Mike Mentzer High Intensity Training. Actresses Who Worked Out Seriously To Play Their Leading Role Separate Workout Program For Women

By the end of Phase 2, you will look and feel better than ever. Three months of serious training will undoubtedly improve your figure and self-esteem. You will start treating yourself differently. Weight training is a great thing. You will surely feel it and want to keep moving forward.

Phase three. Next step.

There are several options to continue:

Phase Two with Double Drop Sets

You continue to train in the second phase program, but add another set of weight loss to the exercises in the stretched and shortened positions. That is, once again lose weight, eventually performing three sets in a row with a decrease in burdens (burning will certainly appear, but it must be overcome: remember the fat-destroying growth hormone!)

Your updated leg extension will look like this: 1x10 (6) (4). This means the following: after completing the first set of 10 repetitions, quickly lose weight and do 6 more repetitions; then decrease the weight again and try the last 4 reps. This is much harder than the previous workout, but it's worth it - you will literally feel how the fat melts.

Phase two - with specialization

As you continue with the second phase program, do only the exercises in the middle position for the strong parts of the body, leaving all three for the weak parts (or those that need special attention). This is called specialization. For example, if you have beautiful legs but a wide waist, you should specialize in the shoulders, which will give the illusion of a narrower waist. The compensation for the increase in work on the shoulders will be the reduction in work on the legs.

Let's look at this in more detail.

For example, the strongest part of your body is your legs. Then you do only squats: a warm-up set of 15 reps, and then a working set of 10. Either exclude leg extensions from the program, or do them only occasionally.

A weak or specialized part of the body is the deltoids. In this case, at each training session, train them in all three positions of muscle tension according to the same program. To do this, include in the program of the first phase the positions that were previously absent in it. For instance:

Shoulder Workout 1

Middle position:

Seated Dumbbell Press Zx15*, 8, 12

Stretched position:

Abbreviated position (added):

Dumbbell Rows 1×10

Shoulder Workout 2

Middle position:

Seated dumbbell presses 3×15*,8,12

Stretched position (added):

Dumbbell rows up with one hand on an incline bench 1 × 10

Abbreviated position:

Dumbbell Rows 1×10

* Easy warm-up set. Used about 70% of the weight of your first working set.

Since, in accordance with the requirements of the POF program, the middle position must come first, then the extended position, and then the reduced position, the order of exercises in both programs is the same. After a couple of weeks, weight loss sets can be added to exercises in the stretched and shortened positions.

Separate workout program for women

How about including all positions of muscle tension in the same workout? This scheme has worked for many people around the world. But this is a more advanced strategy, obviously requiring a longer workout, so we'll split the program like this:


Tuesday: chest, back, shoulders, arms

Wednesday: relaxation

Thursday: thighs, hamstrings, calves, abs

Friday: chest, back, shoulders, arms

You can apply another option if three training days a week is more suitable for you:

Monday: thighs, biceps, calves, abs

Tuesday: chest, back, shoulders, arms

Friday: whole body (can be used initial program or any other for the whole body)

Each muscle group should be worked out in three positions, except for the day when you train the whole body. Use both low and high reps (3 x 5, 10, 12) for middle position exercises, followed by one set of the exercise in the extended position and one set in the short position. Everything is simple.

Remember, hormones and differences in muscle fiber density will keep you from looking like Arnold no matter what program you train. The only thing that weight training will do to you is fix your figure. Ask Linda Hamilton, who transformed herself through weight training to play Sarah Connor in Terminator 2.

When the sisters were five years old, their father died in an accident, and their mother married a second time - to the chief of police of Salisbury. However, the death of her father did not bring Linda as much suffering as her own sister did by the very fact of her existence. From early childhood, Linda was very worried about her resemblance to Leslie, and by the age of 16 this led to a serious crisis: she did everything she could to be different from her sister - she cut off her hair, eyelashes, grew fat up to 75 kg (this is at 16 years old! ), in contrast to the energetic and groovy Leslie became a bored intellectual.
Perhaps from this crisis the disease began, from which Linda Hamilton suffers all her life - manic-depressive syndrome (). At first she refused any treatment, but by the age of 30 she was still forced to resort to antidepressants. But the differences between the sisters with age passed, and Linda forced Cameron to give Leslie a small role in the second "Terminator" - in the final episode at the steel mill.
Linda never dreamed of becoming an actress, although she started playing at school - at first she was going to become an archaeologist or a firefighter. She learned to play the piano for a couple of years, and one summer she even worked as a caretaker at the local zoo. She participated in school productions with her sister only because it seemed funny to everyone when two completely identical people play in one performance. The troupe was called "Kent Players" and staged plays by Henry Fielding, Agatha Christie, Arthur Miller, and later Shakespeare.
In 1976, having moved from Chestertown, where she studied for 2 years at Washington College, to New York, Linda began attending Lee Strasberg's acting workshop. In 1979, after graduating from the studio, Linda moved to California.
The first success came to her after filming in "Terminator", the second - after the role of Katherine in the television series "Beauty and the Beast". For these roles, she received a bunch of awards - "Emmy", Golden Globe, audience award, "Saturn" and "Romi". By the way, with Ron Perlman, her partner in the TV show, Linda is still friendly.
In 1989, Linda Hamilton buys a house in Arles (France), but does not have time to live there for her own pleasure - after the first miscarriage, she becomes pregnant again and in the fall safely gives birth to her son Dalton (in the photo, it was he who later played little John Connor in the second "Terminator" - see Sarah's dream). True, in December she is already divorcing Dalton's father, Bruce Abbott. This unfortunate fact does not upset her very much, and she buys a house in Hawaii, where she lives in between filming. At the same time, he does not part with his home in Hollywood, where he returns for the period of filming. In addition, feeling in herself energy that has not yet been wasted, she gathers her own theater troupe from her friends.
In May 1990, Linda receives an invitation to the film "Terminator 2", and begins to work hard on her body and military skills. As a result, the new Sarah Connor brought her another "Saturn" and an award from MTV "for the best female image." After the release of T2, Linda moves in with James Cameron, and after two more miscarriages, their daughter Josephine appears in February 1993.
They got married only in the summer of 1997, but couples do not exist in Hollywood for a long time, and in December next year Linda files for divorce and division of property. Now Linda Hamilton lives in Malibu with her children, still works a lot, and in her moments of rest she watches football, eats ice cream and smokes a lot. In addition, she loves horses and traveling around Europe. He also travels regularly to Alaska... to fish!

Interview where Linda Hamilton talks about her mental health issues

The main characters of the cult action movies of the 90s are mostly remembered by us as fearless big men with iron biceps and amazing physique. We decided to take a look at how they look now. What happened to the heroes of "Terminator", "James Bond" and other films, see our latest gallery.

Kurt Russell

One of John Carpenter's favorites loved sports since childhood and even dreamed of becoming a baseball player. It just didn't work out. Due to an injury, young Kurt had to choose an acting career. However, the alternative proved successful. Thanks to a long friendship with sports and a good physique, the actor quickly found a suitable image and genre.
But over the past few years, the figure of the actor has undergone noticeable changes. Not for the better.

However, Kurt himself seems to be a little worried about the rounded belly, which is understandable. For example, in 2007, after starring in Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof, the press began to call Kurt Russell an actor who is suitable for participating in action films, regardless of his age.

Pierce Brosnan

Although the paparazzi sometimes catch the actor for a lazy morning jog, cycling and swimming, a formal suit now still does not fit James Bond as well as it used to.
By the way, the wife of Pierce Brosnan - ex-model, writer and journalist Keely Shay Smith, like her husband, once possessed attractive forms. But in Lately she completely stopped looking after herself and turned from a beauty with a chiseled figure into a plus-size lady.

John Travolta

The star of "Pulp Fiction" not only became lazy, the actor simply stopped following his menu - he switched to a diet rich in chocolate bars, fast food and soda.
The result of such a diet, although sad, is very predictable.

Ray Liotta

Visibly rounded around the waist and Ray Liotta.
Now the actor, best known for films such as Cocaine and Goodfellas, is filming Shades of Blue with Jennifer Lopez, wears a loose shirt and doesn't seem to care too much about his figure.

Mel Gibson

Smoking, as you know, in maintaining a beautiful body is not the best helper. And if this habit is combined with in a sedentary manner life, as Mel Gibson does ... In general, see for yourself.
However, for a father of 8 children and a man who has been terribly unlucky in love lately, it is excusable to relax a little and forget about training.

Antonio Banderas

The sultry brunette and ladies' man, as it turned out, loves to sunbathe and relax on a yacht to horror. And here to do physical activity for the sake of figures - not very much.

Uma Thurman

The situation is similar with some star ladies. Take Uma Thurman. According to the film "Kill Bill", the actress was remembered by the viewer as incredibly fit and athletic. Since then, it seems that the film star has somewhat lost interest in martial arts.

Linda Hamilton

The once “iron lady” Linda Hamilton, who surprised men with her outstanding biceps in the “Terminator”, is not in the best position either. The current figure of the actress does not even remotely resemble what was captured in the legendary film.

Mickey Rourke

But Mickey Rourke, unlike his aforementioned colleagues, caught himself in time. In 2009, the actor lost muscle mass and got sagging arms and belly.
And by 2014 he put himself in order: pumped up and decorated his body with new tattoos.

James Cameron spoke about new version"Terminator-2".

Lightstorm Entertainment

James Cameron told Gazeta.Ru about the work on the upcoming 3D version of Terminator 2, Linda Hamilton's training, innovative special effects and attracting a female audience to the cult action movie.

- Compared to the first film, Sarah Connor has changed a lot - internally, but externally too. Linda Hamilton must have worked hard to prepare for the role in order to get in shape?

- When you look at Linda in this film, you can easily imagine that the filming was preceded by eight or nine months of training. In fact, Linda was preparing for only three months. She was trained by Uzi Gal, a former Israeli commando. Training took place in a very intense and strict regimen, six to seven times a week. In addition, she was running and watching her diet. Uzi taught her how to handle weapons - before that she had no idea about these things. In the first film, her character did not need this, and other roles of Linda did not require serious physical preparation or the ability to properly hold a gun and shoot from it. They spent hours practicing the dry-firing technique: she had to assemble the pistol, load it with blanks and empty the clip. Uzi found different ways simulate distracting situations that arise in combat. For example, he threw tennis balls at Linda while she dismantled and reassembled weapons. At the end of training, she could already do it blindfolded.

How was the casting for the role of John Connor? Why did you choose debutant Edward Furlong?

Casting director Mali Finn worked with Eddie for a bit before the auditions, but they didn't go well. It was difficult for him to remember the text, he made the same mistakes as all novice actors, but I saw something special in him. I zoomed in on his face with the camera, and there was shyness in this look from under the bangs, but there was also intelligence and sincerity. He is very sincere in his emotions, and it shows on the screen.

All in all, the challenge was to take this raw acting material and give it the necessary skills to make this mega project a success. I was very lucky, because Arnold loves children and immediately got along with Eddie.

Arnold took him under his wing and I think that's what gave Eddie his confidence.

I also had to force him to move, in the literal sense of the word. Before each take, I asked him to do 20 jumps on the spot, so that he would be energized and ready to go, because otherwise he would be very lethargic. Like most children whose lives are full emotional experiences He seems to be detached from reality. We entered into this working rhythm, and then everything was fine - he trusted me, adored Arnold and his work.

Despite all the difficulties, Eddie did an amazing job with the role. I think his character is the heart of the film. Undoubtedly, Sarah Connor is a cult character, strong and memorable. In addition, the narration is conducted on her behalf, but in fact this is the story of John, and we look at Sarah through his eyes.

Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP

- The second "Terminator" is much more difficult than the first - including dramaturgically. Tell us how you developed the script?

— For me, both the first and the second film are actually about the depersonalizing effect of technology, about a technological society where people lose their humanity and the ability to empathize. Terminator is a character characterized by complete absence all human. He does not know sympathy and compassion, feelings of pity, repentance and fear are alien to him, and he will stop at nothing. He is literally a mechanism, a machine. In the second film, Sarah Connor becomes such a mechanism, and at the same time programmed. She becomes one with her mission. The Terminator has no mission, no purpose - he must protect John and that's it. Sarah has a goal, and when she sees it in front of her, she instantly switches to Terminator mode. Approximately such ideas were born from our discussions with Bill (William Visher, co-author of the script. - Gazeta.Ru).

As a result, I wrote most of the dialogue and scenes, but the plot itself is the result of our joint creative process with Bill.

— Why did you decide to focus on the story of John?

- I think that all the prerequisites for the sequel are in the first film. There is the prospect of a big war and this legendary character that everyone has heard of. John Connor saves humanity, teaches people to fight back, defeats the machines and becomes the leader of the resistance. How can you not tell this story? But it's too predictable. The idea was not to tell this grand story from the future, but to show the hero at the age of 10, when his mother tells him again and again that he will become the savior of all mankind. We see how this makes him go crazy, how she goes crazy and what an imprint this leaves on their relationship.

One of my favorite moments in the film is the scene of their escape from the mental hospital. John gets there to rescue his mother. She hugs him - and this is what he wants more than anything - but in her arms he suddenly realizes that she is not really hugging him. She checks him for injury and damage, like a cold robot running its program to keep him alive and ready to save humanity. She bears the incredible burden of this mission, which is why it is already difficult for her to be a mother. This scene is a turning point for John, because that's when he realizes that his mother will no longer be different.

She even scolds him for risking his life to save her.

— I know that the original ending of the film was supposed to be different. Tell about it.

- According to the script, at the end of the film we saw 62-year-old Linda in age makeup, but the viewer was definitely not mentally prepared to see 62-year-old Sarah Connor. Now I understand that if you decide to show a character in age makeup, then you need to declare this somewhere at the beginning of the film and live the life of this character on the screen with him. You can’t suddenly take and “age” him at the last second, even if the makeup is masterfully done - thanks to Stan Winston. But be that as it may, Mario and Andy (Mario Kassar and Andrew Vaina, producers of the film. - Gazeta.Ru) did not like this ending, and they convinced me to come up with a new one. The final shots of the highway leading to nowhere were added in the editing studio the very next day.

I asked for highway shots - this is actually the very beginning of the scene in which the camera pans vertically and shows the Cyberdyne building.

Watch the final frames of the film, then rewind - these are the same frames. In general, either I had to use those eight seconds of the highway, or I needed to shoot something else, but there was no time for that. Now I had to come up with a text that would fit in those eight seconds. After several attempts that did not fit into the timing, I settled on the phrase "If the robot, the terminator, could realize the value of human life, perhaps we can do it too." I called Linda Hamilton and dictated this to her over the phone. At that moment she was sitting in a booth at a recording studio in Los Angeles. We didn't even have time to bring her to our post-production studio near San Francisco. She immediately recorded this phrase, and we inserted it into the sound track. In general, we had only two or three days to come up with an ending, and now, when you watch the film, it is impossible to imagine anything better than it.


- And how did you come up with a marketing campaign that attracted a female audience to the action movie?

- Everything is simple here. The film tells the story of one family. The main character is a mother who protects and protects her son. We decided to schedule daytime shows with women (housewives) in mind and see what happens. The announcements went in, and the demand among the female audience was so high that by the time the film was released, the audience was 49% women and 51% men. Interest in Sarah and her storyline was huge, because she is, in fact, the conductor in this whole story.

People did not suspect that the Terminator would turn out to be a positive character. They thought that he would remain a negative character with whom they would not be able to connect on an emotional level. My challenge to myself as a cinematographer was this: if I can make the audience cry in the death scene of the Terminator, then this will mean that I have made a real movie. If you manage to give people a movie journey that ends up being exactly the opposite of what you expected at the end of the movie, that's pretty cool.

It seems to me that this personal professional challenge to myself is one of the main reasons why the film received such a good response.

“Even 25 years later, the special effects look amazing. How did you manage to achieve such results, having at your disposal the technologies of that time?

Indeed, a quarter of a century has passed, and I am still proud of this film, including from a visual point of view. I think he still holds the mark. Now it would be so easy to make liquid metal using computer graphics, but then we did not have such an opportunity. But it has to have the right glow, have the right weight and viscosity... We used a lot of fake heads and hands created by the master of visual effects Stan Winston from chrome plastic, rubber or fiberglass, which could be deformed in a special way - so we did without a computer charts.

The molten steel effect was especially difficult to replicate. We wanted the steel to overflow and flow down to the ground. I had to build a container in the form melting furnace, with slit-like holes lit from the inside to create the appearance of molten steel flowing down. This was mainly done by the art and production department.

How difficult was the post-production of a film with such innovative special effects?

“The last couple of months have been a nightmare. The work went on for days, and I practically lived all this time either in the editing room or at the mixing console. I slept 4-5 hours a day just to maintain strength. A lot of coffee was drunk. I worked with a great team, we just had to move very quickly. Then there was no digital internegative and digital color correction - everything had to be done in a chemical laboratory.

There was very little time left, the sound had already been mixed, and in order to fit into the deadlines, we came up with a completely new way color synchronization.

We barely made it.

- How do you feel now when you talk about the film that you made 25 years ago?

- The feeling is very strange - a quarter of a century has passed, and I still clearly remember so many moments associated with working on the film. I remember when and where I was standing, the location of the Musco lights, where the camera came from, what we talked about on the set... The process of making this film left very vivid memories. The emotional intensity was the highest.

Pacific Western

- Do you think the audience will be able to rediscover the film after watching Terminator 2: Judgment Day in a new format?

“The very possibility of watching Terminator 2 in 3D now on the big screen will delight many. 25 years have passed since the release of the film, many of his fans were not even born then, and those who were then teenagers now lead a more measured lifestyle. They rarely go to the movies and have most likely only seen the movie on DVD or Blu-ray, so they now have a great excuse to go to the cinema.

In addition, of course, the 3D format itself adds not only depth to the image, but also clarity. In 3D, images seem even more realistic.

I have a great team at my company, and we work with the best 3D translation studio in the world, Stereo D, who previously worked on Titanic. In general, I am very pleased with the result. The film looks amazing.

James Cameron still will not let the T-800 retire after five films about him and will shoot the sixth part of the Terminator with the golden cast of the saga - the elderly Linda Hamilton and Arnold Schwarzenegger. According to the director, this will allow for the first time in the history of Hollywood to show a real feminist action film, and according to the fans of the series, Cameron has gone a little wrong - if he is not stopped, he will shoot "Terminators" until the real war of mankind begins with cars.

Three films later, each of which received not the most flattering reviews from critics, and 26 years after the release of Terminator 2, Linda Hamilton will return to the role of Sarah Connor in the new, sixth part of the saga about the war between mankind and machines. This was stated by the creator of the "Terminator" James Cameron at a closed meeting dedicated to the celebration of the anniversary of the franchise, writes Vanity Fair. This refutes previously received information that after the failed fifth part.

Cameron plans to make 60-year-old Hamilton the main character of the action movie, and this film will not be the final part of the saga. As conceived by the director, in the film, the old guard will pass on their knowledge and skills to a new generation of fighters with machines. Separately, Cameron notes the feminist aspect of the future part - he focuses on the fact that the sixth "Terminator" will be the first Hollywood film with an elderly heroine.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is already 70 years old, will also take part in the film. The premiere is scheduled for 2019.

The publication notes that the statement about the filming of the sixth "Terminator" explains the harsh criticism that the director subjected to "Wonder Woman" in late August. Cameron stated that this film does not help the ideals of feminism, as many of his fans believe, but, on the contrary, objectifies women, since his heroine, despite all the assurances of the filmmakers, remains the image that men expect to see in films about beautiful women.

Despite the fact that the objectification clause confirms, in response to Cameron's remarks, some Hollywood and pro-feminist media have written rude notes that go over him. At the same time, a journalist from Verge lowered the merits of the director who made the films "Aliens" and "Terminator" with strong female characters, calling his comments "stupid" and considering that he is only known thanks to the film "A Dance with Wolves". She added edits to the text only after a lot of ridicule.

Patty Jenkins, who understandably loves her film, its characters and even the Wonder Woman cosplayer, also entered into the discussion, but she considered the fact that he is a man as her main argument against Cameron. In her opinion, because of this, James cannot understand the importance of her film.

But no matter how much feminism is in the new Terminator, perhaps the director should still stop filming new parts of the cult franchise, fans say. Because otherwise he will do this until the machines declare war on humanity already in the real world.

“If the next movie is a direct sequel to Terminator 2, that means they are STILL AGAIN restarting the franchise.”