How to log into a computer through remote access. Connecting to a computer

Remote connections have become widespread relatively recently. This is due to the development of local networks and the emergence of Internet access in large and medium-sized settlements. About 10 years ago, one could not even dream of connecting to a computer located several tens or hundreds of kilometers away.

But, nevertheless, the idea of ​​connecting to a computer at a distance was tested in the process of working in local networks. And one of the reasons for the development of this feature was human laziness (or convenience). I'll give you an example. A certain system administrator has 30 computers in the local network, which are distributed over office rooms of a fairly large area or on different floors. In the process of work, users regularly have questions about the operation of programs, equipment and information retrieval. The network administrator has to leave his office every 10-15 minutes workplace and help users, even if the problem is minor, because even with a phone, it is sometimes not possible to correctly identify the problem and recommend a solution. But if there is a configured remote connection to user computers on the local network, the system administrator can, without getting up from his seat, solve the problem fully, as he will see and manage the user's computer on his own.

In a situation where computer users are located in different parts of the city, in addition to convenience, the ability to remotely connect to computers will bring significant savings to the organization Money for transportation costs and the release of the driver for other needs of the company.

Connecting to a computer on a local network

Consider the following case. There are several computers on the local network, each of which has its own IP address and name. ()

The task is as follows: connect from computer (it) to computer (buh3).

Without using the Internet, this can be done using a remote desktop connection or through the RAdmin program, which is very popular despite the paid license.

Remote Desktop Connection

First of all, on the computer to which you will connect (in the example “buh3” with an IP address of, you need to open the ability to connect to the desktop.

If the computer to which you want to connect is running Windows 7 or one of the server platforms Windows Server 2003 or 2008, then you need:

    Click right key Click on the “Computer” icon on the desktop and select “Properties” from the menu that appears.

    In general, set the radio button to be able to connect with any version of Remote Desktop.

    Click the “OK” button in the system properties window.

If Windows XP is installed on the connecting computer, then the procedure for opening access to the desktop is as follows:

    Click right click mouse over the "My Computer" icon on the desktop and select "Properties".

    Click the "Remote Sessions" tab.

    Check the "Allow remote access to this computer" checkbox and click the "OK" button.

Note: if there is no “My Computer” or “Computer” icon on the desktop, then look for it through the “Start” button (lower left corner of the Windows desktop).

After the remote computer is configured, go to the computer from which you will connect. You need to run Remote Desktop Connection on it.

For Windows 7, follow these steps:

    Click the "Start" button in the lower left corner of the Windows desktop.

    Open the "Standard" group.

    Launch the "Remote Desktop Connection" shortcut.

    In the "Computer" field, enter the IP address or the name of the computer to which the connection will be made.

    Click on the "Connect" button. When an authorization request appears, enter the username and password of the user on the connected computer or a domain user (if a domain is organized on your network).

Starting a Remote Desktop Connection in Windows XP is slightly different from Windows 7.

    Press the start button.

    Open "All Programs" (or "Programs").

    Expand the "Standard" group and launch "Remote Desktop Connection".

    As for Windows 7, enter the IP address or name of the computer to which you will connect and click on the connect button. When connecting, you must enter the username and password of the user available on the computer or in the domain.

If, when you try to connect, you receive a warning about the absence of a certificate on the connected computer, continue the connection by answering the question in the affirmative.

After establishing a connection to the remote desktop, you will be able to control the computer from a distance. In this case, the user sitting directly at the remote computer is blocked from access and control is intercepted. He doesn't see what you are doing. To regain control, the user must unlock the system by pressing the Ctrl+Alt+Delete key combination and entering their Windows username and password. Another remote user who connects to the computer later can also take control.

The remote desktop connection-based management method is not very helpful because your user interaction does not take place online. But such a connection is ideal for working at a remote computer on which users do not work. These can be servers, or your own workplace located in another room.

Connecting with RAdmin

The RAdmin program consists of two parts: Server (server) and Viewer (viewer).

The Server component must be installed on the computer to which you will connect. If you have a lot of computers in the local network, which periodically need to establish a connection, then this component must be installed on each computer. After installation, the RAdmin server icon appears in the system tray (lower right corner of the desktop). Through it, access to the settings of the component is provided, where you need to set a name and password for the connection. The figure below shows the sequence of creating a user, password and assigning rights for the RAdmin server part.

The Viewer component is installed on the computer from which the connection is made. This is usually the system administrator's computer. After launching the Viewer component, create a new connection, specify the address of the computer to which you are connecting, and enter the name and password specified on the side of the Server component.

Connection via RAdmin makes it possible to work on a remote computer in full interactive mode, i.e. everything you do is displayed on the screen of the connected computer online. In addition, you can send text and voice messages to a remote computer, as well as transfer files.

Connecting to a remote computer via the Internet

The process of connecting to a remote computer via the Internet is carried out in the same way as for a local network, if the connected computer has a dedicated external (or “white”) IP address. But in modern networks this is extremely rare, since the connection via the Internet is not to a single computer, but to another local network, but already in it in a specific computer. The entry point in a remote network is a router or gateway, through which you will enter a remote local network and be able to access local computers.

All computers on a remote local network have internal IP addresses and do not have dedicated external ones. Only the router has a dedicated external IP address. You should connect to it. But in order to connect to the router and go to the required computer on the local network, you need to configure port forwarding on the router (“port forwarding”).

Redirection works as follows: You connect to the router's external IP address, specifying the connection port in addition to the address. Depending on the port number, the router (according to the forwarding settings) translates your connection to a specific computer on the remote LAN. Setting up port forwarding requires some knowledge of networking and depends on the router model.

Having a working port forwarding on the router, you can connect to a remote computer that is part of a remote local network using the methods listed above: connecting to the desktop and using the RAdmin program.

Connecting with TeamViewer

The TeamViewer program allows you to quickly connect to a remote computer and does not require special knowledge building networks and their settings. This is a convenient option for most users.

The program works with an internet connection. The computers are connected via the TeamViewer server. Where computers are physically located and how local networks are arranged does not matter.

There are several versions of TeamViewer, the most popular of which are:

    TeamViewer: full version. It has the ability to both establish a connection to a remote computer, and allows you to connect a partner to yourself.

    TeamViewer QuickSupport. It can only connect to your own computer. Launched by the user separately. External connection is possible only if the program is running.

    teamviewer host. Only connection to your own computer, it starts at the start of the operating system. It is used in cases where it is necessary to connect to a remote computer without the approval and confirmation of the computer user.

Consider the connection process through the TeamViewer program. On the computer from which you are connecting, you must install full version teamviewer. On the remote computer, you must install either the full version or the Host version, or save the TeamViewer QuickSupport startup file (this version does not require installation).

After logging in, you will be able to work on the remote computer in interactive mode. The user will be able to see everything that you do, as well as do any actions on their own.

For private personal use, TeamViewer is free and companies will need to purchase licenses to use it.

Internet-ID is the name of the technology with which you can connect to the Host without firewalls and NAT. To connect to a remote computer, you don't even need to know its network name or IP address. It is enough just to specify its identifier (ID). No additional network hardware settings are required either. Port forwarding or port mapping is no longer needed to establish a NAT-to-NAT connection. This functionality is very useful, first of all, for technical support services that work with a large number of clients who cannot provide an external static IP address.

What is the Internet-ID function for?

The main task that Internet-ID technology solves is to simplify the procedure for connecting to a remote computer as much as possible. Previously, fine-tuning of routers, port forwarding (port forwarding, port mapping) or the “Reverse connection” setting were required. All these manipulations are very difficult for ordinary users and sometimes cause problems even for advanced system administrators. Internet-ID allows you to avoid all this.

How it works?

The Internet-ID technology is based on the fact that a network connection to a remote Host is established through special dedicated servers of the TektonIT company (or a corporate Mini Internet-ID server). In turn, the remote Host also constantly automatically maintains a connection with these servers.

The principle of operation is very similar to how popular messaging services like ICQ or Skype work.

Setting the Internet-ID of the connection.

In order to be able to connect to a remote Host using an Internet-ID connection, you need to get an identifier on the Host. This will automatically activate the Internet-ID mechanism and establish a connection with our servers. Right-click on the Host icon, next to the system clock. From the menu, select "Configure Internet-ID Connection".

Host icon in notification area

In the window that appears, click on the "Get a new ID" button.

Remember, write down or copy this identifier to the clipboard. It will be useful to access this Host.

Now the Host is ready to accept connections from the Client (Viewer), access to the computer is configured. On the Client side, when creating a new connection or in the settings of an existing one, specify in the ID field the identifier of the Host to be accessed. Now the Client, when connecting, will always use the "Internet-ID" module.

To use Internet-ID for an existing connection, in its properties (section "Basic settings") specify the required ID and check the box to the left of it.

To connect directly and disable the use of the Internet-ID mechanism, simply uncheck the box to the left of the ID in the connection settings.

If the Internet-ID mechanism is enabled on a Host, this does not mean that a direct connection cannot be established to this server. Internet ID does not cancel the usual connection method, incl. does not cancel the "Reverse connection" mechanism either. Internet-ID is just a convenient addition.

Mini Internet-ID server.

System administrators have the option to deploy their own corporate Internet-ID server to be independent of TektonIT's servers. You can learn more about the Mini Internet-ID server.

Remote desktop software, more accurately referred to as remote access software or software remote control, allows you to remotely control one computer from another. By remote control, we really meant the remote remote control- You can take your mouse and keyboard and use the computer you're connected to just like your own.

Remote desktop software is really useful for a lot of situations, from helping your dad who lives 500 miles away work through a computer problem, to remotely managing from your New York office the dozens of servers you run in a Singapore data center!

Generally, remote access to a computer requires a piece of software to be installed on the computer you wish to connect to, called host. Once this is done, another computer or device with the correct credentials, called client, can connect to the host and control it.

Don't let the technical aspects of remote desktop software put you off. The best free remote access programs listed below take no more than a few clicks to get started—no special computer knowledge is required.

Note. Remote Desktop is also the actual name of the built-in remote access tool in Windows operating systems. It is rated along with other tools, but we believe there are several remote control programs out there that do a better job.

Remote access programs:


TeamViewer is the best free software remote access that I have ever used. There are loads of features that are always great but also very easy to install. No changes to the router or firewall configurations are required.

With support for video, voice calls and text chat, TeamViewer also allows you to transfer files, supports Wake-on-LAN (WOL), can remotely monitor the screen of an iPhone or iPad user, and even remotely reboot the PC in safe mode and then reconnect automatically.

Host side

The computer you want to connect with TeamViewer can be a Windows, Mac or Linux computer.

Full installable version teamviewer is one of the options here and is probably a safe bet if you're not sure what to do. portable version called TeamViewer QuickSupport, is an excellent choice if the computer you want to remotely control will only need to be used once, or if the software cannot be installed on it. The third option is TeamViewer Hostthe best choice if you connect to this computer regularly.

Client side

TeamViewer has several options for connecting to the computer you want to control.

Installable and portable programs are available for Windows, Mac, and Linux, as well as mobile apps for iOS, BlackBerry, Android, and Windows Phone. Yes - this means you can use your phone or tablet to connect to your remote-controlled computers on the go.

TeamViewer also allows you to use a web browser to access your computer remotely.

A number of other features are also included, such as the ability to share a single application window with someone else (instead of the entire desktop), and the ability to print remote files to a local printer.

I suggest trying TeamViewer before any other program on this list.

The full list of supported desktop operating systems for TeamViewer includes Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2000, Windows Server 2012/2008/2003, Windows Home Server, Mac, Linux and Chrome OS.

Ammyy Admin

Ammyy Admin is free, fast and in a simple way remote access and remote desktop solutions for both individuals and businesses. Unlike powerful remote desktop software, the tool comes as a tiny 1MB app. In addition to remotely connecting to another system, you can also perform actions such as file transfer and chat. Supported by Windows, secure connection and easy software management make Ammyy Adminn one of the most preferred free remote desktop clients.

While it's free for non-commercial purposes, the Starter, Premium, and Corporate licensed tools are priced at $33.90, $66.90, and $99.90, respectively.

AnyDesk is a remote desktop program that can be portable or installed like a regular program.

Host side

Launch AnyDesk on the PC you want to connect to and record AnyDesk-Address, or a custom alias if configured.

When a client connects, the host will be prompted to allow or deny the connection, as well as manage permissions, such as allowing audio, the clipboard, and the ability to block host keyboard/mouse control.

Client side

On another computer, launch AnyDesk, and then enter the AnyDesk host address or alias in the " remote table" on the screen.

If automatic access is configured in the settings, the client does not need to wait for the host to accept the connection.

AnyDesk auto-updates and can enter full screen mode, balance connection quality and speed, transfer files and audio, sync clipboard, record remote session, launch keyboard shortcuts, take screenshots of remote computer, and restart host computer.

AnyDesk works with Windows (10 to XP), MacOS and Linux.

AeroAdmin is perhaps the most simple program for free remote access. There are virtually no settings, and everything is fast and accurate, which is ideal for spontaneous support.

Host side

AeroAdmin is very similar to the TeamViewer program that tops this list. Just open the portable program and share your IP address or given ID with someone else. This is how the client computer will know how to connect to the host.

Client side

The client PC just needs to launch the same AeroAdmin program and enter the ID or IP address into its program. Before connecting, you can select " View only" or " Remote control" and then just select " To plug" to request a remote control.

When the host computer acknowledges the connection, you can begin to control the computer, exchange clipboard text, and transfer files.

It's great that AeroAdmin is completely free for both personal and commercial use, but it's too bad that it doesn't include a chat option.

Another note to make is that while AeroAdmin is 100% free, it does limit the number of hours you can use per month.

AeroAdmin can be installed on 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 10, 8, 7, and XP.


Pros: Simple, simple interface with a flat learning curve. Fast performance. Easily transfer files between local and remote desktops. Inexpensive.

Minuses: Cannot display more than one remote monitor in the same window.

RemotePC is one of the best remote access apps, offering identical features on computers and Macs, high performance, and a minimal yet intuitive interface.

Remote utilities are free program remote access with some really great features. It works by linking two remote computers together with what they call an "Internet ID". You can control a total of 10 PCs with Remote Utilities.

Host side

Install the remote utilities part called " Host on a Windows PC" to have permanent access to it. You also have the option to run agent, which provides spontaneous support without installing anything - you can even run it from a flash drive.

The host computer is given an Internet ID that they must use in order for the client to establish a connection.

Client side

Program Viewer used to connect to host or agent software.

The viewer can be loaded by itself or in a combo file Viewer + Host. You can also download the portable Viewer if you don't want to install anything.

Connecting the viewer to a host or agent is done without any changes to the router, such as port forwarding, which simplifies setup. The customer just needs to enter the identification number and password on the Internet.

There are also client apps that can be downloaded for free for iOS and Android users.

Various modules can be used with the viewer so that you can access your computer remotely without even viewing the screen, although screen viewing is definitely the main feature of Remote Utilities.

Some of the Remote Utilities modules are: Remote Task Manager, File Transfer, Power Management for Remote Reboot or WOL, Remote Terminal (command line access), Remote File Run, System Information Manager, Text Chat, Remote Registry Access, and Remote View webcams.

In addition to these features, Remote Utilities also supports remote printing and multi-monitor viewing.

Unfortunately, setting up Remote Utilities can be confusing on the host computer, as there are many different options.

Remote Utilities can be installed on Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP as well as Windows Server 2012, 2008 and 2003.

Another remote access program is UltraVNC. UltraVNC works a bit like Remote Utilities, where server and viewer installed on two PCs and the viewer is used to manage the server.

Host side

When you install UltraVNC you are asked if you want to install server , Viewer or both. Install the server on the PC you want to connect to.

You can install UltraVNC Server as a system service so that it is always running. This perfect option, so you can always connect to it using the client software.

Client side

To establish a connection to an UltraVNC server, you must install the Viewer part during setup.

After setting up port forwarding on your router, you can access the UltraVNC server from anywhere using an internet connection - either through a mobile device that supports VNC connections, or a PC with a viewer installed, or an internet browser. All you need is the server's IP address to establish a connection.

UltraVNC supports file transfer, text chat, clipboard sharing, and can even boot and connect to a server in secure mode.

The download page is a bit confusing - choose the best one first latest version UltraVNC and then select the 32-bit or 64-bit installation file that will work with your version of Windows.

Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP and Windows Server 2012, 2008 and 2003 users can install and use UltraVNC.

Windows Remote Desktop

Windows Remote Desktop is remote access software built into operating system Windows. No additional download is required to use the program.

Host side

To enable connection to a computer using Windows Remote Desktop, you must open the settings system properties(accessible using the control panel) and allow remote connections through a specific Windows user through the " Remote ».

You really must configure the router to forward ports so another computer can connect to it from the network side, but this is usually not much of a hassle to complete.

Client side

Another computer that wants to connect to the main computer should simply open the already installed software to connect to remote desktop and enter the host's IP address.

Advice. You can open Remote Desktop in the Run dialog box (open it with the shortcut Windows Key + R); just type Mstsc command to run it.

Most of the other programs on this list have features that Windows Remote Desktop doesn't, but this remote access method seems like the most natural and easiest way to control the mouse and keyboard of a remote Windows PC.

Once everything is set up, you can transfer files, print to a local printer, listen to audio from a remote PC, and transfer clipboard contents.

Remote Desktop Availability

Windows Remote Desktop can be used on Windows from XP to Windows 10.

However, while all versions of Windows can connect to other computers with incoming connections enabled, not all versions of Windows can act as a host (i.e., accept incoming remote access requests).

If you are using version Home Premium or lower, your computer can only act as a client and therefore cannot be deleted remotely (but it can access other computers remotely).

Inbound remote access is only allowed for professional, corporate and final versions of Windows. In these editions, others may be removed to the computer as described above.

Something else to remember is that Remote Desktop will disconnect the user if they are logged in when someone connects to that user's account remotely. This is very different from any other program on this list - everyone else can remotely connect to the user's account while the user is still actively using the computer.

Chrome Remote Desktop is an extension for the Google Chrome browser that allows you to set up your computer for remote access from any other computer running Google Chrome.

Host side

The way this works is that you install an extension on Google Chrome and then grant authorization to access that PC remotely with a personal PIN that you create yourself.

To do this, you need to sign into your Google account, such as your Gmail or YouTube account information.

Client side

To connect to the host browser, sign in to Chrome Remote Desktop using a different web browser (it must be Chrome) using the same Google credentials or using a temporary access code generated by the host computer.

Since you are logged in, you can easily see a different PC name from where you can simply select it and start a remote session.

Chrome Remote Desktop (copy and paste only) doesn't have the file sharing or chat features you see in similar programs, but it's very easy to set up and allows you to connect to your computer (or anyone) from anywhere using just your web browser.

What's more, you can remotely work on the computer when the user isn't opening Chrome, or even when they're completely logged out of the user's account.

Because Chrome Remote Desktop runs entirely within the Google Chrome browser, it can work with any operating system that uses Chrome, including Windows, Mac, Linux, and Chromebooks.

Seecreen (formerly called Firnass) is an extremely tiny (500 KB) but powerful freeware remote access program that's perfect for instant on-demand support.

Host side

Open the program on the computer you want to monitor. After creating an account and logging in, you can add other users to the menu at their address Email or username.

Adding a client to the No Participation section allows them to have automatic access to the computer.

Client side

To connect to the host computer using Seecreen, another user needs to enter the host ID and password.

Screen sharing must be initiated from the client computer.

Seecreen does not support clipboard synchronization.

Seecreen is a JAR file that uses Java to run. All versions of Windows are supported, as well as Mac and Linux operating systems

LiteManager is another remote access program, and it's strikingly similar to the one we're talking about above.

However, unlike Remote Utilities, which can only control 10 PCs, LiteManager supports up to 30 slots for storage and connection to remote computers, and has many useful features.

Host side

The computer to be accessed must install the program LiteManager ProServer.msi(it's free) contained in the downloaded ZIP file.

There are many ways to provide a connection to a host computer. This can be done using an IP address, computer name, or ID.

The easiest way to set this up is to right-click the server program in the taskbar notification area, select , erase content that already exists, and click Connected» to create a new ID.

Client side

Another program called Viewer is installed to connect the client to the host. After the host computer has issued an identifier, the client must enter it from the " Connect by ID" on the menu " Compound", to establish a remote connection with another computer.

Once connected, the client can perform all kinds of actions, for example, using Remote Utilities, such as working with multiple monitors, transferring files in the background, taking full control or read-only access on another PC, launching a remote task manager, launching files and programs remotely , record sound, edit the registry, create demos, lock another person's screen and keyboard, and text chat.

There is also a QuickSupport option, which is a portable program for servers and viewers that makes the connection much faster than the above method.

I tested LiteManager on Windows 10, but it should also work fine on Windows 8, 7, Vista and XP. This program is also available for macOS.

Comodo Unite is another free remote access program that creates a secure VPN connection between multiple computers. Once the VPN is established, you can remotely access applications and files through the client software.

Host side

Install the Comodo Unite software on the computer you want to monitor and then create an account with Comodo Unite. An account is how you keep track of the PCs you add to your account, so it's easy to connect.

Client side

To connect to the Comodo Unite host machine, simply install the same software and then log in with the same username and password. You can then simply select the computer you want to monitor and start a VPN session right away.

Files can only be shared if you start a chat, so it's not as easy to share files with Comodo Unite as it is with other remote desktop software on this list. However, the chat is secure in a VPN that you can't find in similar software.

Only Windows 7, Vista, and XP (32-bit and 64-bit) are officially supported, but I was able to get Comodo Unite to function the same as it does on Windows 10 and Windows 8.

Note. Comodo Unite has been replaced by Comodo ONE, but it's still available for download and is more suitable for most people.

ShowMyPC is a portable and free remote access program that is almost identical to UltraVNC (number 3 on this list), but uses a password to connect instead of an IP address.

Host side

Launch the ShowMyPC program on any computer, and then select " Show my computer", to get a unique identification number called common password .

Client side

Open the same ShowMyPC program on another computer and enter the ID from main program to establish a connection. Instead, the customer can enter the number on the ShowMyPC website (in the Browse PC field) and run the Java version of the program in their browser.

There are additional options here that are not available in UltraVNC, such as using a webcam via a web browser and scheduled meetings that allow someone to connect to your PC via a personal web link that launches the Java version of ShowMyPC.

ShowMyPC clients can only send a limited number of keyboard shortcuts to the host computer.

Select ShowMyPC Free on the download page to get the free version. It works on all versions of Windows. is a remote access program from the manufacturers of LogMeIn that provides quick access to another computer through an Internet browser.

Host side

A person who needs remote assistance can download and run the software, which allows the entire computer or just a selected application to be displayed to the remote viewer. This is done by choosing launch buttons.

Client side

The remote viewer simply needs to enter the personal code into their own installation in the section connections . supports full screen, conferencing, text chat, multiple monitors, and allows you to view up to 10 participants at the same time.

The client can instead visit the home page to enter the code for the host computer without having to download any software. The code must be entered in the "CONNECT MEETING" field.

All Windows versions can install as well as Mac.

Note. Download for free using the small download link below the paid options.

WebEx Free

While it's free for up to 3 people, the paid plans include Premium 8 ($24/month for eight members), Premium 25 ($49/month for 25 people), and Premium 100 ($89/month). for up to 100 people).


Supremo offers free and paid plans for remote control of PCs/servers and host meetings. It allows multiple connections only through an ID and password exchange and can be configured for automatic access. No router or firewall configuration makes it a great solution for quick support, even from iOS and Android devices. Supremo is a secure app thanks to the TLS 1.2 crypto protocol and can be customized with your brand/logo.

Free for personal use, it provides a very flexible and affordable commercial offer. Users can choose between business and solo plans, depending on the number of concurrent sessions. Both can be billed on an annual or quarterly date starting at 8€/mo for unlimited installation on unlimited devices.

RD Tabs

The built-in Windows Remote Desktop Connection utility is a bit basic; it offers multiple options, and multiple connections fill up the taskbar, making it hard to navigate between desktops. If you regularly access multiple remote computers or just want to improve your remote desktop client, check out the RD tabs from Avian Waves. It uses a tabbed interface to manage open remote connections with familiar functionality similar to existing browsers, keeping everything in one place. But it offers much more than just better organization, with additional features like password encryption, remote terminal server management, connection thumbnails, and command line scripts.


DWService is a free, multi-platform solution (Windows, Linux, Mac, Raspberry) that allows users to remotely connect to end user systems from their computer or mobile device using any browser. It provides instant, secure and uninterrupted connections using the latest industry standards and infrastructure to ensure the highest level of security and privacy for our users. You can connect to any computer as you would within any local network. It covers basic web proxies and firewalls and is secured with industry standard security.

Splash top

Splashtop offers free and paid remote desktop solutions for individuals and businesses. Splashtop is easy to use once you get past the set up difficulties. Supported by Windows, OS X, Linux, Android and iOS, Splashtop remote PC software offers fast connections and multiple layers of security. You can use the tool for free if you use it for personal purposes on 5 computers. Setting up the tool on your Windows or Mac and accessing it remotely via your Android or iOS mobile phone is what Splashtop achieves so much. Minimum latency for audio and video streaming, making it easy for you to even remotely listen to media.

It's free for 6 months, after that $1.99/month (individual use) and $60/year per user.

DesktopNow is a free remote access program from NCH Software. After optionally forwarding the correct port number in the router and registering a free account, you can access your computer from anywhere via a web browser.

Host side

To access a computer remotely, the DesktopNow software must be installed.

When the program is launched for the first time, an email address and password must be entered so that you can use the same credentials on the client side to establish a connection.

The host computer can either configure its router to forward the proper port number to itself, or opt for cloud access during installation to make a direct connection to the client, bypassing the need for complex forwarding.

It's probably better for most people to use the direct cloud access method to avoid port forwarding issues.

Client side

The client just needs to access the host through a web browser. If the router has been configured to forward the port number, the client will use the host PC's IP address to connect. If cloud access was chosen, a specific link would be given to the host you will use to connect.

DesktopNow has good feature file sharing which allows you to upload your shared files remotely in an easy to use file browser.

There is no dedicated app to connect to DesktopNow from a mobile device, so it can be difficult to try to view and control your computer from your phone or tablet. However, the site is optimized for mobile phones so viewing your shared files is very easy.

Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP are supported, even 64-bit versions.

Another free and portable remote access program is BeamYourScreen. This program works like some of the others on this list, where the presenter is given an identification number that they must provide to another user so that they can connect to the presenter's screen.

Host side

BeamYourScreen hosts are called hosts, so the program BeamYourScreen for Hosts (Portable) is the preferred method that the host computer should use to accept remote connections. It's quick and easy to start screen sharing without having to install anything.

There is also a version that can be installed called BeamYourScreen for hosts (installation) .

Client side

Customers can also install a portable or installable version of BeamYourScreen, but there is special program BeamYourScreen for members, which is a small executable file that can be run in a similar way to being portable for hosts.

Enter the host session number in the section session ID programs to join the session.

Once connected, you can control the screen, share text and clipboard files, and communicate with text.

BeamYourScreen works with all versions of Windows, as well as Windows Server 2008 and 2003, Mac and Linux.


Pros: Simple interface. Works mostly from the browser. Drag and drop file transfer. Desktop icons for remote computers. Smooth multi-monitor support. Opportunity direct connection online or over the Internet.

Minuses: a distracting test server message during computer boot. Slightly reduced features when using a Mac system.

bottom line: GoToMyPC is a mature, easy-to-use remote access program with the best balance available between features and ease of use. If you don't need support for Linux or enterprise-level systems, this is the app you want.

VNC Connect

Pros: support multiple platforms. Relatively simple interface. Pretty inexpensive subscription plans, including a free plan for personal use.

Minuses: separate server and viewer applications make setup confusing. No dragging and dropping files between the viewer application and the desktop. Do not send one-time invitations from a remote computer.

VNC Connect is durable, secure and easy to use once you get the hang of it. It has fewer features than other enterprise-level remote access software, but it's also a lot cheaper.

Microsoft Remote Desktop

Microsoft introduced remote desktop apps for Android and iOS a few years ago, but this is perfect for accessing Windows computers. It's also free with no usage restrictions, and unlike Chrome Remote Desktop, the setup process is a bit more complicated, but only when you're doing it for the first time.

Where is LogMeIn?

Unfortunately, LogMeIn's free product, LogMeIn Free, is no longer available. It was one of the most popular free remote access services available, so it's too bad it's gone.

LogMeIn also runs which is still running and listed above.

Common task: set up remote access to a computer that is connected to the Internet through a router.

Solution: do port forwarding on the router. Port forwarding is also called port publishing or port forwarding. The English terminology uses the terms Port Forwarding and Port Publishing.

What is port forwarding

Port forwarding is a mapping of a certain external port of the gateway (router, modem) with the required port of the target device in the local network (server, workstation, network storage, camera, recorder, etc.)

But which port to forward depends on how you want to access the computer.

How to set up remote access via RDP (remote desktop, terminal)

RDP connections are made to port 3389 on the target computer. What should be done:

Step 1 Allow incoming RDP connections on the computer

Attention! It is possible to make an INCOMING connection via Remote Desktop to the following editions of Windows OS:
Windows XP Professional;
Windows 7/8.1 Professional;
Windows 7/8.1 Ultimate;
Windows 7/8.1 Corporate.

In Windows XP Starter, Home Edition, Windows Vista/7/8/8.1 Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, incoming connections are not possible.

For this we open System properties(WIN + Break), click on the link Additional system parameters:

Go to tab Remote access, put the switch in position Allow connections to this computer, uncheck the Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication (recommended) and click OK to apply the setting:

Step 2 Create an account on the computer under which the remote desktop user will connect.

Requirement #1. This The account must have a password. According to the default settings of the local security policy, accounts without a password are prohibited from connecting via RDP. It is not recommended to allow remote access to unpassworded accounts in security policies. This will create a threat of unauthorized access by intruders.

Requirement #2. If the user is NOT an administrator on the local computer, they must be added to the . This can be done in two ways.

How to allow a user without administrative privileges to connect to a remote desktop

Method one.

Right click on the system shortcut This computer and choose Control:

In the window Computer management select Local Users and Groups => Users:

Find the required user in the list and double-click to call its properties:

Go to the tab Group membership and press the button Add:

Click the button Additionally:

Then, the button Search:

Select a group from the list Remote Desktop Users and press OK:

in the windows Group selection and Properties:<пользователь> click OK:

Method two.

Call system properties (Win+Break), press Extra options:

Go to tab Remote access and press the button Select Users:

Click the button Add:

Click Additionally:

and Search:

In the list, select the user account to which you want to grant rights for remote access, and click OK:

Now click OK in the following two windows:

Step 3 Create a forwarding rule on the router, according to which, when a request is made to a specified port, the connection will be redirected to port 3389 of the desired computer.

In D-Link routers, the desired section may be called Virtual Server, as in D-Link DIR-615:

Also, it may be called Port Forwarding, as, for example, in DIR-300:

The gist is the same:

  1. We give an arbitrary name to the rule;
  2. Open a non-standard port on the router that is not busy (field public port);
  3. Specify the IP address of the target computer on the network where the remote user should get (field IP address);
  4. Specify the port number through which the application or service runs on the computer. In our case, for the Remote Desktop Server service, this is port 3389 (field Private Port).

If your ISP gives your router a dynamic address, it is convenient for you to use the Dynamic DNS service. D-Link has its own service where you can register an Internet address (i.e. domain) for free and set up access to your router and local network through it.

To configure Dynamic DNS, go to the section MAINTENANCE, select subsection DDNS Settings and click on the link sign up… to go to the site and register a domain. Then set up domain synchronization with the router's IP address in the scope DYNAMIC DNS SETTINGS and save the settings with the button Save Settings:

After that, it will be possible to connect not by IP address, but by an address of the form

Checking the connection to the computer via remote desktop

Start the Remote Desktop Server Client:

In field Computer enter the address and port separated by a colon. In field User enter your username and click the button To plug:

This remote connection can harm the local or remote computer. Before connecting, make sure the remote computer is trusted.

Check the box and click the button To plug:

Now enter the user password, check the box Remember credentials if you don't want to enter the password each time, and press OK:

After that, a message may appear:

Unable to authenticate the remote computer. Do you want to connect anyway?

Here you can set the checkbox Don't ask me again about connections to this computer and press Yes:

Remote Desktop is a functionality of the operating system that allows you to administer a remote computer in real time using a local network or the Internet as a data transmission medium. There are many implementations of remote desktop, depending on the protocol or operating system. The most common solution in the operating system of the Windows family is the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), and in systems based on the Linux kernel - VNC and X11.

How to enable the remote desktop feature

By default, the ability to become an RDP session server is disabled on a Windows workstation.

Right-click on the "My Computer" icon and select "Properties" from the context menu.

Select the "Remote access settings" item in the left menu. This will require administrator privileges.

The "System Properties" window will open, in which, on the "Remote Access" tab, you need to set the access permission to this computer as it is done in the screenshot below.

If necessary, you can select users under which it is possible to log into the system.

In addition, if you have a network filter (Firewall) installed, you will need to create an allow rule to connect to this computer in the properties of the network adapter or in the Windows Firewall applet in the control panel.

How to connect to remote desktop

Remote Desktop Connection can be done in several ways. Go to the main menu of the system "Start - All Programs - Accessories - Remote Desktop Connection"

Or run the command in the Windows command line (or the " Run»)

Both of these methods are equivalent and run the same program - the Remote Desktop Connection Wizard.

In the wizard window, you can specify the name or IP address of the computer to which you want to connect, as well as specify special settings such as screen resolution, transfer of local (clipboard, local drives) or remote (sounds) resources.

Enter the IP address of the remote host and click the " To plug».

Most likely we will see a warning about remote computer authentication problems. If we are sure that we did not make a mistake in writing the address or name, then we can click "Yes", after which the connection to the node will be initialized.

In addition, you will need to enter the credentials of the remote user.

If we didn’t make a mistake anywhere, then after some time we will see the desktop of the remote computer, where we can perform certain actions. Control the mouse pointer, enter characters from the keyboard, and so on.

As mentioned earlier, for the convenience of system administration, we can transfer local resources such as printers, logical drives or the clipboard on a remote machine.

To do this, in the window of the Remote Desktop Connection Wizard, go to the "Local Resources" tab, click on the "Details ..." button

And in the window that opens, select, for example, Local Disk (C:).

Now, when connecting a remote desktop, we will see our local drive (C:) of the computer from which the connection is made.

How to Increase Remote Desktop Security

It's no secret that it's not safe to leave a computer with Remote Desktop enabled and connected to the Internet. The fact is that different kind attackers are constantly scanning ranges of network addresses in search of running network services (including remote desktop) in order to further hack them.

One way that can make it harder for an attacker to find a running Terminal Services (RDP) service is to change the default port number to something else. By default, the RDP service listens on network port 3389/TCP for an incoming connection. It is to this port that attackers try to connect in the first place. It can be said with almost 100% certainty that if a port with this number is open on a computer, then a Windows system is running on it with remote access allowed.

Attention! Further actions with the system registry must be performed very carefully. Changing certain settings may render the operating system unusable.

In order to change the port number of the remote desktop, you need to open the registry editor and open the section:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp

Then find REG_DWORD the PortNumber parameter and change its decimal value to an arbitrary number (from 1024 to 65535).

After the value has been changed, the computer must be restarted. Now, to access the remote desktop, you must additionally specify our port through a colon. In this situation, you need to specify as the computer name

Well, attackers, having tried the standard port, will probably conclude that remote access via the RDP protocol is not allowed on this computer. Of course, this method will not save you from targeted attacks, when each network port is carefully checked in search of loopholes, but it will protect against massive template attacks.

In addition, you need to use a sufficiently complex and long password for those accounts that are allowed access via remote desktop.