How to create a disk with automatic installation of programs. Automatic software installation

About installing the Windows 10 operating system. Everything worked out for us there, we updated the drivers, it remains only to install the necessary applications. But the question is: where can I get them if there is no disk at hand?

After all, you must admit that downloading each program separately from the Web is not very convenient, and in terms of time, such a procedure is very costly. But there is a way out, it's automatic software installation online. Although many users still do not believe in such free services, believing that a huge number of viruses breed there.

There are more than 700 programs themselves. Moreover, according to the developers, their versions are constantly updated, so that the general database is always kept up to date. But there is important point. If any application is paid, then you must buy the keys yourself, the service provides only clean trial versions.

Although the number of officially free programs available here also rolls over, so there is plenty to choose from in any option. And to get started, you need to download a small installer to your computer and run it.

At the top of the window, you can select a category. I strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the sections "TOP-100" and " must have " . But the "quiet" installation did not work for me. Still, some programs required user interaction.

Also, let me give you a useful life hack. I strongly recommend that before automatically installing programs online, first of all install a small application Unchecky. It will uncheck various additional components such as "Yandex Elements" and " Search" in the background.

And for some reason, some programs are installed on English language. For example, I remember exactly that for a popular antivirus, you need to additionally download a language pack. This is not very convenient.

Therefore, at this place, an overview of the free InstallPack service for automatic installation online programs have come to an end. Already in the next article I will tell you about it, so, as they say, do not switch. If you have any questions, please in the comments. And now, as always, a useful video.

This article is intended for administrators and shows how to automate the process of installing programs in Windows without using global domain policies (where computers with the same software configuration are used) and without using a ready-made image with software.

I have used this approach for computers in the classroom, where each training required the same set of programs to be installed in the original configuration.

Also, this method can be useful in any other cases when you need to prepare a typical software configuration. For example, user workstations.

MSI Automatic Installation Features

The method is based on the MSI installation capabilities - programs supplied as an MSI file can be installed using the MSIEXEC program from the command line without waiting for user actions, such as clicking the button multiple times Further, that is, you can organize automatic installationunattended installation.

Forfiles /m *.msi /c "cmd /c msiexec /qb /i @file"

You can just as easily delete these programs in a loop forfiles:

Forfiles /m *.msi /c "cmd /c msiexec /qb /x @file"

This installation method is great for computers that are not members of an AD domain, i.e. when it is not possible to automatically install programs through global policies (GPO).

To install a whole list of programs, you can prepare a folder with frequently used programs (Adobe Acrobat Reader, Adobe Flash Player, and so on) in the form of MSI files and with a batch file for installation, upon launching which all programs will be installed automatically without requiring confirmation from the user .

Installation files can be prepared on flash drives or posted online.

Features of automatic installation of some programs

.msi installation file for Adobe Flash Player

Adobe Flash Player MSI can be downloaded directly from the Adobe website: Adobe Flash Player Distribution from the Download MSI Installer link. Adobe Flash Player automatic installation command:

Msiexec /qb /i install_flash_player_18_active_x.msi

MSI installation file for Adobe Acrobat Reader

For some reason, there is no direct download of the MSI installer for Acrobat Reader on the Adobe website, but it is not difficult to get it: from the Adobe Reader for Windows page, download the installer from the link Adobe Reader 11.0 - Multilingual (MUI) installer , which is a ZIP file, and it contains , including AcroRead.msi. Copy the files ABCPY.INI, AcroRead.msi, and the Transforms folder to the same USB flash drive.

After that, Acrobat Reader 11 is installed from MSI in the standard way, namely by the command:

Msiexec /qb /i AcroRead.msi

AutoCAD DWG TrueView 2016

Automatic installation of AutoCAD DWG TrueView 2016 is not performed through the msi file, but is set by the keys to setup.exe (the parameters are the same as for msiexec), for example:

Setup.exe /w /t /l /qb setup.ini

However, the AutoCAD DWG TrueView 2016 installer requires DirectX RunTime. Download the directx_Jun2010_redist.exe file from the Microsoft website on the DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010) page and perform automatic installation with the command (or add the command to the program list installation batch file):

Directx_Jun2010_redist.exe /Q /T:%temp%

Programs that use Inno Setup

The Inno Setup installer provides the /SILENT and /VERYSILENT options for automatic installation, so to install programs that use it, use the installer call with these options:

nhsms-setup.exe /silent

- installation without the installation wizard, but with progress display

nhsms-setup.exe /verysilent

- installation without displaying any windows

Comparison with other methods

As a result, the capabilities of msiexec allow you to organize automatic installation of programs on a Windows computer:

  • you need to prepare a flash drive with installation files and a bat installation file or put these files on a network share
  • install Windows or restore from the image the same configuration for all computers
  • run bat file unattend on all computers

At the same time, compared to other options for installing a set of programs - applying domain policies or restoring from an image, this method is more versatile and flexible:

  • for the bat file to work, it is not required that the computers be in the AD domain - unlike the option with domain policies
  • you can quickly, literally in a minute, change the list of installed programs by simply adding or removing the msi file from the folder or changing the contents - unlike the option with a ready-made image, where all programs are already installed
  • you can make different sets of programs by simply preparing a few bat files

Automatic software installation

Buying a brand new laptop or computer is always a great joy, but this event necessarily involves the hassle of installing the necessary software. They cannot be avoided even with a complete reinstallation of the system, which sooner or later each of us has to face. Those who reinstall the system frequently often have their own disks with manually created installers for automatic installation. By running such an installer, after a while you can get not only a working operating system, but also all the necessary programs. But this approach has its downside: many programs are updated frequently, so disks become obsolete at an incredible rate.

In order not to waste time searching for the latest versions of programs on official websites, you can use web services to automatically install applications. Their idea is that an astounding majority of users need the same applications: browser, IM client, media player, archiver, email client, and so on. That is why on such services you can find most of the necessary programs without wasting time visiting software directories or home pages. Fresh versions of programs are added to such services almost immediately after the release, so you don’t have to worry about relevance.

In addition to the possibility of convenient download and installation, the web services that will be discussed in this article offer some additional bonuses: automatic disabling of adware during installation, fast download of updates for already installed programs, compiling your own lists of applications, synchronizing programs between multiple computers, managing autoload via browser, etc.

⇡ Ninite

Ninite is the most famous web service for automatic application installation, and its fame is not accidental. Unlike many other applications for finding and installing software updates, Ninite allows you to install and update programs in a completely automatic mode. All you need to do is on the main page of the service, check the boxes in the checkboxes opposite those applications that you want to add to the system or update, and then download the installer generated by the service. After that, you can lean back in your chair or go to drink tea.

Ninite will install programs one by one without unnecessary questions. The installer will choose the most suitable version of the application - 32 or 64-bit, and if there are several interface languages, it will install the program on your mother tongue. If the installer has some additional options, for example, it is suggested to install advertising toolbars, all of them will be automatically skipped.

By the way, it was precisely because of this that CCleaner, Defraggler and others disappeared from the programs supported by Ninite at the end of last year. free programs from Piriform. Software developers who make good money on installing toolbars filed claims against the creators of Ninite, and the latter had to remove popular programs from their service.

The installer generated by Ninite always downloads the most latest versions applications, so it can be used repeatedly not only for installing new ones, but also for updating already installed programs.

In total, the service supports more than ninety popular programs, and their list is constantly expanding. Among them are four browsers, a dozen IM and VoIP clients, a dozen media players, several applications for viewing and editing graphic files, a dozen office suites and programs for working with PDF documents, three archivers, popular codec packages and clients for services. data synchronization. The list also includes applications that are in demand by many users, such as Evernote, TeamViewer, TrueCrypt, FileZilla, ImgBurn, etc.

While auto-installation has many advantages, before using Ninite, there are some disadvantages to consider as well. Due to the fact that the user does not go through each installation step on his own, there is no way to influence the parameters. For example, you cannot change the installation folder and drive, so if you are used to installing applications on a separate drive, this is worth keeping in mind.

In addition to the free web service, Ninite also offers a $9.99 (per computer) client for automatic application updates. It works quietly in the system tray and immediately after it detects updates from one of the supported programs, it signals this.


Allmyapps is positioned as an independent app store for Windows. The service offers thousands of applications, most of which are free. It works through the web interface, as well as with the help of a utility for Windows, the interface of which is made in the Metro style.

By browsing the site, you can create own lists interesting applications. These listings are displayed in the Allmyapps app. All programs added to the list can be installed with one click.

True, there is no full automation, as on Ninite. For many applications, the installer still starts, and you need to click "Next" and select installation options, but there are also programs whose installation is really "quiet".

If the program cannot be installed automatically, then after downloading, Click to install will appear under its icon, but if user intervention is not required, the installation will start by itself. It is worth noting that Allmyapps allows you to completely disable automatic installation. In order to fully control the process, you just need to uncheck the Enable 1-click installation when available checkbox in the application settings.

On the my apps tab, you can monitor the installation progress: while some of the selected programs are still being downloaded, others are already being installed.

Application lists are convenient because they are saved even after the programs have been installed. Thus, in the event of a system reinstall, you can always quickly restore your own set of most needed applications and install them with a few clicks.

The Allmyapps application also analyzes all programs already installed on the computer and finds out if they need to be updated. The list of software that needs to be updated is displayed on the updates tab. You can see the current and most new version programs, update size, and update all applications with one click. The progress of downloading updates and installation is displayed in real time, and once the program is updated, it disappears from the list.

Another interesting feature of Allmyapps is the synchronization of installed programs between computers. If you install the application on several PCs, then on the my devices tab, as well as in the web interface section of the same name, you can see a list of devices and applications installed on them (of course, only programs supported by the service will be shown). Allmyapps will compare the lists and offer to install the missing apps on other devices. You can also do this in batch mode by selecting the Install All command.

Allmyapps can also be used as a regular application launcher. All installed programs are displayed as large visual icons, and the list of utilities can be sorted by name, installation date and last run date.

Soluto offers a little more than just "silent" application installation. With the service you can:

  • track applications that start with the system and remove them from Startup,
  • monitor the status of hard drives and clean them up,
  • monitor the temperature of the processor and motherboard,
  • monitor the state of battery discharge on a laptop,
  • control the level of computer security,
  • change the default browser, as well as manage installed plugins and browser settings.

All this can be done directly from the web interface of the service. Soluto also shows the laptop model and motherboard name for the desktop computer, the version of the operating system and the time during which it has been running on the computer, and also calculates the power of the computer on a five-point scale.

To work with installed applications, Soluto uses the Ninite service described above. The client analyzes all installed programs and flags those that require updating. You can select some of them, or you can mark all programs for updating. Downloading and installing updates is fully automated, no dialog boxes appear. From the Soluto web interface, you can also install the most popular applications: Skype, Picasa, OpenOffice, VLC, Adobe Reader, PDFCreator, Google Earth and others. The list, of course, is the same as in Ninite.

Soluto makes it possible to keep track not only of outdated versions of applications, but also of operating system updates. If automatic updates are disabled, the service notifies you.

Of particular interest is the module for managing applications and services that start with Windows. In order for it to work, you need to restart your computer at least once after installing Soluto. After that, the service will display information about how long it takes to boot the system, and will also divide all automatically starting applications into necessary and secondary ones.

Downloading programs and services classified as mandatory cannot be disabled using Soluto, you can only view information about them. But for applications whose startup, according to the service, is not mandatory, you can choose one of two options: disable automatic start and put it off. When choosing the second option, the program starts automatically, but not immediately when Windows starts, but a little later. Due to this, the system start-up time is reduced. How much we managed to speed up the launch can be immediately seen in Soluto.

Within one free Soluto account, you can work with five computers. In the service control panel, it is possible to add your own computers or the workstations of other people who need technical support. If you add your own computer, you will need to log into your account on it and install the Soluto client.

When adding someone else's computer from the service control panel, an email is sent to the user with a proposal for technical support. After the respondent downloads and installs the client using the link from such a letter, his computer data appears in the web interface. Now you can remotely view information about your computer, analyze emerging problems, update programs, etc. Interestingly, such remote technical support is completely invisible to the user working at the computer. In other words, this is a great way to remotely monitor the state of the system and hardware of the computers of parents and friends who do not know how to install programs on their own.

If Soluto finds a problem that needs to be solved immediately, the computer is marked with a special icon in the list of connected devices. When you go to the device, you can see that the detected problems are moved to the top of the page.

Soluto also keeps track of which applications are most likely to crash, cause memory or CPU issues. Statistics are collected and displayed in a special section. After a while, you can analyze it and, for example, replace a media player that often crashes with another one.

Special attention in Soluto is paid to installing Dropbox. Using the service, you can quickly install the client on a remote computer using either your account information or information about another person's account for authorization. Directly through Soluto, you can remotely download and install the Dropbox client on someone else's computer, as well as create a new account and send the user manual.

The same applies to Skype: right in the Soluto web interface, not only is the client installed on remote computer, but authorization data is also entered, and if necessary, a new account is created.

Note also that the Soluto service is available as a Metro app for Windows 8.

⇡ Conclusion

Each of the considered services has its own advantages: Ninite is convenient in that the installation is completely automatic, and at the same time, toolbars and other advertising features are disabled. Allmyapps offers a wider range of apps and lets you sync installed apps across multiple devices. But Soluto, although it uses the capabilities of Ninite to detect updates and install new programs, also offers a very interesting means to manage startup and provide remote technical support for users.

The time that the user spends searching for and installing the necessary programs, for example, when changing the operating system, can be calculated in hours. And if this is a local network with a dozen computers, then these procedures can take all day. Fortunately, there are programs in nature that can significantly reduce the duration of this process.

Such software is divided into two categories: programs for automatic installation of ready-made distributions and catalogs of applications downloaded from the Internet.

MultiSet belongs to the first category. The program uses a step-by-step recording of user actions to create an application installation script. Then, on demand or in automatic mode, it installs it on the computer.

The software arsenal also includes the functions of creating bootable media with assemblies recorded on them, including those with operating system in composition.

Maestro AutoInstaller

Very similar to the previous representative of the software. Maestro AutoInstaller also records the installation and then plays it back, but it has a friendlier and cleaner interface, as well as a smaller set of additional features. The program can create distributions with application packages, but is not able to write them to disks and flash drives.


Npackd is a powerful cataloging program. With its help, you can download and install the applications presented in the list, update and delete already installed ones, add your own programs. Software added to the Npackd repository has every chance of becoming popular, since it falls into the general directory and can be used by all its users.


DDownloads is another representative of the application directories, but with slightly different features. The principle of operation of the program is based on the use of a database containing a huge list of software with detailed description properties and features.

In fact, DDownloads is an information platform with the ability to download installers from official sites. True, there is also an opportunity to replenish the database with your applications, but they will not fall into the general directory, but will only be contained in the local database file.

A large number of functions and settings allow you to use the program as a repository of information and links and as a shared directory for users of your local network.

We looked at several programs that allow you to find, download and install a large number of applications automatically. Do not neglect this knowledge, since at any time you may need to reinstall the system, and with it all the necessary software. To do this, it is not at all necessary to collect a collection of installers: using MultiSet, you can write them to a boot disk along with Windows or create an information database DDownloads in the "local" to quickly find the right links.