How to properly cook barley porridge in water. Recipe with added meat

Barley is one of the healthiest and easiest to prepare. It cooks quickly, the dish turns out satisfying, its taste is formed by additional ingredients. How to cook it correctly? What nuances should be taken into account? We will tell you about the features of using barley in cooking and offer a universal recipe for barley porridge with water, milk, and meat.

The attitude towards this cereal in Russian cooking has developed a slightly dismissive one. Yachka is almost pearl barley, only small. What's the use of it? At the same time, the product is characterized by much greater nutritional value than pearl barley, with which it is often compared.

Barley groats are made from barley. Unlike pearl barley, which is whole barley grains, it is crushed, resulting in small grains. There are several advantages to this structure:

  • the speed of cooking is high - the cereal boils faster;
  • the benefit of the grain is maximum - it is barley, and not pearl barley, that retains all the beneficial properties of barley, the first grain cultivated by man in prehistoric times. The fruit shells are not removed during production, so the maximum proportion of valuable fiber remains in the kernels.

Subtleties of cooking

These features provide an easy way to prepare barley porridge. It does not need to be soaked for a long time, like pearl barley. It does not need to be simmered for a long time until it becomes soft. It is simple and unpretentious, it turns out ideal in a saucepan, a pot in the oven and in a slow cooker. Here are the main features of preparing the product.
  • The cereals should be sorted. During production, cake and pebbles remain in it, which can be packaged.
  • It is convenient to wash the cell in a sieve. This way you can quickly wash away the dust and avoid spilling fine grains into the sink. The sieve allows you to better control the volume of liquid. The consistency of the porridge depends on it.
  • Place the grain in cold water. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 20 minutes.
  • Control the proportions. They are important in the question of how to cook barley porridge deliciously. For a crumbly side dish, the optimal ratio of cereal to water is 1:2.5. For viscous porridge, preferable for children's diets, use more liquid, up to 4 glasses.
  • Let the masses rest. This is the most important nuance of the cereal preparation technology. It should be steamed for the same amount of time as it was boiled on the stove. Wrap it in a blanket and leave it under the lid. After 20 minutes, the porridge can be served. It turns out even more delicious if it comes in the oven. In this case, remove the pan from the heat and place in the oven for 15 minutes.
  • Don't skimp on the oil. In Rus', cereals were served exclusively with butter, and occasionally with meat and fried onions. There should be a lot of oil; it is added to the plates before serving. In dietary nutrition, vegetable oil will replace butter. You will need a tablespoon for one plate.

Barley porridge is high in calories, like most cereals. However, it contains the correct, long-lasting carbohydrates. They are absorbed by the body for a long time, maintaining a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Therefore, egg is recommended in dietary nutrition and is included in the list of preferred cereals for a porridge diet.

Classic recipe

Barley porridge is nutritious and satisfying. In Rus' they were used as food for the simple, working population. Therefore, they were cooked with milk to increase their nutritional value. We offer you a recipe for barley porridge with milk, which is perfect for a hearty breakfast.

You will need:
  • barley grits - 1 cup;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • milk - 2 glasses;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • salt.
  1. Pour the prepared cereal into the water and put it on the fire.
  2. Boil until the liquid boils over low heat.
  3. Pour in the heated milk, add salt and sugar.
  4. Stir, reduce heat as much as possible and simmer the cereal for 15 minutes.
  5. Remove from heat and leave to rest in a blanket or oven.
The grain kernels in this dish will crunch. This is attractive for adult nutrition. Their structure is such that it will ensure high-quality intestinal cleansing. This porridge is not suitable for a child’s diet.

Preparing barley porridge with milk for a baby requires pre-soaking. Soak the cereal in water overnight and let it cook in the morning. It will arrive much faster and will become perfectly soft and tender.

Original dishes

It is convenient to prepare healthy cereals as a side dish for meat and fish dishes, or serve with vegetables. And you can cook a complete dish with it for dinner. The cooking technique determines the consistency of the product. If you need it to be moderately viscous, just boil the egg in water. If crumbly is required, pre-fry the cereal.

Crumbly garnish

In this recipe we use the technique of toasting the grains to get the most crumbly consistency possible. Its advantages are the rich color of the dish, pronounced aroma and wonderful creamy taste.

You will need:
  • barley grits - 1 cup;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • butter - 30 g.
  1. Fry the prepared cereal in a frying pan. She should be blushing.
  2. Transfer it to boiling water and immediately add salt.
  3. Simmer over low heat until the water boils.
  4. Place pieces of butter on top and cover with lid.
  5. Place in the oven.
Any meat dish goes well with this side dish; it will delight you with its rich taste both on its own and with aromatic gravy. A universal recipe for yachka porridge with frying, suitable for eating without restrictions. If we are talking about a diet, the cereal should simply be boiled.

With meat

A simple recipe that will give you a hearty meal for dinner. There are no frills in it, and if you need it, just supply it with spices. Nutmeg goes well with the creamy taste of yachka; the meaty note is supported by oregano, rosemary, and thyme. Marjoram and turmeric are original additions to combined dishes.

You will need:
  • barley grits - 1 cup;
  • meat pulp - 400 g;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • salt.
  1. Boil the meat until tender, separate it into fibers, and save the broth.
  2. Pour the prepared cereal with broth and boil over low heat for 20 minutes.
  3. Add meat to the cereal when the amount of broth has reduced.
  4. Spread the butter on the surface and cover with a lid.
  5. Place in the oven.
Thanks to the use of broth in the recipe, the taste of the cereal is more persistent, exclusively meaty. The crumbly consistency is good for serving for dinner.

As you can see, there are no difficulties in the question of how to cook barley porridge. Try cooking it with milk, crumbly with water, or richly meaty with broth!

Many years ago, barley porridge decorated the holiday tables of nobles and wealthy peasants. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers also ate barley porridge for breakfast, and they already understood the benefits of foods. Due to the fact that barley is produced by crushing without processing, it is incredibly beneficial for the human body. If you cook barley porridge for breakfast, you will provide yourself and all family members with vigor and energy for the whole day.

Calorie content and nutritional value of the product

Study the composition and energy value of the product, and you will be convinced that barley porridge will be an ideal dish for those who are trying to lose weight or are simply watching their figure. Porridge is rich in carbohydrates, which are slowly absorbed, as well as fiber and proteins, which help cleanse the intestines of toxins and remove toxins and waste products from the body. In addition, the chemical composition of cereals does not allow the body to accumulate fats and does not allow them to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels. The porridge contains minerals: magnesium, cobalt, phosphorus, iron, calcium, fluorine, potassium and others. Yachka replenishes the body with vitamins: B1, B9, E, PP, D. The total calorie content of the product is 330 kcal per 100 g of finished porridge.

Useful properties of porridge

In addition to the fact that porridge is rich in beneficial vitamins and microelements, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain, digestion, and heart function. Barley product strengthens the immune system and has a beneficial effect on vision. Porridge will not be superfluous in the diet of people who suffer from gastrointestinal dysfunction, thyroid diseases, anemia or obesity.

Thanks to its composition, barley porridge is able to maintain the beauty and youth of the female body, strengthens the nail plate, and makes hair silky and thick. Porridge has the “magical” properties of a natural antibiotic. Its grains can be an excellent preventative against diabetes and help in the treatment of ailments of the liver, kidneys, arthritis, and bladder. Eating porridge helps normalize cholesterol levels in the blood, gives energy, productivity and normalizes mood for the whole day.

Recipe 1

Of all its fellows, barley porridge is the healthiest product. Due to its availability and cheapness, it can be prepared at least every day. If you just came home from work and don’t want to go out to the store anymore, we’ll tell you how to cook barley porridge in water. When planning to cook dinner for two, prepare in advance:


  • butter - 30 g;
  • barley grits - 150 g;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • salt - to taste.


  1. Be sure to remove any debris from the cereal and rinse it in a sieve.
  2. Pour the grain into cold water. The porridge will turn out delicious if the proportions are respected. To get a crumbly side dish, pour 2.5 water per glass of cereal. If you want a viscous porridge, then pour in a ratio of 1:4.
  3. Simmer over low heat for at least 20 minutes or until all the liquid has evaporated.
  4. Add salt to your own taste.
  5. Immediately after turning off the heat, add the oil. You don't have to feel sorry for him.
  6. Remove from the stove and cover the bowl with porridge. Let it evaporate.

Eat with pleasure!

Barley porridge on water

If you want to get dietary porridge, then cook it in water. We offer you another recipe. For it you will need the same components.


  • butter;
  • water;
  • barley groats;
  • salt.


  1. Simmer a glass of sorted cereal in a frying pan for 5 minutes, stirring with a spoon.
  2. Bring water to a boil, add salt to taste.
  3. Pour the cereal into boiling water.
  4. Bring to a boil again, reduce heat to low and cook until the liquid has completely evaporated.
  5. Put out the fire, season the porridge with oil and cover with a towel. Let it brew.

Barley porridge with milk

You already know how to cook barley porridge in water, now we’ll tell you how to cook a nutritious breakfast using milk.


  • butter - 30 g;
  • barley grits - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 2 tbsp.;
  • water - 2 tbsp.


  1. Clear the grains of debris and rinse well. It is best to use a sieve for this.
  2. Pour 2 glasses of water and cook. After the cereal has absorbed all the water, pour in the milk and cook for half an hour over low heat.
  3. Almost at the very end of cooking, add salt and granulated sugar.
  4. Turn off the stove and allow the porridge to evaporate.

That's all, barley porridge with milk is ready!

Barley porridge in a slow cooker

Another recipe for quickly preparing a delicious side dish is barley porridge in a slow cooker. To make the porridge dietary, use water. For a richer taste, add milk. We will give an example of cooking barley porridge in a slow cooker using water.


  • cereal - 1 measuring cup;
  • water - 2 measuring cups;
  • salt - ½ tsp.


  1. Wash the cereal in a separate bowl or using a sieve.
  2. Place a clean container in the multicooker, pour water, add salt.
  3. Turn on the “Milk porridge” mode. The total cooking time should not exceed 35 minutes.
  4. Let the porridge brew.

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  • high cooking speed- the cereal cooks faster;
  • maximum benefit of grain- it is barley, and not pearl barley, that retains all the beneficial properties of barley, the first cereal cultivated by man in prehistoric times. The fruit shells are not removed during production, so the maximum proportion of valuable fiber remains in the kernels.

Subtleties of cooking

  • The cereal should be sorted. During production, cake and pebbles remain in it, which can be packaged.
  • It is convenient to wash the cell in a sieve. This way you can quickly wash away the dust and avoid spilling fine grains into the sink. The sieve allows you to better control the volume of liquid. The consistency of the porridge depends on it.
  • Place grain in cold water. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 20 minutes.
  • Control the proportions. They are important in the question of how to cook barley porridge deliciously. For a crumbly side dish, the optimal ratio of cereal to water is 1:2.5. For viscous porridge, preferable for children's diets, use more liquid, up to 4 glasses.
  • Let the masses prevail. This is the most important nuance of the cereal preparation technology. It should be steamed for the same amount of time as it was boiled on the stove. Wrap it in a blanket and leave it under the lid. After 20 minutes, the porridge can be served. It turns out even more delicious if it comes in the oven. In this case, remove the pan from the heat and place in the oven for 15 minutes.
  • Don't skimp on the oil. In Rus', cereals were served exclusively with butter, and occasionally with meat and fried onions. There should be a lot of oil; it is added to the plates before serving. In dietary nutrition, vegetable oil will replace butter. You will need a tablespoon for one plate.

Classic recipe

You will need:

  • barley grits - 1 cup;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • milk - 2 glasses;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • salt.


Preparing barley porridge with milk for a baby requires pre-soaking. Soak the cereal in water overnight and let it cook in the morning. It will arrive much faster and will become perfectly soft and tender.

Original dishes

Crumbly garnish

You will need:

  • barley grits - 1 cup;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • butter - 30 g.


  1. Place in the oven.

Any meat dish is good with this side dish; it will delight you with its rich taste both on its own and with aromatic gravy. A universal recipe for yachka porridge with frying, suitable for eating without restrictions. If we are talking about a diet, the cereal should simply be boiled.

With meat

A simple recipe that will give you a hearty meal for dinner. There are no frills in it, and if you need it, just supply it with spices. Nutmeg goes well with the creamy taste of yachka; the meaty note is supported by oregano, rosemary, and thyme. Marjoram and turmeric are original additions to combined dishes.

You will need:

  • barley grits - 1 cup;
  • meat pulp - 400 g;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • salt.


  1. Place in the oven.
  • one glass of barley;
  • two and a half glasses of water;
  • one tablespoon of butter;
  • salt to your taste.
  • Cooking process:

    1.Prepare the cereal for cooking. Place one glass in a deep bowl and rinse the crushed grains well with cold water. This can be done even several times if the cereal is very dirty. The ideal solution is to use a fine sieve.

    2.Put a pot of water on the fire (choose a large one, as the cereal swells greatly during cooking), salt it. After the water boils, add the previously prepared cereal. Bring to a boil again and reduce heat to low. Cook the porridge for about fifteen minutes, remembering to stir so that it does not burn.

    3.When the water has almost boiled away, add butter. Stir the porridge and cover it with a lid. Remove from the stove, wrap in a towel, and let it sit for about half an hour. This way the porridge will steam well and become more crumbly.

    4. Delicious and satisfying porridge is ready! Serve it to the table as a side dish for fish (fried, stewed in tomato or baked), cutlets or just any meat. Be sure to add another small piece of butter to each plate just before serving. Bon appetit!

    Barley porridge, along with buckwheat, is excellent for stuffing chicken or pig.

    The attitude towards this cereal in Russian cooking has developed a slightly dismissive one. Yachka is almost pearl barley, only small. What's the use of it? At the same time, the product is characterized by much greater nutritional value than pearl barley, with which it is often compared.

    Barley groats are made from barley. Unlike pearl barley, which is whole barley grains, it is crushed, resulting in small grains. There are several advantages to this structure:

    • the speed of cooking is high - the cereal boils faster;
    • the benefit of the grain is maximum - it is barley, and not pearl barley, that retains all the beneficial properties of barley, the first grain cultivated by man in prehistoric times. The fruit shells are not removed during production, so the maximum proportion of valuable fiber remains in the kernels.

    Subtleties of cooking

    These features provide an easy way to prepare barley porridge. It does not need to be soaked for a long time, like pearl barley. It does not need to be simmered for a long time until it becomes soft. It is simple and unpretentious, it turns out ideal in a saucepan, a pot in the oven and in a slow cooker. Here are the main features of preparing the product.

    • The cereals should be sorted. During production, cake and pebbles remain in it, which can be packaged.
    • It is convenient to wash the cell in a sieve. This way you can quickly wash away the dust and avoid spilling fine grains into the sink. The sieve allows you to better control the volume of liquid. The consistency of the porridge depends on it.
    • Place the grain in cold water. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 20 minutes.
    • Control the proportions. They are important in the question of how to cook barley porridge deliciously. For a crumbly side dish, the optimal ratio of cereal to water is 1:2.5. For viscous porridge, preferable for children's diets, use more liquid, up to 4 glasses.
    • Let the masses rest. This is the most important nuance of the cereal preparation technology. It should be steamed for the same amount of time as it was boiled on the stove. Wrap it in a blanket and leave it under the lid. After 20 minutes, the porridge can be served. It turns out even more delicious if it comes in the oven. In this case, remove the pan from the heat and place in the oven for 15 minutes.
    • Don't skimp on the oil. In Rus', cereals were served exclusively with butter, and occasionally with meat and fried onions. There should be a lot of oil; it is added to the plates before serving. In dietary nutrition, vegetable oil will replace butter. You will need a tablespoon for one plate.

    Barley porridge is high in calories, like most cereals. However, it contains the correct, long-lasting carbohydrates. They are absorbed by the body for a long time, maintaining a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Therefore, egg is recommended in dietary nutrition and is included in the list of preferred cereals for a porridge diet.

    Classic recipe

    Barley porridge is nutritious and satisfying. In Rus' they were used as food for the simple, working population. Therefore, they were cooked with milk to increase their nutritional value. We offer you a recipe for barley porridge with milk, which is perfect for a hearty breakfast.

    • barley grits - 1 cup;
    • butter - 30 g;
    • milk - 2 glasses;
    • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
    • water - 2 glasses;
    • salt.
    1. Pour the prepared cereal into the water and put it on the fire.
    2. Boil until the liquid boils over low heat.
    3. Pour in the heated milk, add salt and sugar.
    4. Stir, reduce heat as much as possible and simmer the cereal for 15 minutes.
    5. Remove from heat and leave to rest in a blanket or oven.

    The grain kernels in this dish will crunch. This is attractive for adult nutrition. Their structure is such that it will ensure high-quality intestinal cleansing. This porridge is not suitable for a child’s diet.

    Preparing barley porridge with milk for a baby requires pre-soaking. Soak the cereal in water overnight and let it cook in the morning. It will arrive much faster and will become perfectly soft and tender.

    Original dishes

    It is convenient to prepare healthy cereals as a side dish for meat and fish dishes, or serve with vegetables. And you can cook a complete dish with it for dinner. The cooking technique determines the consistency of the product. If you need it to be moderately viscous, just boil the egg in water. If crumbly is required, pre-fry the cereal.

    Crumbly garnish

    In this recipe we use the technique of toasting the grains to get the most crumbly consistency possible. Its advantages are the rich color of the dish, pronounced aroma and wonderful creamy taste.

    • barley grits - 1 cup;
    • water - 2 glasses;
    • salt - a pinch;
    • butter - 30 g.
    1. Fry the prepared cereal in a frying pan. She should be blushing.
    2. Transfer it to boiling water and immediately add salt.
    3. Simmer over low heat until the water boils.
    4. Place pieces of butter on top and cover with lid.
    5. Place in the oven.

    Any meat dish goes well with this side dish; it will delight you with its rich taste both on its own and with aromatic gravy. A universal recipe for yachka porridge with frying, suitable for eating without restrictions. If we are talking about a diet, the cereal should simply be boiled.

    With meat

    A simple recipe that will give you a hearty meal for dinner. There are no frills in it, and if you need it, just supply it with spices. Nutmeg goes well with the creamy taste of yachka; the meaty note is supported by oregano, rosemary, and thyme. Marjoram and turmeric are original additions to combined dishes.

    • barley grits - 1 cup;
    • meat pulp - 400 g;
    • water - 400 ml;
    • butter - 50 g;
    • salt.
    1. Boil the meat until tender, separate it into fibers, and save the broth.
    2. Pour the prepared cereal with broth and boil over low heat for 20 minutes.
    3. Add meat to the cereal when the amount of broth has reduced.
    4. Spread the butter on the surface and cover with a lid.
    5. Place in the oven.

    Thanks to the use of broth in the recipe, the taste of the cereal is more persistent, exclusively meaty. The crumbly consistency is good for serving for dinner.

    As you can see, there are no difficulties in the question of how to cook barley porridge. Try cooking it with milk, crumbly with water, or richly meaty with broth!

    How to cook barley porridge step by step video recipe

    We have also prepared a video for you to fully understand the step-by-step cooking process.

    See also in our magazine.

    Many people, having heard about barley porridge, immediately remember the school mess on the plate. However, after reading this article, you will be able to prepare a delicious dish from barley. You will be able to surprise the most spoiled gourmets of your family.

    How many minutes should you cook?

    Barley porridge is considered an instant dish. To prepare this cereal you will need about 15-20 minutes. It all depends on your culinary abilities.

    How to properly cook barley porridge


    • Water 2 glasses
    • Barley groats 1 cup
    • Milk 1 glass
    • Salt to taste
    • Sugar to taste
    • Butter to taste


    • Many chefs claim that delicious barley porridge must be boiled for quite a long time - about 30 minutes. The total cooking time required is more than 40 minutes. With the help of new technologies, namely multicookers and microwave ovens, this time can be significantly reduced by several times.
    • Barley porridge can be either crumbly or viscous - it all depends on what liquid your dish is cooked in. If you cook porridge in milk, the cereal will be viscous, and if you cook barley porridge in water, your dish will be crumbly.
    • In order for the porridge to have a more pleasant aroma and taste, about 10 minutes after it boils you need to add a few pieces of butter to it. This will make it not only tasty, but also more crumbly on the plate.
    • In order for the cereal to increase slightly in size, it can be left for a while under a closed lid after removing it from the stove. The porridge will absorb the remaining water and become larger and more filling.
    • The most delicious barley porridge is obtained when cooked in a cast iron cauldron.

    Recipe for barley porridge with mushrooms

    Many people prepare barley porridge and serve it in one dish with fried mushrooms. However, you can prepare a more refined dish - barley porridge with mushroom broth. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

    • Barley 2 cups
    • Mushroom broth 1 liter
    • Mushrooms 400 g
    • Onion 4 heads
    • Greens for frying
    • Vegetable oil
    • Butter 80 g


    1. Boil the mushrooms, pour the broth into a saucepan. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces.
    2. Place butter in a frying pan and melt. Add vegetable oil. Cut the onion into small slices. Fry all this over low heat.
    3. Take a glass of mushroom broth and pour the fry into it. Bring the mixture to a boil.
    4. Pour barley into the mushroom broth, add melted butter and salt. Put all this on low heat. After waiting for the porridge to thicken, add chopped mushrooms and onion-butter sauce.
    5. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly and place in a preheated oven for 30-45 minutes at 200 degrees.
    6. After the specified time has elapsed, the barley porridge will be covered with a thin crust. Remove from the oven and sprinkle with herbs.
    7. Season the finished dish with melted butter. Mushroom barley porridge is ready to eat.

    There are many recipes for making barley porridge. Many people cook it with different types of meat, fish, and potatoes. Don’t be afraid to experiment and add variety to the cooking process, and then you will get the most delicious barley porridge.

    Rating: (42 Votes)

    Many years ago, barley porridge decorated the holiday tables of nobles and wealthy peasants. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers also ate barley porridge for breakfast, and they already understood the benefits of foods. Due to the fact that barley is produced by crushing without processing, it is incredibly beneficial for the human body. If you cook barley porridge for breakfast, you will provide yourself and all family members with vigor and energy for the whole day.

    Calorie content and nutritional value of the product

    Study the composition and energy value of the product, and you will be convinced that barley porridge will be an ideal dish for those who are trying to lose weight or are simply watching their figure. Porridge is rich in carbohydrates, which are slowly absorbed, as well as fiber and proteins, which help cleanse the intestines of toxins and remove toxins and waste products from the body. In addition, the chemical composition of cereals does not allow the body to accumulate fats and does not allow them to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels. The porridge contains minerals: magnesium, cobalt, phosphorus, iron, calcium, fluorine, potassium and others. Yachka replenishes the body with vitamins: B1, B9, E, PP, D. The total calorie content of the product is 330 kcal per 100 g of finished porridge.

    Useful properties of porridge

    In addition to the fact that porridge is rich in beneficial vitamins and microelements, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain, digestion, and heart function. Barley product strengthens the immune system and has a beneficial effect on vision. Porridge will not be superfluous in the diet of people who suffer from gastrointestinal dysfunction, thyroid diseases, anemia or obesity.

    Thanks to its composition, barley porridge is able to maintain the beauty and youth of the female body, strengthens the nail plate, and makes hair silky and thick. Porridge has the “magical” properties of a natural antibiotic. Its grains can be an excellent preventative against diabetes and help in the treatment of ailments of the liver, kidneys, arthritis, and bladder. Eating porridge helps normalize cholesterol levels in the blood, gives energy, productivity and normalizes mood for the whole day.

    Recipe 1

    Of all its fellows, barley porridge is the healthiest product. Due to its availability and cheapness, it can be prepared at least every day. If you just came home from work and don’t want to go out to the store anymore, we’ll tell you how to cook barley porridge in water. When planning to cook dinner for two, prepare in advance:


    • butter - 30 g;
    • barley grits - 150 g;
    • water - 300 ml;
    • salt - to taste.


    1. Be sure to remove any debris from the cereal and rinse it in a sieve.
    2. Pour the grain into cold water. The porridge will turn out delicious if the proportions are respected. To get a crumbly side dish, pour 2.5 water per glass of cereal. If you want a viscous porridge, then pour in a ratio of 1:4.
    3. Simmer over low heat for at least 20 minutes or until all the liquid has evaporated.
    4. Add salt to your own taste.
    5. Immediately after turning off the heat, add the oil. You don't have to feel sorry for him.
    6. Remove from the stove and cover the bowl with porridge. Let it evaporate.

    Eat with pleasure!

    Barley porridge on water

    If you want to get dietary porridge, then cook it in water. We offer you another recipe. For it you will need the same components.


    • butter;
    • water;
    • barley groats;
    • salt.


    1. Simmer a glass of sorted cereal in a frying pan for 5 minutes, stirring with a spoon.
    2. Bring water to a boil, add salt to taste.
    3. Pour the cereal into boiling water.
    4. Bring to a boil again, reduce heat to low and cook until the liquid has completely evaporated.
    5. Put out the fire, season the porridge with oil and cover with a towel. Let it brew.

    Barley porridge with milk

    You already know how to cook barley porridge in water, now we’ll tell you how to cook a nutritious breakfast using milk.


    • butter - 30 g;
    • barley grits - 1 tbsp.;
    • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • milk - 2 tbsp.;
    • water - 2 tbsp.


    1. Clear the grains of debris and rinse well. It is best to use a sieve for this.
    2. Pour 2 glasses of water and cook. After the cereal has absorbed all the water, pour in the milk and cook for half an hour over low heat.
    3. Almost at the very end of cooking, add salt and granulated sugar.
    4. Turn off the stove and allow the porridge to evaporate.

    That's all, barley porridge with milk is ready!

    Barley porridge in a slow cooker

    Another recipe for quickly preparing a delicious side dish is barley porridge in a slow cooker. To make the porridge dietary, use water. For a richer taste, add milk. We will give an example of cooking barley porridge in a slow cooker using water.


    • cereal - 1 measuring cup;
    • water - 2 measuring cups;
    • salt - ½ tsp.


    1. Wash the cereal in a separate bowl or using a sieve.
    2. Place a clean container in the multicooker, pour water, add salt.
    3. Turn on the “Milk porridge” mode. The total cooking time should not exceed 35 minutes.
    4. Let the porridge brew.


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    Barley porridge is not as common and well-known a product as, say, buckwheat or semolina. But in vain! The body will receive no less benefits from it, and it may taste no worse. Therefore, it is worth at least for a change to try to prepare such a dish as Every housewife should know how to cook this product in water.

    Barley grits

    Barley groats are crushed grains of barley. Unlike it, it is not polished, so it does not lose its valuable fiber reserves. In addition, barley groats (barley) contain a large number of various microelements, such as phosphorus, fluorine, zinc, potassium, iron, manganese, calcium. It also contains a lot of vitamins: A, B (almost all the vitamins of this group), D, E. Contained in the cell and which are absorbed by the human body much better than animals. The porridge prepared from this takes a long time to digest, which allows you to calm obsessive hunger for a long time. Therefore, nutritionists advise using it for those people who are concerned about their excess weight. If you have diabetes, barley porridge is also indicated. How to cook - with water or milk - does not matter in this case.

    How to cook barley porridge with water?

    In order to prepare yachka, you do not need expensive ingredients or complex manipulations. Everything is simple and fast enough. So, barley porridge with water, the recipe for which is given below, will be ready in about twenty minutes. To prepare it you will need:

    • barley groats, 1 cup is enough;
    • water for cooking, two glasses;
    • a little salt, to taste.

    The cereal must be washed with cold water, pour two glasses of water, and bring to a boil. Cook over low heat until thickened, stirring occasionally to prevent burning. This will take approximately 10 minutes. Now the barley porridge is ready! It’s not difficult to remember how to cook this dish in water.

    Other recipes

    If you take cereal and water in the specified proportion (a glass of egg to two glasses of water), the porridge will turn out crumbly. To make it viscous, you need more liquid, up to four glasses. You can prepare this dish with the addition of milk. To do this, take the products as you would for regular crumbly porridge, boil it until it becomes deserted, and then add another glass of milk and bring the product to a boil again. Cook just a little, literally 2-3 minutes. Often butter (butter or vegetable, whichever you prefer) is added to the finished porridge. Many housewives are happy to diversify such a dish as it is on water, they know it well. And fruits are added to the finished porridge, for example, a banana cut into small pieces. Then it turns out aromatic and sweet, and there is no need to add sugar.

    Barley porridge can be good for breakfast. To prepare it you need a minimum of products. And it will take quite a bit of time. But barley porridge with water (which has an average calorie content, approximately 315 calories per 100 g of product) will give you a feeling of fullness for a long time. And there will be no special desire to snack on something while waiting for lunch.

    As a side dish for meat, you can prepare various dishes, in particular porridge. The side dish turns out to be incredibly tasty, aromatic and healthy. This porridge is a rare guest on the tables of the modern population, but it is important to know that barley groats have a number of useful properties.

    This low-calorie dish can saturate the body for a long time. It enriches the body with vitamins and minerals. Another advantage of cereal is its availability. If you prepare barley porridge correctly, you get a very tasty, tender dish.

    One of the important properties of yachka as a side dish is its ability to highlight the taste of the main dish, giving it new flavor notes. We recommend preparing the perfect side dish based on barley. If you want a meat dish, try cooking.


    1. Be sure to sort out the barley, rinse thoroughly several times until the water is clear, as in the photo.

    2. To make the porridge more crumbly, maintain the proportion of water and liquid - 3:1. Wait for the water to boil, add salt.

    3. As soon as the water boils, add the pre-washed cereal and bring to a boil.

    4. After boiling, reduce the heat to low and cover with a lid. The porridge should be cooked over low heat for 25 minutes. Add oil to the porridge and leave on the heat for a couple more minutes.

    5. Turn off the heat, mix the porridge and butter thoroughly. Cover tightly with a lid and leave to steep for twenty minutes. This will make the porridge more crumbly, soft and aromatic.

    6. Serve barley porridge as a side dish along with any meat, add fresh vegetables to accentuate the taste.

    Video recipe