Longevity of men how to live up to 100. How to live long without getting sick: debunking myths

Everyone wants to know the secret of longevity. After all, it would be so nice to comprehend the secret of a happy and long life. Especially if it would allow you to do nothing and still remain strong and healthy. Such councils exist, and they are far from being secret. Just follow the 10 precepts and you will live a healthy, happy and fulfilling life.

Healthy eating never hurt anyone

It will not be a discovery for anyone that centenarians try to eat healthy food. But the burgers are delicious! However, if you want to live happily ever after, you will have to part with them. Just associate each sandwich you eat with a specific period in your life. They ate a sandwich - they took a week of life from themselves, their beloved. I agree, the comparison may seem silly, but in fact this statement is not so far from the truth. Try to follow this rule: make sure that 80% of the food you eat is natural. It should be vegetables, fruits, lean meats, nuts, legumes, dairy and products.

Sleep no less than necessary

Sleep has a huge impact on our lives. If you want to be successful and productive, then do not forget about healthy rest. It is commendable that you can sleep for two hours a day and function almost perfectly, but your body will not forgive you. He doesn't care that you have an urgent report or session. He requires rest.

Quit smoking now

Scientists have long established that smokers shorten their lives by at least seven years and in the long run they get nothing but illness and disgusting health. The sooner you quit, the more birthdays you will meet.

Don't Forget About Physical Activity

Movement is life, no matter what they tell you. Starting to engage, you will only benefit. You will feel much better. You will look great. And since you look great, then self-esteem immediately rises by several points. Confident people are guaranteed to become more successful. And success, as you know, helps to prolong our lives.

Be social

Your sociality is one of the most important aspects long and happy life. Just arrange a meeting with friends whom you have not seen for a long time. Call your grandmother, aunt or nephew. You will immediately notice that there are people around you who care about you. Simple communication can cheer you up at least until the end of the day. But a good mood is also a guarantee of longevity.

If you like to drink, then do it wisely

This is one of the most important tips for future centenarians. People who don't smoke, exercise, eat healthy and drink wisely live 14 years longer than non-smokers. It is better, of course, not to drink at all or limit yourself to one glass of whiskey or wine.

Become a dreamer

All happy people are dreamers. They strive to rise and are not afraid to fall. In fact, such individuals are friendly with failure, because this is an integral part of their growth and development. Don't be afraid to take risks and win. Only by trying something new will you find out what you are capable of.

Don't let go of the thirst for knowledge

People who have lived long and happy life, followed one rule: they tried to learn and learn as much as possible. Your education does not end at school. Try to learn something new every day. Indeed, in our time it has become such an easy and affordable process. We are surrounded by information everywhere. We can read a book, go online and find absolutely everything. But just do not forget about healthy communication. Your friends can also tell you a lot of new and interesting things.

Remember family and friends

Ask 100 passers-by what is the most important thing in life, and you will receive in response - relatives and friends. If not everyone says that, then most do. But we often forget about our family. We have too much to do and not enough time. We don't have 24 hours to work. What a family! But this is irresponsible. Family is really the most important thing in life. You can always find at least a couple of minutes a day just to call your family. Instead of a Twitter and Instagram feed, call your mom instead.

Be grateful for what you have

Some of us think too much about what we want to achieve and get. In this run, we overlook many pleasant and good things around us. Be grateful for what you have. It will make you happier - scientifically proven. One study found that people who are content with what they have are more optimistic, happy, and even sleep better than those who are irritable and grouchy.

These simple and obvious tips will help you fill your life with meaning and make it long and happy. Perhaps all of the above is banal for you and you should not even talk about it. But in the turmoil of days, we sometimes forget the simplest things. Maybe these tips will help you. Then everything was not in vain.

What advice can you give for a long and happy life?

Want to maximize your youth and improve your health? And who doesn't want to! We have already told you. And today we will tell you what else you need to do to prolong your life!


We all know that bad habits like smoking, drinking alcohol and junk food do not lead to anything good. It is because of the careless attitude to our own body and body that we get sick, look bad and age faster. Therefore, the sooner you reconsider your attitude to your lifestyle and change it for the better, the more likely it is to live to 90 years with excellent health.

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#3 Exercise

A lot of what doctors say contradicts one another. For example, to lose weight, you need to train almost to the limit of your capabilities. And on the other hand, in order to live long, you can not overwork physically. The production of D-lactic acid () is harmful to the body. Therefore, if the question of the figure is not for you, make sure that during training the pulse does not rise above 140 beats per minute.

No. 4 Meal Schedule

Train yourself to eat 4-6 times a day instead of 2-3. Such a schedule maintains a stable level of glucose in the body and well-established work. gastrointestinal tract. If you eat rarely, but a lot, it causes sharp jumps in insulin in the blood, and it destroys blood vessels.

No. 5 Diet

Eat simple food: cereals, vegetables, meat. Try to avoid store-bought sauces, mixes, cakes, convenience foods. Your diet should be 75% plant based, incl. porridge, and 25% of protein (meat, eggs, dairy products). It is not at all necessary to pay back for some expensive fruits and vegetables, pay attention to the usual and. Not only are these products very useful, but you can also cook a lot of non-standard and very tasty dishes from them.

No. 6 Nutrition Features

Eat peptides and pectins. These substances improve the biochemical processes in the body and contribute to the elimination of toxins. Seaweed, chicken meat and dairy products are rich in the first. The second - apples, bananas and persimmons. Every day - two glasses of kefir or yogurt. These drinks reduce self-poisoning by metabolic products, preventing fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract and normalizing the intestinal microflora.

No. 7 Peace of Mind

The most destructive effect on the body is not even alcohol and cigarettes, but stress. When you are often and very nervous, the work of the brain is depleted and the activity of the autonomic function is disrupted. nervous system regulating the functions of the whole organism. If you feel that you are not coping with stress, make an appointment with your doctor and start taking. This will help you not to bring yourself to nervous exhaustion and depression.

Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately,science has not yet discovered a way for mankind to achieve immortality. In fact, we don't know exactlydo we really want this privilege. But the most important thing for each of us, of course, are many years of happiness and healthy life in harmony with yourself and those around you. Do you want to live 100 years?

According to statistics, there are currently about 13,500 centenarians in the world. Researchers believe that in 50 years their number will triple. The question is how can we achieve longevity, live 100 years or more, while maintaining activity and health?

Today in our article we will talk about it. We are sure that this topic will be of interest to you.

1. Reduce your daily calorie intake

In fact, all you need is reduce sugar intake, baking, and semi-finished products. Adopting healthy lifestyle habits is as easy as convincing yourself that you need to eat better.

2. Say "Yes!" broccoli, fruit, coffee and honey

Are you one of those people who can't imagine starting their day without cups of coffee? Then you should not refuse it, as well as fruits rich in antioxidants, such as lemons, apples or pears, which you eat for breakfast or afternoon snack every day.

  • Carrots, broccoli and spinach help you achieve good quality life and achieve the longevity everyone dreams of. The high alpha-carotene content of these vegetables is associated with a lower risk of early death.
  • What can be said about honey? This is truly a natural treasure, so honey must be present in your diet. It is the best natural sweetener, rich in nutrients and has an antibacterial effect. It also gives a charge of vivacity and is useful at any age.

3. Use of fat once a week

We are sure that you are surprised by this fact. Salo? Really, as little as 5 grams once a week is enough laid on whole grain bread. What is the reason?

According to a study published in The Journal of Gerontology if we follow low calorie diet and we put in some tallow once a week, we get oleic acid with it. It protects against cell death organs such as the liver, as well as the muscles and skeleton. It is very easy and will help you stay healthy even in old age.

4. Do not let fat accumulate in the abdomen

This is dangerous. The accumulation of belly fat is an indicator of health problems, which can cause serious cardiovascular disease. Don't let this happen! Reduce your fat intake physical exercise, drink enough water. Also keep your blood pressure and cholesterol levels under control.

Sometimes it is enough to lose 3 to 5 kilograms to reduce the waist and thereby reduce the risk of diabetes and heart problems. According to statistics, heart disease is the most common cause premature death, and this is something we can avoid.

5. Do you want to live 100 years? Walk 30 minutes a day!

We often tell you about this on our blog. , it's good for your heart, legs, muscles... Don't procrastinate, find 30 free minutes to breathe clean air, get an injection of endorphins. So you take care of your health and strengthen your immune system.

Physical activity is the key to longevity.

6. Get at least 8 hours of sleep

This information may surprise you, but almost 70% of centenarians sleep about 10 hours a day. That is, daytime sleep is also added to night sleep, which also helps them to remain cheerful until the evening.

It is unlikely that this question can be answered in one word. After all, we are talking about a whole range of measures and habits that allow you to maintain good health for many years. First of all, to live long you need to be careful about your diet.

What products do I choose? Do I lead an active lifestyle? Am I usually in a good mood? Do I know which food is the most beneficial?

If you have never asked yourself such questions, it is possible that the secret of longevity is still a mystery to you. But it's never too late to reveal this secret. Find out what habits to change and how to eat to live long and active.

Keys to longevity: how to live long

healthy eating

Perhaps this is one of the main recommendations. Proper nutrition helps to maintain health, and at the same time increase life expectancy. It is very important to include in the diet as many foods high in antioxidants, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and poultry meat.

At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the number of calories that enter the body with food. Avoid sugar, flour and semi-finished products.

Healthy breakfast

Although we have already told you about the basic principles proper nutrition, it will not be superfluous to talk more about breakfast. Why breakfast? The fact is that morning reception food is critical for the whole day.

The results of the studies carried out showed that it is healthy breakfast avoids obesity and diabetes. The food that enters the body in the morning starts the metabolism, normalizes digestion and fills the body with energy for the next day.

Physical activity

In order to have good health and stable weight, it is recommended to lead a physically active lifestyle. Exercise is the key to longevity, because playing sports significantly improves not only the physical but also the emotional state. It doesn't have to take long hours to do this. gym: experts believe that just 30 minutes of daily exercise is enough for three years.

Good dream

Lack of sleep negatively affects the quality of life. Unfortunately, sometimes we just don't notice it. But the importance to our physical and emotional health cannot be underestimated. When a person sleeps poorly, the risk of various diseases and health problems increases significantly.

According to some studies, lack of sleep increases the likelihood of developing oncological diseases, heart disease, diabetes and obesity.

Oral hygiene

As Dr. Michael Roizen points out in his book The real age makeover, careful oral health care increases human life expectancy by 6.4 years. This has its own explanation.

Poor oral hygiene leads to gum disease such as gingivitis and periodontitis. Because of this, narrowing of the arteries can develop, which is one of the main causes of cardiovascular disease. In order to avoid these unpleasant problems, remember to brush your teeth several times a day and use dental floss.

intellectual activity

Try to diversify your life with activities that require the active work of the intellect, engage in self-education, show curiosity about the world around you - this is the secret of centenarians.

longevity cocktail

Drink this smoothie daily on an empty stomach. It will improve the health of the heart and blood vessels, and at the same time avoid the occurrence of various cardiovascular diseases. The preparation of this drink will not require much effort from you, and its regular use will have a beneficial effect on health and give you a few extra years of life.


  • 2 liters of red wine
  • 200 g honey
  • 200 g fresh wild nettle leaves


  • Take a large container, put nettle leaves in it and pour.
  • Wine and nettles must be infused for 24 hours. After that, strain the mixture and start heating it over low heat.
  • When the liquid begins to boil, add honey. Once the honey has dissolved and the alcohol has evaporated, immediately remove the pan from the heat.
  • Pour the resulting drink into a bottle. Drink half a small cup of the drink every morning on an empty stomach.
  • First of all, it has a very pleasant taste, and in just a few weeks you will begin to notice how your well-being improves.

Do not worry, this drink can be drunk in the morning, because the alcohol will evaporate during cooking.

Medical experts have compiled a list of the most useful things you can do to live longer and stay healthy until the very last days. If you develop such good habits, you will quickly begin to feel better.

Go for a run

Sport is the most effective way prolong your life. Running helps to activate the work of the heart. Every hourly run adds seven hours to your life! People who run lower their risk of premature death and live an average of three years longer. In addition, they are healthier overall.

Eat vegetable protein

Recent studies have shown that eating processed meats increases the likelihood of premature death. People who eat plant-based protein are much less likely to experience cardiovascular disease.

Get in the sun, but not too often

Vitamin D has been proven to help fight disease, promote bone health, and ward off depression. Studies have shown that it even prolongs life. Just don't spend too much time in the sun.

drink coffee

To the delight of all coffee lovers, invigorating drink can prolong life. Moderate coffee consumption protects against type 2 diabetes and may even reduce the risk of dementia and heart disease.

Eat nuts

Do not think that they are harmful because of the high calorie content, nuts can extend your life. This has been proven by research.

Use spices

There are spices that are incredibly beneficial for the body, for example, turmeric has amazing anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation speeds up the aging process, so fighting it can be very beneficial.

Do not smoke

You probably already know about it. Quitting smoking is the most important decision you can make to prolong your life. Cigarettes have been linked to almost every serious disease, from cancer to cardiovascular disease.

Drink alcohol in moderation

Alcohol abuse is dangerous to health, but drinking in moderation, especially red wine, can be beneficial if you want to live longer.

Eat more pepper

Recent studies have shown that people who regularly consume pepper reduce their risk of premature death by thirteen percent. Pepper lowers blood pressure due to the content of capsaicin.

Be less nervous

The impact of stress on the body is extremely serious, so try to reduce stress. Studies have shown that people with chronic stress have a lot more hormones that cause aging.

Do strength exercises

Do not think that you only need cardio training, strength will also be required to prolong life. Recent studies have shown that people who train twice a week in the gym significantly improve their health.

Eat more fruits and vegetables

Researchers are sure that those who want to live longer should eat more fruits and vegetables. People who eat about ten servings of fruits and vegetables a day are remarkably healthy.

Be kind and generous

Building relationships with other people is very important if you want to stay healthy in the long run. The best way improve your health - focus not only on yourself, but also on others.

eat fish

Use useful varieties fish is important for those who want to extend their lives. Eat oily fish like salmon twice a week.

Get enough sleep

We are all constantly busy, so sleep often suffers. If you want to live as long as possible, make rest your priority and get seven to eight hours of sleep every day.

Be young at heart

You are as old as you feel. Those who feel younger live longer. Perhaps the fact is that the attitude to life is associated with activity and health.

Don't sit all day

Even if you're not sure you're ready to get fitter, you need at least minimal movement. Try to walk at least ten minutes - such an effort will still reduce the danger of death.

Eat berries

Berries are known to be one of the best sources of antioxidants. Antioxidants prevent cell destruction during aging. In addition, the berries also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Strain your brain

Your brain needs exercise too. Stimulation of brain activity helps to avoid senile dementia in the future.

Chat with friends

People who have a connection with others are more likely to live to an advanced age. Having strong friendships increases the chance of longevity by fifty percent.

Eat like the Japanese

You need to not only eat vegetables and fish, but also stop overeating. The Japanese eat small meals and have the highest life expectancy in the world.


According to research, stretching helps improve the condition of the arteries, and thus prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases. Work on flexibility and balance regularly, for example, in yoga classes or at dances.

Find a purpose in life

If you have a purpose, you will live a little longer. This has been proven by researchers from London.

A positive outlook on life prolongs years. Research has shown that being optimistic can help you cope with a variety of health problems quite effectively.

take a walk

If you don't like running, go for a walk, it will protect you from cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.

Become a Volunteer

It is useful to help not only acquaintances - the work of a volunteer also has a good effect on health. Research has shown that volunteers long duration life, but only when they help selflessly.

have sex

With age, the sex life fades, and this is a problem. Those who maintain sexual activity live longer.

Take care of your teeth

The condition of your teeth can be a reflection of your overall health, so brush your teeth and floss.

Give up soda

There is nothing surprising in the fact that sugary drinks shorten life, they damage metabolism and cause diabetes.

Start a family

People who have a partner usually live longer. A happy marriage is the key to success.

Experience gratitude

You should be more grateful to your body, it helps to prolong your life.

Drink more

There is a lot of water in the human body, so you should drink more often to support it.


If you regularly experience positive emotions, you reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and even Alzheimer's disease.

Go on vacation

Traveling makes it easier to find moments that lift your spirits. It turns out that vacation can be a way to extend your life!

Eat right

Try to eat as many natural, whole foods as possible, as well as fresh herbs and spices.

Get a pet

Researchers have found that pets make people happier, which reduces stress levels.

Videos with cats perfectly cheer up, which means you will experience less negative emotions.

Have kids

Children have a positive effect on life expectancy, this is confirmed by Swedish studies.

Spend time with your grandchildren

Grandchildren also prolong life. Those who spend time with them live much longer.

Prevent disease

Nobody likes going to the doctor, but regular check-ups can help prevent illness.

Walk in nature

Contact with nature has a positive effect on the psyche and prolongs life.

Maintain a healthy weight

Obesity seriously reduces life expectancy, causing diabetes and heart disease.

Eat calcium

As we age, bones become more fragile. Prevent this with calcium.

Eat dark chocolate

This dessert will help you prolong your life. It protects the heart and lowers cholesterol levels.


Meditation is extremely useful in the fight against cell destruction and aging.

sing along

Relax and sing, it strengthens the immune system and stabilizes the heart rate.

Use social networks

Communication with loved ones helps to extend life, so go online.


Laughter is the best medicine. Scientists have found a lot of evidence for this.

Get some plants

If you can't go to nature, just admire a houseplant.

Spend some time alone

This will allow you to reduce stress levels and relax, prolonging your life.