Interesting facts about chestnuts. Horse chestnuts - scientific facts about the medicinal properties Chestnut interesting facts

The peel is removed immediately before eating the dish. It is best to do this while the chestnuts are still warm.
We do not cook Easter cakes and wear them to the temple. In Corsica, chestnuts are worn to church.
The chestnut is the coat of arms of Kiev. The choice was made because of the beautiful appearance of the tree. The leaves and flowers of the plant have an ordered shape, so the image is clear.
Now chestnut is not only a symbol of the Ukrainian capital, but also a confectionery factory that produces the famous "Kiev Cake".
In Switzerland, for more than 200 years, there has been a tradition to announce the arrival of spring, when the first leaf opens on the chestnut tree. For this, a tree is used, growing under the windows of the government building. 13 years ago, spring was declared 2 times, as the young leaves on the tree reappeared. The first time it happened was in March. The second is in October. A few years earlier, the chestnut blossomed for the second time on New Year's Eve.
about chestnuts in that they do not like chestnut wood, so you will never find cobwebs in buildings made of this material. Europeans often built castles from chestnut wood. And most of the buildings are perfectly preserved.

He won people's love, thanks to his wonderful healing properties. Horse chestnut seed extract is the first assistant for vascular problems, varicose veins, edema and hemorrhoids.

Other, less common health benefits of horse chestnuts include increasing male fertility, reducing eczema, reducing menstrual pain, and treating skin ulcers.

Therapeutic chemical composition of horse chestnut

The main active component of horse chestnut seeds is escin (a mixture of triterpenoid saponins). Escin protects blood vessels, promotes blood circulation and has anti-inflammatory effects [ , ].

Horse chestnut seed extract also contains antioxidant, cancer-fighting and anti-inflammatory flavonoids and phenolic acids such as:

  • P-coumaric acid
  • caffeic acid
  • quercetin
  • Kaempferol
  • Apigenin

The mechanism of action of substances

Escin in horse chestnut seeds acts:

  • Reducing edema by strengthening and constricting blood vessels (through calcium channels)
  • Strengthening blood vessels (increased prostaglandin F2 levels)
  • Decreased blood clotting and blood pressure (by reducing platelet aggregation)
  • Reduce inflammation (by blocking nitric oxide)
  • Reducing allergies (by suppressing white blood cells)
  • Fighting cancer causing death cancer cells(apoptosis) and increasing autophagy
  • Fight cancer by reducing the growth and spread of cancer cells

Health benefits of horse chestnut

1) Treats Chronic Vein Problems

Leg vein problems can lead to chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). The valves in the veins help carry blood from the legs back to the heart. When the valves become loose or damaged, you may experience swelling, pain, fatigue, tension, and itching in your legs.

Numerous human studies support the benefits of horse chestnuts for the treatment of chronic venous disease. Horse chestnut seeds reduce the amount of fluid in lower limbs, and swelling of the ankles and lower legs in people with chronic foot problems (Systematic review of 17 studies) .

Compared to placebo, horse chestnut reduced leg swelling, pain, fatigue, and itching based on 21 clinical trials involving ~12,000 CVI patients (2-12 weeks, oral doses of 100-150 mg daily).

2) reduces swelling

Edema is caused by the accumulation of fluid under the skin, resulting in swelling. It can affect the lower legs and feet, and symptoms include stiff joints, aching limbs, skin color changes, and weight gain.

In two clinical trials, 125 patients who received injections of escin (5-10 mg twice daily) after surgery noticed a decrease in temperature and swelling 3-4 days after surgery.

Escin reduces the production of inflammatory compounds (suppresses neutrophil activation) and increases energy consumption (increases ATP) in human cells.

Escin also increased vein contraction, helping to push blood back to the heart and reduce swelling (by reducing calcium sensitivity) in rat muscle cells.

3) Strengthens small blood vessels

Escin can strengthen small blood vessels (capillaries) that otherwise become swollen when weakened.

In a study of tissues in human leg veins, escin increased the tone of the veins (constricting them due to the increase in PGF-2).

Escin also blocks enzymes that break down blood vessel walls, prevent leakage, and maintain capillary structure. Daily escin (1 mg/kg) reduced tissue destruction in rats for 3 weeks.

4) Improves hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are also caused by swollen veins in the anus.

In a study of 80 patients with hemorrhoids, escin (40 mg) improved bleeding and swelling in more than 80% of patients within two months.

5) reduces inflammation

In a human study, horse chestnut escin (5 mg twice daily, IV, 2 weeks) reduced inflammation in 24 women with vein problems. It works by blocking the release of inflammatory compounds and decreasing the activation of immune cells that increase inflammation.

In one study, kaempferol was found in horse chestnut to reduce inflammation in mouse breast cancer cells (by reducing oxidative stress and immune cell activity).

In dog models, horse chestnut leaves have been used to reduce swelling in gum disease.

6) May Improve Male Fertility

In a study of 219 Chinese male patients with infertility (due to prostatic edema), 60 mg of escin for 2 months improved sperm quality, motility and quantity (by at least 30%).

7) has an anti-aging effect

Clinical testing of 3% horse chestnut gel on 40 female volunteers (3 times a day, 9 weeks) reduced wrinkles around the eyes compared with the control group.

8) Improves Gut Health

Escin blocks the action of serotonin, an important neurotransmitter in the gut.

In mice, escin increased intestinal flow and reduced inflammation. Bowel flow in mice with paralyzed bowel muscles improved when given escin.

In a cell study, P-coumaric acid also helped the beneficial gut microbiota detoxify the body.

9) May Lower Blood Sugar

Japanese horse chestnut escin lowered blood sugar levels in mice fed large amounts of sugar (glucose tolerance test). This may be important for the treatment diabetes and obesity [ , ].

10) May Protect Kidneys in Diabetes

11) May Fight Cancer

Flavonoids and phenolic acids, found in horse chestnut seeds may play a role in fighting cancer.

In a cellular study, apigenin reduced the growth and spread of a human breast cancer tumor.

In pancreatic cancer cells, esculetin blocked the growth of pancreatic cancer. In a brain cell study, the flavonoids quercetin and kaempferol blocked the spread of a brain tumor that affects children (medulloblastoma) [ , ].

12) is an antioxidant

Antioxidants slow down cell damage. Rat tissue studies have shown that p-coumaric acid from horse chestnut seed extract is an antioxidant [ , ].

In cellular studies, escin was a stronger antioxidant than vitamin E. The effect of escin is enhanced by many other antioxidants in the plant.

13) Can Fight Infections

caffeic acid, found in bacteria-killed horse chestnut, in a cell study.

14) Can protect the skin

Horse chestnut seed extract protects cells and reduces inflammation, which is associated with a rejuvenating effect. These qualities, along with Escin's "gentle soapy feel", suggest potential use of horse chestnuts in cosmetics .

Horse chestnut combined with other compounds

In rat models, escin reduced arthritis when combined with a low dose prednisone(Deltason, Rayos).

In rats with colon cancer, horse chestnuts improved the activity of beneficial gut bacteria when combined with prebiotic and linseed oil .

Side effects and precautions

Horse chestnut seeds must be properly processed before use. Otherwise, the seeds contain the poison esculetin. Esculetin can cause headache, nausea, coma, and paralysis.

When cooked properly, horse chestnuts have few side effects . In some cases, the purified extract can cause severe skin rashes, dizziness, indigestion, and headache. horse chestnut damages red blood cells in rabbits given a high dose for a month (about 10 times the usual dose), but no other toxic effects have been reported.

Restrictions and Cautions

While many studies have shown the benefit of escin for treating leg vein problems, be sure to talk to your doctor about treatment if you have venous disease.

Other benefits of escin, such as relief from menstrual pain, do not have studies to back them up. Long-term use has not been evaluated and is not recommended.

Due to the lack of research, the use of escin in children, pregnant and lactating women is not recommended.

Drug Interactions

Since horse chestnut may reduce blood clotting, it may interact with medicines that have a similar effect (ibuprofen, aspirin, naproxen, warfarin, etc.) and increase the risk of bleeding.

Horse chestnut may lower blood glucose levels. When combined with antidiabetic drugs or insulin, this can increase the risk of very low level sugar (hypoglycemia).

Since horse chestnuts reduce the amount of fluid in the body, it can increase levels lithium .



Horse chestnut is a herbal supplement that can be purchased as cream, capsule (dry) or liquid extract .

Currently, most horse chestnut extracts are made from seeds rather than leaves or bark, as the seed contains the highest concentration of escin.


The dosage of horse chestnut depends on the health benefits.

Standardized horse chestnut extracts contain about 20% aescin .

The study dose for escin injection is 5-10 mg twice daily for up to 2 weeks.

Horse chestnut creams contain 2% escin and applied 3-4 times a day for up to 2 months.

User Experience

Some users say horse chestnut seed extract has helped them with irregular fat distribution (lipedema) and reduced swelling. However, one user frequently experienced nausea and vomiting after taking the supplement.

Most users consume horse chestnut with food to avoid indigestion.

Many users report that horse chestnuts are effective in reducing varicose veins veins and swelling of the legs. Some report leg cramps as the main side effect, as well as chest pain and

Chestnut is a perennial massive tree with a powerful root system. Its wild species are found in the southern regions of the northern hemisphere. Chestnut fruits have a high nutritional value. Nuts, leaves and bark are used in medicine, pharmaceuticals and cosmetology.

Distribution areas

Chestnut (translated into English - “chestnut”) belongs to the Beech family. An interesting fact is that this tree grows in three separate areas: East Asia, the Mediterranean and on the Atlantic coast of the United States. The largest edible chestnuts are found in France, Italy and Spain.

Chestnut prefers mountain slopes and brown soils of moderate moisture, occurring on lime-free rocks. Dislikes swampy and dry soils. It grows well and quickly in temperate warm climates. It differs by a pronounced overgrowth ability from a stump, which is preserved even in old plants.

This tree has an ancient origin, as evidenced by the findings of archaeologists found in the Tertiary and Cretaceous deposits. The modern classification distinguishes 10 representatives of the genus. Most popular:

  • European;
  • crenate;
  • undersized;
  • Segyu.

Many people believe that edible chestnuts are those trees that grow everywhere in parks and squares in megacities. However, this opinion is erroneous. Horse chestnut, unlike its edible relative, belongs to the Sapindov family. Its fruits have a similar name, but they should not be eaten. They have a bitter taste and are practically devoid of nutritional value, although they are used in medical practice.

chestnut tree

It will be useful for everyone to know what a chestnut tree looks like. Since many have heard about it, but few people understand how this plant outwardly differs from other trees.

So, representatives of the genus Chestnut have the following characteristics:

  1. Fast growing deciduous shrubs or trees reaching a height of 2-50 m.
  2. Mature trunks are powerful, straight, brown-brown in color, thick bark is covered with deep furrows.
  3. The leaves are simple, up to 25 cm long, with a relatively short petiole. They are located on the branches in two rows, forming a kind of spiral. They have an oblong-oval or broadly lanceolate shape, painted in dark green. At the base they are wedge-shaped or heart-shaped with a pointed apex. The surface of the leaf plate is leathery, the edges are coarsely serrated.
  4. Chestnuts are monoecious plants. White-cream flowers are collected in erect pyramidal spike-shaped inflorescences 5-15 cm long. Most of them are staminate. Insects pollinate the plant. In the spring, chestnuts serve as good honey plants.
  5. Blossoms in May, and the first fruits appear in autumn.

Walnut chestnut

Chestnut fruits have the following description:

  1. They are spherical.
  2. Surrounded by a shell, which is densely strewn with hard spines on the outside.
  3. Under the peel contains 3-4, less often 7 nuts.
  4. When ripe, the shell changes color from green to brown and usually opens in three wings.
  5. The fruits themselves are ovoid, with a smooth brown surface. They are in contact with each other with a flat side. Tapered towards the top, with remnants of columns and perianth.
  6. A large light-cream embryo (up to 6 cm in diameter) is hidden under the brown skin. Fruit cotyledons are fleshy, rich in starch, proteins, sugars.

5 facts about chestnuts

There are some pretty interesting facts about chestnuts:

  1. The largest and oldest tree in the world is the hundreds of horse chestnut, located 8 km from the crater of Etna (Italy). According to experts, the age of this tree is 2000-4000 years. In 1780, the circumference of its trunk was 57.9 m, due to which the chestnut tree was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the plant with the largest girth. Above the ground, the tree is divided into several trunks, but all have a common root.
  2. The chestnut is one of the symbols of France. Here it is treated with great respect and is considered a national delicacy. Every year in October, France celebrates the chestnut festival. On this day, the streets of the towns are filled with sellers of fried nuts. The festival is not complete without folklore, music, and various competitions.
  3. The biggest lovers of chestnut nuts are the Chinese. They account for 40% of all fruits eaten in the world.
  4. Previously, chestnut fruits were called "rice growing on a tree." Indeed, in terms of their nutritional properties, they are in no way inferior to brown rice.
  5. Chestnut fruits contain a lot of starch, in connection with which they are more reminiscent of potatoes than other nuts. Knowing this, some peoples used ground chestnuts for baking bread.

How to distinguish an edible chestnut

You need to know how the fruits of edible chestnut differ from horse chestnut. Since the latter cannot be eaten. After all, they are not only bitter, but also contain toxic compounds.

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Despite the similarity in the name, these plants have a lot of differences, they differ in the shape of the leaves, the structure of the inflorescences and the appearance of the seeds. So here is the horse chestnut:

  1. The leaves are smoother, serrate, folded together into a huge fan of 5-7 pieces.
  2. Flowering is very lush, and therefore chestnuts are often used as ornamental plants.
  3. Plush of a pronounced green color, with tubercles and rare spikes.

Significance and application

Chestnut wood has similar to oak appearance and properties. The only difference is that its core rays are narrow and inconspicuous. Annual rings are visible well. The sapwood is narrow grayish-white in color, the heartwood is dark brown. Chestnut wood is used for the manufacture of plywood, parquet riveting and for the manufacture of furniture. Barrels and barrels based on this raw material are ideal for infusing and storing various alcoholic beverages.

The wood, bark and leaves of the plant contain 6-14% tannins, which are used in the production of a plant extract used for tanning leather.

Since ancient times, chestnut has been popular as fruit tree. Its varieties - American, sowing and gorodchaty - served as the basis for breeding a large number of valuable varieties. And the chestnut, which was undersized and the softest, was involved in the process of hybridization.

Edible chestnut fruits contain a large amount of carbohydrates and proteins. They are fried and baked. They produce flour and confectionery.

Due to its powerful growth and tent-shaped crown, the plant is often used for landscaping parks and gardens. The tree does not like drought because it root system located at the surface of the earth. Because of this feature, chestnuts are sometimes planted over beer and wine cellars.

Composition and nutritional value

Useful properties of chestnut fruits are due to their chemical composition. Its main part is represented by carbohydrates (starch). Therefore, nuts have a high nutritional value. The starch content in them is commensurate with rice and potatoes.

Only 100 gr. product accounts for:

  • 1.6 gr. proteins;
  • 1.25 gr. fats;
  • 44 gr. carbohydrates.

The energy value of chestnut fruits depends on the processing method:

  • fresh - 166 kcal;
  • fried - 182 kcal;
  • boiled - 131 kcal;
  • steamed - 56 kcal.

The composition of the chestnut fruit contains the following health benefits:

  • dietary fiber (3.5%);
  • sugar (17%);
  • tannins (about 14%);
  • vitamins of groups B, C and PP;
  • minerals (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, copper, iron);
  • malic, lactic and citric acid;
  • fatty acid;
  • flavonoids and pectins.

Not only fruits have useful properties. The composition of the bark and branches contains oils, tannins, fatty acids and glycosides. In foliage - vitamin C, K, P, pectins, flavonoids. These chestnut parts are in demand in the chemical, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.

Useful properties of chestnut nuts

Chestnuts have a number useful properties which are especially valued in traditional medicine. The unique composition provides the fruits with antiseptic, wound healing, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties.

Medicines and preparations based on nuts stimulate blood flow, improve blood composition, normalize blood pressure, and stimulate brain function. Fruits also help the body recover faster after excessive physical and mental stress.

Chestnuts are needed for:

  • removal of edema;
  • fatigue suppression;
  • improve liver function;
  • easier breathing for colds, bronchitis, respiratory infections, etc.;
  • treatment of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, inflamed joints;
  • relieve pain and inflammation with hemorrhoids;
  • solutions to various gynecological problems;
  • elimination of bleeding, rapid healing of external wounds.

Nuts are used as auxiliary elements for massage. Due to the property of chestnuts to retain heat, the fruits are used in heating. And decoctions based on them serve as an additional remedy in the treatment of cough, varicose veins, bronchitis, rheumatism, atherosclerosis and diseases caused by poor blood circulation in the pelvic area.

Esotericists advise wearing chestnuts in pockets to relieve joint pain and inflammation in the body. And beads made of small nuts, in their opinion, improve the functions thyroid gland and hearts.

Hazardous Properties

Despite all the benefits that were discussed in the article, the chestnut nut is a strong allergen, so individual intolerance should be excluded before use. For the same reason, the fruits are not recommended for children at an early age, pregnant and lactating mothers.

Due to the active effect of chestnuts on the circulatory system, their excessive consumption can provoke convulsions. Direct contraindications to the use of fruits are:

  • low blood pressure;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • gastritis;
  • violation of menstruation;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • kidney disease.

The absence of side effects is not a reason to abuse nuts. Not infrequently, when overeating, there is increased gas formation, stool disorder.

Weight loss with chestnut

Horse chestnut is effective in losing weight and is intended exclusively for external use. The active substances in its composition improve blood flow and lymphatic drainage, thanks to which they perfectly relieve edema and cellulite.

The greatest result can be achieved if you use plant-based products in combination with exercise and anti-cellulite massage.

Chestnut recipe descriptions look like this:

  1. Grind dry bark to a powder.
  2. Mix with oil and apply before anti-cellulite massage. Raw materials in this case will perform an exfoliating and stimulating function.
  3. If desired, chamomile decoction and green tea infusion can be added to the product. This will greatly enhance its effect.

It is better to prepare the composition in small portions. You can store it in the refrigerator, but for a short time. Otherwise, the mixture will spoil and begin to release toxins.

Problem areas need to be massaged especially carefully. Before the procedure, it is desirable to clean them from skin secretions.

If you do such a massage every two days for a month, gradually increasing the portion of the anti-cellulite mixture, then the result will not be long in coming. The greatest effect can be obtained if you take a bath before each session.

Summing up

Chestnut is a massive long-lived tree. It grows freely in many parts of the Earth. Its fruits are highly nutritious and nutritional value. Nuts, bark and leaves are used in the cosmetic, medical and pharmaceutical industries. Today, you can grow a chestnut on your site, providing yourself with an unusual product and part-time medicinal raw materials.

1. In Geneva, for 2 centuries, there has been a tradition to declare the onset of spring by a special decree when the first leaf is blooming on the “official chestnut tree” growing under the windows of the cantonal government building. According to statistics, most often spring was announced in March, although often earlier, and in 2002 the chestnut tree completely blossomed on December 29th. The most paradoxical year was 2006: first spring was announced in March, and then again in October, as the tree unexpectedly bloomed again.

2. In 1969, the chestnut became the coat of arms of Kiev - due to the fact that it was pleasant to look at, and its leaves and flower had a clearly ordered shape.

3. The oldest and thickest tree in the world grows in Sicily. The chestnut is recorded in the Guinness book with a trunk circumference of 57.9 m and its age from 2000 to 4000 years.

The chestnut is the only nut with vitamin C.

4. Spiders never weave webs in chestnut wood buildings. This is why so many European castles were built using chestnut beams.

Like popcorn, the inside of the chestnut shell contains moisture. When it heats up, this moisture can break the shell with force (which happens with a characteristic sound), so you always need to cut the chestnut shell to let the steam in, otherwise there will be a small explosion.

5. Chestnuts are high in carbohydrates and more like potatoes than other nuts. Due to their high starch content, chestnuts are ideal for grinding into a nutritious flour.

6. Chestnut trees live 500 years or more. They have existed since prehistoric times. By 378 BC The Romans actively cultivated chestnuts and ground the nuts into flour for baking bread.

Chestnuts have been called "tree-growing rice" since their nutritional properties were remarkably similar to brown rice.

The Chinese eat 40% of all chestnuts in the world. They bake them in hot sand, stew them and cook them in soups.

7. In France for Christmas and New Year they serve a special treat - candied chestnuts called marron glace

If we are used to cooking Easter cakes and colored chicken eggs for Easter, then Corsicans consecrate chestnuts in the church.

In folk medicine, a decoction of dry chestnuts is used to treat colds, diarrhea and as a diuretic for swelling. Nuts are poured with water in a ratio of 1:10 and boiled for half an hour, the liquid is allowed to cool and filtered. Take 2 tbsp. spoons 3-5 times a day.