When is the best time for an adult to be baptized? Prayer at baptism

Baptism of an adult. Features and rules.

Many articles have been written about infant baptism, rules and traditions. But no one considers baptism in adulthood, when a person takes a responsible step deliberately, not following fashion, but according to his own convictions.

According to the Decree of the Patriarch, adults who are going to receive the sacrament of baptism, as well as godparents, must be interviewed at least 3 times. At these interviews, the priest talks about faith. What is Orthodoxy? What is its significance in human life? Who is God? This is done so that people have an idea of ​​Orthodoxy, the faith they are going to accept. According to the church, now 90% of those baptized have no idea what faith they accept.

Godparents are not needed for the baptism of an adult. The priest explains all the features during the interview, and you can ask him any questions you may have.

There are several options for baptism and it all depends on the specific church. Sprinkling baptism, partial immersion baptism (head only), and total immersion baptism. Not all churches have baptisteries - rooms where adults are baptized with full immersion. But where there is such a thing, it’s worth thinking about what you need with you.

Don’t forget to take your passport and arrive 15 minutes in advance for your appointment. This is necessary so that you can be issued a baptismal certificate. Women do not enter the temple with their heads uncovered. No necklines or short skirts. The skirt should be below the knee, preferably covered shoulders. The procedure is quite long, it is better to do without heels and stock up on waterproof slippers. They will come in handy when leaving the font. Take a towel with you (a very necessary thing). You need to purchase a special shirt for diving into the font. They can be sold directly in the temple. Try to find out about this in advance.

Women should take into account that when wet, the fabric may be see-through, so wear a swimsuit and take a change of underwear with you. Please note that your ankles must be uncovered for almost the entire ceremony. The cross can be purchased directly at the temple. If you purchased it in a store, it’s okay, the priest will bless it right there. It is better to choose a cross made of silver, since gold is considered a “sinful” metal, but no one will forbid you to wear gold. In the church, before the ceremony begins, you need to buy a candle or candles if someone is accompanying you.

With the blessing of the priest, you can take photos and videos.

Getting baptized is a very important step, so you need to think about why you are doing it. If just following tradition or fashion, do you need it? If you are not going to go to church, if you are not going to live according to Christian laws, baptism is unlikely to be any good for you. Looking for a business hotel? Visit the website demetra-art-hotel.ru

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    A strange statement: "... it is unlikely that baptism will be any good for you."
    Why then are infants baptized, who certainly do not intend to go to church themselves and do not yet know anything about any laws?

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Baptism is one of the seven sacraments of the Christian Church. This solemn action plays a huge role in the life of a believer. It has a cleansing meaning, as a result of which a person, as it were, dies and is reborn again for a new life.

The sacrament of baptism is carried out with the help of water, which, on a cosmic level, endows a person with grace and cleanses him of the sin given to him at birth. An adult is forgiven any sins committed before baptism.

A tribute to fashion or the dictates of the heart

If for some reason a person was not baptized in infancy, then at a conscious age, sooner or later this problem begins to bother him. It is important to figure out whether he needs to be baptized or not. And if so, then why?.

Often in conversations at the everyday level you can hear questions: “Is baptism so important?”, “Is it really impossible to communicate with God without it?”

Returning to the origins of Christian teaching, it is worth remembering what the Lord bequeathed before ascending to heaven after the resurrection: “... go and teach the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

If people want to be Christians, they must comply with the will of the Savior. After all, it was he, the son of God, who lived among people, took upon himself the sins of the human race, suffered severe suffering on the cross, died, was resurrected and ascended to God. With his life, he showed people the path of salvation, the path along which they can come to God. But for this you need to die and rise again with Jesus. The sacrament of baptism symbolizes precisely these actions.

To be baptized or not- This is the choice of an adult. No one can force him to do this. It is important that a person does not succumb to the temptation to “be like everyone else,” without having in his soul the desire to subordinate his life to serving God.

The priests claim that it is possible to perform the ritual without the person being baptized believing in God, but it will not cost anything. If after baptism a person does not live according to Christian customs (reading spiritual literature, attending divine services, observing fasts and church holidays), the grace of God will quickly disappear, and the atheist will not be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven after death.

It is no secret that some people undergo the rite of baptism to acquire, in their opinion, certain benefits for themselves. For example: improve your health, improve your financial situation, protect yourself from damage and the evil eye. This is absolutely unacceptable. After all, the essence of baptism is to give yourself to God completely and limitlessly, and not to wait for “manna from heaven” from him.

Preparation period

Adults apply to the Russian Orthodox Church for baptism. Therefore, preparation for baptism differs significantly from the ritual for infants, because the parents make important decisions for the child, and the formed personality itself is responsible for its actions. The clergy are not indifferent to knowing what is behind a person’s desire to be baptized.

In the old days, people who turned to the church with a request for baptism were declared catechumens. Their preparation for the day of baptism lasted more than one day. During this period, they read a lot, attended church, and studied the basics of Christianity. And only the clergy decided whether a person was ready to perform the ritual. In essence, the catechumens were gradually introduced to the life of the church.

Today, priests also carry out preparatory work with those who have expressed a desire to undergo the sacrament of baptism. When people ask questions: “How to carry out Baptism?”, “What is needed for the rite of Baptism for an adult?”, “Is it worth being baptized if the wife wants it?”, there can only be one answer: “You need sincere and firm faith.”

Steps to achieve what you want

There is no need to expect the priest to be gentle and affectionate; his goal is to understand the person’s readiness to be baptized . The main thing is to stand your ground, answer sincerely and without hiding. The first meeting may be unsuccessful, and he will schedule several more audiences. Like a real psychologist, the priest understands that at the first meeting it is impossible to understand the human essence. Subsequent conversations are needed to establish the truth. How many there will be is up to the priest to decide.

In conversations with the priest, those who wish to be baptized will receive answers to unclear questions regarding the Christian religion. You can find out from him how the baptism of an adult takes place, how many times you can be baptized. And after deciding that a person is ready for an important event, find out what the cost of this action is.

Reward for Receiving God's Grace

Temples do not charge fees for rituals. There is only a donation for the needs of the church, which is collected in special boxes. Its value depends on the desires and capabilities of people; it can be pennies or thousands. Details can be found in a candle shop or from church workers.

But this does not happen everywhere. Some churches have price lists with fixed prices for various services. You can find out how much the required procedure costs. Trading in churches is not encouraged by the Bible, but in order to survive in difficult times, clergy have to turn a blind eye to this unpleasing business. Although the funds collected mainly go to helping the poor, repairing church buildings, and building new churches.

Required information

There are nuances that you need to pay attention to:

Preparation for the sacrament

Before the ceremony compliance is required at least within the last three days. It involves giving up meat, dairy products, eggs, alcoholic beverages, and smoking.

It would not hurt to spend this time reading the Gospel, the Law of God, Psalms, and prayers. It is worth giving up having fun, watching TV, spouses need to abstain from intimate relationships.

Before being baptized, we must make peace with all our enemies, confess.

On the eve of baptism, starting from midnight, there should be no poppy dew in your mouth.

Important Attributes

Adult men and women must have a baptismal shirt, a towel, open slippers, a pectoral cross on a chain or rope.

Clothes and towels must be white. For men it is a long shirt, and for women it is a long nightgown with long sleeves or a dress. These clothes are not worn in everyday life and are not washed. It is believed that it has the ability to help during serious illnesses if it is placed on an unhealthy person.

About there is an opinion that it should not be gold. It is better to buy a silver or ordinary inexpensive cross in the church. It is important to remember that after the priest places it around the neck of the baptized person, it is impossible to remove the symbol of faith, unless there are medical indications for this.

Instead of slippers, flip flops are suitable so that the feet are open during the sacrament.

Features of women's baptism

Women and girls are in the temple with their heads covered. This speaks of humility before God and men. Clothes should be modest, clean and tidy. Cosmetics and jewelry are prohibited.

The ceremony is not performed if the woman is menstruating. This issue is discussed with the priest in advance in order to choose the right day.

During immersion in water, the baptismal shirt will get wet and, most likely, will be see-through. To avoid an awkward moment, you can wear a swimsuit underneath..

Baptism ceremony for an adult

After completion of all actions, the ritual of anointing occurs, when the priest makes signs in the form of crosses with the words “Seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit” on the body of the person being baptized. Then the priest, together with the baptized person, walk around the font three times, this symbolizes eternity.

Finally, hair is cut- this means that the new Christian is given over to God’s will.

After baptism, the life of a new member of the Holy Church changes dramatically. Man accepted the obligation to fulfill the commandments of the Lord. This will bring certain changes to your usual life. You will have to give up many habits, control your actions, and change, if necessary, your attitude towards others. But don't be afraid of changes. There is a lot of light and joy in the Christian faith.

The rite of baptism is a sacrament that bestows Heavenly protection on a tiny creature. The event is the second birth of a person upon whom God's grace descends on this day. The rite of baptism of a child is an incredibly beautiful, clean and bright ceremony, for which it is customary to prepare extremely carefully and responsibly, so as not to harm the child.

Many parents wonder how the baptism ceremony takes place, what needs to be done so that the baby receives the powerful protection of the Almighty, the Most Holy Theotokos and God's saints. After all, the life of every person is so thorny and bumpy that without the help of the Heavenly Forces it is impossible to exist in a sinful world. Therefore, in order for the ceremony to go “without a hitch” and for the child to feel God’s kiss, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the rules of the ceremony.

The ancestors sacredly respected traditions, so they baptized newborns on the 7th day. Today the ceremony is performed at any age, but the sooner this happens, the better for the baby.

Baptism rules

The sacrament of baptism requires the fulfillment of certain rules.

  1. First of all, you should choose godparents. Their task is to guide the child through life, being responsible for spiritual education. You need to choose believers, responsible, honest people who observe the canons and know Orthodox prayers.
  2. The godfather is organizing the christening.
  3. The mother buys a white shirt and towel for the baby, as well as a cap or scarf if a girl is being baptized. Kryzhma is a mandatory attribute of baptism, symbolizing purity and sinlessness. When a child is sick, kryzhma serves as an indispensable assistant, healing the child.
  4. Godparents buy a pectoral cross. And also an icon with the face of the holy saint of God, whose name the baby bears. You should not buy a gold cross; it is considered that the metal is sinful. A silver or metal crucifix is ​​the best solution.
  5. After visiting the church, a festive dinner is held at home; the godfather takes care of organizational and financial issues.

Who cannot be godparents

According to the rules of the great sacrament, godparents cannot be people:

  • Those who do not believe in the Lord;
  • Monastery novices;
  • With psychological disorders;
  • With drug and alcohol addiction;
  • With promiscuous sex life;
  • Teenagers;
  • Blood parents;
  • Persons in intimate relationships.

A common mistake spouses make is choosing godparents based on their well-being.
“The richer, the better,” half of the parents believe, because the child will be presented with luxurious gifts. Don’t take it personally, give preference to people you trust, know and respect. Indeed, in the event of the death of blood parents, godparents are obliged to take the child into their care. When making a choice, ask yourself whether you would like to leave your child in the care of these particular people and whether they would send the baby to a shelter?

Features of the ritual

Being present at the baptism of a baby, the soul is filled with life-giving light, healing, crystal clear tears of happiness flow down the cheeks, and divine music sounds in the heart. This incredibly powerful ritual has certain peculiarities.

  1. Babies can be baptized any day.
  2. The godmother and father must pick up the baby and take it to church, after which the blood parents come. It is prohibited for godparents to sit in the spouses' home. On the way to church, the mother must chew garlic and blow it in the child’s face. It is believed that it protects the child from damage and the evil eye.
  3. Close friends and relatives are allowed to be present in the temple; everyone else is invited to a festive meal.
  4. If necessary, the ceremony can be carried out in the maternity hospital or in the home of the spouses.
  5. Parents are not present at the ceremony.
  6. If the ceremony takes place within forty days after birth, the blood mother is not allowed to enter the temple, since it is believed that she has not yet been cleansed after giving birth.
  7. In the church, godparents are responsible for the child, following all the instructions of the priest. After which the priest dips the child into the font three times.
  8. Using a soft brush, the clergyman smears church oil in a cross pattern on the child’s ears, forehead, nose, eyes, arms, legs, and tummy.
  9. From the hands of the priest, the father receives the boy, and the godmother - the girl.
  10. The child is swaddled in a kryzhma, after which the priest puts on a cross, and then the parents dress the baby in a white shirt - a symbol of holiness and purity.
  11. After anointing, the clergyman cuts off a lock of hair - a symbol of sacrifice to the Almighty.
  12. The small miracle is carried around the font three times, after which the boy is brought into the altar, and the girl and he kneel before the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  13. It's a good sign if the baby is calm or sleeping.
  14. Gifts are brought to a child's baptism.

In Orthodoxy, the great sacrament lasts on average 30-40 minutes.

Payment for the ceremony

Before baptism, parents wonder how much the baptism ceremony costs. The Bible says that Jesus Christ, entering the temple located in Jerusalem, drove out the merchants from there, since people pray in the church, and do not turn it into a “den of thieves.” That's why to the question “How much does a sacrament cost” the answer is simple: “Not at all.”

Some clergy do not use the word “Payment” in the house of the Lord, but modestly call it “Donation.” In some places it is fixed, in others it is not.

How much to donate is a personal matter for everyone, but in any case you need to put in a pretty penny.

Differences and similarities in the ritual for boys and girls

The baptism ritual for boys and girls is similar in many ways. But there are also differences:

  • the baby needs a hat, but the boy does not need one;
  • a boy is elevated to the altar, a girl is not;
  • The father carries the boy to the altar, the godmother kneels before the face of the Virgin Mary in her arms with the girl.

Baptism ceremony for an adult

The ritual can be performed at absolutely any age. If an adult needs to be baptized, the following rules should be followed:

  • After midnight it is not allowed to eat or drink;
  • It is advisable to fast for 2-3 days;
  • The night before the event, you should not indulge in carnal pleasures;
  • The day before you should read the Gospel or the Law of God;
  • You should give up fuss, watching TV, fun and festivities;
  • You need to buy a white shirt, a cross, slippers, and a towel.

Godparents are not required for the baptism ceremony of an adult.

By observing all the traditions and rules that have a long history, the child will grow up healthy, strong and happy.

The baptism of a child is a crucial period in the life of both the baby and his parents. If in a church ceremony only the baby’s presence is required, then baptism for an adult is a significant event in life. Not everyone was baptized as children, but it is never too late to become a full member of the Church.

How baptism works - preparation for the child

For children you will need:

  • Christening shirt. You can replace it with a white dress. The girl will need a cap;
  • Kryzhma. This is a white towel or a clean piece of light-colored fabric;
  • Cross. Buy from a temple or store. Father will bless the shop cross;
  • Church candles. They will be needed for the sacrament.

Choose a godfather and godmother for the baby. It is desirable that these people be believers or at least have an understanding of the sacrament.

How baptism works - preparation for an adult

For adults you will need:

  • Women. Prepare a long, modest dress; it is recommended to choose white clothing. Don’t forget about the headscarf; women are not allowed to enter the temple without a headscarf or perform baptism during menstruation. Please note that the fabric of the clothing will become wet in the water and may be see-through. To avoid feeling awkward, wear a swimsuit instead of underwear.
  • For men. Prepare a white shirt and classic dark trousers.

Discuss all the nuances about clothing with the priest. A baptismal shirt for an adult may also be required. Also, men and women should prepare open slippers and a cross, take a towel with you. Before the ceremony begins, buy church candles for the people accompanying you and for a donation.

How children are baptized

It takes from forty minutes to 1.5 hours to carry out the sacrament, it all depends on the number of children. The ceremony is carried out either in the temple or in a separate room with a font. The godparents approach the font with a naked baby wrapped in kryzhma. Further process:

  • The godparents stand with their godson and with candles in their right hands near the font. The girl is usually held in the arms of the godfather, and the boy is held by the godmother;
  • The priest walks around the font with a censer and prayers;
  • The godparents repeat all the words that the priest tells them. They read the “Creed”, renounce evil forces three times and promise to adhere to all the commandments of the Lord;
  • The priest sanctifies the water and lowers the baby into the font three times with prayers. In some cases, the priest sprinkles water on the baby’s head;
  • The priest puts a cross on the baptized person, and the godparents put on a shirt. As a sign of submission to the Lord, the priest will cut a lock of the baby’s hair with a cross. The baby is given a church name;
  • With the child in their arms, the godparents walk around the font three times. The girl is then brought to the icon of the Mother of God near the altar, and the boy is carried into the altar by the priest.

After baptism, the priest conducts the ritual of anointing the baby. Then communion is celebrated. Parents receive a Baptismal Certificate, which will be recorded in a special church book.

How does adult baptism work?

The first stage is a conversation with the priest. Consciously approach the sacrament and understand that your life must change for the better. You must tell the priest what brought you to church and why you want to become baptized. Learn the prayers “Our Father,” “Creed,” and “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary.” You will have to fast for at least a month before the sacrament and not participate in fun parties. Make peace with everyone with whom you were in a quarrel.

Adult baptism process:

  • The priest chooses a church name. You will receive a heavenly patron - the Saint, whose name you will be named;
  • The priest conducts a prayer service. He blows on your face three times, blesses you three times and reads prayers;
  • The believer renounces serving evil spirits. Answer all the words of the priest and read the “Creed”;
  • The mystery begins. The priest sanctifies the water in the font and oil and anoints the believer, and then the person immerses himself in the font three times. If there are godparents, they stand next to the lit candles. But adults can be baptized without them. They put a cross on you, and you and the priest walk around the font three times.

Baptism is a cleansing for an adult of old sins and the beginning of a new life. The life of the baptized person, regardless of his age, is now forever connected with God.

With children, it takes place without godfather or godfather. Godparents are not needed at a conscious age. They are assigned to babies to make vows to God for them. After making promises to the Almighty, godfathers are obliged to raise the child in accordance with the Christian faith.

Adult Baptism– his sole, deliberate decision. It is considered as such after the age of 14. By this time, most have misdeeds and sins. The ritual “washes away” them from the soul. But the desire to cleanse oneself is not enough to perform the sacrament.

Requirements for a person to be baptized as an adult

Baptism ceremony for an adult impossible without his firm faith in Jesus. Formally, the sacrament can be performed. But, the priests say, it will not have power. The priests complain that in the modern world some people order the ritual only as a tribute to tradition. Others strive to get rid of sins, to ensure themselves success in business and personal life through the grace of God.

Such a motivation, theologians note, contradicts the essence of baptism. It is a renunciation of the Devil and turning to Christ. At the same time, a person stops living for himself, starting the path for the Lord and other people. Desires for financial and personal well-being are selfish impulses based on the satisfaction of one’s self.

Only faith can set a person to serve God and society. Only believers are waiting in churches to perform. Before him, it is advisable to study the Gospel and the Bible. Here what is needed for an adult's baptism. Preliminary awareness and penetration of religion is called announcement.

This rite is still required in Catholic churches. Perhaps this is why in American films and programs ordinary people talk so much about God and quote from Holy Scripture. In the USA, people are simply not allowed to be baptized if a person has not studied the word of God.

Confession precedes the ritual. This tradition is also strong in Orthodoxy, which approves adult baptism. Rules sacraments with children require repentance from godfather and godfather. Grown-up citizens come to confess themselves. They are preparing for a symbolic death, before which they need to cleanse themselves.

The moment of death comes during immersion. Resurrection - exit from the font. At this time, the priests say, a person dies for the carnal life and is born for the spiritual. It’s not for nothing that after dipping and prayers they give a new name, like any newborn.

Question " How does an adult's baptism work?” concerns her one moment of preparation for the ceremony. Before the sacrament they fast for at least three days. They limit themselves not only in food, but also in carnal pleasures. At the same time, two prayers are memorized: “Our Father” and “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice.” They will need to be said during adult baptism.

Video online rituals do not last less than 40 minutes. This indicates the slowness and multiple nuances of the sacrament. Therefore, in addition to spiritual preparation, you also need to allocate enough time. Working citizens usually schedule the sacrament on a day off.

Features of baptism for adult men and women

Baptism of an adult woman always happens in a headscarf. They cover their heads as a sign of humility before God and men. The tradition is associated with the original sin of Eve, who disobeyed the Lord and did not consult Adam. Since then, women have to give birth in pain and cannot appear in temples without hats. The rule is not broken even during.

In some churches, women are immersed naked. In this case, a screen is placed near the font. In other churches there is no fence. They take a dip in long shirts. The color of clothes and all paraphernalia for both sexes is the same - white. It acts as a symbol of purity and innocence, coming to the Lord and faith. Men use shirts instead of shirts.

But that's not all you need adult baptism. What do you need take more ? Of course, a crucifix and a chain or rope. You will need a large towel. It is also chosen in light colors. Slippers are also needed. Slates will do. They are convenient to remove. Baptism includes confirmation, which requires bare feet.

There is one more nuance adult baptism. How it goes in the church a man who decided to undergo the sacrament? He enters the altar area. They let you in there after dipping three times. Women do not approach the iconostasis or the altar. This is also connected with the punishment that the weaker sex bears for Eve’s original sin.

The altar in the temple is a prototype of Paradise, and women are not allowed to enter it. This does not mean that a purified soul cannot become part of the Kingdom of Heaven. Christian Paradise does not divide souls in half. While the body, the flesh of a woman, is alive, she avoids the altar.

How much does it cost to baptize an adult?

There is no charge for the ceremony, but voluntary donations are welcome. They are placed in candle boxes to raise funds for the needs of the church. Everyone gives according to their strength. You can put pennies or many thousands. However, in some churches the donation amount is fixed. You can learn the nuances of payment in candle shops or from priests.

Photography services are also paid. adult baptism. Video They are also allowed to do this on condition of donation. On the websites of some churches the following figures appear: 4,000, 1,000, 2,500 rubles. But, in 80% of churches, the amount of the contribution is determined only by the parishioner.

According to the Bible, trading in the houses of God is prohibited. However, for the sake of the survival of parishes, many servants of Christ gave up this rule. Someone will say that sometimes people are driven by greed.

But accusations without facts are just speculation. The facts include the fact that donations are used to build new churches, erect fencing, and help the poor.