Water fortune telling is an ancient method of predicting the future. Dmitry Volkhov: how to see your future in water

It is predictable that for this fortune telling you will need a cat or cat. Let the animal out the door (not necessarily an apartment, just a room) and call her back. If a cat crosses the threshold with its left paw, the wish will come true this year, but not with its right paw. What does it mean if she sits down and starts licking herself - think for yourself.

Fortune telling by shadows

It is very simple, but it is better to do it in a well-ventilated area. Take a small piece of paper, crumple it, put it in a fireproof container and set it on fire. After letting the paper burn out, light a candle nearby and carefully examine the shadow cast by the ashes. Looking at the details of the shadow, you can find out what awaits you next year.

Fortune telling with glasses

Take six or more glasses according to the number of guests. If you are alone, you can take less. The meaning of fortune telling, of course, is not in the glasses themselves, but in what is inside. The liquid in the glasses should be transparent so that you cannot tell by eye what has been poured. Depending on what taste ends up on your tongue, that’s what the year will be like for you. Add sugar to one glass - if you get it, then the year will be sweet. Salt - you will cry a lot, vodka - there will be many holidays this year, ordinary water - the year will be ordinary, the same as the previous one. A glass with a wedding ring at the bottom will mean a quick marriage, and a coin will mean career success and a lot of money.

Fortune telling at the well

This is also fortune telling for your betrothed, and for it you will need a well. You can even make it yourself - from matches or toothpicks. Fold them into a square, placing the sticks with their ends facing each other, and so on for several rows. Cover the well with a small lid and symbolically lock it with the key. Pretend to put the key under your pillow. When you go to bed, say: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me at the well to drink some water, ask me for the key.”


Fortune telling by book

For this fortune-telling, they usually take the Bible, “The Master and Margarita” or Shakespeare’s poems, but you can take any book that is significant to you. We just don’t recommend taking “1000 catastrophes of the planet” - the answers will be too monotonous. Take a book and ask a question, then name the page and line at random, also specifying whether it is above or below. By the way, if you want to get a detailed answer, think not just one line, but a range of 2-3 lines. After that, open the book using the named coordinates. Don't open the book at random - the books are sewn in such a way that they often open on the same pages.

Fortune telling using forfeits

Suitable for large companies. The principle is the same as with glasses, only this time you don’t need to drink anything: collect objects that will symbolize life events. For example, a wedding ring traditionally means marriage, a doll means the birth of a child, and a coin means wealth. You can take any things and assign your own meanings to them. It is better to place small items in envelopes or bags so that the draw is fair. After this, you place all the items in one container and take out your prediction one by one.

Fortune telling by Epiphany water and snow

It is better, of course, to carry out this fortune-telling outside the city - the chance of a successful outcome is higher. On the night of January 18-19, without looking, scoop up snow with your hand and form a ball out of it. At home, put the lump in a deep bowl and leave until the morning. In the morning, examine the melt water. If the water is clean, the year will be successful. Small specks are troubles and small obstacles. And if you come across large debris, it’s a bad sign.

Fortune telling by wax

For this fortune telling you will need a wax candle. Cut about half of the candle and melt it in a water bath. Pour liquid wax into cold water in a glass. It will freeze immediately. Take out the resulting figure and try to figure out what exactly fate is telling you. If you took paraffin candles, use a larger vessel - for example, a basin.

Fortune telling by a wedding ring

Throw your hair into a glass of water and put your wedding ring in it. If you are not married, you can take any other one. Place the glass on a saucer with ash. Light a candle and, holding it in your hand, say: “I’ll ask you, my shadow, what is my fate. Come from where Judas is, what I want to know, I can see in the ring. Amen". After this, lower the burning end of the candle into the water, extinguishing it. Stir the water with a knitting needle or a new needle and look through the ring into the glass. Don't tell anyone what you saw there.


Stand under your neighbors' window and listen to what's going on. If they quarrel, expect that you will have a hard time this year, if they are having fun, then everything will be fine, and if it is quiet, a calm and boring year awaits you. Some girls do this: when everyone goes to bed, they sit by the window and say: “Betrothed, mummer, drive past the window.” What sounds will you hear immediately after this - expect such a marriage.

Mirror in the cold

Take a small mirror, splash water on it and go out into the cold with it at midnight. After a few minutes, when the water hardens and patterns form on the surface of the mirror, bring the mirror back and begin fortune telling. If there are a lot of circles on the mirror, you will live a prosperous year. Patterns from branches - a lot of work awaits you this year. Squares symbolize difficulties, and triangles will bring great success and luck in any endeavor.

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A little history about water energy

Water has long been considered not only a source of life, but also a substance capable of storing and transmitting energy information. It is not surprising that there are a colossal number of magical rituals on water, as well as fortune telling. Water is unpredictable and changeable - like life itself. Connecting with a person’s energy shell, it is able to convey information hidden from the eyes of the average person.

Fortune telling on natural water

For this type, you need to take only “live” water – which has not undergone any treatment. That is, natural. Water from a tap or purchased in a store is “dead”; it does not carry any information. In addition, the water should stand in the fortune telling room for at least a week.

The process itself must be carried out at midnight, preferably on a full moon.

For fortune telling you will need a sheet of black paper and salt. The most ordinary salt will do, but not iodized.

Fortune telling process

  1. You need to dissolve a pinch of salt in water and place a glass of water on a sheet of paper.
  2. Formulate the question as clearly as possible and imagine the life situation.
  3. Next, you should look into the glass without looking away.
  4. If the water is favorable, it will show the answer to solving the problem.

Fortune telling on water for Christmas

This type of fortune telling is also suitable: water transfusion.

You need to take two glasses, one full to the brim and the other empty, and ask if your wish will come true. Then quickly pour the water into an empty glass. Fortune telling is carried out only once and without preliminary training. It is believed that otherwise the water “weakens”, that is, it will not be able to answer the question correctly.

If you managed to pour the water without leaving more than three drops on the table (ideally there should be exactly three - this means one hundred percent fulfillment), the wish will come true. If it’s more or a whole puddle is poured, it won’t come true. A dry surface means that water does not want to reveal the future.

Fortune telling on the water for the holiday of Trinity or Ivan Kupala

On the holiday of the Trinity or on, you need to throw two branches into the pond - one birch and the other aspen. Then ask someone to mix these branches and take one of them at random.

If you managed to take a birch tree, your wish will certainly come true. Aspen means a negative answer.

Fortune telling on water using pebbles

One of the simplest options for fortune telling on water involves simply throwing a pebble. Then you need to count the number of circles.

If there were an odd number of them, the wish will be fulfilled. But the even number will not be fulfilled.

Fortune telling on water during the full moon

On a full moon, you need to pour water into a cup or mug and place it on the windowsill so that the moon is reflected in the water, and look carefully at the reflection.


  • If the moon is located near the handle, it means that you will soon fall in love or even get married.
  • If the celestial body has shifted to the side opposite to the handle, separation from your loved one is ahead.
  • But seeing the moon at the bottom means a quick, surprisingly happy trip.
  • If the moon suddenly becomes invisible because of the clouds, there will be financial difficulties.
  • If there are ripples in the water, this means many small grievances in the future.
  • The moon is in the very center of the dish, bright and distinct - to all sorts of good luck along the way.

Fortune telling on water in winter

Also in winter, you can pour some water into a saucer and take it out into the cold. The next morning, by looking at how the water has frozen, you can find out what awaits you in the near future.


  • The resulting “hump” of ice means unprecedented luck, especially a rise in career.
  • But water frozen in the form of a hole, on the contrary, promises a career decline.
  • Evenly frozen water means a calm and measured life.
  • Uneven ice means an equally uneven life, full of good events and bad ones.
  • If the water did not freeze at all, this may mean that it was useless to guess today, you need to try another time.

Fortune telling on water using paper

You need to take exactly 13 pieces of paper and write a wish on each one. Then put them in a glass and start pouring water into it, while noticing which leaf pops up first. The wish written on this piece of paper will come true first.

Fortune telling on water using a mirror

At midnight you need to light three yellow candles and place them around a transparent carafe or bottle of water. However, an ordinary glass jar will do. You need to put a mirror on the back of the decanter. Mentally focus on the wish you are making and look intently at the mirror through the water until some image appears in the mirror. This will be a prediction and an answer to the question.

We all know the old saying: “It’s like looking into water.” It’s not for nothing that so many folk wisdoms are associated with water, because this particular liquid is one of the most accessible and proven ways to find out your destiny, as well as get answers to troubling questions. But there is more than one fortune telling on water. There are a whole bunch of methods for doing it. Today on HoroscopeGuru we will talk about the most reliable of them.

Fortune telling on water using a pendulum

A pendulum is a fairly simple thing for fortune telling. For this ritual you do not need to be a professional fortune teller or have any superpowers. You just need to be able to concentrate. You will need a glass of water (preferably melted water or spring water), your favorite ring and thread. The ring must be tied to a thread so that this structure resembles a real pendulum.

Go somewhere quiet and peaceful. Think about the issue that worries you and lower the homemade pendulum closer to the surface of the water. Say the words “yes”, “no”, “possibly”, “very likely”, “hardly” and so on, while watching the movement of your jewelry. When you say the correct word, he should start hitting the sides of the cup.

If the pendulum moves in a circle clockwise without touching the glass, then events will take their course. If counterclockwise, someone is trying to prevent you from realizing your plans. Take a close look at your surroundings - most likely you have developed , and very serious ones at that. If the pendulum moves back and forth, but does not touch the walls of the glass, it means that some drastic changes and changes in the situation will soon occur.

Fortune telling on water with eggs

Since ancient times, the egg has been considered a symbol of new life. It is often used in magic, as it can completely clear the situation that worries the fortuneteller from his personal experiences. So to speak, look at it objectively, without embellishment.

For this method you will need a fresh egg, a glass of water (preferably spring water) and a needle. To begin, you should sit in some quiet place and think about the issue that worries you. Then you need to pierce the testicle with a needle so that the white flows into your glass of water. The yolk should remain inside the shell. Then put a glass with and the protein in the refrigerator for about thirty minutes. After this, you can view the results. You need to understand the interpretation of fortune telling by listening to your inner voice, but still rely on traditional meanings:

  • cross: your situation will soon be resolved, but you are unlikely to like its outcome;
  • sword: be careful, because you are in danger;
  • church: there will be a wedding or funeral soon;
  • circle: soon you will meet your future spouse;
  • star: everything will be fine;
  • any transport: expect adventure and change;
  • some kind of vessel: you need to try to solve the problem as soon as possible;
  • mountain: the sharper the peak of the mountain, the more success awaits you;
  • arrow: fortune is on your side:
  • home: you will achieve material well-being, and your personal life will improve;
  • cage: they will try to limit your freedom;
  • crown: very soon your dream will come true;
  • bird: expect good news;
  • flower: true love will knock on your life very soon.

Egg fortune telling is a very subjective method of fortune telling. After all, we all perceive any images differently. If what you saw in the water causes you joy and some positive experiences, then the answer is “yes”, “it will come true” and so on. If the image is negative, then the answer is negative.

After the ceremony, you must take the remaining shell of the egg and bury it somewhere in the forest under a tree. It is advisable to pour water there. This fortune telling should not be abused.

Fortune telling on water with a ring

As you know, ring-shaped shapes retain energy, thereby creating a so-called “energy funnel”. It is through this “funnel” that information from a more subtle, higher world can make its way into our world. If you want to tell fortunes on a ring, it is best to do it in , and exactly at midnight. You will need a bowl of water, your favorite ring, two candles and one small piece of some black fabric (ideally cotton).

Before performing this ritual, make sure that you are alone in the room. Even animals should not be near you. Even cats! To begin, spread your fabric on some flat surface, place a bowl of water on it, and place candles near it. Light them up. Then concentrate on the exciting question and lower your ring into the water so that it is in the center of the vessel. Then look closely at the space that the ring outlines. And say: “Ring, you lie in the water, you sleep on the bottom, you see vivid dreams, you know the truth, and tell me, open my eyes while I sleep.” You need to say this phrase quickly.

Then wait a bit. Some images should appear in your head - this is the answer to your question. They need to be perceived from a metaphorical point of view. Your intuition will tell you how to understand the pictures you see. After fortune telling, you must definitely pour the water somewhere away from the house.

Fortune telling on the water using pancakes

This fortune telling will help you find out whether your wish will come true or not. It must be carried out on the bank of a river or some other body of water. It doesn't matter which one it is now or the time of day. On the way to the pond, you must pick up a pebble on the street that you like. This will be the main attribute of this fortune telling.

To begin, clearly state the question that concerns you. Formulate it in such a way that it could be answered unambiguously: either yes or no. Go to the water and throw a stone so that circles, or “pancakes”, form on the surface of the water. If their number is even, then the answer to your question is negative. If the pebble has jumped an odd number of times, then the answer is yes.

Remember that during one ritual of such fortune-telling you can ask only one single question.

Fortune telling on frozen water

This water divination method can only answer you in two words: either “yes” or “no”, so your question must be appropriate. This ritual can be performed in any phase of the moon. The main thing is in the afternoon.

Take a glass of fresh and clean water. Then say the following phrase: “Water-water, lightning-dawn, lay down like sand, fell like a pebble, answer me. Will my wish come true?

Then you should put the glass in some cool place overnight. Ideally, outside, but you can also leave it in the freezer. And when you wake up, look at the number of tubercles and cracks that have formed on the ice. If there are more depressions, then the answer is negative. And if there are more protrusions, it means positive.

If you want to get an even more accurate result, you can break a glass of ice on the floor. If there is an even number of ice fragments, the answer is positive, and if there is an odd number, the answer is negative.

That's all the methods! We told you about those methods of fortune telling on water that even an unprepared person can do. The main thing is to carefully follow the rules. After all, any fortune telling is a connection with the otherworldly, subtle world. And this world has its own orders and laws.

Fortune telling on the water can help you find out the future, whether your secret dream will come true, and whether it is worth taking on this or that business.

One of the most common methods of fortune telling is the ritual with salt water. It requires a piece of paper, however, it must be dark in color. It is recommended to prepare the water in a special way. It's best to get it from a source rather than using what comes out of a tap. The difference is that spring water carries the special energy of living nature, but tap water is already deprived of these properties after all the treatments.

Before starting fortune telling, the liquid should be infused for 4 days. The container should be placed in the room where the fortuneteller spends most of his time. Water easily absorbs information, and being near a person will help in the future to obtain the most accurate information that the fortuneteller wants to clarify.

It is recommended to perform the ritual at midnight. The water is poured into a cup and a teaspoon of ordinary salt is thrown in, which must be stirred, after which the cup must be placed on a piece of dark-colored paper. The fortuneteller should focus on the issue that is most relevant at the moment, and then look at the water surface. After some time, the answer will be displayed in the cup; it could be a silhouette of a person, the outline of an object, in a word, some kind of hint that will help solve the problem.

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Remember the expression “it’s like looking into water.” Fortune telling by water, it seems to us, is one of the most interesting of all types of fortune telling. It allows you to find out many of the vicissitudes of your fate, how things will turn out at one time or another. In addition, water is almost the most suitable substance for fortune telling, because when it interacts with a person, it is imbued with his aura and predicts what awaits him in the future. Fortune telling on water is the most accurate, because it is water that best responds to your aura and most accurately “reads” information from it.

The trembling surface of water, especially at night, under the moon, is a real natural remedy for gaining clairvoyance. And water in this capacity has always been used for divination. The first such fortune telling took place in open reservoirs and without any devices. Then the technique changed a little, they began to tell fortunes in rooms, and pour water into different vessels.

In Rus', fortune telling on water was practiced by female fortune tellers who knew all the gossip in the area. This craft was learned from a healer or an old witch. There was a fee for studying: a glass of wine, a tablecloth, two shirts, a sash and a towel - and this was quite a large fee for a villager of that time. The healer placed the future sorceress at the table and covered her face with a towel. Having placed a bowl of water on the table, he sat on the bench and blew on the water, then removed the towel from the student. The spoken water was poured under the student’s feet, and the bowl was filled with wine. The healer, covering the bowl with a tablecloth, ordered the woman to appear the next morning “at the very dawn.” The sorceress appeared with two glasses of wine. And then the healer taught her all his wisdom.

Peering into the depths of water mirrors was practiced by many magicians and clairvoyants, for example Michel Nostradamus, who used a bowl of water instead of a traditional magic ball. The result when using a bowl and a specially treated mirror is similar - a person can look through the veil of time. Even in antiquity, in the temple of Demeter, very rich and impressive in appearance, there was a pool with a gazebo. In the gazebo, a huge crystal mirror was suspended on special chains, which, after burning incense, was lowered into clear water, and the mirror could not be completely immersed in water, it was lowered so that the water only lightly touched the rim. The priest looked carefully into the crystal depths; lights were burning around him - tongues of flame from smoking incense, they were reflected in the mirror surface and showed magical pictures to the priest, driven to a frenzy. Then the priest came out to the questioner and announced the will of the gods.

But you can get a similar result without a crystal mirror. The magicians used a large metal cauldron, painted black on the inside, for fortune telling. They filled the cauldron with water and tried to catch the reflection of the moon in it, or they threw a silver coin into it, symbolizing the moon in the night sky.

P. Campanelli reports about “the most ancient method of fortune telling, which evokes... a feeling of bottomless depth... - “black mirror”, or “witch’s mirror”. To make it, you need to hold a small clay vessel over a fire or candle flame until it is completely covered from the inside with black soot.”