How do they eat lychees? What are the benefits of lychees: beneficial properties and contraindications

Lychee (otherwise known as “fox”, “liji”, “Chinese plum”, “laysi”, “dragon eye”) is a tasty and healthy fruit that can be found not only in the countries of Southeast Asia, but also in domestic supermarkets. Recently, these fruits have been exported to us mainly from Vietnam and Thailand. However, many still do not know what lychee fruit tastes like and how to eat it. The benefits and harms of “Chinese plum” are of interest to many consumers. Let's try to figure this out.

What does lychee look like?

This fruit is small in size (from 2.5 to 3.5 cm in diameter) and weighs about 15, maximum 20 g. It has an oval or ovoid shape. The reddish or pinkish peel of lychee is dense, but brittle, and consists of numerous tubercles. The jelly-like juicy pulp of the fruit has a white or cream tint. It has an excellent, refreshing, sweet and sour taste and pleasant aroma. Inside the fruit there is an inedible seed, oblong in shape, dark brown in color. This is what lychee fruit looks like, the photo clearly demonstrates it. This interesting fruit grows in clusters on evergreen trees of the Sapindaceae family, reaching a height of 30 m. They have a dense, spreading crown. Their leaves are dense and leathery, usually a rich dark green hue. Lychee trees bloom with numerous yellowish flowers, collected in hanging inflorescences similar to “umbrellas”.

Where did this tropical fruit come from?

The birthplace of lychee is considered to be China, where this fruit has been grown for more than 1000 years. Since ancient times, the Chinese called this fruit the “eye of the dragon”, due to the bright combination of red peel, white pulp and brown seed. In Europe, they learned about this tasty fruit only in the 17th century. Where does lychee grow now? Nowadays, trees of the Sapindaceae family actively bear fruit in vast areas of Southeast Asia, Australia, the countries of South America and Africa (South Africa), as well as in the southern United States. This fruit is exported to Russia mainly from the northern regions of Vietnam and Thailand. Harvest in the subtropics in May-June, cutting off the bunches along with the stem part of the branch. Fruits collected individually spoil extremely quickly and begin to ferment.

Lychee - a storehouse of vitamins and minerals

This tropical fruit has a variety of beneficial properties, as it contains a lot of vitamins. "Dragon's eye" is rich in valuable micro- and macroelements. Lychee contains B vitamins, including thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin. Dragon eye also contains vitamins K, E, H and folic acid. It contains especially a lot of vitamin C. In addition, lychee is rich in healthy dietary fiber and plenty of clean water. In addition, Chinese plums are rich in minerals, including copper, fluorine, zinc, manganese, and iodine. It contains phosphorus, sodium, calcium, iron, sulfur and potassium. The sugar content in lychee varies between 5-15% depending on where the fruit grows.

Lychee fruit. Benefits and harms

Such a high content of valuable vitamins, micro- and macroelements, as well as fiber and pure water makes the “Chinese plum” an extremely healthy product. It saturates a person with necessary substances, gives strength and vigor. Lychee has an excellent tonic effect on the body as a whole and mobilizes the immune system. In China, it has been known since ancient times that “dragon eye” is a powerful natural aphrodisiac. It is able to rejuvenate the body, activate desire and maintain “love” functions at the proper level. Lychee fruit has been successfully used for the prevention and treatment of many serious diseases. Its benefits and harm are, in fact, disproportionate. Counts,

"Chinese plum" cannot cause serious harm to human health. But its benefits are enormous. However, it is advisable to exercise caution when consuming the fruit. You should not eat too much lychee at once. Otherwise, an allergic reaction may occur. It manifests itself as acne on the skin and damage to the oral mucosa. First, you should try one or two fruits and monitor the body’s reaction. If everything is in order, you can safely eat up to 250 g of “Chinese plum” per day (for adults). Children over 2 years old need to consume about 100 g of fruit. It is not advisable to include lychees in the diet of one-year-old babies. “Chinese plum” is contraindicated for those who have been found to have an individual intolerance to it.

How is lychee fruit used in folk medicine? how is it useful?

This tropical fruit is widely used in folk oriental medicine. It can and should be used to prevent vitamin deficiency and anemia. Lychee is often used to prevent cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis, because it contains a significant amount of potassium.

The fruit also contains nicotinic acid, which has a positive effect on lipid metabolism in the body. Lychee fruit helps clear cholesterol from the blood and dilates blood vessels. What else is it useful for? It is used to normalize blood sugar levels, so it is indicated for people with diabetes or hypoglycemia. In addition, useful decoctions and infusions are made from the “Chinese plum”, which normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, have a mild laxative effect, and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys. People with lung diseases, including those suffering from bronchitis, asthma or tuberculosis, are prescribed to take preparations with lychee. These drugs make breathing easier and normalize the function of the respiratory system. Regular consumption of lychee is beneficial for those who have peptic ulcers, gastritis and pancreatic diseases. In oriental medicine, “Chinese plum” in combination with lemongrass is even used to treat cancer, including breast cancer. Is lychee peel healthy? It is no less valuable than the pulp of the fruit. Lychee peel is used to prepare decoctions and infusions that have a pronounced diuretic effect. They help remove excess fluid from body tissues, and also increase overall tone and improve well-being.

"Chinese plum" in dietary nutrition

Nutritionists recommend eating lychee in order to saturate the body with water and also reduce the feeling of hunger. “Chinese plum” contains pectin. It allows you to quickly saturate the body, giving nutrition to the beneficial intestinal microflora. Therefore, it is recommended to eat several lychee fruits before each meal, which will reduce the standard portion of food and avoid overeating. The calorie content of lychee is only 76 kcal/100 g, so people who carefully monitor their weight can eat it without fear.

How to choose good, fresh fruit in the store?

If you want to purchase high-quality, tasty fruits, you must follow the following simple rules. Firstly, when choosing a lychee, you need to pay attention to the color of its peel. It should be pink or red. Brown color indicates that the fruit was picked from the tree a long time ago and has already deteriorated. The taste of dark-colored lychee will be unpleasant, and the smell will be sharper and stronger. The light yellow color of the fruit, on the contrary, indicates its immaturity. This fruit is also not worth purchasing. Secondly, when choosing a “Chinese plum” you need to pay attention to the presence of damage. A good fruit will not have any suspicious spots, dents, or cracks. Thirdly, the lychee should be elastic, as if it would soon “burst”. You should not take a fruit that is too soft or, conversely, hard. Fourthly, there should be no white spots or mold in the place where the petiole was located. And finally, the scent of lychee should be pleasant, fresh, slightly reminiscent of a rose. Too heavy and sweet indicates overripeness and staleness of the fruit.

"Dragon's Eye" in cooking

How to eat lychee? You just need to wash the fruit under running water, peel it, and then remove the inedible pit. The juicy pulp of the fruit can be eaten fresh. Reminiscent of a mixture of strawberries, white grapes, currants and dried apricots, lychee fruit. Its taste is pleasant, sweet and sour, fresh. In addition to eating fresh, lychees can be canned, dried, frozen and cooked. It is used to make drinks and desserts, including delicious ice cream, various sauces, mousses, and jellies. Lychee is used to make excellent golden wine, with a pleasant fruity aromatic and soft sweet and sour aftertaste.

"Dragon's eye" is also used in preparing dishes from game, meat and sea fish. In Chinese restaurants, you can taste deep-fried shrimp in sweet and sour sauce with lychee (Lizhi Xia Qiu). If you manage to buy fresh "Chinese plum", be sure to try making sweet and sour chicken with almonds and lychee sauce at home. In addition, the fruit is used in the preparation of various baked goods, it is added to the filling of pies and pies, and cookies and cakes are made from it.

How to properly store lychee?

The issue of storing the “dragon eye” deserves special attention. In general, it is advisable to eat this fruit as soon as possible - on the first day after purchase. At room temperature, lychee can be safely kept for 2-3 days. In the refrigerator, at 7°C, lychee can be kept for one or two weeks, provided that the shell is intact and there is no damage. In general, this fruit spoils quite quickly, its peel darkens and the amount of vitamins in its composition decreases. If you want to preserve lychees for a long time, we advise you to peel the fruits and freeze them. You can also dry the fruit or preserve it. In China, pickled lychees are stored inside bamboo stalks. In India and Vietnam, the whole fruit is dried, after which the peel becomes hard, and such fruits are called “nuts.” In this article we looked at an interesting Chinese fruit - lychee, the benefits and harms of which concern many consumers. As you can see, the “Chinese plum” has practically no contraindications and therefore can be safely eaten. Moreover, it is rich in vitamins, minerals and has a lot of undeniable advantages! Be sure to try this delicious exotic product.

Lychee fruit (dragon eye), its benefits and harm

(or Lizhi) is an exotic fruit that grows in Central Asia, in some countries of Africa and South America, although its homeland is considered China, where the fruit is often called "Chinese plum" or "dragon eye". Fruit grows on trees of the family Sapindovs, which begin to bloom in early May, and already at the end of June bring a rich harvest. Lychee is vaguely similar to a plum, has a dense pimply peel, a brown seed inside and juicy jelly-like pulp of a milky shade. The refreshing taste of the fruit resembles pineapple-strawberry puree, and the fruits themselves are no more than 4 cm in diameter.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

Behind the lumpy skin lies a delicate, creamy substance. It has a subtle sweet and sour taste and contains a whole bunch of useful substances:

  • vitamins – K, E, C, group B (PP, B6, B5, B9, B1, B2);
  • mineral components – selenium, manganese, iodine, copper, zinc, phosphorus, chromium, iron, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium;
  • beta-carotene and carotene (zeaxanthin);
  • choline;
  • mono- and disaccharides;
  • fatty acid;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • fiber;
  • pectins;
  • ash.

Lychee on 82% consists of water. The essential oils contained in the peel give the fruit a subtle odor that is a bit reminiscent of a tea rose.

The nutritional value fruits per 100 g is:

  • proteins ~ 0.84 g;
  • fats ~ 0.45 g;
  • carbohydrates ~ 15.21 g;
  • energy value ~ 65 kcal.

In fruits, each of which weighs about 20 grams, contains a small amount of fat, complex carbohydrates and several tens of times more than all other fruits, zeaxanthin, together with vitamin A, which is responsible for visual acuity.

Beneficial properties of lychee

In India, lychees were nicknamed "fruit of love". The fruit is considered an aphrodisiac and is used to stimulate and restore the function of the reproductive system.

Eating fruits also has the following effects impact:

  • normalization of the cardiovascular system;
  • reducing the risk of developing heart disease;
  • reducing blood cholesterol levels;
  • restoration of vascular elasticity;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • decreased blood sugar;
  • preventing the development of diseases of the stomach, intestines and digestive organs;
  • prevention of anemia;
  • stabilization of liver and kidney function;
  • restoration of hormonal metabolism;
  • preventing the development of cancerous tumors;
  • normalization of water-salt balance and reduction of tissue swelling;
  • reducing the risk of developing respiratory system diseases;
  • anti-tuberculosis effect.
The fruits are excellent quenches thirst and refreshes, restores vigor and tones. In the practice of Eastern medicine, lychees are used as the main component in a 10-day preventive course to lower blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes.

The fruit extract is also used in cosmetology. Pulp puree has a moisturizing and softening effect, oil extracts are included in masks and creams. Eating fruits in the summer reduces the negative effects of UV rays on the skin, preventing its premature aging.

Lychee in a healthy diet

The fruits contain sufficient amounts fiber and dietary fiber, which helps eliminate gastrointestinal dysfunctions, remove waste and toxins, as well as normalize metabolism and accelerate metabolism.

Regular presence of fruits in the diet eliminates constipation and improves intestinal motility. Lychee - fruit low calorie, which characterizes its dietary benefits. The balanced composition and unique properties contribute to rapid saturation and long-term satisfaction of hunger. If you eat a couple of fruits before meals, you can halve your usual serving size and reduce the risk of overeating.

Fresh lychees contain more benefits, but the fruit is actively used in cooking for preparations:

  • drinks (juices, low- and alcoholic wines);
  • cocktails (fruit and milk);
  • fruit salads;
  • sauces;
  • desserts (jelly, mousses, puddings);
  • marinades;
  • puree;
  • fillings for pies and pancakes;
  • ice cream;
  • baking and confectionery products.

The fruits are popular in dried and canned form; they practically do not lose their properties during heat treatment, enhancing the taste and aroma of ready-made dishes. Lychee combine with many products:

  • fruits;
  • vegetables (fresh and canned);
  • greens;
  • berries;
  • milk;
  • fermented milk products;
  • cereals;
  • cereals and bran;
  • fish;
  • bird;
  • seafood;
  • lean and lean meat;
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts;
  • cheeses;
  • cream;
  • any juices.

It's better to eat fruit in purified form Be sure to remove the bone. The fruit is included in the menu of fruit diets and fasting days. It is great for breakfasts, lunches and afternoon snacks, perfectly highlighting the taste of cereals, yoghurts, muesli and cottage cheese dishes. Lychee should not be eaten with fatty, spicy or smoked foods, mayonnaise, ketchup, as well as legumes and coffee.

How to eat lychees correctly

The presence of lychee is unacceptable in the diet children under 5 years old, older children are allowed to give 2-3 fruits per week.

Fruits are allowed during pregnancy.

For adults, the daily norm during the diet, when the amount of fatty and high-calorie foods is maximally reduced, is no more than 100 g. With a normal diet, the lychee norm is characterized by 3-4 fruits 2-3 times a week.

Harm and contraindications

The red color of the peel determines the allergic properties of the fruit, so excessive consumption can lead to individual intolerance. Lychees should not be eaten with starchy foods to avoid the risk of digestive upset, heartburn and increased gas formation. It is not recommended to add fruits in large quantities to meat dishes, as this can cause severity and aggravation of gastric diseases. In addition, there are exotic fruits on an empty stomach It's also not worth it.

How to choose lychee fruits

When choosing quality fruits, special attention should be paid to peel, it should be of uniform thickness, without signs of damage, cracks or stains, and of a uniform red-pink color. You should not take brown fruit - it is probably stale and has already begun to deteriorate. Unedible fruits have a stronger odor and unpleasant taste. This usually means that they were picked green and the ripening process did not occur correctly.

When shaken lightly, a good fruit should tap a little, and be soft to the touch, but elastic. The aroma of fresh ripe lychee gives off a floral trail. It is better to choose fruits on a branch - they have more benefits and useful elements.

How best to store the product

Lychee can be stored in a cool place or refrigerator without losing its properties and changing its composition at t from -1 to +6 °С within 10-14 weeks. They will lie in a warm room 5-6 days.

Individual fruits are dried in their peels, withered, and peeled ones are frozen and canned. Well-dried lychees are used as nuts, while under-dried ones are used as dried fruits.

The exotic fruit with a red lumpy skin and pearly softness has a rich nutritional composition, helps strengthen vision, heart, normalize digestion and defeat the hated extra pounds. In reasonable quantities, it will be an excellent addition to the daily diet, and thanks to the folic acid contained in the fruit, it will provide a boost of energy and good mood.

Beneficial properties of lychee - an exotic fruit from the tropics

Most people, when they hear the word “lychee,” will not think that it means a tasty fruit, although this fruit has been known in Europe since the 18th century. It is imported from tropical countries. Lychee originally grew in China, from where it spread to other countries in Southeast Asia. This fruit is also called Chinese plum or Chinese grape. The beneficial properties of lychee have helped this fruit become very popular. This amazingly beautiful fruit can be purchased at markets from July to October, and in winter only in canned form.

Description of lychee

These small fruits are oval or round in shape, no more than 4 cm in size. The fruit has a rather dense red skin with many pimples, so it looks a bit like a children's rubber ball. The peel is easily separated from the pulp, which is very tasty and aromatic. The inside of the fruit resembles a grape and has the same jelly-like consistency.

The color of the flesh is white or creamy. Inside it is a dark large bone. In China, the fruit is called "dragon's eye" - this is what the cut fruit looks like. Lychee is valued for its refreshing sweet and sour taste and delicate tart aroma, reminiscent of the scent of a tea rose. But besides its unusual taste, it has many beneficial properties. Therefore, lychee is consumed not only as a delicacy, but also as a dietary food.

Properties of fruits

The pulp is rich in vitamins and minerals. The fruits are especially rich in vitamin C, nicotinic acid and magnesium and potassium salts. They also contain proteins, complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber. Lychee pulp contains a lot of structured water, calcium, sulfur, iron, iodine and zinc. This fruit is low in calories, so it is useful for obesity. It has a low glycemic index and low sugar content.

Benefits of lychee

  1. The fruit is a strong aphrodisiac, which is why in the East it is also called the fruit of love.
  2. Its consumption reduces cholesterol levels and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The beneficial properties of lychee are also manifested in the fact that it has a vasodilating effect and maintains the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, so it is good to use as a preventive measure for atherosclerosis and stroke.
  3. The tender pulp of the fruit is very refreshing, quenches thirst, and has a tonic effect.
  4. Eating fruits improves metabolism and normalizes digestion. They are low in calories, so they promote weight loss.
  5. The beneficial properties of lychee make it indispensable for diabetics, lowering blood sugar levels.
  6. The fruits are useful for gastritis and ulcers, diseases of the liver and pancreas, and constipation.
  7. The presence of protein and minerals makes it an excellent remedy for anemia and exhaustion. It easily satisfies hunger and saturates the body with energy.
  8. In oriental medicine, the beneficial properties of lychee are used in the treatment of kidney diseases. A decoction of the peel removes excess water from tissues well.
  9. The fruit is useful for bronchitis, tuberculosis and other lung diseases.
  10. In China, they even treat cancer by eating lychee along with lemongrass.

Lychee: benefits and harm

Despite such many beneficial properties, lychee can harm the body, especially children. This fruit causes severe allergic reactions in some people. When consumed in large quantities, flatulence begins. In addition, lychee is incompatible with protein foods and starches, as it can cause intestinal upset and diarrhea.

How to choose lychee fruits

The best way to experience the taste and aroma of the fruit is when fresh. But they retain their properties when dried, frozen or canned. Refreshing drinks made from lychee are popular in the East. In our markets, these fruits are usually sold from July to October. They are stored for a long time and are easy to transport, but you need to be able to choose them correctly so as not to acquire overripe or rotten fruits.

  1. Be sure to shake each fruit. You should hear a slight tapping sound - this is evidence of the ripeness and freshness of the lychee.
  2. Fresh fruit emits a light, delicate aroma of tea rose. It should be pleasant and not strong.
  3. Fresh fruits should have a red, not too dark and not too soft skin, which should not have any damage or white spots of mold.

How to use this fruit

Lychee is tastier and healthier when eaten fresh. It is peeled and placed on a plate. These delicious fruits can be consumed in canned or processed form. They make delicious ice cream, soft jam, marmalade and jam. The pulp is also used to make filling for sweet pies, drinks or syrup. And in China they make aromatic wine from lychee. The pulp can be added to tea, sauces and alcoholic cocktails. It goes well with meat and fish dishes, it is added to light salads and roasts. This fruit can be dried and frozen.

  • Although these fruits are very common in Asia, only a small part of the huge number ripens.
  • In ancient times, only the rich could eat this fruit; peasants were prohibited from doing so.
  • Every year in Thailand a traditional holiday is held - the Lychee Festival.
  • This fruit has one drawback: it is advisable to consume it immediately after harvesting. Fruits picked from a tree quickly lose their taste.

In oriental medicine, the lychee fruit is very actively used, the beneficial properties of which have been well known since ancient times.

Beneficial properties of lychee

Lychee is one of the most valuable products in the east, and recently it can be found on the shelves of supermarkets in our country. The fruits of this plant are not only incredibly tasty, but also healthy. Lychee is a tree that belongs to the Sapindaceae family. There are about two thousand species and one hundred and fifty genera in the world. Lychee grows mainly in Africa, America and Asia. Not such a large number can be found in Australia. In each of the above countries, the beneficial properties of lychee have long been known.

The fruit first became known in China, where it is also called “lisi” or “liji”. Many documents that date back to the second century BC indicate that the fruits of the plant in question were consumed as food in ancient China. Over time, the fame of the miraculous fruit began to spread to neighboring countries, and very soon lychee became popular in Southeast Asia and other continents. For the first time, the beneficial properties of lychee were described in detail in the book of Gonzalez de Mendoza, a writer from Spain who promoted Chinese culture.

The average size of the fruits of the plant in question is three and a half centimeters; as for the shape, it can be ovoid or oval. The weight of the fetus can reach a maximum of twenty grams. The fruit is covered with a dense peel, intensely colored red and covered with small tubercles with pimples. Inside the fruit there is white pulp, which resembles jelly in its consistency. Inside the pulp you can find a large, dense, brown seed. The taste of the fruit pulp is surprisingly pleasant, refreshing, sweet and sour. The aroma is no less pleasant and unusual. The Chinese call this fruit the dragon's eye because the flesh is light and the seed inside is large and dark.

Chemical composition of lychee:

  • One hundred grams of fruit contains 17 g of carbohydrates, 0.3 g of fat, 0.9 g of protein and 79.5 g of water.
  • The fruit also contains vitamin K, C, B9, B6, B5, Niacin, B2 and B1, E and Biotin.
  • Macroelements include Phosphorus, Chlorine, Sulfur, Sodium, Magnesium, Potassium and Calcium.
  • Among the microelements in 100 g of pulp are 10 mcg of fluorine, 70 mcg of zinc, 140 mcg of copper, 55 mcg of manganese, 1.3 mcg of iodine and 0.35 mcg of iron.
  • The calorie content of lychee is 76 kcal per 100 g.

Beneficial properties of lychee

The benefits of lychee are due to the presence of abundant minerals and vitamins in it. Lychee is often recommended to people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, since it contains a lot of calcium and vitamin C. It is heart patients in China who often include this fruit in their diet. Also, Chinese sages strongly recommended lychees to those who want to lower blood cholesterol levels or to people with atherosclerosis.

The combination of lychee and lemongrass helps treat cancer. Residents of the East consider this fruit to be the fruit of love, and also use it as a component to treat gastritis, constipation and many other diseases. The thirst-quenching properties of lychee are well known to people who are forced to stay away from water sources for a long time.

The preventive effect of the fruit on the human body is already known to many today; lychee has a beneficial effect on the liver and kidneys. If we talk about medicinal products, the fruit in question is used to treat asthma, respiratory diseases, bronchitis and tuberculosis. If you eat ten fruits of the tree a day, the blood sugar level of diabetics can be brought back to normal.

The benefits of lychee are also represented by the following properties:

  • Promotes weight loss;
  • Normalizes the functioning of the digestive system;
  • Excellent thirst quencher;
  • Has a tonic effect;
  • Treats anemia;
  • Reduces blood sugar levels;
  • Treats constipation.

Contraindications to consuming lychee

The fruit is very tasty and healthy, but you need to know the limit in everything. Abuse of the fruits of this tree in rare cases can cause an allergic reaction in the form of a rash, pimples or irritation of the mucous membrane. Children can consume no more than 100 g of pulp per day. In rare cases, individual intolerance occurs.

Benefits of lychee (video)

Exotic fruits

An ancient tropical crop of the genus Passiflora, producing oval fruits of yellow or dark purple color (when ripe) growing on vines. Passion fruit is grown for its juice, which is often added to other fruit juices for flavor.

Passion fruit is native to Brazil but is now grown in Australia, South America and South Africa.

Passion fruit is a yellow-orange or dark purple oval-shaped fruit measuring about 6-12 cm. Fruits with smooth, shiny skin are preferred, but are sweeter with rough, cracked skin.

You can simply cut the fruit in half and eat the aromatic pulp. Passion fruit seeds are also quite edible - they are used to decorate cakes and other confectionery products.

The sweet and sour juice of passion fruit is valuable in cooking, and since it has high tonic properties, it is also used in pharmaceuticals and cosmetology.

When purchasing passion fruit, you should look for the large, wrinkled fruits with dark purple skin and sweet yellowish-green seeds. Ripe fruit can last in the refrigerator for about a week.

Beneficial properties of passion fruit:

Passion fruit helps improve intestinal function and has a mild laxative effect. In addition, these fruits stimulate the excretion of uric acid from the body and act as a natural antipyretic. Passion fruit is recommended for people suffering from diseases of the urinary tract and liver, as well as for low blood pressure. The juice of this fruit has a calming effect and helps improve sleep.

Passion fruit contains alpha hydroxy acids. Improves hydration, elasticity and skin tone. Used in cosmetics (gels) for aging skin with poor blood circulation, prone to acne and oily skin with poor self-cleaning ability.

Passion fruits contain significant amounts of vitamins and minerals, are rich in fiber and substances with antioxidant activity. Nutritionists recommend consuming passion fruit for diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, urinary tract and for weight loss.

Passion fruit also has antimicrobial, antipyretic and laxative effects, and also reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, improves the functioning of the digestive system and promotes the removal of uric acid and other metabolic products from the body.

Passion fruit has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and urinary tract. The soluble fiber that the fruit contains reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Insoluble fiber normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and is used to prevent various diseases of the digestive system. Passion fruit also has an anti-inflammatory effect, protects the body from viral infections, and regulates the functioning of the nervous system. Passion fruit juice has a calming effect and improves sleep.

Passion fruit juice has a tonic effect, has a calming effect on the body, helps you sleep and suppresses the growth of cancer cells, and is also widely used in pharmaceuticals and cosmetology.

Passion fruit seeds are edible, but have a sleeping pill effect. The fruit contains passionflower glucoside, which provides its calming effect on the body. Passion flowers are used to produce sedative medications.

Dangerous properties of passion fruit:

Durian has such a disgusting smell that you are unlikely to be allowed into a public place with it. The smell is very persistent and even after a long time after eating it, the aroma remains and, most importantly, it does not disappear or be killed by cosmetic products. This is the main reason why it cannot be stored for a long time. . However, if you overcome your disgust or simply close your nose and taste the juicy pulp, you will immediately understand where the concept came from king of fruits.

The name comes from the Malay word thorn - duri, as well as the suffix an, which means prickly fruit. Its homeland is India, Indonesia, Ceylon, Thailand, the Philippines and Indochina. There is an opinion that the best durian grows on a plantation near Bangkok.

This fruit has quite large fruits, which can reach 30 cm and weigh up to 8 kilograms. They are completely covered with a peel, which is “decorated” with spines. Inside there are several oblong chambers, and in them there are delicate yellowish-white tasty masses.

Durian is an evergreen tree - a giant that grows up to 40 meters in height. It has shiny and leathery leaves that are slightly pointed and alternately arranged. The upper part of the leaves is smooth, while the opposite part is covered with scales. This amazing fruit blooms for only a few hours: golden brown, white or golden flowers have a heavy sour smell. They open at dusk and fall by dawn. The main period of fruit ripening is the beginning of spring and ends at the end of summer.

This purchase will require special attention during the off-season, since this is when bad durians are often found on the shelves. When pressed, the fruit should be slightly soft. Overripe fruits are very soft, while unripe ones cannot be pressed at all. The maturity of this product can also be determined by the condition of the thorns. If they move, then the fruits are of high quality and ripe, but if they are motionless, then it still needs to lie down. Pay attention to the smell of durian. If it has a very strong aroma, then there is a very high probability that it will be snotty inside - overripe.

You should not draw conclusions based on the color of the fruit, because the colors of different varieties are very different.

At room temperature, this product can be stored for 5 days, but no more.

The seeds of this amazing fruit have been used in cooking for centuries. They are mainly used as a seasoning. These fruits have a strong pungent odor that resembles a mixture of cheese, rotten onions and turpentine. Despite this, the pulp has a rather pleasant taste, so it is eaten as a delicious dessert.

Most often, durian is used to make milkshakes, chips, ice cream and dried fruits. Sometimes it is fried just like potatoes. It should be noted that it goes well with coffee.

Useful properties of durian:

This fruit is very rich in proteins, fats, vitamins and carbohydrates. It is very important to know that it does not contain cholesterol. The pulp contains vitamin C, niacin, carotene, folic acid, riboflavin, calcium, iron, nicotinic acid and phosphorus.

Durian is considered a unique fruit due to the organic sulfur it contains. This is what causes its characteristic and not very pleasant aroma. This is the only fruit with sulfur in the world that is suitable for human consumption. Durian has a wonderful property - it can increase potency.

The pulp of this amazing fruit is an anthelmintic. Durian roots and leaves are used to prepare a decoction, which will later be used as an antipyretic. People suffering from fever apply the juice from the leaves of this plant to their heads. To relieve skin inflammation, use a decoction of durian leaves and fruits. If you have a bile spill, you should take a medicinal bath from the leaves of this exotic fruit. The ash of this plant is used during the postpartum period.

Dangerous properties of durian:

The consumption of this exotic fruit is prohibited for people with high blood pressure. It is contraindicated for consumption during pregnancy. Nursing mothers should also avoid eating this fruit.

Under no circumstances should it be combined with alcohol, as this can cause poisoning and a number of complications.

Due to its outstanding appearance, the fruit is called “dragon fruit” or “prickly pear”. This is a bushy tree-like cactus, with juicy fruits ripening at the ends of its stems. Flowers appear on it strictly on the first and fifteenth day of the month.

Depending on the species, the size of the fruit, the color of the pulp (white, pink, purple), the color of the skin (from yellow to orange, from red to purple) and the texture of the surface of the fruit (with small outgrowths, with thin colored scales) vary. The pulp of the fruit is always filled with small black seeds, which are usually peeled out.

The taste of pitahaya is somewhat inferior to its appearance - not aromatic, unsaturated, slightly sweet.

The attractive-looking fruits of pitihaya are actively used in cooking and primarily in the production of various alcoholic beverages. The juice and pulp are added to sweets, ice cream, sherbets, yoghurts and various dairy products; jam, sauces and jellies are made from the pulp. Pitahaya juice is mixed with lemon and lime juice to make “summer drinks.”

To prepare pitaya for consumption, the fruit is usually cut vertically into two halves. After this, you can either cut these halves into slices (similar to how you cut a melon), or scoop out the pulp with a spoon. Although pitaya seeds are rich in valuable lipids, they are generally indigestible unless chewed. The peel is inedible and may contain pesticides.

Beneficial properties of pitahaya:

Pitahaya is low in calories, contains proteins, water, phosphorus, calcium, iron, vitamin C, PP, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin).

The latest results of medical research have added even greater attractiveness to the fruit. In their opinion, eating pitahaya helps relieve stomach pain. In addition, the fruit is useful for those suffering from diabetes or other endocrine diseases.

The fruit is useful for those suffering from diabetes and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and immune systems.

Dangerous properties of pitahaya:

Eating large amounts of red-skinned pitahaya (such as Costa Rican) may cause pseudohematuria, a harmless reddening of the urine and feces.

Cherimoya is a tree 5-9 m high with two-row leaves up to 7-15 cm long and 4-9 wide. The flowers are located along the branches on short stalks and consist of three fleshy outer petals and three much smaller inner ones.

Cherimoya begins to bear fruit at the age of 4-5 years. And after 6 years of age, the tree will delight you with 2 dozen or even more fragrant and tasty fruits.

The complex segmented fruit has a heart-shaped or conical shape, 10-20 cm long and up to 10 cm wide and contains inside fragrant white fibrous cream pulp and about twenty black shiny seeds. The weight of the fetus varies from 0.5 to 3 kilograms.

Cherimoya is also known by the name “ice cream tree”, which it received due to its consistency, reminiscent of the consistency of ice cream when frozen, and also for its delicate sweet taste, which serves as an additive to this type of dessert. In general, if we describe the taste of cherimoya, we can say that it resembles pineapple, strawberries, papaya, mango, banana and cream at the same time.

Cutting this large, green, heart-shaped fruit into pieces reveals white flesh with black seeds. The pulp has a soft, creamy texture. When cooled, it resembles tropical sherbet. In Chile, it is a favorite filling for waffle cups for ice cream and cakes, and it is also added to yogurt.

The cherimoya pulp is eaten with a spoon, after cutting the fruit in half lengthwise. Cherimoya is added to salads, drinks, and desserts. To prevent darkening, cherimoya pieces are sprinkled with lemon or orange juice. Be careful - cherimoya seeds are inedible and should be spat out.

Beneficial properties of cherimoya:

Cherimoya fruits contain many useful substances: proteins, carbohydrates, folic acid, calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, glucose, fructose, sucrose, cellulose, lignin and pepsins, as well as organic acids - citric and succinic.

Cherimoya contains vitamin C and B vitamins.

Thanks to the ideal combination of acids and sugars, cherimoya is an easily digestible, nutritious and very tasty product. Eating these fruits normalizes stomach acidity, improves liver function, and promotes weight loss.

In South America, a soothing and relaxing tea is made from the bark and leaves, which improves digestion and also has a mild laxative effect. Indians believe that cherimoya leaves prevent the development of tumors. Two tablespoons of crushed dry fruits are an excellent antidote for food poisoning.

Dangerous properties of cherimoya:

Cherry kernels are extremely toxic. And, although nature took care of our safety by creating them unusually hard, there are those who want to try this part of the exotic fruit. They should absolutely not be chewed, crushed or consumed.

Rambutan is a tropical fruit tree of the Sapindaceae family. Rambutan fruits are small, the size of a hazelnut, grow in clusters of up to 30 pieces and are rounded “balls” with an elastic peel of yellow or red color, covered with fleshy hairs 4-5 cm long. Rambutan pulp covering the seed (edible, but to taste resembling an acorn), is a transparent white gelatinous mass with a pleasant sweet taste.

Rambutan is one of the most popular trees in Southeast Asia, where it is grown commercially in small gardens. But rambutan is also widespread throughout the tropical zone: it is grown in Africa, Central America, the Caribbean islands and Australia. There are extensive rambutan plantations in Cambodia, India, Indonesia, the Philippines and Sri Lanka.

Rambutan is sometimes also called hairy fruit. When buying rambutans, pay attention that the fruits are rich red in color and the tips of the “hair” are greenish. Rambutan does not store well; it can be kept in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

Beneficial properties of rambutan:

The rambutan pulp that covers the seed (edible, but tastes like an acorn) is a white-yellow gelatinous mass with a pleasant sweet taste.

Rambutan fruits contain carbohydrates, proteins, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, niacin and vitamins C, B1 and B2. Eating these fruits has a beneficial effect on the skin and improves digestion. It is believed that the fruit is very good for weakened and sick people, as it has cleansing properties.

Rambutans have a great taste not only raw, but also as a filling for pies and jams. It is used as an additive to sauces, ice cream and in the form of compotes.

The seed itself is also used: it contains about 40% fats and oils containing oleic and arachidic acids. When heated, the oil begins to emit a pleasant smell; it is used in the production of cosmetic soap and holiday candles.

The roots, bark and leaves of rambutan are used in folk medicine and in the production of fabric dyes. In Malaya, dried rambutan peel is sold directly in pharmacies as a medicinal product.

Lychee (lat. Litchi chinensis- Chinese plum) is a small sweet and sour berry covered with a crusty skin. The fruit grows on evergreen tropical trees, the height of which reaches 10-30 meters. The birthplace of the berry is China.

Lychee has an oval or round shape with a diameter of 2.5-4 cm. The ripe fruit has a dense red skin with a large number of sharp tubercles. Only the pulp of the fruit is used for food, which has a jelly-like structure, and in color and taste resembles peeled white grapes. Inside the pulp there is an oval brown seed. The main lychee harvest occurs in May-June.

Lychees are used mainly fresh for food. However, desserts (ice cream, jelly, marmalade), preserves, marmalade, and Chinese wine can also be made from the pulp of the berry. You can also find lychees in dried form. At the same time, the peel of the fruit becomes woody, and the dry pulp with the stone rolls freely inside. Lychees in this form are called lychee nut.

Fresh fruits are very difficult to store and transport over long distances. To keep lychees longer, they are picked in clusters together with a branch and a few leaves. At a temperature of 1-7°C, lychees can be stored for a month, and at room temperature - only 3 days. When purchasing lychees in a store, you should pay attention to the peel. It should be red, not too soft and without visible damage. The brown color indicates that the lychee is not fresh.

Beneficial properties of lychee:

Lychee fruits contain a large amount of nutrients, including vitamins (C, E, K, group B, PP, H), minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, sodium, iodine, selenium, manganese), organic acids and pectic substances.

Doctors of oriental medicine use lychee for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis, normalization of sugar levels in diabetes, liver, lungs and kidneys. In combination with medicinal herbs and lemongrass, lychees are used to treat cancer and restore strength in the fight against disease. In this case, you should consume at least 10 fruits per day.

Due to the high content of potassium in the pulp of the fruit, it is recommended for use by people with cardiovascular disease, high blood cholesterol and anemia. It is also used to treat the stomach, pancreas, and intestinal dysfunction. In Hindu medicine, lychee is considered an aphrodisiac that enhances sexual desire and male power.

Dangerous properties of lychee:

Lychee has no contraindications for use. Only those people who have individual intolerance to the fetus should not eat them. When offering lychee to children, you need to ensure that they do not consume more than 100 g per day. Also, excessive consumption of the fruit can cause allergic reactions on the skin in the form of rashes and redness.

Longan (Lam Yai) is the fruit of the evergreen longan tree, common in China, Taiwan, Vietnam and Indonesia.

The skin of longan is thin and dense, but in fact it is very easy to peel off. The color of longan varies from brown to yellowish-red, and the flesh of the fruit is translucent, white or pinkish. The juicy pulp of longan has a sweet, juicy, very aromatic taste, with a distinct musk flavor. Longan tastes like lychee and in general, these two fruits are very similar. Like the Chinese lychee, the longan fruit contains a hard, dark red or black seed. Longan grows in clusters on evergreen trees, which can reach a height of ten to twenty meters.
Harvest season: June-August. Longan grows mainly in the northern regions of Thailand, in the towns of Chiang Mai and Lamphun.

Longan is sold like grapes, in bunches. The skin of a ripe fruit should be dense; cracks in the skin are unacceptable. It is not the longan that has just been picked from the tree that is considered more ripe, but the one that has already been lying on the store counter for a while. Try longan before purchasing, as the fruits can be sweeter or, conversely, more sour. Longan can be stored for two to three days at room temperature or five to seven days in the refrigerator.

Useful properties of longan:

Longan contains many vitamins and minerals, including iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, as well as large amounts of vitamins A and C. Recent studies on euphoria have shown that the fruit also contains phenols such as gallic acid, ellagic and corylagic acids, indicating that the fruit may have antioxidant properties, reduce the negative effects of chemotherapy and protect the liver.

Longan contains riboflavin and is a natural source of polysaccharides, supporting health at the cellular level.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, longan is used primarily as a tonic. Toning is mainly necessary for diseases whose symptoms are fatigue, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, pallor and blurred vision. In addition, the fruit is also used to normalize sleep, reduce causeless anxiety, calm and revitalize attention.

Annona (Guanabana - Soursop)

The tree in natural conditions reaches 6m in height, in a room it is much lower. Unlike some other annonas, this is an evergreen tree. The leaves are oval or oblong, glossy, leathery, dark green, up to 15 cm long. They have a slightly spicy odor, especially noticeable when rubbed.

The flowers are fragrant, large (up to 4.5 cm in diameter), consist of three yellow-green fleshy outer petals and three pale yellow inner ones, and can appear in different places - on the trunk, branches and small twigs. Flowers never fully open. The fruits are oval or heart-shaped, often irregular in shape, up to 30 cm in length, 15 cm in diameter and weighing up to 3 kg, dark green in color, becoming yellow-green when ripe. The peel of the fruit is thin, but tough, and has a mesh pattern. The juicy light cream pulp is similar to custard, divided into segments, in some cases containing one smooth oval dark seed. The pulp is aromatic, slightly sour, and has a unique aroma, slightly reminiscent of pineapple. The fruit contains several dozen seeds.

The fruits are harvested when they are still firm, but have already changed their color from dark green to slightly yellow-green. If you allow the fruits to ripen on the tree, they may fall to the ground and be damaged when they fall. Once harvested, they can remain strong for several days at room temperature. Ripe fruits are quite soft, you can feel it when pressed with your finger. Ripe fruits can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. The peel may turn black, but the flesh remains edible.

The pulp can be eaten with a spoon directly from the fruit and can be preserved for later use. Before mechanical processing of the pulp, it is necessary to remove all seeds, as they are somewhat poisonous. The pulp is used to make juices, cocktails and other drinks, purees, and ice cream. In Indonesia, unripe fruits are used as vegetables.

Useful properties of Annona:

The pulp of the fruit is soft, used for preparing juices, extracts, and is a source of vitamins (C, B), mineral salts (calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus), as well as proteins, carbohydrates, folic acid.

Due to its rich vitamin composition, it is used for diseases of the large intestine, supports intestinal flora, improves liver function, promotes weight loss, normalizes stomach acidity, promotes the removal of uric acid from the body, so it is recommended for people suffering from rheumatism, arthritis and gout.

A large set of B vitamins provides a therapeutic effect for degenerative diseases of the spine and neurological pathology.

According to research, the substances contained in this plant have anti-cancer properties. Unlike chemotherapy, which destroys all cells, these substances selectively affect only foreign cells. Acetogynin is an inhibitor of enzymatic processes in tumor tissues.

A large number of foreign articles are devoted to the action of acetogenin as an antitumor substance. The results of a study of the antitumor activity of guanaban in comparison with the chemotherapeutic drug adriamycin are presented.

The bark and leaves are used as an antispasmodic and sedative, used for coughs, flu, asthma, asthenia, and hypertension. Tea made from the leaves can be used as a sleep aid and sedative. The leaves can be placed in a pillowcase or placed next to the pillow.

Dangerous properties of annona:

In addition to a number of beneficial properties, annona also has harmful ones. Sugar apple seeds have a pungent taste. Eating them will inevitably lead to poisoning with possible serious consequences. Avoid getting the juice from annona seeds in your eyes, as this can cause blindness in some cases!

Also remember that you should not get too carried away with eating the pulp of this fruit; you should know when to stop everything in order to avoid undesirable consequences. Due to the high calcium content of annona, it should not be consumed by pregnant women.

Latin American scientists are of the opinion that guanabana abuse can cause Parkinson's disease. In addition, a certain herbal medicine called Triamazon is made from annona. This medicine is not licensed, so its effectiveness is very doubtful and has not yet been confirmed.

Lychee (Wikipedia even knows about such exotic fruits) is the fruit of an evergreen tree called “Chinese lychee”. This fruit tree, growing in the subtropics, belongs to the Sapindaceae family. The lychee tree grows mainly in China, but it can be seen in South America, Africa, Asia, and occasionally in Australia. Lychee reaches a height of 30 meters. Fruits appear on the tree from about May to June.

The lychee fruit (the photo won’t let you lie) is a small berry with a diameter of up to 4 cm, covered with a peel that resembles scales with numerous sharp tubercles. The peel of the berry is hard and easily removed, revealing the tender, jelly-like and slightly transparent pulp. It’s amazing that under such a “crocodile” skin there is such a delicate fruit. And inside there is a large oval bone, which holds the shape of the pulp. The taste of lychee is sour and bitter, slightly astringent and quite a bit reminiscent of purified white.

Lychee. How to select and store

The route from China is not close. Therefore, lychees are picked in whole clusters with leaves. The optimal temperature for transportation is not lower than one degree and not higher than six degrees Celsius. Under such conditions, the berries can be stored for up to a month. But at room temperature they begin to deteriorate after just a few days - this can be seen by the color and structure of the skin.

When buying lychee at the market or supermarket, carefully inspect the skin. The skin of a ripe berry is red, while that of a slightly overripe or stale one is brown. The peel should be intact, of medium hardness, without rotten parts or cracks.

It is better to eat lychees right away, since after 4-5 days they already lose some of their properties. They are stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of less than 5-7 degrees. Look at the label when the bunch was picked or transported - from this date we store the berries for no more than a month in the refrigerator.

Lychee. How do you eat berries?

In cooking, lychees are used in different ways.

  • Lychee can be eaten fresh - wash it, peel the skin, remove the seed if desired, put it in your mouth and enjoy the sweet and sour taste.
  • You can add it to ready-made or homemade ice cream, curd mass or yogurt, after cutting the berries.
  • Do you like to bake? Instead of apples or plums, add lychee to the pie - the taste will surprise you. Fortunately, the prices for this exotic product are not high.
  • Make jams, lychee marmalades, jellies and mousses.
  • Lychee is a fruit, but it is suitable not only for sweet dishes. It can be served with fish and meat, pate and chicken. Yes, it won’t be superfluous in salads.

Lychee Ice Cream Recipe

Squeeze the juice from five medium-sized lemons and mix it with a kilogram of lychee. The berries must first be peeled, cut and pitted. Add half a liter of juice to the mixture.

Pre-soaked gelatin (you will find instructions on the gelatin package) is filtered and a quarter kilogram of sugar and a little lemon juice are added to it. All this is poured into lychee, the mass is mixed, placed in molds or in a container and left in the freezer for several hours.

The delicious-tasting sorbet ice cream is ready. Enjoy.

Composition and beneficial properties of lychee

In China, lychees were used in medicine as early as the 2nd century BC. And the Chinese watch their health, oh, how they watch it. Judge for yourself, one berry weighing about 20 grams contains potassium, manganese, fluorine, phosphorus, sodium, iodine, calcium, zinc, chlorine, iron, magnesium, sulfur, copper. What fruit or berry do you know that contains so many elements of the periodic table? So you don’t need any medications. Lychee also contains vitamins C and H, K and E, PP and group B.

The berry is of medium sweetness; it can contain from 5-6 to 13-14% sugar. It depends on the place where the lychee grows and the type of tree. The calorie content of one fruit is no more than 66 kcal, it contains vegetable matter, carbohydrates and proteins.

Such a rich content of beneficial properties in lychee has a beneficial effect on a person’s overall health, no matter how pretentious it may sound.

  • , which is very abundant in lychee, fights viral infections.
  • Potassium is indispensable for heart patients, for those who have increased levels of potassium in their blood vessels.
  • Vitamin PP is a means of combating atherosclerosis.

The combination of other microelements successfully copes with diseases of the kidneys, lungs, liver, stomach and intestinal colic, and normalizes blood sugar levels and pancreatic activity (you need to eat 10 berries per day).

Lychee contains oligonol, which is. If you take some other herbs along with lychee, you can treat cancer or at least slow down the development of this scourge.

Hindus value lychee for strengthening male power, so they eat it regularly. Want to know what else this valuable product is useful for? Please!

  • It relieves thirst because it contains water in large quantities. Although the advantage is quite controversial - you can just drink water...
  • Eating a few ripe berries before lunch will saturate your body a little, and you won’t eat too much at the table.
  • Treats constipation.
  • Bronchitis, tuberculosis, and asthma are also affected by lychee.
  • Relieves stress.
  • Stimulates brain activity.
  • Treats anemia.
  • Lychee is filling, so it helps you lose weight or keep it off. Naturally, when used correctly.
  • Pediatricians will agree that lychee is useful for children as a means of helping to form the skeleton, strengthen teeth and bones.

After eating the pulp, do not throw away the peel and seeds. By boiling the peel, we obtain a product that removes excess water from the body. The same decoction is a restorative and tonic drink. We dry the seeds, grind them and drink a decoction from them for problems in the intestines, pain of various types, for orchitis, myositis and neuralgia.

Who shouldn't eat lychee?

Lychee is not capable of harming anyone. Unless for those who are allergic to this exotic fruit. And nutritionists do not advise eating more than one hundred grams of berries per day. Oversaturation threatens bloating and gas formation.

Is it possible to grow lychees at home?

Lychee is a subtropical crop and it will be difficult to grow it here. And is it necessary, given the growth of the tree? Remember, it can reach 20 or even 30 meters in height!

For those who want to try their hand at selection and cultivation, the following information will be useful.

  • For lychee it is worth creating a dry climate, like in the subtropics. If the air is humid, lychee may not bear fruit.
  • Lychees can be grown vegetatively or from seedlings.
  • You can expect fruits already in the sixth year with vegetative propagation or in the 10th year if grown from seeds.

As an experiment, you can try growing decorative lychee at home on a windowsill from a seed - you didn’t throw it away when you ate the pulp, did you?

  • Moisten the fabric and wrap the washed bone in it. Place in a warm place for a week or two. Don't forget to moisten the cloth.
  • The seed can be planted in the ground when it swells a little. The top layer of soil is about 2 cm.
  • We buy well-drained, acidic soil for lychee, generously flavor it with fertilizers,
  • To make the seed sprout faster, you can split it a little.
  • We water our seed with water at room temperature that has settled for a couple of days. Don't forget to loosen the soil.
  • You can fertilize the soil as soon as a sprout appears from it.

Make sure that the soil does not become waterlogged, otherwise the plant will die. As the lychee grows, transplant it into a larger pot so that the roots are not crowded. During the first couple of years, the tree can be shaped by pruning.

It is difficult to say whether the tree will bloom and bear fruit. Still, this is an overseas guest, and he has his own character. But if you don’t try to grow it, it will definitely not bear fruit...

Tropical plants never cease to amaze lovers of exotic fruits with their assortment, because every year more and more fruits appear in stores. Many of them quickly find admirers due to their wonderful taste and healthy qualities. Recently, lychee fruit appeared on the shelves, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are quite well known in their homeland, but in our country they are just beginning to learn interesting details about the unusual fruits.

Lychee, what kind of fruit is this, the country from which this miracle came

So, lychee, what kind of fruit is it, and in what country does it grow? The homeland of unusual-looking fruits is the hot tropics of Vietnam, Thailand, China, and Africa. It is here that evergreen spreading trees with powerful crowns grow, from which generous harvests are harvested. These giants can grow up to 35 meters in height, which is quite difficult to harvest.

The flowering of the tree is of interest - the inflorescences have practically no petals, they are small balls resembling small cups. The length of the inflorescence can reach 80 cm. The fruits ripen in large clusters, and they are collected from the end of May until almost mid-summer.

What does lychee look like, a fruit whose beneficial properties and contraindications are known to every resident of tropical countries? The fruits are small, maximum up to 4 cm, covered with numerous small tubercles. Their color resembles a plum, which is why they received another name - Chinese plum. The fruit pulp resembles a dense sweet jelly, the taste of which is somewhat similar to grapes. While feasting on this exotic fruit, you should not forget about the bone that is inside - you must definitely throw it away.

What does lychee fruit look like, photo

Of course, often one description is not enough to boldly go to the store for an exotic curiosity, because you can easily confuse it with other, no less interesting and unusual fruits. In order not to seem ignorant to the seller and to confidently purchase gifts from the tropics, you need to know what kind of lychee fruit looks like; a photo will certainly help you figure it out.

In the photo you can see not only the fruits that are usually offered in the store, but also their ripening on the trees. Interestingly, when purchasing fruits, you should give preference to those that are on the branches. Why do this? It’s simple - fruits picked from branches spoil much faster, and if they still look fresh in the store, at home they will quickly begin to rot, and it will not be possible to preserve them.

When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the shade of the fruit. The darker they are, the higher the degree of ripeness and the worse the taste. Preference should be given to bright red Chinese plums - it is this shade that signals freshness and pleasant taste. They will also be stored much longer.

Lychee fruit: benefits and harms

How to properly consume lychee fruit, its beneficial properties and contraindications - this should definitely be carefully studied, because it has not only advantages, but also several disadvantages. The main value of the fruit is its low calorie content. You can safely use it during a diet - you won’t be able to gain extra pounds. Another advantage of regular consumption of fruits is that the high content of vitamin B will certainly help keep your hair and nails healthy.

  1. problems with the cardiovascular system;
  2. high cholesterol;
  3. atherosclerosis;
  4. diseases of the digestive organs;
  5. enlarged tonsils;
  6. prolonged intense cough.

The lychee fruit, the benefits and harms of which have been fully studied, can be called not only unusual, but also unique. It has virtually no contraindications; you can enjoy it even with serious illnesses or in combination with treatment of the underlying disease with aggressive drugs. The only prohibition is individual intolerance; in such cases, side effects may occur in the form of rashes or nausea.

Lychee fruit, how to eat this unusual delicacy

Another question arises for those who first purchased lychee fruit, how to eat this exotic fruit. Despite the fact that there are several varieties of this delicacy, their peel is usually not eaten; it must be peeled. This will not be particularly difficult; it is easily separated from the pulp, even if the fruit is not completely ripe.

It’s not difficult to get to the juicy pulp - you just need to lightly bite the peel (it’s easy to bite) and remove it with your fingers. Of course, you can use a knife for this, but this is not necessary - and without it there will be no difficulties.

Only the pulp is eaten - it is light in color, juicy and dense. Don't forget about the seed - throw it away or dry it for planting. Thanks to its remarkable taste, this fruit has gained considerable popularity not only in its homeland, but throughout the world.

Most often, fresh fruits are consumed, but they can be dried; in this form, they resemble dense nuts, which are usually used for making desserts. You can preserve it, it will turn out to be a wonderful jelly, with a pleasant aroma and exotic taste. The Chinese are accustomed to adding fruit to alcoholic drinks; based on lychee, they even manage to make wonderful wine, which is famous for its wonderful properties.

Lychee fruit, photo, how it grows at home

As incredible as it sounds, you can even grow this exotic on your own, and there won’t be any particular difficulties. Confirmation that it is possible to grow lychee fruit, a photo of how it grows at home - the photographs clearly show that the plant feels no worse indoors than in the hot, humid tropics.

A tree can become a real decoration for an apartment, even if you can’t get fruit from it, because the leaves of the plant also look unusual - shiny, long, and a rich green hue. There is no need to worry that the size of the room will not allow the lychee to feel comfortable - the tree will not grow tall at home, especially since it can be shaped by annual pruning.

Lychee fruit, how to grow from a seed

Fans of exotic plants are often interested in how they can get the lychee fruit in their apartment, how to grow this tropical guest from a seed, and whether they face any difficulties in caring for it. There is nothing unusual here - you can grow this curiosity even without much experience in caring for indoor plants.

It is better not to mix the soil for lychee yourself, but to buy it ready-made in the store. Palm soil is perfect for the plant and should be purchased. Planting should be done in this order:

  1. Dry the seed thoroughly at room temperature (it is better to take several - this guarantees that at least one of them will produce a precious sprout). Planting material must be taken from ripened fruits.
  2. Fill a small container with soil, first laying a drainage layer.
  3. Deepen the seeds by 1-3 cm, lightly compact the soil.
  4. Water the soil, cover with film.
  5. Regularly remove the greenhouse for ventilation, at the same time check whether the soil is dry, and water if necessary.
  6. After the sprouts appear, remove the greenhouse and care for it as you would for ordinary indoor flowers - water and regularly loosen the surface of the earthen clod.

It is important to choose the right place on the windowsill - it must be sunny and cozy here. Drafts have a detrimental effect on the plant - it may die. Don’t overdo it with watering either – don’t allow dirt in the pot. Another requirement that must be strictly followed is to replant the plant annually, otherwise its growth will be very slow.

Having seen a lychee fruit on the counter, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are already well known, there is no need to deny yourself the purchase of such a tasty fruit. The only thing you shouldn’t forget about is that you shouldn’t abuse it – in large quantities, even healthy treats can cause an undesirable reaction in the body.

Save the information.

Lychee (Wikipedia even knows about such exotic fruits) is the fruit of an evergreen tree called “Chinese lychee”. This fruit tree, growing in the subtropics, belongs to the Sapindaceae family. The lychee tree grows mainly in China, but it can be seen in South America, Africa, Asia, and occasionally in Australia. Lychee reaches a height of 30 meters. Fruits appear on the tree from about May to June.

The lychee fruit (the photo won’t let you lie) is a small berry with a diameter of up to 4 cm, covered with a peel that resembles scales with numerous sharp tubercles. The peel of the berry is hard and easily removed, revealing the tender, jelly-like and slightly transparent pulp. It’s amazing that under such a “crocodile” skin there is such a delicate fruit. And inside there is a large oval bone, which holds the shape of the pulp. The taste of lychee is sour and bitter, slightly astringent and quite a bit reminiscent of peeled white grapes.

Lychee. How to select and store

The route from China is not close. Therefore, lychees are picked in whole clusters with leaves. The optimal temperature for transportation is not lower than one degree and not higher than six degrees Celsius. Under such conditions, the berries can be stored for up to a month. But at room temperature they begin to deteriorate after just a few days - this can be seen by the color and structure of the skin.

When buying lychee at the market or supermarket, carefully inspect the skin. The skin of a ripe berry is red, while that of a slightly overripe or stale one is brown. The peel should be intact, of medium hardness, without rotten parts or cracks.

It is better to eat lychees right away, since after 4-5 days they already lose some of their properties. They are stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of less than 5-7 degrees. Look at the label when the bunch was picked or transported - from this date we store the berries for no more than a month in the refrigerator.

Lychee. How do you eat berries?

In cooking, lychees are used in different ways.

  • Lychee can be eaten fresh - wash it, peel the skin, remove the seed if desired, put it in your mouth and enjoy the sweet and sour taste.
  • You can add it to ready-made or homemade ice cream, curd mass or yogurt, after cutting the berries.
  • Do you like to bake? Instead of apples or plums, add lychee to the pie - the taste will surprise you. Fortunately, the prices for this exotic product are not high.
  • Make jams, lychee marmalades, jellies and mousses.
  • Lychee is a fruit, but it is suitable not only for sweet dishes. It can be served with fish and meat, pate and chicken. Yes, it won’t be superfluous in salads.

Lychee Ice Cream Recipe

Squeeze the juice from five medium-sized lemons and mix it with a kilogram of lychee. The berries must first be peeled, cut and pitted. Add half a liter of pineapple juice to the mixture.

Pre-soaked gelatin (you will find instructions on the gelatin package) is filtered and a quarter kilogram of sugar and a little lemon juice are added to it. All this is poured into lychee, the mass is mixed, placed in molds or in a container and left in the freezer for several hours.

The delicious-tasting sorbet ice cream is ready. Enjoy.

Composition and beneficial properties of lychee

In China, lychees were used in medicine as early as the 2nd century BC. And the Chinese watch their health, oh, how they watch it. Judge for yourself, one berry weighing about 20 grams contains potassium, manganese, fluorine, phosphorus, sodium, iodine, calcium, zinc, chlorine, iron, magnesium, sulfur, copper. What fruit or berry do you know that contains so many elements of the periodic table? So you don’t need any medications. Lychee also contains vitamins C and H, K and E, PP and group B.

The berry is of medium sweetness; it can contain from 5-6 to 13-14% sugar. It depends on the place where the lychee grows and the type of tree. The calorie content of one fruit is no more than 66 kcal, it contains plant fiber, carbohydrates and proteins.

Such a rich content of beneficial properties in lychee has a beneficial effect on a person’s overall health, no matter how pretentious it may sound.

  • Vitamin C, of ​​which there is a lot in lychee, fights viral infections and strengthens the immune system.
  • Potassium is indispensable for heart patients, for those with low hemoglobin in the blood and high cholesterol in the blood vessels.
  • Vitamin PP is a means of combating atherosclerosis.

The combination of other microelements successfully copes with diseases of the kidneys, lungs, liver, stomach and intestinal colic, and normalizes blood sugar levels and pancreatic activity (you need to eat 10 berries per day).

Lychee contains oligonol, which is a powerful antioxidant. If you take lemongrass and some other herbs along with lychee, you can treat cancer or at least slow down the development of this scourge.

Hindus value lychee for strengthening male power, so they eat it regularly. Want to know what else this valuable product is useful for? Please!

  • It relieves thirst because it contains water in large quantities. Although the advantage is quite controversial - you can just drink water...
  • Eating a few ripe berries before lunch will saturate your body a little, and you won’t eat too much at the table.
  • Treats constipation.
  • Bronchitis, tuberculosis, and asthma are also affected by lychee.
  • Relieves stress.
  • Stimulates brain activity.
  • Treats anemia.
  • Lychee is filling, so it helps you lose weight or keep it off. Naturally, when used correctly.
  • Pediatricians will agree that lychee is useful for children as a means of helping to form the skeleton, strengthen teeth and bones.

After eating the pulp, do not throw away the peel and seeds. By boiling the peel, we obtain a product that removes excess water from the body. The same decoction is a restorative and tonic drink. We dry the seeds, grind them and drink a decoction from them for problems in the intestines, pain of various types, for orchitis, myositis and neuralgia.

Who shouldn't eat lychee?

Is it possible to grow lychees at home?

Lychee is a subtropical crop and it will be difficult to grow it here. And is it necessary, given the growth of the tree? Remember, it can reach 20 or even 30 meters in height!

For those who want to try their hand at selection and cultivation, the following information will be useful.

  • For lychee it is worth creating a dry climate, like in the subtropics. If the air is humid, lychee may not bear fruit.
  • Lychees can be grown vegetatively or from seedlings.
  • You can expect fruits already in the sixth year with vegetative propagation or in the 10th year if grown from seeds.

As an experiment, you can try growing decorative lychee at home on a windowsill from a seed - you didn’t throw it away when you ate the pulp, did you?

  • Moisten the fabric and wrap the washed bone in it. Place in a warm place for a week or two. Don't forget to moisten the cloth.
  • The seed can be planted in the ground when it swells a little. The top layer of soil is about 2 cm.
  • We buy well-drained, acidic soil for lychee, generously flavor it with fertilizers,
  • To make the seed sprout faster, you can split it a little.
  • We water our seed with water at room temperature that has settled for a couple of days. Don't forget to loosen the soil.
  • You can fertilize the soil as soon as a sprout appears from it.

Make sure that the soil does not become waterlogged, otherwise the plant will die. As the lychee grows, transplant it into a larger pot so that the roots are not crowded. During the first couple of years, the tree can be shaped by pruning.

It is difficult to say whether the tree will bloom and bear fruit. Still, this is an overseas guest, and he has his own character. But if you don’t try to grow it, it will definitely not bear fruit...

How do they eat lychees? What are the benefits of lychees: beneficial properties and contraindications. Lychee - what is it and how is it grown?

A strange fruit called “lychee”, more like a toy, is little known here in Russia. Most people don't even know about its existence. The history of the origin of this fruit goes back to ancient times. It is known that the first mentions of the plant appeared before our era.

During its existence, it was called as many times as possible: “dragon eye”, “paradise grapes”, “fruit of love”, “Chinese cherry”. In Russia, the berry is not in such demand, but in vain. Lychee fruit - what is it and what is it eaten with? Today's article will be devoted to this fruit and very useful plant.

Where are you from?

Let's say right away that this is a very tall tropical tree, reaching 30 meters in height. Its fruits are ovoid in shape with a pimply skin of a bright red hue with a diameter of no more than 3.5 cm. The pulp of the berry is very soft, with a jelly-like consistency of cream or white color, hidden under it is a large brown seed. The taste is pleasant, reminiscent of cherries - sweet and sour and refreshing.

Lychee berries are cultivated mainly on subtropical continents: South America, China, Southeast Asia, Japan and Africa. Exported worldwide. The exotic fruit is sold quite profitably, since it is valued not only for its high taste, but also for its beneficial properties. Thanks to long-term storage, there are no problems with transportation.

How to save?

It is recommended to keep the fruits in the refrigerator, so they will last for a week. It’s best to freeze them after cleaning them first. To increase shelf life, you can dry the berries, and then cook compotes and add them to flour products.

Now, dear readers, you know what lychees are eaten with, what these berries are and where they grow. The usefulness of overseas fruits is a truism and an old axiom that does not require confirmation. They are able to normalize metabolic processes, improve overall health and cope with various pathologies.

How to grow?

If you really want, you can grow this beautiful plant at home. Just remember that the tree is very demanding of humidity, air temperature and lighting. In order for the plant to begin to bear fruit, you must strictly adhere to all the rules. For cultivation, you can use lychee seeds, which should not be stored for more than two days.

At first, young seedlings grow very quickly, but after the seedlings reach 20 cm, a slowdown in growth is observed - for about several years. Water the plant as the soil dries, and regular foliar feeding is also required. During the period of intense flowering, it is necessary to carefully monitor the air temperature - it should not fall below +15 °C. It is advisable to install the pot on the west side.

What are the benefits of lychees: properties and calorie content

It should be noted that the berry is a dietary product - only 70 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, it can be safely consumed by anyone who adheres to the principles of proper and low-calorie nutrition. The distinctive features of the overseas fruit are its rich biochemical composition and beneficial properties that have a healing effect on the body.

The berries contain a whole complex of vitamins B, E, C, H, K. In particular, they contain trace elements: potassium, sodium, fluorine, iodine, chlorine, iron, manganese, selenium, sulfur and others. All these substances are necessary for the proper functioning of our body and life. Lychee fruit contains many complex carbohydrates, water, dietary fiber, proteins and a minimal amount of fat. It also contains sugar from 6 to 14% - it all depends on the region of growth and variety.

The main advantage of the berry is its content of nicotinic acid. Due to its healing properties, it is widely used in cooking and folk medicine. Do you know how to eat lychees? It can be consumed both fresh and boiled. The pulp is often used as a filling for confectionery, but more on that later.

Medicinal use

Residents of the Celestial Empire treat lychees with deep respect and love. “Chinese plum”, in their opinion, is capable of working real miracles and getting rid of serious ailments - it has been tested by practice. When eaten daily, you can lower cholesterol levels, normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system and restore memory.

It is recommended as an aphrodisiac, as the fruit perfectly stimulates libido and increases potency. In addition, the fruits have a mild laxative effect, so they are recommended for people suffering from chronic constipation. And thanks to the water content, the berries perfectly quench thirst and relieve intestinal disorders.

Nutritionists advise consuming “Chinese plum” during a diet, as it will fill the body with healthy vitamins and will not add weight. Traditional healers used decoctions (from fruit peels) to treat gastritis, anemia, diabetes, gastric ulcers, pancreas and pathological processes in the kidneys. Decoctions and infusions were also used as a diuretic and tonic.

In China, for example, they mixed the pulp of the fruit with lemongrass and medicinal herbs and used the resulting mixture for therapeutic purposes in the treatment of malignant tumors. In eastern countries it was used for liver, kidney, lung diseases, tuberculosis, asthma and bronchitis. The healing properties are preserved even in dried and canned states. Therefore, the question of how lychees are eaten should not arise. Many doctors recommend including it in the menu of young children.

Harm to the fruit

Excessive eating can cause allergies. The optimal daily dosage should not exceed one hundred grams. It is not recommended to eat fruits at the same time as other fruits, as this will cause gas formation and bloating. According to Chinese healers, lychee enhances “inner fire,” i.e., when overeating, a person may experience nausea, discomfort in the throat, fever and migraine. To restore vital energy, it is recommended to exclude berries from your diet for a couple of days and eat food only when it is cold. Now let's talk about how lychees are eaten.

Use in cooking

Exotic fruits go harmoniously with any types of meat and fish delicacies; they are also served with fresh salads and pates. The pulp is used as a filling for pancakes, pies and pies - this is how lychees are eaten in China. In addition to this, they are added to sweet desserts, ice cream and even alcoholic drinks (wine and champagne). We will describe several delicious and healthy recipes.

Delicious cupcake with added lychee

The dish contains three hundred grams of lychee berries. To prepare the creamy mass you will need: butter (one hundred grams), two eggs, one lemon and sugar to taste. You will also need vanillin.

Prepare the cream: squeeze the juice out of the lemon and grate the peel. In a separate bowl, beat eggs with granulated sugar and butter until fluffy. Mix with lemon zest and juice. Boil the mixture in a water bath, stirring continuously until the consistency becomes thick and homogeneous. Place peeled and chopped lychees into small molds. Fill them with creamy mixture. Place in the oven for a maximum of 15 minutes at 180°C.

Sherbet with lime and lychee

Ingredients: a kilogram of tropical berries, half a liter of pineapple juice, four limes, a plate of gelatin and a glass of sugar.

Soak the gelatin in cold water for about ten minutes. During this time, we peel the fruit, remove the seed from it and cut it into small cubes. Heat the lime juice, add sugar with gelatin and pineapple juice. Pour into molds and place in the freezer for an hour. A refreshing, light and delicious dessert is ready.

We told you how to eat lychees. The fruit adds a pleasant sourness and some piquancy to any dish.

How to choose the right fruit?

The berry ripening season begins in July-August, at which time you can safely buy them. Although they are put up for sale not only in the summer - they are on store shelves all year round. In order not to inadvertently buy a damaged product, you need to learn how to choose it. Carefully examine the skin of the fruit, its color and structure. A fresh product must be free from blemishes, dents and damage, and bright red in color.

Dark peel indicates that the product is stale. The area near the petiole of a fresh berry does not have white spots or mold. Shake the fruit before buying: rotten fruit does not make sounds. Pay attention to the aroma: overripe lychee has a tart, sweetish smell, while fresh lychee has a rose aroma. During the off-season, we recommend purchasing canned berries.

Lychee fruit - benefits and harm

The Chinese lychee fruit is mostly unknown to us. Either those who went on vacation to China or those who like to experiment with food and constantly try something new had a chance to try this curiosity. The appearance of this fruit is so unusual that it is even difficult to immediately realize that it is edible. At first glance, it most resembles a lumpy rubber ball of a pinkish or reddish color, about three to four centimeters in diameter. And it’s hard to imagine that under this dense shell there is hidden the most delicate creamy pulp with the smell of roses and a completely unique subtle sweet and sour taste. Due to its exotic nature, many people have a vague idea about the benefits and harms of lychee fruit. Meanwhile, it makes sense to take a closer look at this fruit.

Properties of lychee and its composition

The properties, that is, the benefits and harms of the lychee fruit, are directly related to its composition. Most of all it contains water and dietary fiber. The fruit also contains a large amount of carbohydrate compounds. But the main thing is that lychee pulp contains a wide variety of active substances. For example, here you can find B vitamins, vitamins C, E, PP, rare vitamin K, choline, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, selenium, as well as the valuable substance zeaxanthin, which is responsible for visual acuity, along with vitamin A. Thanks to this Rich in composition, lychee has a lot of beneficial properties. But they will manifest themselves fully only if the person ate the fruit according to all the rules.

How to eat lychee?

The peel of this fruit is inedible, so it is washed and removed with a knife. After that, the seed is removed from the fruit - it is quite large and easily separated from the pulp. At the table, it is customary to eat the Chinese lychee fruit with a dessert spoon, since the consistency of its most delicious part is jelly-like and it will be difficult to take it with your hands without the risk of getting dirty. The fruit can be eaten fresh, canned or dried. Very often they are used to prepare something like a pulp puree with juice. And in China itself, they also prefer to dry lychees entirely directly in the peel, and then use them in the form of dried fruits. Lychee goes well with protein foods; it is used to make gravies, baking fillings, ice cream, drinks, etc.

What are the benefits of lychee?

Due to the large amount of carbohydrates, the fruit is difficult to classify as a dietary product. But its calorie content is not so high - only 66-70 kcal per hundred grams, so even those who are slightly overweight can easily include it in their diet, but it should be eaten in reasonable quantities.

In the East, lychee is considered a powerful aphrodisiac, so there they even gave the fruit the appropriate nickname “fruit of love.” It must be served at the wedding table so that the marriage is successful. In the homeland of the fruit, China, it is actively used in traditional medicine recipes. For example, for the treatment of heart diseases, getting rid of high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, etc.

Western nutritionists also recognize the beneficial properties of lychee. Studies have shown that, like other plant foods, this fruit has a beneficial effect on intestinal function, saturates the body with moisture, optimizes metabolic processes, and as a result helps to lose weight.

But besides the benefits, lychee also has harm. Firstly, like any exotic, it can cause allergies. Secondly, due to the high carbohydrate content, it can cause heaviness and pain in the intestines, increased gas formation and exacerbation of gastritis and ulcers. Therefore, it should be eaten in reasonable quantities and no more than two or three times a week.

Lychee fruit - beneficial properties

The lychee fruit, despite the wide abundance of modern stores, is still considered a rather exotic guest on our shelves. This tropical fruit is widespread throughout Asia, in the countries of North Africa; in the last few decades it has begun to be cultivated in Europe, in particular in the southern regions of France. The birthplace of this fruit is China, which is why lychee is often called Chinese plum.

Lychee is valued for its excellent taste and is widely used in cooking for preparing a wide variety of dishes - salads, sauces, confectionery. The pulp of the fruit is used to make wine, juice, and can also be preserved.

The pulp of the fruit, hidden by a prickly skin, is a white or creamy jelly. It has a unique refreshing sweet and sour taste and great aroma. Lychee fruit, in addition to its excellent taste, has a number of beneficial properties that are due to its biochemical composition.

Lychee contains pure water, which is of particular value in tropical latitudes. In addition, this fruit contains a whole storehouse of vitamins and minerals that can significantly replenish the body’s balance, strengthen the immune system and restore strength.

  1. Vitamins in lychee are represented by a high content of ascorbic acid - more than 70 mg per 100 g of pulp, group B (B1, B2, B6, B9), niacin (PP), phylloquinone (K), choline and vitamin E.
  2. The mineral composition includes a whole complex of micro- and macroelements - potassium 170 mg, phosphorus 30 mg, magnesium 10 mg, calcium 5 mg, copper 148 mcg, in smaller doses contains selenium, manganese, iron, fluorine, zinc, sodium, iodine.

Lychee dietary fiber helps cleanse the intestines and improve peristalsis. Nutritionists recommend consuming this fruit for people who have digestive problems, suffer respiratory diseases, loss of strength and endocrine disorders. For anyone who wants to lose weight, this fruit is a very valuable dietary product, as it helps speed up metabolism, removes toxins and regulates hormonal balance.

With a calorie content of only 66 kcal, lychee satisfies our need for many vitamins and minerals, cleanses and stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, having a complex effect on all body systems. This fruit has practically no contraindications; it should not be abused if you are prone to food allergies and try it with caution for the first time.

EXOTIC FRUITS Useful properties

16. Kumquat
lat. Fortunella

The fruit of some citrus plants, classified into a special subgenus Fortunella (lat. Fortunella). A small exotic fruit of orange or orange-yellow color, resembling a small orange in appearance. Grows in southern China.
The name kumquat comes from "gam gwat" - the Cantonese pronunciation of the Chinese word "pinyin" (Russian - golden orange).
In appearance, kumquat fruits resemble miniature oval oranges measuring from 3 to 5 centimeters in length and from 2 to 4 centimeters in width.
The kumquat fruit tastes like a tangerine with a slight sourness, is completely edible, with a sweet peel (may cause irritation to the kidneys). There are several types of kumquat in nature, differing in the shape of the fruit. Kumquats are consumed both raw and processed (candied fruits, jam, marmalade).
Kumquat is rarely grown from seed because it has a weak root system. In China and Japan, plants are propagated by grafting onto Poncirus trifoliata. Often grown as a houseplant.
Kumquats are cultivated in China, Southeast Asia, Japan, the Middle East, Southern Europe (especially on the Greek island of Corfu, where they make a wonderful local liqueur) and the southern United States (especially Florida).
Marmalade and jellies makers love this little fruit from the citrus family. Unforgettable liqueurs are made based on it. And in Thailand they also treat the throat. It looks like a cross between a lemon and an orange. It tastes like a sour tangerine with a sweet peel!

17. Pitaya
lat. Hylocereus

Pitaya, or pitahaya, or dragon fruit, is the common name for the fruit of several species of the Cactaceae family, mainly from the genus Hylocereus (sweet pitaya).
Plants whose fruits are called pitaya are climbing epiphytic liana-like cacti, common in Mexico, Central and South America.
Currently, these plants are also cultivated in a number of countries in Southeast Asia - such as Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Malaysia, Japan (Okinawa), China, Taiwan, as well as in the USA (Hawaii), Israel , Northern Australia.
Hylocereus blooms only at night; large white fragrant flowers with a typical cactus shape. The sweet pitaya fruit has white, creamy flesh and a delicate aroma.
Sweet pitaya is usually one of the following three types, with smooth skin covered in leaf-like growths:
- Hylocereus undatus (red pitaya) has red-pink fruit and white flesh. The most common type is known as "dragon fruit".
- Hylocereus costaricensis (Costa Rican pitaya, also called Hylocereus polyrhizus) has a red-skinned fruit and red flesh.
- Hylocereus megalanthus (yellow pitaya, formerly classified as Selenicereus) has a yellow-skinned fruit with white flesh.
The species introduced early from Colombia to Australia are Hylocereus ocampensis (supposedly related to the red pitaya) and Cereus triangularis (supposedly related to the yellow pitaya). The taxonomic classification of these species is not entirely clear.
The fruit weighs 150-600 grams, some specimens reach a kilogram. The pulp is eaten raw, has a sweetish taste and is low in calories. Reviews that pitaya is tasteless are extremely rare, although the taste may seem bland. It is recommended to eat pitaya slightly chilled; It is not recommended to combine pitaya with dishes with a strong taste.
In addition, pitaya can be made into juice or wine, or used to add flavor to other drinks. The flowers are edible and can also be brewed into tea.
To prepare pitaya for consumption, the fruit is usually cut vertically into two halves. After this, you can either cut these halves into slices (similar to how you cut a melon), or scoop out the pulp with a spoon. Although pitaya seeds are rich in valuable lipids, they are generally indigestible unless chewed. The peel is inedible and may contain pesticides.
The creamy pulp is very sweet and delicate, it can be absorbed with pleasure. Tea is often flavored with flowers. Pitaya-based wines and juices are popular.
Eating large quantities of red-fleshed pitaya (such as Costa Rican pitaya) can cause pseudohematuria, a harmless reddening of the urine and feces.

lat. Cucumis metulifer

Also used in fruit and milkshakes and fruit drinks. It contains few calories, so it is often used in dietary nutrition and in weight loss diets.

EXOTIC FRUITS Useful properties.

1. Sugar apple, or Annona squamosus
lat. Annona squamosa

This fruit is widely distributed in India, Brazil, Mexico, South and Central America, and Barbados.
Sometimes the sugar apple is also called cherimoya. Its skin, like its flesh, consists of segments, each segment containing one grain.
The pulp of a sugar apple has a delicious taste, but we must remember that the grains of the apple are poisonous, so you should not give in to the habit of picking any seeds for the spicy-smelling kernel. Poisoning with the kernel of a sugar apple can lead to very sad consequences, and getting the juice in the eyes can cause blindness!
The pulp of this fruit is eaten both raw and mixed with milk - it makes an excellent soft drink, and it is also used to make ice cream.

2. Longan - dragon's eye
Vietnamese Long An

The fruit, also called “dragon's eye” and related to lychee and rambutan, is cultivated in China, Taiwan, Australia and the USA, but is most common in Thailand.
Longan grows in clusters, and is collected like this: men cut the clusters from tall trees (from 10 to 20 meters) with the help of high ladders, and on the ground it is cleaned and packaged.
There are a great many varieties of longan; its color can vary from deep brown to yellowish-red, and the flesh can be either white or pinkish, but always transparent.
The taste of longan is juicy and aromatic, by the way, its aroma is reminiscent of musk.
This fruit is eaten both raw and processed: it is dried, canned, and made into jam.
Longan drink perfectly quenches thirst and stimulates appetite.
But for diabetics, it is better to avoid excessive consumption of this fruit - it contains a huge amount of sugar, perhaps more dangerous for diabetics than grapes.

3. Durian
lat. Durio

"The King of Thai Fruits" This is a huge fruit with terrifying thorns and a disgusting smell. But if you manage to overcome your innate disgust, you will get an unforgettable experience.
Local residents believe that durian tastes like a sweet cream made from milk and eggs, but Europeans are more skeptical; some compare the taste of this exotic fruit with Dor Blue cheese, especially if they eat stale herring with it (the cheese), while others says it tastes like a mixture of cheese, garlic and sewage.
Everyone has their own associations, but it’s still worth a try. But if you are doing this for the first time, it is better to limit yourself to a small piece and do the tasting in the fresh air - it doesn’t smell so much.
Extreme Thais, on the contrary, will not eat freshly picked (or rather, freshly fallen) durian; you see, it is not fragrant enough; gourmets will wait a few days for the aroma to become stronger and literally knock them off their feet.
However, it is a very nutritious and satisfying fruit, rich in vitamin C, it is fried, boiled, dried, and when canned, added to mousses, ice cream and meat dishes, it is also made into jams and boiled in coconut milk.

4. Lulo, or Naranjilla
lat. Solanum quitoense

This fruit grows in Latin American countries: Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Central America.
In appearance, lulo resembles a yellow tomato, and in taste it is a mixture of pineapple, strawberries and the same tomato.
Lulo is consumed only in its raw form, otherwise all the richness of vitamins remains “overboard”.
And there is a lot to appreciate about lulo. The fruit contains water, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, B, C.
Lulo helps strengthen sleep, cleanses the blood, restores hair and nails.
Lulo juice is an excellent tonic drink.
True, there are restrictions and contraindications when consuming this fruit. It is not recommended to use it if you have liver disease, as well as with low blood pressure and high levels of allergens in the blood.

6. Jackfruit or Indian breadfruit
lat. Artocarpus heterophyllus

Another giant among exotic fruits. The weight of jackfruit can reach forty kilograms, and the appearance of jackfruit resembles breadfruit or durian.
It is widely distributed in India, Thailand and other Asian countries. It is not only one of the strategic fruits of these countries, but also a constant threat to tourists and natives.
This “baby” grows on trees that can reach 20 meters in height, and now imagine that such a forty-kilogram baby, without waiting for the unwary owner to take it off, rushes down, right at this unwary owner. In general, there were precedents.
By the way, the jackfruit fruit is also thorny, however, the riper the fruit, the softer the thorns. This fruit is also funny because it doesn’t hang on the branches like durian, but sticks to the trunk like a giant growth.
One tree can produce up to 300 fruits per year. The Thais believe that a ripe jackfruit is a fruit, and an unripe one is a vegetable, so they make soups from the unripe fruits, after drying or pickling them.
The ripe fruit has aromatic, juicy flesh, which is eaten as a dessert, added to it with ice and sauces, served with sticky rice, and also included in many dishes that, in principle, are not considered sweet.
Jackfruit is cut into small and thin strips, mixed with garlic, capsicum and onion, fried over high heat and served with dried fish.
It is also grilled and served as a side dish for meat, and chicken stuffed with fresh jackfruit pulp becomes a real delicacy. Flowers and leaves of the jackfruit tree are also used - the flowers are blanched and seasoned with shrimp sauce, and the leaves are put in salads; they taste amazingly with papaya.
And the jackfruit peel is not thrown away - it is sugared or pickled, after which it is also added to salads and desserts.
Remember that over-consumption of ripe fruits can lead to stomach upset, as they

18. Kiwano, or Horned Melon, or African Cucumber
lat. Cucumis metulifer

Herbaceous liana of the Pumpkin family (Cucurbitaceae), species of the genus Cucumber (Cucumis).
The length of the plant reaches three meters. Comes from Africa. It is grown for its edible fruit, which looks like a small oval melon with spikes.
It is most widely cultivated in California, Central America, New Zealand, and Israel. Plants cannot tolerate negative temperatures.
The kiwano fruit is yellow, orange or red in color with an inedible, tough, leathery rind covered with soft spines. Melon with horns - and that's it.
It has green jelly-like flesh with pale green seeds. The length of the fruit is up to 15 cm. The seeds are white, numerous, up to 1 cm long.
It tastes like a very interesting mixture of banana, lime, passion fruit and cucumber!
Can be consumed both sweet and salty. In salty salads it is used with salt and pepper in lemon juice.
Also used in fruit and milkshakes and fruit drinks. It contains few calories, so it is often used in dietary nutrition and in weight loss diets.

The Chinese call them “dragon eyes” and use them to treat otolaryngological and cardiovascular diseases, and the Hindus reverence them as a powerful aphrodisiac.

What does lychee fruit look like and where does it grow?

The preventive and medicinal properties of lychee are manifested by consuming fresh fruit pulp and seeds. Some recipes contain lychee peel; it can be used both internally and externally.

Distribution of the Chinese lychee plant

Lychee is native to southern and southeastern China. Fruits grow in clusters on trees. Fruits appeared in Europe in the 17th century thanks to Spanish travelers.

Chinese researcher Juan Gonzalez de Mendoza decided that lychee was a Chinese plum, which the Spaniard wrote about in his chronicle. He argued that “plums” are easily accepted by the body and do not cause heaviness in the stomach.

Later, the exotic spread to other continents. He prefers the subtropics. Cultivated in Japan, China, the southern states of the USA and South American countries.

The largest plantations are located in Madagascar. Fruits ripen en masse from May to June. They are collected from the tree by cutting off whole clusters. Collected one at a time, fruits do not store well and ferment quickly.

What do lychee fruits look like?

The fruits have an external resemblance to large strawberries: slightly elongated shape, diameter - 2...5 cm, weight - 10...25 g. The pulp is white, sometimes slightly creamy.

The taste of lychee fruit is more reminiscent of slightly astringent grapes. There is a seed inside (a seed in a shell). The peel has small spines. After ripening, it becomes crust-like and can be easily removed.

Lychee is a fruit or berry

In biology there is no concept of fruit. According to the botanical classification, the lychee fruit is called a single-seeded berry. In cooking and everyday life, there is a different terminology.

It is believed that fruits grow on trees and shrubs, and berries grow on herbaceous plants. Based on this, lychee is an exotic fruit (in everyday and culinary meanings), and at the same time a berry (in the understanding of biologists).

Composition of the edible part of the fruit

Exot is one of the ten most healthy fruits in Southeast Asia. Low-calorie fruits - energy value 100 g – 60...75 kcal(depending on where lychee grows and the type of plant).

Composition of lychee

75–82% of the pulp consists of liquid. All nutrients (biologically active elements) are well balanced, which determines the beneficial properties of lychee berries.

100 g of fresh product contains:

  • 0.8 g proteins;
  • 0.4 g fat;
  • 16.5 g carbohydrates;
  • 0.3 g dietary fiber.

Glycemic index fresh lychees - 50 , dried – 55 units. Ratio BZHU – 1: 0.5: 20.6. Carbohydrates are represented by mono- and disaccharides. Essential acids identified include lysine, tryptophan and methionine. The product contains Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.

The fruit is rich in pectins. It contains many micro- and macroelements: potassium (171 mg), calcium (5 mg), magnesium (10 mg), sodium (1 mg), phosphorus (31 mg), iron (0.31 mg), copper (148 mcg ). Manganese, selenium and zinc are present.

What vitamins are in lychee

The most significant vitamins for human health in lychee fruit (per 100 g of product):

  • thiamine (B1) – 0.011 mg;
  • riboflavin (B2) – 0.065 mg;
  • choline (B4) – 7.1 mg;
  • pyridoxine (B6) – 0.1 mg;
  • folate (B9) – 14 mcg;
  • ascorbic acid (C) – 71.5 mg;
  • alpha tocopherol (E) – 0.07 mg;
  • phylloquinone (K) – 0.4 μg;
  • nicotinic acid (PP) – 0.603 mg.

Lychee fruit - health benefits and harms

Russian pharmacy does not use the plant for medicinal purposes. And in the East, its fruits are part of many active supplements.

The low molecular weight polyphenol Oligomer was isolated from the fruit - a substance that became the basis of the Japanese drug “Oligonol” for the elasticity of blood vessels and the elimination of “cold syndrome in the extremities”. The additive is also used in cosmetology and dietetics.

Beneficial properties of lychee berries

In its fresh form, the product helps to prevent and improve the condition in the presence of diseases such as:

  • anemia and anemia– contains iron and copper, which promote the production of red blood cells;
  • oncological formations– antioxidants bind and neutralize free radicals, improve metabolic processes;
  • heart and vascular diseases– the pulp contains a lot of potassium, which has a positive effect on the heart muscle;
  • atherosclerosis– nicotinic acid helps dilate blood vessels, improve blood flow, it even removes dense deposits of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels;
  • dyspepsia, constipation, liver disease– fruits improve digestion of food;
  • bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, colds– the pulp has expectorant properties;
  • kidney and urinary tract diseases– the product has a diuretic effect.

And here is the video recipe: