How to come to terms with life's circumstances? Achievement - is it a struggle with circumstances or movement in the flow? Should a person struggle with circumstances.

Circumstances show people. So, when some circumstance falls to you, remember that it was God, as a teacher of wrestling, who pushed you against a rude youth. “For what?” he says. - In order for you to become a winner at the Olympic Games. And you can't become without sweat. It seems to me that no one got a better opportunity than you got if you want to take advantage of it, like a young athlete. And so we send you to Rome as a scout. And no one sends a coward as a scout, so that he, only hearing a rustle and seeing a shadow, resorts in confusion and says that the enemies are already here. If you come like this and tell us: “Terrible things are happening in Rome. Terrible is death, terrible is exile, terrible is reproach, terrible is poverty. Run, people, the enemies are here,” we will say to you: “Go away, prophesy to yourself. We only made a mistake in sending such a scout.”

Diogenes, who was sent before you as a scout, told us otherwise. He says that death is not evil, since it is not something shameful at all. He says that infamy is the chatter of crazy people. And what about suffering, what about pleasure, what this scout said about poverty! And to be naked, he says, is better than any garment with a purple stripe. And to sleep on the bare ground - he says that this is the softest bed. And as proof of all this, he cites his bold confidence, equanimity, freedom, and then his mortal body, shining with health and knocked down. “There is no enemy nearby,” he says, “everything is full of peaceful rest.” “How so, Diogenes?” “Look here,” he says, “am I smitten, am I wounded, have I run away from someone?” This is the real scout. And you come and tell us this and that. Won't you go again and take a closer look, without this cowardice? What will I have to do? What do you do when you get off the ship? Do you carry away the helm, do you take the oars? What are you taking away? Own: lekythos, knapsack. And here, if you remember your own, you will never claim someone else's. He says to you: "Throw off the toga with the wide purple stripe." “Here I am in a toga with a narrow purple stripe.” - Throw her off too. - "Here I am in a raincoat simply." - "Take off your coat." “Here I am naked.” - "But you make me jealous." - "Take, therefore, this entire mortal body. Am I still afraid of the one to whom I can throw this mortal body? “But he will not leave me an heir.” Well, did I forget that all this was not mine? How do we call it "mine"? Like a bed in a hotel. So, if the owner of the hotel after his death leaves beds for you, you will have them, and if to another, he will have them, and you will look for another bed. Well, if you don’t find it, then you will lie down to sleep on the bare ground, only with bold confidence, snoring for yourself and remembering that tragedies take place among the rich, kings and tyrants, and not a single poor person participates in the tragedy, except as a member of the choir. . And the kings begin with well-being:

Decorate houses with wreaths

Then, action in the third or fourth:

Alas, Kieferon, why did you accept me?!

You are a slave creature, where are the wreaths, where is the diadem? You no longer need bodyguards? So, when you approach one of them, remember that you are approaching a participant in the tragedy, not an actor, but Oedipus himself. "But blessed is so-and-so: he walks about accompanied by a whole crowd." And I join the crowd, and walk around accompanied by a whole crowd. And most importantly, remember that the door is open. Do not be cowardly, but just as children say: “I don’t play anymore” when they don’t like the game, so you, when something seems the same to you, say: “I don’t play anymore” and go away, but if you stay then don't complain.

Regarding the same

If all this is true, and we say, not out of stupidity and hypocrisy, that the good of man lies in free will, as well as evil, and everything else has nothing to do with us, that we still fall into confusion, that we still fall into fear? No one has power over what we are seriously occupied with. What others have power over, we do not pay attention. What other concern can we have? "But give me directions." What instructions can I give you? Didn't Zeus give you instructions? Has He not given you all that is yours to the unhindered and unhindered, and all that is not yours to the unhindered and unhindered? With what direction did you come from there, with what order? Watch your own in every possible way, do not covet someone else's. Honesty is yours. Conscience is yours. So who can take them from you? Who other than yourself will prevent you from using them? And you yourself - how? When you are seriously preoccupied with not-yourself, it means that you have lost your own. With such covenants and instructions from Zeus - what else do you want from me? Am I better than him, do I deserve more trust? And if you keep them, will you need any others? Didn't he give these instructions? Give general concepts, give proofs of philosophers, give everything that you often listened to, but give everything that you yourself said, give everything that you read, give everything that you accustomed yourself to.

How long will it be right to observe them and not stop playing? As long as she's doing well. On the Saturnalia, a king is chosen by lot. The thing is, we decided to play this game. He orders: “You drink. You dilute the wine. You sleep. You go. You come." I obey so that the game does not stop because of me. “And you accept the opinion that evil has befallen you.” I do not accept this opinion. But who will force me to accept such an opinion? Here again we agreed to play Agamemnon and Achilles. Appointed to play Agamemnon tells me: "Go to Achilles and take Briseis from him." I'm leaving. "Come." I come. After all, as we behave in conditional reasoning, so we should behave in life. "Let's assume it's night." - "Let's do it." - "What, is it a day?" - "Not. After all, I accepted the condition that it was night. “Suppose you accept the opinion that it is night.” - "Let's do it." “But also accept the opinion that it is night.” - - "It does not follow from the condition." That's how it is here. "Let's say you're in trouble." - "Let's do it." “Are you so unhappy?” - "Yes". - "What, are you in misfortune?" - "Yes". “But also accept the opinion that evil has befallen you.” “It doesn't follow from the condition. And the other one bothers me."

For how long, then, should such orders be obeyed? As long as it is expedient, that is, as long as I observe what is proper and proper. However, some are obese and fastidious and say: “I can’t dine with him to endure how he talks every day about how he fought in Mysia:“ I already told you, brother, how I climbed the hill. And here again they begin to besiege me. Another says: "I prefer to have lunch and listen to all his chatter as much as he likes." And you, too, compare these values. Just do nothing if it weighs you down, if it depresses you, if you accept the opinion that evil befalls you from this. After all, no one is forcing you to do this. Did they make smoke in the dwelling? If not too much, I stay. If it's too much, I'm out. You just need to firmly remember that the door is open. "Don't live in Nikopol." - I don't live. “Not in Athens.” “Not in Athens.” “Not in Rome.” “Not in Rome.” - "Live on Giara". - "I live." But it seems to me that living on Giara is a lot of smoke. I retire to a place where no one will interfere with my life. After all, that dwelling is open to everyone. And beyond the ultimate tunic, that is, a mortal body, no one has any power over me. Therefore, Demetrius said to Nero: "You threaten me with death, and you - nature." And if I cherish the mortal body, then I surrendered to slavery. If mortal property, then surrendered into slavery. After all, I immediately show myself clearly against myself how you can take me. It's like if a snake pulls back its head, I say: "Beat it for what it protects." You also know that it is exactly what you want to protect that your master will step on. With this in mind, who else will you flatter or fear? "But I want to sit where the senators are." Do you see that you create difficulties for yourself, you depress yourself? “How else can I see clearly in the amphitheatre?” Man, don't go to look, and you won't be upset. What are you making trouble for yourself? Or wait a little, and when the spectacle is over, sit down in the senatorial seats and bask in the sun. And in general, remember that we depress ourselves, we create difficulties for ourselves, that is, our opinions depress us and create difficulties for us. Indeed, what does it mean in itself to be “reproached”? Stand in front of the stone and vilify it. And what will you achieve with this? So if someone listens like a stone, what is the use of a blasphemer? And if the blasphemer is aware of the weakness of the blasphemed, then he achieves something. "Rip it apart." What do you say "his"? Take his coat, tear it apart. "I insulted you." - "To your health."

This is what Socrates trained himself to do. That's why he never changed his face. And we prefer by practice to accustom ourselves to everything, but not to becoming free from obstacles. "Philosophers say paradoxical things." Are there not paradoxical things in other arts? And what could be more paradoxical than pricking someone's eye so that they can see? If someone said this to an ignoramus of medicine, would he not laugh at him? So why is it surprising if many truths in philosophy seem paradoxical to the ignorant?

What is the law of life

And while reading conditional reasoning, he said: The law of conditional reasoning is this one: to accept

what matches the condition. And more importantly, the law of life is this one: to do what is in accordance with nature. For if, in every object and circumstance, we wish to observe conformity with nature, it is clear that we must be disposed in everything not to avoid what corresponds to it, and not to accept what is contrary to it. Therefore, philosophers first train us in theory, where it is easier, and then they lead us to more difficult ones. There is nothing here that distracts from following what is taught, and there are many distractions in life. Therefore, he who says that he wants to first train in life is ridiculous. It is not easy to start with something more difficult.

And this is the justification that should be given to those parents who are angry that their children are engaged in philosophy: “So, then, I am mistaken, father, and I do not know what is proper and proper for me. If it can't be learned or taught, why do you blame me? If you can teach, teach. And if you yourself cannot, let me learn from those who say they know it. Really, what do you think? That I voluntarily fall into evil and fail in good? In no case! What is the reason that I am wrong? In ignorance. So you don't want me to get rid of the ignorance? Who has ever been taught by anger the art of navigation, the art of music? So you think I'll learn the art of living through your anger?"

This can only be said by one who is committed to such an intention. And if someone, just out of a desire to flaunt his knowledge of conditional reasoning at a feast, reads them and goes to philosophers, does he achieve anything other than the admiration of a senator lying next to him? Indeed, there are really powerful fortunes there, and the local wealth there seems like children's toys. Therefore, it is difficult to hold firmly to one's ideas there, where the forces that knock them down are powerful. I know one who, in tears, hugged the knees of Epaphroditus, complaining about his misfortune: after all, he had nothing left, only a million and a half. What is Epaphroditus? Started laughing, how are you? No. Startled, he says to him: “Unfortunate! How did you keep silent, how did you endure?

And when he confused the reader of the conditional reasoning, and the one who asked him to read it began to laugh, he said: You are laughing at yourself. You did not prepare this young man with exercises and did not know if he could understand them, but you treat him as if he were leading a reading class. What, then, he said, of a thought that cannot understand the judgment of a connecting judgment, do we entrust the expression of praise, we entrust the expression of censure, the expression of a judgment about what is done right or wrong? And if he blasphemes someone, does he pay attention to it, and if he praises someone, does he exalt himself because of this, since he cannot find consistency in such small things?

So, this is the beginning of the study of philosophy: the awareness of the state in which one's own higher part of the soul is. After all, after a person finds out that she is in a powerless state, he will no longer want to use her for important things. However, some who cannot swallow a piece will buy the essay and rush to devour it. Therefore, they get vomiting or indigestion. Then colic, catarrhs, fevers. And they should have wondered if they could. But in theory it is easy to expose the ignorant, but in life no one exposes himself to exposure, and we hate the one who exposes. And Socrates said that one cannot live an unexplored life.

Surely in your life there were men with a strong will.

That's just such a man once came to me at the reception.

Tall, well-dressed, confident, but behind his beautiful features one can feel great fatigue.

We met, he talked about himself, about his family, about business, everything is fine ... and then he paused and admitted: "I'm tired of fighting! Help! My strength is gone!"

What was he fighting?

Robert, as he introduced himself, continued: “My dad taught me from early childhood that in life you just won’t get anything. Everything must be fought for. And I recently realized that I have been fighting all my life! After all, it’s not the nineties and it’s not a crisis, but I can’t stop myself even when I see that everyone has already agreed with me.

It is important for me that I am right! Nothing else is possible for me! And so everywhere: at home, at work. I can not relax. I am always in tension, always in some kind of internal resistance. Even when I want to agree, the word itself escapes from me - NO!

And I start thinking about why I disagree. Sometimes I catch myself thinking that I'm doing all this in vain. The offer can be easily accepted, but no, for me the very goal is to resist, to be in opposition. This opposition inside me seems to control me..

It was evident that Robert had been analyzing his condition for a long time, he expressed his thoughts clearly and precisely, like a report at a planning meeting. Then he looked at me, waiting for a comment, and said:

“I heard a lot about you, Larisa Vasilievna, I collected reviews, I trust you, your expertise, and I want you to show me other solutions to my life situations. Just like now, I don’t have the strength anymore, I see that I’m making a system mistake somewhere, but I can’t figure it out myself, although I read a lot and watch programs, webinars. And I, as a leader, am used to understanding everything, understanding what is happening, and controlling it.”

All resistance begins with the fear that a person will now be judged, and then he takes a position of opposition. The surrounding people seem to be in the status of enemies, and Robert wants to hold his position against everyone. Consciously, of course, he thinks sensibly - but at the subconscious level, somewhere deep there, he feels that the whole world is attacking him. It's not even a thought, it's such a state.

It is difficult for him to find a positive option in any situation. And the internal struggle forces Robert to act against everyone, to resist where the obstacle can simply be bypassed or does not exist at all, and it is created artificially to overcome. It seems that only in such a movement you can get something, there is no trust in life, there is no readiness to trust the natural development of the situation, as if to be in the flow.

As described by M. Csikszentmihalyi,
flow - a state of optimal human experience, complete merging with one's work, it brings a feeling of inspiration and special joy.

I think that you either borrowed this scenario from your parents, or developed it during a difficult period of your life, when there was no other way to survive and not get what you now have. But our life scenarios are subject to us if we are no longer children, but mature people.

“What exactly brought you to me, and what changes do you want?” I asked Robert.

After my words, Robert continued: “Despite the fact that at my age I have achieved a lot, I am still dissatisfied with myself. I feel my muscles tense. I am ready to attack and respond at any moment. Recently signed up for a massage and felt the tension in my body. I didn't realize it before.

My wife says I grind my teeth at night. Before, I didn’t pay attention to my body at all. I have always kept myself in shape. I want to pay attention to "HOLD". It's always been hard for me to relax.

And now I began to listen, and I feel how constantly there is tension in my body. Cheek pain in the morning. And I can't deal with this tension on my own.

Alcohol helped, I said, reassuring myself - a little drink to relax. Today I understand that this can take me very far. And I have a business, and there are big goals for growth and development!

The business is at a standstill at the moment. I do everything, but there is no movement, as if everything is frozen in one pore and does not move. This stagnation scares me, because it will inevitably be followed by a recession. Tried a lot different options in advertising, changed employees, applied other approaches, but the “splinter” was in something else. And I need help in the complex.

Dissatisfaction with oneself arises in people who doubt themselves and their actions. In fact, the problem is in the internal sensations in relation to oneself.

A doubting person has an internal attack in the form of a dialogue that is directed against himself. Where a person himself doubts his capacity, doubts that he is right, that he is informed. And it really creates inner anxiety.

Moreover, the internal dialogue causes tremendous tension in all the muscles of the body, especially in the neck and back, sometimes the knees suffer, sometimes it squeezes the head like a hoop of pain, even the intervertebral discs are erased from such tension. A so-called protective "shell" is created in the body.

It seems that you can relax through drinking alcohol, but this is just an illusion that can lead to a dangerous addiction. And the fact that Robert began to track his tension, listen to the care of his wife, signed up for a massage and wants to get rid of his internal tension - all this indicates a readiness to resolve an internal conflict.

A person takes a step towards himself through attention to the symptoms of the body. Which in turn can protect against the occurrence of psychosomatic diseases in the future.

Of course, we must also remember that a stereotype is maintained in society - a man must be strong and never show his weakness.

Some men can not really relax either at work or at home. The fear of not being accepted and misunderstood increases the internal conflict and increases the tension in the body.

Sometimes a house, a family is a “safe haven” for a man, where he relaxes and recuperates, but this is not the case for everyone. Much depends on the level of trust that exists between husband and wife. Often, having played "everyday life", people forget about feelings, that in the evening you can discuss not only the purchase of a new car or the progress of children, but also talk about what your soulmate feels, what you feel. Talk heart to heart.

For this A wise woman should be able to accept the weakness of her husband, and this, I’ll tell you, is a huge value, which in our time can be found extremely rarely.

Therefore, when one of the spouses turns to me for help, I always recommend coming to consultations in pairs. Many processes in the family are calmer, clearer.

Returning to Robert's request.
How to get what you want in business development?

He said that, as a self-respecting man, he wants to achieve a lot for himself and his family. So that the family has a certain high material level. Children could get a good education in Moscow or abroad. But he was tired of living in the struggle. Robert does not understand what it is - the state of life in the flow, when life's blessings do not need to be torn and scratched out, you just do what you love, and they come by themselves.
Does it really happen?

Historically, it so happened that a status man fought all the time, conquered lands, states. AND this stereotype remained in the psychological matrix of a man. But in today's time, such a stereotype is not very effective.

This approach increases resistance, competition and constant struggle, and with age, a person simply breaks down, especially after forty, a huge amount of stress accumulates in the body, and health problems appear. You can often hear from the relatives of such a person: “I was healthy all my life, I earned money all my life, helped everyone, and then suddenly I fell ill (or even worse) ...”.

At the same time, although this is not an obvious connection at first glance, if the scenario of interaction with oneself and others does not change, a person does not look for ways to develop, then stoppages in business, social and political careers are inevitable.

It is important to learn how to build successful relationships. In Russia, this is not yet very common, but in the West, many politicians and entrepreneurs constantly work with a personal coach. Education in the field of business is useful, of course, but, in addition to the level of the mind, there is also the level of states. You can work with him only with the help of a mentor, coach, psychotherapist.

And that's what I'm talking about!

When you have a business
you need constructive and conflict-free interaction with partners, suppliers, investors. So that this whole structure works smoothly and without failures, so that there is no feeling that everything seems to be fine today, but as if there is a bomb with a detonator in the basement, and you don’t know at what moment it will explode. And half of your efforts are spent not on developing the future, but on thinking about how and what to do if it explodes.

The same is true in your family.
There are children, parents, spouse, relatives. And here, too, you need successful relationships that are based on intimacy and trust. You are there, at home surrounded by your closest ones, you should feel relaxed, open, that you are accepted and you also accept them with love. Without requirements, without assessments, without readiness, if anything, to break, "like Tuzik a heating pad."

I work a lot with relationships in my psychotherapeutic practice. For more than 10 years I have been studying various techniques: NLP, Jungian psychoanalysis, trauma therapy, the Murray method, working with states, transformational practices ...

All in order to first deeply understand, develop your own approach, and then help your clients form the most suitable for their family system. harmonious relationship in family. And, as experience shows, when a man or woman is accepted in the family, they have settled deep conflicts with mom, dad, with their soulmate, then they have success in the professional sphere, and in money, in business.

I like the idea that business is not only about money. Material reward is rather a reflection of the inner value and condition of a person. A successful business is not to overwhelm competitors and occupy the market, keeping the palm in a pre-stroke state. Imagine that you can experience joy from seeing the result of your creativity, a feeling of unity with those who share your ideas and strengthen you in the thought that what you do is needed by the world!

To be in this complex state is that understanding - to be in a creative flow. And so get a huge profit.

After these words, Robert looked at me very strangely and got up from his chair, as if he was about to leave, but he grimaced from the pain in his back and remained. He does not understand yet, but he trusts and is ready to look for a solution together with me, which he himself did not find. Working with him further, I was surprised how much he accumulated destructive installations, usually such people do not achieve great financial well-being.

Great willpower. And the ability to delegate correctly. Yes, in big business you can’t do without it, but here, in my therapy, Robert agreed to delegate to me the development of his new life scenarios, agreed to give up the struggle that exhausts him, from total self-control and perfectionism and try new approaches. I believe he will succeed.

In my work, I create spaces and opportunities for development, transformation and healing, thereby helping people to acquire their integrity and value, and from this the state of the inner power of creativity and action is turned on. When a person who is open to interaction, capable of communication and meeting halfway, is on the way to achieving his goals.

Thank you for reading my article to the end and I will be grateful if you share in a comment or in a personal message what resonated with you in this story, what “hooked” you. I will gladly answer questions.


When you just need to stop.

Stop to look around and determine where the chosen map of life has led us. Stop for a breath of fresh air and decide whether to continue on the old path or take a different route.

Have you ever heard the phrase: “Plans are written in sand, not carved in stone?”.

I first heard it in 2013 at one of the motivational trainings. I practically didn’t take anything from him into my life: external motivation in the style of “get it together, dude, you can do anything” was enough for a couple of months, and I returned to my usual way of life again.

But that phrase I remembered for a long time.

Probably, in order to remember it now, when I write this article. Or in order to make a paradoxical discovery three years later - the biggest changes happen when we agree with our powerlessness to change something.

Many believe that iron will and discipline are needed to achieve the intended goals.

Tell me honestly, how many of your goals died before they were born?

How many task lists are left without a “done” checkmark?

How many wishes have you given up because you convinced yourself that they were not important or not timely?

I personally have about a dozen, and I generally keep silent about the lists of outstanding tasks.

It's not about will power or lack of motivation.

We begin to do something either because of strong excitement (desire) or because of strong frustration. More often, precisely because of frustration, when there is no longer a single opportunity to postpone the decision. When, like a blind kitten, we poke our faces into the void and expect favors from the world. We beg, cry, call for help, make vows to be obedient and remember all the missed opportunities. We are ready to do at least something, just not to stay where we are now, ready to grab any help, like a straw for a drowning man ... but it once again breaks off from our bulldog grip.

At such moments, it seems to us that we can’t ask ourselves, we need to try our best and do what we have to do: swim against the current, prove to everyone that we are stronger than circumstances, that we are ready to take a hit. We tell ourselves that we need to go, but there is no strength or desire left for even a small step.

There are moments...

We seem to be stuck in two dimensions: we can no longer do it in the old way, but we don’t know how to do it in the new way.

Dead end. Stop.

Those of us who are accustomed to hiding behind the illusion of stability, scolding ourselves for inaction, begin to fussily look for a way out of the impasse. They launch an endless stream of self-accusations, excuses and continue to beat their foreheads against a concrete wall. Mobilizes the remnants of strength, climb out of their skin, make new attempts with old meanings and come to a natural result - another dead end.

Poor forehead. How much do you need concrete walls to understand that she is stronger?

Sometimes our strength lies in the ability to refuse in time to do what does not work, to admit our powerlessness and keep our forehead intact. throw away White flag in the face of life and agree with the obvious things: we are people, not gods.

We are wrong.

Not because they're stupid and funny, but because it's okay to make mistakes. It is not normal to turn a blind eye to your mistakes, continuing to do what inevitably brings you closer to the abyss. It is not normal to continue doing the old, expecting new results. And it’s completely abnormal to build an iron man out of yourself, wasting the remnants of vitality.

Perhaps we swam not in our own waters, persistently you continue to row further from your native shores.

It happens…

Allow yourself to be powerless. Give yourself permission to stop. Look around, feel the flow of life, feel the direction of the wind. This is possible only from a state of rest, when neither thoughts, nor emotions, nor, moreover, actions distract you from the “here and now” point.

Stop to take in the experience, listen to the promptings of the soul, consider a new area, do not push yourself.

Stop at a red light, don't risk it. Behind the red signal, yellow and green always light up. It is only important to wait for them, and until then, allow yourself to stop.
Perhaps it is this pause that is needed in order to gain strength and start doing what is truly dear and important to your heart.

It happens…

The most pivotal events in my life and career happened when I accepted my powerlessness and paused. No plans, no work, no decisions.

From a point of rest, I returned to psychological practice.

From a point of rest, I decided to study systemic family therapy

From the point of rest came the long-awaited pregnancy and easy childbirth.

From a point of rest, she changed the vector of business and created the Anti-goodness community.

Money came from a resting point.

I often see people being scared of stops. How they scold themselves for periods of inactivity and lack of desire to do what is needed.

Prohibitions on pauses and stops with their roots take us back to childhood. You can probably classify yourself as one of those children whose parents tried to take every free minute of your life with “useful activities”.

I myself am one of those children.

As a child, I really loved to lie on the bed with my legs up on the wall and dream about how I perform on stage in front of the audience. I imagined myself as a singer, sang songs and rearranged my legs along the wall, which created noise in the next parent's room. Not strong, but still. Immediately, my father came into the room and told me to do “something useful”. What exactly he did not specify, but some socially useful activity, for example, cleaning, was implied.

And although in my time there were not yet such a large number of developing centers, sections and fashion for tutors, even this mitigating fact did not prevent the conviction from settling - “you must always be busy with something”.

Now I'm not afraid to stop. On the contrary, I watch myself at the point of rest with interest, because I know that in the end something very unusual will be born. Not a new version old, but a radically different solution.

Does it guarantee me results?

There will be a way, there will be travelers, passes and lodging for the night. Uphill and downhill. Perhaps, going down to the next plateau in life, I will see that I was going the wrong way. Of course, I will be upset, they will experience impotence, I will regret the lost time. It `s naturally. It's not natural to keep going down a dead end route just to avoid having to deal with your heavy feelings. I'd rather face them now than later, when the only motivation left is deep frustration. It is better to stop now than to wander senselessly into the wilds of misunderstanding and lack of sense of what and why I am doing.

Friends, don't be afraid to stop. Do not be afraid of doing nothing and pauses.

Nature itself shows us this natural cycle: life - peace - life. To have a healthy baby, you need to wait 9 months. If you force things, then life will not happen. For spring to come, you need to experience winter peace. To meet the dawn, you need to be able to wait out the darkest time of the day.

The fact that we change the vector of movement does not at all mean that we are not goal-oriented, weak or undisciplined. This suggests that life is not a frozen structure. It changes, we change with it. Each new life turn changes our horizons, opens up new horizons. We learn to notice new routes, we are fascinated by other goals. This is fine. Each new period of life sets before us new tasks of development, new spiritual goals and opportunities that we constantly reveal in ourselves.

Friends, pause, listen to yourself. Your plans are not carved in stone - write them in the sand in order to hear the wind of change in time, which always strives to break into the life of a truly enthusiastic person. Perhaps it will turn out to be passing and lead you to your goals on an easier road.

Every person dreams of being happy. Every person deserves happiness ... if he put his strength, mind, heart and soul to it.
I often hear from people that they are tired of the circumstances unfavorable for them, and they are tired of fighting with them.

A little secret for everyone without exception!

There is no struggle with circumstances. Absolutely no. Fighting circumstances is like fighting windmills. Forgetting that they have an owner who built them in a good place for him, forced them to work using the power of the wind: he brought people to these mills, brought grain, receives flour, and then money, recognition, success, prosperity.
Any circumstance is just a consequence. Every circumstance has a reason - this is the person who created them.

Therefore, there is no struggle with circumstances. There is a struggle with oneself and people who create circumstances. There is a struggle with people so that they do not create those circumstances that you do not like with their decisions and actions.
Life is so arranged that one person does not like what another likes, and the first wants to replace everything that the second has done - with his own, so desired by him, with what he considers true.

Another secret for everyone without exception!

You may not like something for several reasons:
1. You do not know how to do the same as others (sometimes it is very unpleasant to understand and experience).
2. You were once taught to react only this way and not otherwise (or you yourself learned). We are all, to one degree or another, hostages of our way of thinking. Sometimes, this style is very ineffective ... but it is not always noticeable to the person himself ...
3. You have always had a hard time adapting to new things. Man is such a creature - resists any changes.
4. You think that your point of view is the only correct one. You have not yet seen confirmation of the fidelity of other points of view.
5. You may lack flexibility and a systematic ability to work on yourself, developing new qualities and skills in order to adapt.
6. Sometimes you may not know something ...

And sometimes there is simply no person next to you who will help you understand yourself in order to make your life happier.

Why spend so much energy on the desire to win or subjugate situations to yourself? Forces and time inexorably dry up, as if sand wakes up through fingers. In such a struggle, you can quickly get to the moment when the whole world becomes not nice, and you are disgusted with yourself ...
We can connect with the world and experience it for what it really is.
To achieve a state of happiness or peace, success or efficiency (who is looking for what), you definitely - should be able to manage themselves, others and circumstances.

Women's wisdom is born in understanding yourself and the world order, and then in the ability to arrange your life in such a way that you yourself love and be loved ...

life success is born the same way: first you understand your strengths and start using them, creating a business, gathering enthusiastic people around you, making a career, and then you improve ...

If you are on the verge of changes in your life, it is all the more worthwhile to understand yourself better: what strengths will you rely on, and what should you tighten up ...

Those who decide to start a family or strengthen existing relationships should carefully study the patterns happy life to develop qualities that contribute to the creation of good relationships ...

We invite you to do all this on August 30 - September 1 at the legendary Elena Romanova "Spiritual Diving" in Moscow (which has been running with short breaks since 2007).
Take time for yourself to be more successful, happier, more confident...

On "Spiritual Diving" we will work:
- with your goals,
- dreams
- difficulties
- business tasks
- and any questions.
With what is important to you and what worries you. You will find a lot of work on yourself, discoveries and your conclusions, on which you will then rely in your life.
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