How does becoming a money seal. Fast-acting runic standing for a large amount of money and its features

Hello! Runes to attract money can help improve your financial situation. They must be taken very seriously, not abused, but desired a real amount that a person can survive.

How do runes work?

Runes are symbols that have come to us from ancient times. They contain powerful energy, which helps to get into a real money whirlwind and get what you want. Celtic runes are known, which express the forces of nature with the help of pictograms. The most ancient found in the most ancient caves.

Rune magic is endowed with quite a lot of power, so it, like any magic, must be taken very seriously. Depending on the goal you are striving for, you need to use combinations of runes.

The first symbol for attracting money is called FEHU.

Fehu is the rune of wealth. What power does she have?

  • Attracts situations that increase income.
  • Provides an opportunity to increase existing capital.
  • Revitalizes cash flows so that the Universe itself will provide many opportunities to get rich and achieve success.
  • Makes cash flow stable.
  • Fills with energy that can be directed to achieve the goals of the financial plan.

In order for Fehu to begin to bear fruit, the rune is applied to the body in the form of a tattoo, a talisman is made with the image of fehu, which they always carry with them.

The main meaning of fehu is wealth, which depends on the energy and individual abilities of a person. It will help those individuals who are ready for legal actions to achieve material well-being.

To attract good luck, there are other powerful and effective signs.


Yer - symbolizes the harvest, a reward for labors and efforts that in the past did not give any result. Be sure that everything that you have put effort into will certainly be fulfilled in the best possible way. The symbol will only help if you work hard, and not wait idly.


Otal is a powerful symbol that makes it possible to receive help from strong patrons and influential people. Perhaps they will help you make good money, support you in difficult times.


Dagaz - its meaning: welfare, prosperity. A very positive and bright symbol, promising a breakthrough in important matters, making the transition to a favorable outcome of events.

How to increase the power of runes

Each rune individually has great power. But even more powerful is the right combination of them. In this case, the properties of the runes complement each other and increase the effectiveness of actions.

In addition, the combination helps to get rid of obstacles to achieving well-being, attracts new opportunities, raises a person to a new level of development.

Runic formulas can be compiled individually, taking into account personal situations. If you do not know how to compose them, then use ready-made runograms:

  • the first character will mean the goal you are striving for;
  • the last one certifies the desired result;
  • in the center are runes (one or more), meaning the resources necessary to achieve the desired result.

The most powerful runogram for money and luck: Fehu-Fehu-Fehu.

Such a union triples the power of the sign, turning into a kind of financial magnet.

This formula (becoming) is also capable of powerfully initiating a new stage of development in all spheres of life.


The runogram makes it possible to increase profits or acquire property.

  • Otal is a sign of ownership, and in alliance with Fehu - making a profit.
  • Fehu is a symbol of property, property, material wealth.
  • Yer is the rune of receiving rewards. It will help if the desired result can really be achieved.

Fehu-Otal-Berkana-Soulo- a combination for a stable cash flow, raising the status in material terms.

  • Fehu - wealth, property, property.
  • Otal - in a runogram with Fehu - an influx of money.
  • Berkana - used to implement the plan, to protect material wealth.
  • Soulo is a symbol of willpower, victory, success.

Runes that attract money can be applied to a bank card, a deposit agreement, put in a wallet, while you must have a clear intention to have a constant increase in the funds on the card, in your bank account or in your wallet.

Runes for businessmen

To prosper your business, use the following formula:

Berkana Otal Fehu

  • Berkana - the embodiment of conceived plans, an abundance of fruits, financial protection.
  • Otal - combined with Fehu - benefiting from cash flow.
  • Fehu - the rune contributes to the prosperity of business, an increase in the number of customers, a noticeable increase in monetary profits.

Important! Runic signs are a symbolic display of natural forces, so treat them with great respect.

How to use the gift of the Creator

How to activate runes? By using symbols, together with the power of your mind, you can create a "program" just like a computer program is made. With your program, you “transmit” to the Higher Forces the course of their movement.

Mentally concentrate on your money desire, in all details, imagine it very vividly.
Imagine the runes in the water, so they are charged to attract money. Then drink this water slowly.

You can depict a combination of runes or one rune on a large bill, which you will need to carry with you and not spend. It will raise funds to its owner.

You can apply to your body using special, monetary essential oils: orange, cinnamon, patchouli.

The more you imagine the fulfillment of desires, the faster they will be fulfilled. Runes help almost all business, hardworking people with bright thoughts and good intentions.

How to make runes for money:

  • Burn the symbols on a piece of wood or leather.
  • Make an engraving on the stone.
  • Draw with a red or green pencil on a thick piece of paper. Carry it with you at all times. Put it in your wallet in the place where such a talisman will be hidden from prying eyes.

Do not commit bad deeds, do not let negative energy into your life so that the Higher powers do not turn away from you. Do not forget to thank even for a small share of the proceeds to your wallet or deposit. Upon reaching the result and after thanksgiving, a piece of paper must be burned, otherwise the reverse course of events will begin. The talisman does not need to be destroyed..

How to open a money channel

Often there is a situation when money is needed right now. Fast money can come to you if you program correctly.

The main money Rune, as we have already said, is the Feu or Fehu Rune, and its assistant is the Otal symbol.

When you have a difficult financial situation, you can add the Nautiz sign, which is considered the Rune of Need, to the runic formula. The only caveat: Runa Nautiz is added to the formulas only in case of fierce competition, in a hopeless monetary situation close to zero.

A talisman of three Feu will help improve financial flows.

In the Rune, there is a cycle from one energy to another. From material to human capabilities and vice versa. The rune will not work if you wait for a miracle with folded arms.

To get a job with the possibility of career growth and salary increase:

  • Uruz + Teyvaz + Feu + Vunyo.
  • Uruz and Teyvaz is a career, success, victory.
  • Feu - salary growth.
  • Vunyo - the joy of the result.

To be promoted with an increase in salary.

  • Uruz + Kano + Feu + Jera + Vunyo

Gain action for career growth.

  • Kano + Feu + Teyvaz + Gera + Vunyo.
  1. Kano is the realization of hidden potential.
  2. Jera + Vunyo is a guarantee of salary increase.

Income multiplication.

  • Berkana + Feu + Gera + Vuyo

Pay raises for the position you work in.

  • Berkana + Feu + Gera

Profit from the implementation of plans.

  • Feu + Kano + Gebo + Soulu

Increasing cash flow, ownership. Attraction of profit.

  • Othal + Feu + Gera

Protection of property and money.

  • Feu + Algiz

Prosperity, advancement.

  • Feu + Inguz + Algiz

To increase cash.

  • Feu + Raido + Inguz + Djera + Soulou + Algiz.
  1. Feu - cash flow.
  2. Raido - for the wallet.
  3. Inguz - fertility.
  4. Jera - profit.
  5. Soulu - energy for growth.
  6. Algiz - protection from negativity.

Stability of cash income.

  • Feu + Othal + Berkana + Soulou

Attracting clients.

  • Berkana + Otal + Feu

Attracting success in career and business.

  • Feu + Uruz + Otal + Dagaz

Prosperity in all areas of life.

  • Dagaz + Ansuz + Dagaz + Otal

Attracting money from the sale of real estate: apartments, cars, cottages, garages.

  • Othal + Feu.

The following rune acts on the return of money from the debtor. If the debtor has a difficult financial situation, then forgive him this debt, just forget and do not remember. This will positively influence your health and success.

A reservation for a runic combination

After choosing a formula, you need to create a reservation. A reservation is a compilation of the installation of what you put in a combination.

Rules for everyone:

  • Clearly define the goal, what exactly you want from this stav, write it down in detail on paper. If there are multiple goals, write them all down. Sign up before making a reservation.
  • Pick one main goal.
  • Drafting the clause itself. Remember, he must not harm the World or people. At the end of the reservation, add the words: "in a good way."
  • Choose a model of mutual assistance, mutual exchange of service to the World. It is impossible to demand, it is necessary to interact.
  • Example: "to attract into my life the opportunity to get an interesting, well-paid job in a good way."

To protect yourself from negative impact, I must add: let the formula work without harm to my financial situation (health, happiness).

Stav template:

  • runic formula.
  • does this and that.
  • activated in this way and deactivated in this way.
  • no harm to it.

Stav example:

“Let, by its power, and the power of the Gods, this runic standing constantly attract good luck and success into my life always and in everything, as well as at all levels and in all areas of my life.”

“Set, with your strength, protects me from all kinds of scandals with anyone around me, people I know and strangers to me, from all kinds of problems with the authorities and authoritative instances, from lawsuits with anyone, from all kinds of fines, financial losses and losses, from dismissal from work, from barriers, blocks and obstacles of any nature, origin and nature.

Amulet from failure

If you notice that whatever you do does not give a positive result, money does not come, any profit melts like snow. Perhaps you have been tainted with a burglar. How to define it? Your finances disappear for unknown reasons, sleep is disturbed, nerves are shattered, a loved one begins to annoy.

Most likely, luck, health, vitality are taken away from you with the help of a thief - a negative impact on your energy. Purpose: to take away health, money, luck, love.

There are several ways to induce such damage:

  • With the help of runes.
  • Throwing luggage into the house. Any item that draws positive energy can become a treasure.
  • Impact through photography.
  • More often, financial well-being is taken through linings, through photos or runes - they take everything else.

How to remove the thief

To get rid of the corruption-kradnik, you should follow these steps.

  1. Conduct a general cleaning of the apartment. Rinse the front door on both sides to get rid of negative energy, take out the trash, wipe the dust, sort things out.
  2. At the energy level: fumigate the room with wormwood.
  3. Wipe all surfaces with warm salted water.
  4. Clear your field. At the end of the day, take a bath, drop 8-10 drops of wormwood essential oil into the water, pour a handful of sea salt with the words:

“The salt of the earth, and fresh water, and sea water, and earthly grasses, and underwater plants, washes away all pain, all ailment, all troubles from me, dissolves in itself, returns to offenders! My good is back to me, all the evil inflicted on my enemies is in the hands, my troubles are on their heads with dirty water - I’m a river of good and good luck. Truly!”

Lie in a bath with charmed water, imagining how all failures and troubles dissolve. then stand in the shower, reading the plot again.

You will soon notice that the energy has cleared, the stolen has begun to return.

Dear friends, the topic about runes is very useful, but you should handle them very carefully, as they are associated with the elements. And the element is the element!


Do you want to quickly receive the necessary amount of money from friends, relatives or superiors? In this article, you will learn information about what constitutes a high-speed runic money bet, and also learn how to correctly apply the information received in practice. We wish you pleasant reading.

How fast runic money bets work

A correctly selected, well-composed runic bet on receiving a large amount of money makes it possible to open a money channel necessary to attract finance in the right amount.

Before compiling a very strong runic stake for money, pay attention to the following.

  • Fehu: The main action of this Scandinavian symbol is aimed at attracting / concentrating the corresponding energy flows, their subsequent transformation into financial resources, other material benefits.
  • Otala (Odal): An indispensable companion of the above rune. It preserves the existing material wealth, allows you to expand the boundaries of knowledge, discover previously hidden sources of income, etc.

Note! If you have an irreconcilable enmity with competitors, you can add the Nautiz rune to the formula. This symbol should be used only in extreme cases - do not abuse the action of strong runes, otherwise there will be no hassle

Even the strongest runic becoming will not bring the desired effect if you do not take care of the correct formation of consciousness. To successfully work with the financial flow, constantly charge the runes, and also spend. Best of all, make an amulet, wear it away from prying eyes. It is allowed to recode the runic program at the mental level.

Runic becoming "Cash flow"

Consider the runic becoming "Cash Flow" - a simple, convenient way to get the missing amount of finance. The simplicity of this runic formula will help even beginners achieve what they want.

Becoming consists of the following runic symbols:

  • Fehu +: The task of the operator is to enjoy the presence of material wealth. This includes additional financial income, bonuses, expensive gifts, etc.
  • Laguz + Soulu: Symbolize the calm flow of energy, peace, joy
  • Hyera. Cyclicity, regular updating of the stav (depends on the period for which it was charged)
  • Turisaz + Teyvaz: The main functions of the combination are cutting off possible negative programs, energy bindings / suction cups that protect the money channel

When working with the above formula, make an approximate reservation. The bottom line is to visualize in detail the state of happiness, joy associated with a good level of material prosperity. Say to yourself or out loud: "I protect my cash flow from any negative impact, let it grow and multiply."

(becoming) better than the element "Air", i.e. with the help of breathing. Deactivation of the combination - burning the carrier.

Runic becoming "Fast money"

Runic becoming "Fast Money" allows you to get the necessary amount of finance in a record short period of time. Below is a detailed diagram of the formula, its detailed decoding.

The combination includes the following Scandinavian symbols.

  • Fehu: Embodies classical wealth in the usual sense. May indicate rapid changes that promise considerable profit. The task of the rune is to create the necessary situations to attract additional financial flow
  • : Obtaining money by communicating with reputable people. The power of this rune allows you to quickly release monetary energy from a state of stagnation - this will accelerate changes in the financial sector
  • Dagaz: Breakthrough, rapid positive changes in the material sphere. Allows you to quickly get the desired result
  • : Contributes to the unification of several people, is a conductor of cash flow. Guarantees good luck in financial transactions

The essence of working with the formula is simple. Apply the above combination to any carrier that can be burned after work. The use of dry herbs will help enhance the effect - clover, basil, oak bark, any plant that symbolizes profit will go. After a reservation on material well-being, burn the carrier along with the stave, the chosen dry grass, scattering the ashes in the wind from the palm of your hand.

Runic becoming "Mill"

Runic becoming "Mill" (for money) will help to increase the operator's income several times after a couple of months. Let's look at the features of drawing up this scheme.

The formula includes three runes - Soulu, Fehu and Dagaz. It is recommended to apply becoming on paper (paper, cardboard, etc.). You can carry it in your wallet near banknotes or in another compartment - it all depends on individual preferences. It is used without a special reservation - it works independently.

Runic becoming "Wealth" for quick money

This runic becoming to attract money and wealth allows you to expand the financial capabilities of the operator, increase cash flow, directing it to you. Consider the features of working with this formula.

The promotion of the stav is very fast - one / two hours. You should put a sign on cardboard (as in the previous case) or make yourself an amulet, constantly carrying it with you. It is recommended to reapply every two to three days. The formula has a lot of positive reviews.

Consists of the following characters:

  • Uruz: Gives confidence, determination in taking actions
  • Soulu: Joy, peace after getting the desired result
  • Turisaz: The operator is on the right track
  • Fehu: Symbolizes the material sphere of life - financial well-being, wealth
  • Teyvaz: Protecting the formula from extraneous negative influences
  • Mannaz: Indicates the operator
  • Jera: Creating the situation necessary to obtain the desired result
  • : Protection of the operator during the work of the stave

Used letters:

  • L: resembles the number 9, located in the central part of the circle on the left side
  • T (Syriac): Draw it at the bottom of the circle, closer to the center
  • S: Drawn at the top of the circle, vaguely reminiscent of the English letter R
  • F: The letter resembles the letter Z. It is depicted to the right of the center

Attention! When drawing a stav, start by drawing a large circle, then a small one. Signs should be applied like this - first S with a slow transition clockwise to other characters. The runes are depicted in the following sequence - Mannaz, Fehu, Berkana, Teyvaz, etc.

When drawing up a reservation, do not become impudent, indicate only the amount really needed. Good luck on your life journey - don't forget to stay tuned!

If you urgently need finance for some business, getting a large amount of money will help bring the appropriate opportunities to life. This method helps to get out of the black stripe and end poverty.

For example, the Fehu-Fehu-Fehu combination triples the power of the most powerful money rune, and also helps to move to a new stage of financial development. Attracts the luck necessary for enrichment, multiplies the number of favorable opportunities.

The meaning of the characters in this combination:

  • - a symbol of profit and material wealth that can be measured in money.
  • Otal - helps to attract the amount necessary for the acquisition of large property.
  • - protects acquired property from thieves and swindlers.
  • - helps to achieve victory and achieve goals.

Depending on your goals, choose the most suitable combination.

There are certain rules that you need to follow if you want the becoming to work correctly and completely. The tips and tricks are as follows:

  • Be sure to make a request in the process of working with runes to the ancient pagan deity Odin. You can also call on Freyr or Njord to help.
  • Make a sacrifice to the ancient deities. It can be fruits, wine, fish. Prepare an impromptu altar for the sacrifice. Put the necessary runes in the center, place candles around, light incense, put a container with clean water and salt.

During the sacrifice, it is important to say a magic spell that activates the power of the runes:

Above each rune, which you will alternately install at the altar, say these words:

After all the magical manipulations, relax and concentrate your mind on the thought of what you want to receive. Visualize - draw in your imagination images of how you got the right amount of money, plan what you will spend on.

At the end of the magical ritual, thank the deity that was addressed for help and assistance. Wait for the candles to burn out, and leave the altar untouched for several days.

Important: you can draw runic staves on a blank sheet of paper or banknotes. Don't use dark colors, especially black. Shades of red or green are best suited.

Watch a video about the use of money runes:

To enhance the effect of runic magic, you can add your own sacrifice - put a few drops of blood on paper with the image of runes. But this is optional.

The running time of the runes depends on your energy. The more powerful it is, the sooner you will get the result. Be patient if there is not enough vitality - it will take time for the right amount of money to come into your life.

You can repeat this ritual an infinite number of times. But start the next one only after you get the results from the previous one. The magic of the ancient runes is very powerful - if you follow all the nuances and subtleties of the process, it will definitely work, although the result will not be instantaneous.

Do not forget to thank the higher powers after you get what you want. Gratitude also attracts good luck and financial opportunities into a person's life, this tool is no less powerful.

If you know how to make a runic bet on money, the signs will attract wealth and success. Runic formulas will allow you to say goodbye to poverty.

In the article:

Runic becoming money - runes to attract wealth

Runes are unique signs that will attract wealth. Before starting to create your own money rates, they study popular symbols to attract prosperity.

The leading place is a force that can change life for the better, contributes to the accumulation of energy and wealth. The rune is used as an amulet (wooden, leather, bone, copper) and in combinations (applied to the surface).

Runic becoming I want a job and money

The symbol allows you to activate cash flows. The sign allows you to keep energy flows and financial benefits. A symbol is often used to protect fortune, wealth.

Symbolizes the reaping of fruits. If a person simply hopes that magic will help achieve a dream, nothing will work. Only effort is rewarded.

The sign symbolizes everything that money can buy. It attracts patrons, strong authoritative personalities who will become patrons and provide support.

Responsible for prosperity, growth, well-being. Often interpreted as a symbol that gives unlimited possibilities. Means victory, achievement of the goal.

Runic formulas to attract money

The formula for financial well-being consists of three Fehu. The symbol not only attracts good luck and finances, but also expands the possibilities.

The runogram will help increase income, protect already accumulated benefits from thieves, ill-wishers, and will not allow savings to be spent on trinkets:

  • otal- symbolizes the accumulated wealth, property, in combination with Fehu - making a profit;
  • Fehu- fertility, prosperity, property;
  • Hyères- activates the work of the inscribed.

Runescript, which is applied to a bank card, wallet, will increase the average income:

  • Fehu- profit, money;
  • otal- help to acquire property;
  • Berkana- used to implement ideas, protect against enemies;
  • soulo- personifies victory in endeavors.

Disputes do not subside, whether it is worth turning and sacrificing to the gods, speaking symbols. Each master works according to his own methodology: for some it is enough to depict symbols, others enlist the help of the gods.

Becoming for money

If a patron is not chosen for help in a particular situation, they appeal to Odin. When it comes to finances, it is recommended to contact Njord or Freyr.

As an offering, wine, fruits, sea fish are suitable. On the working surface, in addition to the sacrifice, there are candles (Fire), incense (Air), salt (Earth) and a container of water. In the middle of the symbols of the elements they put a thing on which they write a runic formula, or an amulet. Candles and incense, when slandered, are lit, pronounce the phrase:

O great (aya) (name of the deity), help me conduct the ritual of consecrating the runic formula / amulet / runescript.

If the amulet is not ready, they begin to depict runes, specifying each symbol. For instance:

I draw a rune (such and such) to attract (such and such).

When the manipulations are finished, they say what they expect from the script. The speech is prepared (written on a piece of paper). Pronounce:

I illuminate the formula / amulet / runescript (with fire, water, earth, air - for each element in turn).

They thank God who helped illuminate the runescript. Until the candles and incense burn out, you cannot remove the attribute from the work surface.

What do they write rune formulas for money on? This is either a sheet of paper that is carried in a wallet, or a bill. Apply the inscription with a marker in red or green. Do not choose the black marker that is used for harmful magic.

Can blood be used? If the gods want a sacrifice with blood, during the manipulations you need to cut yourself, prick yourself.

How long will it take for it to work? The period depends on the personal energy of the person. The stronger the rune bearer, the faster the magic will work. Some symbols "eat up" a lot of energy. If the script is not "looped", the attribute will be lost after the task is implemented.

Becoming "Cash Flow"

A popular runic formula for attracting money. Welfare increases gradually, without sudden transitions.

Becoming "Cash Flow"

Unplanned expenses will disappear, it will be possible to get out of loans and debts. The situation is stabilizing for freelancers - the number of clients will grow. The runescript must be consecrated by the elements. Working runes:

  • Raido- moving towards the goal, approaching the dream;
  • Fehu- money, material goods;
  • Manaz- the individual who made becoming;
  • Vunyo- joy, happiness from received;
  • Hyères- reaping the fruits.

The use of symbols is not limited in time: Yer makes the formula cyclic. A rune is applied to a bill that is carried with them.