Irkutsk State Transport University (Irkutsk). Irkutsk State University of Transport (Irkutsk) Faculty of Railway Construction

University: General information

Full name

State educational institution of higher professional education Irkutsk State Transport University

Year of foundation

Chernyshevsky st. 15, Irkutsk, 664074

Phone number(s)

(395-2) 38-76-07, 63-83-11

Fax number(s)

(395-2) 38-77-46

Internet address

Andrey Pavlovich Khomenko, professor, doctor of technical sciences.

Contact information of the employee responsible for admitting foreign citizens to study

Sergey Viktorovich Eliseev
Vice-Rector for International Relations
Tel./fax: (395-2) 59-84-28
Email: [email protected]

Total number of students

4779 (in Irkutsk)

Number of foreign students

109 people


1. Management of transportation processes;
2. Institute of Information Technologies and Modeling;
3. Economics and management;
4. Humanitarian;
5. Electrical engineering;
6. Construction of railways;
7. Electromechanical

University: Admission requirements for undergraduate studies

Irkutsk State University of Transport does not provide training for foreign citizens in undergraduate programs.

University: Admission requirements for the graduate training program



1. Customs affairs;
2. Economics and enterprise management;
3. Finance and credit;
4. Accounting, analysis and audit;
5. Personnel management;
6. World economy;
7. Organization of transportation and transport management;
8. Quality management;
9. Crisis management;
10. Organization management;
11. Information systems and technologies;
12. Software VT and AC;
13. Comprehensive provision of information security of automated systems;
14. Automation, telemechanics and communications in railway transport;
15. Instruments and methods of quality control and diagnostics;
16. Mechatronics;
17. Mechanical engineering technology;
18. Engineering environmental protection;
19. Safety of technological processes and production;
20. Expertise and property management;
21. Bridges and transport tunnels;
22. Construction of railways;
23. Electricity supply to railways;
24. Electric transport of railways;
25. Cars

Duration of training

Duration of semesters

Autumn semester from 01.09 to 30.01.; spring semester from 01.02. until 30.06.

Entrance tests: subjects, exam forms, RCT testing

RCT testing;
exams in mathematics, physics

Deadlines for entrance examinations

From 01.06 to 15.06;
from 15.06. until 30.06

Cost of education

From 30,000 to 50,000 rubles per academic year

Disciplines taught in foreign languages

The university does not teach disciplines in foreign languages.

Training courses/ department/faculty (subjects, duration, start of classes, cost)

Preparatory department;
- Mathematics, physics, Russian as a foreign language, descriptive geometry, chemistry;
- The choice of disciplines is determined by the decision of the Academic Council of IrGUPS;
- 10 months;
- From September 1st of the academic year;
- 28,000 rubles

University: Admission requirements for Master's program

The Irkutsk State University of Transport does not provide training for foreign citizens in master's programs.

University: Admission requirements for postgraduate/doctoral studies

Testing in Russian as a foreign language

Timing of testing

September - June

List of specialties
(postgraduate studies)

1. Dynamics, strength of machines, instruments and equipment;
2. Chemistry of organoelement compounds
3. Theory of mechanisms and machines;
4. System analysis, management and information processing;
5. Metal science and heat treatment of metals;
6. Railway track, survey and design of railways;
7. Railway rolling stock, train traction and electrification;
8. Management of transportation processes;
9. Economics and management of the national economy, economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes;
10. Philosophy of science and technology;
11. Sociology of management.

Doctoral studies

Dynamics, strength of machines, instruments and equipment.

Prerequisites (list of publications, written works, etc.)

1. A list of published scientific works (if any) or an article in a scientific journal in the field of science, or a short abstract on the topic of the proposed dissertation research of up to 2 pages (graduates of Russian and Soviet universities submit the abstract in Russian);
2. If there is an article, an abstract is not required;

Cost of education

Postgraduate studies
60,000 rubles (full-time study)
30,000 rubles (correspondence course)

Doctoral studies
30,000 rubles (full-time study)

Training courses/preparatory department (subjects, duration, beginning, cost)

Russian language, history and philosophy of science;
- November - May;
- from November 1;
- 15,000 rubles

University: Additional information

Experience of teaching foreign students and the total number of graduates - citizens of foreign countries

The history of the development of international relations of the university began in 1986, when 9 Mongolian citizens arrived to study at the Irkutsk State University of Transport through the state. In 1992, IrGUPS signed an agreement with the Ulaanbaatar Railway on the training of national personnel of Mongolia. Every year, within the framework of the agreement, the university accepts 15 - 20 students, trains and retrains Mongolian railway transport specialists; provides a basis for scientific work for interns, graduate students, and doctoral students from various universities in Mongolia. Over 20 years, the university has trained 130 specialists for the railways of Mongolia, including 5 Mongolian citizens who completed correspondence postgraduate studies for foreign citizens.
Mongolian graduates of IrGUPS work at all linear stations of the Ulaanbaatar Railway.
The desire to improve the efficiency of integration of education, science, and production forces the university to actively engage in international cooperation, search for the most promising innovations, partners for their implementation, and purposefully create its own niche in the market of scientific and educational services. Eleven international cooperation agreements are tied with threads of friendship, mutual understanding and mutually beneficial partnership with universities, scientific institutions and production teams of the CIS countries, Mongolia, China, the Republic of Korea, and Great Britain.


The university has 3 of the best comfortable dormitories in the city of Irkutsk and provides housing for all foreign students and students.

Sports, leisure and health insurance

1. The university has formed national teams in 11 sports that take part in competitions at the city, Russian and international levels. The university has a modern swimming pool, a sports and recreation camp, which are located a 5-minute walk from the main building of the university, students actively participate in international sporting events.
2. The university has an art gallery where creative meetings are held with teachers, artists, poets, writers, scientists, and managers of large industrial enterprises. IrGUPS has a student sports club, an editorial office of the newspaper "Express", a student television studio, there are male and female vocal ensembles, a literary studio, a dance ensemble "Expression", an oriental dance ensemble, guitarists, a photo club, a gardening club, faculty KVN teams .
3. All foreign students and students have medical policies from the insurance company "ZHASO"

Additional services

The university provides the opportunity for individual training in the Russian language, studying foreign languages, obtaining a second higher education, and an individual program of scientific tourism is being implemented.

additional information

Related costs

Participation in the implementation of cultural and entertainment programs, scientific and educational tourism; individual medical care services (massage, physiotherapy); obtaining skills and abilities in working specialties.

Candidates for studying at the Irkutsk State Transport University must be practically healthy and have no medical contraindications for studying and living in the climatic conditions of Russia. All candidates are required to undergo a thorough medical examination, including testing for the presence of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and AIDS.

Documents about the education received (indicating the subjects studied, hours spent on studying the subjects and grades, points, credits received in them) submitted to IrGUPS by a candidate for training must be:

  • legalized in the country of study or in the country that issued the document;
  • equivalent to a state education document of the Russian Federation;

The dossier of a candidate for training must include: 1. copies of documents and their translation into Russian, certified by a Russian notary or the Consulate of the Russian Federation in the country that issued the document, or by the Consulate of the country that issued the document located in the Russian Federation;
2) a medical report certified by the official health authority of the country;
3) a certificate of medical examination for the presence of the AIDS virus, certified by the official health authority of the country;
4) a notarized copy of the birth certificate;
5) copies of passport pages for traveling abroad with installation data for issuing an invitation to study (passport N, passport validity is at least 1.5 years before entering Russia);
6) 8 photographs 4 x 6 cm.

Recognition of educational documents for equivalence is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation through the International Relations Department of the IrGUPS within 3 months from the date of submission of documents.

Admission of foreign citizens to study at IrGUPS is carried out:
· according to educational programs of higher professional education for training specialists. Enrollment of foreign citizens entering training programs for certified specialists must end no later than one month after the start of classes in the relevant program;
· in postgraduate training programs. Those wishing to obtain a postgraduate education must have an education recognized as equal in level of training to the Russian qualification of a certified specialist or a master's qualification (degree);
· in doctoral training programs. Those wishing to obtain a doctoral degree must have an education recognized as equal in level of training to a Russian academic degree of candidate of sciences/arts;
· for scientific and scientific-pedagogical internships (with a bachelor's, specialist or master's degree);
· according to programs of additional or second higher education;
· for continued (inclusive) training;
. on educational programs of pre-university preparation for studying in Russian educational institutions of higher professional education;
· programs to improve knowledge in the field of the Russian language and Russian culture;

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General view of the main academic building in Irkutsk

Sports complex "Izumrud"

Students in geodesy classes


Visit of the Minister of Transport of Russia M. Yu. Sokolov

Irkutsk State Transport University - higher education institution, one of the leading educational, scientific and engineering centers Siberia And Far East Russia in the field of railway transport.

Full name – Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Irkutsk State Transport University” (FSBEI HE IrGUPS). The founder of the university is the Russian Federation. The functions and powers of the founder are exercised by Federal Agency for Railway Transport.

Organizationally, it is a regional-branch university complex with branches in four constituent entities of the Russian Federation and Mongolian People's Republic. The university complex includes the parent university in Irkutsk, 4 branches and 3 colleges and 2 technical schools.

Prepares specialists of higher and secondary vocational education for railway industry and other industries National economy in 32 areas of higher vocational education, 12 specialties of secondary vocational education.

Every year the university graduates more than 4,000 specialists with higher and secondary specialized education.

The university ranks first in the region in terms of graduate employment and first place in terms of the average monthly salary of graduates.

  • Krasnoyarsk Institute of Railway Transport - branch in Krasnoyarsk
  • Ulan-Ude Institute of Railway Transport - branch in Ulan-Ude
  • Transbaikal Institute of Railway Transport - branch in Chita
  • Mongolian branch in Ulaanbaatar


  • Siberian College of Transport and Construction
  • Railway Medical College
  • Chita College of Railway Transport
  • Krasnoyarsk College of Railway Transport
  • Ulan-Ude College of Railway Transport


Irkutsk State Transport University today is a modern scientific and educational complex with a developed educational, laboratory and production base, which has all the conditions for high-quality training of highly qualified specialists in the transport industry. The building of the head university in Irkutsk consists of 6 academic buildings with over 100 specialized classrooms and laboratories. Students have access to a library, a computer center, and access to Internet. The university infrastructure includes 7 dormitories in Irkutsk, the Izumrud sports and recreation complex with a swimming pool, gym and gyms, as well as open sports areas in the Zvezdochka grove owned by the university. [ ]

The science

IrGUPS is a member of the International Association of Transport Universities of Asia-Pacific Countries, as well as the Association of Rectors of Transport Universities of the Russian Federation and China, where it annually participates in forums and symposiums with presentations. Since 2008, the International Symposium on Innovation and Ensuring the Safe Operation of Modern Railways has occupied a special place in the development of international relations. Russian and Chinese transport universities actively cooperate on one of the current topics of the railway industry - innovation, which makes it possible not only to organize effective joint work of state specialized universities, but also makes it possible to bring closer positions in the information space of modern high-tech breakthrough technologies. University students and teachers are regular winners of industry scientific competitions. [ ]

Creativity and sports

Culture and sports: the university has 14 creative studios of different directions - theater, pop vocal, instrumental and choreographic, as well as a creative workshop for presenters and its own KVN league. University students have repeatedly become winners and prize-winners of all-Russian and international creative competitions. In addition, the university has 11 national sports teams in various sports; the university is traditionally famous for its strong sports training. [ ]

Construction teams

The Irkutsk State University of Transport was the first in the Irkutsk region to resume the construction brigade movement - in 1997, the first squad of conductors set off on a voyage. Today, the Consolidated Construction Team of IrGUPS is the largest in the Irkutsk region. Its fighters built Olympic facilities in Sochi, the Vostochny Cosmodrome, work at the BAM facilities, and the Power of Siberia main pipeline. In total, the combined detachment of IrGUPS numbers 536 people. [ ]

Volunteering (volunteering)

The volunteer movement at the university originated on the basis of construction teams. Students helped lonely old people, war and labor veterans, and simply elderly and lonely people remove snow, chop wood, etc. Gradually, volunteer activities emerged as an independent area of ​​student social life, and now the university has a single volunteer center, within which work is carried out in many areas. Sports volunteering: - training volunteers for various sporting events in the Russian Federation - assistance in organizing and conducting sports championships and competitions on a global, federal, regional scale; Event volunteering: - support and service of cultural, scientific and other events in the city and region; Environmental volunteering: - campaigns for garbage collection, landscaping and restoration of burnt forests; Social volunteering: support for citizens, veterans, elderly people; Fire-fighting volunteering: - conducting educational work with residents of the private sector of the city of Irkutsk - patrolling urban forests together with employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations; All-Russian public movement “Volunteers of Victory”: - civil-patriotic education, organization and conduct of patriotic events [ ]

Directions and specialties of higher education

Bachelor's degree
  • 03/08/01 Construction
  • 09.03.02 Information systems and technologies
  • 03/09/04 Software engineering
  • 10.03.01 Information security
  • 12.03.01 Instrumentation
  • 03/15/06 Mechatronics and robotics
  • 03/16/01 Technical physics
  • 20.03.01 Technosphere safety
  • 03.23.01 Technology of transport processes
  • 03.23.03 Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes
  • 03.27.02 Quality management
  • 38.03.01 Economics
  • 38.03.02 Management
  • 03.38.03 Personnel management
Master's degree
  • 08.04.01 Construction
  • 09.04.02 Information systems and technologies
  • 09.04.04 Software engineering
  • 10.04.01 Instrumentation
  • 04/15/05 Design and technological support for machine-building industries
  • 04/15/06 Mechatronics and robotics
  • 04/20/01 Technosphere safety
  • 04/27/02 Quality management
  • 04/38/01 Economics
  • 04/38/02 Management
  • 04/38/03 Personnel management
  • 04/38/08 Finance and credit
  • 05/23/03 Railway rolling stock
  • 05.23.04 Operation of railways
  • 05.23.05 Train traffic support systems
  • 05.23.06 Construction of railway bridges and transport tunnels
  • 05/38/02 Customs

Irkutsk State Transport University (abbreviation IrGUPS) is a higher educational institution that trains engineering personnel for railway transport. Opened in 1975. Rector - Khomenko Andrey Pavlovich.

Irkutsk State Transport University: encyclopedic reference

Irkutsk State Transport University (IrGUPS, formerly IrIIT) was opened as an independent university in 1975. The time of its birth is closely related to the construction. The structure of IrIIT includes faculties: correspondence, railway construction, transportation process management, electromechanical, faculty of advanced training, general technical faculty, humanities, educational and consulting centers in Abakan, Ulan-Ude, department of foreign students. IrIIT trains railway engineers in the following specialties: railway construction; track and track facilities; organization of transportation and management of transport (railway transport); automation, telemechanics and communications in railway transport; information systems in engineering and technology; economics and enterprise management (railway transport); electric railway transport; railway power supply; carriages. In 2001, 6,381 students studied at IrIIT (2,525 full-time, 3,800 part-time, 56 foreign students).

Over 25 years, the university has graduated 7,869 specialists, including 61 representatives from Mongolia. More than 300 young specialists received diplomas with honors. There are many famous people among IrIIT graduates: Deputy Minister of Railways S.N. Gapeev, S.A. Grishin, Heroes of Socialist Labor, builders of the BAM - A.V. Bondar, L.D. Kazakov, many deputy heads of roads, heads of road departments, construction trusts, prominent scientists, public figures.

The number of people wishing to study at IrIIT is growing every year. If in 1992 the competition for one place was 1.6 people, in 1996 – 2.3, then in 2000 – 4.9. In the specialty of economics and enterprise management (railway transport), the competition consisted of 15 people, information systems in engineering and technology - 8.

In 2001, there were more than 300 teachers in 24 departments of the university. Among them are 38 doctors of science, professors, more than 100 candidates of science and associate professors. The university has postgraduate and doctoral studies, where more than 70 people study. A branch of the Siberian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Transport was created on the basis of IrIIT. Research work is systematically carried out both at departments and at sites, testing sites, enterprises of the Krasnoyarsk, Transbaikal and other railways.

Currently, the university complex of IrGUPS solves the problems of training personnel for the railway industry in more than 25 specialties at the highest level. Its structure includes institutes in Krasnoyarsk, Chita, Ulan-Ude and branches in Severobaikalsk, Abakan, Ulaanbaatar.

Rectors of IrGUPS (IrIIT)

    V. N. Pozdeev (1975–1980);

    G. S. Gura (1980–1982);

    V. G. Ryzhikov (1982–1986);

    L. P. Surkov (1987–2002);

    A. P. Khomenko (from 2002 to present)

Irkutsk Historical and local history dictionary. - Irkutsk: Sib. book, 2011

IrGUPS: current state

(As of 2015)

Faculties and departments

1. Faculty of Transport Management and Information Technologies

Department of Mathematics
Department of Operational Work Management
Department of Information Systems and Information Security

2. Faculty of "Transport support systems"

Department of Electric Power Engineering of Transport
Department of Automation, Telemechanics and Communications
Department of Physics

3. Faculty of Railway Construction

Department of "Technosphere Safety"
Department of "Construction of railways, bridges and tunnels"
Department of "Path and track management"
Department of "Construction and operation of buildings and structures"

4. Faculty of Economics and Finance

Irkutsk State Transport University (IrGUPS)


The birth of IrGUPS can be dated back to 1932, when a large group of universities opened in the country and among them: the East Siberian Institute of Transport Engineers with training in two specialties: railway workers and locomotive engineers. The institute was located at Innokentyevskaya station (now Irkutsk-Sortirovochny). The young country overestimated its strength. Already in 1934, many universities, including IrGUPS, were enlarged. It was transferred and merged with the Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Engineers.

The second birth of the institute dates back to the post-war year, when the great construction projects in Siberia began. A training and consultation point (UCP) of the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Railway Engineers (Moscow) was opened in Irkutsk. The UCP was transferred to the Khabarovsk Institute. In 1961 it received the status of a branch, and in 1962 it was transferred to the Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers.

The resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 533 dated May 9, 1963 states the formation of an independent institute of railway transport engineers in Irkutsk. Its opening took place only 12 years later.

The first rector of the institute was approved in 1975 by V.N. Pozdeev, professor, honorary railway worker, head of the department of “Track and Track Management”. Subsequently, the rector of the institute was Professor Gura G.S. and associate professor Ryzhikov V.G. From 1987 to 2002, the institute was headed by L.P. Surkov, professor, honored transport worker, honorary railway worker, honorary worker of higher education.

By decision of the accreditation board of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated February 13, 2002 No. 1-2002, the Irkutsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers was recognized as having passed certification and was accredited for a period until February 13, 2007 with the establishment of state accreditation status of the “higher educational institution” type and the “university” type.

By order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 1, 2005, the Irkutsk State Transport University was reorganized into a regional-branch university complex with branches in 5 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.


Irkutsk State Transport University is a modern scientific and educational complex with a developed educational, laboratory and production base, which has all the conditions for high-quality training of highly qualified specialists in the transport industry.

Its six academic buildings house over 100 specialized classrooms and laboratories. Students have access to a library and a computer center with Internet access.

The development of the Irkutsk State Transport University was associated with the creation of a promising multi-level system of higher technical education and the understanding of the need to combine deep professional knowledge, knowledge in the field of economics, and mastery of modern information technologies in the training of specialists.

Comprehensive training that meets international standards makes the university attractive not only for Russian but also for foreign students.

Irkutsk State University of Railway Transport has become the only university complex in the region, combining in its structure the Krasnoyarsk and Chita technical schools of railway transport, the Ulan-Ude College of Railway Transport and the Irkutsk Medical College of Railway Transport.

Excellent students receive, in addition to the usual personal scholarships: the governor of the Irkutsk region, the mayor of the city of Irkutsk, as well as scholarships from various foundations and organizations. In addition, in the system of transport universities there is an industry competition for diploma projects. It is held in two stages, and its winners, in addition to public recognition, also receive bonuses from Russian Railways OJSC.

University students actively participate in research work. Every year, the university hosts interuniversity student Olympiads and scientific student conferences, in which IrGUPS students take prizes.

The university has two student scientific associations at the Faculty of Railway Construction: SKB (Department of PPC) and SPKB “Poisk” (Department of IPPZhiUN). University graduates have the opportunity to enroll in graduate school, which provides training in 11 specialties. university education irkutsk

In accordance with the convention, which is signed by countries participating in the Bologna process, the main obligations regarding education are the presence of a multi-level education system (master's and bachelor's degrees), as well as international recognition of the diploma. International recognition of a diploma is, essentially, certification of education. A diploma or academic certificate issued by a university that has passed international certification provides the student with academic mobility. IrGUPS students have the opportunity to study in master's programs.



1. Institute of Information Technologies and Modeling

· Department of "Information Systems"

· Department of "Informatics"

· Department of "Higher Mathematics"

· Department of "Information Security"

2. Institute of Humanitarian Education

· Department of "Jurisprudence"

· Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences

· Department of Foreign Languages

· Department of "Russian language"

· Department of "Physical Culture"


1. Faculty of "Transportation Process Management"

· Department of "Life Safety and Ecology"

· Department of "Operational Work Management"

· Department of "Customs Affairs"

· Department of "Chemistry"

2. Faculty of Economics and Management

· Department of "Management"

· Department of "Finance and anti-crisis regulation"

· Department of "Economics and management in railway transport"

· Department of "World Economy and Economic Theory"

· Department of "Accounting and Taxation"

3. Faculty of Railway Construction

· Department of "Research, design, construction of railways and real estate management"

· Department of "Bridges and transport tunnels"

· Department of "Path and track management"

· Department of Physics

4. Faculty of Electrical Engineering

· Department of "Power supply of railway transport"

· Department of "Automation and Telemechanics"

· Department of "Telecommunication Systems"

· Department of "Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering"

5. Faculty of Electromechanical

· Department of "Technologies for vehicle repair and materials science"

· Department of "Management of technical systems"

· Department of "Wagons and carriage facilities"

· Department of "Descriptive Geometry and Graphics"

· Department of "Theoretical and Applied Mechanics"

· Department of "Electric rolling stock"

6. Faculty "Correspondence"

· Center for pre-university training and additional educational services

· Personnel assessment and monitoring center

· Krasnoyarsk

· Irkutsk

· Severobaykalsk