How to find your video on YouTube, on your channel in a few seconds. Search YouTube videos with simple commands How to find YouTube videos

YouTube creators spend a lot of time and energy making movies, so understanding how viewers find them is important. YouTube search and suggestion system has two main objectives: to help viewers find movies they enjoy watching, and to increase viewer engagement and satisfaction in the long term.

Learn more about how this system works, where your content is displayed, and how to make your uploaded movies a success.

The algorithm analyzes the behavior of viewers

YouTube tries to find films for each user that he will be happy to watch. This is a real challenge, because the service receives hundreds of hours of video every minute.

YouTube recommendation system are based on a real-time feedback loop to tailor content to suit the diverse interests of viewers. Given 80 billion user actions, systems "learn" to offer the right movie to the viewer at the right time.

The goal is to encourage users to watch more of the videos they like, so that they will regularly return to YouTube.

Channel authors often wonder what types of videos the algorithm recommends most often. In fact, YouTube's systems don't evaluate what type of content you create. Do not give preference to any formats.

Instead they try their best analyze audience preferences collecting data on:

  • what the audience is watching;
  • what they don't like;
  • how much time they spend browsing;
  • positive and negative evaluations;
  • expression of opinion.

Instead of worrying about the actions of the algorithm, it is better to focus on the preferences of the audience. If you do this, then viewers will watch your content, the algorithm will notice it.

So think about what movies your subscribers love the most? How often do people visit your channel? Check the data in YouTube Analytics to find answers to these questions.

Fluctuations and seasonality

It's normal for your channel results to fluctuate over time. Nowadays viewers have many options to choose from.

One week they may adore you, and the next they will forget you. It is also possible that they will go on vacation and in a week they will not watch your videos at all.

Be prepared for fluctuations and seasonality. Don't jump to conclusions based on one or two videos. See on the results of your channel in a broader perspective.


Creators often wonder what will happen when they want to post something new on their channel. Experimentation is very important. When you start channeling, try to use different types videos until someone checks them.

Later if you like publish new video format, think well and find out the opinion of the audience. If they like it, YouTube will promote these films for as long as they watch it. If the audience doesn't like the format, think again about your idea or post new content on another channel.

When you create materials in the same style for a long time and it does not bring the same results as before, this is a signal to it's time to try something new. Even the very best video formats eventually lose their popularity. Experimenting with new types of content will help you get a feel for new trends so you can keep or increase viewer engagement.

YouTube video search engine

YouTube Safe Mode does not affect the monetization feature.

A video may not display in safe mode if it includes the following content:

  • Alcohol and drugs: talking about drugs or drinking during the movie.
  • Erotic scenes: Excessively detailed conversations on erotic topics or representation of sexual activities. Movies that are educational in nature or that have a theme of feelings or personality can be displayed in safe mode. This also applies to scenes depicting kissing or other ways of showing affection, provided that they are not erotic and are not the main motive of the film.
  • Violence: scenes of scenes of violence, natural disasters and tragic events.
  • Adult content: Videos containing detailed information on topics related to terrorism, war, crime, and political conflicts that have resulted in someone dying or being seriously injured, even if they do not show violent scenes.
  • foul language: use of obscene language, including profanity.

Online video, due to its huge popularity among global network users, is turning into an effective and powerful marketing tool. This highway is able to attract a huge number of target audience to any site, thereby increasing conversion and sales. You have repeatedly noticed how search engines in their search results offer not only links to sites with a text context, but also to pictures and video files.

You don’t need to ignore such tips, on the contrary, you should take them into service in order to attract interested users to your resources through watching videos in search results.

Youtube search bar (working)

YouTube search engine is a video hosting service where you can upload your videos for free, view other people's videos, comment on them and save your favorite video to yourself. This resource has developed so much that it ranks third in popularity on the global Internet, and many users have abandoned classic television in favor of YouTube.

Youtube is one of the most significant traffic sources:

    First of all, it is free, which cannot be said, for example, about;

    Watching videos increases exponentially. If you take Twitter or any other social network, then all previous posts are lost in the mass of others, while the new vidyashka helps the old ones move. Your channel can be compared to cognac, the older and richer it is, the better it is.

    Thanks to the video search engine, you have a chance to build an advertising network for your personal brand. Videos will help increase the confidence of the target audience in your product or service.

    Google search engine loves YouTube. Nine years ago Google bought Youtube and made it their main video hosting service. Gradually improving the platform of this system, turned it into a giant video repository, after which a spider was added, which ultimately allowed the search giant to display video materials on its front pages. For webmasters working in the field of SEO promotion, you are familiar with the difficulties you sometimes face in trying to get to the first page for any key request. Therefore, some took the opportunity to stake their first positions through the video with enthusiasm. True, it used to be so, now many are already working on creating videos and adding them to their sites. In addition, you can make very good money on the videos themselves, but more on that in another article.

    The Youtube search engine is a great way to present your content visually. For example, a podcast that uses only an audio channel is not able to convey the full range of emotions. Nowadays, everything has accelerated and most users do not want to waste time reading long articles, preferring to get acquainted with the information faster. And YouTube easily satisfies such desires by providing short videos.

A few statistics highlighting the popularity of this service:

  • It has occupied more than half of the entire Internet video market;
  • More than 6 billion hours of video are viewed on the resource every month;
  • In one minute, 100 hours of video are uploaded to the site;
  • In recent months, the mark of 1 billion visitors per month has been exceeded;
  • The video search engine is the second largest on the global Internet after Google.

YouTube is a modern and effective promotion tool

I have already mentioned that the number of project visitors is simply huge, therefore, it is logical to look for methods that will help bring these people to your sites. Let's analyze the most popular among them.

Creating a useful video

I think everyone understands that the most popular videos are entertaining and educational. Nowadays, it is extremely easy to gain popularity on YouTube, just take a picture of your original idea. Regarding the promotion of video in the YouTube search engine, I will tell in my next articles.

Video promotion on the site

Like in other search engines, in the YouTube search engine, video materials are searched for, which means that videos should be optimized for targeted queries. This approach will increase the number of visitors to your videos.

The main advantage of such a promotion is that, using correct settings targeting will be able to attract the target audience, which in the future will be targeted advertising. And since modern humanity, especially the younger generation, watches TV less and less, this type of advertising is much more effective than television advertising, and it also requires minimal cash costs. What benefits primarily small and medium-sized businesses, as well as advertisers.

Advertising on YouTube search engine

I think it has already become clear to everyone that you can place your ad on this resource. The most famous brands are already using this opportunity with might and main, thereby even more successfully promoting their products.

As I wrote above, YouTube has completely replaced television for the younger generation. And this trend is not on the decline, but on the contrary is growing daily by leaps and bounds. And this is not surprising, because here you can watch high-quality videos on any topic of interest at a convenient time for a person.

Using your channel, YouTube search engine or resorting to other people's channels (for a fee), you can successfully sell your products or services, or communicate with the audience. That is why this service is one of the types of promotion. Therefore, I recommend using it in parallel with contextual advertising and SEO promotion to get the maximum effect. If you refuse this type of promotion, you will lose a lot of potential customers who will flow to your competitors, which are actively developing this direction as well. The high efficiency of service promotion has already been confirmed by Western companies that quickly broke into this niche as soon as it appeared. If you approach this issue correctly, you can get excellent results even with the investment of small amounts.

Google itself is interested in the development of this system, because it takes its share for advertising, which in total translates into billions of dollars. Therefore, Google is doing everything to make advertising convenient and not intrusive, but bringing income to the webmaster and the company itself, and advertisers of potential customers.

YouTube is a real find for the inhabitants of the global network.

Here you can find the answer to almost any question, acquire useful skills and even loudly declare yourself or your talent………………………

For many years, the service has been on a steady course towards development. Despite the fact that for many years YouTube has remained unchanged, they regularly supplement the functionality with useful utilities and encourage users……………………..

So, for the most active channels, a kind of Oscar was introduced -, diamond and. Of the latest innovations, we can note the presence of the End Screen function, as well as HDR.

However, even for experienced YouTube users some are new.

→ So, today we will talk about the possibilities of internal search, how to quickly find fresh videos, and most importantly, get an accurate answer to a query.

For this, there are special codes that are written in the search string along with the request. By the way, a similar function is implemented by the leading search giants (Google, Yahoo, Yandex).

Tune in to the wave of YouTube: codes and how to use them

Unlike search engines, where sites are ranked by more than 200 parameters, on YouTube video distribution is determined by the number of views, relevance and about 10 other parameters.

With internal tools, you can filter videos by length, date added, rating, and more. To save time, we invite you to read quick codes, which significantly increase the usability of the service.

1) Search for a specific channel

In order to find all the videos of your favorite channel, you should enter "title and channel" in the search box. For example, the request might look like this (required a comma after the name): "zero, channel".

This way you can exclude unofficial videos from the results.

2) Only new videos

From the name it is clear that with this code you can sort the videos by the date they were added. !!!

So, for these purposes, operators are used:

1) "today" - all video materials for today for this request;

2) "this week" - videos for the last week are sorted;

3) "this month" - allows you to filter all video files added in the last month.

For example, if you want to view fresh videos for a week on the topic of promotion, then you can enter a query: “website promotion, this week”.

3) Official videos

With this command, you can find only official videos from channels. That is, various news, reviews and first-hand presentations. This will help you find the correct information.

For example, you can type "meizu, partner" to find related videos. Everything happens by analogy with other methods.

4) Only the best movie premieres

Also a very useful operator that allows you to filter out movies only. So, you can easily find not only the best novelties, but the classics of world cinema.

For this purpose, the "movie" command is used, which is written after the request. For example, enter “dicaprio, movie” in the search box and you will see the entire list of films with a popular actor.

You can use any query, while the relevant films will be present in the search results.

5) The best quality

Another popular code will help to exclude low-quality videos from the results. Everything is much simpler here. If you want to see videos in HD quality in the results, then the corresponding operator is added next to the request. For example, you can use the query "dota 2, hd".

You can use any other query, depending on what you are looking for. Now only high-quality videos will be in the results.

6) Duration of videos

If you're tired of showing minute-long videos in your results, you can use the "long" operator. For example, the query "sports, long", as a result, only long videos will be in the results. Their duration will vary from 20 minutes to several hours.

7) Exact match

In some cases, an accurate search for information by region and so on is required.

For these purposes, you can use the exact query if you enter the "allintitle" command.

For example, it might look like this: allintitle:"racing bikes". The results will now display content that exactly matches the phrase in brackets.

8) Mixed search

But that's not all, because you can filter the results based on your preferences. For example, if you combine some of the combinations above, you can sort the results to your liking.

Consider some mixed codes:

  • "football, movie, hd" - such a query will allow you to filter only movies in HD quality;
  • "counter strike, hd, today" - only HD movies for today will be in the search results.

In this way, you can greatly simplify your work with YouTube's internal search.

When it comes to music videos, finding them is much easier than some abstract recording. Remembering at least a couple of words from the song, you can try to find a video for them. In case the search did not return any results, you can try to search for a song using these words in a search engine, most likely you will get the name of the desired song and the full text. Already by name, you can search for the desired video on the very.

You can try to find a music video by the name of the artist, if you know it, of course. Many modern musicians have their own channels, where most of their clips, concerts and videos are stored. Just find the channel of the desired artist and look at the video gallery. Each video is presented in such a gallery with a freeze frame, which sometimes allows you to get a rough idea of ​​​​its content. If freeze frames do not help, try reading the descriptions for the video, it usually indicates helpful information.

How to search for other videos

If you're looking for a non-music video, this can be tricky. The first step is to determine the keywords by which you can find the video. The easiest way to search for the desired video is not by whole phrases, but by individual words. If you remember exactly what happened in the video and can formulate it in a simple sentence, you can try using it.

Searching for keywords and phrases such as "cat dives" usually returns several thousand results. They can be filtered by several parameters. For example, if you are sure that the video you need was short, look for it in the appropriate group. As other search criteria, you can specify the time when it was downloaded, or the rating. To weed out desired videos, use the Filters button above the displayed results.

If you have an account and have watched the video you need from your computer or other device that is constantly connected to this service, the search is greatly simplified thanks to the history saving function. On the main page in the left column at the top there is a History line, if you click on it, you can get to the page where all the videos you watched for the entire time you were logged in to YouTube are presented. This is usually quite an impressive amount, which can be measured in thousands. However, it's much easier to skim through a thousand still pictures quickly than randomly through millions of clips.

Not everyone knows that the service's search string allows you to refine your queries using special parameters. By using these additional conditions, you will get much more relevant results and save your time. The search query can contain several parameters, which are separated by commas.

YouTube has plenty of legal feature-length movies, but it can be hard to get them in search results. So use the option movie for their quick detection.

Video search based on time

Sometimes you may need to find videos that have been uploaded recently. To do this, you can use the parameters hour, today, week, month, year, limiting search results to only videos uploaded in the last hour, day, week, month, and year, respectively.

High quality video search

If you are only interested in videos in HD quality, then you should add to your search query hd.

Playlist search

As you know, YouTube allows you to create playlists, which many users successfully use to create thematic collections of interesting videos. Sometimes, instead of searching for individual videos, it is much more convenient to find a ready-made playlist containing information on a topic of interest to you. For this we use the parameter playlist.

If you need to filter out too short or, conversely, long videos, then use the parameters long and short respectively. The first one displays films with a length of 20 minutes or more, the second - only those clips whose duration does not exceed 4 minutes.

All of the listed search query parameters can also be activated on the service page using the "Filters" button. However, it only appears on the search results page and reloads the page with each refinement. If you immediately form a query with parameters, you will instantly get the exact result that meets the conditions you specified.