6 98 ₽
7 250 ₽
8 131 ₽
9 96 ₽
Best toilet clog cleaner 1 325 ₽
2 111 ₽

The best way to clean the toilet from rust, limescale and disease-causing bacteria

Over time, limescale and rusty smudges appear on the toilet bowl. With an ineffective product, you can thoroughly clean it every day, but the result will be zero. By choosing the right preparation, you can forget about laborious work and enjoy impeccable cleanliness and freshness.

Ecover is an eco-friendly Belgian-made product that not only guarantees an excellent result after cleaning, but also absolute safety. It does not contain hazardous chemicals. The product will appeal to consumers who prefer products with an ECO label. It is available as a spray, gel and cream.

It easily removes lime deposits and rust. It has antibacterial properties, disinfects, removes unpleasant odors, gives a fresh aroma. When inhaled, it does not harm, prevents the occurrence of allergic reactions.

According to consumer reviews, the product removes the most stubborn dirt from the first time, smells good, gently affects the hands, a small amount of gel is enough for one cleansing. Ideal for use in homes with small children and people prone to allergies.


    effective cleansing;

    safe composition;


    convenient application;



  • high price.

Toilet bowl cleaner "Frosch", with lavender scent, 750 ml

The next in the rating is a representative of the famous German brand Frosch. It is effective for cleaning all types of plumbing, removes limestone, rust, eliminates unpleasant odors. Hypoallergenic and biodegradable, harmless to health and the environment. Dermatologically tested, it is safe for the skin and respiratory tract.

The composition does not contain synthetic additives, chlorine, chemical flavors. Natural citric acid gently affects plumbing, does not scratch, copes with the most difficult pollution.

Lavender extract removes specific odors, leaving a fresh floral scent for a long time. According to experts, this is the best hypoallergenic remedy in terms of price and quality.


    environmentally friendly;

    cleansing of ingrained contaminants;

    pleasant floral aroma;



    careful care.


  • not detected.

Cillit Bang is one of the most effective means for the toilet, recognized by experts and consumers. According to research, it is excellent at removing lime deposits, stubborn rust stains, unpleasant smell, gives a crystal shine and a fresh lemon scent that lasts for a long time.

The composition includes concentrated hydrochloric acid, so it is advisable to work with the product with gloves. Not recommended for people with a tendency to allergies.

The product is available in the form of a gel. The well-thought-out shape of the bottle helps to remove dirt effortlessly in the most inaccessible places. The minimum amount of solution in one application allows you to use one package for a long time.


    instant removal of contaminants;

    citrus aroma;


    thick gel consistency;

    convenient application;

    economical consumption.


Toilet cleaning gel "Zero"

"Zero" is another ECO product included in our rating. Its composition excludes absolutely all harmful substances: formaldehydes, chlorine, petrochemical products, synthetic dyes and fragrances. Biodegradable drug is safe for the environment and human health.

The cleansing effect is achieved by citric acid, which perfectly removes stubborn stains of rust and limescale, gives plumbing fixtures a radiant whiteness and cleanliness. Possessing an antibacterial effect, it prevents the emergence and reproduction of microbes.

Coniferous extract fights against an unpleasant smell. The convenient shape of the bottle helps to clean the surface under the rim of the toilet bowl. Gentle formula is gentle on plumbing, preventing scratches and damage.


    ECO remedy;

    careful care of plumbing;

    natural composition;

    nice smell;



    affordable price.


  • not detected.

Domestos "Expert strength" Ultra white

Domestos is one of the most popular manufacturers of household chemicals for a Russian buyer. The toilet cleaner contains chlorine, so it is recommended to use it with caution for people with a tendency to allergic reactions. But it is thanks to him that the result is achieved: rusty smudges and calcareous stones are removed.

The innovative dispenser will distribute the gel in hard-to-reach places, dissolving dirt and plaque. With disinfectant properties, it prevents the appearance of germs and bacteria. Thick consistency will allow you to use one pack of 1000 ml long time.

The product removes persistent odors in the bathroom, filling it with an unobtrusive light aroma of freshness. The special formula gives a crystal white surface, restoring it original view.


    effective removal;


    convenient dispenser;

    radiant white surfaces;

    optimal price.


  • may cause an allergic reaction.

Toilet bowl cleaner and disinfectant Sanfor "WC Gel"

It is no coincidence that Sanfor "WC Gel" is included in the rating: the Russian manufacturer, together with the Institute of Household Chemistry, has developed the perfect formula for plumbing care. It removes lime deposits, rusty smudges, effectively copes with mold, grease stains, soap stains.

The thick consistency does not allow it to quickly drain from inclined surfaces, it acts even under water. The antibacterial property helps remove harmful bacteria and prevent them from reappearing.

The product neutralizes specific odors, filling the room with a pleasant aroma of cherry blossoms. The shape of the spout helps to reach the most inaccessible places. The maximum effect is achieved within 10 minutes after application.


    removes all types of contaminants;

    antibacterial effect;

    quick result;

    perfectly neutralizes odors;

    thick formula;

    affordable price.


  • not detected.

Faberlic Toilet bowl cleaner 500 ml

An effective product from Faberlic does not contain chlorine and phosphates. Based on acids that are safe and used in the cosmetic and food industries, it gives excellent results after cleaning.

Rust, limestone, soap deposits are removed instantly without much effort, heavy pollution - 60 minutes after exposure to the gel. For maximum effect, it is recommended to clean the surface with a brush.

A very thick consistency does not allow the emulsion to spread, does not dissolve immediately under water, retains its cleansing property under it. Due to the fact that there are no abrasive substances in the composition, the surface of the sanitary ware is not scratched, it remains snow-white and clean for a long time.


    effective removal of contaminants;

    careful care of sanitary equipment;

    unobtrusive citrus smell;

    convenient cap with blocking;

    thick consistency;



  • not detected.

Comet 7 days of cleanliness for the toilet

"Comet 7 days of cleanliness" is included in our rating, thanks to the positive feedback from hostesses who have been using this product for quite a long time. Its important advantage is that after application for 7 days, the antibacterial effect is preserved, which prevents the appearance of microbes and mold.

The acids included in the composition 100% remove limescale formations, rust, soap deposits. The convenient shape of the spout allows you to apply the solution under the rim of the toilet bowl, thereby removing bacteria not only on the surface, but also in all hard-to-reach places.

Economical consumption is another plus of this tool. A small amount of gel can restore the original appearance of sanitary ware. The cap mechanism is equipped with a child lock.


    maximum effect;

    stable result for 7 days;


    convenient dispenser with lock;

    restores whiteness;

    affordable cost.


  • bad smell.

Sanita Antirust 500 ml

A distinctive feature of this tool is its low cost. With an excellent cleaning effect, it easily copes with old stubborn dirt. Water stone, rusty smudges, limestone formations are removed the first time.

Universal gel is suitable not only for cleaning the toilet, but also for the care of tiles, bathtubs, sinks, faucets. Having a not very thick consistency, it is easily washed off with water, leaving no streaks or drops.

The gel neutralizes unpleasant odors, disinfects, prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria. According to customer reviews, this is the most economical and at the same time effective tool that helps solve the problem of old pollution, and also copes well with blockages.

"Bagi Potkhan" - Israeli means of rapid action. It is produced in the form of granules, which include caustic soda and surfactants. Hot water must be added to remove the blockage. Reagents, interacting with each other, form a reactive mixture. After 3 minutes, there will be no trace of blockage.

The drug should be used only for very serious traffic jams. For prevention, it is recommended to use more gentle and less aggressive means. Regular use has a negative effect on sewer pipes, their wear increases faster.

It should be remembered that this mixture is very aggressive and caustic, so you should take care of safety during work and protect your eyes, skin of your hands and respiratory organs as much as possible from getting it.


    instant effect;

    removes the most difficult blockages;

    convenient packaging;

    economical consumption;

    lock cover.


    pungent smell;

    high price.

Deboucher - Product Russian production designed to remove sewer blockages and prevent their occurrence. Having a gel consistency, it penetrates deep into the pipes, removing food residues, organic matter, paper.

The convenient bottle is equipped with a locking cap to protect against spontaneous leakage and children. The solution is suitable for all types of pipes, the gentle effect on them has been confirmed by numerous tests.

Not complex blockages, the gel breaks through immediately. To remove obsolete plugs, it is necessary to fill it in and hold for 1 hour. It is not washed off and its action continues under water. The advantage of the product is that in addition to the main action, it effectively neutralizes unpleasant odors.


    gentle effect on pipes;

    actively removes blockages;

    gel consistency;

    neutralizes odors;

    lock cover;

    low price.


  • not a quick effect on difficult blockages.

In our ranking, we presented the best rust, limescale and blockage products. They all have different compositions, effectiveness, exposure time. To obtain the desired result, choose them correctly, and then all problems with plumbing will be solved.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

The first impression of the apartment is formed not only from the arrangement of its entrance hall, but also from a clean toilet with sanitary equipment installed there, which are the main evaluation criterion for the cleanliness of residents. However, sometimes rusty streaks on the toilet bowl, lime deposits mixed with urinary stone, an unpleasant smell and the black inside of the knee under the mirror of water coming out of the bowl radically spoil the opinion about the accuracy of the hostess.

Therefore, cleaning the toilet bowl in each apartment should be carried out regularly. This process should not take much time, and the toilet bowl cleaner should be efficient, effective and not very expensive. On the modern market today you can see a huge range of all kinds of household chemicals for the care of the toilet. How to choose the most best option Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

How is toilet clogging formed?

Photo of a clean toilet

The classic process of dirt on the toilet is due to the formation of rust and limescale.

  1. Rust is a deposit of iron oxides on the walls of the toilet, which is brought there with flushing water from the tank. Before entering the toilet bowl, water goes a long way, during which it is saturated with iron and its oxides. This process starts from the level ground water, where there is a huge amount of dissolved iron, and then added from communication systems, which almost entirely consist of old steel or cast iron pipes. The dissolved iron present in the water oxidizes in air, forming rust, which settles in brown-red streaks along the toilet bowl.
  2. Lime deposits settle on the bowl and drain pipe of the toilet like rust. They are a symbiosis of the calcareous components of water in the form of calcium and magnesium salts, as well as uric acid from human waste. Calcium and magnesium salts, like iron, enter the water from groundwater, leaching from the calcareous layers of sedimentary rocks of the soil.

To combat lime and iron particles dissolved in water and coming from the communication system, many install deep filters at the entrance to the apartment. This makes it possible to use purified water not only for food, but also for domestic purposes, which will help bring the sanitary ware of the toilet bowl to a snow-white state.

Household chemicals

Photo of toilet cleaning gel

For the constant maintenance of the bathroom clean, it requires constant care with special cleaning products for the toilet. Although this procedure does not cause great enthusiasm for many. Today, a large assortment of household care products, from which the shelves of shops and supermarkets are breaking, help to facilitate this task. They may be:

These funds are issued in the form:

When choosing a toilet bowl cleaner, you first need to decide on the type of pollution, take into account the scope of work, and figure out how to influence it.

The compositions of almost all toilet cleaners are identical, the main components in them are:

  1. Surfactants that break down dirt.
  2. Acid to remove rust and enhance the action of surfactants.
  3. Alkali, as a solvent for fatty deposits and organic blockages, partially eliminating plaque and rust.
  4. Chlorine for disinfection with the subsequent elimination of unpleasant odors.

The most sought-after representatives

When buying toilet cleaners, it is necessary to study in detail their composition, method of use, precautions from the manufacturer. Next, you need to pay attention to their packaging was convenient for use. For example, a plastic bottle should have a specially curved spout, which will help to better remove accumulated dirt from under the rim of the toilet bowl and its lid. In order to have a practical idea of ​​​​the action of basic toilet care products, consider customer reviews of these products.

Powerful gel cleaner with a pungent odor. It has a convenient plastic bottle with a special spout. It cleans the toilet bowl well from neglected rust, dirt with heavy mineral deposits, removes unpleasant odors, and gives the toilet a fresh aroma for a long time.

It belongs to the category of the most effective cleaning products for the care of toilet bowls of a very expensive price range. Issued in plastic bottle with sprayer. The convenient form of spot application on dirty, hard lime and rust deposits, allows you to quickly remove them, and then get an excellent result.

toilet duck

Works great with deeply ingrained rust, old dirt, greasy deposits. It contains hydrochloric acid, which helps to cope with cleaning in extreme conditions. A handy container with a curved "duck neck" neck makes it easy to dispense liquid cleaner under the toilet rim.

This product contains three sticks in one package, sealed in foil. Each of them is designed for 450 washes. It is applied for daily care, provides constant cleanliness, fresh smell, hygiene to the home plumbing fixture. A dose of Bref creates a slight foam, gives the water a pleasant bluish tint, prevents the formation of limescale on the toilet bowl and knee, and completely disinfects the entire volume of the drain.

A concentrated gel-like preparation containing chlorine-containing components, lauric acid, fragrance, dye. According to the method of practical action, "kills all microbes on the spot." Along with a strong disinfecting effect, it poorly copes with rust, but it removes persistent organic contaminants well, and has an excellent whitening effect. Domestos fights various bacteria, fungi, molds that can cause dangerous diseases and intestinal disorders.

This universal cleaning agent of a domestic manufacturer is the most convenient, budgetary and effective prophylactic for the care of toilet bowls. Its plastic bottle with finger holes fits comfortably in your hand. The gel-like composition of the product washes well organic contaminants, it is economically applied with a sprayer.

Care and Precautions

Everyone knows that any pollution is easier to remove at the stage of their occurrence. You should not delay the time until the walls of the toilet become like karst caves. To do this, a brush must always be in the toilet area, and cleaning products in a place inaccessible to children.

During cleaning, the cleaning agent is poured into the toilet for half an hour, and then carefully wipe its surface with a brush and rinse clean water. It should be noted that each tool must be used according to the instructions from the manufacturer.

At the same time, whatever it may be, it is necessary for everyone to observe safety measures when working with aggressive environments and wear rubber gloves. If they break during operation, they should be replaced. Do not allow splashes of cleaning agent to get on the face and eyes. If this happens, immediately wash the affected area with running water and soap. Some people wear safety goggles before work to avoid unpleasant situations.

To protect the respiratory system from harmful fumes of cleaning products with a pungent odor, you need to close the toilet lid for the duration of the drug and leave the bathroom. After a little time, you need to turn on forced ventilation to release harmful fumes into the street, and then continue processing the toilet bowl.


In order for the toilet bowl located in the toilet or bathroom to always have an attractive appearance and not frighten the guests, every hostess must be careful about cleaning it.

Today, with the help of modern cleaning products, this procedure can be carried out easily and quickly. The main thing is that in the end, a clean toilet bowl becomes a guarantee of health for the whole family and is pleasantly pleasing to the eye.

Toilet cleaner: how to choose and do it yourself (photo)

To maintain hygiene, it is required to keep the toilet bowl clean, toilet cleaners help in this matter. You can use ready-made tools like: Bref, Comet, etc.

Toilet bowl cleaner

It is believed that the cleanliness of the toilet is an indicator of the cleanliness of the hostess, her calling card.

A bad smell in the toilet, a dirty toilet bowl will spoil the prestige of even the cleanest housewife. In this regard, the question of choosing a toilet cleaner will always be relevant. It should effectively remove all kinds of pollution and kill all known microbes easily and quickly - without the hassle of the hostess.

Caring for sanitary ware is a simple type of cleaning. If it is done regularly, fresh dirt is easily removed.

In advanced cases, you will have to select the best detergent option, focusing on the main types of pollution.

The main types of pollution of toilet bowls

Initially, we classify pollution, determine the cause of the occurrence.

The most common are the following types:

  • Urinary stone occurs on the bowl of the device due to the irregular use of the flush tank and ruff.
  • Limescale - consists of mineral magnesium and calcium salts. The intensity of deposits depends on the degree of rigidity of the carrier of the plumbing system.
  • Spots of rust, yellow plaque appear due to a malfunction of the tank. It needs to be repaired to eliminate water leakage. The water of plumbing systems contains a large amount of iron, it oxidizes, leaving a rusty coating.
  • Black marks are concentrated more often in the knee of the toilet.
  • Bacteria, fungi. Their accumulation is the cause of a bad smell, they are eliminated by processing.

One of the preventive measures to protect against lime and ferruginous deposits is the installation of deep filters on the tie-in plumbing in the home. This will greatly improve the quality of the water.

Washing the toilet is an inevitable job, it does not cause much enthusiasm, so I want to spend the minimum amount of time on monotonous actions. The solution to the problem lies in right choice cleaning agent for sanitary appliances.

Varieties of chemicals

Currently, manufacturers offer a wide range of preparations for the care of toilet sanitary ware. They may be:

  • unified;
  • specialized;
  • preventive, preventing the formation of dirt.

The form of release may be different:

Having decided on the main type of pollution, we decide on the choice of a suitable product for cleaning sanitary appliances.

The compositions of all chemical cleaning preparations are usually identical and can perform their functions with the same quality.

Their main ingredients are:

  • surfactants - surfactants that neutralize stains;
  • acids (hydrochloric, sulfamic, ophthoric, oxalic) to eliminate iron compounds and the intensity of surfactant exposure;
  • alkalis - solvents of fat and organic matter, eliminating raids and layers of iron compounds;
  • chlorine, in order to disinfect objects, works with bad odors.

The best toilet cleaner

Our task is to find the best cleaning products in all the variety of preparations offered on the market.

The selection criterion is that they are required to quickly and efficiently clean and disinfect sanitary equipment, guaranteeing an optimal degree of cleanliness, at an affordable cost. Desirable line of smells to choose the scent you like.

At the moment, according to experts and consumers, the most popular can be considered:

Toilet gel Cillit Bang, 500 ml

It has become a leader among toilet bowl cleaners. The main active component of "Sillite" is the most aggressive inorganic hydrochloric acid. Effectively fights salt and iron deposits. 100% removal of plaque and rust. Release in plastic with a dispenser for processing hard-to-reach places. Its price is relatively high.

"Toilet duck", active gel 5 in 1, 900 ml

Gel with hydrochloric acid ingredient. Slightly worse in terms of the cleaning effect of Sillit, but safer to use, has an acceptable price. S-shaped spout helps to clean under the rim of the toilet. Lid with "child protection" function.

Gel with chlorine-containing ingredients, lauric acid. Thick and economical. It has a strong disinfectant effect, well kills various dangerous colonies of bacteria, fungi, mold. It dissolves old rust and persistent organic dirt somewhat worse, but without much effort. Whitens the surface of the device. The disadvantages include the specific smell of bleach. According to the formula "price-quality" the first of the gels.

Comet 7 days of cleanliness for the toilet, 750 ml

Gel preparation for stone plaque and advanced rusting of sanitary appliances. Has a pungent odor. The ingredient is sulfuric acid. Produced in a plastic bottle with a spout. Removes bad odor well. It is positioned by the manufacturer as a drug of prolonged action.

A good cleaning gel that has oxalic and sulfamic acids, surfactants in the structure. Fresh dirt is removed perfectly. The price is democratic.

Sanita - anti-rust, 500 ml

An effective inexpensive gel from a Russian manufacturer against rust spots and yellowness. Produced in plastic bottles with notches for fingers. Applied with a sprayer. Works well, purifying low-quality water. The gel formulation with acids works well to remove all compounds.

To save time and effort, you need to choose a drug that does not need to rub pollution for a long time.

If you can afford not to pay attention to the cost of the product, then feel free to opt for concentrated gels - Cillit, "Toilet Duck", Domestos.

In the segment budget prices pay attention to effective, inexpensive products of Russian manufacturers - Sanoks, Sanita. They are not much inferior to the means of widely advertised brands.

To remove old rust stains, the preparations "Sanita", "Sillit", "Domestos" can contribute.

It is always necessary to study the composition of the chemical agent, method of application, safety measures, according to the instructions on the package.

It should be remembered that a more effective drug is more toxic. All chemicals for cleaning the toilet require careful use, proper storage and indispensable protection of hands with rubber gloves.

Respiratory organs must be protected.

Folk cleaning products

Without compromising health, simple and cheap proven compositions can make cleaning safe. This is extremely important for people with skin and allergic diseases.

The most famous are the following:

  • To disinfect and wash the toilet bowl, pour a handful of soda, pour vinegar until foam forms. Leave for 20 minutes, clean with a brush, rinse.
  • Pour a bucket of hot water into the toilet, add 40 g of citric acid, leave for a couple of hours. We clean with a ruff, rinse.
  • Removes dirt from the walls of the bowl composition of hydrogen peroxide 250 ml, ammonia 1 tbsp. spoon, water 2 l Leave for 1-1.5 hours, rinse.
  • Hydrochloric acid acts radically on ingrained dirt. We process the surface, leave for 30 minutes, clean with a ruff, rinse well. Avoid contact with plastic products.
  • Dissolves persistent compounds "Whiteness". Pour out 1 liter, leave overnight. We clean with a ruff, we wash.

In all cases, we use gloves, avoiding contact with the eyes and skin.

Preventive measures

The degree of laboriousness of cleaning the toilet bowl depends on the timeliness of the process. Regular cleaning of the bathroom will not require a titanic effort.

Some preventive measures that will help keep the toilet clean for longer are as follows:

  • Filter installation. This measure will soften, purify the water.
  • Using a brush after every trip to the toilet.
  • It is necessary to monitor the serviceability of the flush tank, avoiding leaks. This will prevent the formation of rust deposits and save water.

In addition, to maintain the freshness and cleanliness of the device, there are such preventive measures as:

  • Stickers - installed on the bowl under the rim, give foam when washed off, economical;
  • Replaceable blocks with packages of balls or liquid - are attached to the latch. Blocks guarantee a pleasant smell in the toilet;

  • Tablets - put in a flush tank;
  • Magnetic ring - also placed in the tank.

The purpose of all these preparations is to protect the surface of the sanitary device from hard-to-remove plaque by softening tap water. Plaque in this case does not stick to the walls, but is easily washed off. Disinfect water, preventing the accumulation of microorganisms. They also serve to keep the smell of freshness in the bathroom.

You can decide on the choice of the ideal toilet cleaner that is suitable for your plumbing, based on your priorities. The best criterion, I think, there will be a price-quality-smell ratio.

But this opinion is debatable, so everyone must make their own choice.

The best toilet cleaner: how to choose?

What is the best toilet cleaner? It must quickly and effectively remove dirt, lime compounds, rust, bacteria from the bowl of the sanitary appliance.

Rating of the best toilet bowl cleaners according to user reviews

Cleaning plumbing is not the most pleasant, but necessary task. A sparkling white bath, sink and toilet are not only a kind of marker of the housewife's industriousness, but also a guarantee of the health of the whole family. We will help you understand the variety of toilet cleaners on the market and choose best products, which quickly and effectively remove dirt and disinfect the surface.

Which brand of toilet cleaner to buy

Every self-respecting brand that produces plumbing has a tool for cleaning plumbing household chemicals. We present you the most popular brands among consumers:

The Unilever concern includes more than a hundred brands specializing in the production of cosmetics, household chemicals, household goods and food products. Under the Domestos brand, Unilever produces sanitary ware cleaners that are extremely popular with consumers due to their effectiveness and the optimal ratio of quality and cost. The household cleaning brand Cif, also part of the Unilever Group, is also known for its products that gently but effectively remove household pollution.

Another world-famous concern that produces cosmetics and household chemicals. P&G's Comet plumbing powders and liquid cleaners have long been known to the consumer and have proven themselves in the fight against dirt, rust and germs.

The Cillit brand specializes exclusively in home cleaning products. The concept of the brand is products that operate as efficiently as possible with a minimum of time and effort. The effectiveness of brand products is due to the high concentration of active ingredients in them.

The Jonson&Jonson group of companies has been producing medicines, cosmetics and household chemicals for over a hundred years. Toilet bowl cleaners, presented under the Toilet Duck trademark, are well known to domestic consumers: manufacturers were among the first to offer a special product packaging design that allows you to clean hard-to-reach places under the toilet bowl rim.

Rating of the best toilet cleaners: selection criteria

A good toilet bowl cleaner must meet several requirements at once:

  • cope well with household pollution;
  • quickly and effectively dissolve limescale;
  • remove traces of rust;
  • ensure hygienic cleanliness and disinfect the surface.

At their core, all toilet cleaners have similar components:

1. Surfactants (surfactants). Cationic and anionic surfactants are considered the safest, while non-ionic surfactants make the agent more effective against organic contaminants. A good product should not contain more than 15% non-ionic surfactants.

2. Acids or alkalis. Acid-based products are more effective against limescale and rust, but special care is required when handling them: hydrochloric or sulfuric acid, which is part of such products, can cause severe chemical burns if it comes into contact with the skin. Alkaline products dissolve fats well and help to cope with organic pollution.

3. Derivatives of chlorine. Chlorine in the composition of the products helps to eliminate pathogenic microflora and disinfect the surface.

The best toilet cleaners

Cillit Bang Toilet Cleaner Gel

Cillit toilet cleaners come in a gel-like consistency and are packaged with a handy dispenser for cleaning hard-to-reach places. Sillit gel contains hydrochloric acid in a sufficiently high concentration, therefore it copes well with sparingly soluble limescale and rust stains, however, it should be used with extreme caution and always wear rubber gloves. The manufacturer offers several options for solving specific problems: against limescale, for shine, bleaching or rust removal.

Consumer benefits include:

  • high efficiency of the product (perfectly copes with stains of limescale and rust);
  • low cost of funds;
  • convenient packaging with a thin spout-dispenser.
  • relatively high cost
  • Lack of child protection.

In general, consumers note the high effectiveness of the product against pollution of various origins.

Domestos Toilet Gel

Concentrated toilet gel Domestos is designed to remove complex contaminants. This tool, like the previous one, contains hydrochloric acid, which makes it highly effective in combating rust stains. Consumers note that Domestos gel dissolves limescale a little more slowly than other rating leaders, but it does not require additional efforts to wipe off stains. The gel formula allows the agent to act even under water, and chlorine-containing components disinfect the surface, eliminating mold and pathogenic bacteria.

  • thick gel consistency;
  • low cost of funds;
  • efficiency in the fight against rust and organic pollution;
  • Childproof lid.

In general, buyers respond positively to Domestos gel, noting its high efficiency and affordable cost.

Comet 7 days of cleanliness

The manufacturer positions Comet gel as a means of prolonged action: after its application, plumbing retains cleanliness and shine for longer. Efficiency against contaminants itself various types provides sulfuric acid in the composition of the product.

Buyers unanimously attribute 7 days of cleanliness to the advantages of the Comet gel:

  • effectiveness against pollution of any type;
  • thick consistency and low consumption of funds;
  • relatively low cost;
  • prolonged surface protection against stains;
  • protection from children.
  • a strong unpleasant smell of bleach, which is weakly hidden by the fragrance of the product.

In general, consumers respond positively to the gel and often recommend it for purchase.

Active toilet cleaning gel "Toilet Duck"

An effective hydrochloric acid cleaner with a convenient S-shaped spout allows you to clean hard-to-reach places under the rim of the toilet bowl. The consistency of the product is slightly less thick than that of other products, but in terms of effectiveness it is not much inferior to competitors.

  • efficiency;
  • low cost;
  • convenient packaging with cap protection;
  • nice smell.

Most consumers note that with its high efficiency and the presence of chlorine derivatives in the composition, the product has a pleasant aroma, which makes its use more comfortable.

Sanox Ultra

A budget remedy from a domestic manufacturer, which is not inferior in its effectiveness to generally recognized leaders. It copes well with both household dirt and rust stains and limescale, while it has a rather pleasant and unobtrusive aroma.

  • low cost;
  • effectiveness against pollution of various origins;
  • pleasant aroma.
  • liquid consistency and, as a result, rapid consumption of funds;
  • inconvenient packaging (no protection of the cap and S-shaped spout).

Most customer reviews about Sanoks Ultra are positive: the product has firmly occupied its niche due to its affordable cost and high efficiency.

Sanita Antirust Gel

Another representative of the rating of the “economy” segment is Sanita anti-rust gel for plumbing. Buyers unanimously note the effectiveness of the product against rust stains, including old ones. However, against other types of pollution, the gel is not as effective as other products presented in the rating; to wipe off the plaque, you have to make some efforts.

  • low cost;
  • effectiveness against rust stains, including old ones.
  • liquid consistency;
  • fast consumption;
  • inconvenient packaging;
  • lack of a blocker on the cap.

Gel with chlorine Sanfor 10 in 1

A budget-priced chlorine product is designed to fight mold, clean and disinfect surfaces and plumbing. Gel Sanfor perfectly disinfects the surface, destroying pathogenic bacteria and mold fungi.

  • low cost;
  • versatility (can be used to clean tiles and other surfaces);
  • convenient packaging with a lid lock.
  • strong smell of bleach;
  • the product is ineffective against old stains.

Which toilet cleaner to choose

1. If you want to save time and effort and are looking for a product that does not require you to scrub dirty surfaces for a long time, and at the same time is not constrained in funds, choose concentrated acid gels such as Cillit, Toilet duck or Domestos.

2. Looking for an inexpensive but effective remedy? Pay attention to the products of domestic manufacturers: Sanox or Sanfor gels are not so widely advertised, but at the same time they are not much inferior to competitors in all respects.

3. Prolong the cleanliness and shine of plumbing will help gel with a prolonged effect Comet 7 days of cleanliness.

4. Gels Sanita, Sillit, Domestos will help to cope with old rust stains.

Rating of the most effective toilet bowl cleaners and disinfectants (based on consumer reviews).

Reading time: 2 minutes

How to wash the toilet - the best bathroom cleaners did an excellent job with dirt and plaque, including on ceramics and glass, tiles and tiles. We will review - cleaning outdoor toilets, cat trays and human places for defecation. There is nothing shameful if the hostess does not know how to deal with difficult pollution. We will help you solve the problem in no time by providing a detailed description and video materials.

Cleaning such a secluded and intimate place the house should be a pleasure as soon as light spots or dust appear. In order not to spend hours over the toilet in an attempt to wash out all the plaque, old blackened spots, urinary stones formed over the years, periodically leaving to use this device, it is important to separate good and not-so-good products that can quickly cope with pollution.


What is better for washing the toilet is a backfill question. There are dry powders, liquid and gel-like for washing the bathroom. In order for you to better navigate which toilet cleaner to choose for your home, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rating.

Name Description Advantages disadvantages

Toilet gel for cleaning toilet bowls inside. The outside can also be used for daily cleaning. It copes well with caustic pollution, raids and yellowness. Suitable for bathtubs and jacuzzis. Relatively high price. For the leader of the rating, this is the best cost that meets the proper quality, while fulfilling all the promises made by the manufacturer.

The gel has a package of 900 ml. If you were looking for a bath and toilet cleaner in one bottle, this is the best cleanser. After application, you can notice a significant difference with the naked eye - the traces of the application of the gel are tens of times whiter than those that have not been cleaned. To wash the entire toilet and bath without streaks and stains, you need several bottles.

Works great on dirt and grime. It is also a good cleaner for faucets and shiny surfaces. Can be used on ceramics and glass, porcelain and stainless steel. Pungent odor requiring ventilation.

One of the best universal means for washing kitchen utensils and appliances. Also great for cleaning toilets inside and out. They can wash the bath and bidet. Suitable for gentle cleaning and hard washing of old stains. Not suitable for daily use - highly concentrated composition can corrode the surface with frequent use.

Domestic remedy for combating microbes and bacteria. Able to clean enamel and porcelain tiles. It is easily washed off, does not dry the skin when it gets on the hands. Has no pungent smell. Not recommended for cleaning faucets and plastics ( toilet cover and seat).

The tool has established itself as the best for washing toilets. If you have been wondering so far how to clean the toilet without harming your health and causing significant injuries to your wallet, we suggest buying a proven detergent. Liquid, lathers well. Low cost. Does not cope with rust, as stated on the packaging by the manufacturer.

Retail marketing tool. It has " scarce» composition, however, it easily removes dirt in the form of old yellow spots and raids. The quality is high, although the exact composition is unknown. High price relative to the leader of the rating.

Sanitary cleaning gel is perfect for washing toilets and bathtubs. It is not recommended to wash shower enclosures with embossed frosted glass. Whitens well. Has no toxic smell. No significant deficiencies were identified.

Universal detergents for the toilet of this manufacturer are able to clean not only stubborn dirt, but also cope with rust. Well removes traces of any pollution. If the hostess forgot to flush the rest of the product in the toilet, you will need a brush to clean the surface.

The most affordable solution that is suitable for washing any surface in the bathroom and bathroom. Quickly washes away plaque and stone. Cheap domestic product. It doesn't take long.

Tip: Pay attention to the detergents located in the middle of the table - the price range is average, and the composition and quality are at the highest level.

At the same time, some products cope with plaque and old deposits in the form of a stone. This can be seen if a gray-yellow coating has formed on the bottom of the toilet. Such stains are difficult to clean with a brush or detergent that is designed for easy washing.


To cope with difficult pollution, aggressive detergents will be required. But how to wash the stone in the toilet if it has not been removed for many years? Urinary stone is a mineral plaque, to which dirt and defecation particles are constantly added. This whole frightening picture is not so scary if it would not be necessary to clean everything with your own hands. And sometimes even the most experienced housewives get into a stupor. But until this happens, we read further the recommendations of experts.

Limescale is difficult to wash off even with the best products, if there is no water softener. This will noticeably improve the situation - the water will completely clean out the bowel movements, leaving no traces.

Hot water, like very cold water, can lead to cracks in the toilet. This leads to clogging when dirt gets clogged. To remove, you should have a hard brush that can completely clean the dirt. However, it will reappear later.

Never clean the plaque with sharp tools, as this will damage the surface of the toilet. For a thorough cleaning, you will need to remove the water and then wash by hand.

To deal with urinary stone and limescale, you will need iodine and whiteness, vinegar and chlorine. With the help of these solutions, you can save plumbing from pungent odors and terrible dirt.

All of these alternatives can help keep you clean for a long time, as long as you follow the rules of pollution prevention. Otherwise, you will not only clog the equipment, but also spoil the top layer of the product. This will lead to a forced decision to change the toilet.


Another aspect that is very annoying and negatively affects plumbing. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to wash the toilet from rust with the help of chemicals alone. This is the damaged top layer of the technique that corrodes the enamel, surface and coatings. It appears due to the roughness of the surface and from the constant presence of water on the toilet. Such models are very unsuitable, it is better to choose models without an even bowl.

The best means are:

  • abrasive;
  • Alkaline;
  • Acid.

Their actions on rust are different, we will describe in more detail below. Instructions for use are also included.

Fund type Description Application

These include potent drugs such as " comet" And " Pemolux". So that they do not leave marks and smudges, you need to use a hard non-metallic brush. Using a sponge, spread the product on the surface, flush the toilet. Such products can scratch the toilet, so they are not suitable for thorough cleaning.

This group of substances includes Domestos". A well-known brand that has established itself as an excellent detergent for plumbing. Apply a little on the surface, leave for 30 minutes. Wash off with water. It does not scratch the surface and does not leave streaks due to its consistency.

Representatives of acid agents were " Sillit" And " Duckling». Easy to use - apply, wait and rinse. The danger is only for humans - you need to work only in protective gloves.

Tip: If you want to use alternative methods, use ammonia, oxalic or hydrochloric acid, electrolyte, Coca-Cola, or bleach.

Washing dry closets

Since an ordinary faience toilet bowl is relatively easy to clean, the question remains on the agenda - how to wash a dry closet? This need arises when there is no sewerage in the country house, and the toilets of the old era are no longer safe.

When choosing a toilet, you need to think about the rules for cleaning. They are always described in the instruction manual. At the same time, some additives contain microorganisms that can turn waste products into fertilizers.

Before cleaning the dry closet, you need to disassemble the structure, separating the top from the bottom.

The tank must be filled with water, and the container must be cleaned. You can wash off all the waste with water or pour it into a trash bag.

Several times during the entire period of operation, you need to change the drive. It is important to observe the type of dry closet.

Tip: Before disassembling the dry closet, look at the instructions for an alternative cleaning method in the description. Some models can be washed with the optional back cover. Containers and bags are removed through it.

Tray washing

We often encounter problems in apartment buildings where pets live. They are forced to relieve themselves in special trays, but the owners often find it difficult to wash even a simple plastic tray. As you know, cat urine has a pungent odor, and even loose toilets that absorb these odors cannot guarantee the freshness of the air in the apartment. So how to wash the cat litter so that there is no dirt or smell?

All contents of used cat litter should be discarded. Then prepare the tray for cleaning by removing dried filler particles.

Take your regular dishwashing detergent and wash the tray with it. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

There is baking soda in the kitchen or laundry soap– Rinse the tray alternately in two ways. Soda will get rid of small particles and smell, and soap will remove all dirt and dust.

Do not use ammonia or citrus fruits - this will encourage the cat to lick the litter box, which is very harmful to her sense of smell. As a result, she will completely refuse the toilet.

Dry the litter box before filling with cat litter. Put the tray in the same place.

Tip: Do not rearrange the tray if the cat is small and does not understand where to go to the toilet. If the pet is an adult, the tray can be sent to the restroom.

Pollution Prevention

To prevent severe contamination, use the recommendations. They will help to avoid a negative outcome for the equipment, while maintaining its properties and impeccable appearance.

Tank adjustment Filter installation
Tank tablets Liquid gels
Fresheners Antibacterial agents

With their help, you will never remember the exhausting cleaning, unpleasant smell and the appearance of a terrible plaque. All photo lists of cleaning products are suitable for thorough washing of toilets, but it is important to choose the right product for each type of coverage. And on the example of the video in this article

you will see how easily and simply you can eliminate all the problems of household pollution.

The hygienic condition of the toilet can say a lot about the owner of the apartment. Maintaining cleanliness in the toilet is one of the time-consuming daily tasks for any housewife. It is important not only to qualitatively remove dirt, it is necessary to cope with plaque, rust and bacteria.

On the shelves of stores you can find a huge amount of toilet care products. They are designed to facilitate and speed up the cleaning process. To effectively perform their tasks, cleaning agents must meet certain requirements. So, a quality product should:

  1. Easily cope with pollution of any nature: limescale and stone, rust, blockages.
  2. Ensure hygienic cleanliness. Chlorine in the composition disinfects well and eliminates pathogenic bacteria.
  3. If the base contains alkali and acid, such preparations should be handled with particular care. They can cause chemical burns.
  4. All products contain surfactants. Anionic and cationic are considered the most harmless. Non-ionic surfactants cope with pollution better, but in a good product they do not exceed 15%.
  5. Be hypoallergenic, do not have a strong odor.

Thanks to numerous customer reviews, we have been able to highlight the best toilet cleaners. Below is a list of them. The selection criteria were the above characteristics and opinions of consumers.

Best toilet clog cleaner

Often, with improper care of the toilet, a blockage forms. The solution to this problem does not require delay. Coping with an unpleasant situation is only possible special tool. It effectively cleans the toilet bowl and prevents re-clogging.

5 Mole

Most popular remedy
Country Russia
Average price: 50 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The tool has successfully passed the test of time. High efficiency is confirmed by the reviews of many generations of citizens who used it for its intended purpose. It remains one of the best even though the composition of water and the quality of pipelines have changed over the years. This is due to a number of its advantages: no dirty marks during use, no need to disassemble the siphon before use, high cleaning speed, low cost of the product. Available in three variations: in the form of a liquid, granules and gel.

Optimally selected Mole components quickly and effectively dissolve rust, stuck food residues, organic debris, greasy deposits. Simplicity, safety of use have made it the most popular for 40 years. To eliminate the blockage, it is enough to pour or pour the required amount into the drain, wait 2 hours and rinse abundantly hot water sewerage. Such simple manipulations will help to quickly bring the plumbing into working condition.

4 Unique TORNADO

Instant action
Country Russia
Average price: 53 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

It overcomes the most difficult blockages due to the increased concentration of chemicals in the composition. It copes well with fatty, limescale, organic residues, aromatizes sewage well. Ideal for cleaning metal and plastic pipes. Granules are used only in well-ventilated rooms, as during their exposure an unpleasant odor is released.

According to the instructions, the product is poured into the drain, and after three minutes it is washed off with a large amount running water. It is best to leave the bathroom or kitchen while Unicum is working. The reaction is more active on complex blockages. After cleaning for a few minutes, the room should continue to be ventilated. The cleaning agent can be safely used for preventive purposes.

3 Mister Muscle

Eliminates odor and disinfects
Country Russia
Average price: 87 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Over time, any plumbing requires cleaning, as the pipes become covered with a greasy coating, food residues, hair, and so on get stuck in hard-to-reach places. Lime stone is deposited on the inner surface of the pipes. With all these problems, Mr. Muscle cleanser easily copes. It not only solves the problem of free draining of water, but also perfectly eliminates the unpleasant smell from the sewer. An important advantage of it is the antibacterial effect on sanitary surfaces. This is possible thanks to sodium hydroxide in the composition.

It is easy to apply. It is recommended that before pouring it into the drain, make sure that there is no water there. If it exists, then it must be removed. Leave the gel for 7 minutes and rinse vigorously with running water high temperature. A longer exposure time is required to clean stubborn dirt. Buyers in the reviews are advised to take a granular product of this brand in case of severe pollution. The maximum exposure time should not exceed that recommended by the manufacturer. Approved for preventive use.

2 Bagi Pothan

An emergency remedy for severe blockages
Country: Israel
Average price: 486 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Pothan is considered one of the best clog removers and one of the most expensive. The advantage is the very fast action. He is able to cope with the strongest blockages in just 5 minutes. Bugs are recommended to be used in emergency cases; for regular prevention, a more gentle remedy is needed. The product has such strong forgiving properties that worn pipes can suffer from it.

Such amazing features are not without drawbacks. Potkhan has a pungent odor that only intensifies upon contact with water. It should only be used with gloves and a mask. In the reviews, buyers recommend keeping Bugs in the house in case of emergency. No other product can tackle tough clogs better.

1 Deboucher

Better Efficiency
Country Russia
Average price: 104 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The gel is designed to eliminate blockage in the toilet. To achieve the result, it is enough to pour Deboucher and leave for 15 minutes. For heavy clogs, it will take an hour. It is noteworthy that the composition contains chlorine, although there is no particular smell. This is what attracts buyers. Of course, the product is also popular for its excellent performance. It can be used as a preventive cleaning.

The cost is quite acceptable, but the expense is uneconomical. You can consider this as a disadvantage. Also, the product is not suitable for aluminum pipes. Despite this, customers continue to actively use Deboucher and recommend it to their loved ones.

The Best Organic-Based Toilet Cleaners

It is possible to effectively clean the toilet bowl not only with the help of chemical agents. Currently, organic-based preparations are gaining more and more popularity. Their undeniable advantage is the safety of use.

5 Faberlic

Free of chlorine, phosphates and abrasives
Country Russia
Average price: 230 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The best complex acid-based cleaner for cleaning dirt on the surface of the toilet bowl and under water. Provides not only cleanliness, but also fights pathogenic bacteria inside and out. The composition does not contain elements harmful to the atmosphere and human health. With regular use, it provides easier cleansing afterwards, as it contains a dirt-repellent component. Effectively removes limestone. Plumbing stays clean and tidy longer.

The absence of chlorine, phosphates and abrasive substances in the composition allows allergy sufferers to use this remedy without fear. It, destroying microbes, deprives plumbing of an unpleasant smell. It is most convenient to work with it, as the curved shape helps to place it even in hard-to-reach places. After applying to the surface, you need to rub it with a sponge or brush. Then rinse with water. Pour over old dirt or rust, leave for 10 minutes and rinse. Strong contamination can be left in the product for 1 hour.

4 Frosch lavender urinscale

Fully biodegradable
Country: Germany
Average price: 190 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Cleaning product made in Germany with the best ecological composition. Perfectly fights against mud deposits even in the most inaccessible places. From the first application eliminates rust, urinary stone, unpleasant odor. The thick consistency provides an economical consumption of the product. The composition includes thickeners, flavors, citric acid. Lavender oil gives a pleasant aroma and a delicate purple color to the product.

It is applied to the toilet easily and evenly. Buyers note the ease of use of the product. After spreading over the surface, wait a few minutes and rinse with water. Strong dirt is removed with a brush or sponge. Due to the unique composition, the product is completely biodegradable.

3 Molecola eco-gel

The safest remedy
Country Russia
Average price: 239 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The most environmentally friendly product for removing dirt on the surface of the toilet bowl and inside it. Has an unobtrusive aroma, easy to use. At the first application, it gives plumbing shine and cleanliness. The composition includes vegetable acids, which increases the effectiveness and safety of cleaning. Approved for use in the bathroom. Based on customer reviews, the tool is recognized as cost-effective due to its minimum flow during cleaning. Quickly eliminates urinary stone.

Molecola is recommended for people with hypersensitivity of the respiratory tract, allergy sufferers. Approved for use in children's institutions. The container is made of environmentally friendly plastic and can be recycled. It is enough to apply the product for a couple of minutes and rinse actively with plain water. For old dirt, you need to use a brush.

2 Foam Nordland

Soft cleansing
Country: Italy
Average price: 309 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Foam carefully cares for plumbing, eliminating lime deposits, rust, plaque. Provides not only the purification of existing pollution, but also the prevention of possible blockages. The main advantages are: mild effect on the surface, no scratches after cleaning, a noticeable antibacterial effect, elimination of the characteristic odor, 90% biodegradation of the product.

The foam is packed in a bottle with a special dispenser. It is applied vertically to the places of contamination, left for five minutes and rubbed with a sponge without pressure. Then rinse off with running water complete cleansing. The tool can be used for prophylactic purposes. The composition is completely safe, which does not limit its use by people prone to allergies.


The best quality
Country: Belgium
Average price: 355 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The safest toilet cleaner is Ecover. It has one of the most important advantages - environmental friendliness. Compared to other preparations for cleansing, it does not contain any chemically hazardous substances for health. It's biodegradable. In a house where children live, this is a very great advantage.

Produced in bottles of 750 ml. Due to the quality action and helium texture, the product is very economical. It has a pleasant smell (reminiscent of an ordinary air freshener). Consumer reviews are only positive. It is noted that Ecover does not cause allergies. You can use it without gloves. With a bang, removes stone, rusty streaks, limescale. Acts quickly and efficiently. Recommended for purchase.

The best tool for cleaning the toilet from rust, limescale and pathogenic bacteria

From the water on the toilet, rusty streaks and stone, limescale are formed. During operation, a huge number of harmful microorganisms accumulate. The impeccable condition of the toilet depends not only on quality care, but also on the cleaning agent. The category demonstrates the best preparations that can cope with the main household pollution of toilet bowls.

5 Domestos

Good disinfectant
Country: USA
Average price: 186 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

One of the best consumers consider Domestos gel . It has a high concentration, so it is very economically consumed. Consistency provides the tool with the ability to work under water. Compared to similar drugs, Domestos acts more slowly. But the effect is flawless. The composition contains hydrochloric acid, which fights rust and stubborn dirt.

Chlorides have good disinfectant properties, remove bacteria and mold. The reviews note the affordable price, low consumption and high performance. Pleased with the presence of a protective cover. The downside is the pungent smell. All in all, Domestos is positioned as one of the best household toilet bowl cleaning products.

4 Toilet duck

The convenience of use
Country Russia
Average price: 167 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The toilet duck is recognized as one of the the best drugs to clean the toilet. It actively fights against the formation of stone and limescale, copes well with rusty streaks. Eliminates unpleasant odors and germs. A convenient curved spout allows you to clean dirt in hard-to-reach places.

Consumers note the quality properties of the product, a convenient dispenser, and an acceptable cost. Unlike similar tools, toilet duck does not have a pungent odor. Although the composition contains chlorine derivatives and hydrochloric acid. Of the minuses, you can highlight the fast consumption. Buyers say that using the tool is comfortable. The cleaning process does not take much time, does not require effort. On sale, the gel is in great demand.

3 Comets

prolonged action
Country: USA
Average price: 169 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The tool is able to keep the toilet bowl clean for a week. Thanks to protective film, which remains after its application, the surface is protected from deep penetration of dirt and microbes. The active substance is sulfuric acid. It contributes to the effectiveness of the drug.

The gel qualitatively cleans any kind of dirt, including water stone, plaque, rust. It's cheap, it's economical. Consumers speak of Comet on the positive side, of the shortcomings noting only the unpleasant smell of bleach. I like the cap with child protection and the duration of action. After cleaning, the toilet acquires its original shine and freshness. According to the hostesses, Comet is an indispensable household helper.


The best ratio of price and quality
Country Russia
Average price: 77 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Gel Sanita has earned a place in our ranking due to its high efficiency in the fight against rust. This is one of the best preparations that can quickly and effortlessly cope with even old rusty streaks. He manages to remove the water stone not so quickly, he has to rub it.

Sanita refers to budget funds. Its main advantage is low cost. In the reviews, buyers note good quality characteristics, no strong smell. The gel is easily washed off, leaves no marks and streaks. However, it is consumed uneconomically, has an inconvenient dispenser and a liquid consistency. Sanita is in demand for excellent rust removal and a “penny” price.

1 Cilli Bang

Better limescale removal
Country: UK
Average price: 162 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Cillit is a gel product. Perfectly removes all types of dirt. The manufacturer has developed special formulas for each type domestic problems. One composition actively fights plaque, stains and rust. The other gives shine and whitens. Contains concentrated hydrochloric acid. It ensures the effectiveness of the product. It is recommended to use Cillit with caution.

The curved spout allows you to remove dirt from hard-to-reach places, for example, from under the toilet rim. Buyers also like the cost-effectiveness of the product, a convenient bottle. Of the shortcomings, only the absence of a protective valve can be distinguished. Otherwise, there are positive reviews about the product. Cillit Bang makes cleaning really easy and fast.