How to get your boyfriend's attention to yourself. How to look to attract attention

At times, each of us has encountered a situation where it seems as if a certain person or the whole society is determined to simply ignore us. This is usually caused by our social interactions(or inaction) or a banal misunderstanding of the hints used by others in our presence. The good news is that it is quite possible to draw attention to yourself and stop being a shadow.


Assess the situation

    Make a list of real life examples. First of all, you need to understand the problem in order to find a solution. Make a list of situations in which you felt like others were ignoring you. Consider everything from the superficially mundane (no one answered your "Hello!") to the less obvious examples (no one talked to you at the party). Describe each situation in detail.

    Notice repeating scenarios. Are you struggling to attract the attention of others at work or at home? In the company of people or even one on one? Does the list of examples often include the same person? Did others ignore you after a certain situation in the past? So, there are many cases when employees stop communicating with a person who reports everything to his superiors.

    • Analyze your own behavior. Pay attention to repetitive actions. So, it may turn out that it is quite easy for you to communicate with people, but it is difficult to make a lasting impression. It is also possible to experience anxiety when needed to keep up a conversation.
    • Write down your own observations and set goals accordingly. If such problems happen at home, then make an effort to find mutual language with relatives. Changes will not keep you waiting.
  1. Take responsibility. Change is impossible without faith in the reality of change, even if it does not happen as quickly as we would like. Realize that a person is able to control his actions. It is possible that you yourself have brought such trouble on yourself. If you think that you are unworthy of attention, then others will perceive you in the same way.

    Find a partner or trusted friend to help you set social goals and achieve them. This partner should be someone you trust and admire. You should go to events together so that your partner evaluates your interactions with people and gives advice from the outside.

    Buy new things! Choose a new suit and matching accessories. Show your personality through your choice of clothes. For example, choose a memorable or unusual piece of jewelry and wear a “ business card” in special situations. This approach will allow you to feel confident with a wardrobe that you associate with strong and powerful people. Even a simple necklace can become an effective “weapon” that will help a person “win” a place in society!

    Proper nutrition and physical education. Try to eat regularly and choose only healthy foods. This aspect of life will also help you express your own personality, expand your circle of acquaintances through cooking classes or blog posts about healthy eating. Physical education can also be done in a company. Sign up for gym or yoga classes, track your progress online and compare your results with other people. All kinds of activities will help you attract the attention of others.

    Take a break from attention. From time to time, use the lack of attention to take a break from society. People will begin to appreciate you more, and you will be able to regain strength and rethink your immediate goals. You can also go on an adventure! Organize a trip to a new place and hone your social skills. Be brave and fearless, at least for a while.

Become a confident person

    Use positive affirmations. Repeat as you are confident. Even if it doesn't sound convincing at first, the more you repeat, "I'm a confident person," the easier it is to feel confident. If you repeat it often enough, you will be able to convince your subconscious mind. A few years ago, researchers concluded that self-assertion develops problem-solving ability and even improves student achievement.

    Compliments. Share affirmations with others and acknowledge other people's talents. So, you can always say: “I completely agree with you” or “I think you made a wonderful choice.” If you like a piece of jewelry or perfume, then say sincerely and respectfully: “Incredibly beautiful bracelet. Where did you get it from?"

    Use confident body language. Keep your head straight, watch your posture and do not fuss without a goal. Make eye contact and smile as you move. People around notice those who exude confidence. Such behavior always deserves respect in the eyes of other people.

    Don't hide behind your phone. It's always easy to think of something to do on your phone to avoid embarrassment and hide your presence. Force yourself to hide your phone. Try talking to a certain number of people (or set a specific time) to take your eyes off the phone.

    Use humor! Not everyone is capable of joking like Robin Williams or other famous comedians, but that doesn't mean you don't have a sense of humor. Determine your own preferences in jokes. Do you like witty remarks or make fun of the vices of society? Maybe you prefer black humor? Consider several options and find your own style that suits different situations.

Surrender to the situation without a trace

    Immerse yourself completely in the conversation. Learn to actively listen and engage in engaging conversations. Do not forget to listen carefully to the interlocutors in order to show respect and help these people come out of the shadows. Listen actively to find common ground, find rapport, and empathize. Ask questions to become an active participant in the conversation.

    • It is advisable not to ask questions that require a one-word answer, but to use the words “how and why”. For example, if a friend is talking about a recent trip abroad, don't ask, "Did you like it?". It is better to ask: “What do you remember about the trip and why?”. Ask follow-up questions to confirm your interest.
  1. Don't be afraid to disagree. When there is a strong argument, look for ways to civilize your opinion. At times, you can even defend an unpopular point of view to liven up the conversation. The ability to see both sides of the coin shows the flexibility of the mind. Such quality always comes at a price.

“Guys are lucky,” young girls sometimes think. - Did you like the young lady? There is no need to suffer, suffer." And indeed, from the outside it looks like this: he approached, met, offered to go on a date, and only then everything depends only on the male fantasy. A bouquet of roses, a cup of coffee, a romantic walk, a few compliments and good puns - it seems that sympathy is guaranteed, which means that innocent flirting can turn into something more serious. Is it so? Not always, but there is some truth in this statement.

It is more difficult for girls, because even now it is widely believed that sweet and modest young ladies should not take the initiative in relations with a man. However, waiting for the weather by the sea is also not an option, because a miracle (in the form of a phenomenon of a representative royal family on a white horse) may not happen.

If you have been puzzling over the question of how to attract a guy for a long time, read the following recommendations from experts.

A fair question: why do men follow some girls, while the opposite sex does not pay attention to other, prettier ones? It turns out that to attract male interest, you need at least two components, which we will talk about.

Rule #1

Common truth: women love with their ears, and representatives of the strong half of humanity - with their eyes. So psychologists agree with this statement, pointing out that the first impression of us is based, first of all, on appearance, and only then the interlocutors pay attention to speech and spoken words.

To attract male attention, it is absolutely not necessary to be a fashion model with imposed and practically unattainable parameters.

The main condition is naturalness and harmony. Clothing, hairstyle and manicure should be “natural”, neat and not cause rejection.

War paint is not recommended. Yes, overly bright shades in makeup can attract the attention of a pretty young man, however, is unlikely to really interest him.

Rule #2

A girl who is pretty to herself will definitely like the people around her. Self-confidence does not mean arrogance and snobbery at all. Adequate self-esteem helps to live in peace with yourself and really treat your capabilities.

Show that you are confident. The easiest and most obvious way is a beautiful posture. She not only paints the girl, but also gives the happy owner of a majestic gait external confidence. How to achieve it? Keep your back straight and your chin slightly raised. To this it is worth adding a smile and cheerful "lights" in the eyes.

If one of your features is modesty, do not despair. Firstly, many young people prefer modest young ladies. Secondly, to give confidence and help certain psychological exercises.

Several effective methods

So, the object of adoration is chosen, you need to start specific steps - attracting attention, getting to know each other and the first communication. How can you attract a guy? With the help of the following simple and effective, and, most importantly, time-tested and other girls methods.

  1. Try to get past it. To get noticed, go towards your girlfriend, acquaintance, to something that “interested” you. This is necessary so that the young man can appreciate your cute outfit, beautiful posture and attractive smile. When passing by, do not slow down, behave naturally.
  2. Meet your eyes. Of course, you should not stare at him for hours, just catch his eye and not look away for a few seconds. So the guy will understand that you like him. You can smile a little to show some interest.
  3. P make a good impression. Take care of the positive first effect. If the guy you like comes up to you, you should not giggle, play pranks, and generally behave unnaturally. A pleasant smile and a few meaningless phrases will be enough. In general, demonstrate your own friendliness.
  4. Connect "body language". All your gestures should speak of confidence and the desire to communicate (in no case should you behave unleashed). Try to keep your head straight, do not slouch, do not fiddle with beads, watches or the hem of your blouse. On the contrary, lean towards the man, but do not touch him.
  5. Flirting is a must. Flirting is a non-committal behavior that only indicates your disposition towards a guy. It should not be confused with obsession and vulgarity. Just keep chatting fun and easy. Your naturalness will say more than specific words about sympathy.
  6. Watch out for his personal space. According to psychologists, all people have a personal space, the observance of which guarantees psychological comfort. If a man lets you closer than a meter, you are doing everything right. At this stage, you can already gently touch him and understand how much he likes you.

Men overreact to certain gestures. So, licking a girl's lips and touching her hair are considered quite bold and attractive signals. They can be used when communicating with the man you like, but dosed.

Rules for the first communication

If the task of how to lure the guy you like to yourself is solved, you should proceed to the next stage - positive communication.

We think every girl will agree with the statement that attracting male attention is only half the battle. It is extremely important to consolidate the result obtained without spoiling the impression of yourself during communication.

Good manners are as follows:

  1. Be sincerely interested in what your interlocutor is talking about. It's great if you find common interests, this will help build further communication. But in a conversation, do not "go too far", asking the young man for things, let's say, of a personal nature.
  2. Wanting to embellish themselves, the girls begin to invent absolutely incredible stories about their person. Imagine if your relationship gets further development, and the lie (embellishment) is then revealed. A man may decide that cheating over nothing is a feature of your character.
  3. Do not pull the “blanket” of the conversation over yourself. In fact, the representatives of the stronger sex love to talk about themselves, so give this opportunity to your interlocutor. Listen carefully, trying to remember the information. A few memorable facts about a guy that you say at your next meeting (if there is one) will show your interest.
  • memories of a former lover and old relationships;
  • comparison of the interlocutor with the former cordial friend;
  • complaints about life's troubles;
  • vulgar buzzwords and, especially, profanity.

There are a lot of tips on how. But love is so mysterious and inexplicable that it is absolutely impossible to reduce it to certain rules and recommendations. Feelings between a boy and a girl can flare up suddenly - after a single phrase, look or touch. However, if you liked a young man, you can and should try the available methods of drawing attention to your person.

Every woman wants young people to pay attention to her, to compliment her. Women really want to be in the center of attention, they must attract the intrigued glances of men. A woman wants to be always noticeable and bright.

smile more often

A girl needs to be in a good mood, she should smile as often as possible. A cheerful, joyful person always attracts attention to his person. People in response, too, begin to smile, rejoice.

Model appearance is not important

Representatives of the stronger sex always pay attention to bright girls, so a woman should always be noticeable. She should look attractive, even if she is just going to the grocery store. A free girl needs to go to parties and holidays. These dating sites are the best. In order for a young man to pay attention to a woman, she does not have to have a model appearance at all, she just needs to be able to behave correctly.

Emphasize sexuality

A girl needs to dress beautifully, she must have fashion clothes, with which she will emphasize her sexuality, femininity, the dignity of her own figure. If there is a provoking element in the clothes, then this is very good, the girl will be able to show small plot your body, or unbutton the top button on your blouse. But at the same time, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise it will look vulgar.

It is highly desirable that a girl has one or another detail in her wardrobe that attracts attention. For example, she can carry an unusual handbag or a bright scarf with her. During an acquaintance, it will be easier for a young man to start a conversation with her, because he will be able to give a girl a compliment that is associated with this particular detail.

natural makeup

Do not forget about makeup. Proper and beautiful makeup will emphasize lips, eyes, and other facial features. Make-up should not be very bright, natural. It is necessary to paint lips, as women with painted lips always attract the attention of young people. The legs and arms of the girl should always be well-groomed. It is necessary to paint nails with beautiful varnish, as men pay attention to girls with beautiful nails.

Be persistent

Every person likes when someone pays attention to him. Therefore, a girl should not be afraid to ask for advice or ask for help from strangers. For example, when she is on the street, she may ask a young man passing by how to get to a certain place. In the hardware store, she can seek advice from a representative of the stronger sex. Thanks to this behavior of the girl, men will pay attention to her, perhaps an acquaintance will be made.

Be confident

A girl should always be confident in herself and then she will always be in the spotlight. To do this, she must respect and love herself, in which case success, reliability and well-being will come from her. She should not be afraid to express her own point of view, her opinion.

Forget past failures

In order for a girl to be able to attract the attention of a young man to her person, she should not look for flaws in herself, consider that she is too thin or, conversely, full. She should not remember her own past, should not be tormented by guilt. There should be no negative thoughts and emotions in her head. When a woman communicates with a man, she should by no means look boring and dull.

Armed? Forward! Conquer men with your irresistibility.

You have liked him for a long time, but do you get the impression that this guy not only does not sympathize with you, but generally does not notice you point-blank? You have no idea how to attract the attention of a guy you like? Try these methods!

How to get the attention of a guy you like?

1. Put on a dress!

It's not just that many guys and men love women in dresses (although it's true!) It's about a radical change in everyday look. If you usually wear trousers, comfortable shirts and sweaters, your appearance in a dress or a feminine skirt may simply shock him - and the guy will look at you with a “fresh look”.

Naturally, this is very general advice and can and should be adapted to your own situation. Most often you dress in dark colors? Wear something bright. Do you mostly wear flat shoes? Bet on studs. The main thing is to change something in your appearance.

2. Highlight your strengths with makeup

Each of us has its own strengths, and your strong point may be lips, beautiful eyes or graceful, regular features. Try to gently emphasize them with makeup. You know your face and its virtues better than anyone. For a change, try wearing your make-up differently than usual, for example, heavily emphasize your lips with red lipstick or make a more expressive eye make-up.

3. Change your hairstyle!

Do you always tie your hair? Release them this time. Straight strands can be turned into curls or waves, and curls can be straightened. Hairstyle change is good way get his attention.

4. Ask him for a small favor

It doesn't have to be something serious and difficult. The main thing is that the situation and the reason to apply should be as natural as possible. If you study in one educational institution, ask if he could lend you a summary on some subject. Do you work together and often meet in a cafe or canteen? Ask to get something from a high shelf that you cannot reach. Such non-committal, natural gestures are good in a situation where you do not know each other at all. Those of you who are more familiar with the object of your affections may ask for a larger favor, such as a ride home. This is the perfect opportunity to repay a guy with, say, an invitation to coffee.

5. Smile at him!

Often pass each other in the hallway, but you have no reason to exchange a few words? Smile at him! Maybe the guy will take the next step...

6. Ask someone to introduce you to each other

Do you know that a friend is familiar with the object of your sympathy? First, get at least some information about the guy out of it - what he does, what hobbies he has, etc. This is good ground for future conversations. And secondly, ask to be introduced to him in some unobtrusive way - for example, at a party where you will all be.

How beautiful, in a special way to attract the attention of a guy - many young girls ask this question. This is very easy to do if you know some of the nuances and have an idea of ​​​​what they generally like. Everyone has different tastes, but there are ways to attract attention that will not let you down.

How to arouse interest

To attract the attention of a guy, just in time, dating and meeting on the street are suitable. Guys often make attempts to meet if they like a girl. But the female sex, in turn, should follow some recommendations to make it clear to unfamiliar young men that they are not against dating.

  1. Sight- this is what may initially cause interest. It is necessary to stand out from the crowd: look into his eyes, holding his gaze for 2-3 seconds. It is desirable at such a moment to have the most relaxed, natural facial expression with a slight smile. She shows that the girl is not just looking, but, most likely, is interested and shows a clear interest.
  2. Not always the stronger sex is ready to show decisiveness, it is also possible that the young man could not understand the sign or did not notice it at all. Therefore, in this case, the girl should act directly: unobtrusively approach and ask something. For example, how to find your way to a certain nearby place (it is desirable that it be on the way in the direction the guy is going) or to compliment clothes. You need to be natural and not show excitement. If friendliness or obvious interest is felt from the guy, then you can go further together. There is a good chance that he will ask for a phone number and communication will continue.

At the party

It is easier to attract a guy's attention at a party than on the street, because this is the place where everyone relaxes. The informal relaxed atmosphere also has a positive effect.

That is why, if a girl likes a guy, you should take a chance:

At work

At work, it is very easy to stand out among colleagues: a girl can easily attract attention if she focuses on something bright in herself. It can be a detail in appearance, a character trait or an unusual hobby.

It is important to take care of yourself: be well-groomed, smell good, take care of your hair, skin, body. It is worth finding out what the man you like is fond of. If the interests coincide in some way, it will not be so difficult to become a little closer. How to attract the attention of a guy at work: you can do this by joining the team and making friends with all your colleagues, then the girl will be in the spotlight.

You should not miss corporate parties or informal meetings if there will be the main object of love.

At school

In school years, it is also really possible to attract the attention of a guy. But the most common problem is the modesty of young girls. Therefore, it is worth developing self-confidence and not being afraid to look ridiculous.

If the girl is in school, and the object of sighing is in another class and does not even know about her, then you should find a reason to get to know each other, but not start with recognition, since there is no guarantee that communication will continue. That is why you can, for example, go to the same section or circle where the young man goes, attend olympiads together, etc.

Then communication will start naturally, and the guy, accordingly, will mentally single out the girl among the crowd of other schoolgirls. He may like very sociable or, on the contrary, modest, quiet girls. But anyway you need to show your attention to the guy, and not hide him. V modern world also a great solution would be to communicate with a guy on the Internet.

On distance

You can attract the attention of a guy you like both in real life and on the Internet.

But you need to act in stages:

7 steps to get noticed

There is step by step tips, which in most cases, regardless of the situation and situation, helps girls stand out and interest men.

Step 1. Highlight your strengths and hide your weaknesses

First of all it is necessary to start with appearance, since half of the success depends on it. For example, a girl has an incredibly good figure. In no case should it be hidden, but on the contrary, it is worth wearing and choosing things that emphasize it. But it is important not to overdo it: too short skirts, tight leather clothes and a deep neckline will rather embarrass the guy.

But if the figure is not quite perfect, then you should go in for sports and carefully select the styles of clothing. For example, with full legs, wear straight-cut trousers and focus on the waist.

Light makeup will help to cope with minor skin imperfections and highlight facial features. It is important not to cross the line and start painting very brightly. As a rule, a little lipstick, foundation or powder, mascara and quite a bit of eyeliner along the upper eyelash line are enough for beauty. Hard contouring of the face and big arrows - only for the evening.

Step 2. The image of a self-confident, modern person

Self-confidence is not an appearance whose flaws can be hidden. She comes from within. It can take some effort to create an image of a confident girl, but first of all you need to become truly confident.

And it will help:

  • life in harmony with oneself;
  • sports (dance, martial arts, etc. to taste);
  • active lifestyle and communication with people;
  • hobby;
  • appearance care;
  • positive thoughts: you should never self-destruct, compare yourself with others and hope only for the bad;
  • In some cases, the help of a psychologist will not hurt.

But even self-confident girls can not always create the right impression. To look confident in appearance, you need to work on your movements, manner of presentation and, most importantly, your voice and diction. Speech should be smooth, expressive, relatively loud. It is also important not to be silent when there is something to say, because. What sets confident people apart is that they almost always speak their mind.

The image of a self-confident woman helps to solve the problem of how to attract the attention of a guy.

Only practice will help here: you need to get used to talking a lot, learn to express thoughts. And the image of a modern person is complemented by an active lifestyle: the presence of friends with whom you can spend time and have fun (but not in a club with alcohol), sports, hobbies. Also, confident people usually always have a job, moreover, they enjoy it and often go up the career ladder.

Step 3. Options for a good first impression. Clothes, hairstyle, smell

You need to hide the flaws and highlight the advantages.

  1. Clothing should not be too bright and harsh colors, its quality and purity are also important. To attract the attention of a guy for the first time may be suitable feminine image(with skirt, dress) or casual. But makeup, as already mentioned, it is best to choose "natural".
  2. Hairstyle is a special detail of the image. A girl can simply braid a braid, collect a shell, a bun, or be with loose hair, but in any case, her hair should be clean and well combed. If they become tangled when unassembled, laying is necessary. For the beauty of hair, it is worth taking care of them: use masks, gels, dry naturally.
  3. Smell is a little more complicated. It is imperative to have a clean washed body, use deodorant, but choose perfumes with special care, since inexpensive perfumes usually smell weak or have a pungent aroma, which, on the contrary, can only scare away a guy with thoughts of keeping his distance. If the aroma is acceptable, then it is not a fact that the young man will like it. Therefore, here just the ideal way out would be not to use perfume at all, or to buy good eau de toilette and perfume.

Step 4: Body Language

Body language can tell a lot about a person. Guys are very attracted if a girl twists a curl or strokes any small object, straightens her hair, keeps her lips slightly parted and does not use closed postures: crossed arms, fingers, legs. However, you can cross your legs - this is perceived as a good gesture.

It is important to be as natural and relaxed as possible.

Step 5. Position yourself

You can arrange yourself with the help of dialogue. By starting to speak on your own, you can liberate the guy so that he begins to tell something about himself, trusting you. For example, a girl went on a date with a guy for the first time. You can't be silent. Most likely, the guy himself will be liberated, get rid of shyness and start a dialogue.

But in no case should you interrupt the young man and talk a lot about yourself or about those things that are obviously not interesting to him. It is better to find some common topic for conversation. It is also important to joke a little, but not to allow humiliation, or at least talk about positive things.

Step 6: Ask him for a small favor

The external helplessness of the girl and femininity help a lot to attract attention and fall in love with a guy. This can be shown not only with appearance and behavior, but also a request for an easily performed service.

The request can be the most common: to take you home, ask for a temporary pen, help get out of the car, or any other little thing that, nevertheless, will attract the attention of a man.

Step 7. Proper flirting: smile and eye to eye

Flirting is a fairly easy thing, but at the same time difficult, because you need to be able to flirt. This is not a manifestation of vulgarity and vulgarity, but a much more subtle thing and a play on words, attitudes and other components.

As soon as a girl has attracted the attention of a guy, she can use subtle flirting:

How to win over in a conversation

After a good impression was created, the guy liked the girl outwardly and in behavior, attracted attention, it's time to open up internally with the help of conversations and liberate both. Dialog - the best remedy initiate further communication. But it is important to know how to win over in a conversation if you met recently.

To do this, you need to joke from time to time, talk about yourself, but listen more to the guy, be interested in him, ask questions so that he has the opportunity to answer.

How best to start a conversation

There are several ways to start a conversation so that it ends in success, and the girl would attract the attention of the guy.

Speak little, only to the point

To speak a little means to listen to the interlocutor. This is a very good technique, since the psychological factor works here: people are interested in those who are interested in them. You need to ask a guy a lot about him in order to get to know him better. And tell a little about yourself, keep the dialogue going with your comments. The guy himself will ask the girl about her if he is interested in the answer.

One should not forget about one thing, you can talk a little and listen more, but if you just remain silent and assent in response, the guy will perceive this as a girl’s strong insecurity or disinterest, lack of initiative.

Talk about what is interesting to the interlocutor

This technique is very similar to the previous one, and they are usually used together. To be remembered by a guy, you need to talk about things that are interesting to him.(it is desirable to find a common theme and coincidences of interest). But at first, it’s not worth asking about personal life and too intimate things with predilection. This will turn the guy off.

How to give a compliment

After good praise in their direction, men feel more confident. You can unobtrusively make a compliment about a beautiful detail of clothing, appearance.

But it is best to say pleasant things about the guy's personal qualities and about his successes, hobbies, hobbies. But you can’t say anything about what is connected with finances, otherwise the guy will think that the girl admires his wealth and money, and not himself.

May be combined with a request. For example, ask him to open a heavy door, and then praise him for his help, strength, kindness. Or find out what the guy’s favorite book is and admire his taste and erudition.

It is important that the compliment is appropriate and not overdone. It is desirable to speak from the heart and really to the point.

Riddles of understatement

Understatement can maintain interest in itself for a very long time. Ideally, if the girl opens up gradually. Each time, digging deeper, the guy will be surprised more and more and will want to know even more.

Everything is simple here: you need to give information not immediately. Ideally, the guy himself asks something or accidentally finds out. Of course, it must be something unusual and good. For example, after meeting a guy finds out that the girl is very smart and well-read, and then it suddenly turns out that she, it turns out, loves skydiving.

If you want to tell something about yourself, you need to lead to this topic and then surprise. If the guy isn't showing interest, then it's probably not worth trying to continue the conversation.

How to interest by correspondence in Vkontakte, Facebook

It is important to know the following nuances of how to write in order to intrigue:

  1. Do not often start with a banal "Hi. How are you?". Often, when communicating with girls, guys generally avoid such formalities, and the dialogue flows naturally. Nevertheless, sometimes it is really useful to ask how the guy is doing and what's new with him.
  2. You can talk about something interesting. For example, about recent news, ask what the guy thinks about it. Or find out something related to what he is interested in: “You have a lot of photos with your drawings. How long have you been drawing? I liked it so much. Please tell me which pencils you use. I want to try it myself."
  3. In no case should you go too far in correspondence with complaints for life, loved ones, etc. A guy may be touched by the fact that sometimes a girl is sad, but if she is too negative in herself, interest may disappear.
  4. You can and should write first, however, this is only for those cases where mutual interest is felt: the guy is also interested in the girl and writes first. If he himself never starts a conversation first, then you should think about how to stop communication.

Show your qualities

Some character traits in girls are very attractive to guys and can cause a storm of emotions, attract attention and fall in love.

Education. Ability to behave

Men love educated girls, because they seem interesting, so they are suitable for creating friendships or relationships and family. With such girls at least it is interesting. This is not about education, but in general about how a girl behaves, what she says.

To do this, you need to talk about interesting things: about books, news, etc., have a broad outlook and be able to support almost any conversation. The ability to behave is also an important companion for smart girls. As a rule, such ladies are very restrained, to some extent modest, but they know how to behave confidently.


Sincerity cannot be faked, all people can be honest with some people, but not so much with others. For a guy to believe that a girl is sincerely interested in him, you need to constantly show your warm attitude, support and, most importantly, be able to listen.

After all, each person has his own troubles and bitterness, as well as the need to be listened to. Also, an indicator of sincerity can be that a girl appreciates a guy.

Positive mood

Positivity is expressed through an attitude towards oneself and the world, so you need to show an optimistic attitude for the future, never throw a tantrum, believe in the good and be a positive person. A sense of humor sets many girls apart from others.

Mind and activity

An indicator of the mind and activity of a young lady is a broad outlook, the presence of a hobby, a meaningful attitude to life and inner maturity.

To be such a girl, you need to travel, have an interest in the world, learn something new every day, read, be aware of latest news, have the same smart and active friends, try to create or do something of their own, be active in life and take initiative, sign up for circles and sections of interest.


Kindness will help both draw the guy's attention to yourself and demonstrate the special humanity of the girl. This quality is one of the most valuable for men.

To show your kindness, you need to not hide such qualities as sympathy, compassion for people and animals, perhaps a little sentimentality. Do not hide the fact that tears flow at the sad moments in the films.

But the most important indicator of kindness is good deeds, namely: charity, helping people and the desire to support. Such ladies, as a rule, attract responsible and caring men who are able to create a strong family. But do not confuse sincere kindness with spinelessness and inability to refuse.

Video on how to get a guy's attention

12 ways to get a guy's attention:

How to get a guy to like you at school: