How to find a unique registry entry number. How to work with a unified register of state and municipal contracts

Different types of procurement have different numbering rules:

  • Purchases under 44-FZ are first published in the EIS, so the number in the EIS and on the ETP is the same. For example, this purchase has the same number on Sberbank-AST and in the EIS.
  • In purchases under 223-FZ there are usually 2 numbers - a number in the UIS and a number assigned by the ETP. For example, this purchase on has two numbers: No. 4249235 (with OTS) and No. 31705574458 (with EIS). In Kontur.Purchases you will have a number with the UIS.
  • For commercial purchases only, which was assigned by the ETP.

Procurement identification code (number), or IKZ

Contract number on paper

In tenders, quotations, requests for proposals and with a single supplier, contracts are concluded on paper. The customer assigns the contract number in accordance with the internal register of contracts.

Government contract identifier, or IGC

The code is generated by federal, autonomous or regional customers who pay for purchases from the federal budget or enter into contracts with treasury support. The identifier is used to link the contract and settlements thereunder.

The procedure by which IGK is formed for treasury support is established in the order of the Treasury of Russia dated March 20, 2017 No. 9n. IKG is a twenty-digit digital code that the customer assigns after creating an entry in the contract register and which remains for the entire duration of the contract.

The first to 19th digits are similar to the contract registry number (or the ninth to 27th digits of the entry in the register of contracts with state secrets). 20th digit - contract registry identifier. If this is a regular register, put “0”; if the information in the contract represents state secrets, put “1”.

Customers also indicate ICG in all additional agreements, payment and settlement documents.

What is important for a supplier to remember?

Purchase winners from July 1, 2017 must indicate this identifier in invoices and other documents issued to the customer. Corresponding amendments appeared in Article 169 of the Tax Code and in the form of an invoice - a line with an identification code was added to the document template.

The conclusion of a contract and its execution are one of the most important stages of any procurement, both for the customer and for the supplier/contractor/performer. In order to avoid misunderstandings related to these issues and ensure transparency of the stages, the law provides for the need to maintain a register of contracts.

What is a contract registry and where is it located?

The register of contracts is a database that contains information about all contracts concluded by customers in accordance with Federal Law No. 44. Exceptions are contacts with a single supplier concluded in accordance with paragraphs 4 and 5 of part 1 of Article 93 of Federal Law No. 44, as well as contracts, information about which constitutes a state secret.

Anyone can view the register of contracts completely free of charge. It is publicly available on the portal in the “Information about contracts and agreements” section.

What information is contained in the register of contracts?

The information and documents that must be contained in the register are determined by paragraph 2 of Article 103 of Federal Law No. 44. Information about each contract must contain the following items:

  • information about the customer (name and legal form);
  • information about the source of funding;
  • data on how the procurement was carried out (for example, electronic auction, competition, request for quotations, etc.)
  • information about the document on the basis of which the contract was concluded (for example, a protocol for summing up the results of an electronic auction), including its date;
  • date of conclusion of the contract;
  • information about the supplier/contractor/performer, including name, legal and actual address, TIN;
  • data on changes or termination of the contract, if these procedures were carried out by the customer and the supplier/contractor/performer;
  • contract performance data.
  • Also attached is the contract itself, certified by an electronic digital signature, and documents confirming the execution of contracts (for example, a delivery note or a certificate of work performed/services rendered). All this information is required for publication. If one of the points is missed, you will not be able to publish the information.

    What documents regulate the maintenance of a register of contracts?

    Issues related to the register of contracts are regulated by Article 103 of Federal Law No. 44, as well as by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1084 dated November 28, 2013 in the current version (it has been amended several times), which can be found on the government procurement portal .ru in the “Documents” section (to do this, just enter the number and date in the search bar). One of the annexes to this resolution is the Rules for maintaining a register of contracts (including those constituting state secrets).

    Who maintains the register of contracts

    Entering data into the contract register is the responsibility of the Customer. This must be done within the time limits established by paragraph 3 of Article 103 of Federal Law No. 44. From July 1, 2018, the period for publishing information has been increased from three to five working days.

    Data from the contract register is important not only for customers, but also for performers. For example, they can be used to demonstrate good faith. If you cannot find the information, you need to contact the customer or write a complaint to the Federal Antimonopoly Service. Violation of the deadlines for publishing information about contracts entails administrative punishment in the form of a fine.

    In addition, the data entered into the register of contracts is periodically verified by regulatory authorities.

    How to find the required contract in the registry

    For the convenience of customers, suppliers/contractors/performers and other interested parties, the information in the register of contracts is structured and a search system is provided.

    If you know the registration number, you can simply enter it in the appropriate line. here you can display all contracts concluded by one or another customer. Please note that by default, only contracts that are at the execution stage are displayed!

    In addition to regular search, an advanced search is provided. In this section, the filter can be configured using one or more parameters. Functions for viewing data on contracts concluded in a particular region, during a certain period, for a certain amount, and so on become available. It is also much easier to find a specific contract, knowing, for example, the registration number of the auction/competition or some other information.

    The main thing that suppliers/contractors/performers should remember when looking for a particular contract is that it can be located not only in the “Execution” section, but also “Execution Completed”, if the work is completed, services are provided or delivery is completed .

    Register of government contracts under 44-FZ

    — Procedure for maintaining the register of contracts
    — Requirements for documents and information provided by the customer, procedure for filling out the register of contracts
    — Entering information about the conclusion of a contract into the register of contracts
    — Entering into the register of contracts information about changes, execution, termination of the contract

    From July 11, 2018, by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2018 N 768, changes were made to the Rules for maintaining a register of contracts concluded by customers, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2013 N 1084, according to which information to be included in the register of contracts , must be signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

    From 07/01/2018, by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2018 N 632, changes were made to the Rules for maintaining a register of contracts concluded by customers, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2013 N 1084, according to which customers are required to send information to the Federal Treasury about the concluded contract within 5 working days from the date of its conclusion.
    The reference material has been revised taking into account the changes made by Federal Law No. 504-FZ of December 31, 2017, and which entered into force on July 1, 2018.

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2017 N 1689 extended until 01/01/2019 the period for which the verification by the Treasury of Russia of information and documents submitted by customers before inclusion in the register of contracts was suspended.
    The reference material has been updated.

    The register of contracts is a list of information about contracts concluded by customers, their execution, amendment and termination. The procedure for including information in the register of contracts, the list of information, terms and other important aspects of maintaining the register of contracts are described in the following regulations:

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    Register of contracts under 44-FZ and 223-FZ: full overview, rules for maintaining registers + necessary documents

    Hello, dear colleague! In today's article we will talk about the register of contracts concluded by Customers under 44-FZ and 223-FZ. In this article we will take a detailed look at what these registries are, where they are located, and what information they contain. I want to say right away that the material in the article will be useful to both Customers and suppliers. Therefore, just as every self-respecting Customer should know about maintaining a register of contracts, a self-respecting supplier should be able to find the necessary information in it. So, I suggest you start...

    1. Register of contracts under 44-FZ: what is it and where to look for it?

    Register of contracts- a set of register records about all contracts concluded by Customers in accordance with the Federal Law on the Contract System (44-FZ). The exception is contracts concluded with a single supplier in accordance with clauses 4, 5, 23, 42, 44 and 45, clause 46 (in terms of contracts concluded with individuals) Part 1 of Article 93 of 44-FZ, as well as contracts, information about which constitutes a state secret.

    The register of government contracts concluded within the framework of 44-FZ is posted on the official website of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement -

    The documents and information contained in the register of contracts are in the public domain and are available to everyone for review absolutely free of charge (Part 5 of Article 103 of 44-FZ).

    Important point! The register of contracts, information about which constitutes a state secret, is not subject to publication in the media and placement in the Unified Information System (Part 7 of Article 103 of 44-FZ). Information included in such a register of contracts is stored in the manner determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on archival affairs and on the protection of state secrets (clause 5 of the “Rules for maintaining a register of contracts containing information constituting a state secret”).

    In order to get into the register of contracts under 44-FZ, you need to go to the EIS website, and in the left vertical menu select the “Information about contracts and agreements” section, and then from the drop-down list select the “Register of contracts concluded by customers” item.

    2. Who maintains the register of contracts under 44-FZ?

    According to Part 1 of Article 103 of 44-FZ, the Federal executive body, which carries out law enforcement functions for cash services for the execution of budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, is responsible for maintaining the register of contracts. Such a federal body is the Federal Treasury (see Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 1, 2004 No. 703 “On the Federal Treasury”).

    3. Documents regulating the maintenance of a register of contracts under 44-FZ

    In addition, Customers must also be guided by:

    4. What documents and information are included in the register of contracts under 44-FZ?

    According to Part 2 of Article 103 of 44-FZ, the following documents and information are included in the register of contracts:

    1. name of the Customer;
    2. source of financing;
    3. method of determining the supplier (contractor, performer);
    4. date of summing up the results of determining the supplier (contractor, performer) and details of the document confirming the basis for concluding the contract;
    5. date of conclusion of the contract;
    6. the object of procurement, the price of the contract and the period of its execution, the price of a unit of goods, work or services, the name of the country of origin or information about the manufacturer of the goods in relation to the executed contract;
    7. name, company name (if any), location (for a legal entity), full name (if available), place of residence (for an individual), TIN of the supplier (contractor, performer) or for a foreign person in accordance with the legislation of the relevant foreign state, equivalent TIN (contractor, performer);
    8. information about changes to the contract indicating the terms of the contract that have been changed;
    9. a copy of the concluded contract, signed with an enhanced electronic signature of the Customer;
    10. information on the execution of the contract, including information on payment for the contract, on the accrual of penalties (fines, penalties) in connection with improper fulfillment of obligations under the contract by the party to the contract;
    11. information about termination of the contract indicating the grounds for its termination;
    12. document on acceptance in the event of a decision to accept the goods supplied, work performed, services rendered;
    13. decision of the medical commission (in case of purchasing medicines).
    14. other information and documents.
    15. In essence, Customers enter information into the register of state and municipal contracts:

    16. on the conclusion of a contract;
    17. about changes to the contract;
    18. about termination of the contract;
    19. about the execution of the contract.
    20. An important point for Customers! Detailed information on how to fill out the appropriate fields for all of the above data and documents is specified in paragraphs 15-39 of Order No. 136n of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 24, 2014. These paragraphs describe in detail what numeric codes must be used, what reference books and classifiers must be followed, etc.

      5. The procedure and timing for entering information about concluded contracts into the register

      According to Part 3 of Article 103 of 44-FZ, the Customer within 3 working days from the date (conclusion of a contract, amendment of a contract, execution of a contract, termination of a contract, acceptance of goods delivered, work performed, services rendered) sends all necessary documents and information to the Federal Treasury. ( Note: According to clause 2 of the Procedure approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 24, 2014 No. 136n, the formation by the Customer of information and documents included in the register of contracts is carried out using the state integrated information system for public finance management “Electronic Budget”. In turn, the “Electronic Budget” IS is integrated with the EIS website).

      After this, the Federal Treasury checks the documents and information provided by the Customer and places them in the Unified Information System within 3 working days from the date of their receipt.

      I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in this case we are talking specifically about working days, and not about calendar days.

      If the information and documents provided by the Customer do not comply with the established requirements, such information and documents are not subject to placement in the register of contracts.

      Explanations of official bodies on the issues of sending information to the register of contracts are contained in the following letters:

    21. Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated October 19, 2015 No. D28i-3033 (download);
    22. Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated September 25, 2014 No. 23232-EE/D28i (download);
    23. Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated June 1, 2015 No. D28i-1434 (download);
    24. Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 28, 2014 No. 02-02-07/25618 (download);
    25. Letter of the Federal Treasury dated March 10, 2015 No. 05-07-05/11 (download).
    26. Explanations from official bodies regarding the formation of a report on the execution of a state (municipal) contract and (or) on the results of a separate stage of its execution are contained in the following letters:

    27. Letter of the Federal Treasury dated May 30, 2014 No. 42-5.7-09/5 (download);
    28. Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated November 30, 2015 No. D28i-3467 (download);
    29. Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated November 9, 2015 No. D28i-3242 (download);
    30. Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated October 27, 2015 No. D28i-3124 (download);
    31. Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated October 22, 2015 No. OG-D28-13691 (download);
    32. Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated August 31, 2015 No. D28i-2474 (download);
    33. Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated August 11, 2015 No. D28i-2325 (download);
    34. Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated August 3, 2015 No. D28i-2286 (download);
    35. Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated August 3, 2015 No. D28i-2326 (download);
    36. Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated July 27, 2015 No. D28i-2216 (download);
    37. Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated November 29, 2013 No. D28i-2263 (download);
    38. Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated March 6, 2015 No. D28i-538 (download);
    39. Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated December 31, 2014 No. D28i-2919 (download);
    40. Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 7, 2014 No. 02-02-06/32616 (download).
    41. On the EIS website in the section “Documents” - “Training materials” - “User Guides for 44-FZ” you can find and download to your computer a pdf manual called “User Guide. Procurement management subsystem in terms of the register of contracts and the register of bank guarantees.” This manual contains detailed instructions for Customers on working with the register of contracts.

      Important point! If you want to avoid mistakes when generating reports on the execution of contracts, as well as automate the control and accounting of purchases, then the “Economy Expert” program will help you with this. This program will protect you from errors and fines, help you generate all the necessary reports, and will also help automate your daily activities as much as possible. You can find out more about this program and request a free demo here.

      6. How to find the required contract in the registry?

      So, why is it necessary to be able to search for information about contracts in the registry?

      Firstly, as follows from the 4th section of this article, here we can find information about all contracts of the Customer we are interested in. See with whom and on what terms these contracts were concluded. Such information will be useful to suppliers when analyzing the Customer and potential competitors.

      Secondly, using the information posted in the contract register, the supplier can prepare a certificate of its good faith. This certificate is required in the event that the proposed price of a procurement participant was reduced by more than 25% during the auction (anti-dumping measures). Read more about anti-dumping measures in this article.

      Once on the page with the registry, you can enter the contract registry entry number, procurement identification code or the name of the Customer into the search line and click on the icon with a magnifying glass on the right side of the search line.

      Also in the registry window, you have the opportunity to refine your search parameters by clicking on the appropriate hyperlink, and then filter the information found by update date, placement date, contract price and relevance. For a deeper search, I recommend using the advanced search tool. This functionality will be available to you after clicking the appropriate hyperlink.

      As you can see, there are significantly more search parameters here that will make the search as flexible and efficient as possible. Knowing the name and TIN of the Customer or a specific supplier, you can find all their contracts and study them in detail. You can also find contracts for a specific industry (OKPD2 code) and in a specific region. That is, the ability to use this registry and find the necessary information in it is an important skill in the work of any self-respecting supplier.

      We train customers and suppliers to effectively search for the necessary information, interpret it correctly, and also conduct preliminary analysis as part of our online school “The ABC of Tenders.”

      7. Register of contracts under 223-FZ

      The register of contracts under 223-FZ, as well as the register of government contracts under 44-FZ, is posted on the official website of the EIS.

      In order to get into the register of contracts under 223-FZ, you need to go to the EIS website, and in the left vertical menu select the “Information about contracts and agreements” section, and then from the drop-down list select the item “Register of contracts concluded by customers based on procurement results "

      The Federal Treasury is also responsible for maintaining the register under 223-FZ. The procedure for maintaining a register of contracts under 223-FZ is regulated by Article 4.1 of 223-FZ, as well as the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2014 No. 1132 “On the procedure for maintaining a register of contracts concluded by customers based on procurement results.”

      According to clause 3 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2014 No. 1132, the register does not include information and documents that, in accordance with the provisions of Federal Law No. 223 “On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities” subject to placement in the EIS.

      That is, the following are not included in the register:

    42. information on the procurement of goods, works, services, on the conclusion of contracts, constituting a state secret;
    43. information about the procurement on which a decision was made by the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with Part 16 of Article 4 of 223-FZ.
    44. Important point! If the Customer, in accordance with Part 5 of Article 4 of 223-FZ, has decided not to place procurement information in the Unified Information System, the register includes information and documents relating to contracts if they are sent by the Customer to the Federal Treasury.

      The procedure for entering information and documents into the register

      Within 3 working days from the date of conclusion of the contract, Customers enter information and documents established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1132 into the register of contracts.

      If changes have been made to the contract, Customers enter into the register of contracts such information and documents in respect of which changes were made.

      Information on the results of contract execution is entered by Customers into the contract register within 10 days from the date of execution, modification or termination of the contract.

      That's all for today. I hope that the above material was clear and useful for you. Finally, I suggest you watch the recording of the webinar on this topic:

      P.S.: Click on the social buttons and share this article with your friends and colleagues.

      Register of contracts under 44-FZ: who should maintain and what to enter

      Customers who have concluded, amended, executed, or terminated a contract send information to the contract registry. Read about who keeps the register of contracts under 44-FZ, what information to include and not to include there.

      Read in the article:

      Maintaining a register of contracts

      Maintaining a register of contracts under 44-FZ, as well as the amount of information and documents included there, is regulated by Art. 103 of the said law and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 2013 No. 1084. This resolution also adopted the rules for maintaining a register of contracts containing information constituting a state secret.

      The register of contracts concluded by customers is formed by the Federal Treasury. This authority is assigned to the government agency by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 11, 2006 No. 669.

      Who should keep the register. Procurement registers should be maintained by the following authorities:

    45. state power;
    46. management of the state extra-budgetary fund;
    47. local government and administration.
    48. It should also be carried out by government institutions that accept obligations on behalf of a public legal entity at the expense of the budget, which are under the jurisdiction of the GRBS. Budgetary institutions maintain a procurement register not obliged, since they are not budget recipients. The Russian Ministry of Finance clarified this in letter dated September 19, 2012 No. 02-11-08/3805.

      In accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 103 of Law No. 44-FZ and clause 12 of the Rules for maintaining a register for maintaining a register of contracts concluded by customers within 3 working days from the moment:

    49. registration of a government contract;
    50. making changes to the government contract;
    51. execution of a contract for the supply of goods, works, services;
    52. termination of government contract
    53. provides information for the register of contracts to the Federal Treasury body, which, on their basis, enters information or changes into the register of contracts.

      Within 3 working days, the register entry about the contract concluded by the customer is published in the Unified Information System. The procedure for generating and transmitting information for maintaining the register was approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 2014 No. 136-n. The list of documents and information sent to the contract registry depends on the actions of the customer. Information and documents are sent electronically using the EIS functionality and signed with an enhanced electronic signature.

      Monitoring the execution of the contract: all deadlines for the report and register in one smart Excel table

      Information included in the register

      In accordance with clause 2 of the Procedure for maintaining a register of contracts under 44-FZ, the following data is included in the register entry:

    54. the source from which the government contract is financed;
    55. method of determining the contractor, performer;
    56. date of summing up the results of the competitive procedure;
    57. number and date of execution of the government contract;
    58. the price of the government contract, the object of purchase, the price of products per unit, the period of execution of the government contract, information about the name of the country of origin of the goods;
    59. the name of the medicinal products, if they are the subject of purchase, as well as the data on the registration certificate of the medicinal product;
    60. name and legal address of the legal entity, full name and place of residence of the individual who is the supplier, contractor, taxpayer identification number;
    61. information about the quality guarantee of work (products, services);
    62. data on changes made to the government contract;
    63. a copy of the executed government contract;
    64. information about contracts executed by the executors of the state contract with co-executors and subcontractors who are SMP and SONKO;
    65. data on the implementation of government contracts;
    66. information about termination of the government contract;
    67. purchase identification code;
    68. document confirming acceptance of work (goods, services);
    69. decision of the medical commission on the purchase of medications in case of individual intolerance in the patient (clause 7 of part 2 of article 83 and clause 28 of part 1 of article 93 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ).
    70. Government contracts that were not included in the register are not subject to payment. We will discuss the exception to this rule below.

      Information not included in the register

      The register of contracts concluded by customers in accordance with clause 3 of the Procedure for maintaining registers does not include information about the following government contracts executed with a single supplier under Part 1 of Art. 93 of Law No. 44-FZ:

    71. small purchases up to 100 thousand rubles (clause 4);
    72. small purchases up to 400 thousand rubles, made by cultural institutions, circuses, museums, etc. (clause 5);
    73. provision of services for the maintenance and repair of non-residential premises that are transferred for free use, utilities, by the person providing such services in the building (clause 23);
    74. services of individuals in collecting and processing primary statistical data (clause 42);
    75. services for the right of access to documentary and abstract foreign databases purchased by libraries and educational organizations (paragraphs 44, 45);
    76. works (goods, services) purchased using funds allocated for operational investigative activities (clause 46).
    77. Clause 8 art. 103 of Law No. 44-FZ also allows payment for government contracts issued for the purposes of state protection (clause 52, part 1, article 93), also without including information about such a contract in the register.

      Contract registry entry

      A register entry is information in the contract register for a separate contract entered into by the customer. It has a unique number that contains:

    78. the year when the register entry was created;
    79. customer identification code;
    80. serial number of the register entry;
    81. serial number of each information and document in the record.
    82. The procedure in which codes and numbers are assigned, applied and changed is determined by the Russian Ministry of Finance.

      The rules for generating a register entry number when maintaining a register of contracts under 44-FZ, as well as a register of contracts containing information constituting a state secret, are regulated by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 23, 2013 No. 130n.

      They established that the contract registry entry number is unique and cannot be repeated in the contract registry. The structure of the number looks like this:

    83. numbers 1 to 11 represent the government customer code;
    84. The 12th and 13th are the last two digits of the year in which the entry was made;
    85. numbers from 14 to 19 represent the serial number of the record;
    86. the last 4 numbers (20-23) are the serial number of the information.
    87. Resolution No. 1689 of December 29, 2017: verification of information from the register of contracts

      At the end of last year, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted Resolution No. 1689 of December 29, 2017. It amended the previously issued Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 13, 2017 No. 443.

      The main essence of the changes is that the country's authorities have extended restrictions on the verification of a number of data that government customers must publish in the register of contracts. Previously, they were valid until January 1, 2018, but now the period has been increased to January 1, 2019.

      Until this time, subparagraph “c” of paragraph 14 of the Rules for maintaining the register of contracts has been suspended. Government agencies, which include the Federal Treasury, off-budget funds and financial departments in the constituent entities of the country, do not have the right to check the consistency of data on:

    • deadline for fulfilling the terms of the contract;
    • quantity of purchased products, volume of work and services.

    Also, the authorities cannot check whether the information in the information and papers provided by customers on the execution and termination of the contract corresponds to each other and to the terms of the accepted budgetary obligation.

    What to do if a rental contract concluded in 2006 with a validity period until 2020 has been transferred to the organization as a legal successor. Should it be entered into the register of contracts or should it be terminated and a new one concluded? How can it be taken into account in the State Public Health Organization and reflected in the SMP report for 2017?

    It is necessary to conclude an additional agreement on succession and enter this contract and changes into the register of contracts. It must be taken into account from the date of signing the addendum. agreements. In addition, it is necessary to register the additional agreement with the registration chamber. And it is from this date that it will be entered into the register of contracts.

    Maintaining a register of contracts under 44-FZ

    Articles on the topic

    Each government customer needs to have a clear understanding of maintaining a register of government contracts under 44-FZ. We will talk about various aspects of the procedure for maintaining a register of contracts, how the entered data is technically protected by the authorized body, and also touch on the topic of termination of the contract.

    Register of contracts

    The procedure for maintaining the register of contracts concluded by government customers is prescribed in parts 6 and 7 of Article 103 of Law No. 44-FZ. The authorized body for maintaining the register, in accordance with the law on the contract system and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 703, is the Federal Treasury.

    The register of contracts under 44-FZ is maintained in Russian, the names of manufacturers and trademarks are indicated in Latin letters. If the contract includes information that constitutes a state secret, the procedure for maintaining a register of such contracts and the list of information required to be entered into the register is regulated by another decree of the Government of the Russian Federation numbered 1084.

    The customer should take into account that, starting January 1, 2017 The procurement identification code is added to the list of information required to be entered into the contract register.

    To gain full access to the portal you need to register.
    Select a social network for quick authorization on the portal:

    "Purchasing management (120 hours)"
    The program was developed according to methodological recommendations Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and fully complies with the Professional Standard.

    Protection of the contract registry

    Acting as an authorized body, the Federal Treasury provides multilateral protection of information when maintaining a register of contracts under 44-FZ. For this we use:

    Monitoring the execution of the contract: all deadlines for the report and register

  • Digital signature of all entered information;
  • software protection against viruses;
  • information is kept on all completed actions and information is backed up to prevent data loss in the event of a sudden system failure.
  • Also, using separate methods, we monitor the completeness of the information filled out by the customer about the contract, its execution or termination. There is also built-in protection against changes/deletions of information through unauthorized access.

    The UIS ensures work in the registry when adding information without time limits, protection against hacking and legal differentiation of users. At any time, you can view the log of previously made changes, consolidate data on contracts, or use information from the main group to find information about the desired contract, including a chronicle of its changes.

    What data is entered into the register of contracts under 44-FZ

    In accordance with Article 103 of Law No. 44-FZ, the data included in the register of contracts includes information about the state customer (name, tax identification number, checkpoint, and other information specified in the law), information about the source of financing and the method chosen for the procurement to determine the supplier; date and details of both the summary document and the signed contract; name of the procurement object, final contract price and price per unit of goods, deadlines for the contractor to fulfill its obligations.

    The register also includes data on the country of origin of the goods, and information about the supplier (also name, TIN, and other information); in addition, documents such as a copy of the contract signed with an electronic signature are entered into the register of contracts under 44-FZ; decision of the medical commission (in case of purchasing medicines).

    The rules for maintaining a register of contracts concluded by customers, establishing the procedure for maintaining such registers, are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2013 No. 1084.

    “Work in the Unified Information System (56 hours)”
    Course topics:
    — How to work in an organization’s personal account in the EIS?
    — How to plan and justify purchases?
    — What are the main differences in the methods of determining a supplier?
    — How to work with contracts correctly?

    Related materials:

    How information is entered into the register of contracts under 44-FZ

    Within 3 working days from the moment when the government customer entered into a contract, he sends all the information required by law and the necessary documents (signed with digital signature) to the Federal Treasury. The customer acts in a similar manner in the event of changes to the contract or its termination.

    The department, within the same period of 3 working days, checks the information provided and (in case of positive results) creates a register entry, which is assigned a unique number. If, based on the results of checking the information provided by the state customer, any shortcomings are identified, a protocol of inconsistencies is sent to him, which the customer is obliged to eliminate within 1 business day.

    “How to use GOSTs when describing the procurement object?”

    Konstantin Edelev, State Order System expert

    Write in the terms of reference not only GOST, but also indicators from the standard. If you only indicate the name of the product and a link to GOST, it will be difficult for the participant to understand which product is needed. For example, one of the customers included in the documentation a requirement that materials must meet certain GOST standards. There were no specific indicators in the terms of reference. Controllers and courts considered this a violation. Materials according to state standards are varied: they are divided into types, classes, brands, classifications, so the participants did not understand which product to supply. See three more tips on the use of GOSTs, in the recommendation:
    “How to describe a procurement object in 2018”

    Technical aspects of the register of contracts

    When a customer enters information about a contract under 44-FZ into the register, the line about the source of funding contains two tabs: “From budgetary funds” and “From extra-budgetary funds.”

    What should you do if the contract, information about which is entered into the register, contains two sources of financing of different types (which is quite common)?

    In this case, the total amount for the contract is divided proportionally to the sources, and information is entered distributed among tabs. It is necessary to ensure that the total amount matches the “General Information” tab and the amount actually stated in the concluded contract.

    Information about the execution of the contract includes information about documents (name, date and number) that confirm the fact of the occurrence of a monetary obligation, for example, an act of completion of work or an invoice. Payment of the contract by the customer is confirmed by a payment order.

    In the case where the contract was terminated, the customer must indicate the amount of actual payments made to pay for the contract, as well as note the date, grounds (for example, a court decision, a scanned copy of the document is attached) and the reason for termination of the contract.

    If the execution was divided into several stages, information about the documents is filled out in calendar sequence.

    You will find answers to any questions about procurement in magazine "Government Order in Questions and Answers" Subscribe

    Register of contracts under 44-FZ

    Providing information to a special government body for maintaining a register of contracts under 44-FZ is the responsibility of customers. Information and relevant documents must be submitted to the Federal Treasury. And you procedure for maintaining a register of contracts established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 2013 No. 1084. Also an important document for customers is Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 24, 2014 N 136n, it reflects the procedure for interaction between customers and the Treasury when maintaining a register of contracts.

    What information must be transferred to the Federal Treasury for inclusion in the register of contracts under 44-FZ?

    The register of contracts must reflect the following data and documents:

  • customer name;
  • source of finance;
  • the manner in which the supplier was identified;
  • details of the document indicating the grounds for signing the contract, as well as the date when the supplier was determined;
  • date of signing the contract and its number, if any;
  • data on the content of the contract: object of purchase, purchase price, terms for execution of the contract, cost of a unit of goods, country where the goods were produced or data on its manufacturer (if the contract has already been executed);
  • information on the supplier, contractor: name, location (for companies); Full name and place of residence (for citizens); TIN;
  • data on the amended terms of the contract (if the contract has undergone changes after conclusion);
  • a copy of the contract that has passed the conclusion procedure (must be signed by the customer’s enhanced unqualified electronic signature);
  • data on the execution of the contract, including information about whether the contract was paid, whether fines and penalties were accrued;
  • information about termination of the contract, the grounds for termination must also be reflected here;
  • procurement identification code (indicated from 01/01/2017);
  • paper on acceptance of goods;
  • decision of the medical commission, if required (clause 7, part 2, article 83 and clause 28, part 1, article 93).
  • More detailed information on how to fill out the appropriate fields for all specified data and documents can be found in paragraphs 15-39 of the above Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. It describes in detail which numerical designations to use, which reference books to follow, etc.

    Note! The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation expressed its position on the issue of placing an additional agreement to the contract in the Unified Information System and including information about it in the register of contracts (Letter No. OG-D28-9402 dated July 22, 2016). According to this department, the additional agreement to the contract, as well as the contract itself, are considered concluded only from the moment of their publication in the Unified Information System. At the same time, the department noted that the absence of information about a contract or additional agreement in the register of contracts does not constitute grounds for declaring them invalid. Considering the controversial position of the Ministry of Economic Development, it is advisable to send information about additional agreements to the register of contracts.

    How the customer and the Treasury interact when maintaining a register of contracts under 44-FZ

    The customer must prepare information and documents for the register of contracts in a special program - Electronic Budget. To access it, you need to go to the portal of the budget system of the Russian Federation.

    All information and documents must be signed on behalf of the customer enhanced unqualified EP.

    For information and documents transmitted by the customer, the person who acts on behalf of the customer and signs these documents and information from his electronic signature is personally responsible.

    Deadlines for sending information and documents to be reflected in the register of contracts

    Customers carry out work to provide information within the following time frames:

  • within 3 working days, starting from the date of conclusion of the contract - data on the new contract (clauses 1-7, 9, 12-13 of the above list of information and documents);
  • within 3 working days, starting from the date of amendments to the contract, its termination or acceptance of the goods - information on these issues (clauses 8, 10, 11, 13 of the above list).
  • If the result is positive The Treasury should:

  • mark the register entry for the contract in the Unified Information System – 3 business days, starting from the date of receipt of all necessary documents and information from the customer;
  • notify the customer about the creation of a register entry and provide its unique number - 1 business day from the moment the entry is included in the register of contracts (notification occurs electronically).
  • If the result is negative:

  • The Treasury sends the customer an electronic protocol indicating the identified shortcomings and the reasons why the information received cannot be reflected in the register of contracts - 3 business days from the date of receipt of information from the customer;
  • the customer sends the missing information or documents to the Treasury - 1 business day from the date of receipt of the protocol.
  • What contracts are not included in the register of contracts under 44-FZ?

    There is no need to submit information about the following contractual relationships to the specified register, including:

  • with a single supplier under clauses 4 and 5 of part 1 of article 93;
  • contract for the repair and maintenance of non-residential premises, which the customer uses free of charge or which are under his right of operational management, utilities (clause 23, part 1, article 93);
  • obtaining the right to access information that is posted, including in the following databases - documentary, documentary, abstract (clauses 44 and 45, part 1, article 93).
  • How to automate the maintenance of a contract register?

    To do this, it is convenient to use the Economy Expert program. It has auto-filling of the purchasing register. You can download the free version of the program here.

    If you have any questions about the register of contracts

    You can get temporary free access to the “Contract” section in the “Customer Consultant” help system. It contains answers to questions about maintaining a register of contracts. You can access it here.

    How to submit information to the register of contracts and the register of agreements according to the new rules

    How are the bases different?

    Let's figure out what a register of contracts is, a register of agreements, how to properly maintain them and how they differ from each other.

    The first is a database that contains information about all agreements concluded by customers in accordance with 44-FZ.

    Information about contracts concluded by certain types of legal entities as a result of procurement under Federal Law-223 is contained in the register of contracts.

    A register of contracts 223 Federal Law and 44 Federal Law is maintained on the EIS website.

    There are exceptions, they are established by law. As a general rule, information on procurements that constitute state secrets is not submitted to the Treasury. Data on purchases worth up to 100,000 rubles and others specified by 44-FZ and 223-FZ are also not included.

    The obligation to submit data for accounting of agreements under 44-FZ is assigned to customers (or authorized persons), as well as to budgetary institutions, state and municipal enterprises. Data in the register of contracts under 223-FZ is also entered by the customer (or an authorized person).

    Violation of the procedure for providing information is subject to administrative liability.

    How to enter information into the database according to 44-FZ

    Information and documents are submitted to the Federal Treasury through the Electronic Budget system. You can enter it through the Unified Portal of the Budget System of the Russian Federation, but it is more convenient to do this through the government customer’s personal account in the Unified Information System.

    If data on the conclusion of an agreement is sent, you need to click the “Create contract information” button.

    When you need to enter information about a change, execution or termination, you should find the contract in the “Execution” tab. Next, in the drop-down menu, you need to click on the item “Making changes” or “Execution (termination) of the contract”, respectively.

    In both cases, a page for entering information will be displayed.

    It is necessary to fill in all fields of the web form marked with the “*” symbol, otherwise the system will not allow you to generate and send information.

    Next, you need to scan the necessary documents, if they are on paper, and attach the files to the web form. If the document is generated in electronic form (for example, based on the results of an auction in electronic form), you need to attach a file with this document. Files must be in common open formats so they can be viewed using publicly available software.

    Information and documents must be signed with the electronic signature of a person who has the right to act on behalf of the government customer.

    Sample register of government contracts

    It is not difficult to develop a sample register of contracts under 44 Federal Laws. Please note that it is more correct to call it a register of contracts.

    As already mentioned, it is maintained electronically on the “Electronic Budget” portal. If necessary, you can create and print a list of contracts in your personal account. To do this, click on the “Print form of the register of contracts” button on any of the tabs except “Preparation of information”. The form contains posted data about contracts, changes, execution or termination. Data is grouped by budget level and displayed in separate browser windows.

    We offer a free download of a sample contract register in Excel for internal use. It can be used to account for agreements whose data are not entered into the UIS.

    Deadlines for publication and amendments to 44-FZ

  • 3 working days from the date of conclusion or execution of the contract, acceptance of goods (work, services);
  • 1 business day from the date of change or termination of the contract.
  • The customer is obliged to make corrections within one business day if the Treasury identifies errors during verification. Otherwise, the information will not be included in the database. Also, changes should be made as soon as possible if the customer independently discovers errors.

    To make corrections in the Electronic Budget system, you need to correct fields with erroneous information, attach the correct documents, then sign and send the corrections to the system.

    From 07/01/2018 after the date of entering information about the contract - conclusion, amendment, termination, acceptance of products, execution within 5 working days - the customer generates information and documents and sends the information to the register.

    • checks (hardware and software);
    • creates a register entry with the assignment of a unique number, in accordance with the approved Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 130n dated December 23, 2013;
    • sends to the customer a protocol that contains a list of identified inconsistencies and the reasons why information and documents are not included in the register of contracts.
    • Within 1 working day, the customer is obliged to correct the comments and send the information again.

      After the date of inclusion of the register entry, within 1 business day, the Federal Treasury sends the customer an email. in the form of a notification about the inclusion of a registry entry in the contract database.

      How to enter information into the database according to 223-FZ

      Maintaining a register of contracts under Federal Law 223 works like this. The information and attached documents are sent by the customer to the Federal Treasury also through the “Electronic Budget”. You need to fill out the appropriate forms in the web interface or send information from the Unified Information System, which is used to generate information. Then scanned copies of documents (for traditional procurement) or electronic documents (for electronic procurement) are attached. The document must be signed by an authorized representative of the customer using an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

      Deadlines for publication and corrections under 223-FZ

      Data and documents must be sent to the Federal Treasury within three working days from the date of conclusion of the agreement. In case of change, execution or termination, information is entered within 10 days from the date of occurrence of these events.

      If the customer receives a refusal to include information in the database, within three working days from the date of receipt of the Federal Treasury protocol on the refusal, he must generate the missing information and documents and (or) modify them appropriately, and then send the changed data to the Federal Treasury in the same manner , as the original ones.

      Sample database of agreements under 223-FZ

      We suggest downloading the contract register form in Excel.

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    The consolidated register of participants and non-participants in the budget process includes data from:

    • Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
    • consolidated list of customers;
    • RUBP - participants in the budget process;
    • RNUBP - non-participants in the budget process;
    • other classifiers.

    Consolidated register of participants in the budget process 2019

    Code from the consolidated register: how to find out by TIN

    For each organization registered on the websites,, a unique code is generated - a registry entry. You can find out this code by typing the TIN of the institution you are looking for in the search bar.

    The unique registration number of the state service “Education” can be seen in the example below.

    “An organization’s NUBP code, how to find out” is often asked when working with the “Electronic Budget”. This information is contained in general information about the legal entity.

    In order to find out the codes of all non-participants in the budget process, you need to select 20 in the “Type of organization” filter - other legal entities, other non-participants in the budget process. If you need a code for a specific organization, then in the field above you need to enter the organization’s TIN.

    UNRZ for other types of participants in the budget process:

    How a registry entry is formed

    The procedure for the formation and maintenance of RUBP and NUBP is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 163n dated December 23, 2014; Order No. 190n dated November 15, 2017 controls the procedure for creating register entries.

    It is formed on the basis of the following information contained in the basic (industry) lists:

    • name of the state or municipal service, work with OKVED codes;
    • type of public legal entity of the institution;
    • data on the cost of a service, work or its free provision to the population;
    • content of public services;
    • conditions and form of performing work or providing public services;
    • type of economic activity of the organization;
    • contingent - consumer categories;
    • quality and volume indicators;
    • data from the regulatory framework governing the performance of work and provision of services.

    Each entry has its own unique number. The register does not include information and documents that contain state secrets.

    A unique number is generated by authorized federal executive authorities based on all available information blocks and lists included in the consolidated RUBP and NUBP.

    It happens like this:

    1. Categories from 1 to 8 are the territorial designation of the public legal entity that finances the organization - UBP.
    2. 9 and 10 digits - code of the type of institution in accordance with a similar entry in the Consolidated Register.
    3. 11 and 12 are budget level codes.
    4. Digits from 13 to 17 - the number of the institution in the RZ of the Consolidated List.
    5. Number 18 is the cipher of the information attribute:
    • 1 - information and documents, if any, are similar and correspond to a separate division vested with the right to conduct accounting;
    • 0 - information does not match.
    1. 19 - control digit, calculated in accordance with Appendix No. 6 of the Order No. 163n dated December 23, 2014.
    2. Digit 20 is the encoding of the institution’s status:
    • 1 - operating institution;
    • 2 - inactive;
    • 3 - lack of legal relationship;
    • 4 - organization with special instructions.

    Digits 1, 2, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 are a unique code for each participant in the budget process in the SR.

    How is it different from other registry entries?

    Unlike the 20-bit unique RP, the contract registry entry number on the government procurement website, which is assigned to each purchase or each individual lot in the order, consists of 36 digits and is generated automatically as a set of classification codes for a specific purchase. In order to find the required contract or information about it, in the UIS you need to go to the “Register of Contracts” tab and enter the PO of the document you are looking for.

    Unique registration number of a municipal task - where to find it? If you are looking for an answer to this question, we do not recommend looking at the register of participants in the 2019 budget process. This information is definitely not there!

    Unique registration numbers must be indicated according to the paper copy of the assignment. To obtain this number you need to contact the founder.

    1. Register of contracts within the framework of 44-FZ. Register of contracts- this is a complete list with all contracts that were concluded by Customers within the framework of the Legislative Framework and Law No. 44.

    • Contract concluded with a single supplier (clauses 4, 5 23 44 - 46 in part 1 of Article 93 in 44 Federal Law)
    • Contracts that are state secrets.
    This register is located on the website of the unified information system -

    The documentation and information contained in the register of contracts are publicly available and anyone can get acquainted with them and free of charge - this is regulated by part 5 of article 102 in 44 of the Federal Law.

    A special point is that the register of contracts, the data of which is a state secret, cannot be published in the media or placed in the Unified Information System - this is stated in Part 7 of Article 44-FZ, 103.

    If you want to get into this register, then you should go to the UIS web resource and select the “Information about contracts and agreements” section in the left side menu, and then select “Register of contracts concluded by Customers”

    2. Who maintains the register of contracts under 44-FZ?

    Based on Part 1 of Article 102 in 44 of the Federal Law, the register of contracts is handled by the Federal executive body, which carries out enforcement functions for cash services for the execution of budgets of the Russian Federation.

    This Federal body is the Federal Treasury.

    3. What documents and information are included in the register of contracts under 44-FZ?

    According to Part 2 of Article 103 of 44-FZ, the following documents and information are included in the register of contracts:
    1. Full name of the Customer;
    2. source of finance;
    3. method of determining the supplier;
    4. date of summing up the results of determining the supplier and details of documents confirming the basis for concluding the contract;
    5. date of conclusion of the contract;
    6. the object of procurement, the price of the contract and the period of its execution, the price of a unit of goods, work or services, the name of the country of origin or information about the manufacturer of the goods in relation to the executed contract;
    7. name, company name (if any), location (for a legal entity), full name (if available), place of residence (for an individual), TIN of the supplier (contractor, performer) or for a foreign person in accordance with the legislation of the relevant foreign state, equivalent TIN (contractor, performer);
    8. information about changes to the contract indicating the terms of the contract that have been changed;
    9. a copy of the concluded contract, signed with an enhanced electronic signature of the Customer;
    10. information on the execution of the contract, including information on payment for the contract, on the accrual of penalties (fines, penalties) in connection with improper fulfillment of obligations under the contract by the party to the contract;
    11. information about termination of the contract indicating the grounds for its termination;
    12. purchase identification code;
    13. document on acceptance in the event of a decision to accept the goods supplied, work performed, services rendered;
    14. decision of the medical commission (in case of purchasing medicines).
    15. other information and documents.
    In essence, Customers enter information into the register of state and municipal contracts:
    • on the conclusion of a contract;
    • about changes to the contract;
    • about termination of the contract;
    • about the execution of the contract.

    4. The procedure and timing for entering information about concluded contracts into the register

    Based on part 3 of Article 103 of 44-FZ, the Customer can send all the necessary documents to the Federal Treasury within 3 calendar calendar days.

    Note: According to paragraph 2 of the Procedure approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 2014 No. 136, the formation by the Customer of information and documents included in the register of contracts is carried out using the state integrated information system for public finance management “Electronic Budget”. In turn, the “Electronic Budget” IS is integrated with the EIS website.

    After this, the Federal Treasury checks the information and data provided by the Customer and places them in the Unified Information System within 3 calendar days from the date of their receipt.

    I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in this case we are talking specifically about working days, and not about calendar days.
    If the information and documents provided by the Customer do not comply with the established requirements, such information and documents are not subject to placement in the register of contracts.

    On the EIS website in the section “Documents” - “Training materials” - “User Guides for 44-FZ” you can find and download to your computer a pdf manual called “User Guide. Procurement management subsystem in terms of the register of contracts and the register of bank guarantees.” This manual contains detailed instructions for Customers on working with the register of contracts.

    5. How to find the required contract in the registry?

    Secondly, using the information posted in the contract register, the supplier can prepare a certificate of its good faith. This certificate is required in the event that the proposed price of a procurement participant was reduced by more than 25% during the auction (anti-dumping measures). Read more about anti-dumping measures in this article.

    Once on the page with the registry, you can enter the contract registry entry number, procurement identification code or the name of the Customer into the search line and click on the icon with a magnifying glass on the right side of the search line.

    Also in the registry window you have the opportunity to refine your search parameters. For a deeper search, I recommend using the advanced search tool. This functionality will be available to you after clicking the appropriate hyperlink.

    You can also find contracts for a specific industry (OKPD2 code) and in a specific region. That is, the ability to use this registry and find the necessary information in it is an important skill in the work of any self-respecting supplier.

    6. Register of contracts under 223-FZ

    The register of contracts under 223-FZ, as well as the register of government contracts under 44-FZ, is posted on the official website of the EIS.

    In order to get into the register of contracts under 223-FZ, you need to go to the EIS website, and in the left vertical menu select the “Information about contracts and agreements” section, and then from the drop-down list select the item “Register of contracts concluded by customers based on procurement results "

    The Federal Treasury is also responsible for maintaining the register under 223-FZ. The procedure for maintaining a register of contracts under 223-FZ is regulated by Article 4.1 of 223-FZ.
    The register does not include data and information that is not subject to placement in the Unified Information System.
    That is, the following are not included in the register:
    information on the procurement of goods, works, services, on the conclusion of contracts, constituting a state secret;
    information about the procurement on which a decision was made by the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with Part 16 of Article 4 of 223-FZ.

    Important point! If the Customer, in accordance with Part 5 of Article 4 of 223-FZ, has decided not to place procurement information in the Unified Information System, the register includes information and documents relating to contracts if they are sent by the Customer to the Federal Treasury.

    7. Procedure for entering information and documents into the register

    Within 3 working days from the date of conclusion of the contract, Customers enter information and documents established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1132 into the register of contracts.
    If changes have been made to the contract, Customers enter into the register of contracts such information and documents in respect of which changes were made.
    Information on the results of contract execution is entered by Customers into the contract register within 10 days from the date of execution, amendment or termination of the contract.

    8. Video instruction register of contracts

    For a guaranteed result in tender procurement, you can seek advice from the experts of the Entrepreneurship Support Center. If your organization is a small business, you can get a number of advantages: advance payments for government contracts, short payment terms, conclusion of direct contracts and subcontracts without a tender. and work only under profitable contracts with minimal competition!

    Hello, dear colleague! In today's article we will talk about the register of contracts concluded by Customers under 44-FZ and 223-FZ. In this article we will take a detailed look at what these registries are, where they are located, and what information they contain. I want to say right away that the material in the article will be useful to both Customers and suppliers. Therefore, just as every self-respecting Customer should know about maintaining a register of contracts, a self-respecting supplier should be able to find the necessary information in it. So, I suggest you start...

    1. Register of contracts under 44-FZ: what is it and where to look for it?

    Register of contracts — a set of register records about all contracts concluded by Customers in accordance with the Federal Law on the Contract System (44-FZ). The exception is contracts concluded with a single supplier in accordance with clauses 4, 5, 23, 42, 44 and 45, clause 46 (in terms of contracts concluded with individuals) Part 1 of Article 93 of 44-FZ, as well as contracts, information about which constitutes a state secret.

    The register of government contracts concluded within the framework of 44-FZ is posted on the official website of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement -

    The documents and information contained in the register of contracts are in the public domain and are available to everyone for review absolutely free of charge (Part 5 of Article 103 of 44-FZ).

    Important point! The register of contracts, information about which constitutes a state secret, is not subject to publication in the media and placement in the Unified Information System (Part 7 of Article 103 of 44-FZ). Information included in such a register of contracts is stored in the manner determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on archival affairs and on the protection of state secrets (clause 5 of the “Rules for maintaining a register of contracts containing information constituting a state secret”).

    In order to get into the register of contracts under 44-FZ, you need to go to the EIS website, and in the left vertical menu select the “Information about contracts and agreements” section, and then from the drop-down list select the “Register of contracts concluded by customers” item.

    2. Who maintains the register of contracts under 44-FZ?

    According to Part 1 of Article 103 of 44-FZ, the Federal executive body, which carries out law enforcement functions for cash services for the execution of budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, is responsible for maintaining the register of contracts. Such a federal body is the Federal Treasury (see Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 1, 2004 No. 703 “On the Federal Treasury”).

    3. Documents regulating the maintenance of a register of contracts under 44-FZ

    The procedure for maintaining a register of contracts under 44-FZ is regulated by Article 103 of 44-FZ, as well as.

    In addition, Customers must also be guided by:

    • . This order reflects the procedure for interaction between Customers and the Federal Treasury when maintaining a register of contracts;
    • Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 18, 2013 No. 127n “On the procedures for assigning, applying, and changing identification codes of banks and customers for the purpose of maintaining a register of contracts concluded by customers, a register of contracts containing information constituting state secrets, and a register of bank guarantees” ;

    4. What documents and information are included in the register of contracts under 44-FZ?

    According to Part 2 of Article 103 of 44-FZ, the following documents and information are included in the register of contracts:

    1. name of the Customer;
    2. source of financing;
    3. method of determining the supplier (contractor, performer);
    4. date of summing up the results of determining the supplier (contractor, performer) and details of the document confirming the basis for concluding the contract;
    5. date of conclusion of the contract;
    6. the object of procurement, the price of the contract and the period of its execution, the price of a unit of goods, work or services, the name of the country of origin or information about the manufacturer of the goods in relation to the executed contract;
    7. name, company name (if any), location (for a legal entity), full name (if available), place of residence (for an individual), TIN of the supplier (contractor, performer) or for a foreign person in accordance with the legislation of the relevant foreign state, equivalent TIN (contractor, performer);
    8. information about changes to the contract indicating the terms of the contract that have been changed;
    9. a copy of the concluded contract, signed with an enhanced electronic signature of the Customer;
    10. information on the execution of the contract, including information on payment for the contract, on the accrual of penalties (fines, penalties) in connection with improper fulfillment of obligations under the contract by the party to the contract;
    11. information about termination of the contract indicating the grounds for its termination;
    12. purchase identification code;
    13. document on acceptance in the event of a decision to accept the goods supplied, work performed, services rendered;
    14. decision of the medical commission (in case of purchasing medicines).
    15. other information and documents.

    In essence, Customers enter information into the register of state and municipal contracts:

    • on the conclusion of a contract;
    • about changes to the contract;
    • about termination of the contract;
    • about the execution of the contract.

    An important point for Customers! Detailed information on how to fill out the appropriate fields for all of the above data and documents is specified in paragraphs 15-39 of Order No. 136n of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 24, 2014. These paragraphs describe in detail what numeric codes must be used, what reference books and classifiers must be followed, etc.

    5. The procedure and timing for entering information about concluded contracts into the register

    According to Part 3 of Article 103 of 44-FZ, the Customer within 3 working days from the date (conclusion of a contract, amendment of a contract, execution of a contract, termination of a contract, acceptance of goods delivered, work performed, services rendered) sends all necessary documents and information to the Federal Treasury. ( Note: According to clause 2 of the Procedure approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 24, 2014 No. 136n, the formation by the Customer of information and documents included in the register of contracts is carried out using the state integrated information system for public finance management “Electronic Budget”. In turn, the “Electronic Budget” IS is integrated with the EIS website).

    After this, the Federal Treasury checks the documents and information provided by the Customer and places them in the Unified Information System within 3 working days from the date of their receipt.

    I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in this case we are talking specifically about working days, and not about calendar days.

    If the information and documents provided by the Customer do not comply with the established requirements, such information and documents are not subject to placement in the register of contracts.

    Explanations of official bodies on the issues of sending information to the register of contracts are contained in the following letters:

    • Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated October 19, 2015 No. D28i-3033 (download);
    • Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated September 25, 2014 No. 23232-EE/D28i (download);
    • Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated June 1, 2015 No. D28i-1434 (download);
    • Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 28, 2014 No. 02-02-07/25618 (download);
    • Letter of the Federal Treasury dated March 10, 2015 No. 05-07-05/11 (download).

    Explanations from official bodies regarding the formation of a report on the execution of a state (municipal) contract and (or) on the results of a separate stage of its execution are contained in the following letters:

    • Letter of the Federal Treasury dated May 30, 2014 No. 42-5.7-09/5 (download);
    • Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated November 30, 2015 No. D28i-3467 (download);
    • Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated November 9, 2015 No. D28i-3242 (download);
    • Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated October 27, 2015 No. D28i-3124 (download);
    • Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated October 22, 2015 No. OG-D28-13691 (download);
    • Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated August 31, 2015 No. D28i-2474 (download);
    • Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated August 11, 2015 No. D28i-2325 (download);
    • Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated August 3, 2015 No. D28i-2286 (download);
    • Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated August 3, 2015 No. D28i-2326 (download);
    • Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated July 27, 2015 No. D28i-2216 (download);
    • Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated November 29, 2013 No. D28i-2263 (download);
    • Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated March 6, 2015 No. D28i-538 (download);
    • Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated December 31, 2014 No. D28i-2919 (download);
    • Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 7, 2014 No. 02-02-06/32616 (download).

    On the EIS website in the section “Documents” - “Training materials” - “User Guides for 44-FZ” you can find and download to your computer a pdf manual called “User Guide. Procurement management subsystem in terms of the register of contracts and the register of bank guarantees.” This manual contains detailed instructions for Customers on working with the register of contracts.

    Important point! If you want to avoid mistakes when generating reports on the execution of contracts, as well as automate the control and accounting of purchases, then the “Economy Expert” program will help you with this. This program will protect you from errors and fines, help you generate all the necessary reports, and will also help automate your daily activities as much as possible. You can find out more about this program and apply for a free demonstration.

    6. How to find the required contract in the registry?

    So, why is it necessary to be able to search for information about contracts in the registry?

    Firstly, as follows from the 4th section of this article, here we can find information about all contracts of the Customer we are interested in. See with whom and on what terms these contracts were concluded. Such information will be useful to suppliers when analyzing the Customer and potential competitors.

    Secondly, using the information posted in the contract register, the supplier can prepare a certificate of its good faith. This certificate is required in the event that the proposed price of a procurement participant was reduced by more than 25% during the auction (anti-dumping measures). More information about anti-dumping measures is written in.

    Once on the page with the registry, you can enter the contract registry entry number, procurement identification code or the name of the Customer into the search line and click on the icon with a magnifying glass on the right side of the search line.

    Also in the registry window, you have the opportunity to refine your search parameters by clicking on the appropriate hyperlink, and then filter the information found by update date, placement date, contract price and relevance. For a deeper search, I recommend using the advanced search tool. This functionality will be available to you after clicking the appropriate hyperlink.

    As you can see, there are significantly more search parameters here that will make the search as flexible and efficient as possible. Knowing the name and TIN of the Customer or a specific supplier, you can find all their contracts and study them in detail. You can also find contracts for a specific industry (OKPD2 code) and in a specific region. That is, the ability to use this registry and find the necessary information in it is an important skill in the work of any self-respecting supplier.

    We teach customers and suppliers how to effectively search for the necessary information, interpret it correctly, and also conduct a preliminary analysis as part of our online school “ABC of Tenders”.

    7. Register of contracts under 223-FZ

    The register of contracts under 223-FZ, as well as the register of government contracts under 44-FZ, is posted on the official website of the EIS.

    In order to get into the register of contracts under 223-FZ, you need to go to the EIS website, and in the left vertical menu select the “Information about contracts and agreements” section, and then from the drop-down list select the item “Register of contracts concluded by customers based on procurement results "

    According to clause 3 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2014 No. 1132, the register does not include information and documents that, in accordance with the provisions of Federal Law No. 223 “On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities” subject to placement in the EIS.

    That is, the following are not included in the register:

    • information on the procurement of goods, works, services, on the conclusion of contracts, constituting a state secret;
    • information about the procurement on which a decision was made by the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with Part 16 of Article 4 of 223-FZ.

    Important point! If the Customer, in accordance with Part 5 of Article 4 of 223-FZ, has decided not to place procurement information in the Unified Information System, the register includes information and documents relating to contracts if they are sent by the Customer to the Federal Treasury.

    The procedure for entering information and documents into the register

    Within 3 working days from the date of conclusion of the contract, Customers enter information and documents established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1132 into the register of contracts.

    If changes have been made to the contract, Customers enter into the register of contracts such information and documents in respect of which changes were made.

    Information on the results of contract execution is entered by Customers into the contract register within 10 days from the date of execution, modification or termination of the contract.

    That's all for today. I hope that the above material was clear and useful for you. Finally, I suggest you watch the recording of the webinar on this topic:

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