Libra: Love horoscope for the week. Weekly horoscope for Libra

Libra's concern this week may be your well-being. Beware of colds and infectious diseases - your body will be vulnerable to this. A decrease in energy activity and a decrease in the level of immunity are possible. If you need treatment, be more careful about the dosage of medications - there is a risk of mixing something up. Avoid drinking alcohol completely. Alcohol can have an unusually strong effect on you, even in small doses. This is also not the best day to put things in order in the workplace and at home. However, this may also be associated with a deterioration in well-being. In addition to a decrease in your level of performance, you may be in a very distracted state, and you may not do something as required, making many mistakes.

Weekly love horoscope for Libra

This week, Libra will happily admit that the slight misunderstandings in their relationship with their partner are behind them, but will be saddened to see that the long-standing fundamental problem is still in force. The stars advise you to rely on time and appreciate the good things that you have now. Dates and explanations are undesirable on April 24 and 25.

Weekly career and financial horoscope for Libra

Typical Libra's relationships with some colleagues or subordinates may deteriorate this week. You may find yourself in a difficult situation. You may be asked to perform a complex task in which you have little experience and may require the advice of an experienced professional. However, among your colleagues there may not be anyone who would want to help you. There may also be confusion with the distribution of functions in the workforce. It may seem to you that they are trying to saddle someone else's work on you, while maintaining the same payment. Give preference to the simplest work in which you have extensive experience.



If Libra is ready to let new things into their lives, they will begin to notice how events will change for the better. Next week your loved one will be ready to delight you with pleasant surprises. Libras should not be wary of everything; sometimes it is useful to trust your soulmate. If Libra (love) weekly horoscope is studied carefully, they will be able to arrange their own personal happiness. If those who do not yet have a life partner are ready for new meetings and communication, then everything will work out.

"Attention! The weekly love horoscope indicates that during this period, Libra will be inclined to keep everything under control. Signs in love with their significant other will have misunderstandings and quarrels; lonely signs can also make mistakes. In the pursuit of control, free constellations risk missing out on the opportunity to achieve their own personal happiness. During this period, the stars advise single people not to try to look for a trick from the outside. If those who have not yet found their soulmate are open to communication and flirting, then everything will work out.”

  • Do not try to vigorously defend your interests in a dispute with your other half. The weekly love horoscope indicates that your loved one also has something to say and offer, so you should listen to him;
  • Stop being shy and finally show yourself in all your glory in front of the opposite sex. If Libra (especially girls) flirt more often and feel confident in their abilities, then everything will work out;
  • Try to listen to the advice of loved ones more often. Libras tend to exaggerate their capabilities, so the right words from a loved one or friends will help them make the right decision in a difficult situation.


At the beginning of the week, Libra women should pay attention to the common interests and hobbies that they have with their chosen one. It is better to postpone passion and sexual pleasures for next time. It also doesn’t hurt to have a heart-to-heart talk with your loved one. Having tried a new extreme hobby, unmarried girls have a good chance of meeting someone. The love horoscope advises bachelors to look attractive at the beginning of the week.

The time has come for Libra men to listen to the requests of their beloved. If on Monday the other half wants to stay at home and have a little romance, then you need to make concessions. The stars recommend that bachelors take a closer look at the girls they know. The luminaries warn that someone has been breathing unevenly in the direction of this sign for a long time.


Airy Libra women will receive pleasant news from their chosen one on Tuesday. This could be an offer to go on a trip next weekend or meeting new friends. In any case, Libra needs to be prepared for new turns and not take them with caution. Free girls should be less sad on this day. An exciting time with friends in a cafe or a walk in the park will allow you to forget about the absence of a partner in their life.

If on Tuesday Libra men offer their companion help around the house, she will definitely appreciate such an impulse. Cooking dinner or cleaning together won't be so boring. The love horoscope advises on this day of the week to tell your beloved more often about your feelings and not to forget about compliments. Bachelors will be lucky today and will be able to win the attention of a beautiful companion. An ardent night of love can develop into something serious.


If you study the Libra love horoscope for the week carefully, you will understand your main mistakes. On Wednesday, it will be useful for representatives of the Air element to moderate their ardor. The companion will not be ready to sort things out and enter into conflict. Unmarried Libra women will meet a promising acquaintance on Wednesday. A meeting can happen simply on the street, so Libra needs to be prepared for any development of events.

On Wednesday, Libra men need to make concessions to their beloved. If on this day they allow their girlfriend to bring her plans to life, then next time the chosen one will do the same. The love horoscope indicates that sometimes in a relationship it is quite important to be able to give in. Singles on Wednesday should pay attention to resolving important issues. The time has come for unmarried Libra guys to decide what kind of companion they dream of seeing next to them. Next time, paying attention to attractive acquaintances, Libra will know what exactly they want.


It will be useful for women in love to retire with their loved one on this day of the week. Visiting exciting places and talking about the future will help bring lovers closer together. The love horoscope warns that on Thursday you should not try to control events, let all good things happen on their own. It is important for unmarried Libra girls to look at a dating site when looking for a companion. Online communication will allow singles to go on a date the very next day.

When resolving important issues, Libra men should not forget about the woman they love. A call during your lunch break or a gentle SMS will make your beloved feel comfortable. The love horoscope recommends that on this day of the week men do not promise their companions what they cannot fulfill. Attention from a pretty colleague will allow unmarried guys to increase their self-esteem. If they also like the employee, then they should invite her on a date.


On Friday, women in love will be ready to make important decisions in their lives. Be it a job change, moving or renovation - Libra will decide on anything. The love horoscope advises representatives of the Air element not to put pressure on the chosen one if he is not yet ready for changes in the relationship. The heavenly bodies do not recommend that unmarried Libra girls refuse a blind date. Such communication is quite promising.

The wishes of Libra men will come true literally by magic on Friday. The stars indicate that it is better to deal with important issues the next day. It's time for bachelors to take a closer look at their girlfriends. The weekly love horoscope indicates that the feelings of acquaintances have long ceased to be friendly. Your friend will enthusiastically accept your offer to go on a date the next day.


After reading the love horoscope for the week, the Libra woman will understand how she needs to behave on Saturday. The stars warn that resolving everyday issues can lead to an unexpected quarrel. Libra should show wisdom and reduce the conflict to nothing. It will be useful for unmarried girls to face their fears on Saturday. Visiting a men's pub or football with your friends will allow you to arrange your personal life.

A change of image will benefit Libra men. The love horoscope advises the stronger sex to pay attention to their wardrobe or change their hairstyle. Your significant other will definitely appreciate such changes. It's time for single guys to stop putting off until next time what they can do today. If bachelors have a pretty female companion in mind, then they should invite her on a date.


On this day, airy women are advised to rest more and think less about problems. Watching a comedy or having a delicious dinner with your loved one will allow you to have a good time. It will be useful for unmarried girls to devote time to their self-education. Reading books, playing sports or listening to music will provide an opportunity to escape and spend time productively. The next day, singles should tackle important issues.

It will be useful for Libra men to be apart from their significant other on this day of the week. The love horoscope indicates that spending time with friends will be very beneficial. Singles should put off all household chores until next time, and today enjoy a vacation alone or in the company of friends.

Men. This week you should look for a compromise in your relationship with a girl. A girl's shortcomings are simply bad habits that can be easily compensated for by good ones. Try to notice all the good things that your loved one has, and also try to change what you don’t like about her, if possible. But this must be done gently and tactfully. And one more thing: “A kiss is the best way to stop the fountain of female eloquence” (M. Larney).

Women. It is very important not to make mistakes at the beginning of your journey. Choose your partner without taking off your rose-colored glasses. Try to listen to the advice of older friends and relatives. Not to obey, but to listen and take a closer look at what they point to. Don't overlook those shortcomings that you can never come to terms with.

Men. This week you should pay attention to those girls who have the grace and grace of a cat. Imagine a cat instead of a girl, and if the comparison works, you can safely approach and introduce yourself. And yet, although they say that it is much easier to find your happiness in the misfortune of another, this week you will have the difficult task of learning to enjoy the successes of others. Good luck to you in this difficult matter!

Women. The lighter your walk, the easier it will be for you to meet the one and only. A beautiful gait seduces, attracts, bewitches, and makes you fall in love. Remember the attributes of a sexy gait: tucked in belly, straightened shoulders, raised chest, toes in one line. Imagine that you are constantly being watched by video cameras and you need to always look good because you will be shown on television. This helps a lot to always be in shape. This is extremely necessary and important for you this week.

Libra is ruled by marriage; more than other signs, Libra needs an alliance with partners in order to feel complete. Libra is the bridge between Virgo, who is ruled by reason, and Scorpio, who is guided by desires. The bridge, hanging and swaying, also signifies the end of the human race, which means limited energy, short breathing, lack of physical strength. It follows from this that old age is not a strong point for Libra. They can experience her injections, although too softened. They do not fall in love at first sight, they are not enslaved by feelings. For Libra, Venus signifies extra love. Completing the individual and social portrait of Libra, it should be noted that the main feature is the ability to get along with people and be liked in society. Libras are sentimental, they cannot help but be tender, the need for public approval can make them prefer a beautiful face or an advantageous position to inner depth and compatibility, and they can marry only half after their hearts. Libras are flexible and can find a common language with a person. Their body lacks the instinctive, the animal, so it must be supported by a super-abundant, sometimes pornographic imagination. They will do almost anything to not be lonely and have a dialogue. Libra women are gentle and charming, they can adapt with any man, sometimes even to the point of self-denial and masochism. These are ideal assistants who find happiness in their husband’s successes. But they also turn away and can look for happiness on the side; if they do not feel loved, they are quickly consoled. Libra men do not pretend to be conquerors, but often expect the woman to make the first move. If a woman doesn't make the first move, they feel unwanted and rejected, give up and look for luck elsewhere. They tend to seduce everyone if they are sure that they are wanted, that they are the center of attention of the chosen one. There is no partner more charming, generous and adaptable. Otherwise, Libra becomes gloomy and cold. They are easy to influence. They rely on women to achieve success and purpose. Men and women sometimes fluctuate between two attachments that seem too necessary. It happens that they try to unite their whole life, to combine them; make both objects of love friends. To make a choice, Libra must first learn to love and make decisions based on feeling. Most suitable for Libra: Aries, Leo, Aquarius, Gemini; Cancer and Capricorn should be avoided. Horoscope for parents Libra loves children, instills in them respect for people, and “cooperates” with them. Libra's desire is harmony in the home. Children who have such fathers are happy; they can always count on their participation, help, and advice. Libra parents have an amazing ability to tactfully and easily educate, convince, and as a result - high parental authority. They rarely have large families.

Psychosexual horoscope of Libra

The question arises: if Libra has so many virtues and is so passionately looking for a partner, why can’t they satisfy and keep the object of their love? The answer is that people of this sign treat their lovers not as people, but as beautiful works of art. And in this age of sexual freedom, there are few women who like to be admired from a distance. And everyone already knows that men of this type are just as rare. Affection and physical intimacy get on Libra's nerves over time, these gods of love make every effort to make themselves beautiful, seductive and charming and, when they finally find the one they were looking for, a delightful rosy period of romantic enchantment begins for them. Then you can really believe that people of the Libra sign come from the planet of love - Venus.

How to Satisfy a Libra

Treat them with tenderness. They hate vulgar decorations, and of all the signs they are the most easily distracted during sexual intercourse. They often dream during love. It is common for them to think about someone else: a former lover or an unfulfilled image. Many Hollywood stars were born under this sign, but calculations show that people of this sign, which rules love and marriage, are not very successful in these areas.

Economics of love

Libras are not adept at the economics of love. In today's world, in order to achieve your goals, you must have firmness and cruelty in character. And Libra often hates open competition and aggression. Their way of fighting for the good of the world is by hoping that their ideal, open image will bring all these benefits as it should. This is, of course, too luxurious an attitude towards life, and Libra needs to think about old age, when their charm and beauty will begin to fade. The thought of buying love is beyond Libra's understanding. Many people of this sign despair in old age, old age, because... having awakened after the quickly passing years of youthful idealism, they find themselves alone and unprepared for the financial content of the future. This sign should save money for a rainy day. Libra is a sign whose sense of well-being depends on financial dependence and financial security.

Most suitable partners

Until the age of 29.5, Libra is most compatible sexually with the signs of Gemini and Aquarius, all three are air signs, and until the age of 29.5, their intellectual, social and sexual connections are fragile and changeable. After 29.5 years they begin to mature and become more practical. They have already moved towards a more sedentary and less intermittent lifestyle. Now they are often compatible with Scorpios and Aries. These two Mars-ruled signs are sometimes a little rough on Libra, and both are quite ambitious. They need Libra's gentle poise and encourage their calm demeanor. After 41.5 years, Libra has already developed and learned to control their intellectual self. Now they are often compatible with the signs of Pisces and Sagittarius, due to their idealism and romanticism.

Fidelity Score

In young years - well, from about 13 to 23 years old they strive to form a close union in love and friendship. In marriage - excellent, provided that they are not required to play the role of a passionate lover, and also if they are given relative freedom to engage in social life and devote their free time to aesthetic values. The best condition for compatibility with Libra is mutual interests in work or a large amount of money, which allows Libra to be given freedom from various responsibilities.

Erotic horoscope of the sign Libra

Libra woman

Her erotic aspirations are embedded in the subconscious. From time to time she is surprised to find herself in a new bed and cannot understand how this happened. She is temperamental, but sex is not a goal for her, although it really occupies a large place in her life. The scales of her behavior fluctuate all the time. A strong man is able to subjugate her to himself, and she will obediently follow all his desires. With a weak partner, she herself becomes the mistress of the situation. But in neither case does the man receive a feeling of complete intimacy, since we are talking only about physical satisfaction. When she feels that she is loved, she transforms - she becomes cheerful, charming, although she still cannot be called a romantic nature. In marriage, her sexual behavior becomes more conscious and interested.

Libra man

And again the duality of nature. On one side of the scale are his wonderful character, grace, elegance, desire for stability, and the love of others. On the other - a painful, hidden from everyone, indomitable attraction to a woman, a continuous thirst for sex. Sometimes successful harmony is achieved, and he manages to curb his temperament. But it happens that the other side of the scale goes down, and the need for pleasure overshadows the whole world. This condition is fraught for him with breakdowns and nervous disorders. Intimacy with a woman only eases his suffering for a short time, and if it were possible, he would give up both his family and his job, and plunge entirely into eroticism. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that his partners do not get his attention, since he strives only to satisfy his own passion. He is able to achieve relative peace in family life, provided that his wife becomes a woman with a similar temperament. Gemini, Leo, Aquarius, Aries, Sagittarius are ideal for you. To a greater or lesser extent, Taurus, Capricorn, and Cancer suit you. Pisces is contraindicated and definitely not suitable for you.

Support in life

Women of this sign value freedom above all else. They can't stand being alone. Libra rules marriage. Libra women strive to know their husband’s every move in order to understand his interests and work, they easily make new friends and change their place of residence. They are very afraid to interfere with their husband in anything. Analysts and very smart. They give their husbands business advice regarding work and quickly grasp the essence of the problem. Even when it comes to feelings, they can make wise decisions, because tact is their virtue.

Life partners

According to the proverb “To love is to rule the world,” when we fall in love, we are looking for our idealized image. In astrology, the most important role in love is played by Venus - in the horoscope of women, and Mars - in men. The Sun in a woman's horoscope indicates the man who is preferred; in a man's horoscope, the Moon plays a similar role. The position of Saturn in relation to the Moon is associated with divorce. LIBRA are charming and lovely, you can fall in love with them at first sight, they know a lot about love. There are usually few hobbies. Libras are happy if their feelings are valued. They are sentimental and like to leave something as a memory of love. Libra women are feminine and love to be complimented. Libra is the constellation of marriage, prone to early marriages and creating a happy and strong family. Libra wives are wonderful wives and mothers. Husbands are great experts in love; they often enjoy bachelor life. Libras love music, art, and society. Thorough Libra conquers their partners, but it is difficult for them to live in peace due to their high demands. They require love, attention, peace. They get along with Sagittarius, Aquarius, Gemini, Leo and Virgo. They don't like Capricorns and Aries.

It's time to reconsider the financial side of your union. And if there are problems in this direction, then there will be an opportunity to correct everything. Or at least you will find a realistic plan. Exciting events, unusual circumstances, or some drama may occur. You will experience a lack of love and warmth from your loved one.

Libra Man

If you are single, then most likely this week will not please you with new prospects on the personal front. Moreover, fate will confront you with Uranian types of people who will enter your world. They will negatively affect your reputation and this will also affect your mood. They will surprise you with their unusual behavior and unconventional lifestyle.

Besy Woman

We should expect fresh trends. For some this will be good, but others still strive for stability and harmony in relationships. A man will appear in your life who will cheer you up and bring some variety to your life, but only for a while. And there is no point in talking about the stability of such relationships. This will be a short-lived romantic interest.

You have the right to do as you see fit. But please try to listen to the opinions of wise people.