Gabin psychotype description. Description of gaben from a tame owl

General description. Master (SLI, Gabin, ISTP)

1. Appreciates comfort and good things. Convenience of clothes prefers ostentatious beauty. Works well with hands. Acutely reacts to extraneous touches and unpleasant odors. He loves quiet communication with nature. Caring for family and friends.

2. Prudent and economical. Inventive in everyday life and at work, which he likes. Skeptical of slogans and appeals, relies only on common sense. In what he considers right, he is stubborn and uncompromising. Although distrustful of new ideas, but having tested them in practice, he knows how to get the most out of them.

3. Proud and independent. Needs subtle handling, praise and attention. Due to the tendency to skepticism, he does not see well the prospects for future affairs. He is concerned about the issues of timely choice life path. Feels dependent on the vicissitudes of fate.

4. Impressive, poorly in control of his emotions during disputes. He doesn't know how to show his feelings in public. Life's hardships make him prone to "black" humor. At times he is overcome by pessimism and apathy. Instead of encouraging a person, he himself falls under his negative state.

Appearance. Master (SLI, Gabin, ISTP)

SLI is well defined by facial expression. The external appearance is characterized by unemotionality, which from the side is perceived either as coldness and mystery, or as impregnability and internal vulnerability. This impression is produced by sensory subtypes. The logical subtype has a characteristic "cat" smile of a person tuned to seek pleasure. Skepticism and distrust are written on the face. The shape of the face is often tapering downwards. The mouth is calm, even, the lips have the same thickness. They are usually compressed, the corners of the mouth are slightly lowered. SLI has a characteristic gait, which is very helpful in determining this sociotype: a waddling gait, very springy, on slightly bent legs, as if crouching.

The figure of the SLI is usually athletic. He is characterized by a smile in one direction of the mouth, which, due to undisguised skepticism, can be called a smirk. He loves consonant sounds, which is why his speech is rough-rolling. The prevailing style of clothing is informal, everyday-elegant, and also sporty. First of all, the practicality and convenience of clothing, and not external decorations, are striking. Clothes on SLI fit very well, go according to his figure.

The manner of communication. Master (SLI, Gabin, ISTP)

A feature of his manner of communication, which immediately attracts attention, is skepticism of assessments and great stubbornness in judgments. SLI is initially set up to disagree with the interlocutor. These disputes can go on indefinitely. Even if he agrees in words, he will still remain with his opinion. SLI can also be recognized by the nature of the manifestation of emotions in communication. Usually he is cold and unemotional, but if he breaks up, he does not control his emotions: he becomes harsh, rude, choleric. In this state, he gesticulates strongly, is excited, raises his voice.

He never shares his feelings with strangers. He does not like familiarity, obsessive hugs. This is due even physiologically: he has very sensitive skin. He does not tolerate when they climb into the soul. Most of all appreciates the state of peace of mind. He knows how to explain well and clearly. Strives for clarity and brightness of the transmission of material. This feature is clearly visible in the creative manner of the teacher-innovator V.F. Shatalov. Gives good advice on how to get the job done.

Features of behavior. Master (SLI, Gabin, ISTP)

The main feature of behavior that becomes noticeable in more or less close communication with SLI is its pragmatism and orientation towards tangible benefits. Always very economical. It never works just like that, on one enthusiasm. Difficult to get to work. It takes some time before he actively gets down to business. But if he started doing something, he tries to squeeze everything to the last drop.

In everyday practicality, he has no equal. In behavior tends to complete independence. Allows strangers to him only up to a certain limit, when they still do not have a real influence on him. Friendship is highly valued. He welcomes people whenever they come. Will do everything to save a person if he hears a cry for help.

Likes to get thrills different ways: outdoor activities, fast driving, etc. The record for thrills was set by Grigory Rasputin, who, thanks to this feature, hypertrophied in him, went down in history. It has its own clear internal beliefs and requirements for itself, which it stubbornly follows. Moreover, this internal "code of honor" may diverge from the generally accepted norms of behavior. Little is taken into account with the opinion of others about oneself. Always shows great perseverance. Does not obey unreasonable, from his point of view, commands. It only works as it sees fit. This creates a reputation for him as obstinate, quarrelsome, a bully, and so on.

Portrait gallery:

Jean Gabin, Guy de Maupassant, Albert Camus, Agatha Christie and her Hercule Poirot, Georges Simenon and his commissioner Maigret, Miguel Cervantes and his Sancho Panza, Jean Paul Sartre, Francoise Sagan and the heroines of her novels, Ekaterina Dashkova, Somerset Maugham, Monica Vitti , Lyubov Orlova, Vladimir Vysotsky, Andrey Mironov, Elena Solovey, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Margarita Terekhova.

Square signs:

delta quadra; serious, sensible, aristocrat.

Dyad signs:

irrational (cyclotim), stubborn, careless, collectivist.

Individual signs:

introvert, speaker, quest, positivist, sensory, logician, strategist, constructive.

The first function is the level of personality organization, or the principle of existence. Zone of Confidence. "Good"

subjective sensory

the zone of confidence is the state of one's health. Confidence in one's feelings, exact knowledge of whether he is healthy or sick, the ability to explain his feelings. There are no external influences here. Gabin knows well what, how and how to treat. "I feel, therefore I exist." But if I do not feel, do not feel, then I simply do not exist. Feelings of people of this type can vary widely. Gabin is easier than others to adapt to different foods. Moreover, the amount of food can be very different. Sexually conservative.

Minus the first function. Ignore zone. Minus values. "Badly"

object sensorics - form, action, movement, deed, appearance, gestures and facial expressions. Will. My skill, power, influence, money, image

ignore zone. People of this type may not be too attentive to their appearance, the interior of their apartment, the actions of other people, even if these actions are related to them. They are not capable of any monotonous work, for example, to work on an assembly line. They have to make some effort to take care of their appearance. The ability to wear clothes is also not their strong point. Forceful, volitional pressure from other people, they often try to ignore. Children of this type can seem very stubborn.

Second function. Creative. Functioning level. Risk zone. "Necessary"

object logic - the logic of the objective world, objective circumstances, facts. Methods, statistics. Real connection of events. My territory

Gabin is a practical person, a wonderful innovator, that is, he knows well how to go the nearest way, how to save money and even how to get around the law without running into trouble. This is a risk area. For them, creativity is interaction with the material world. Perhaps no one better than Gabin will be able to arrange objects in space, to redevelop an apartment.

These people are interested in learning how the world works, how to put things in order in it. There is always a lot of things around that need fixing and improvement. If the world is in perfect order, then I'm not needed. Gabin, as a rule, does not deal with global things, but makes specific, currently useful improvements to make it more convenient, simpler, easier, cheaper. They count money well, sometimes scrupulously, they know how and on what they can save. Gabin is a rationalization, sometimes reaching such limits that it seems to other people that he has some kind of shift. Well, why does he need this, such a fanatical attitude towards the outside world, things, money, some small objects that are not at all significant for others? But for Gabin they are interesting. This is the area of ​​his creativity.

A person of this type feels the real world, its properties and laws almost physically. He, unlike Don Quixote, has an accurate, not a fantastic idea of ​​the laws and, most importantly, how they operate at the present time. Gabins are practical, they are excellent designers, clerks, accountants and lawyers. The most common social program is the host.

Minus-second function. Zone of standards, standards, stereotypes of behavior. "No need"

subjective logic - my own logic, my understanding, explanation, description, concept, theory. Hierarchy of ideas about what is closer, what is further, what is higher, what is lower. My picture of the world, my worldview. My education, i.e. the system of my images, my school

As a rule, Gabin is content with standard explanations, for him reality itself is much more important: accurate knowledge of the facts, an objective picture of the situation. Theories, of course, are needed, but this is not his strong point. Theoretical, abstract problems are solved by standard methods. Gaben will never argue, explain or prove something. He does not see any interest in this for himself. For Gabin, knowledge of the world is its material development.

Third function. The principle of self-esteem. The place of least resistance. "Problems"

subjective ethics - My attitude towards people. I love someone or something - I don't like it, I like it - I don't like it. My emotions

This is my attitude towards other people: I love - I don't like, I like - I don't like. If I love someone, then I good man; if you don't like it, it's bad. Love for other people is a reason for treating yourself well. He tries in every possible way to protect himself from outside interference in his emotional sphere. It gives the impression of a whole, self-absorbed nature. Idealizing people, he diligently pushes them away from him to such a distance at which the ideal does not collapse. The desire for ideal love over the years makes him a moralist.

Minus third function. Problem Solving Zone

object ethics - External relations. The relationship of people to each other and the relationship of people to me. Emotions of other people

If there is a problem with my relationship to someone, then something needs to be done about the external relationship. As a rule, Gabin solves these issues through the regulation of personal distance. Most relationships in people of this type are determined by this distance. If there is a problem, you need to deal with the distances. All those around him have their own coordinates in his personal space, and the space itself consists of a very narrow inner circle and an outer, usually very wide one. Usually people of this type determine these coordinates in such a way that there is no difficulty in determining their attitude. At the same time, they themselves seem somewhat detached to others. Gabin tries to adhere to the traditional, socially accepted norms of communication, rules of politeness, etiquette. A very common situation for people of this type is the loss of contact with children.

Fourth function. Suggestive. The principle of place evaluation. Motives. "Want"

object intuition - the integrity of the external situation. Sequence of events from start to finish, series of events, schedule. Potential Opportunities. Behavior program, way of life, rhythm of life. Scenario of any action, score

"I want the situation to be transparent - known from beginning to end." Such a desire for external harmony can take Gabin into a measured existence, where everything is known in advance. Gabin, for example, likes to just get on a bus or train and go somewhere. All day can ride. And the impressions are new all the time, and the route is known from start to finish. Such behavior will never seem ridiculous or ridiculous to a person of this type. A good place where there is a certain order. Suggestion is effective if it offers a certain sequence of actions. Huxley easily influences Gabin, subconsciously broadcasting a certain life program.

Representatives of this type are characterized by the desire to protect themselves from unpleasant sensations. Go to a cozy, comfortable solitude, go to a pleasant society, to a "warm company" that allows for easy and non-committal relationships; go into memories that vividly and accurately recreate pleasant impressions once experienced and remembered for a long time. ("I still remember the smell of the freshly cut grass of the football field, which I went out on for the first time in my life...")

Gabens are endowed with an exceptional memory for pleasant sensations. Able to recreate and describe the sensation of color, smell, taste. Describe what you have experienced, seen and heard. (The recollection of sounds in the films of Andrei Tarkovsky (Gabin) is used as a kind of "sensory symbolism"; the expressed sensation carries a certain semantic load).

Gabin knows how to observe the feeling experienced by another person. Moreover, he notices unpleasant sensations especially well. (In Tarkovsky's films, some unpleasant sensations experienced by the characters are filmed at a slow pace and in close-up - so that the viewer has time to pay attention to this detail, since it has a certain semantic meaning).

Gabin is the only one of all types of personality who completely unmistakably notices the very innermost sensations and needs that not every person notices in himself and which he does not always admit to himself. Moreover, Gaben can approach a stranger and tell him about it. Can suggest how to get rid of unpleasant sensations, can help him in this. For example, it can determine by the eyes of a person that he is hungry, he can invite him to his home and feed him. The physical dissatisfaction of a person determines unmistakably, moreover, he cannot remain indifferent to it. Gabin is irritated even by the involuntary observation of other people's suffering.

Gabin greatly values ​​the feeling of physical and spiritual comfort he created. Therefore, he tries to avoid irritants that destroy him. inner harmony. And he can be annoyed by the unaesthetic appearance of someone, and sharp smells or sounds, and dim lighting, and an overloaded interior, and shabby walls, and unpleasant intonations in his voice. Any manifestation of physical and emotional discomfort affects his mood (sometimes even potency), causes him an internal protest, a desire to urgently change the situation. Gabin always tries to isolate himself from surrounding irritants. For example, while at home, he can turn off the phone so that nothing interferes with his pleasant privacy.

Following his sensory system of relationships, Gabin prefers to perceive the harmony of sensations in a complex: the object must be both aesthetic in appearance and pleasant to the touch, color, taste and smell. The harmony of perceived sensations is the main requirement for representatives of this type to the reality around them.

Representatives of this type are characterized by calm, measured plasticity of movements. The combination of external softness and relaxation with internal restraint.

Dress simply, comfortably and tastefully. They love practical, sporty style. They know how to wear any, even work clothes, with casual grace. Regardless of the purpose of clothing, Gabens always feel comfortable and comfortable in what they are wearing. Least of all, Gabin is interested in chasing fashion, since he is rather conservative in tastes. He prefers to look neat and well-groomed, although he does not hesitate to appear in work clothes wherever he pleases.

Gabin knows how to listen to his feelings, likes to talk about them, analyze them. Appreciates natural beauty and sharpness of sensations. The incompleteness of the sensations received, as well as the satiety of them, irritates him, sometimes causes disgust.

Loves and appreciates pleasures in all their manifestations and in no case refuses them; knows how to stretch them for a long time, thanks to its ability to reproduce pleasant sensations in memory again and again. The desire for pleasure for Gabin is rather the norm of life: “And who does not strive for pleasure? But what, you need to live and be sure to suffer? If I had ten lives, I would live one as my mother wants, the other as she wants wife ... But I have one life and I live it the way I want. "

I categorically disagree with the opinion that "you have to pay for every pleasure in this life". Gabin does not accept such a formulation of the question at all. Pleasure in his understanding is an individual mood of subjective sensations. The ability to tune in to receive pleasure is his subjective ability, his individual merit. So, why do you need to pay for this?

Under no circumstances will Gabin jeopardize his personal well-being, comfort and peace. Moreover, he tries not to create such circumstances, and if they have already developed in an unfavorable way for him, he tries to get out of the situation with the least losses for himself.

As a result of such attitudes, Gabin may seem like a selfish and selfish person. And such an opinion of others really significantly complicates the life of representatives of this type. However, the Gabens stubbornly defend their right to live the way they want, motivating it by the fact that they do not intend to cause trouble to anyone and are really very worried if their lifestyle makes someone suffer.

Gabenam gives pleasure first of all to the sensation own forces and your own health. Many of them try to lead a healthy lifestyle. They prefer the sport that is more intense vivid impressions and strong sensations mountaineering, hiking, scuba diving Sport for Gabin is not only a test of endurance, it is also a feeling of fullness of life, brightness and fullness of impressions. (The image of the brave traveler-pioneer unusually attracts representatives of this type, so some of them name Jack London among their favorite writers in the first place).

Many Gabens are happy to adhere to a healthy diet, are fond of vegetarian food or "raw food". Without exception, all representatives of this type are excellent at cooking, practically without learning it. Appreciate the natural beauty of taste sensations Therefore, they can safely adhere to salt-free diet and do without hot spices.

They are seriously engaged in the prevention of their health, diets, gymnastics. Some of them, in an effort to reach the most effective bioenergetic regimen and achieve full concentration of sensations, are fond of yoga, meditate, strive to know the limits of their sensory capabilities.

They like to walk, and in their gait one can feel the coherence and measured automatism of movements. Throughout the walk, the Gabens keep an even, once set pace. They do not like to stop, waiting for the stragglers, so they prefer to walk alone Walking for the Gabens is also a way to focus on their thoughts. The process of walking is sometimes more important for them than the goal of following.

Gabins are endowed with a subtle sense of harmony of color, line and form. They subtly feel color combinations, feel the measure of color saturation, line dynamics, lightness and uncluttered forms.

They do not like overwhelming monumentality. They like simple forms, devoid of decorative excesses. They know how to rationally use space, even in a cramped room they can create the illusion of spaciousness and a feeling of uncongested space. (The sample of Gabin aesthetics is most accurately represented by the aesthetic traditions of Japan, a combination of harmony and functionality of simple and natural forms).

The house does not tolerate unnecessary things and throw them away without regret. In everyday life, they know how to manage small. They know how to organize comfort with the most minimal means. They know how to create a feeling of comfort and well-being under any conditions and circumstances.

EGO block * 2nd position * Creative function * "Business logic"

Representatives of this type are endowed with the ability to act prudently, thoughtfully, expediently in any, the most unforeseen situation. They solve any problem, any technical problem methodically and rationally. They try to get the maximum benefit from any work, they develop any idea so that it is realized with maximum efficiency.

Gabin sees his mission in developing new methods and new technologies. Any scientific discovery interests him from the point of view of practical application.

He applies a rational approach to any work, and his rationalism is primarily aimed at increasing efficiency and facilitating working conditions.

He performs any work qualitatively, methodically, at a measured pace, carefully working through the details. Workplace carefully prepared, equipped with everything you need. Working tools at Gabin are always neatly laid out - sometimes even at the same distance from each other. The process of preparing for work for Gabin is as sacred as the work itself.

Whatever Gabin does, whatever he does, he does everything slowly, thoroughly, getting maximum pleasure from the very process of work.

With enthusiasm, he can take on any interesting business, as long as it brings real, tangible results. Can painstakingly and methodically analyze the most complex and intricate cases. Can successfully perform work that seems completely impossible to others, for example, repair a hopelessly damaged device, using the most unexpected devices for this. (But if Gabin refuses to repair any thing and considers that it has completely lost its functional properties, it can be safely thrown away)

He can divide any complex and intractable problem into several phased, feasible tasks: "... Imagine that your problem is like a huge earthen mountain and you can clear it only if you spread the earth aside in a handful. At least each one handful a day ... And then you see, the problem will be solved by itself. For Gabin, the process of solving a problem is the same kind of work. Therefore, he tries to solve it systematically, consistently, purposefully, with pleasure. (It is a pleasure to know that things are moving forward, albeit slowly.)

Gabin knows how and loves to serve. Concrete assistance in solving business, technical and domestic issues is, in his understanding, the best way to prove your friendship and win favor.

He will never engage in a business that does not bring him moral satisfaction. It is important that his work is well paid, but he can also do it disinterestedly, "as a gift." If the work fascinates him, he is happy to do it in his free time.

In business matters, he prefers to prove his opinion by the results of his work. Satisfied when his work is appreciated. In any case, strives to achieve high professionalism. The assessment of any work - both his own and someone else's, is very critical. Demanding both to himself and to others. His praise is not easy to earn.

Assessing the aesthetic side of the work performed, he attaches considerable importance to the originality of the overall design. (Moreover, originality is sometimes even valued above aesthetics, since Gabin is very suggestible by this aspect. Therefore, a work that does not differ in originality, even if it is aesthetically impeccable, may not cause delight in him. He will also reject a work that does not meet his own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe given topic)

Gabin loves to instruct, explains everything clearly and intelligibly. He knows and loves to teach. (And teach.) He is pleased when, on any occasion, they turn to him for advice or advice. (What Huxley's dual makes excellent use of.) Considers it his duty to teach even the simplest things. (For example, when serving tea, he immediately explains to the guests how he brews it.)

He likes to explain the sequence of his work in an accessible and intelligible form. He likes to work visually, in the presence of "spectators". For example, he repairs an electrical appliance and immediately explains what is the reason for its breakdown and how to properly operate it. (A quality highly valued by his dual Huxley, in whose hands everything breaks very quickly, since he usually does not bother to read instructions, but that is why he is grateful to anyone who undertakes to fix his thing.)

Block SUPEREGO * 3rd position * Normative function * "Intuition of time"

Gabin's time is spent on what gives him pleasure, on what pleases him, on what fascinates him, and on what interests him. And since his interest is sometimes saturated quite quickly, unforeseen voids periodically arise in Gabin's routine, which he spontaneously fills with his favorite work, communication with friends, "self-knowledge".

He loves the unhurried, measured rhythm of life, although from time to time he has a desire to live more intensively and actively.

Representatives of this type prefer to live according to a flexible and mobile schedule, trying not to think or plan anything in advance. For example, Gabin may show up for a meeting he has scheduled, but after 15 minutes feel bored and want to "change the scenery." And since discomfort is beyond his strength to endure, he usually refers to unforeseen, "urgent matters" and goes to where, as he thinks, he can spend time more pleasantly and interestingly.

It is difficult for Gabin to be punctual, although he tries to be in time everywhere. He wants to complete all the planned tasks, he wants the work to be more productive, and the activity more fruitful, so he tries to spend his time productively.

Sometimes he forces himself to plan his day and complete everything planned, but then he notices that the process of working with an eye on the clock does not give him any pleasure. And besides, some temptations constantly arise that he does not want to give up for the sake of his routine .. For example, if he expects to go to his neighbors "for a minute", but finds a pleasant company there, to which he is invited to join, is he can refuse? Thus, his "minute" stretches for several hours (and sometimes it can last until the morning).

It is difficult for Gabin to be in time everywhere, it is difficult to be obligatory. Although it can be very unpleasant for him to pay for his forced optionality (despite the fact that he generally does not like to cause inconvenience to anyone or create any problems). That is why Gabin tries not to make any definite promises. (But what they are promised, as a rule, is fulfilled - with the exception of those promises that are given to them forcibly) And that is why Gabin is comfortable with such a partner who does not require him to report on who knows where and with whom he spent time, no guarantees for the future and is lenient about changing his plans; a partner who does not force him to adhere to the planned schedule at any cost and does not require him to strictly fulfill his obligations.

Such a partner for Gabin is his dual Huxley, showing an example of an even more lax schedule, who perfectly knows how to test Gabin's patience by deliberately being late for an appointment or not coming to it at all. With this tactic, Huxley makes Gabin particularly eager for the appointment, and makes excellent use of the time factor as a kind of tactic, as an instrument of his ethical game. And this is exactly how Gabin perceives it, so he is happy to be drawn into this half-game of a half-relationship, where all the demands are made, as it were, not seriously.

Gabin will not miss the opportunity to demonstrate his insight. Sometimes, on the basis of one short meeting, it can tell a lot of interesting things about a person - about his character, about his proposed actions, about his weaknesses and complexes. He trains his intuition: he tries to predict the development of his relationship with this or that person at the earliest stage of his acquaintance with him.

Usually imposes its pace of development of relations. It tends to sharply reduce the psychological distance from the very beginning, setting a promising tone for the relationship. Maybe in the very first minutes of meeting you can claim physical intimacy and even "if necessary, make an offer" of marriage. Moreover, such a relationship may not continue. And Gabin, as a rule, anticipates this well.

Often plays the role of a consistently successful person who does not have any problems. He usually does not advertise his troubles.

He tends to often start talking about plans for the future. Moreover, he presents his own prospects rather optimistically, while speaking about other people's plans in an extremely skeptical manner. Sometimes he is inclined to dissuade from too bold undertakings Or from those plans that do not coincide with his own intentions. Moreover, if factual arguments are not enough for the necessary persuasiveness, he will not consider it a sin to lie - if only to convince and insist on his own.

This behavior is again explained by his orientation to Huxley's intuition - to Huxley's characteristic property to overestimate his own capabilities. Gabin's skepticism is programmed to save his dual from excessive arrogance and illusions, and by ostentatious self-confidence he proposes to raise his own prestige in the eyes of a partner, trying in all respects to interest him and win over Huxley as soon as possible, with his characteristic insight, usually does not lend itself to on the tactical tricks of Gabin, because he perfectly sees what is behind his conceit, but with pleasure "plays along" with him, because it is integral part that intuitive-ethical game, in the process of which their dualization takes place.

Block SUPEREGO * 4th position * Mobilization function * "Ethics of emotions"

Gabin connects his sensory program in a very peculiar way with the aspect of the ethics of emotions. In his understanding, emotions should be in a subordinate position relative to his program sensory: i.e. no feelings, no mood swings should destroy the harmony of his sensations.

Sensual pleasures against the background of too (or not enough) expressed emotions cease to be pleasant for Gabin. It is very important for him that the emotional coloring of the developing relationship does not interfere with the process of perception of sensory sensations. Therefore, the emotional mood of the partner, and most importantly, the quality of the emotions expressed by him, are extremely important for Gabin. In many cases, Gabin takes on the role of "regulator" of his partner's emotions. For example: if it seems to Gabin that the partner is not emotional enough, he convinces him to "free up" and not be shy about expressing his feelings. But as soon as the “liberated” partner expresses his emotions more frankly, Gabin has an irresistible desire to somewhat cool his feelings, since such emotional ardor seems to him too burdensome and, as it were, obliging to much.

Gabin has his own ways of "adjusting" the emotional impulses of a partner - he inflames him, then cools him down. Moreover, sometimes this is done by changing the psychological distance: Gabin seems to end his relationship with him, then, as if nothing had happened, resumes them again. Moreover, it never occurs to him that by "regulating" a person's emotions in this way, he sometimes makes him suffer very much. But most often, by such behavior, he exposes himself to a stormy and unpleasant showdown, to scandals and tantrums. That is exactly what he is trying to avoid by regulating his partner's feelings like tap water, which is what he ends up getting - lack of peace of mind and serious ethical trouble.

Gabin tries not to allow any emotional impact on himself. Moreover, that is why he tries not to express any emotions, so as not to give rise to emotional impact. Therefore, no matter how the ethical conditions of his relationship develop, Gabin always tries to create the impression of equanimity, emotional impregnability and impenetrability.

Gabin is annoyed by any manifestation of rudeness, rudeness, a sharp and scandalous tone. And although not all representatives of this type are distinguished by impeccable manners, their own rudeness most often manifests itself as a response or as an insult to someone else's tactlessness. (For example, if some initiative of Gabin does not meet with a reciprocal understanding, he can be very offended and even rude.)

He endures criticism of his own behavior as a painful torture, but outwardly he will never show this. Any attempts to chastise Gabin, scold him, make suggestions to him will lead to nothing. He can listen to all this with the most imperturbable look (sometimes even with a smile) and, as if nothing had happened, continue in the same spirit. But this does not mean at all that the suggestion received was absolutely painless and completely unnoticed for him. The seeming insensitivity and impenetrability of Gabin is a defensive reaction to any emotional pressure. The more strongly he is affected, the less emotion he expresses.

No matter how Gabin reacts to the accusations against him, one should not try to bring him out of a state of at least ostentatious peace of mind in order to check how painfully he perceives what is being said. Because this is exactly the situation in which Gabin is absolutely not interested in revealing his vulnerability and deep vulnerability. Initially benevolent and peaceful, he himself suffers from the offense caused, but any attempt to find out the degree of his emotional susceptibility outrages him to the core, as exceptional baseness, as penetration into his "holy of holies" with the meanest intentions. “I don’t like it when they climb into my soul, and I don’t like it when they spit in it” (Vysotsky).

The area of ​​sensory experiences for Gabin is a shrine, this is the greatest and incomprehensible mystery, to which he never lets anyone in. He would rather look like an insensitive idol in someone's eyes than allow someone to discover his true state of mind.

He will try his best to look restrained, calm, in control of the situation, smiling imperturbably, so as not to betray his real feelings. Any attempt to break his "armor" with increased emotional impact (in other words, tantrums and scandals) is perceived by him as a monstrous act that has no equal. And he reacts to this accordingly - with a terrible emotional outburst, which exhausts him very much and which he will later regret.

The question may arise: how can a person who protects his feelings and his peace of mind with all his might, allow himself to conduct other people's emotions? How can he regulate the strength of other people's feelings, make them suffer because of it, and observe their suffering with deliberate calmness?

Such a situation really arises if there is a person next to Gabin who is psychologically incompatible with him. But since Gabin is subconsciously oriented to the flexible emotionality of his dual Huxley, he sees nothing wrong with adapting a partner to his emotional threshold. Perceiving each partner as his dual, he naturally assumes that any person is able to adapt to his emotions without experiencing any difficulties.

And only after repeated collisions with reality, Gabin begins to understand his mistake and experiences it very painfully. As a result of this disappointment, Gabin prefers comfortable solitude to uncomfortable communication. And the theme of loneliness, which is of great concern to Gabin (as well as his dual Huxley), is a consequence of this reason. Frustrated and non-dualized, Gabin tries to perceive his loneliness positively, trying to find in it pleasant aspects for himself. (A quality that is also characteristic of his dual Huxley.)

Block SUPERID * 5th position * Suggestive function * "Intuition of possibilities"

No matter how Gabin tries to develop intuition and the ability to predict and foresee, he has certain difficulties in this regard. For example, he sometimes manages to understand the character of a person only after he hopelessly quarrels with him, not to mention understanding his own character, which often remains an incomprehensible mystery for him, even though he does a lot and with pleasure "introspection" . Gabin often evaluates a person's capabilities through his ethical assessment. (".., - a good person, able to achieve a lot.")

The ability to give an accurate and concise description of any person, as well as the ability to predict the development of relationships, causes Gabin the most sincere respect.

Any science, any scientific method that pushes the boundaries of human capabilities, is perceived by him with interest and respect.

It is very considered with the opinion of people who know how to find a way out of the most difficult situations. He listens with pleasure to recommendations on how to behave in an unforeseen situation or in case of danger. We are very inspired by all sorts of anomalous phenomena. Sometimes he can talk with the most serious look about some anomalous phenomenon that allegedly exists in his house. Maybe how to memorize the multiplication table "rules" of protection against "energy vampires", and then, in all seriousness, teach them.

Respectfully treats people endowed with supernatural abilities. He tries to develop the same abilities in himself.

Very inspired by authorities. A person who has achieved success and recognition inspires his deepest respect. In the event that his own activities do not receive due recognition, he reacts very painfully, since he compares his achievements with the successes of others. Can refer to their titles and merits.

He needs people who are able to find and evaluate his creative abilities, discover his talents and help in their implementation.

He does not like it when his abilities and capabilities are criticized - this causes him an internal protest, since he usually tries to comprehensively develop his talents. Seriously engaged in self-education and self-improvement. An example of other people's successes and achievements is convincing for him only in the form in which it is expressed by his dual Huxley. Only Huxley is able to inspire Gabin, prompting him with original and tempting ideas, captivating him with new, unexplored possibilities.

Block SUPERID*6th position*Activation function* "Relationship ethics"

Gabin always rejoices at the opportunity to have good, good relations. Do not mind expanding the circle of new acquaintances. I am happy when an opportunity is given to render a service to friends. Willingly offers to help. He loves to be asked for advice.

Moreover, Gabin does not impose his services - he simply provides them, without further ado. The provision of services is considered the best way to make acquaintances.

For example, if Gabin strikes up an acquaintance with a woman, then, having appeared for the first time in her house, he often immediately begins to repair something in it, and is so carried away by this activity that sometimes he seems to forget about the purpose of his visit.

And here you can trace two directions in the development of the situation: a psychologically incompatible partner will find this situation uncomfortable, try to distract him from this activity, offer him to rest, relax, have something to drink, etc. And this will be a serious strategic mistake on her part , since Gabin considers such behavior a manifestation of volitional initiative in the development of relations. It will seem to him that the situation is being forced too much, that they are too interested in him and the partner is in too much of a hurry to shorten the distance. In this case, he will quickly feel psychological discomfort, feel that he is losing interest in his partner and will try to "change the situation" as soon as possible.

A psychologically compatible partner acts in a completely different way: she will only encourage his labor enthusiasm and bring him everything that she has in the broken house for repair (or maybe the person just came for this?). Moreover, he will occupy him with work until Gabin himself announces his desire to rest, having previously promised that he will fix everything else next time.

Here the situation develops exactly as it is convenient for his dual Huxley, i.e. the meeting time is spent for the benefit of the household, in addition, some useful prospects for the future arise, and besides, relations develop in such a way that the distance does not shorten. And for Huxley it is very important because it is important for Gabin. Huxley builds his relationship, as it were, out of distance, because he subconsciously knows that it is most convenient for his partner to perceive them this way.

Gabin is really very uncomfortable with a relationship with a rigidly demarcated distance. Because a strictly stipulated distance also implies certain restrictions in behavior, implies some kind of ethical framework and some kind of strict obligations. And where the framework and obligations begin, Gabin feels very uncomfortable. He feels deprived of the right to choose the nature of the relationship in each individual situation. For example, Gabin, tuned in to Huxley's flexible ethics, suggests that when they say "we can be good comrades with you," this should be understood as a hidden allusion to the fact that "we can be physically and spiritually close people with you." But when, adhering to "companionship", the partner strictly keeps him at a "pioneer distance", Gabin feels clearly puzzled. On the other hand, one has only to call a spade a spade, as Gabin begins to feel awkward, and as a result, psychological discomfort.

The Gabens really don't like it when they talk about intimate things openly - for them it's the same as mentioning the name of God in vain. (Therefore, Huxley speaks of intimate relationships in a hint, veiled). Internally, the Gabens are very squeamish and sensitive to any manifestation of vulgarity.

Gabin does not like it when they "clarify" relationships, they do not like clear delineation of rights and duties in them. All the time he is trying to "blur the boundaries" of restrictions, to bring down the distance of the relationship, to make it independent of rights and obligations. "What duties can there be? If I feel good with a person, I will do everything for him anyway ..."

But if Gabin is "bad with a person", he gets out of the situation with the same ease with which they leave the room, he simply turns and leaves, without saying where and without explaining the reasons. He can be reminded of himself very slowly, completely unexpectedly, and even just when they least want to see him. And at the same time, he can sincerely wonder why they do not want to accept him in his former capacity. Has he done something bad? - he just rested from psychological discomfort in order to return to his loved one with renewed vigor. And the fact that it took him too much time to restore his mental strength is his own business and concerns only his subjective feelings. (Although, of course, as part of the "restoration of mental strength", Gabin can develop relationships with several partners at the same time or alternate them alternately.)

As already mentioned, Gabin values ​​​​the harmony of his subjective feelings, as well as his peace of mind, so his ethical relationships are not always easy to develop.

The least of all problems give Gaben well-defined friendships - for friends, he will always find both the time and the desire to do something. Friendship, in his understanding, is a mutual and voluntary relationship.

Relations with children are always very good. Gabens adore their children and grandchildren. In general, they easily find contact with children. (Gabens tend to be excellent teachers.)

Problems begin when a sense of duty is introduced into a relationship. Gaben does not like anyone and owes nothing to anyone. He will visit relatives only when he himself wants to communicate with them: otherwise, communication with them will not give him pleasure. Gabin tries to avoid relationships that are entirely based on duties and obligations. "Courtesy visits" to relatives, where he has to listen to reproaches, instructions, or, even worse, a detailed report of poor health, for Gabin, torture of the third degree. Gabin hates moralizing. It is easier for him to "become good" when he is considered as such.

Doesn't allow himself to be punished. He responds with kindness only if he feels that he is sincerely disposed towards him. He does not allow any attempts to re-educate himself - he immediately moves away or withdraws into himself.

Inclined to sympathy and compassion. He does not show his likes and dislikes. (Unless sometimes he deliberately hides his desires.)

He does not stick out his merits, but tries not to deal with ungrateful people. He does not like to ask for anything - because even without a request he knows how to achieve what he needs.

A partner with whom he feels good and with whom he feels pleasant and calm, trusts completely and unconditionally, allowing him even some frivolity in behavior.

A partner with whom there is no complete understanding, does not trust and is jealous for the slightest reason. He considers himself too gullible, believes that he can be easily deceived. For this reason, few people are allowed to approach him at close range.

A close distance arises for him from relations "out of distance" - on the basis of a very sensitive, flexible and mobile ethics of relations, i.e. just such as is characteristic of his dual Huxley. Gabin's close relationships with representatives of other psychological types are rather difficult and problematic.

Block ID * 7th position * Observational function * "Volitional sensory"

He knows how to exert the strongest volitional pressure, and he never uses an orderly tone for this. In the case when Gabin needs to subordinate a person to his will, he does this by influencing his sensual sensory - he begins to express a whole "gamut" of the most unpleasant sensations: impatience, painful desire, irritation, suffering, resentment, hostility. As a result of such an impact, the most intolerable sensory discomfort is created, which painfully affects people whose sensory sensations are located in vulnerable or subconsciously regulated positions.

Acting in this way, Gabin relatively easily achieves the satisfaction of many of his desires and requirements. He uses the same method to sharply "reduce the distance" with his eternally elusive dual Huxley.

Gabens have no idea about the strength of their volitional influence. They do not realize it, do not feel it, do not realize it. Often they themselves seem to be soft, complaisant people. It is not always understood why others give in so quickly to them, and usually they attribute these "concessions" to the "weakness of human nature" or attribute them to a probable coincidence of desires.

For his part, Gabin carefully ensures that no volitional influence is exerted on him personally, and this "observation" is realized in him subconsciously.

Every time an attempt is made to put pressure on Gabin, he begins to experience unpleasant sensations: fear, tension, excitement, irritation. He seeks to get rid of these sensations as soon as possible, therefore it is always the simplest and most accessible way comes out of the situation - simply, turns around and leaves, saying nothing and not answering any questions. It is impossible to detain him or return him: under "volitional pressure" Gabin does not return. (If this occurs in a situation telephone conversation, Gabin can interrupt the conversation and turn off the phone, and in addition to everything, he can also leave the house so that no one will find him for sure.)

Any attempt to deprive Gabin of the opportunity to get out of the situation will again lead to nothing - he, like a partisan, will endure any test, but will not submit to pressure and will not show his weakness. (IN conflict situation can sometimes create the appearance of concession, but this is a kind of tactical ploy)

Like any representative of the fourth quadra, Gabin greatly appreciates his inner freedom and independence and will not allow anyone to encroach on it: he is not shy before his superiors, does not obey orders, does not respond to commands - in any situation he acts only at his own discretion.

You can get any concession from Gabin only if you ask him in a soft but persistent form. Sometimes even enough in the form of half-hints. There is nothing even to count on direct volitional pressure.

Block ID*8th position*Demonstrative function* "Logic of ratios"

In a situation of clash of opinions, it is very important for Gabin to have the last word. It is very important that his point of view be recognized. (Aspects of "volitional sensory" and "logic of relations" are sometimes included in the work at the same time, since they are located on the same block) Getting involved in the argument, Gabin sometimes even seems to forget why he is doing it. And he often argues not out of a search for truth, but out of a desire to impose his point of view or out of a desire to show himself no more stupid than others. Moreover, the lower the level of Gabin's intelligence, the more aplomb he demonstrates it. It happens that Gabin uses obviously unacceptable methods in a dispute: he refers to some little-known, almost fictitious authorities, cites some dubious facts from sources of little authority. And what is characteristic - he always insists on the indisputability of his "arguments".

An argument with Gabin does not always bring intellectual pleasure to his opponents. Due to his weak intuition, he, as a rule, does not often express his own original thoughts. Therefore, the whole controversy usually comes down to not always appropriate quoting, which sometimes only leads away from the topic under discussion, and, in addition, losing the initiative in the dispute, Gabin begins to either put pressure or get nervous and annoyed - both of which can be very unpleasant to watch .

Gabin will not miss the opportunity to demonstrate his knowledge in various fields, and he does not need prior preparation for this. His interests are indeed quite extensive, but because of this they are often superficial. Therefore, every time an opportunity is given to speak on a topic familiar to him, Gabin does this, practically without thinking and without thinking too much about the meaning. (According to the principle “what I see, I talk about it.”) Moreover, the absurdity of his own statements sometimes does not bother him at all: the main thing for him in this situation is to give the impression of an “interesting” interlocutor.

This impression is primarily designed for his dual Huxley, who usually perceives a person as he presents himself.

Demonstrative reasoning is important for Gabin also insofar as it implies a double psychological meaning. On the one hand, this is the meaning of his reasoning, to which he, it would seem, does not even always listen, on the other hand, the sly and meaningful irony that he expresses at this moment with a look - and a slightly restrained smile and which has nothing to do with the essence of his reasoning.

It is precisely this meaningful irony that is the most important element of his ethical play. She switches the listener to a completely different plane of relations, forcing him to perceive Gabin's logical reasoning as just a background or as an occasion to attract attention. And Huxley, with his magnificent ethical intuition, immediately understands this unmistakably. He understands that no matter what is being discussed now, for Gabin this is just an excuse to get in touch, this is just a way to attract attention and keep it.

Against the background of such "logic" Huxley feels that he can speak quite calmly on any topic without fear of being caught in logical contradictions. Huxley understands that the logical sense will not be heeded here, since there is another game going on here, to which logic has nothing to do.

The demonstrative logic of Gabin is the most important element of the "ethical game", during which he dualizes with Huxley.

This also explains the desire of Gabin to make a favorable impression on the aspect of logic. It is very important for him not to drop his prestige in front of the audience under any circumstances, since Huxley does not sympathize with the losers. In addition, Gabin, subconsciously oriented to Huxley's superficial and changeable interest, knows how difficult it is to get his attention and how difficult it will be to keep it.

And yet it would be wrong to say that always and under all circumstances, the demonstrative prudence of Gabin is only a kind of posturing. Not at all! After all, there are some aspects that really occupy their attention! And analyzing them, the Gabens no longer claim to be demonstrative. This applies, for example, to the area visual arts, where few can compare with representatives of this type in the ability to give comparative analysis colors or compositions of this or that artist.

The sensory aspect of sensations is the richest topic for Gabin's logic. Gabin can see the deepest philosophical meaning in the compositional arrangement of color and tonal spots. For example, any of Andrei Tarkovsky's films is aesthetically an example of Gabin's philosophy. Here is a strictly symmetrical construction of the frame, and its layout in the form of a triptych (three-part composition), and the play of color and tonal spots, and the play of planes; here are both spatial and textural effects so that they can be felt as if by touch; the play of light and shadows, the play of sounds - the symbolism of sounds, the symbolism of sensations. And all this sensory symbolism is filled with deep content and philosophical meaning. Through these sensory symbols, the deepest social, psychological, ethical and philosophical aspects are expressed and considered.

With the help of logical symbols, Gabin expresses the world of his subtlest sensual sensations, the state of his deepest experiences. "Sensory symbolism", in turn, fills his subjective sensations with meaning and meaning and makes them accessible to the understanding of the people around him.

Are you ready, children?
-Yes captain!
-I can not hear you!
-Who sat a hole in the couch?
- Spongebobsquarepants Sensory Logic Introvert!

So Gabin. Gabens are very lazy creatures. Pay attention to the sofa, this individual has been grazing on it for 36 hours now, getting up only to go to the toilet. Representatives of this species do not like it when someone invades their habitat (sofa) and tries to prevent them from hunting laziness. However, the Gabens rarely hunt - they are too lazy. Gabens are very fond of sleeping, this is one of the few species that is able to sleep 30-40 hours a day.

But let's leave this boring style of narration.

Primary - White sensory
Gabins, for all their laziness, are quite economic, everything is in the house, everything is in the house. If something breaks at home, they fix it. It’s true that you first have to ask them for half a year, then half a year to explain why you can’t do it yourself, then listen for a long time how mediocre and armless you are (if you are their son), but then they will get up (from the sofa), make a heroic face and they will go to repair / paint / make repairs. They will do for a long time, and it will even seem that it is of high quality. True, nothing will come of it, and you still have to call the builders / painters / plumbers.

But they are unpretentious in food, they can eat dumplings from the store for months. However, if the Cooking Whim descends on them, they will cook something phenomenal, even if it is all the same dumplings only fried, with spices, it will still come out incredibly tasty, you can’t take away their white sensory, of course.

Working - Black logic
They have a good memory. Easily trained if you have enough perseverance. Easily succumbed to the provocations of bad children from the class to drink beer and smoke, but if they are kept at school, they will be smart enough.

Gabenas also love to talk. but they talk about nothing, but only with the help of Verified Information ™. However, they generally like to talk, teach and tedious. The dialogue with the gabin always, always smoothly and quickly develops into a monologue of the gabin. And that's it, it's forever. In principle, as soon as they started a monologue, you can occasionally nod, say “yes-yes” and calmly go about your business, especially when they tell for the 17th time how they went hunting and taam for the 17th time ...
Gabin always knows what's best. Even if you are a certified electrician / builder / plumber, they still know best, and, unfortunately, they will definitely tell you.

Pain - Black Ethics
Despite the fact that they are stubborn like a thousand sheep and their firm and confident position in the dispute is as difficult to shake as conquering Everest alone, winning the argument is quite easy. It's enough to cry. Or yell. They do not tolerate any strong emotions, and immediately hide in their shell (sofa), leaving you the winner.
Although if Gabin is your boss, he will yell himself, and how. And hell, you're already doing something here. By the way, if the gabin began to yell (and this already means an extreme degree of irritation), then it’s enough to say “What are you talking about?” and it will throw them off track.

Role - White intuition
As for spiritual development, theater, opera, ballet, music, painting - this is not for them. Let me remind you that they are always too lazy, too lazy to understand music, too lazy to understand painting, it would be easier for them. “He gave a little coat to a rose, sang a Negro melody” - this is what you need, simply, vitally and with soul. And the theater is also uncomfortable. You have to sit there for 3 hours, in a suit, you can’t put on house slippers. Short horror and gloom, better at home on the sofa.
Sometimes they try to add poetry, but only Vysotsky succeeded.

They dress anyhow, but are trained, for a long time, but possible. If you have the patience to change them from an old sweater, worn jeans and pointy-toed shoes into a suit with normal shoes, they will look like a miracle. They go.

Kaif - Black intuition
Gabens are suggestible. Especially if you scare them with the prospect of becoming a janitor (if you don’t scare them, they will), and do it in short and succinct phrases. In general, they need to be guided through life. Leaving aside all my sarcasm, I can say that these guys are certainly powerful and self-confident, but they can’t see beyond their noses. And if they do not show. what is going on beyond their noses, they will begin to blame everyone around them for all their mistakes, mostly relatives. Although at the same time they consider themselves connoisseurs of human souls.
Anything technical or historical is preferred to fiction.
Another important thing is that Gabin is not reflected in the mirror. It’s not that they are vampires, it’s just that in the mirror they see what they were told, for example - “you have lost so much weight, have you signed up for the gym?” and in the mirror they will see a slim and lean body, regardless of what everyone else sees.

Semi-high - White Ethics
Gabins are suggestible, and they feel bad flattery. They constantly demand from others to be loved, even if not for anything, just for what they are. They generally love only those who love them, if you stop, they will stop. They are sticky, so it is rather problematic to drive the Gaben out of the house if he is tired. He will moan that he is alone in this unfriendly world. It was especially fascinating to watch one day how Gabin and Balzac parted ways. A year and a half, probably, a more boring spectacle cannot be imagined.
In principle, if you praise them for a long time and stubbornly, you can make them do anything. For example, get off the couch and start a hobby.
It's not that Gabin is just as passive as I tell him, he becomes lazy and slow only if he has found a partner who satisfies him. If there is none - Gabin can be cheerful, cheerful, energetic and easily raise to any movement, up to a hunger strike.

Annex - White Logic
Despite all of the above, the Gabens are pretty good bosses, responsible and hard-working. True, they demand servility from subordinates, but these are costs. They understand well what status and system are. If you have a high status in their eyes, it is quite easy to negotiate with them. If not, it's impossible.

Ignore - Black sensory
Gabin will never trade convenience and devour for hellish work 20 hours a day to earn a lot of money. They don't need much money at all. By and large, they need just enough to have a full bowl at home.
It is useless to put pressure on them, they will get drunk and there will be no sense.
The upbringing of children is monitored strictly and rigidly.
Well, that's all, for today, I take my leave for this.

P.S. I decided to experiment with model A. This idea is far from perfect, but in my opinion many things are clearer this way.

If you have any questions or want to determine your type, or understand the relationship, you can sign up for a consultation.

As a rule, sensory plump, sometimes even plump, a girl of this type is distinguished by great certainty. Looking at her, you can decide that she certainly knows her own worth (although she has a different opinion on this matter).

Her face is more rounded. In a calm state, some representatives are characterized by an extinct look, as if directed inward, and lowered corners of the lips. Condescending skepticism and a constant readiness for irony are also clearly visible in the look.

Usually GABENKA is calm, unfussy, solid, weighty. Even if her figure is not too slender, it is still impossible not to notice the beautiful plasticity of movements, in which lazy grace comes through. She holds herself downright royally - this is her natural state. She has the most self-esteem. She rightfully occupies the space she needs and requires an appropriate attitude towards herself.

Benevolence and restraint - her business card at the first meeting. She, as it were, slowly looks at the interlocutor, watches how he will behave and whether he can be trusted. At the same time, you will not see any unnecessary advances on her imperturbable face - only the most necessary courtesy.

GABENKA dresses properly, neatly and beautifully, regardless of how much money she has. The clothes are good, practical and comfortable. Favorite tones are dark, calm. No flashy colors or unthinkable combinations of bright colors. In a word, the clothes look exceptionally harmonious on her, making up a successful ensemble with a figure, hair and eye color, and also always perfect for the occasion and match the weather.

Despite the fact that GABENKA is an introvert and is not very interested in people, she loves to chat and laugh with close people or with her good friends. Often she herself sets a playful, ironic tone, successfully amusing her interlocutor (or employees in the room). Conversations with girlfriends (in person or on the phone) can last for hours. She also enjoys gathering her friends over from time to time. She enjoys these evenings, where she is the center of attention, with almost no effort (I hope you didn’t think that GABENKA could take on the functions of an entertainer! And you did it right.)

As a little girl, GABENKA is very successful at school, preferring physics and less often mathematics with literature. She is quite diligent in the lower grades, although gradually, as she grows older, the need to regularly do her homework begins to tire her. She learns, as a rule, without enthusiasm, although she can show conscientiousness. She does not like physical education too much, sports rarely attract her. In puberty, she often becomes intractable and stubborn, can act in her own way if she is forced to do what she does not like. Moreover, it is quite difficult to predict such behavior. When this happens, you will simply find out in hindsight that she did so.

Little GABENKA rested with her parents in the south. Once she fainted in the sun and had to be hospitalized. Having done a tomography, the doctors were seriously worried and told the mother that it was necessary to leave the child in the hospital for at least a week, conduct a more thorough examination and prescribe appropriate treatment. Mom agreed, but said: "Just you know, she does not want to stay here, and she will leave anyway." When the next day the attending physician came to do a round in the morning, the girl was no longer there.

She can do the same with the institute later. If for some reason it seemed to her that studying did not give her anything, it would be extremely difficult, and sometimes impossible, to prevent her decision to leave the institute. However, here much depends on how much parents managed to discipline her in childhood.

The difficulty of communicating with GABENKA (for both parents and other people) is that she is always convinced of the correctness of her actions and does not listen to anyone. She has her own opinion on everything, and she does not need anyone's advice. In a word, it is almost impossible to influence her, as well as to force her to do something that was not part of her plans.

For the same reason, she is quite difficult to please. If you begin to get acquainted with this girl, pay attention to how easily she picks up your jokes, how quickly she responds to them with sharp, ironic remarks. You will never be able to confuse her, because she is smart, resourceful and witty.

In order for the acquaintance to be successful, you need to know some of its features. Let's start with her arrogant look and skeptical attitude towards everyone and everything - after all, at the first moment, this may scare someone away. However, don't let the external impregnability of GABENKA mislead you. In fact, this girl is somewhat inherent in the spirit of adventurism. She is quickly captivated by the thought of new opportunities and small adventures that she can plunge into with her head with a good companion. True, if there is no friend (or girlfriend) nearby, she herself will not take the initiative. She definitely needs someone who will stir her up and will happily jump around, warming up her enthusiasm.

In addition to her love of adventure and the desire for new experiences, she sincerely believes that anything can happen in life. Of course, she will deny this in every possible way, demonstrating impenetrable skepticism about everything in the world, but deep down she believes in miracles. So if you want her to like it, feel free to open up new opportunities and perspectives for her, surprise her with unexpected (but pleasant) turns in the relationship.

What she doesn't like is stupid pranks because she doesn't find them funny. So resist the temptation to tell her that her back is all white. Believe me, this will not cause any reaction, except for bewilderment or doubt in your mental abilities.

More than anything, this girl appreciates comfort. So, on the first date, you should not call her somewhere on the White Sea, where, as you think, it would be very romantic to live together in tents and feed mosquitoes. Consider also that she is extremely picky about food, so she is unlikely to be attracted to the idea of ​​​​eating porridge and stew all her vacation.

If you invite her to a restaurant, watch how carefully she studies the menu, with what suspicion she treats new dishes unknown to her. GABENOKS are also characterized by the manner of first smelling what they brought, and only then eat. And yes, if you like it. We also note that this girl never pounces on food, no matter how hungry she may be. She will sit sedately over the plate and maintain a long, intelligent, unhurried conversation, and only then, as if by chance, will she begin to eat carefully, without drawing anyone's attention to this process.

But these are just external manifestations of your girlfriend. With the world of her soul, everything is much more complicated. It is useful to know that a closed and seemingly unemotional GABENKA is able to experience love for years, experiencing stable platonic feelings for her chosen one. It is characteristic that she will never do anything, and if the opportunity does not arise, her lover may never even know about her love!

The only thing she does when she wants to please is to dress herself especially carefully, decorating herself with great taste. She pays so much attention to clothes and makeup, takes care of herself so much that she brings her appearance to unthinkable perfection. And waiting. If nothing has happened for many months or years, she says to herself: "So it's not destiny."

If in your case everything happened differently, and you managed to meet this girl and arouse her interest, then do not think that your adventures ended there.

You must take into account that the currents of emotions, feelings and experiences hardly make their way into the depths of her soul. And their ways are completely inscrutable. This girl can ignore the attraction between you for a long time, not respond to your sympathy, pretending that there is nothing between you (sometimes she really doesn’t know anything about it). But if you, in the end, managed to awaken love in her, everything can end in serious passion.

This, however, will not prevent her from often keeping her chosen one at a considerable distance and exhausting him with trials. So she regulates the distance and, thus, voluntarily or involuntarily achieves an increase in the intensity of passions. In the process of courtship, get ready to perform constant feats of a domestic scale - carry her bags, fix things, repair TVs and tape recorders, move furniture, hang pictures, and so on. For this you will receive a very mean gratitude, very similar to royal mercy. She doesn't think you're doing anything out of the ordinary! (How could you think that?!)

When the worries of the period of courtship end and GABENKA becomes a wife, then here she shows herself from the best side. She is, in fact, reliable, responsible and economic, moreover, she is characterized by her own style in housekeeping.

Whatever the income of your family, GABENKA will always find an opportunity to live well even on very modest means. At the same time, she herself and her family will look clean and tidy. Clothes can be bought second-hand, but they will always be in order - no worn out clothes, no stretched T-shirts, no trousers with bubbles at the knees. Her highly developed aesthetic sense and the desire for beauty and neatness will never let her sink.

With regard to food, she is characterized by minimalism, which manifests itself in the fact that she does everything economically, quickly and tasty. She is too lazy to stand at the stove for a long time, but she always knows how to shorten this time and save her own efforts. If GABENKA works, then, as a rule, she will develop a set of daily meals that are easy to prepare in a short time. For the holidays, you can expect pickles, as she knows how to cook very tasty.

A woman of this type treats children as friends, although at times quite strictly. They are rarely spoiled, because they are subject to certain, and very stringent requirements. We can say that this is a demanding, strict mother, who, in a calm state, is not averse to showing humanism.

GABENOK make very good workers. They are responsible, reliable, diligent, able to bring any business to the end. Often women of this type become engineers, economists, doctors, directors, heads of firms. They can also be found where you need to work with your hands - in hairdressing salons, in ateliers, among repair workers.

But the representatives of this type (as, indeed, the men of GABEN) have a special talent for working with the word. Almost any GABIN, who has received normal development and education, is able to clearly express his thoughts both orally and in writing. They perfectly understand not only the meaning of what is written, but also the beauty of the style. That is why they often make excellent editors, poets and writers.

But wherever GABENKA works, her boss always knows two things about her: what she has high qualification and the fact that this employee can be relied upon. Although at the same time, almost every boss knows that her character is very difficult - independent and uncompromising. In any case, it becomes very quickly clear that it will not be possible to hang any extra work on GABENKA.

On the other hand, the employees whom GABENKA has chosen for herself as comrades (she usually has no more than one or two real friends) love and appreciate her. The role of the main favorite of the team is very attractive to GABENKA and, I must say, she almost always succeeds. With her and fun, and you can talk on interesting topics.

By the way, one of Gabenka's favorite trump cards, with the help of which she very successfully entertains others, are all kinds of divination systems and esoteric knowledge. Regularly referring to them, over time, she begins to quite confidently understand feng shui, divination on tarot cards, astrological forecasts, solitaire games and other systems of this kind. They help her see into the future, about which she has a very vague idea.