How to arrange cutlery. Serving cutlery according to the rules, serving examples

Since ancient times, celebrations were accompanied by feasts, and it was then that the customs and rules of table setting began to take shape. Over the years, they have been honed, turning into a kind of ritual. Some of them smoothly flowed into everyday life.

Introduction to dining etiquette

For many, table setting, shown in films and TV shows or described in books, frightens with its complexity. A lot of devices, the purpose of which is not always clear. A variety of dishes that are scary to approach, and glasses of various shapes and sizes are not clear for which drink. But everything is not as scary as it seems at first glance.

The basic rule of table etiquette is "from the edges to the center." As the dishes change, the cutlery that is further away from the plate is used. The same applies to glasses and glasses, changing from left to right.

Table etiquette includes the rules for serving dishes, the order in which cutlery is used, as well as the norms of behavior at the table and the basic basics of politeness. The basic rules of etiquette include:

  • the location of the napkin is strictly on your knees;
  • “thank you” and “please” must be said both with requests and when they are fulfilled;
  • slouching while sitting at the table is not accepted;
  • men sit down at the table after women, having previously pushed a chair for them;
  • Being late for a festive event is regarded as disrespectful:
  • elbows on the table is a sign of bad manners;
  • you should not start eating if your companions have not yet brought plates;
  • the knife must be kept in right hand;
  • fork and spoon - the perfect combination for long pasta;

  • cutting or biting off bakery products is indecent, you should eat them in small pieces broken off from the whole;
  • the device missed on the floor must be replaced;
  • educated people chew with their mouths closed;
  • to slurp in society is indecent;
  • bad taste - eat from a knife;
  • before pouring a drink, offer it to your neighbors;
  • no need to be greedy when you impose from a common plate;
  • you need to close your eyes to the violation of table etiquette by the interlocutor;
  • a slightly half-eaten soup is better than a tilting plate;
  • using a knife and fork, calculate the strength to chew immediately without biting off;
  • cutlery laid crosswise means that you are waiting for the next dish, folded in parallel - a sign of a finished meal;
  • in any awkward situation, you should apologize.

Purpose of dishes

As mentioned above, there can be a lot of devices on a served table, but not all of them are there at once. To date, there are many different cutlery designed strictly for their type of dish.

It is unacceptable to use them for eating dishes of a different type, and so that guests who are not accustomed to complex serving are not confused by the variety of devices, they are advised to lay them out in the order of the planned serving of dishes.

Active general rule "from the central plate to the sides."

Types and purpose of spoons:

  • dining room, oblong shape - for soup;
  • bouillon - round shape, otherwise indistinguishable from soup;
  • dessert, less dining room;
  • tea room;
  • coffee - less than tea;
  • for ice cream - it has the same dimensions as a coffee shop, but longer;
  • salad - served in a plate with salad;
  • for caviar - another small spoon resembling a shell;
  • pate - a common cutlery for all guests;
  • sugar scoop;
  • ladle for sauce - served with a gravy boat.


  • dining room - for second courses;
  • dessert;
  • for spaghetti - has five teeth, facilitates winding pasta;
  • for sprats - a common device;
  • for seafood - a two-pronged fork;
  • for mollusks - with three teeth, the largest of which separates the meat from the shell;
  • herring - a two-pronged fork for shifting herring from a common dish;
  • salad - served in a plate with salad;
  • cocotte - an elegant trident fork used to apply julienne;
  • lemon - serves to shift the pieces;
  • for olives;
  • for fruits - used for sliced ​​​​or small fruits.


  • dining room, its prerogative is second courses;
  • snack bar;
  • meat - served with the dish;
  • fish;
  • cheese - used only for cutting;
  • oil - a common device;
  • fruity - served for unpeeled fruits.

All tongs (except the last ones) are used by all companions together:

  1. for ice;
  2. confectionery;
  3. asparagus;
  4. for spaghetti;
  5. salad;
  6. for lobsters.

The very name of such tableware will tell the owners which tongs to put next to the salad bowl or in the ice bucket.


  • soup - better wide and shallow;
  • bowl - narrow, small diameter, very relevant for cream soups and broths;
  • diner - usually flat;
  • dessert, served only for confectionery;
  • fish - a common dish for all guests;
  • chill mold - a small ladle for julienne;
  • a manazhnitsa is a sign that a buffet is organized at the celebration;
  • herring - an oblong dish;
  • egg;
  • saucer - used as a stand for cups;
  • power socket;
  • creamer - used for jelly, mousse and ice cream.

Wine glasses and goblets:

  • high under champagne;
  • wine (separately for white and red varieties);
  • liqueur;
  • cognac;
  • for martini.


  • for whiskey;
  • for cocktails;
  • punch;
  • for juice and water.

As well as glasses for vodka and other drinks of comparable strength.


  • tea - on a saucer with a corresponding spoon;
  • small cylindrical - for espresso;
  • under cappuccino;
  • for the look.

As you can see from all of the above, there are a lot of serving items. Do not be afraid, because the name of each speaks for itself. The appliances used to serve dishes from common dishes are common.

Does color matter?

Color is always important, and their harmonious combination will help in the design. A white tablecloth is a tribute to tradition, it goes well with almost all colors of dishes. Variegated tableware looks advantageous on a plain tablecloth, but for a plain set, you can equally choose both options for tablecloths. Napkins should be in harmony with the tablecloth.

It may seem that the black and white serving option is something out of the box, but it is not. The harmonious combination of these two colors can give a special charisma to the reception.

The combination of purple and mint (green) looks very fresh, red color gives solemnity. Silver and gold are indispensable attributes of a wedding. A dinner in honor of a man must be concise, with white dishes and contrasting napkins. Bright colors are the best solution for a bachelorette party.

Placement rules

Do not put too many appliances on the table, it is better to leave some free space. No matter how many changes of dishes are planned, it is better to take out the required appliances and items with a new serving. In the figure below you can see an example of the correct serving.

As you can see from the image, knives and spoons are always placed to the right of the plate (except for the oyster fork). Above them are wine glasses. To the left of the plate are forks, with a patty plate above them. Dessert cutlery should lie above the plate. As mentioned above, the location of the devices depends on the order in which they are used.

The napkin should be placed on a serving plate. Before serving dishes, it must be laid out on your knees. Common dishes must be arranged symmetrically.

Serving sequence

Place dishes for a new dish only after the previous shift has been removed. It is recommended to arrange devices at the same time.

Appetizers are served first - cold at first, and then hot. They are followed by the first dish (soup), after it - the second: fish, meat. Dessert is served before fruits, which are the conclusion of the meal.

In appetizers and cold second courses, one should move from fish to meat, then to vegetables and mushrooms, and, finally, to dairy (cheeses).

The sequence of serving is observed in order to avoid loss of appetite and dulling of taste. Of course, everyone has the right not to eat what he does not like, especially if everything is immediately on the table.

The main thing is to remember the order of serving and do not return to the previous dish.

What to do after eating?

When you have finished your meal, roll up the napkin from your knees to hide the soiled parts. You need to place it in the place of your plate, if it is occupied - to the left of it.

At the end of the meal, the cutlery should be put on a plate. The knife and fork are placed parallel to each other. The instrument knobs must be directed to the right and down. The blade of the knife should be directed inside the plate, as well as the convex part of the fork.

After eating liquid food, cutlery should be left in the plate or bowl in which the dish was served. Scolding the chef is considered bad form, as well as outright lying about how much you liked everything. It is better to highlight something that you really liked.

Reminder for every day

You need to set the table not only for guests, you can do it every day for yourself.

Breakfast is the start of the day and can be spent beautifully. It is better to place the plate for the main dish in the center, in front of you. It is better to put a fork or spoon on the left, and a knife on the right. You can put a tea cup and saucer over the knife, and put bread over the fork.

At home, it is quite possible to dine with two dishes. Take soup and pasta for example. Under a deep plate, place a plate for the second, which will play the role of serving. Bread will stand diagonally to the left, and a glass of water and a cup of coffee can be placed on the right. Spoon and fork traditionally will be located on the right and left, respectively.

Dinner can be the perfect end to a busy day. One has only to add a couple of cutlery, and arrange the wine glasses according to the wine glass. Paper napkins are placed on the left.

Beautiful table examples

There are a lot of options for table setting.

As mentioned earlier, black and white color will add solemnity and special chic. Black stripes of fabric and candles are in perfect harmony with gilded appliances. The white tablecloth echoes the napkins and roses, while the snow-colored wine glasses and plates go great with all of the above.

White tablecloth on round table with pale pink napkins and flowers in a vase, it will be an excellent decoration for a holiday in a women's team. Glass candlesticks in tone with flowers and napkins, echoing in shape with glasses, fill the atmosphere with comfort.

For creating beautiful table it doesn't have to be anything special. A service with an unobtrusive cream painting and a bouquet of flowers standing on a white tablecloth is all you need for a small family dinner.

Turquoise glasses, napkins and tiny boxes with a gift are perfect for a celebration, and flowers to match the tablecloth will only cheer you up.

The layout of the fruit is very simple - you can just cut them into plates. However, you can create a whole installation that will become a real decoration of the holiday.

And, of course, do not forget about alcohol. Buffet tables can be arranged in a different order, forming different shapes. Glasses are placed on them with a snake, glass herringbone or triangles. A pyramid of wine glasses can make a real sensation.

Creativity can be found in everything. Dining etiquette is not that strict. You can arrange your own, unforgettable and unlike any other banquet.

You can learn about the correct layout of cutlery from the following video.

Or at a dinner party, it can be difficult for an inexperienced person to figure out how to properly use all these countless cutlery. It won’t take long to get confused, remembering the purpose of several dozen forks and spoons. It will not be possible to study the rules for using cutlery immediately. The ability to eat aesthetically while maintaining a relaxed look is a whole art.
In order to study the rules of table etiquette, cutlery, their types, purpose, it will take time. People who have been taught since childhood definitely have advantages, but others should also start to understand this art.
Information: why and what all the cutlery is for, will help you feel more confident in any society, easily make useful connections, and enjoy the most delicious food beautifully.
There are two styles of table etiquette - continental(for Europe) and American. Each of them implies significant differences in behavior at the table. V European style etiquette is important every movement of the hands, the position of the items left on the plate. According to one theory, it has remained unchanged since the 17th century. Other researchers argue that the Napoleonic era greatly simplified etiquette in favor of convenience.

traditional cutlery

Every item on the table has a purpose. There are several sets that are customary to use in a solemn setting:

  • Large dining set: contains the usual spoon, knife, fork, which is used to eat most dishes.
  • snack set: items in it are somewhat smaller than ordinary dining rooms.
  • dessert set: small in size, but the items are similar to ordinary ones.
  • Garnish forks: there are two of them, one has 4 teeth.
  • sauce spoon.
  • meat set: consists of 2 forks of different sizes with 2 prongs and a knife.
  • Steak knife.
  • Salad spoons and salad tongs.
  • Fish set.

Cutlery serving

Correctly setting the table for guests is the task of the waiters or the owners of the house. The cutlery on the table is arranged in strict accordance with the order in which the dishes are served, so it is easier to navigate which fork and what to eat. Under each item you need to lay a napkin. Which side the spoon and fork lies on depends on whether the guest is right-handed or left-handed.
is needed not only for aesthetics, its purpose is also the convenience of eating. In accordance with the cutlery, lying in a certain order, the rules should be clear: how and why to use them, why they are here. So guests can understand where the fork or knife is for fish, with which fork they eat salad. During meals, the mood of others, the atmosphere is very important. The location of food utensils according to etiquette has been determined for centuries, it serves as a good helper to look aesthetically pleasing and dignified.

How to properly hold a knife and fork according to etiquette

In which hand to hold a knife with a fork depends on the style of etiquette. According to American You can eat pre-cut food with your right hand. The fork is first in the left hand, then the knife is put on the plate, and it can be shifted to the right. This method is convenient for everyone who is not used to frills while eating. You can take a knife only when necessary. It must be put aside on the edge of the dish.

The European style is more strict about which hand to hold the knife and which one to hold the fork. Do not let go of cutlery while eating. The fork must always be held in the left hand.
If the food does not require cutting, hold the fork correctly in the right hand and use it like a spatula to break off a piece of chopped steak or scoop up a portion of the side dish. This method does not require special skills. You can just eat soft food with a fork or.
The upper third of the cutlery handle must be clasped with the whole palm in order to eat them more confidently without risking dropping them.

There are 3 ways to hold the fork:

You can cut meat with a knife only towards yourself in order to avoid accidents. It is unacceptable to produce extraneous sounds by touching the edges or bottom of the dishes with appliances.

cutlery language

The knife and fork on the plate can tell a lot to the waiter. Gestures with two cutlery will help confident communication with the staff during the meal. After eating, put the knife and fork in parallel so that the dirty plate is taken away.
If you want to praise the chef, you need to place the items parallel to the edge of the table towards the left on your plate. You can put the fork and knife far apart, which serves as a signal that the guest is full, the food tastes good.
Signs of poor service cutlery can be filed in three ways:

  • Cross them by holding the knife between the teeth (did not like the food);
  • Objects are located with their handles up at an angle to each other (the attitude is unfriendly);
  • Items lie parallel towards the edge of the table (administrator call).

There is another flirtatious signal. Cross objects slightly. Above is a knife. This speaks of a great mood after a wonderful dinner.
To change dishes faster, objects must be crossed perpendicularly. This is a signal that the guest is in a hurry.
A sign of a pause so that the plate is not taken away will be objects crossed or located on the edge of the plate.

Dessert tableware

There are separate serving items for desserts and coffee. The tea ceremony of Europeans is not as complicated as the Chinese one, but cutlery must be put no less.

Tongs, spoon for sugar.

Cake spatula.

Cheese knife.

Spatula, tongs for baking.

Coffee spoon.

Fruit set.

Compote spoon. It is customary for her to eat boiled fruits along with syrup.

Sour cream spoon. She is as fat as a ladle.

dessert set.

Special cutlery

Some appliances are served only with certain dishes.

Lobster fork and lobster tongs. Break the shell with tongs. A two-toothed small fork is used to get meat from the claws.

Devices for black caviar. With the help of a special spatula, caviar can be safely transferred to a plate or sandwich.

Tongs and a small snail fork. They get tender meat from the shell.

Knife and fork for oysters.

Proper table setting, corresponding to the event, occasion and time of day of the feast, will allow guests to feel satisfaction from both the event and the meal itself.

Proper table setting not only emphasizes the delicate taste of the hostess, but also shows her respect for guests and household members.

The table is served taking into account the occasion, menu, theme and time of day. At the same time, the goal of any serving is to provide guests with a comfortable and pleasant pastime and convenient access to all the dishes presented.

Basic rules for table setting with cutlery at home

The first step is to select and lay tablecloth. For rectangular table take a tablecloth 50 - 60 cm longer than the tabletop. If table round or oval- 100 - 110 cm wider than the diameter of the countertop.

Calculate the length of the tablecloth so that its edges are 30-50 cm below the bottom surface of the table.

For a homemade dinner you will need plain white tablecloth, but other soothing pastel colors will do.

IMPORTANT: It is good if the color and texture of the tablecloth is in harmony with the color and texture of the curtains, upholstery of sofas and armchairs in the room. In any case, the tablecloth should be ironed flawlessly.

When the table is set arrange appliances. First of all - glass and porcelain plates and dishes. Followed by - knives, spoons, forks and other necessary devices.

The last put glass and crystal glasses, glasses, goblets.

The scheme of the correct sorting of the festive table

Lay out your appliances like this:

  • any knives put on the right, so that the cutting part is facing the plate
  • tablespoon put also on the right, so that its convex part is at the bottom
  • forks after serving the table should be on the left, while their teeth will be directed upwards
  • dessert spoon should be behind the plate, its handle is turned to the right

IMPORTANT: When serving cutlery, it is necessary to take into account that they will be used from the outer edge and change items depending on the serving of new dishes. For convenience, objects should be placed at a distance of about 1 cm from each other.

Basic rules for table setting with dishes at home

Plates are placed on the table first, and glasses, piles, glasses are the last.

Arrange the plates in this order:

  • medium plate(snack bar) place in such a way that 2.5 - 3 cm remain to the edge of the table.
  • Pirozhkovuyu (bread) plate position on the left, leaving about 10 cm.
  • If you plan to change dishes, put under the diner small dinner plate before laying a napkin under it.

IMPORTANT: Depending on the type of first course, choose a plate for it. If cream soup or broth will be served - take a bowl, if thick soup or borscht - a large deep plate.

wine glass put on the right water glass- on the left, but they must be in one line. Two rows of drinkware are allowed if a grand event is being prepared with a large variety of dishes and drinks.

IMPORTANT: Tableware must be prepared in advance. To do this, it is washed, dried, carefully wiped with a towel. The main thing is that the dishes look perfect before serving. Divorces, streaks, cloudy or opaque appearance of it is unacceptable.

Folding napkins for table setting

Napkins- an essential attribute of any feast. No matter how beautifully folded paper or linen napkins, do not forget that they, first of all, serve for the convenience of guests.

Therefore, any napkin should be located in the most accessible place, and even the most intricate napkin figure should be easy to unfold.

The drawings and videos show how to quickly and beautifully make a flat or three-dimensional figure from a napkin.

IMPORTANT: Volumetric figures from fabric napkins will keep their shape well, and the napkins themselves can be easily washed off dirt if they are starched.

To starch a linen napkin:

  • In 0.5 l cold water add 1.5 tbsp. starch and stir until you get a homogeneous solution of a cloudy white color that does not contain lumps.
  • Boil 1 liter of water, pour into the prepared solution and mix.
  • Cool and strain through cheesecloth.
  • Dip clean, dry wipes into the solution and wring out a little.
  • Hang the napkins to dry without using clothespins.
  • Start ironing between two towels as soon as all the water drains from the napkins.

IMPORTANT: According to the rules of etiquette, beautifully folded napkins should be at solemn feasts. For other events, napkins can simply be placed neatly in a glass or coaster.

Table setting rules for breakfast according to etiquette

To properly set the table for breakfast, follow the following scheme:

  • Arrange your dinner plates.
  • Set out cups and glasses.
  • Place a teaspoon on a saucer.
  • Set an egg stand on a snack plate, do not forget about a special spoon.
  • On the snack plate, also put a deep plate for porridge.
  • Put a coffee pot or tea with a hot drink in the middle of the table.
  • Serve sandwiches or croissants on a large flat dish.

IMPORTANT: On a breakfast table, a saucer for jam or honey, a butter dish, a salt shaker and a sugar bowl would be appropriate.

Table setting rules for dinner according to etiquette

There are several options for setting the table for dinner, since the dinner itself can consist of a different number of dishes:

  • Place a small plate on a table covered with a tablecloth.
  • Place a deep plate on a shallow plate - for the first course.
  • Add an appetizer plate if you are serving dishes that cannot be eaten from shared dishes.
  • To the left of the plates, place a fork, to the right - a soup spoon and a knife, and the knife should be closer to the plates, and the spoon should be closer to the edge of the table.
  • Decorate your dinner plate with beautifully folded napkins.
  • In the center of the table, place a salt shaker, vessels with the necessary spices and seasonings.
  • Place wine glasses and water glasses on the right and left, respectively.
  • Put a bottle with an alcoholic drink on the table in advance uncorked.
  • Fresh flowers in the center of the table will decorate and complement even an imperfect table setting.
  • Serve the oil in a butter dish.
  • First, serve hot in a tureen.

Table setting rules for dinner etiquette

Dinner, whether it is a formal dinner or a quiet family dinner, is always associated with warmth and comfort. Therefore, it is important for the hostess not only to properly set the table, but also to complement the serving with the appropriate details.

  • Pick up a tablecloth (suitable with a small pattern).
  • Place two small plates one inside the other, and to the left of them put a plate for bread.
  • To the left of the plates, place the forks with their teeth up, to the right - the knives with the blades to the plate.
  • Place the dishes for alcoholic beverages to the right of the plates, for water - to the left.

IMPORTANT: Table setting for dinner is similar to lunch setting, but differs in the absence of a deep plate and a spoon for the first course. This dish has no place on the table in the evening.

Beautiful festive table setting: rules

Festive table usually they cover not only for members of their family, but also for invited guests.

There are several rules for serving a festive table, following which any hostess will be able to show her ability to meet guests at the highest level:

  1. Tablecloth for the festive table should be perfectly clean and ironed. It is advisable to spread a thick cloth on the table under the tablecloth, which will avoid the ringing of dishes in the event of an accidental fall, and also protect the table surface from spilled liquids. However, it is permissible not to cover a table made of expensive wood at all.
  2. Crockery and cutlery, which are used for serving, must be from the same set. Not allowed to serve festive table crockery different colors and sizes. The cleanliness and brilliance of dishes must be impeccable.
  3. How plates and appliances need to be laid out only in the order in which the hostess plans to serve the dishes.
  4. Shouldn't be on the table. excess utensils and cutlery. Items "just in case" will not be needed, but only spoil the look of the table.
  5. Everything alcoholic drinks are served on the table in pre-opened bottles, but champagne is opened immediately before serving.
  6. For each guest, one cloth and several paper sheets should be prepared. napkins.
  7. First course the hostess pours the guests into plates from the tureen. Someone from the guests or household can help her serve filled plates. You need to do this by approaching everyone present at the table from the right side.
  8. Second course guests themselves put on a plate from a common dish.

IMPORTANT: The following order of serving dishes at the festive table is generally accepted: appetizer, first course, fish dish, meat, sweet dessert and fruit, tea or coffee.

The presence of thematic decor in the center of the festive table will emphasize the efforts of the hostess and give the feast coziness and warmth.

Rules for serving a banquet table

Banquets arranged in honor of some major holiday, such as an anniversary or wedding. The very concept of "banquet table" implies that the event will be held in a specially rented banquet hall, the guests will be served by waiters.

Banquet attributes are:

  1. various decorations (balloons, bows, special drapery)
  2. entertainment for guests (live music, performances, toastmaster or host of the holiday)

Banquet table should correspond to the situation, occasion and general mood. The main rules for its serving:

  • Are used folding tables, which are arranged depending on the number of guests, the features of the hall, the type of service.
  • Tables are set white banquet tablecloths, leaving descents from the edges of about 25 cm.
  • First of all, arrange small plates. They are arranged in such a way that the distance between adjacent plates is at least 60 cm, but not more than 80 cm, and the distance to the edge of the table does not exceed 1–2 cm. Snack plates are placed on top, and patties on the left.
  • On right put knives, facing the blades towards the plates. All appliances located on the right: a table knife, a fish knife, a table spoon, a snack knife.
  • To the left of the plate: dining fork, fish fork, two snack forks.
  • Dessert fork and knife placed on a plate.
  • Also behind the plate are glass, to the right of the wine glass - glasses for stronger drinks.
  • Cloth napkins put on plates, after giving them a beautiful look.
  • Low flowerpots with natural or artificial flowers placed evenly in the center of the table.
  • It can also serve as a table decoration. vases with fruit and grapes.

IMPORTANT: For a banquet table, every little thing is important, so serving takes a very long time.

Table setting rules in a restaurant

The restaurant has two serving options:

  1. banquet
  2. preliminary (corresponding to the order from the menu) with dosing

The name of the serving "preliminary" speaks for itself - the serving will require addition after the guests choose the dishes and place an order.

Items that must be present on the guest table according to the rules pre-serving:

  • table knife, plate, fork
  • wine glass
  • cloth napkin
  • additional accessories (spices, folding menu cards, table number in the form of a plate, ashtray, etc.)

Dessert table setting rules

Dessert time is the end of the main feast. All dessert appliances are served shortly before the dessert itself is served. A fork is placed to the left of the dessert plate, a spoon to the right.

Dessert is served on serving plates. If it is chilled, it can be served in bowls or bowls.

Sweet table setting rules

Serving a sweet table has no fundamental differences. They put a plate, put cutlery in front of it. A deep plate is placed on top of a flat plate - for liquid sweets.

To the right of the plates are wine glasses and glasses. On the shelves you can lay out fruits or various cakes.

Before inviting guests to the table, it is covered with a tablecloth, preferably in soft colors.

A tea cup larger than a coffee cup is placed on a saucer. The spoon is placed on the saucer. A dessert plate is placed to the left of the cup. For sugar, special tongs are used.

Tea table setting rules

The main rules for serving a tea table are the same as the basic serving rules described earlier, however, a few recommendations will help create a more comfortable environment for guests invited to a tea party:

  • The color and style of the tea set should match the color and texture of the tablecloth.
  • It is desirable that a composition of fresh flowers be present on the table.
  • If a classic Russian tea party is expected, it would be appropriate and at the same time original to serve tea directly from the samovar, which is placed to the left of the hostess of the house or set on a separate table.
  • The milkman serves milk for tea. It is advisable to put the milk jug on a plate so as not to accidentally spill its contents on the tablecloth.
  • Cake, roll or pie cut into portions. Fruits are placed in vases, sweets - in candy bowls. Berries are laid out on bowls or plates.
  • Alcoholic drinks are allowed at the tea table.

IMPORTANT: Tea drinking is a time of laid-back intimate conversations. Even if the tea table setting is not perfect, the positive attitude of the guests and the kind cozy atmosphere will brighten up the evening and make small flaws invisible.

Rules for serving a buffet table

buffet are held at official receptions, corporate holidays, presentations.

The peculiarity of its implementation is that many people can attend the event, but neither a large hall nor special financial costs are required for this.

IMPORTANT: They arrange a buffet in the evening, it lasts a maximum of 2 hours. The purpose of the event is to communicate, make acquaintances. It is considered bad manners to be one of the first to eat and the last to leave the buffet table.

Features of table setting for a buffet table:

  • Tables are covered with white tablecloths and arranged in such a way that guests move freely around the hall. For dirty dishes prepare a separate table.
  • There are no chairs, as during the buffet table guests themselves come to the tables and choose food.
  • Buffet menu - snacks, light salads. From drinks champagne and wine are allowed.
  • Wine glasses and stacks of plates are placed at the ends of the table, forks are placed next to the plates in special stands. Guests will take their own dishes.
  • The main thing is to leave enough space around the edges of the tables.
  • Napkins are placed in holders and spaced evenly.
  • Be sure to decorate the tables and the hall with flowers, fruit baskets.
  • Water and juice are poured into glasses, alcohol is left in bottles, having previously uncorked them.
  • The menu for the buffet table consists of dishes that can be easily put on your plate: canapes, sandwiches and light snacks.

Birthday table setting

Birthday- such a holiday that can be celebrated both in a narrow circle of relatives and closest people, and in a noisy company of friends, buddies and good acquaintances.

Depending on what kind of holiday the birthday person wants to arrange, you should choose the venue, menu, type of service.

  • If scheduled quiet family dinner, then either a festive table or a table for dinner is served.
  • If the birthday passes in the cafe or a restaurant with a prearranged menu, a banquet table is served.
  • Those who decided on their birthday visit a restaurant, but did not pre-book a table and certain dishes, a standard restaurant preliminary serving will wait.

Table setting rules for children in pictures

From childhood, you need to teach the child the basics of etiquette. In adulthood, this knowledge will come in handy more than once. So that when studying the rules of behavior at the table and the basics of serving it, the baby does not have any difficulties, you can conduct classes in a playful way and use special pictures.

Knowing and putting into practice the rules and features of table setting, you can feel confident when inviting guests or setting the table for a family celebration.

Joint feasts at a cozy, beautifully decorated table will bring positive emotions to the hosts and their guests, and perhaps such feasts will turn into a good good family tradition.

Video: How to properly set the table?

Manners of behavior in society indicate a person's upbringing and knowledge of the basic rules of etiquette. First of all, this applies to visits to cafes and restaurants, where it is necessary to behave properly at the table. Etiquette at the table is not only about how to hold cutlery, eat or drink, it is also important to be able to competently maintain a conversation and be neat in everything.


Etiquette at the table is a certain knowledge that shapes the behavior of people in society. Any mistake made at the table will be immediately noticed and will create an unpleasant impression about the person, therefore, before visiting guests, a cafe or a restaurant, you need to check your manners, and if there are “gaps” in them, immediately correct everything. This will help in the future to avoid embarrassing situations and give self-confidence.

Etiquette at the table consists of a few simple rules.

  • You can not sit far from the table or too tightly pressed against its edge. Only brushes can be placed on the table.
  • Landing should be even, leaning over food is ugly.
  • It is considered bad form to reach for dishes. If the plates are placed far away, then you need to ask other participants in the meal to pass them.
  • When eating, use napkins. To do this, adults put them on their knees, and small children tuck napkins into the collar.
  • All dishes should be placed on plates with cutlery. An exception to this rule are fruits, sugar, cookies or cakes.
  • It is important to remember that devices that lie on the left are designed to be held by the left hand, and those lying on the right are intended for the right hand.

Moreover, Don't talk loudly at the table. When maintaining a conversation, first of all, you need to listen to the interlocutor, without interrupting him, and only then give an answer. The implementation of these recommendations is not particularly difficult, so they should always be followed.

It is also necessary to teach this manner of behavior to your children, and it is advisable to do this from a very early age.

Introduction to serving

Table setting is the main component of any meal. If a gala dinner takes place at home, then the impression of the owners of the house will depend on its design. Many people compare table setting with a real work of art, as it is important not only to properly arrange the cutlery and know their purpose, but also to create a festive atmosphere with the help of flowers and napkin decor.

To beautifully set the table, first of all you need to lay a tablecloth, then you can arrange plates, glasses, glasses, wine glasses, cutlery and napkins. Their location is set by the rules of etiquette and cannot be changed at one's own discretion.

The tablecloth serves as the basis for the design of the table, so its choice should be taken responsibly. It is recommended to use canvases in white or light colors.

According to the serving rules, the corners of the tablecloth should cover the legs of the furniture, but not be too long, leaving a distance of 25-30 cm from the floor. You can not stretch the corners of the tablecloth, otherwise the canvas will lose its shape and aesthetic appearance.

After the tablecloth has taken the correct position on the table, you can proceed to the next stage of serving and start arranging the plates. There are many varieties of plates, each of which has its own purpose. Most often, the main plates are placed on the table, which can be used to serve different types dishes, as well as additional ones - for salads, bread, pies, oysters, eggs, jams and fruits. The number of plates used depends on whether you are planning a regular dinner or a gala dinner.

Plates before a meal are thoroughly washed and wiped dry, preferably to a shine. Put the plates in front of the seat. It is ugly when they lie on the edge of the countertop, so this should be avoided when serving. In the event that the dinner will consist of several dishes, table plates are placed under snack bars.

Great attention should also be paid to the placement of cutlery. Forks should be laid out to the left, and knives to the right of the plate. In this case, next to the knife must be a tablespoon. For a gala dinner, which provides for a rich menu, snack utensils are first placed: a fish and table knife, a soup spoon, a fork. The distance between cutlery should not exceed 1 cm.

After the cutlery, they move on to the arrangement of glasses and wine glasses. They are ranked from largest to smallest, starting with glasses for water, wine, champagne and ending with a glass for juice and glasses for spirits. The finishing touch in table setting are napkins, which are decorative element and fall on their knees.

Do not wipe your face and hands with cloth napkins; paper disposable napkins are used for this purpose.

How to behave at food

A gala dinner or lunch begins with a seat at the table. At the same time, guests must occupy the place indicated in the invitation. If this is not the case, you need to wait for the owners of the house and clarify where you can stay. After landing at the table, a napkin is placed on your knees, which must be unfolded and shaken. In the event that the table is served with napkins in rings, they are carefully removed and the ring is placed in the upper corner from the cutlery. At the end of the meal, the cloth napkin is taken by the center and put back on the ring.

Sitting at the table should be comfortable so that it is convenient to use cutlery. It is strictly forbidden to put elbows on the table, as this is an example of bad taste. After serving the dishes, you need to wait for all the participants in the meal, and only then you can start eating. Dishes that are located at a distance must be asked to pass, and not to reach for them across the entire table.

At the same time, according to the rules of etiquette, each of the guests must make sure that his neighbor has pepper, salt and oil available.

It is also important to take into account some other points.

  • Food is only transferred from left to right, so all dishes can only move in that direction. To do this, one participant in the meal holds the dish, and the second fills the plate, or the neighbor simply passes the dish, and the addressee holds the plate on his own and pours food.
  • Inconvenient in shape and heavy dishes cannot be kept on weight - they are put on the table before each transfer to another guest.
  • Dishes with handles and tureens are recommended to be passed in such a way that the handles are directed to the neighbor who is taking the dish.

In the case when food must be taken with a spoon or fork, the spoon is placed to the right of the plate, and the fork to the left.

You should eat slowly - this will allow you not only to fully enjoy the food, but also to communicate with the owners of the house or guests. During meals, the mouth should be kept closed, without champing or chattering teeth. If the first dishes are too hot, you can’t blow on them - just wait a bit until they cool down.

It is only worth talking when the food is swallowed. If you need to leave, you should first ask for forgiveness from those present, and only then get up from the table.

What appliances to take first

To properly behave at the table in a restaurant, it is important to know how to use the appliances. As a rule, all main dishes are located on the left, and drinks are on the right. Therefore, everything that lies to the left of the plates can be safely taken. It is necessary to start a meal with the help of devices that are located closer to the plate, and then apply the following as new food is served. It is important to remember that the fork is used with the knife and is always placed on the left. If the fork lies on the right, then this means that the dishes will be eaten without a knife.

During the meal, you need to know how to properly place the fork and knife. As a rule, two different styles are used for this.

  • American. Provides for the placement of a fork in the left hand and a knife in the right. A portion is cut off with a knife, after which it is placed on the upper edge of the plate with the blade inward. It is allowed to eat a dish with a fork, holding it both in the left and in the right hand. To rest, the fork is placed on a plate with the teeth up in the direction of 5 o'clock.
  • European. The knife is placed strictly in the right hand, and the fork in the left, while it is impossible to shift the fork from one hand to the other. In the process of eating, it is important to ensure that the fork is constantly teeth down.

In the event that it becomes necessary to take a short break, the knife and fork are placed on a plate in the “I am resting” position. To do this, the fork rests with the handle at 7 o'clock, and the knife at 5 o'clock.

How to bring a spoon to your mouth

All first courses are eaten with a tablespoon, so you need to know the rules of etiquette regarding how to bring this cutlery to your mouth. Usually, when serving, soup bowls are placed on the table along with spoons, or soup is then served with a spoon. You can bring a spoon with food to your mouth both with the side and with the sharp edge of the device. As for scooping the first dish, this is done in two ways: from oneself or from right to left.

The spoon towards the mouth should not be overfilled. To prevent the leftovers of soup from dripping from it, it is recommended to lightly touch the edge of the plate with the device. If the soup is poured, the spoon should remain in the bowl.

Holding is also important cutlery in the hand. The spoon is placed between the index finger and thumb, so that the handle rests slightly on the middle finger.

How to hold a glass

Etiquette at the table provides not only a beautiful serving and good manners of communication, but also the rules that must be observed when eating. An important point it is considered holding glasses and wine glasses in the hand. Most often, wine is served at gala dinners; for these purposes, special glasses “tulips” or stemmed wine glasses are used. Glasses with white and red wine should be held only by the stem and in no case should they be covered with a hand. Champagne is treated similarly - the vessel filled with it is held with three fingers.

As for cognac glasses, they can be placed in the palm of your hand - this way the drink will warm up to the desired temperature. You can give the cognac an amber hue with the help of light shaking of the glass. A glass of vodka is taken with three fingers, the drink is not held in the hand for a long time and is drunk quickly.

How to put down cutlery when finished eating

After eating, when the meal is over, you must give the waiter a sign. To do this, a fork with a knife lies parallel to the plate - so that the prongs of the fork look up and the knife blade to the side. Exactly the same procedure is performed after the end of the dessert.

Spoons after taking the soup should not remain in a deep plate, they are placed near the lower appliances. In the event that you really liked the dish, you can show it to the waiter with “gestures of a fork and knife”. In this case, the cutlery lies horizontally in the middle of the plate, the fork is placed with the teeth up, and the knife blade should “look” at it.

At the same time, it is ugly to throw dirty napkins into a plate, forming heaps of garbage out of them.

Reminder for every day

The rules of etiquette at the table must be observed not only by adults, but also by children, as improper behavior in society will leave a negative impression on the whole family. To always be on top and feel confident at a party, cafe or restaurant, you just need to study simple recommendations and follow them every day. So, etiquette does not tolerate the following shortcomings.

Almost anyone can set the table correctly. It all depends on Money and human taste. Therefore, table setting can be safely called art. It is very important to choose the right composition so that the color scheme of the interior style is in harmony with the room. In addition, there are rules for serving cutlery, which, depending on the type of feast and menu, will teach anyone how to set the table beautifully and correctly.

Rules for serving cutlery


First, the table is covered with an ironed and clean tablecloth. The ends of the tablecloth should hang evenly from all sides of the table, it is desirable that its corners cover all the legs of the table.


Then the plates are arranged. They must be wiped to a shine with a napkin or towel.

The snack plate should be placed strictly opposite each chair, about two centimeters from the edge of the table.

A pie plate is placed to the left of the diner at a distance of no more than ten centimeters. The center of the plates should be in line. But you can put a few plates, depending on the feast.

Fundamental rules:

  • The deep plate is intended for the main dish.
  • Dessert plate can be served as needed.
  • Cutlery should be positioned so as not to get confused when using them: the fork and knife are next to the main dish, the dessert spoon lies to the right behind the plate.
  • When serving wine, the corresponding glass should be placed to the right behind the knife, in case of serving several drinks (water, juices), the rest of the glasses are placed there.
  • A plate of bread must be served with Italian dishes.
  • Spaghetti, pasta is consumed with a fork and spoon, and a butter knife is in a bread plate.
  • With Italian dishes, water is always provided. Accordingly, the glass should be located closer to the dish. A wine glass is placed on the top left behind a glass of water.


Forks are placed with the tip up on the left side, and knives on the right, the blade should be directed towards the plate. A soup spoon is placed next to the knife.

In the case when the menu provides for the serving of several dishes, they proceed as follows: a table knife lies at the plate, a fish knife is on the right, and a snack bar is placed last.

When serving butter with bread, put a small butter knife on the patty plate.

If soup is served on the menu, then the soup spoon is placed between the fish and snack knife.

If there is no fish dish, a spoon can be put instead of a fish knife.

Snack, fish and table forks should be placed to the left of the plates, when laying out, the forks should match the knives. The distance between devices should not exceed one centimeter.

For ease of use of cutlery, the ends of their handles, together with plates, should be located two centimeters from the end of the table.


Next comes the turn of crystal (glass) dishes. If only water is supplied, then a glass or a glass is placed in the center behind each plate. If fruit drink or kvass is served, they put not a glass, but a mug with a handle towards the right.

When serving alcoholic beverages, the corresponding dishes are placed on the right, next to the glass. If several items are provided for drinks, then the glass must be shifted to the left side, relative to the center of the plate, on the right side, the rest of the items are lined up in one line.

It is not customary to put more than three items in one row. Items for drinks when fully served are placed in two rows. A distance of at least one centimeter should be observed between objects.

A soup cup and a deep plate are placed on a dish-stand. On the right is a soup spoon, a fork and a knife for snacks. The fork and knife for the main course are located near the plate.

The dessert spoon is placed behind the plate. The white wine glass is on the top right behind the soup spoon. If a water supply is provided, the glass must be placed to the left behind the wine glass.

Next to the dish-stand, just above the forks on the left is a plate for bread. Cutlery should be placed in the following order: a soup spoon - a fish knife next to the right, a fish fork lies on the left edge, a knife and fork should lie near the plate with the main course.


Napkins are an indispensable attribute of proper table setting. They are laid out immediately when placing dishes, but most often napkins are placed under the appliances on the table.

Today, there are a huge number of ways to roll napkins.


Upon completion of the table setting, they put vases with flowers, devices with various spices or other elements for decoration.

Remember! Salt and pepper should be placed in the middle of the table on special stands. You can also put bottles of vinegar, sauces and vegetable oil.

Flowers on the table can be placed in any dish. Small vases are an excellent solution, as bouquets should not obscure the dishes and people sitting at the table.

Videos serving cutlery