What is inner freedom. How to find inner freedom and harmony in the soul? Inner freedom is the basis of successful self-realization

Despite the fact that the theme of freedom seems so attractive, most people prefer to run from it like hell from incense (this is a well-known phenomenon described by Erich Fromm in his book "Flight from Freedom"). At the same time, some sincerely lie to themselves that they are actually free, that they can do whatever they want, not noticing or not wanting to notice that the scope of their freedom is reliably and severely limited by the norms of upbringing, petty-bourgeois or intellectual morality, parental attitudes, stereotypes of behavior.

As Goethe said about this, " the biggest slavery- not possessing freedom, consider yourself free"("Elective affinity"). In this they are reminiscent of alcoholics, who, drinking a "chekushka" every evening, sincerely believe that they are not slaves of alcohol, but only "drink culturally."

First step to freedom

As in the case of any illness, where the path to recovery begins with the recognition of the very fact that you, friend, are sick, the path to finding inner freedom begins with the realization that you are really a slave. First of all, the slave of the ways of thinking "installed" in your unconscious in the course of upbringing and socialization, worldview attitudes, rules of conduct, decision-making criteria, etc., that are inadequate to reality.

As a result, many things that a person would like or could do and which would bring him new opportunities, new resources, pleasure from life, happiness, comfort and spiritual well-being, he does not do, because "it is indecent", "shameful", "normal people don't do that" and other "stoppers". As a result, he lives a relatively well-fed and safe life, deceiving himself every single day that everything with him, in general, is not bad, that he lives, in principle, no worse than others.

"The unfortunate fate of many people is the result of a choice they have not made. They are neither alive nor dead. Life turns out to be a burden, an aimless occupation, and deeds are only a means of protection from the torments of being in the realm of shadows."

Erich Fromm.

To recognize oneself as a slave is unpleasant, uncomfortable, painful for pride, but without this one cannot find inner freedom. You can lay clean fresh parquet on a leaky rotten floor, and for a while everything will be fine, for a while the illusion of "repair" will work. But one day the floor will fail along with the parquet and the unlucky poor fellow who laid it.

Methodically squeeze the slave drop by drop

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, in a letter to his colleague Alexei Suvorin, advised:

"Write a story about how a young man, the son of a serf, a former shopkeeper, singer, high school student and student, brought up on servility, kissing priests' hands, worshiping other people's thoughts, thanking for every piece of bread, cut many times, going to lessons without a galosh who fought, tortured animals, loved to dine with rich relatives, hypocrites both to God and people without any need, only out of the consciousness of his insignificance - write how this young man squeezes a slave out of himself drop by drop, and how, waking up one fine morning, he feels that it is no longer slave blood, but real human blood that flows in his veins ... ".

Suvorin did not write the story, but the phrase became catchy.

It is precisely to squeeze slaves out of oneself drop by drop that is the only possible, reliable and effective strategy for gaining inner freedom. This process is not very pleasant, painful, because you have to tear out from the flesh of your consciousness the slavish attitudes and ideas about life that have firmly sprouted there. This is definitely not a comfortable walk along the seashore (as many people imagine the process of personal growth).

Well, what exactly to do is generally clear. And now, please, how exactly to "squeeze a slave out of yourself", how to increase the level of inner freedom in yourself? Perhaps this is the question that interests the reader the most. And, perhaps, I will disappoint him by saying that how - this, in fact, is the whole process of methodical and consistent (but unlike technical instructions) personal growth, regular work to squeeze out of your psyche different kind locks. Yes, there are special techniques for this, but the point is not in the techniques, but in the intention and self-discipline. What is the use of a pistol if at the right moment there is no inner readiness to pull the trigger to shoot?

On the road to freedom

The main obstacle to freedom is not outside, but inside. This concentrated expression of all the restrictions imposed by society on the individual can be called an internal controller or overseer. You can consider it a "program", an aspect, a subpersonality, inner voice, Freudian Super-I - the name is not important. It is important to understand its function. And it is very simple - not to let you go beyond what is permitted by the prevailing system of ideas about life in society (morality, culture, historical and ideological mythologemes, etc.).

The overseer indicates what to think about and what not to do, because it is "indecent", "shameful", "shameful", "uncomfortable", "not good", "wrong", "bad" and so on and so forth. . Since you are not aware of the fact that your behavior is controlled by the taskmaster, it seems that it is all you think and do, that this is your choice. But it's not.

Path to freedom is the way to weaken the overseer. It is impossible to defeat him, and it is not necessary, since such a victory means a final break with society, and hence the rejection of self-realization, because self-realization involves active activity in society, promoting its change and development. The desire for absolute freedom, in fact, is a fiction, unattainable within the framework of a separate human life.

And in order to weaken the overseer, one must be strong. Strong in spirit. Be aware of and control your aspirations, desires and other motivations. This is again the way of working on oneself, the way of serious, adult personal growth.

Surrounded by slaves

Many researchers noticed that, despite all the progress in social relations, a person did not become freer from this. The reason here is that freedom also has a downside - you have to answer for it. Before yourself. Since all your decisions have consequences, and the consequences tend to affect you in the most direct way, before taking any serious step, you need to think carefully, weigh the risks. It is easier for a person who is not free - decisions are made for him by others. And even if he still feels the consequences in his own skin, but the responsibility for this can always be pushed onto others - they say, "it's their fault." From this, the soul becomes more comfortable.

Therefore, most people are internally slaves. So it's easier and easier for them. These slaves, like dogs tamed by man, can be different. Slaves are well-fed, slaves are hungry and dissatisfied, slaves are well-groomed, fattened, idle, slaves are chained, slaves are pitiful in their insignificance, slaves in the "bread place", retired slaves and so on. But you can’t despise them for this, only weak and vile people scoff at the unfortunate.

Therefore, we need the understanding that everything around us is a slave, first of all, to realize one simple, but looking (from the point of view of the internal "taskmaster") terrifying thought. This idea is as follows: the opinion of others is always the opinion of slaves, and the value of the opinion of slaves is equivalent to the value of a dog barking at a passing caravan. In other words, the quality of an internally free person is a complete disregard for the opinions of others. Agree, the idea is seditious. But there is no other way.

Inner freedom is the basis of successful self-realization

It is obvious that the smaller the framework inside a person, the more successful he is in his actions, since he is able to do such things and in such ways to solve the tasks that an ordinary person is not even able to think about, since they are beyond his slave worldview.

For example, it didn’t occur to people with a slave worldview that medicine could be obtained from mold (the invention of penicillin by Fleming), because mold is “kaka”, digging into it is “indecent”, somehow inconvenient to the question of others - “what are you doing ?" - answer "digging in the mold." Somehow not solid.

If we imagine this as a metaphor, then a free person climbs a tree (that is, engages in personal growth) and surveys life from there in all its breadth and splendor, understands what's what, where, where and why. While an internally unfree person with a slavish morality is trampling around, because it’s scary to climb up, but it requires effort, if only without any labor! And right at the top. And the unfree sees only bushes, trunks, windbreaks and the darkness of the forest. And so he lives his life in ignorance and according to someone else's rules, without realizing his potential. Sorry for him.

Therefore, for those who want to build their lives on their own, according to their own canons, according to their own, worked out, suffered through, based on real facts worldview. Who wants to live his life happily, fully, doing what he wants, to realize his life purpose, having built his relations with the world in the way that suits him. For such people, the question of gaining inner freedom is a matter of a breath of oxygen. Without any "either-or".

Once again, opening your eyes, out of habit you scroll through everything that is planned for the day. And every time there are more and more bright and pleasant moments that you look forward to. This, perhaps, is freedom - to do exactly what you like ...

I remember the moments when I was just starting to engage in self-development and didn’t even have plans to open my own blog in my thoughts, I didn’t even think about the issues of freedom, happiness and good nature. Perhaps that is why it should be separated from each other.

Most often, business people who are accustomed to competition and understand that without this it is impossible to stay on the pedestal come to the issues of continuous self-improvement. They are looking for opportunities to increase the margin of time, achieve goals, improve the quality of their own performance. It's commendable, but...

Many of them forget about the other side of self-development - the development of the soul. We are used to the fact that we constantly train our brain (consider education) and body, but it is not customary to think about our own soul and taste of life. I won't say what it leads to. My readers are so smart that they are able to imagine the tragedy of spiritual emptiness with tangible physical success.

However, the development of the soul is the most difficult and long task. There are also no boundaries, but there is something more. Although… today I wanted to talk about how to find inner freedom. Although this post complements the topic of spiritual development, it still does not reveal its entire essence. Therefore, if you do not want to miss material on this topic, I advise you to subscribe to blog updates.

So how do you get freedom? What needs to be done so that every day brings only satisfaction, and does not represent a series of tasks that suck out vitality? We'll talk about this below.

How to find inner freedom

Each person has his own answer to the question of how to find inner freedom. I will tell you what principle I adhere to. I am not saying that it is the only true one or that it can even work for other people. I just want you to understand the very essence of inner freedom and at least try to get closer to it.

In fact, I understand it this way: you just do what you have a soul for, while experiencing real pleasure from life. This must be difficult to understand, since we are convinced of our beliefs, and I am not a great expert at putting words into sentences.

It's just that often we copy the beliefs of other people or simply impose them on us. At the same time, we can be firmly confident in the absolute authenticity of our views. But it's not. It only takes once to try the actions that resonate in your heart, and you will forever learn to distinguish them from hundreds of others. It is impossible to describe (at least to me), it remains only to try.

I have formulated a short and simple rule. I have noticed more than once that simple principles and practice bring the greatest results. So: in order to gain inner freedom, it is necessary to constantly get rid of false beliefs, actions, prejudices and reveal your own.

Let's say. In the team you are considered a beautiful person. You are constantly told about your beauty. You are often compared to others beautiful people. Therefore, you are completely convinced that you are really beautiful. But one day you attend a beauty pageant and realize that compared to them, you are mediocrity. These will be your beliefs.

Reverse example. In the team you are considered incapable. Your boss constantly tells you that you are dragging the company down. Other employees do not appreciate you and consider that you are only a nuisance. Of course you will think the same. But in practice, it may turn out that you are a talented and capable person.

But these are raw examples. In fact, everything in life is much more complicated and often it is impossible to distinguish your beliefs from others. Let's talk about something more practical...

I noticed that it is much easier to achieve inner freedom if you apply this rule to real actions. That is, for the cases in which we are constantly engaged.

I have been a copywriter for a long time. At first it was hard, but soon I managed to reach a fairly good level of income. At the same time, I really didn't like this job. It gave a certain financial freedom, but it took away all the strength and was very annoying. I didn't like to write articles on topics that didn't interest me.

The way out turned out to be banal simple: abandon this practice. And you know, I never once regretted it.

It is necessary to gradually abandon the cases that bring nothing but devastation and concentrate on what you really like. Then you can always choose what you really want.

This practice can bring you tangible results in other areas. For example, if you give up routine tasks that are not of practical use, you will be able to save more time. In addition, you will have more energy to focus on a specific task, where you can achieve incredible results.

This is a very long and slow process. The result cannot be felt in a month or two. I had the first feeling of complete freedom of action after about a year. But I still understand that this is only the beginning of the journey. But this path is worth it.

Practical part

Find a goal, task, or just a business that brings you only spiritual devastation. Try to phase it out gradually. This can be done in parts (for example, every other day) or gradually (reducing the duration by a short period daily). At the same time, start doing what you really enjoy. For example, you can give up daily traffic jams in favor of walking or cycling. The easiest option, in my opinion, to feel the beauty of this method.

Try other areas of work. Perhaps among them there is something that you really have a soul for. For example, I recently realized that I really like to draw. Now, instead of reading blogs, I spend more time drawing. Something like this.

OK it's all over Now. If you have any questions - write in the comments. And don't forget to subscribe to blog updates. Till!

Inner freedom is a state when, under any circumstances, we choose what is good and suitable for us. And the mirror of our freedom is relationships with other people. How to free your soul from negativity that limits inner freedom and learn to be happy? Let's talk about this today with Angela Kharitonova, a practical psychologist.

I am a serious person, I work, I have a wife and a son. In a day I manage to do so much, change my mind, go through so much that I come home squeezed out like a lemon. And then I need to check my son’s lessons, watch the news, I worry about everything that is happening in our country and in the world, prepare for the next working day - thoughts do not let go for a minute. Now many people talk about inner freedom, joy from life, about hobbies, traveling ... How can you carelessly flutter and enjoy life in our time, when you literally live according to a schedule, you only allocate 6 hours for sleep? What kind of freedom are we talking about?

Peter, 43 years old, Tula.

Probably, we cannot be 100% independent of circumstances, living in society, having a job and a family, but our inner freedom can approach this figure. The question is how much a person needs this freedom. Many people like to be dependent on someone, on various circumstances, because then you can not take responsibility for your life, you can complain, suffer, suffer - and life will seem full. But in this case it is filled with negative emotions, stereotypes and dogmas, as if a person carries a huge backpack with bricks and is afraid to throw them away, because he considers them necessary. What kind of lightness and freedom can we talk about here? Inner freedom is when we discard the beliefs that we created 10-20 years ago and live according to the call of the heart. When we consciously choose emotions and states, we do not judge ourselves or others, we do not divide people and events into good and bad, when we stop thinking only about ourselves. Many live in a constant desire to "be", "appear", "fit", which makes them terribly unfree.

Why do we need freedom?

For many, freedom is associated with permissiveness. Freedom is needed not for this, but to live your own (not someone else's!) life, experience inspiration and live creatively, joyfully, in order to be happy and share happiness with others. Imagine the world as a single organism, where each person is a cell that receives nourishment from this large organism and serves it. The world cannot be perfect, but the world, like a person, is just and right. If we are free, we can live in unison with this "organism", take the energy of inspiration from it and do the right things. And feel contentment and happiness from it.

How to get rid of negative conditions

We should not assume that our reaction to events is predetermined and we have no choice. For example, we are told something unpleasant - we feel resentment or anger, we lose some thing - we inevitably worry. And few people know that we can choose our emotions and states, we can give up resentment, anger, etc. These reactions are just a habit. But you can break any habit and form a new one. First, first find a few life beliefs for yourself that will help you relate to people and events in a different way. Any life events are always needed for something, always reasonable, we just do not immediately understand their meaning. Therefore, do not be disappointed if something did not happen the way we wanted: the plans of the Universe are always wiser than ours. Second - just make a choice in any situation, how you react. Even if you have already begun to experience negativity, you have the opportunity to change everything at any second. And when you learn to control your emotions, you will have a special taste of life. You will automatically choose joy, happiness, harmony, gratitude, love, and you will no longer be able to choose negativity. You will be free from a huge heavy burden.

How to get rid of intrusive thoughts

Negative thoughts immediately lead to negative emotions. They thought something bad - the emotion automatically turned on. To prevent this from happening, learn not to take all thoughts seriously. There are important thoughts, there are empty ones, about everything and nothing, but there are harmful ones. Harmful ones usually arise when we hang some labels on ourselves, people and events, divide everything into black and white and become not free in behavior. Try to be different, expand your range of behavior. Learn not to judge people. Nobody! It's none of our business, really. Do the same with events. Something good can come out of something bad, and vice versa. Accept life as it is. Life speaks to us in the language of events, and each is needed for something. Observe events, research them, learn from them, but don't judge. By learning to accept everything as it is, you will become even more free.

How to get rid of limiting beliefs

Often limiting beliefs begin with “I (shouldn’t)”, “I never/I always”, “I can’t/can’t”, “right/wrong”. Watch your thoughts. Perhaps some of the beliefs are no longer relevant to you, but you still follow them. Write down your beliefs on paper and analyze. Replace the word “should” with the word “want”, if it doesn’t work out, then it’s time to change your belief! Ask yourself the questions: “Is this really true?”, “Always?”, “Could it have been different?”, “When did I have this belief?”, “Is it relevant now?”. Reevaluate your beliefs. And the more beliefs you soften or abandon altogether, the better. This does not mean that you will become irresponsible, just that you will be able to act adequately to the circumstances. I'll give you an example. A frequently ill child, for whom his parents were worried, put a label “I am in poor health” on himself. And now he is 40 years old, except for acute respiratory infections and the flu, he was not sick with anything, but he is still convinced of his poor health and panics at the slightest runny nose. Or the guy's adolescence the belief “girls don’t like me” was formed. The “guy” is already 35, he is a courageous handsome man, he has good job, but personal life has not yet developed - low self-esteem and distrust of women have played a role.

If you let go of negative thoughts and emotions and limiting beliefs, you are free! And, believe me, they will definitely be replaced by joy, happiness, inspiration, love of life.

The inner freedom of a person, a sense of harmony is the need for a happy and fulfilling life. According to the rights, every citizen has the freedom of choice, self-realization, but do we feel it? Often in the turmoil of events we cannot feel freedom - the possibility of self-expression, inner flight, independent choice, lack of fear.

How to find inner freedom? In the article we will consider the concept of a free person, how to find harmony within yourself?

Inner freedom of the individual

The problem of inner freedom is as old as the world. For many centuries, people have been striving to know their essence, peace, to find freedom, harmony. Why do we often feel like prisoners of life, we refuse opportunities, we are afraid to decide on changes, to go towards new discoveries? Freedom is a life choice, you can live by the rules of others or find your own way, act at the behest of your heart.

A free person is distinguished by courage, confidence, the presence of a clear life position, and causes respect. Such people often become leaders, help others understand the world, find a calling, values.

Limiters of inner freedom - thoughts, prohibitions, negative attitudes, fear. Often we drive ourselves into a “dungeon” on our own due to disbelief, lack of positive thinking, presence of complexes, negative attitude towards ourselves, the world.

Life is the same for everyone, But still we see a special world, From the existing obstacles,
The strongest of all is the shackles of the soul.

Negative thinking and attitudes distort the picture of life, exaggerate and present everything in gloomy colors. But there is always a way out: to discover the potential, to "learn to fly", to strive upward.

The book Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach will help you understand and feel inner freedom. Main character- Jonathan the seagull, he strives to learn to fly higher than other birds, but the flock does not support his aspirations, why strive upwards, be like everyone else. But faith, a burning desire and constant training work wonders. He became free, learned to fly, and later taught wisdom to those who wanted to find freedom.

The book carries a special spirit of freedom, everyone can fly, the main thing is to believe. The inner freedom of a person is the rejection of negative assessments of others, the ability to live one's own ideals and goals. It's better to make a mistake than to live a life that isn't yours. It is important to find self-expression: sing, dance, draw, reach your horizons.

The path to freedom - the road unbeaten paths, understanding one's own inner world, the ability to live, overcoming fears, complexes, the opinions of others. The inner freedom and lack of freedom of a person depends on the ability to go beyond the usual, to think outside the box, creatively, to understand the world around, to feel the flight. A "free seagull" lives in everyone, we often do not let it into the sky, preferring a titmouse in hand.

How difficult it is sometimes to overcome all restrictions, limits, to follow the dictates of the heart, to get off the ground, to fly towards dreams and goals. But everything is possible.

How to become a free person?

  1. Take responsibility for your own life - a free person does not depend on circumstances and environment. Rather, he creates them. He goes his own way, chooses what to do, how to act? He clearly understands the goals, strives for them, realizing that obstacles are only the wind, he cannot break, interfere.
    If you blame life and others for the difficulties, there will be no progress, it is important to understand your own role, the ability to control and manage events by changing attitudes, thoughts, actions.
    How to take responsibility? We can influence life different ways: minimal - creating positive thinking, internal installations, as much as possible - helping with actions, decisions, making life choices.
  2. Open inner potential - freedom of expression allows you to find hidden talents, learn new things. All restrictions are illusory, the boundaries can be expanded indefinitely. Great people were able to go beyond, overcome fear - make discoveries, strive to realize their abilities, dreams. Often, new ideas are met with a misunderstanding of society, and the desire for change does not resonate with relatives and friends. And years later, when a person succeeds in undertakings, they are proud of him. You should not rely on others, faith must live in the heart. People did not believe in the possibility of flying devices, that the Earth revolves around the Sun, and did not suspect the possibilities of satellite communications. Life is changing at a great speed, we can contribute to the development of society, leave a mark on history, science, creativity. A person becomes free if he follows the call of his heart, strives to realize his abilities, open up new opportunities. You need to live here and now, realize your full potential, discover inner freedom, forget your fears.
  3. Fill life with meaning - awareness distinguishes a free person, knows why he lives, strives for his own goals. Understanding personal aspirations, purpose, you can make a free choice: how to live, what to do, justify your life position. It is important to define the mission and life goals. If you set true global goals, then the achievement will be more interesting. The meaning of life is in knowledge, freedom, self-realization, helping people. Everyone is looking for a way to fill the days with meaning, to be useful to society. Society would be ideal if everyone lived according to their calling, did their work with soul and love. It is not necessary to change the field of activity, you can fill it with new meaning, meaning. It is not the work that makes the man, but the man the work. A sincere, cheerful and highly developed person can do better life others, regardless of profession (doctor, teacher, psychologist, coach).
  4. Learning to enjoy life - awareness of freedom is associated with the ability to rejoice, to see the beautiful side of life. Live in this moment, give up suffering, worries about the past. Oriental sages are always smiling, positive, radiate happiness and peace. He who knows life, understands his own role, can calmly enjoy the sunset, birdsong and the rustle of leaves. The opportunity to live is given once, why use it in vain for suffering, it is better to learn how to receive joy. Happy is he who keeps score of gains and not losses. Give thanks for all the good things and you will be able to achieve more. It is worth noticing the best in yourself - everyone has talents, strengths, achievements. A lot of opportunities are hidden in a person, it is worth believing in yourself, unlocking your potential, filling it with the power of thought and action.
  5. To develop immunity to troubles - gaining inner freedom comes when the outside world cannot influence the state of inner peace, happiness. By abandoning negative reactions and thinking, you can build new life. We often live in circumstances, but inner peace is more important than minor troubles, they are often not worth attention, loss of strength, energy, experiences. A calm and philosophical outlook distinguishes a free person from an ordinary person, a person with inner freedom is ready to calmly accept any situation, endure adversity "It makes no sense to be offended by the weather, it's better to put on a raincoat and take an umbrella." Events are like a background or screen saver, and our attitude gives them color: thoughts, emotions. It is better to develop a calm and positive attitude, why be offended by something that is beyond our control. By working on ourselves, we change the world. Why let troubles at work, traffic jams or negative statements affect oneself, mood, state? A person becomes free and invulnerable if he does not accept the negative sent by circumstances, people. Internal protection - ignoring the negative, self-confidence, one's own actions. Calmness is the highest power, it is not necessary to prove the case, it is enough to act in accordance with personal principles and let others live their own lives. This is the freedom and strength of the individual.
  6. Calm attitude to mistakes, failures - it is not always possible to immediately achieve what you want in life. Often you have to fall and rise, some give up, others keep going. Only strong-willed and self-confident individuals are able to work miracles, amaze with indomitable will and achievements.

Mistakes are normal. The qualification of a specialist is determined by the presence of damaged equipment, the number of errors. They allow you to gain experience, become wiser.

Those who do not back down in case of failure, who are looking for ways to come to their dream city, win. The absence of self-criticism and criticism distinguishes a free person who understands: I have the right to make a mistake, I can not always be right. This is wisdom and understanding of life. There are no ideal people, but there is an opportunity to become even better, learn new things, develop abilities, gain knowledge. The wise perceive experience as a teacher, and even in unpleasant situations they see the positive side.

Each failure is a step forward, an invaluable experience of life. One day, all the knowledge gained through mistakes will help you create your new reality, achieve your highest aspirations.

So, what should be a free man? A self-sufficient, self-confident person who accurately understands his life path, aspirations that have a positive attitude towards life, people, and oneself. For him, there are no restrictions, the impossible, they act and focus on the maximum result.

Inner and outer freedom are distinguished by a person's sense of self. You can actually be free - live in a free country, your own apartment, have the opportunity to choose, but not feel freedom, feel the constant pressure of society.

The inner freedom of a person is the result of work on oneself, the ability to understand the world around, to live in harmony with oneself. It is difficult to change others, it is better to change yourself and your perception of life. It is useful to get rid of negativity, internal complexes and restrictions that do not allow you to take off, reveal your potential, live in accordance with your desires, principles, ideas.

What does it mean to be free? See only one reason for your joys and failures - yourself, give up negative assessments, determine the main goals, go towards necessary results regardless of circumstances, events, assessments. A free person does not torment himself with experiences, does not suffer from a complex of guilt or imperfection, accepts himself as he is. Self-respect is an important character trait, the principle of life.

The level of inner freedom depends on the ability to implement the basic principles. You can strive for self-knowledge, the discovery of talents, development, positive thinking, awareness. But the lack of immunity to trouble or criticism will nullify positive points. Only the presence of all the criteria allows you to feel calm and free, nothing should disturb, cause anger, annoyance. Calmness is a great strength, and together with perseverance they create invincibility.

Of course, it is difficult to live without emotions, and fears and worries can undermine us from the inside, disturb our spiritual balance. How to find inner harmony? Let's take a closer look at how to find inner freedom, minimize negative emotions, find balance and peace in life.

Harmony in human life

Harmony within oneself is the highest art, the ability to generate happiness, to remain calm in difficult situations.

Inner freedom as an awareness of the need to put things in order in one's soul, no one but a person can make him happy, free. Why do we feel a lack of freedom - the conditions and way of life, the restrictions of society, the opinion of parents and others? There is a feeling: you need to fight for freedom, defend the right to live by your principles. As a result - stresses, neurosises, depressions, experiences.

How to be? Stop proving, just live, everyone has their own truth, it's impossible to be good for everyone. Of course, it is difficult to ignore relatives and friends who can dictate their terms, offer or impose a solution to the issue. Politely thank for the help, explain your choice, in time they will understand. Often parents try to realize their dreams with the help of children, offering their ideals, while each person is an individual, should be able to choose the path of life.

How do people protect their inner freedom? There are several reactions - protest, evidence, counter-arguments, non-cooperation. Feeling external pressure, the desire to impose an opinion, there is often a desire to challenge one's position, to prove the opposite, to convince, often we strive to avoid influence, to refuse the help of an annoying seller, relative.

Over the years, awareness comes: a person takes into account only information that is close to him, understandable. Everything that is against his position in life is rejected, therefore disputes often end unproductively, everyone remains with his own opinion. A free person does not seek to prove his truth to every barking dog, but acts according to his ideals.

Personal harmony is associated with the ability to understand oneself, to accept one's pluses and minuses, to refuse self-criticism and accusations. We can make mistakes - this is normal, the main thing is the presence of a basic line of behavior. A confident person rarely doubts for a long time, knows what he is striving for, what brings joy, positive emotions. The barometer of happiness, the correctness of actions is our internal state. Acting badly, we feel remorse. Good actions, results, interesting activities cause enthusiasm, inspiration.

It would seem that everything is simple: you need to live according to your conscience and use your will to achieve goals, to realize your life mission. However, there are also emotions that interfere with happiness, peace of mind. Negative emotions include: resentment, anger, aggression, envy, despair. How to learn to get out of a negative state, fill yourself with positive energy?

Harmony in the soul and life is impossible without self-regulation, the ability to control emotions and thoughts. Usually it seems to us that circumstances are the cause of emotions: disappointment, sadness, sadness, anger. But if you look closely, then different people react differently to similar situations, which means that we can choose emotions, a way of reaction. How? Controlling thoughts, directing in the right direction.

In case of feeling negative emotions it is worth understanding the reason for their occurrence, why do I think that this situation is worthy of sadness? What do I think about it? You can even write down thoughts, make an analysis. Most likely, internal attitudes, a negative attitude prevent you from objectively assessing the situation, seeing the advantages and opportunities. It is important not to succumb to emotions, but to make a decision - what is useful and what is harmful. Negative emotions undermine peace of mind, cause diseases at the physical level (Louise Hay). Therefore, experiencing anger, sadness, envy, at least, is harmful to health. It is better to cultivate acceptance of life, people, love for yourself, the world around you. Positive emotions give strength, inspiration for new achievements, feelings of happiness.

It is difficult to avoid negativity, but it is important to learn how to transform it into another energy. The following algorithm will help:

  1. Realize the harmfulness of emotions - why do they help or hinder the solution of the issue? Understand the cause of the occurrence (thoughts preceding the appearance of an emotional reaction).
  2. Find a refutation of negative thoughts, evidence of their groundlessness, tune your mind to a different wave.
  3. Use mood-boosting anchors: music, walking, socializing, singing a song. Everyone has their own way of influencing mood.
  4. Feel at first a neutral state, later - a positive attitude towards life.

The inner freedom of a person is the ability to maintain a calm state of mind, refuse to perceive negativity close to the heart, and not allow external circumstances to disturb peace. Everything is fine, everything is going as it should. You can always find a way out, a solution. Calm, just calm.

Emotions, logical thinking often come into confrontation - it is impossible to experience and think at the same time. It is better to turn on logic, and turn off harmful emotions so that they do not interfere with life. Also helpful for self-regulation. breathing exercises, meditation and yoga.

The harmony of life, love is the goal and dream of anyone. It often takes years and decades to realize and understand oneself. How to find inner harmony, learn to accept yourself, life, feel freedom?

Basic principles of harmonious life:

  1. We choose our own life- every day we have many opportunities, roads, and only we make decisions ourselves: how to act, react, what to say. Responsibility for your life gives you the opportunity to feel your strength. Personality is stronger than circumstances as long as they do not affect it. And positive thoughts and actions help to attract success and achieve what you want.
  2. Ability to live now, enjoy life- a free personality, living in harmony, knows how to live slowly, feeling every moment. It is useful to walk slowly, examining the plants, peering into the distance, and not to run all the time, late for the bus. Eating is also better, like in a restaurant, savoring the food, relaxing, enjoying the moment. Life is short, so why not indulge in more joy? Live it at the highest level.
    Yes, the speed of life does not always allow you to make pauses, but they are necessary, in between work you can go out, get distracted, look at the world with a fresh look, feel the moment, joy, forget about worries.
  3. Method of "switching", self-regulation- to increase concentration, vitality, it is useful to remember childhood or youth, the peak of energy, the state of success and joy, health. Immersion in pleasant memories causes the necessary state of mind, inner mood. Pleasant pictures of the past or music that evokes positive associations also help to switch. ("Method is the key. Unblock your possibilities" H. Aliev.)
  4. Rejection of negative attitudes- a harmonious personality does not accumulate complexes, negative attitudes. It is important to learn to find advantages in yourself, to use the maximum strengths, to find advantages in shortcomings. Even people with physical disabilities, injuries can be happy. It all depends on the inner feeling of the world, the ability to see the bright side of events, the presence of fortitude.
    Giving up worries about the future and the past will help you live in the present, fill life with meaning. Most of the experiences are in vain and groundless, the future is unknown to anyone, and the past is already part of history, it carries only experience and wisdom.
  5. Ability to love yourself and life- a free and harmonious person accepts himself, understands, is open to the world, life. She does not expect gifts of fate, the love of others, but she herself brings light and warmth - she knows how to support, understand, share joy and bitterness. Such people radiate love, kindness, attract good circumstances, become the soul of the company, best friends.
  6. In a healthy body- healthy mind - lungs physical exercise increase vigor, improve overall health, mental stability. People who are fond of sports suffer less from stress and anxiety. Sport is a great way to release negative energy, switch to another productive wave, and increase overall energy.
    Even walking or running significantly improves health, state of mind.
  7. Having inner strength- the guarantor of a happy, harmonious life. The inner freedom of a person is the ability to be strong, confident, which does not allow succumbing to manipulation. A harmonious personality lives by its own judgments, does not follow the lead of others, strives for its own goals.
    A free person does not impose his ideas, but he knows how to resist pressure, is immune to influences and opinions.
  8. The ability to forgive- a harmonious and free personality does not accumulate resentment. What for? There are more important things than being offended by someone, trying to sort things out. There are many beautiful, interesting things in the world, there are things to do, goals. Grievances take peace, lead to diseases, neuroses. It is important to be able to forgive yourself and others. Everyone has the right to make a mistake. Let go of resentment, move on. Often people who criticize, accuse themselves are unhappy, have lost their peace.
  9. Independence- to gain spiritual peace and joy, it is useful to develop your own assessment of life and actions. We often wait for the approval of society, the support of others, but it is more reliable to rely on ourselves, to be able to notice good actions and achievements. Man himself - his salvation, can elevate and overthrow his achievements. It is important to notice progress, successes, mentally rejoice at every step forward. Even gratitude is not worth waiting for, just doing good deeds.
  10. Pursuit of dreams- for harmony it is important to be able to dream and set goals. Our ideas and aspirations are the signals of the subconscious, we can achieve more if we make due efforts. Most desires can be realized if fears and prejudices are discarded. It is important to learn to believe in yourself, to go towards your dreams.
    You can learn to sing, dance or play musical instruments at any age, learn a new profession, discover opportunities. The main thing is to think about how to realize dreams, where to apply your abilities, talents? The inner freedom of a person is an achievable state, which is compared with "reasonable egoism." A person lives by his own interests and ideas, while not harming himself or society. Rather, on the contrary - it helps, inspires, is an example for others who have not yet gained freedom. We wish everyone to find inner freedom and harmony in life!

Independence and the desire to be yourself. These topics worried me all my youth and all my subsequent life… Freedom?!? Where are you? When will I be free and happy?

I fought for everything I could: for the freedom to have my own opinion, for freedom from restrictions and rules, while creating new rules and frameworks for myself ... I fought ... With whom? With what? With windmills invented by me, I fought, in fact, with myself ... With my desire to live, to desire, to love, to be here on Earth, just to live ...

I fought for freedom, not realizing my true freedom, limiting myself in this freedom, constantly focusing on an illusory lack of freedom ... Such discord occurs when we refuse to recognize responsibility for our lives and do not want to honestly look inside ourselves.

Living with my mind, like Don Quixote, I struggled with windmills, thinking that freedom is in external conditions and in order to be happy it is important to change these conditions and then the long-awaited feeling of freedom and joy will come ... And so, in my zeal and resistance, I reached to the very edge, when my mind was quiet and inner devastation came ...

There is a state of surrender and a desire to feel compassion and love for yourself.

Love for myself… This was the beginning of my freedom… Freedom was for love, not for struggle. And it was for me to open up to a new feeling of love, love for myself, love for life, love for my manifestations and desires, for my body and all my choices ... And this became the shortest way to realize freedom within myself!

I finally opened mine new freedom. She didn't have to fight anymore! It turned out that she was always inside me. I happily began to dive into myself and discover inner treasures and diamonds! It became easier and easier, and the feeling of inner freedom settled in my heart forever, or rather, I just remembered what it is to be free, revealing many images and getting to know everything in life anew in immersion in THAT.

What is freedom now for me:

  • Freedom to choose what thoughts, feelings, states to live as your experience.
  • The freedom to accept the freedom of choice of other people.
  • Freedom to be yourself. Show your individuality and charisma, allowing other people to express their uniqueness and uniqueness.
  • The freedom to be honest with yourself and others.
  • Freedom to realize responsibility for your life and the realization of all your desires.
  • Freedom to live from the heart! Be spontaneous and flexible and accept life as it is!
  • Freedom to love yourself. Respect and recognize yourself as different.
  • Freedom to live in the present. Let go of your past by accepting the benefit and value of all your past actions with gratitude.

“This is all wonderful,” you say, “but what if you are up to your neck in the lack of freedom and limitations of the mind and society, where to start now?”

5 steps to inner freedom from anywhere in life

  • 1. Any experience we live begins with a decision to live this experience, with a choice, even an unconscious one, but a personal choice. Therefore, the first is decide to live free and happy life ! Allow yourself this at the level of feelings. With the help of this you can do it comfortably and easily.
  • 2. Reflect on how honest I am with myself on various issues. Honesty is a powerful tool for all your transformations and improvements.
  • 3. Freedom = responsibility for your life. Responsibility is the wings of freedom and joy in our life. Start taking more and more responsibility for your life every day and give yourself time. This is a process. Be patient and compassionate with yourself.

The habitual way of thinking will sometimes return, and here it is important to smile, accept your feelings without hanging in them, and switch to choose new thoughts that inspire you. I know for myself, feeling free, you understand that you can move mountains! After all, having taken responsibility for a particular situation, you automatically recognize your power to change it!

  • 4. Reflect on your energy unity with the world and see the relationship of your inner state with what you have and receive from life. Everything always comes from the inside out.

It is not easy to admit that if a neighbor swears at you or the key is broken in the keyhole, this is a continuation of your internal state and discontent ... However, honestly admitting that it is you who create everything in your universe, you turn your attention inward and begin to consciously choose thoughts and feelings like the building blocks of your life. You are the builder of everything around!

  • 5. Only out of love for yourself, make all the new actions and all the choices that will allow you to anchor your results and intentions in the physical world.

Go in for sports, dance, enjoy sex, read inspiring books, participate in trainings and communicate with interesting people, and just live, living each of your experiences, realizing the freedom of your choices in all manifestations of life!

Remember, you are the most important person in your life.

And the quality and content of your biographical novel depends only on you! The feeling of inner freedom is your natural state, which can be simply remembered as the truth within oneself.

New streams will start soon in 2017. These powerful courses have already led hundreds of people to their inner freedom and a new standard of living! January 10th we start! Join the happy participants in your life!